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Leatho Shellhound Contest

Started by redwallgurl, December 22, 2012, 08:16:34 PM

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Here is the beginning of my fanfiction for the Leatho Shellhound contest. This is my first time writing a fanfiction but here goes. I'll try to update this as much as possible.

Chapter 1

Falo Trinton is the cruelest, fiercest ferret to ever roam the North Coast. With beady black eyes that follow you when you walk, and a hook instead of a paw; he had an uneasy air about him. If you think having one paw makes Falo less fierce, then you are definitely mistaken. The sharp iron hook was Falo’s pride. He had lost that paw while battling a shark in the depths of sea. That was the last thing the shark had eaten.
Falo sailed the sea in his ship, Red Demon, hence the red sails. Once you saw the blood red sails you knew death and destruction would soon come. If any beast dared to defy the heartless ferret, they were either killed or (if he was in a good mood), made into one of his oar slaves.
The wintry coasts of the north had been particularly harsh on the crew of Red Demon. They had spent three days scavenging the coast to see if they could find any supplies. If they didn’t find provisions soon they would starve. Falo knew if he couldn’t make ends meet there would be a mutiny.
Standing on the deck, Falo held the tiller steady with his good paw. Seeing a light further up the shore he grinned evilly. Licking his lips he knew it was going to be a good night.     

Chapter 2   
   Waves and rain pounded the sharp rocks on the unforgiving north coast. Leatho Shellhound straightened his back and peered into the bitter, moonless night. He was the only otter in his clan that ever thought of safety. The rest of the Shellhounds were always laid back and thought that they would always be safe in their cave. Leatho was different, though. He had heard tales of the infamous Falo and knew what he could do. Leatho never wanted that fate to happen to his friends and family. Armed with sling and stone he kept watch every night, alert and ready for danger.
   Leatho held his lantern a little higher determined to see through the rain. Sighing he lowered his lantern. Taking one last sweep of the horizon Leatho turned and hurried to the dry cave. Anyway, what sane beast would be out in this type of weather?
   Joining the rest of his clan in the cave, he shook the rain water off of his. Taking a seat next to his sister around the fire he tried to warm up. The Shellhound clan was singing a traditional sea otter song. They weren’t very melodious, but they were happy.
                               “When the rain falls down,
      And you’re wearing a frown
      Just have a cup
      Of Willdipperydup!
                                You’ll smile a lot
                                And ask for the pot
                                Of Willdipperydup!”

    Leatho smiled as he watched the babes whirl and dance. Rain never bothered the little ones, but it did worry their mothers. Kai passed Leatho a warm cup of Willdipperydup.
   “That should warm you up, brother,” said Kai sitting back down.
   “Thank ye. That’s just what I need. The rains coming down too hard to see anything outside. I think we can survive for one night without me on watch,” Leatho reported, his eyes still on the babes.
    Kai rolled her eyes. They were perfectly safe in the cave. What was he worrying about? They had lived in the cave without any attacks for about a season now. There was no need for any otter to be on watch.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Leatho Shellhound

Wow thats Great! I'll be the first one to read the next chapter!

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I've been reading all of these too! They are great so far! Your are doing a great job for your first time!!!!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to the rest!
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...

Tam and Martin

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Okay here's the first thing of the next chapter. I'm going to post more on either on Monday or Sunday. Or sometime next week.

Chapter 3

The first rays of sunlight brought hope to the villianous crew of Falo Trinton. Everybeast stood on deck, eager to get their life source, food. Word about the light had spread like wildfire and the vermin licked their blades readily. Leaving five of the weakest crew to guard the ships and slaves, the rest of the Red Demon's horde went aboard the rowboats intent on reaching the shoreshore. Falo resisted the urge to laugh in delight, it would ruin the suprise.

As the frist row boats prow nuzzled into the sand. The crew stood to attention ready to go out and do their masters bidding.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Leatho Shellhound

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I must say something as an competitor in the contest: this is great! Best of luck from the WarriorOfMossflower.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


Thank you WarriorOfMossflower! I've been reading your story and I'm sure you're guaranteed a place. Here's the rest of Chapter Three:

Chapter 3

The first rays of sunlight brought hope to the villainous crew of Falo Trinton. Everybeast stood on deck, eager to get their life source, food. Word about the light had spread like wildfire and the vermin licked their blades readily. Leaving five of the weakest crew to guard the ships and slaves, the rest of the Red Demon's horde went aboard the rowboats intent on reaching the shoreshore. Falo resisted the urge to laugh in delight, it would ruin the suprise.

As the first row boats prow nuzzled into the sand. The crew stood to attention ready to go out and do their masters bidding. Falo jumped ashore grinning, the light of battle in his eyes.

"What are ye idle scum waiting for? You ain't here for a tea party! Go! Scour the cliffs, search the shores! And don't ye lot even think of coming back to me empty pawed!" Falo screeched at his crew.

Hurrying to obey their chiefs orders, Puntil and Janglar climbed the sheer rock walls with great difficulty.

"Does my head look like a foothold, Janglar?"
"Well it is kinda thick, Rockhead."
"Oh, that's how you want to play, huh? Well let me tell you clumsy paw, at least I wasn't dropped on me skull when I was an infant. Yer mama let ye fall hopin' it might kill ya!"
"Don't bring me ma into this snot face! It was an accident coulda happened to anybeast!"
"Uh-huh sure, that's why she kicked you out."
Janglar knew he had lost the argument and stepped on Puntil's head forcefully.
"Oh sorry Puntil, hope I didn't cause ye too much brain damage!"
Leatho heard the two oafs fighting and quickly quieted his clan mates. Taking his sling, he loaded it with a hard rock. Urging his friends back into the recesses of the cave, the though otter stood ready.
Seeing the top of Janglars reach the cave entrance, Leatho's sling whirled and in a flash Janglar fell on the jagged rocks below. He would never be able to insult Puntil again.
"Janglar?" Puntil asked curiosly.
Leatho quickly sent another stone down. But Puntil's head was thick. The rock had only put Puntil in a daze. Kai jumped from hiding and pulled the stoat into the cave.
Before Leatho could argue she explained, "For questioning."
Just to make it easier for Kai, Leatho hit Puntil again squarely between the ears. This time did the trick and Puntil was out cold. Leatho skillfully tied thestoat with his sling and some fishing net one of the fishers had kindly donated. Standing up Leatho looked at the assembled Shellhounds.
"Ever since my mother and father went to the peaceful meadows five seasons back, no other otter has been Skipper of this clan. No Shellhound has claimed the right to become the next hero in our history. But now is the time for a warrior to rise. We have bloodthirsty murders just outside our holt. We don't have enough supplies to last a siege and and we can't leave this cave undefended. I suggest that we leave this wretched coastand head south, where theres food aplenty. I'll be leaving tonight in the cover of darkness with any beast who wants to see these pups grow up." Leatho addressed, his voice firm and confident.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Leatho Shellhound

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Tam and Martin

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000