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Tenebris Landing: Steam Punk RP signups!

Started by BrookSkimmer, July 20, 2013, 07:56:50 PM

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The tournament has ended and now I can jump back into some regular RP's here! Read the story below before signing up!

Captain Rillan of the ship Tenebris scanned the horizon from the port railings. They had been sailing for the metropolis Dremmel for half a day. His crew worked steadily though most of them were sailing towards their own peril and possibly death. The Tenebris had been commissioned along with a fleet of four other sky ships to engage the forces of Faldren in battle.

Faldren was a black rhino out of nightmares. He had ravaged the lands for far too long. Captain Rillan was under the command of the Escopios to take back what had once been theirs. Dremmel was the final stand. If the city fell to Faldren all would be lost. Rillan, his crew, and all others who lived under the Escopio banner would die in fire and gun smoke from Faldren's troops.

Rillan's brow furrowed as he watched smoke spiraling from villages on the outskirts of Dremmel. Faldren's troops would be fast approaching. No doubt he would engage air strikes against the Tenebris and the other Escopios vessels. The fight would end on the ground, this Rillan knew. The course of action was to strike from the air and then make a final stand at the gates of Dremmel. For all Rillan knew the black rhino himself might well be leading the charge. Faldren had grown a lust for conquering in his veins and Dremmel was the final showdown so to speak.

The golden desert fox pressed off the rail and swiveled on his heels to face a lean wildcat that had come his way.

"Lieutenant Rigel,"

"Captain!" Came the curt response. "Enemy ships have come up on our radar. We must prepare for an air strike."

"Aye, rally the troops and give em' blood and gun power Lieutenant."

"Sah yes sah!"

The battle had begun.


Please post here for permission to play a character. After permission has been granted you may fill out the character form listed below.

Playable characters:

(Dag Downyfur)
Name: Lieutenant Rigel
Gender: female
Species: wildcat
Age: 25

(taken by rusvulthesaber) Quartermaster Brigande Alquis
Quartermaster Brigande Alquis:
Age: 30
Species: Ferret

(taken by W0NWILL)Chief Gunner Yertup Hallowhip
Male Hare
40 years

(taken by kitrallstreamripper)Galley Master Durge
Any Age
Any Species
Any Gender

Crew of the Tenebris
4 needed to play but more is fine too.
(crew of ship is forty beasts, but we don't need that many)
(no more Tenebris crew will be accepted at this time)

(taken by redwaller)Captain Rage Iden
Captains the ship Drakaphase of Faldren's troops
Black Wildcat
50 years

First Mate Tialian (Brookskimmer)
30 years

Aide de Camp Crisito Markan (BrookSkimmer)
Grey Rat
25 years

Crew of the Drakaphase
Any age
And species
Any gender

Master Argula
Head Commander of Faldren's land troops
50 years

Faldren's ground troops
Any age
Any gender
Any species

Let me know if you have questions.

Captain Rillan
40 years
Golden desert fox
Brief history: Grew up through the Escopio ranks to take the position of Captain of the Tenebris some ten seasons back. Was born and raised in a small village in the outskirts of Escopio territory. Made his way into the training school of air sailors from there.
Attitude: Though he has many deep feelings, Machdro Rillan tries to run his airship by the books. He thinks deeply and is slow to react unless quick reaction is called or. Beasts trust him and look to him as a leader.
Description: Fairly short of stature, with well groomed golden fur. He wears typical uniform for Escopio soldiers in command covered with a long brown coat. He wears tall black boots. Weaponry consists of a cutlass and twin pistols.

Sergeant Norblis
Tom Wildcat
30 years
Brief history: Grew up deep in the metropolis of Gerren , a city in Escopio territory. Joined the ranks on his 18th birthday, the soonest troops are accepted in for training. Was assigned to the Tenebris five years back.
Attitude: Norblis is a fireball when needed in battle. When his hackles are not raised he is solid and calm. He has a soft spot for Lieutenant Rigel and has fallen in love with her over the past year.
Description: Norblis is a huge tom cat. His fur is grey with black tabby striping. He wears a black tunic and grey pants. He prefers to go bare pawed. His weapons are a staff that emits electric shock and a fire rifle. He also uses a sighting monocle for long range firing.

Black Rhino
55 years
Brief history: Grew up in the Tellentu clan to the south east of Escopio. As he grew up he began to brew a hatred for all things Escopio. They were destroying his homelands and taking what they wanted. As he grew Faldren rallied beasts to himself, vowing to take back what was theirs. This alliance turned into an enormous movement for freedom from Escopio rule.
Attitude: Faldren is hard, inside and out. He is unfeeling and uncaring towards any weaker than himself and his allies. He orders his troops to kill and destroy where ever they roam.
Description: Faldren is as Goliath. Huge, terrifying and thundering. He lead calmly for a number of years but now stands at the forefront of battle. He dresses in fatigues of grey and black. He carries a cross bow that shoots javelin sized arrows that deliver an electric shock upon contact. He also carries two large guns.

Name: Lieutenant Rigel
Gender: female
Species: wildcat
Age: 25
Personality: intelligent, loyal, and cunning, Rigel is a good beast to have on your side during a battle. She is skilled with most kinds of guns and also with daggers.
Appearance:Rigel has golden fur with dark brown stripes and a scar on her back. She wears the usual uniform and gloves over her paws. She is short for her age.
(will play in a romantic relationship with my character Sergeant Norblis)

Tenbris Crew Member:
Name: Jale
Species: Hedgehog
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Job: Mechanic
Appearance: Jale is a short and stocky reddish-colored hedgehog with darker tips to his prickles. He has narrow teal eyes. He wears a black grease-stained apron, thick brown gloves, and classic Steampunk goggles.(in progress)
Personality:(in progress)

Name: Yertup Hallowhip
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Job: Gunner
Weapon: Two guns(I'll type up descriptions of them later), an Indiana Jones-style whip
Appearance: Yertup's fur is a greyish color with flecks of white and black. (in progress)
Personality: (in progress)

Quartermaster Brigande Alquis:
Age: 30
Species: Ferret
Brief history: She was raised in a pirate crew, daughter of merciless sky pirate Daniel Rettforn Alquis. After her fathers ship was crashed by the Escopian navy, she joined their ranks. During a large war, she was commissioned as an Irregular Captain, but shortly lost her role to Rillian. She is not bitter, and does all she can to help Rillian
Attitude: Brave, but tactical. Willing to discredit or shame herself to keep everyone safe. Good with maps and all types of weapons.
Description: Tall, black-furred, and sinewy, generally scarred, her pale grey tunic stained with blood, ink, and tar. Also wears a black leather belt and the obligatory goggles.
Weapons: Anything, from a board with a nail in it to the most recent firearms, however she carries with her a rifle and bayonet. The bayonet zaps things when she pulls a second trigger.

Tenbris Crew Member:
Name: Stela
Gender: female
Species: hare
Age: 20
Appearance: Stela's fur is pale brown with white spots. She has green eyes. Stela wears the usual uniform, adorned with various buttons and trinkets pinned on it, which have proved to be surprisingly useful weapons in battle.
Personality: overall cheery but serious in battle.
Weapons: aside from the 'weapons' described above, she owns a special crossbow that has arrows charged with electricity, eliciting a nasty shock when it strikes the target.

Name: Captain Rage Iden

Species: Wildcat

Gender: Male

Age: 50 Years

Weapons: Ice pistol, electric scimitar.

Occupation: Captain of the Drakaphase, under the command of Faldren.

Appearance: Rage is black of fur, with a grey muzzle. He has a copy of the Drakaphase tattooed on his left arm. Muscular, fit, and average size. His two front lower teeth protrude out slightly, making him look fierce, along with his heavy eyebrows fixed in a frowning position. His eyes are a deep scarlet, adding to the fierceness. Scars are scattered over his tattooed arms, and at night his arms shine with them. He has a wooden peg for his right footpaw, which he lost in battle.

Clothes: Rage Iden wears a white shirt, scarlet waistcoat, brass pocket watch, black frock coat, black trousers, blue bowtie, and black eyepatch on left eye, bandana and a black three-cornered hat with a white feather. Two earrings on right ear, on his claws are several rings, gold teeth. Steampunk goggles.

Personality: Contrary to most of his kind, he is not overly cruel, and is there more for plunder and booty than for slaughter. Good navigator, and learned in the sky-sailing notions. He is rather lenient with his crew, conserving his power for desperate situations. He does not slay leisurely, preferring to keep his crew whole, so as to be ready for battle. He does not abide drink of any kind, preferring to drink water, tea and cordial.

History: Captain Rage Iden's family have been mercenaries for hundreds of years, and he carries on the family name with pride. Further history is quite darkened by mystery. The only thing known is that he came into Faldren's service through money.

Tenbris Crew Member:
Name: Ferron Oilspat
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Occupation: Engineer on the ship Tenebris
Appearance: Dark black fur, very strong, but not overly muscled. Wears a black tunic, along with a pocketed brown leather apron. Always carries lots of tools, as well as odd bits and bobs. Also wears dark brown leather gloves and dark tinted goggles.
Weapons: His multitool, along with several knives, wrenches, bolts, matches, and hammers. Carries a pistol thrust through the back of his belt. His multitool is a curious thing of his own design, it has three wrenches, numerous knives, a long switchblade, and a taserlike mechanism. It is about a foot in length, and an inch wide. Some might think it bulky, but Ferron is extremely nimble with it.

Tenbris Crew Member:
Name: Kormac
species: chipmunk
gender: male
age: 19
Occupation: engineer on the ship tenebris (mechanic)
Appearance: orange fur with black markings, he is lean and thin as is able to get into tight spaces real easily. he wears an open leather vest and tight black pants. he is usually covered in soot and bits and pieces of everything else.
weapons: he uses as a weapon his trusty sword wrench which works exactly like a wrench buy one edge has been slightly sharpened to work as a sword the wrench also retracts down into a nice smaller size and flips open easily it is 1 1/2 feet in length full size but only 2/3 foot folded down. Another weapon he uses is his automatons that he loves building with all the spare or damaged engine parts.
Other: he currently has 1 automaton built and is in the process of the second one.


Ask me for a character... you know you want to ;)

Dag Downyfur

Doctor Who is epic, so is Sherlock. And many other fandoms, but there's not enough room to list them all in my signature!
"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." -Matt Smith


Ok, she's yours! Go ahead and put up the form here.

Dag Downyfur

Name: Lieutenant Rigel
Gender: female
Species: wildcat
Age: 25
Personality: intelligent, loyal, and cunning, Rigel is a good beast to have on your side during a battle. She is skilled with most kinds of guns and also with daggers.
Appearance:Rigel has golden fur with dark brown stripes and a scar on her back. She wears the usual uniform and gloves over her paws. She is short for her age.

Should I make another character?
Doctor Who is epic, so is Sherlock. And many other fandoms, but there's not enough room to list them all in my signature!
"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." -Matt Smith


Ah yes, forgot that one :D

You can have up to two characters. One can be one of the pre-named ones that I wrote. The other needs to be from the crew or troops categories.


I think I'll have Captain Rage Iden for first character. And a crew beast of the Tenebris.

EDIT: What are the weapons available? And if someone could give me a quick summary of Steampunk, I'd be grateful.(I'm not really a Steampunk fan thing)


May I play Quartermaster Brigande Alquis? And, of course, a crewmember.


Since I don't know much about Steampunk, I'm at a loss for what they wear and arm themselves.


Victorian clothing for wear, and they also wear big goggles and stuff. Just search Victorian clothing and Steampunk goggles.

Chief Gunner Yertup Hallowhip I shall play!

Also, a crew member of the Tenebris.

Name: Jale
Species: Hedgehog
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Job: Mechanic
Appearance: Jale is a short and stocky reddish-colored hedgehog with darker tips to his prickles. He has narrow teal eyes. He wears a black grease-stained apron, thick brown gloves, and classic Steampunk goggles.
Personality: Jale is a gentle beast, not that prone to fighting, and when he does, he just isn't very good. He's brilliant at his trade, and knows the Tenebris like no other. She's his Baby, and he does everything he can to keep her running smooth. He often speaks with the machines and likes to sleep belowdecks in the engine room. He's often seen as mad, with good reason. He's very laid-back and sees no reason to worry, 'Hakunamatata' is made for him.

Name: Yertup Hallowhip
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Job: Gunner
Weapon: Two small revolvers of his own design, and a short whip
Appearance: Yertup's fur is a greyish color with flecks of white and black. He wears a gentleman-style blazer over a white shirt and black pants. He has a fine, military-style mustache and carries a cane.
Personality: Like his wear might suggest, Yertup is a formal beast, the type to introduce himself while fighting to the death. He is a throwback to the old Long Patrol hares, maybe a sergeant. He is stern, though abhors all sorts of rules except the ones of his own design. He is sometimes a bit of a dramatic, and would've made a great actor, if he hasn't decided to go sailing the skies.



I suggest typing "steam punk" into google and do a search and a image search of the same thing. Everything you need is there, just go take a look. ;)

Rage is yours. You can fill out a form for him now.  Crew beast on the Tenebris as well.

rusvulthesaber   :

Brigande and a crew member are yours!


Yertup is yours! I shall post your description of Jale once it is complete.


Quartermaster Brigande Alquis:
Age: 30
Species: Ferret
Brief history: She was raised in a pirate crew, daughter of merciless sky pirate Daniel Rettforn Alquis. After her fathers ship was crashed by the Escopian navy, she joined their ranks. During a large war, she was commissioned as an Irregular Captain, but shortly lost her role to Rillian. She is not bitter, and does all she can to help Rillian
Attitude: Brave, but tactical. Willing to discredit or shame herself to keep everyone safe. Good with maps and all types of weapons.
Description: Tall, black-furred, and sinewy, generally scarred, her pale grey tunic stained with blood, ink, and tar. Also wears a black leather belt and the obligatory goggles.
Weapons: Anything, from a board with a nail in it to the most recent firearms, however she carries with her a rifle and bayonet. The bayonet zaps things when she pulls a second trigger.

I'll post the crew member tomorrow, as its late here and I'm typing from my phone.


So Steampunk is basically 19th Century Futurist Technology. Thanks! I'll fill in my form now that I know what to have.

One last question, are guns like flintlock pistols and such?

Dag Downyfur

I still need to make a crew member.

Name: Stela
Gender: female
Species: hare
Age: 20
Appearance: Stela's fur is pale brown with white spots. She has green eyes. Stela wears the usual uniform, adorned with various buttons and trinkets pinned on it, which have proved to be surprisingly useful weapons in battle.
Personality: overall cheery but serious in battle.
Weapons: aside from the 'weapons' described above, she owns a special crossbow that has arrows charged with electricity, eliciting a nasty shock when it strikes the target.
Doctor Who is epic, so is Sherlock. And many other fandoms, but there's not enough room to list them all in my signature!
"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." -Matt Smith


Name: Captain Rage Iden

Species: Wildcat

Gender: Male

Age: 50 Years

Weapons: Ice pistol, electric scimitar.

Occupation: Captain of the Drakaphase, under the command of Faldren.

Appearance: Rage is black of fur, with a grey muzzle. He has a copy of the Drakaphase tattooed on his left arm. Muscular, fit, and average size. His two front lower teeth protrude out slightly, making him look fierce, along with his heavy eyebrows fixed in a frowning position. His eyes are a deep scarlet, adding to the fierceness. Scars are scattered over his tattooed arms, and at night his arms shine with them. He has a wooden peg for his right footpaw, which he lost in battle.

Clothes: Rage Iden wears a white shirt, scarlet waistcoat, brass pocket watch, black frock coat, black trousers, blue bowtie, and black eyepatch on left eye, bandana and a black three-cornered hat with a white feather. Two earrings on right ear, on his claws are several rings, gold teeth. Steampunk goggles.

Personality: Contrary to most of his kind, he is not overly cruel, and is there more for plunder and booty than for slaughter. Good navigator, and learned in the sky-sailing notions. He is rather lenient with his crew, conserving his power for desperate situations. He does not slay leisurely, preferring to keep his crew whole, so as to be ready for battle. He does not abide drink of any kind, preferring to drink water, tea and cordial.

History: Captain Rage Iden's family have been mercenaries for hundreds of years, and he carries on the family name with pride. Further history is quite darkened by mystery. The only thing known is that he came into Faldren's service through money.