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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 23, 2013, 02:22:18 AM

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Redelot, maybe? I'll have to think on this for a bit.

Yes, I know, 'You shouldn't start a new RP while running another, and starting one not of Redwall origin.'

Shuttup, I'll do what I want.

Lately, I've become interested with the legends of Camelot and King Arthur, so, I thinks, why not try to do Camelot-style stuff in Redwall? So that means there will be magics here. Oh, nothing so great as Merlin, but stuff.
So, there's going to be knights and sorcerers and dragon slayings and loads of fun!

So now, a few things you ought to know about Redwallelot.

Firstly, it is not called that. Even I know a stupid name when I see it. Instead, the city is just called Redwall, after the abbey-turned-palace the place was built around.

The old 'woodlanders vs. vermin' is gone, making rats and weasels equal members of society as mice and squirrels. Now, the prejudges  are based more on birth, it is pretty much impossible to become a knight if you aren't of noble blood.

Anybeast can practic magics, though it's been outlawed for a long time after a paticular incident involving a mole, a dragon, and a pair of tacky trousers. Most beasts don't know the details, luckily for them.

Right, all that out of the way, here's the fun part!

Rank(knight, noble, servant, peasant...):

I will play:

Name: Retuli
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Rank: King
Weapon: The army.
Appearance: (in progress)
Personality:(in progress)

Name: Ces
Species: Hedgehog
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Rank: Knight
Weapon: An old copper broadsword faded from its metallic sheen to a green long ago. Though it is old, it has been taken care of well and handed down by Ces's ancestors, and is still fairly sturdy.
Appearance: I don't know about you, but I've always imagined hedgehogs to be slightly dumpy. Not Ces. He works hard to build a powerful figure, and has succeeded with a well-muscled physique built for fighting. Ces is a chestnut-brown color with a lighter and softer shade on his chest. He wears a noble green cape and white scarf when he isn't wearing armor.
Personality: Ces, like most knights, places honor and defending the city above all else, even though, he enjoys his drink and it is not uncommon to see him passed out in various places in Redwall. And that time he fell asleep on the execution block, it meant nothing! Though he's brave and strong, Ces is lacking slightly in the mental department and is a bit slow learning new things. Ces is a traditionalist, and never wants to see things change, and will solidly defend the way things are now.

Name: Maple
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Rank: Servant
Weapon: Magics
Appearance: Maple is a pretty young squirrelmaid who would merit a second glance from most young men. Her fur is a rich brown. Her eyes are dark brown, a few shades darker than her fur. She wears a tan dress with a white apron.
Personality: Maple is your stereotypical maidservant, always ready to get the job done, and she does it faithfully. She is a bit clumsy, and terrified of the royal family finding out about her magic, and does her best to keep it hidden.


  A very fun thing to look at after watching an episode of Merlin.  ;)  So, just curious, would it be at all possible for me to play the queen?  If not, no worries, I was just curious, 'cause y'know, every king needs a queen to keep him humble.  Well, sort of humble, at least.

  (And I'm also curious, am I allowed to use magic such as telekinesis (the Force, if you must) if it's a weak amount?  Like, not able to shift mountains or anything larger than a car (carriage) unless you want to kill yourself.  And it drains the strength out of the beast to lift things, sort of like magic in Eragon (if you know what magic in Eragon is like.)  No, this would not be the queen (if I'm allowed to play her, of course) with telekinesis, I have another character in mind...)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



Ooh! This seems awesome! Count me in!
Name: Ivar Finch
Species: Whatever species the royal family is, if I'm the prince. Otherwise, raccoon, if that's okay, or fox.
Gender: Male
Rank(knight, noble, servant, peasant...): Prince, if possible, otherwise a son of a noble.
Weapon: Officially, the traditional knight's sword and shield, but for sport, a rapier.
Appearance: (Depending on role. Will edit later)
Personality: When in royal mode, strangely rogueish and doesn't pay too much attention to the rules.
Other: Leads a double-life as a knight and a fencer of much renown, and a legendary catburgl... catburga... Um, thief. Not proficient with much magic, but has mastered a few helpful spells, such as a Look-Away and several mild sleeping hexes. An experienced magician, or anyone with a strong will can easily bypass all of his magic simply by not looking away, and refusing to fall asleep.
Look-away spell
A look-away spell is when you don't become invisible, but others are simply incapable of noticing you. Like, they're looking through a room, and they're like, lamp, door, thief, table... You just don't register as anything out of the ordinary to them

Norham Waterpaw

Like 3 Tardis keys worn about the neck?

This sounds fun, I'll think it over Won!
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


I think ill join! I would like to be some what of a thief, or maybe a/the magician that was involved in the accident that made magic outlawed, or both if that's Ok. (if not then I can just be a magician.)   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Tiria Wildlough

This sounds cool! I may sign up as some kind of outlaw, if that's okay. Just need to think out a character first.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


@Rus: I would prefer it if none of the royal family used magic, even ones who are like yours. So you can either be a royal mouse-thief or the magic-thief. After you've chosen and edited your form, I'll take another look and most probably accept.

@Faiy: A shortening of your name almost sounds like fairy. Hmm... Maybe I'll call you that. Anyway, both of those are okay, and you can be and/or.

@ Everyone Else: Wonderful!

Leatho Shellhound

I want to join!! I'll be a knight.
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The Shade

Are we aloud to play animals that weren't in the Redwall series?
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Name:  Queen Merin (MARE-in)

Species:  Mouse

Gender:  Female

Age:  40

Rank:  Queen

Weapon:  A lady should never have weapons.

Appearance:  Merin is a very beautiful mouse, with soft, light brown fur and dark brown eyes.  She is perfectly curved and slim (due to the use of a corset), and has an air of royalty about her, no matter what she wears.
 Speaking about wearing things, the queen is usually found wearing a long dress with a dipping collar, showing off her magnificent form.  She loves all things silk, so obviously she wears silk quite a bit, and she has a thing for dark colours, especially dark red and purple.

Personality:  In public, the queen is usually quiet and graceful, and she stands by her husband's decisions at all times.  In the comfort of her home, she is usually a bit louder and voices her opinion.  Not to say that she's an annoying drunk or anything of the sort, she's still graceful and kind, she just is very vocal in what she believes.

Other:  Merin's father, a noble knight, died shortly after she was born, leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves.

 I will be making another character later on today (hopefully), but I don't have the time to put him up right now.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Great here is my character.

Name: Crystal
Species: Mouse.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Rank(knight, noble, servant, peasant...): Magician, Thief.   

Weapon: Magic, and small thin dagger (hardly ever uses it). 

Appearance: Small, thin, messy silver gray fur fading to a white under belly and little spiky, light pink nose and ears. A navy blue short sleeved tunic, the hem of the tunic is just above knee length and the skirt of it is lose and free moving. She wares a belt and satchel. Has a clear crystal on the end of a silver chain around her neck (maybe magic).
Personality: Intelligent, Agile, Good at twisting her way out of tight situations both verbally and physically.       

Other: Was involved with the original incident which outlawed magic. She was an apprentice at the time. After that she had no way to lawfully support her self so she resorted to using her magic to steal. She only ever takes from those that have plenty to begin with.   

How exactly dose this magic work and what happens if you are caught using it?

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  Hey, Rus, could I have a character that's the servant of yours?  (Prince Ivar Finch)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

Count me in.  ;) I'll be using an Ashe spin-off, so no copy catting.  :P

Name: Argo

Species: Squirrel

Gender: Male

Rank: Works at a forestation camp from time to time, is part of the local militia, but seeks to break the barrier and become recognized for his skill, not his position.

Weapon: Twin short swords, passed down to him from his father. Also good with a Longbow.

Appearance: Jet black fur from head to toe, metallic silver eyes. He wears a rugged foresters tunic with no sleeves and a large hood, black trousers, tight-bound hard leather arm guards, and thick hiking boots. His tunic is a conglomeration of dark woody brown, dark forest green, and some black trim. If he has both swords on him then he will wear them over his shoulders, if he has just one then he wears it at his hip on the left side.

Personality: Kind in a quiet sort of way, he cares about other beasts, and believes in justice. Can be cautious and is very protective, Chivalrous.

Other: Some say he has an astute knowledge of magic, but he has refused to use it in public so far. If you coax him well enough, you just might get him to sing or play his flute or violin.

In progress.  :)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Leatho Shellhound

Name: Sir Gawain

Species: Otter

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Rank: Knight and the Queen's Champion

Weapon: A long claymore called Galantine and a large axe. He also cares a knife and a shield which has a golden pentangle on a red back ground.

Appearance: He is a well built and handsome sea otter with flaming red fur. His eyes are a light brown which shimmer in the noon day sun. Gawain wears a black tunic with chain mail under neath. A helmet on his head with black, red and purple feathers in it. He has fur boots which he had made from his enemies.

Personality: Formidable, courteous, and also a compassionate warrior, fiercely loyal to his king and family. He is a friend to young knights, a defender of the poor, and as "the Maidens' Knight", a defender of damsels as well.

@Rain, I was wondering if he could be the Queen's champion. Another thing, is your second character going to be a female otter?
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