Forbidden Truce - An AU RP

Started by Faiyloe, February 21, 2014, 03:17:55 PM

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Which title do you like best. (If you are not in This RP but have been fallowing along feel free to vote.

 The Beginning
The Beginning of The End
Fire, Water and the Beginning of the End
Bloodied Families
The Gap Widens


A feud has been going on between the Gretheg and the Lonel Family and their followers for generations now. Things have escalated so much in the past few years so that they now never go out unarmed and when they meet blood is often spilled. sabotage and revenge are on the rise and many creatures predict a war is coming.

This is and Alternate Universe Rollplay that I have been thinking about. The world is very much like a mix between medieval  England and Ireland and Iceland. There is a kind of feudal system with the Lonel and the Gretheg family being the lord over there own estate (the England part). There is also a lot of open country (the Ireland Part). There is some magic but very little and only in the form of legend or superstition mainly. They believe in things like dragons, trolls, fairys and curses.     

The Gretheg family is a family of otters (You do not have to be and otter to be a follower of the Gretheg family). There estate is divided between the two brothers Donivin and Orvil. (They still work together against the Lonel family and are on good terms with each other). Donivin is the younger brother his men are the best archers and trackers in the land. His estate includes much forestland and is the smaller of the two. Orvil is the older brother and owns the larger estate.

The Lonel family is a family of squirrels lead by The lady Garvina Shield Maiden. (you do not have to be a squirrel to be a follower of the Lonel family) 


- Most characters are kind of gray. There is not clear line of good and bad. 

- There is not species bias. Rats are just as likely to be friendly as mice.

- To be a member of the Lonel family you have to be a squirrel but if you want to be a follower you can be anything you want.

- To be a member of the Gretheg family you have to be an otter but if you want to be a follower you can be anything you want. (inside reason there is more likely to be less squirrels on Gretheg's side and less otters on Lonel's)

- Make your posts count. There is no post minimum just so long as you make each post count. if a post doesn't move the story along, develop plot or develop you character don't post it.

- This is not a Romeo and Juliet! that doesn't mean there cant be a little romance but that is not what this RP is about. There are many directions this RP can go and that is not one of them.

- Start with Two characters and then latter I might up that number.

If you would like to join please fill in the character sheet below.

Character sheet
Family: (Gretheg or Lonel. If Gretheg Donavin or Orvil?)
Weapon(s): (If you are one of Donavins men then you need a Bow and arrows. no guns either)
Weaknesses: (For every two strengths you must have one weakness)


Lord/Lady (only Orvil, Donavin, Garvina and there immediate family, Siblings, count for this category)
Nobles (people who own a large bit of land that belongs to ether family. Mostly relatives, Cosines Aunts and Uncles 
Warrior (anyone hired to fight)
Servants (anyone hired to do anything other than fight. even someone as important of a adviser would fit under this if he didn't fit in any of the others)
Commoners (everyone else)
Other (please elaborate. I may or may not ask you to change it)

The Characters Orvil and Donavin are both able to be played by another person but it wont be random. I would like some one how has some RPing experiences and is able to get on often to post. Pleas post if you would like on of these character and which one if you have a preference. The partly filled in Character sheets for those character are below. (Do not get offended if I don't pick you) If some one has already asked for a character feel free to still ask for it.

Name: Donavin
Spices: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 18-25
Family: Gretheg
Role: Lord
Weapon(s): Bow and arrows (you may add to that)
Personality: He sometimes acts before he thinks, he can be a little boyish at times, he likes to live in the moment.
Strengths: Archery and Tracking. He is Athletic and Agile 
History: He is Orvills younger brother and the head of the smaller half of the Gretheg estate in and around the forest. His men are the best archers and trackers. (you can reword this so long as it keeps its meaning)

Name: Orvil
Spices: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 25-30
Family: Gretheg
Role: Lord
Appearance: Taller and bigger then Donavin
Personality: A strong leader
History: The older brother of Donavin and the leader of the larger half of the Gretheg estate. 

I'll play Garvina
Name: Lady Garvina Shield Maiden
Spices: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Family: Lonel
Role: Lady
Weapon(s): A sword.
Appearance: Tall for a squirrel, red fur, flashing blue eyes,
Armor/Clothing: a round wooden shield, a white tunic with gold hemming.
Personality: A strong leader and a fighter, Holds fast to Honer, and a little prideful
Likes: Spending time with family and friends, Peace, 
Dislikes: Rude behavior, The Gretheg family, In justice.   
Strengths: Quick thinker, agile and intuitive, Loyal, a Strong code of honer.
Weaknesses: Some times her code of honer can get in her way or condone certain wrong actions.
History: The leader of the Lonel house.

I'll finish this later.

This story can go in many different directions and I can't wait to see what will happen.

You can find Chapter 2 here
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Not to big myself up or anything, but I'd say I have Role Playing experience. Could I have Donavin? He sounds like my type of character.
I'm planning on making another character, but I'm still planning them out. So I'll post a sheet later.  ;D


 ;D You where actualy just the person I was think of for him.  ;D  Yes you may.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Mind if I hold back a bit to see the other people characters before I decide to join?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Thankee kindly. I've got to go now. So I'll fill in the rest of his sheet, and my other character's sheet tomorrow. Bye!


@ Rachel: Great see you then

@ Skarzs: That is completely fine with me. We wont be starting till after Rachel gets back from her trip anyway.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Name: Captain Jallek Sparra
Spices: Mouse/Fox (if you allow hybrids)
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Family: Lonel
Role: Smuggler/Corsair Lord (Counts as other and/or noble)
Weapon(s): Cutlass, Tomahawk, Dirk
Appearance: Light brown fur, green eyes, gold earing on left ear, black tattoo on right arm, larger than average mouse, strong upper body
Armor/Clothing: Black pirate garbs, black gloves with metal knuckles, large black boots, black wide brim hat with red feather
Personality: Swashbuckling, Brave, Funny, Rougish
Likes: Courting Women, Gold, Working alone, luxury, rare artifacts, anarchy
Dislikes: Working for free, group work, Snakes, order
Strengths: strong sword fighter, skilled with tomahawk and dirk, skilled stealth artist
Weaknesses: Weak spot for women and gold
History: Comes from a long line of pirate lords and one of the best smugglers this side of Jima. Swindled the Corsair Republic and the Smugglers Union out of hundreds of golds pieces. Infamous for his slaving and smuggling in both Mossflower and the Northlands.
Other: So far loyal to House Lonel but is uneasy on who to do business with. Provides House Lonel with a healthy supply of weapons and black market surplus. Old enemies with Orvil Gretheg

P.S. I have ALOT of RP experience and I'm also online quite often.


Looks good I would like to worn you that there is no sea near by so he would mostly be more of a smuggler now than a corsair. Also as to the friend ship with The Lonel family. I would like that to be fairly new. If it is started in the actual RP that would be even better... 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


May I join?
Name: Hun Kless
Species: Mouse (You splet it Spices, you might want to change it xD)
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Family: Lonel Follower
Role: Other: Herb grower and user.  (poison and healing)
Weapon(s): Knife, poisons.
Appearance: The brown mouse usually is seen wearing a black apron with matching gloves. Occasionally she is seen wearing a bandanna smothered in charcoal covering her mouth, so that airborne poisons won't harm her. 
Personality: Very laid back, but once she is given a chance to use her herbs...
Likes: Healing her friends, and poisoning the others. Throwing darts, and reading.
Dislikes: Non-sense, over exaggerators.
Strengths: Fast runner, very agile.
Weaknesses: Not very strong.
History: Hun was a run away, surviving with a few others in the wilderness. Upon learning the true nature of her "Friends" the young mouse stuck toxic mushrooms in their next meal. Slowly and  very painfully they died. Nine-teen years later, after much advancement in the art of poisons she is here, following the Lonel family.

Name: Tyool (his friends call him Ty)
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Family: Gretheg: Donavin:
Role: Noble, regardless to his species and although not related through blood, Tyool was addopted very young into the family. His "Father" is one of  Donavin's cousins.
Weapon(s): Bow and Arrows. Small daggers around back paws, and a grapple with rope. (Grapple with rope in backpack).
Appearance: The fox stands just a little smaller than normal, but he makes up for it with his speed. A long orange stripe runs across his back. The rest of his fur is white/gray.
Armor/Clothing: Tyool wears black, leather archer Armour with a hood.
Personality: Very obnoxious, but when his life, or his families life is danger all cards are on the table. 
Strengths: Very good shot, agile.
Weaknesses: Although he archer, he can't hold his bow back for longer than fifteen seconds, which limits him a lot. And once his bow is pulled back, it must be shot; since he is unable to slowly release it.
History: His parents died as slaves, and that's when Donavin's cousin adopted him. Saving him a life of hard labor and worse conditions. Since then he's been practicing long and hard, so that he can repay the family when needed.


Quote from: Faiyloe on February 21, 2014, 07:18:12 PM
Looks good I would like to worn you that there is no sea near by so he would mostly be more of a smuggler now than a corsair. Also as to the friend ship with The Lonel family. I would like that to be fairly new. If it is started in the actual RP that would be even better... 
Ok I gotcha but he has a kinda hideout/palace kinda thing nearby cuz I said he was a Corsair LORD. Basically a crime lord. But ya if they can't be new friends that works to

The Skarzs

Do all characters have to be part of these two families or affiliated w/them or can they be completely independent?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


@ Skarzs: Yes I just don't want to much of that.

@ Alf: That's fine

@ Griffen: You are accepted and I fixed it.  :P
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Name: Donavin
Spices: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Family: Gretheg
Role: Lord
Weapon(s): Long bow and arrows, dagger, and dirk. 
Appearance: is quite tall, and slim, but is still strong. Has a few scars, and has tattoos up his arms.
Armour/Clothing: Where's a dark green tunic, and brown belt. Has black lase-up boots,. Has brown leather quick strap on armour, black leather fingerless gloves, and  leather shin guards. Has a black, and red quiver.   
Personality: He sometimes acts before he thinks, he can be a little boyish at times, he likes to live in the moment.
Likes: Enjoys parties, and banquets, and loves archery contests. (mainly because he almost always wins) And likes to go out for a morning run every morning.
Dislikes: Troubler causers, and boasters. And can't stand being beaten at archery, but also hates it when someone tries to use a bow, and can't. 
Strengths: Archery and Tracking. He is Athletic and Agile. 
Weaknesses: Beautiful maids, and his pride.
History: He is Orvil's younger brother and the head of the smaller half of the Gretheg estate in and around the forest. His men are the best archers and trackers.
Other: His favourite drink is October Ale.

Name: Adlais (nickname Echo)
Species: otter 
Gender: male
Age: 19
Family: Gretheg-Donavin.
Role: Warrior, but is distantly related to Donavin, but just works as one of his men. 
Weapon(s): Long bow, and arrows, dagger, and a small grapple hook, and rope which he keeps on his belt.
Appearance: Isn't very tall, but is strong. Has good upper-body strength.
Armour/Clothing: Navy blue tunic, leather armour.   
Personality: Is friendly, but can be annoying. His nickname is "Echo", because he repeats orders, and almost everything over, and over again, without meaning to.
Likes: Archery, running, talking, and sleeping.
Dislikes: People talking about him behind his back, being ignored, and not being included. 
Strengths: Archery, being strong, and has good earing.
Weaknesses: Is a terrible climber, is afraid of heights, and can't read or write, but doesn't like telling anyone. 
History: He never knew his father, and was brought up by a mother who was often out. Basically brought himself up, didn't get a proper education, and his mother died when he was only fifteen.
Other: Is very loyal, and would never think of following, or working for anyone except Donavin.


Perfect!  ;D welcome to the club... or family. ;)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?