
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Rachel's Explosive shop

Started by rachel25, June 11, 2014, 06:39:58 PM

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*hands everything over, uses my portal to go after Faiy, slap her, fix my shop, and get more explosives*


"Sorry no can do. What is done is done. Can't change it.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Russa Nodrey

*Appears in Rach's back room thingy where she stores all her explosives* >:D *Puts everything in a pile, then catchs a stick on fire and throws it on the pile* >:D >:D >:D >:D *Disapears*


OOC: Um russa I already blew the entire place up...
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Russa Nodrey

What!!!! I didn't actually see that. ::) *coughs*

Cornflower MM

Actually, Rach fixed it. And now I am. *Fixes shop and gets more explosives*

*?Grabs arrows, leaves money on counter and runs out. Then you hear agonized screams and a KABOOOOOOM!!!*


*Sighs, thanks Corny, teleports shop to a place where only nice people who won't destroy my shop will come, and sits down to wait*

Cornflower MM

I need two boxen explosives disguised as noodles.


*looks oddly at Corny, shrugs, hands stuff over*
That'll be four silver cherries.

Cornflower MM

*Hands over cherries
* Hey, now I can stick these in my sister;s food! Haha, just kidding.

Tam and Martin

Ooh, painful. Biting on silver. Yuk.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Quote from: Faiyloe on June 12, 2014, 11:37:15 PM
*Runs into Shop sets off all the explosives in the storage room and then uses my teleportation device to beam my self out of there and watch the giant explosion from my space ship as the entire shop + the aria around it blows it self to smithereens*

Ze aria? Vot'z zat? Zome form o' zoilent explozion?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


*Teleports in using Portal of Omnipresence and lights the explosives, the shop is blown up*
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan