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The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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The storm had stopped a while back and the tracks of the three creatures in the snow stretched on as far as they could see. Raxanna marched on ahead and the two tiered soldiers trudged tiredly on behind afraid to complain talking of the things they had head of the south to keep there minds off there tired limbs and cold paws.

" I 'eard that they have food and lots of it all year round, fish and pies and fruit," The Ferret said

"Don't be silly no place has got that."

"Oh you think just you wait! Its warm all year too,"

"Naw! I know as shure as I got three ears that no place is warm all the time!"

The ferret pushed the Rat into a snow drift " You've got only two ears you numb skull!" The two then went on to listing the things they would do when they got there.

"I'll get me self a real proper fish and eat it all my self," The ferret said

" I'll have a pie and a big fire all toasty warm,"

" And a bird cooked good ripe on the bone!" The list went on and on Raxanna tried to ignore them keeping her eyes front and staying silent they where making her even colder talking of the warm south and the food. She had not eaten , neither had they, since yesterday when they had found a half dead frozen bird. She gritted her teeth and marched on. At least this was better than a revolt. She had to keep there nerves up till they got to the south then ,if it came to that, she could dispose of the fools. 

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Gonff the Mousethief

The snow had picked up. Marshall was trudging on, bit by bit. He was very cold and frozen to the bone. He was now close enough to see the North Mountains. When he looked up to see them, a large talon came and knocked him out.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Go up, Go up
back to yer roots ye go
Go up, Go up
The place that twas once yer home
Go up, Go up
To the North take ye
Go up, Go up
Return the spoon to the dear abbey.

The words reverberated over and over around his mind. the dear abbey........

The light seemed a little low. He glanced at the fire. The embers had all but dissipated. What remained was barely keeping the cave lit. He sighed and got up, making his way over to the small wood-pile by the entryway of his current home. He sighed again and peeked out from the caves entrance. It was still snowing, albeit lighter than it was a lot farther north, but yet still coming down-the flakes coming to rest gently on the dusty ground. Even this far south was still not out of the touch of Winter, and no doubt there would be more in the morning. Still, he rather liked the quiet of the deep-south; it being a bit more to his liking than the various and many other places he had been. Even despite the occasional scorpion.

He picked up several pieces of wood from the pile and returned inside to the fire, laying the wood down and watching the fire hungrily devour it. He smiled as the fire slowly returned to it's former brightness. He sat up on the blanket that he used as a bed and pondered the past. He had quite the times to ponder-his many adventures, his dibbun days back at the abbey....

..The abbey.....

He stopped. The words from his dream went through his head again. They circled about, like a rattlesnake slowly making it's way to it's prey. He stopped himself. There was time for that in the morning.

He gave another glance at the fire. It should last for another couple of hours. He sighed and sat back, placing his old hat over his eyes; the spoon clasped lightly in his paws. The spoon...To return....

Jareth Carr quietly fell asleep, dreaming back to the old days when he was but a child at the abbey. The dear old abbey...
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Cornflower MM

Arya noticed that it waas getting dark already; She muttered a mild curse. She'd spent more time dealing with that stupid stoat than she'd originally thought. She fond a nice spot to spend the night, and made a fire, and started roasting some bread and cheese over it. The last supplies she had.


Quote from: Cornflower MM on March 11, 2014, 04:17:03 PM
OOC: Just a thought, but sometimes when a spoon snaps, there's enough of the bowl shaped part to keep digging - Or eating. Yes, I've snapped a few plastic spoons. So sue me.
OOC: I know, but this one's gone beyond repair, or use. But Toka's close to the surface anyway.

BIC: Toka's breathing became ragged, so close, and yet so far. He lost his temper, and struck out hard at the earth he was desperately trying to more. His fist went straight through it, and he felt snow, soft, and cold. Toka began digging again. He'd be out any minute now, then time for revenge!
Perry opened his eyes. He was rapped in one, no two blankets, next to a roaring fire. His head was resting on a pillow, and he was laying on some kind of woven mat. It was very comfortable. Perry saw his wet cloths hanging on a rail near the fire. They looked almost dry now.
Just then a hedgehog walked into the room, and smiled at Perry. "Good evening to ye, how'd you feel then. No paws missing or anything."
Perry blushed, something he did quite regularly. "Um, I'm fine thankee sir."
The hedgehog laughed, "Don't be calling me sir, you rascal. My name be Hundle Downyspike."
"And mines Perry Swiftbreeze."  Perry said, sitting up, and shaking the hedgehog's extended paw. 


The Sanctuary of Blood, wot? Fitting name. Clark thought as he stared at the sandstone building in the distance. The contrast of the pink-red sandstone to the dark trees and white snow was as striking as blood on rock.
"No use marching on an empty stomach, wot wot!" he said aloud, mostly to relieve the quiet. Though he was a master thief(as he vainly called himself), Clark was also a hare, and, as such, loved eating and talking.
The food was meager and stiff, but he scoffed it down anyway. To a hare that hadn't eaten in fifteen minutes, it was marvelous.

EDIT: Because there was a location confusion. :) Still by himself.

Gonff the Mousethief

Marshall awoke in a cave. He looked around. We was very dizzy and felt a large bump on his head. He looked around. He almost passed out when he saw a Huge Eagle standing behind him!
''Sit down Blue Fox, I saved you from the winter cold.''
''Wh-wher am I?''
''In my mountain''
''Well then, what is your name? Mine is Marshall.''
''Mine is RaveBeak the GentleGiant. I only slay vermin, but you had a look to you, so I did not kill you.''
''Why thanks! Why we are here, can you read this and tell me if you have seen a place like this?''
He handed him the piece.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Quote from: W0NWILL on March 12, 2014, 11:48:45 PM
The Sanctuary of Blood, wot? Fitting name. Clark thought as he stared at the sandstone building in the distance. The contrast of the pink-red sandstone to the dark trees and white snow was as striking as blood on rock.
"No use marching on an empty stomach, wot wot!" he said aloud, mostly to relieve the quiet. Though he was a master thief(as he vainly called himself), Clark was also a hare, and, as such, loved eating and talking.
The food was meager and stiff, but he scoffed it down anyway. To a hare that hadn't eaten in fifteen minuttes, it was marvelous.
His snack done, Clark continued through the bare trees, eating pawfuls of food from his many pockets. As he walked, he became aware of a building, sheltered by fir trees. It stank clearly of vermin that hadn't washed in seasons, and he crouched, creeping slowly forward. It was a weakness, he had to admit, that he couldn't pass by such a building without robbing it. He began his quiet approach, to scout for weaknesses.
At least, that was the plan.
As he crept forward, the snow gave way below his weight, and he tumbled into a tunnel, right on top of Toka.
OOC: Toka's a long way a way from the Abbey. He's still far east., he's not even in Mossflower yet. I probably should have said that earlier.

BIC: Toka was out, he leapt out of his tunnel, just before it collapsed. He flopped down in the snow, breathing deeply, looking at the sun just as it set. How he had missed it.
Toka got up onto his knees, he could leave right now. Get on with his quest, escape unnoticed. But he couldn't. The vermin had taken his metal thingy, but more importantly, his sword. He'd kill them all for that. He stood up, and examined the wall before him, he could climb it. Then he would just have to locate the vermin leader, who had his sword, and his metal puzzle piece. Easy. 
Hundle nodded, "Good name, it suits ye, young un."
Just then a kindly looking hedgehog walked into the room. She looked motherly, and friendly. Perry liked her instantly.
Hundle walked over to her, and put his arm round her. "Perry Swiftbreeze, met my wife Cara Downyspike, Cara, this is Perry Swiftbreeze."
"A pleasure to met you." Perry nodded.
"The pleasures all mine." Cara smiled, "Now, I'm sure your hungry, why don't you get some clothes on, while I go get you something to eat."
"Thankee ma'am." Perry replied.

Cornflower MM

Arya tripped, and went head over tail into a huge snow bank. She poked her head out of the top, muttering to herself she started trying to get out of it. "Pl-ah! Ugh, this snow is freezing! Huh, I must look ridiculous, a squirrel head sticking out of a mound of snow. EEK!" The shriek she gave was because there, laying in the snow, was a half-frozen owl chick. She looked up and saw a nest, and immediately saw what had happened. The chick had evidently fallen out of the nest when the snow had first started, and not being abler to fly, got stuck on the ground and froze. Then she noticed the missing feathers, the missing wing, and the slightly bloody snow underneath it. She carefully turned it over, and gasped. Someone had murdered the owl babe! She scrambled away from it, and then crouched there, frozen with horror. A few minutes passed, and she crawled back over and made a grave. It was hard to make a hole in the frozen ground, but she did, with help of a handy branch. When the  poor thing was buiried, she went to see what she had tripped over. An owl chick's wing. She screamed and started running away from the pl;ace were death had visited, and slammed into someone. She collapsed of fright.

OOC: Han, this might be the time for you to post.


A pine forest loomed up ahead the sky was growing dark and Raxannas followers were getting wrestles. She knew that she could only go so far before she had a problem on her paws.

"Shift your paws once we reach the forest we will stop and camp for the night,"

Ringtail (the ferret) and  Dragut (the rat) ran excitedly ahead, like a pare of children when called to dinner, calling and talking with each other as they went.

Fools... I am stuck with fools. Why could it not have been one of my captains who survived? She thought to herself in despair. Fate is cruel yet sweet I can smell riches and a life of prosper in this map and this house of red stone.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Flowers getting wrestles? I think you mean, "Followers getting restless." Is itr the Auto-Corrector at work again?


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Oh! That's what I thought. You fixed the Flowers part, but they're still getting wrestles. :P I'm not givbing you a hard time, or anything. Auto-Correctors can be annoying, and also help to make a spot with nonse words, in an otherwise perfectly fine sentence.


Hundle smiled at Perry, "Well, I've got things I need to be doing." He got up, and left the room.
Perry stood, but and retrieved his cloths. He put them on, happy to have them dry again. Though they were terribly thin, and ill suited for winter weather in this area.
Cara came back in, carrying a tray, "Here you are my lad." Then she frowned, "I must say those cloths aren't the best for this type of weather. What were you doing going out in them?"
Perry blushed, "I'm from down south. I didn't know what winter was like this far up north."
Cara sighed, and put the tray on a table. "Before you go anywhere, I'm going to have to sort you out some new clothes."

Cornflower MM

OOC: Uh, Rachy, it's "Clothes." The English language is far too confusing. Sorry if I'm coming off as criticizing everyone; I just tend to read the posts better when I'm waiting for someone in particular to post. In this case, Han. Anyone seen him?