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The Hero of Redwall: Haearn Castle

Started by IronWolf0805, September 02, 2017, 06:11:31 PM

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Rosie Willowwater

OOC: I'm sorry, I really haven't had the time or motivation to do this yet. You can continue without me.


OOC: They would be skeptical but not super aggressive. Also sorry for the late reply gents, had a test to study for.


By Rjuffen

The two guards looked at each other confused. "Barkhills eh?" one said, "Never heard of it! You sure you aren't making this up mate? Sea might have gotten to your head." As this encounter with the wolf has going on an armored wildcat, appearing as if he was nearing his 30s, walked by talking with some of the knights. He spotted the large wolf on the road talking to the guards and stopped. Heading over, he popped into the conversation saying, "And what happens to be the situation over here lads?"
"Dirkmaster Jag!" both the guards exclaimed and immediately shooting into an attentive posture and throwing a salute. "No need for that right now," he replied motioning them to put their paws down. Turning to the wolf he asked, "I apologize if my men gave you any trouble. Just precautions you know? Have to be wary of those passers by. Especially those of... questionable backgrounds. But I was in the same boat as you once. Tell me master wolf, what is your name?"

By Volke

Volke was busy and all about the town preparing the guard, ordering knights, and discussing various plans with the marshals and grandmasters. He sat down on the edge of one of the higher up platforms letting his legs hang down over the edge and looked out over the sea. He let out a sigh and lay back. The stress was getting to him. It had been a couple seasons since he went to war. Even then he had his father to help him and guide the order for the most part. He closed his eyes thinking to himself, "If only there were some trustworthy allies in the north I could rely on... The Noonvalers want our family's wealth, the Myrandalians would like nothing more than to sack the whole town, the McBrice family is far too chaotic to be reliable. I suppose House Vampyr could be a potential ally... agh but then again they probably won't even get involved and leave their blasted mountains..." He sat up and looked at the seas again looking at the sun which was still rising almost to its apex. Volke shot up once he saw this, "Ah ha! I know what to do! We don't have to have allies only in the north right? There's no rules to this little game of thrones among the houses!" He hurried down the steps at a brisk pace, "You. Guard, tell Loremaster Clayclaw to send a message to our friends across the great sea in the isles of Jima. Tell them House Rain and the Knight Tribe calls for aid."
Story Telling Aficionado ^_^

The Skarzs

  Rjuffen looked down at the wildcat. "I am Rjuffen, master Jag." He extended his paw to shake Jag's. "Well met."
  The wolf hesitated a moment. "But. . . Can you tell me, where am I? What is this land?"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.



OOC: I haven't! Haha just tending to others ^_^


Blackstone Abbey

The stoat stood and shook a little bit at the Abbot's stern demeanor and peculiar appearance. After realizing what was going on he snapped back to reality replying with, "K-kart sah. Me name's Karth."

Knight Tribe

The wildcat firmly shook the wolf's paw and replied with, "Do you not know where you are? This is the Knight Tribe of the northern coasts. Where do you hail from Rjuffen?"
Story Telling Aficionado ^_^


"Well, Karth, you just earned yourself the title of informant. Can I trust you with that?"

Orzmul did not wait for an answer. A slow grin spread across his aged face.
"If the families are truly at each others' necks, I think I know ought to do."

The Skarzs

  "The northern coast? Of what country?" Asked Rjuffen.
  "The Northern Coast, of course," said one of the soldiers.
  Rjuffen had to accept that, though it didn't help him much. "Like I told these two, I come from the Barkhills, a country on the far western coast of a continent across the ocean. We were sailing to explore, and I was lost at sea. I suppose I am stuck here."
  As soon as he finished that, his stomach growled loudly.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


OOC: Unfortunately I will have to ask the mods if they can close this RP for now :( it doesn't look like it'll be gaining traction at all anytime soon. *sigh*
Story Telling Aficionado ^_^

The Skarzs

OOC: Are you sure? Alright. . .
I'll be honest I was worried that this might happen when it began. Because of the size of this role play and the country it expands over it is intimidating for beginner role players and for any players who are unfamiliar with the setting. I had a similar experience with a RP I made some time ago.
Basically, it's a fantastic story, but too intense and complicated for the level of roleplayers we are.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Wylder Treejumper

OOC: This still might work, you could have someone else take over it.  A few more active RPers are all it needs, and I'm willing to throw myself in the pot. If that changes anything. *shrugs*

Seems like an unfortunate thing to just toss out, though. One of the few remaining ambitious RPs held over from Ye Olden Days
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

The Skarzs

And that's part of the issue. We newbies aren't used to RPs on such a grand level, and thrusting ourselves into it may not be conducive to full dedication.
Still, I agree, it's a shame to just abandon.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Excuuuuse me?

Hopefully I'm not included in that.

And I personally think you're more than capable, Skarzs, didn't know you considered yourself a newbie.


I would be willing do start it back up again I would just be worried of activity :( (I know I'm one to talk haha)
Story Telling Aficionado ^_^

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.