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Overlord's Orders - Forum 10th Anniversary Special

Started by Matthias720, June 08, 2021, 11:08:32 PM

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lass of something much

*Lass is typing*

"The rampant dibbuns for a start...As I said, I imposed nothing!"
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


Quote from: Ally046 on June 13, 2021, 05:41:16 AM
Quote from: lass
"PS: I was NOT responsible for the rampant infants, that was Ally's fault! She was meant to be looking out for them! Plus the Front Lawns is her board, not mine!

*Ally is typing*

"I know not of any rampant dibbuns!"

"Are you trying to confuse our mighty overstrator with extra, false details so that he doesn't see that the true fault is on you?!?!?!"

"You self-imposed yourself as the leader of your group!  And as such, you should've overseen all your groups progress, and results!"

"Had you caught the misdeeds of your group, or overseen them well enough, you could have stopped these things from being published, or at least reverted them!"
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco


OOC: Okay guys, maybe back off a little. There are a bunch of players who haven't had a chance to even touch round 1. Maybe wait until a few of them have posted.


*Dan has entered the chat*

*Dan is typing*

You're all speaking utter nonsense. Yes, I raised the idea of changing our profile pictures to kittens, but that was taken completely out of context. In our group, Corn thought it would be a good idea to talk about what was completely off the table in terms of ideas, just to narrow down our thinking to the good ones. It was in that context that I mentioned the idea of changing profile pictures to kittens, knowing how much you'd hate that. I never would have thought that would eventuate. Of course, how was I to know Lass would be snooping around trying to steal ideas from other groups? She saw me type the idea out, screenshotted it out of context, and spread it around as 'my idea' to make me look bad. She then told everyone to go through with the idea to humiliate me. I bet it's because she's insecure about being a Kiwi and just had to take it out on the superior Australian. ::) Also, Verdauga really latched onto that idea too, he was a big culprit.

My actually really good idea for a forum event was that we would write to Netflix about making a Redwall movie, which would lead to more people reading the books, joining the forum, and inevitably worshipping you. Well, that idea was pretty successful, I must say. I'm sure you've heard the news. Oh, also, I mentioned to Netflix that you'd be a great candidate for voice-acting as Matthias, so expect a call soon, oh great Overstrator.

Also, I don't know what the Captain's talking about in terms of apparently being offline for the whole ordeal. Yeah, he's been pretty quiet for the past few days. However, I definitely remember him being online for about 10 minutes, typing 'Turn everything blue', and then disappear. I thought it was weird at the time, but forgot about it until now. I don't know how that turned into everything becoming cyan and magenta, someone else must be responsible for that. I have a hunch Booklover had something to do with that.
Received mostly negative reviews.

lass of something much

Quote from: Matthias720 on June 13, 2021, 06:17:48 AM
OOC: Okay guys, maybe back off a little. There are a bunch of players who haven't had a chance to even touch round 1. Maybe wait until a few of them have posted.

OOC: Oh...Sorry about that..  :-[

*Lass is typing*

"Oh shoot, my nephew's got my phone!! BRB!"

*Lass has gone offline*
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


*Booklover is typing*

As is evident from the one and a half pages while I was asleep (which would likely have been more if I'd come on twelve hours later as I usually do, however I heard in the Discord that I was needed to explain things, and so I took time out of my very busy schedule to do so), I am not often on when most people are, so I was unable to participate in much of the discussion. By the time I attempted to veto any of the terrible ideas, they had already been decided and often enacted.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

Russa Nodrey

Quote from: lass of something much on June 13, 2021, 05:06:59 AM
Quote from: Captain Wortshire on June 13, 2021, 05:02:11 AM
'TheCaptain is typing a reply'

Alright, who spammed my RP thread with Nyan Cat pics?

*Lass is typing*

"That would be Russa.. Said something about accidentally drinking spiked orange juice..."
*Russa is typing*

Dearest Overstrator, I am quite distressed. I recently received a package from Scott. He claimed it was an early birthday present and said I should open it right away. Inside I found a large poster of Nyan Cat and a single juicebox labeled "Ordinary Orange Juice". I'm very fond of orange juice and drank it immediately. The rest is a little fuzzy... I'm told the juice was spiked with an unknown substance and that I spammed Wort's RP thread with Nyan Cat pics while intoxicated. Under normal circumstances, I would never have done something so impolite and morally wrong.

The fact that Scott sent me drugged juice is quite concerning to me. I hope there's a good reason for his questionable actions.


Yes, I latched onto the idea of kitten profile pics, but that was supposed to be an April Fools Joke on the members, because they'd be scared to be under your wrath.
I was planning renaming the forum the Matthias720 Community Fan Forum, but I was too busy gagging contentbots to keep that stuff off the site!
(That, and my permissions were never granted to change forum layout, but I was gonna enlist Daniel in that I swear!)
Killing the mood since 2019

Thanks for the artwork Lass, Scott, and Wortshire! (And Dannflower as well for the Worldstate badge.)


OOC: @Cornflower MM You need to post something with the next 24 hours or else you may be dropped from the game by default. :(

Captain Wortshire

'TheCaptain is typing a reply'

"Seeing that most of these erroneous changes were all out of my jurisdiction as the head of the RP threads, I can't really have a say on what happened recently. (That, and I was not really active at the time)"

"Speaking of which, is anybody still open for ideas for the forum anniversary?"
"It's so sad. Nobody understands you. But the truth is you're the one who finds everyone & everything to be a pain in the butt."
"The moon tide is tugging on our hearts right now."
"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul"
"We're making the mother of all omelettes here. Can't fret over every egg"

Cornflower MM

*Corn has entered the chat*
*Corn is typing*

So sorry I'm late, oh great Overstrator! I was trying to pack up those Dibbuns in the Front Lawns before they caused too much havoc and attracted your attention, sir! Daniel is correct, I did think that it was a good idea to have a discussion about what was off-limits but that's only because I was trying to things rolling in our group. You see, Wortshire wasn't answering to any of my messages and Daniel was proposing that we make all the theme backgrounds a truly terrible image of you from years part, Overstrator, so I thought it would be good to draw some lines so we could start moving in a productive direction. Booklover seemed to really like that idea - Maybe she tried to do it herself and broke the software, resulting in the terrible magenta and cyan problem? I bet Verdauga tried to help, since he wanted to change the forum name anyway.

Captain Wortshire

'TheCaptain is typing a reply'

"I would have replied if I had internet service at the time."

"I am still sorting through my private messages"

"While I was gone, for some reason, the forum users spammed my PMs with cabbage stock photos with our glorious Overstrator's magnificent head pasted on top..."

"And he appears to be radiating... Or are those stench lines?"

'TheCaptain glares at two specific mods with specific pics...

"I'll be back after I clear up my message box."
"It's so sad. Nobody understands you. But the truth is you're the one who finds everyone & everything to be a pain in the butt."
"The moon tide is tugging on our hearts right now."
"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul"
"We're making the mother of all omelettes here. Can't fret over every egg"

lass of something much

*Lassie Fish has joined the chat*

*Angry typing*

"Daniel I swear if you kick me from the chat one more time I'll hunt you down and eat your gu-....Anyway..."

"Dear Overstrator, I would like to explain that, despite what Russa says, I was NOT the one who hacked into your account and changed your profile picture to a turnip, and your name to 'Smelly poo-poo fartmin', that was Wortshire."
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱


OOC: Only a few hours left... Post any remaining arguments you have and prepare for round 2.


*Ally the Lettuce is typing*

"Yes as most of us have already pointed out, Wortshire was often offline, but when he was online, he caused much destruction to you, and the forum."
Cobb, Ember, Nutmeg, Pingvin, Diann, Celest, Cinnabon, Coco