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The Vulpine Imperium. A swashbuckling vermin role playing site!

Started by yeswonderful, July 30, 2011, 11:25:51 PM

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What a wonderful promo! Join the VI!!!! Ye won't be disappointed!


Like pirates? Want to be a classy vermin who wears a cravat and sails the high seas? Enjoy writing? Join the VI!
VI movie:


Sorry for the double post, but I'd like to share the new, exciting Imperium-wide plot that is happening at the VI:

Recently scourged by Scrout and his crew, Bully Harbor is recovering from the attack. However, not more than several weeks following the invasion, beasts start to go missing. At first the reports being received by the Fogeys do not seem out of the ordinary, but when the Mayor goes missing, it is apparent a new attack of sorts has been unleashed upon Bully Harbor. Investigations begin, headed up by the Fogeys and CDA. What they discover has happened to the missing beasts is a terrifying reality. The Golden Hide and the Blackship race to lands beyond the Imperium in order to save the captured Mayor and his fellow prisoners from a grisly and abysmal fate.

It's not too late to join in on the adventure! Join the VI for this and more amazing action on the high seas. You won't regret it!
Like pirates? Want to be a classy vermin who wears a cravat and sails the high seas? Enjoy writing? Join the VI!
VI movie:

Brek Larks

 Aha! That's my vid!  ;D

Anywho, indeed the VI is a wonderful place. Though I joined before I was much of a BJ fan, I had only read half of Taggerung beforehand. But the VI has shaped me into a new person, and has given me writing skills I couldn't claim otherwise. Ye'll enjoy! I swear it or yer money back! (What? We're not charging?!) That's right, kits! The VI is free! though ye already knew that...

And now time for some of the VI'splot updates:

Cult Games: Many beasts have been kitnapped by slavers and forced by a cult known as "The Brotherhood" to fight in the arena, TO THE DEATH! Join now as a captured beast or a part of the rescue party.

Revolutions?: Though ye didn't hear it from me, there's talk of rebellions and coups about. Keep an eye out for more!

Empty ships: Mutiny I tell ye! If ye do join be sure to transfer to the <i>Golden Hide</i> as it is our main active ship. Best place for new beasts to hop in!

Did somebeast say "pirates"?: Recently the pirate captain Murckle Mack launched an attack on a Navy vessel! And news in the Slups is he's out for recruiting! Join the pirate life now while ye still can laddies! (And lassies, femmes can slit a throat too ye know.)

Random activity boost: A few weeks ago we happened to have four (that's right, all four paw fingers there!) new players join. And seemingly on the same day too! Our Ship's Mess thread exploded with new posts (I believe close to 100 posts per day?) And with this brought new introductions and flavors to the stew of madness that is our site's character interactions.

So aye, now is the best time to join, re-join, or put away the angry birds and post once in awhile! Because now the VI is running, and there are big plots up ahead in store for ye to enjoy and partake. See ye there mates! "And may the blessings of his grace the emperor fall down upon ye like a golden fog."


Come and join up for a ship! We would love to have some more active members aboard. If you need help getting to know the site just let me know!!!

Vulpine Imperium forever!!!!


Double post to bump this up!!

The VI is gaining in activity. This is a great time to join up! Come on over if you want to experience some role playing fun!!


Updates on the happenings at the VI:


The BlackShip has a new Captain! Raven Brinewater, an intrepid and hard-working weasel, is leading the crew on a perilous mission through a jungle populated by cannibal tree rats. The crew is just now charging the rat encampment to free their captured crew mates before they are made into an evening meal for the cannibal beasts.

The Golden Hide was recently set afire by its own Captain, the crazed Minister of War Armina Rogue. She abandoned ship to set forth on a mad quest to kill the Emperor. The First Mate, Aleyah Malik, took over as Captain and is leading the crew on a mission to search for more information on the anarchist group, Maelstrom. They may just find more than they were expecting!

The Skeered of Nothing has been neglected for years, shipped out in the harbor as a prison ship, populated by the dregs of society -- petty criminals and low lifes of Bully Harbor. Its former Captain, Mackenroe Rokford, the proud one-eyed lizard, has returned from a long tenure away from the Imperium to find his ship in a derelict state. He seeks to return the Skeered to her former glory no matter what the cost.

On shore, the Minister of Commerce was captured and ransomed by the mysterious anarchist group, Maelstrom, during a street masquerade party. Now the Fogeys, the police force of the Harbor, are increasing security measures with the fox Commander Brek Larks as head of the new operations. The newly instated Minister of Niceties, the fox Marquo Senderjay (after he ousted former MinoNice, the drunken and malcontent Zilaco Wyndshard) is weaving a web of intrigue in order to bring stability back to the chaotic Imperium. Meanwhie a plot is unfolding in the shadows to kill the Emperor, Vladimir I.
Like pirates? Want to be a classy vermin who wears a cravat and sails the high seas? Enjoy writing? Join the VI!
VI movie:


Wait, we are?? I'm Fiera Nightlock. On the BlackShip.

Happy Beat a Sean Day!!!


A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Just coming in to report we're all still alive, healthy, and more active than we've been for a long time! The OOC boards are a tad bit dead but that's mostly because everyone is on Skype these days, which you can receive an invitation to quite easily.

Some nice new pictures too!

Leatho Shellhound

    Take a look at our Abbey's Art Gallery

click the banner


:D I know the beasts in those pics  ;)

Best anthro RPing I know is at the VI. The site is really active right now and ready for you to join in!

Updates on happenings:

The high influence families of the Imperium are hosting an outdoor party. Intrigue, espionage, and maybe even some punch are on the menu at this event.

The BlackShip is currently on a mission to the Anvil Islands in search of a rouge crew that challenges the might of the Imperium.

A huge revolution has just been completed. Through the blood shed stand those true to the Imperium's cause.

Bridger Vorsky has assumed the title of Minister of Commerce in this new season.

There's more as well, but this will give you an idea of what we're up to. Drop on by. The site is very active as is the Skype page for the site. Access to Skype page is not hard to come by.

Hope to see you there!

Norham Waterpaw

I joined! It's very cool! I'm still confuzzled on a few things, but hey! I'll get the swing of things... eventually.

Look for me, Redd L. Rénefarrow!
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Quote from: Norham Waterpaw on November 26, 2013, 02:15:03 AM
I joined! It's very cool! I'm still confuzzled on a few things, but hey! I'll get the swing of things... eventually.

Look for me, Redd L. Rénefarrow!

Glad to have you!


Aye Redd, welcome aboard! You can always ask myself or people like Talinn to help you should you feel confuzzled about the site.  ;)