The Over-Father

Started by LT Sandpaw, January 25, 2016, 06:58:31 PM

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Adamo quickly stepped in front of Breeia.
"Wait! My daughter, Alana. Have you seen her? Do you have any idea where she may be?"


Cadby grinned with what he thought was a winning smile. "I have no reason to be here, Queen, and no want to. But one is usually out of options when one's ship is sinking. Now sunk."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

"Most unfortunate master fox," Breeia said without any tact whatsoever, growing more irritated by the second. "We are very fortunate to have a tavern on Green Isle where you can stay until a trading vessel shows up." She turned her eyes to answer Adamo who had just stepped to front of her. She was about to answer the same way she had to Cadby when she caught sight of Glimmer standing happily nearby. The young otter stood grinning about her like there wasn't a care in the world.

Sighing slightly Breeia shook her head looking sorrowfully at the otter. "No, I am afraid the last time I saw her I was still young, and she not but a kit. I am sorry Adamo, please stay. I shall have a servant prepare a room for you, and have another search for her, Alana correct?" Feeling her fur plaster down in embarrassment she turned back to Cadby.

"I apologize master fox. I have had a rough time as of late. However I cannot be so terrible a host to a guest in need. I will have rooms prepared for you and your creatures in the palace. How many are with you?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


The fox counted off in his head. "I'd say a score and a half. Look, my main concern are those weird otters I saw leaving. The Over-Followers? I've seen fanaticism like that before in other creatures. They almost tried to kill us. Are they a threat?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Jukka the Sling

Serene was still standing there, deciding to stay out of the conversation for the moment.
Morgen finally found Jade and walked slowly up to him.  "Uh, Webbkir said you wanted to speak to me, sir."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Adamo hung his head.
"Very well. I will wait, so long as I find my daughter."
The sea otter trudged off to his room.

LT Sandpaw

Turning ever so slowly Jade looked Morgen up and down nodding slowly. "Yes I believe I was looking forward to speak with you. I have something I feel only you would be capable of. Something that shall be most befitting to your stance amongst the Over-Followers." Jade paused and seemed to be considering then he set a heavy paw on the young otter's shoulder looking him directly in the eyes.

"Do you, and will you obey the Over-Father and his high priest at all times? To preform any task to your utmost and without question?"


Biting her lip Breeia watched Adamo go turning to Serene. "Send somebeast to set up a room for him, aaaand Somebeast to cheer him up." She jabbed her head at Glimmer winking. "Once that's done join me out on the lawns for a, important talk." She then turned back to Cadby shaking her head in the most relaxed way possible.

"Not at all master fox, not at all. They shall be dealt with in their own time. Nothing that a guest of Green Isle should be concerned with. Now I'm afraid that we do not possess enough rooms for all of your crew however I am sure hardy creatures like yours would be more then comfortable out on the lawns. They are surprisingly comfortable. Blankets, tents, and such will be delivered along with food. However for yourself and a few officers I will have rooms prepared. Would you like to go up now, or go down to your crew?" Without missing a beat she turned to the mostly silent Otterguard.

"Otterguard Aaron would you please escort the fox where he wishes to go. Once he is settled in meet with me and Captain Serene out on the lawns as well. We have much to discuss."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Aaron nodded an affirmative. The otter almost sauntered over to Cadby. "Okay," said the fox. "Bart, go to the shore and get my crew over to the lawns."

Without waiting for Aaron, Cadby walked out to the lawns himself, mentally mapping the area. The sides that weren't surrounded by the rocks of the holt were instead bordered by trees, with a broad grassy area going through the woods. The fox took it all in at a a glance, folly calculating where he'd put he essentials. Of course, the crew would portage both boats. The dinghy would make a good makeshift tent, but it had to be kept in good condition. The raft, however, would make good firewood. When the crew cam back, he'd have the dissasemble the makeshift craft. But for now...

"Alright, where's my room?" To fox demanded brusquely. Aaron motioned toward a smaller doorway cut in the stone, leading to a carved stairway. Both beasts entered and took the stairs. The hallway at the top branched off into other hallways, each with their own rooms. Aaron showed Cadby to an empty hallway with five rooms for his officers and himself, before leaving in silence.

When Aaron reached to bottom of the stairs, he twirled his lance and did a few fancy tricks before returning to his post. Was he being sent by the Queen to show guests to heir room like a servant? No, she said "escort." Right? The otter shook his head. Nah, the Queen wouldn't consider him a low down beast. She was inviting him to a military meeting.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Jukka the Sling

Morgen could not believe what he was hearing.  Was something important actually happening to him for the first time in his life?  Excitement surged through him.

"Yes, sir!" he answered, nodding vigorously.
Serene took the hint.  "Alright, uh, Glimmer, could you please show Adamo here to a room and bring him anything he may need?"  She smiled at the young otter, the first time she'd seemed cheerful since Jade had been there.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

LT Sandpaw

"Excellent," Jade said in his slow manner. Releasing Morgen's shoulder the high priest moved away from him opening a large sack that had been dropped. Scooping it up he emptied the contents out onto the grass. Out poured a Otterguard uniform and a few other garments which Jade stuffed back into the sack.

"I do not know I you were informed brother Morgen, yet an action most grievous has been committed against the Over-Father." Jade let the thought sink in before continuing. "Our future sister, who promised her life to the Great Father has been held against her will by the Queen of this Island. The Over-Father shall not be denied what has been promised him, and his wrath will poor out like fire over Green Isle should we do nothing. Now The Over-Father has shown me a way to distract the Queen and her guards while our sister Glimmer Deepstream is returned to her fold." Here Jade picked up the uniform and held it up to Morgen.

"You must enter the Palace Summerdell disguised as a guard and retrieve her, take her far away before sun high tomorrow. Or I am afraid Deepstream, yourself, and every other beast inside the palace shall be slain by the Over-Father's fury. Do you understand?"


Nodding happily Glimmer scooted off up the stairs after Adamo. Running as fast as she could Glimmer soon caught him on one of the landings. Tugging on the back of his tunic to alert him she was there Glimmer bowed while managing to smile widely up at him.

"I'm to show you to your room sir and assist you. Is there anything I could help you with? I would really like to help. You look kinda sad, and my older brothers used to say when they were sad food helped loads. Do you want something to eat sir? I could run down to the kitchens and grab something real quick. Oh wait I have to show you where your room is first. Follow me sir." Still smiling Glimmer trotted off in the direction she supposed the guest rooms were at.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Adamo turned in the doorway.
"Thank you. I am not hungry yet, I will get my own food later. Hmm, you look a little like my daughter... Tell me, why are you here in the palace? I don't remember seeing you around before I left."

Jukka the Sling

Morgen hadn't really known much about the situation, but he had seen Glimmer occasionally and knew what she looked like.  Yes, this was a terrible thing to happen.  They had to get Glimmer back before the Over-Father punished them all!

"Yes, sir, I understand, and I will not fail you.  I will rescue Glimmer."  He took the clothes, feeling more sure of himself than he ever had in his life.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

LT Sandpaw

"You shall." Jade said simply. Turning away to let Morgen dress the High Priest started off towards the waterfall where Alana and Blirith were gathering the remaining Over-Followers. "Get our sister out before sun high tomorrow, it is most important that you remember that. Keep her safe until we meet again Morgen, and you shall be honored. Allow her to fall into harm..." Jade left the threat unsaid disappearing into the undergrowth. He had a few stops to make before he went to the waterfall.


Having gathered the crew Bart led them up the hills towards Summerdell. They had portaged the dighny easily enough, however the raft had proved too unwieldy to carry whole. Instead the free crew members staggered along under heavy loads of wood, pieces of the raft that had been stripped off. Staggering under his own massive load Bart spotted Cadby walked slowly over to the fox letting the pile of wood and ropes fall to the ground.

"Got em all Cap'n, an' both o' the boats, though the raft is a little disassembled."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Cadby had descended from his room and back onto the lawns, waiting for Bart. When the mouse came into his view he sprinted down to meet his faithful crewbeast. "That's fine, mate, I never needed it whole. Set it down in the middle there, we'll wait for everybody to get settled down before I make my announcement."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Jukka the Sling

Morgen yanked off his nondescript tunic and swordbelt and put on the otterguard uniform.  It was a bit large, but once he'd pulled the belt back on over it, with the sword safely at his hip, he thought it didn't look bad.

After stowing his regular tunic in a cleft of a tree (he didn't want to waste time), he set off, quivering with excitement.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien