Autumn Harvest RP Thread.

Started by Cornflower MM, October 23, 2013, 02:12:39 AM

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Cornflower MM

Lavender saw a stick by her foot paw that looked like it would fit, and gave it to Quin, "This looks like it's small and sturdy enough." Then she webnt over to Aio and lifted her half way up and started off to the Dormitory's.

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Jovani! I'm waiting for your reply!:D
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: I don't even understand what's going on anymore.  :(

Captain Snowfire

OOC: @Rachel25: A quick summary. Aoi caught the vermin camp on fire, and she and Lana made it to redwall where they met an otter who got an injury, and they were taking care of his wound when Lana heard a banging sound coming from the west wall. And that is where he is currently, he is calling down to Jovani's character who was knocking on the west wall wicker gate.
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: Ok, I've got that much. But I do think we need to move the story on a bit. Nothing much has really happened. If the vermin horde are gonna attack Redwall. They should do it now. Then the story will be concentrated at Redwall, and then all the characters can come together to fight the battle.

Jukka the Sling

"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


OOC: Sounds good! Would somebody dump water on Aoi's head? Or drop her in the pond or something like that.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


OOC: Aoi was taken to the dormitory.
BIC: Aldof went to Greena and asked, "how quickly can you get the horde ready to march?" 
Shut him up or shut him down.
Normal is just a setting on your dryer.


OOC: I know, I just wanted someone to dump water on her head.

BIC: Crabbygrog settled herself in the ashes, hoping to get some sleep. She knew, from her experience as the lowest member of the horde, that soon enough somebeast would need some grunt work done.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Cornflower MM

"Half an hour at the soonest, an hour at the latest. I'll get right to work, sir."


Aoi walked back out onto the front lawns of the Abbey, dripping wet. "This is why I don't like dibbuns."
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Cornflower MM

Lavender snorted then apologized. "Heehee! Oh, er sorry! I'll go get you a towel, miss."


"Nah, don't worry about it." Aoi hopskipped to the nearest tree, climbed it, and then hung upside down from a random branch. "This'll work."
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


Tango had decided she didn't want to camp alone in Mossflower, especially with a vermin horde nearby. "Stupid darkness wot. If only the blooming moon would come out for a bit, that would be spiffing."
But it did not, so Tango stu,bled, and tripped her way through Mossflower, in completely the wrong direction to Redwall Abbey.


Shut him up or shut him down.
Normal is just a setting on your dryer.