Wildflower Inn

Started by Mara the Wolf, October 31, 2020, 11:48:33 PM

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Crafter Man

"Eat fire dog!" He snapped at Mara.  It was worth a shot.  I didn't really expect em t' give me them did I? either way, I'll get myself some weaponry an' they'll be sorrier fer it.  Scowling at the two Inn owners, he turned and made for the exit, grabbing a lantern and stepping out into the stormy night.

Dannflower Reguba

       Gurt was sloshing his way toward the inn door when a rat exited, a mere few steps later had them passing one another. The mole tugged his snout as Roughtail approached, "Whoi, guday to ee zurr!-Erm..?.." This particular varmint did not appear to possess the greatest of moods at the moment as he practically barged his way past, possibly oblivious to the moles' presence, "Hurr, that'd be ee furst, oo ur!" Making his own way through the door, he brought his quizzical, but still cheery expression with him as he trundled on in with another greeting tug, "Howdy do miz Mara! Miz Maz'ka! Er, who'um spait in that'ns zoup?" A hefty digging claw gestured somewhat whimsically from his outstretched arm before snapping in front of his mouth in sudden realization, "Oo! Wurr moi marners!? Oim drippin' abowt evry'wer loik a swimyun h'otter, ooh, burr aye! Spare'n ee' toweler miz?" The drenched creature blinked in embarrassment, still moisturizing the inn floor below him.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


There would be a tap tap at the door before a similarly drenched Stoat would peak in. Staff entering with him as the old creature smiled at those inside. "If there is an extra towel that would be helpful. Otherwise I shall wait under this awning to be a little more dry." Before he ducked back out and moved the door to be more shut. Can't be letting the cold get in after all! Though he did move to the window to look in which was thankfully covered too.

Din nodding at the very homely atmosphere in there and in such a place like this it was wonderful to see. He had a slight fear that the fox who had told him about this place had been telling fibs but seems he wasnt. Looked like a great place to fill up with warm food and a real bed.

(Hope the entrance works peeps <3)

Mara the Wolf

"Gurt! Great t' see ya mate!" Masika slipped into more otter-like speech*. "Mara, a pair o' towels, if'n ya please." She set down the last of the food.

Mara nodded and headed for the cleaning closet upstairs.

Masika stuck her head out the door. "C'mon in, mate! Yore not a water dog like myself, you'll catch somethin'!" She turned back to Gurt. "Ay, tha' rat came in here, passed out, so Mara an' one'a our otter mateys took care o' him, an' 'ee's been nothin' but rude an' demandin', like 'ee thinks 'ee's in charge. Mara conked 'im o'er the head fer breakin' one'a tankards, which lead t' a fight an' us confiscatin' 'is weapons. 'ee tried askin' fer 'em back to answer Mother Nature, I said no, Mara said, 'If'n a vermin-hatin' badger comes yore way, hope ye c'n outrun 'im!'" Masika shook her head. "'ee's trouble, that'n."

Mara came down with the towels and handed one to Gurt. "Here ya go." She stuck her head out the door. "Hey! Get in here 'fore ya get sick!"

(*Hopefully! I'm not quite shore if'n this is how water dogs talk!)
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

Crafter Man

Lifting his snout into the air, he took a deep breath.  It was a blessing to get away from the crowd.  Some fresh air even if it was sided with lightning and rain was still a welcome sight.  As a searat he'd been soaked many a time and a storm was only a problem if he were on a ship, on land he didn't see what the fus was. 

Roughtail gave the stoat, who had just walked up, a nod.  "I'm Roughtail, the one she speaks so highly of.  She's right 'bout one thing though ya know.  I've seen many a beast fall ill from the elements.  Not a good way t' go." 

Dannflower Reguba

       "Hurr hurr, oi 'pear to 'ave arroived et quoit thee toime!" Gurt accepted the towel with haste, doing his best to dry off without causing a scene, not exactly the easiest accomplishment for a mole, much less a burly one. Still shimmying about, he shuffled over to make some room for the stoat, "Moi gurtest apollergies zurr, thurr be room naow." His bundle clanked as he hoisted the burden from his back gently, "Et's b'en ee longin day, burr aye. Oi bain't too late fur zupper em oi?" He looked to the hosts, eyes brimming with hope as much as his little squinty orbs could.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Mara the Wolf

"We're acshually on the second round, matey," Masika replied. "Salad, honeybread, shrimp'n'hotroot soup, and deeper'n'ever pie just outta the oven..." Masika stopped a moment. "Oddly, almost ev'rybeast wants the soup, not the pie...or the salad..." After a moment, she shrugged.

(Do you guys know the full name of this dish? Deeper 'n Ever Turnip 'n Tater 'n Beetroot Pie. Take one look at it... It's vegetarian pot pie! Seriously, pot pie doesn't sound delicious? My favorite part of pot pie is the veggies. *shakes head*)
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general


(Thats a good sounding pie)

Glancing back at the door as he was told to come in Din smiled and bowed his head. "Many thanks fine Otter." Thumping inside as he took the towel and patted down his face, paws, and then clothing to get most of the drips off his clothing. The rest would be done near the fire which he moved over toward once he was inside. "If we're allowed to choose the bread and salad will do me initially. And if there are any soup left that sounds very nice."

Looking around for an unoccupied chair he started to settle himself in before he looked back up at the assembled creatures and did a little bow. "Dinah by the by fellow creatures. Though most just call me Old Din." The elder smiling as he settled himself into a chair happily.

Mara the Wolf

Quote from: Jarky Thistlebrush on December 15, 2020, 06:20:55 AM
"Good to meet you, Masika. I'm Kyran. I'll take shrimp'n'hotroot soup. But I won't pay for anything my cousin here stole," Kyran said politely. "He has plenty of his own money."
Isaac spluttered indignantly. "I- I didn't steal anything yet! And Ky, shrimp'n'hotroot soup?! Have you fallen so low?"
Kyran's voice was as cold as ice when she turned back to Isaac. "Isaac, you call me Kyran. Not Ky."
Isaac stood stock still for a second, then slunk off to sit with Fern and Mayla.
(Forgot to control any of my characters beside the hosts! x_x)

Masika nodded and headed back into the kitchen, mumbling to herself that they might need a bigger inn.
"Nice t' meet ya, Din. Name's Maut," the silver fox introduced himself as he and Veach sat down at his table.
Nyika sniggered. "Wow. Yer cousin has you whipped. What she got against you, huh?"
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

Crafter Man

Taking out a brown scarf, Roughtail wrapped it around the top of his head, letting the slack hang down the back of his neck before stepping out from under the awning.  Walking across the tall wet grass, he made his way to the edge of the clearing where the Inn was situated.  The rat stepped into the treeline and then walked further into the forest beyond.  Finding a bush, he set the lantern down on a stump and began relieving himself as he contemplated his options.  Running was the clearest, safest option. Or mayhaps going back an' robbin' the dummys would be better.  Would be 'ard t' do with nothin' but me wits though.  Lacing up his trousers, Roughtail turned back towards the Inn.  That's when something caught the rats eye.  A mischievous smile spread across his snout as his eyes fell upon a hefty tree branch laying on the ground.  It was about the length of a spear, just what he needed.  Picking it up he tested its strength a few different ways.  His leg injury wasn't too bad, but he could easily pass it off as being bad enough that he needed a walking stick. 

As Roughtail was picking up the lantern and preparing to head back, he heard some disturbance within the forest thicks.  "Who goes there?"  He called out, holding up the lantern and peering through the trees.  Squinting through the rain and darkness, he could faintly make out the silhouette of... is that a squirrel?

"Who in hellgates-" before he could react, a beast jumped out of the darkness and tackled him. With a grunt, the searat fell to the ground completely knocked out of his wits.  Startled and assuming he was under attack, Roughtail grabbed for his cutlass, but of course it wasn't there.  He reached for the stick he'd found, but by the time he'd gotten hold of it his attacker had made off towards the Inn, "Heeeelp!" she cried.  Her cries carried through the wind like a whistle, "Heeeelp".  Staggering up, Roughtail regained his bearings before making after her with haste, stick still in hand.  It was more curiosity than anything else that drove the rat forward.  Who was this bushtail an' why'd she run off in such a 'urry

Bursting through the door of the inn, the squirrel-maid collapsed to the ground, soaking in water and coughing up a storm almost as bad as the one raging outside, "T-they're coming!" she finally got out, "The slavers are coming!"

Jarky Thistlebrush

Quote from: Masika on December 16, 2020, 05:17:55 PM
Quote from: Jarky Thistlebrush on December 15, 2020, 06:20:55 AM
"Good to meet you, Masika. I'm Kyran. I'll take shrimp'n'hotroot soup. But I won't pay for anything my cousin here stole," Kyran said politely. "He has plenty of his own money."
Isaac spluttered indignantly. "I- I didn't steal anything yet! And Ky, shrimp'n'hotroot soup?! Have you fallen so low?"
Kyran's voice was as cold as ice when she turned back to Isaac. "Isaac, you call me Kyran. Not Ky."
Isaac stood stock still for a second, then slunk off to sit with Fern and Mayla.
(Forgot to control any of my characters beside the hosts! x_x)

Masika nodded and headed back into the kitchen, mumbling to herself that they might need a bigger inn.
"Nice t' meet ya, Din. Name's Maut," the silver fox introduced himself as he and Veach sat down at his table.
Nyika sniggered. "Wow. Yer cousin has you whipped. What she got against you, huh?"
Isaac looked at his footpaws awkwardly. "Well, I um, I-" he was interrupted by the arriving squirrel. "Who are you? And what are you doing dripping all over my prized silk pants?" he cried out in horror.
Kyran, however, rushed to the squirrel's side. "Slavers? Did you say slavers?" she said, almost a little too enthusiastically.
The following is a list of things to bring on holiday:
42 ~ Seb's Humility ~ Seb's toothbrush ~ Seb's soul ~ Half a Plane ~ Your Toothbrush ~ A creeping anxiety every time you look at your toothbrush ~ Pure Terror every time you look at your toothbrush ~ Death every time you look at your toothbrush

I had to move everything off the list but the bare essentials to make way for this:

Mara the Wolf

"Oh, Dark Forest!" Masika exclaimed, rushing to the squirrelmaid. She looked so thin and to be barely in her teens. "Mara, matey, get some food, right away!"

The wolf nodded and headed into the kitchen.

Nyika rushed over. "Ey, calm down, missie. Ev'rythin's fine. Practically ev'ryone here's a warrior. You're safe from slaverbeasts now."

Mara came out with a hefty slice of deeper'n'ever pie, honeybread, and October Ale. "Here ya go, missy. This'll do ya good." She set it down at the nearest table, which Masika helped the squirrelmaiden over to.

Maut came over, Veach at his heels. "We're here t' help, Miss. An' trust us, there's nothin' t' be afraid of here. We'll take care o' ye."
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

Crafter Man

Aukryla was overwhelmed with the amount of beasts she saw, some asked questions, others were comforting.  She was only concerned with wolfing down the pie that was placed in front of her, making sure it was all down before anything else. 
"I-I was attacked out there.  A sea rat, not far from here."  The squirrel said with a mouthful of pie.  She looked around anxiously as if someone would come out of nowhere any moment to snatch her and take her back to the slavers.

Roughtail burst through the door, panting and soaking with his stick still in hand.  He removed the scarf from the top of his head and looked around until he spotted the squirrel-maid.  "Ay yew!" He barked over, "Ya wanna explain t' me why ya just jumped me!?" 

Her only response was a wide eyed stare of horror as she hid behind the wolf who'd given her the pie. 

Mara the Wolf

"She said ya attacked her," Nyika informed. "She thinks yer a slaver."
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

Ripred the Gnawer

Just then, two ferrets entered behind Roughtail.
"May we come in?" one asked.
'We stop looking for monsters under the bed when we realize they are inside of us'
"If you gaze long enough into the abyss, it'll gaze back at you"