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RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Quest for Justice

Started by BrookSkimmer, September 20, 2011, 11:03:15 PM

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(OOC: I think Muse made up Akitka. I am going to assume any of us can play as him. It is true that badgers are not bad guys... Muse perhaps you could turn Akitka into a wildcat or something?? )

(Sooo, Muse posted while I was writing. Perhaps we can combine the two posts together. Also, Muse I hope it's ok if others RP with Akitka too. Let me know if not and I can change my post...)


Ekky could do nothing but moan. The little otter was scared senseless by the huge hulking beast before him. It was like a waking nightmare. The two snakes writhed around the beast's frame. The sea otter shrank back as Dewdrop insulted the monster.

"Enough!" The voice boomed around the cavern. The beast nodded to the birds on either side of him.  "Take small one!"

Ekky couldn't even struggle as the birds moved him forward at beak point. He moved until he stood right before Akitka. The beast held out a paw and allowed one of the two snakes to focus on the little otter.

"Those who disobey cause death!" The snake struck towards Ekky.

Verka gulped against the dirk point. He had no hope of escape, especially with a broken wing.

"L-let me free of rope and I 'elp yas! No kill me!"

Shuffer nodded at the bird's words and pulled out his knife.

"Tell us where they took our kits and I'll cut loose the ropes feather bag!"

"Deh kingdom of Undersky! I take you there!"

The otter cook severed the ropes except for a noose around the crow's neck. This the otter passed to Searose.

"I'm sure you won't mind kickin' this feather duster about." He eyed the bird. "Get walkin' bird. Lead us false and I'm sure we won't have to worry about pillow stuffing for a few seasons."


Yeah, others can do it too. And, if not a badger, I'd like a bear!
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Redwall Musician

OCC: I would prefer if you called Dewdrop a "young otter" rather then "otter babe" because she's young, but not a baby. Does Ekky die? Can anyone be him? I need to know so I can post my next part.

..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Oakpaw eyed the bird up, his eyes said everything, he looked away, he was glad he didn't have to look after the bird, it wouldn't last long if he was guarding it


Okay young otter, got it.

Umm, can Akitka not talk so clearly. He's basically a bear who was attacked by the snakes. Their venom is all that's keeping him alive, so he's completely insane.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


Muse: A bear is not really a Redwall creature but I'm fine with it if the others are too. :D I'll make sure to change the way Akitka talks in my previous post.

Musician: I'd like Ekky to stay alive. Feel free to keep him alive with your posting. And yes, others can RP Ekky if they would like to. Thanks for askin'!)


Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Mad Maudie

searose took one look at the hurt bird and smiled
"Ah what one will do to not get hurt betray there master even how sad!" she said looking at him with actually a hint of softness in her voice that know one could understand

OOC i have a ? could there be 4 otter babes taken and i know it sounds crazy but could like there be a last battle after we win the kits back and could my sister die? just a ? it would make my character stronger i already know how to do it
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Redwall Musician

Dewdrop struggled from the birds as she saw the snake move towards Ekky. "Let me go you pillow stuffing! Ekky! Ekky!" Dewdrop shouted.
Akitka stopped the snake from biting the otter. "Let live. Use to make mad one quiet."
Dewdrop understood. Ekky would stay alive as long as she didn't act up.
Akitka turned his ugly face to Dewdrop, "Next time you be mad, I kill you and others."
Dewdrop knew he meant it. Her eyes shined back at him with anger. "I'll get you one day. Yep, you and all your winged mattresses."
The bear ignored her now. He had other things to do. "Take them to cage."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


(OOC: To answer your question Maudie: Yes! Feel free to make Searose's sister die and we can say there is already another otter babe in the cage to make it four.)

Ekky felt himself drop to the hard ground as the bear released him and the snake backed. He crumpled into a little heap and lay there for a bit. Then he shook his head, wiping away tears and huddled with the others. They would be allowed to live...for now.

The cage was in a small rocky cave far back in the cavern that made up UnderSky. The otters were trust into the rusty cage and the gate slammed shut. There was another otter in the cage already. It lifted its head as the others tumbled in but said nothing. There were two ravens guarding the cage.

Shuffer prodded the captured bird on.

"Hurry up big bag! We need to get to this place quickly!"

About a week passes as the company travels towards UnderSky. The entrance is a forbidding hole in the ground at a hard slant down.

Verka cawed and eyed them.

"How will you get in eh? We fly in! You cannot!"

(OOC: The travelers need to find a way to get into UnderSky. Just a note for whoever is posting next)


Oakpaw eyed the bird angrily "surely theres more than one way to get in" he took out his twin dirks and said "listen we can do this the hard way or the easy way, your choice"

Mad Maudie

"Oakpaw peace torture is not always the answer maybe we can reason in a way that intimidates him" Searose said walking over to the bird
"Listen bird my sister is locked up there she was sick before they took her to there layer, if you do not tell me how to get in you will be sorry you ever lived Idiot!" she said it and meant every word her voice as cold as the surrounding rocks.       
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Oakpaw sighed and sat on a nearby rock "see if you can make old matress bottom talk then Searose" he sheathed his dirks and rubbed at an old scar

Mad Maudie

Searose glared at him her eyes wanting to kill someone 
"Look bird i might be able to get you away from Lord Oakpaw torture over there but i need your help if not i will let him do whatever he wants to does that sound nice?" she asked him coldly and meaningfully.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Verka shrunk back from Oakpaw as he menaced with his dirks. There was not way he could defend himself against anybeast let alone a big healthy otter with weapons bristling.

"Ca-caw! Please don't!" Before he could say more the she otter walked over and began to intimidate him. Words tumbled from Verka's beak. There was no other way he would live.

"I tell you all! There is another tunnel on other side of this hill. You will have to crawl on your bellies to get through. It ends in UnderSky!"

The bird had not lied, although he did not say anything about the adder that had made the tunnel its home...