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When was the Last time? *Reversed*

Started by Skyblade, July 12, 2015, 11:24:53 PM

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Hey, everyone! James inadvertently gave me an idea. As you may know, there is a game in Popular Forum Games called When was the Last time? James just posted this:

Quote from: James GryphonSome of my favorite reversed WWTLTs. #1 is my very favorite.
 This is very long
Banya: WWTLT you read a classical piece of literature for enjoyment?
Eul: Every time I post.

Iamthatis: WWTLT you told a Girlfriend/Boyfriend that you loved them?
rexhyuga: Why just this morning, can't have my ant farm being raided before this seasons harvest.

Skarzs: WWTLT you burned yourself?
Iamthatis: Never let the heater run all night.

Sky: When was the last time you ate something really delicious?
Norham: Earlier today, when I visited a knife store and then went to the Vans outlet at the mall.

Banya: WWTLT you pulled an all-nighter?
Amarith Waterspring: if you count lunch than today :P

Amarith: WWTLT you took medicine
Banya: When I was about 9.  It was peanut butter flavoured.

Delthion: WWTLTY ate play-doh? (I have never done this before.)
Banya: Last week, in the dining hall

Banya: WWTLT you ate food cooked on the grill?
Mhera: Right now. I'm making a chocolate pie, and if that doesn't help save the universe I don't what will.

Sky: WWTLT you got sick?
Rain:   Um, January 24th.  I saw Into the Woods with my siblings.  I liked that film. ;D

Rain:   WWTLT you had a soda?
Sand: Yesterday actually, I had a milkshake.

Mhera: WWTLT you felt nauseated?
Sand: About three seconds ago if you count a bugle.

Danflor:        WWTLTY took a shower?
Rain:   Um, it's been awhile.  I think it was a couple months ago?  Iunno, I don't text people.  I don't even have a phone; I just text people my mom tells me to text. :P

Rain:   WWTLT you slept?
Del: A few seconds, when my sister whacked me.

Russa: WWTLT you voted on SFC?
Rain:   Well, I forgot to take my pain meds until really late last night, so... last night. :P

Soren: WWTLT You were freaked out?
Del: Before I murdered it. Seriously today, and I still have two.

Russa: WWTLT you washed dishes.
Del: Hmm, well a few years ago I had minor lip surgery.

Firedrake: WWTLT you read a Redwall book?
Soren: Actually by accident a couple of weeks ago.

Russa: WWTLT you deleted a PM?
Jett: Far, far too long ago :(

Skarzs: WWTLT you had a sad experience?
Rain:   Last Friday.  It was heart-shaped and yummy. ^-^

Redwaller: WWTLT you were sick?
Leatho: I'm reading Lord Brocktree out loud to my sister. Does that count?

So, in this game, you need to post a question that will make the answer above yours funny, cool, interesting, or whatever you want. Then, post an answer such as "Never", "An hour ago", "Yesterday", or any other creative thing you can think of.


Sky: I've never done that before.
James: When was the last time you ate something?
A few minutes ago.
Mhera: When was the last time you broke the law?
Right now.
Russa: When was the last time you died?
Last night.

So, here we go.

A few weeks ago, when I was at band camp.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


When was the last time you killed someone?

Yeah, it was really fun.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

James Gryphon

(Have you ever) taken too much medication?

I think it was two or three years ago, in December. I had a bad reaction.
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When was the last time you saw a fake Santa?

Never! Why would I ever do that?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Have you ever flossed?

After I checked the mail yesterday.

James Gryphon

When was the last time you were with me, and not my enemy?

Not yet.
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When was the last time you overthrew the president of America?

Never, that's ridiculous.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

James Gryphon

When was the last time you were in the hospital?

A few days ago, on a sandwich.
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When was the last time you went surfing?

Never, although I'd like to give it a shot.

James Gryphon

When was the last time you kissed a family member?

About eighteen years ago; I had to get stitches.
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 When was the last time you ice skated?

Roughly a year ago. Needless to say, it was an extremely painful experience.


When was the last time you took the SAT? (;))

A few hours ago. I do it all the time.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

James Gryphon

When was the last time you posted in Overlord's Orders?

Right now. I'm comparing it to another one.
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When was the last time you had a pet T-Rex?

Right now as I type this.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

James Gryphon

When was the last time you saw something older than you?

I read some captioned pictures of cats.
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