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Wildcat Attack!

Started by Cornflower MM, January 16, 2014, 06:30:40 PM

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Cornflower MM

OOC: @Skarzs This post here would be called PPing. Could you revise it please? Grinda and Grain didn't order that there be scouts, they just TALKED about a scout failing to kill the owl who alerted the Redwallers. But I'll fix, but be a little more careful, OK?
Quote from: The Skarzs on January 17, 2014, 11:21:11 PM
Grag was upset at Grinda and Grain. Why couldn't they just attack the sandstone fortress; he was certain they could take it. But no, they insisted the captain gather a few scouts and search the area for weak points. So he was stuck heading to Redwall with two wildcats, a leopard and an ocelot. As captain, he was meant to lead the way, but had no real idea where it was exactly, and did not dare ask his touchy leaders. He would find it eventually.

BIC: Grain walked to the mouth of her tent, and saw Grag nearby. "Oi, you! Get a few horde members together and go to the Abbey. Search for weak points. I'll expect you to be back UNHARMED in five day. And make sure they don't see you!!"


Arya looked at Willow, astonished. "You're going with Aggril? Well, I suppose he might need medical assistance."

The Shade

Falco turned to the two otters. "Where are you going, if I may be so bold to ask?"


Yassen the wildcat sat nearby his older sibling's tent, sowing a spare shirt together. So, the horde was going to attack the abbey. He didn't want that to happen. The abbeybeasts didn't deserve such a threat. Some of them would undoubtedly be killed in the struggle. Suddenly he had an idea. He walked up the Grag.

"Hey, I've decided to join the scout team. When exactly will we be leaving?"

They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Shadefur nightblade

Iceclaw Deathfur saw a tough looking mountain cat strolling past. "Ah Chuh Kak. Come." He said, barely audible. The cat's keen ears picked up the sound and he walked over to his master's side. "Yes, captain." Ah Chuh Kak replied. Tell Grain I have a valuable peace of information for her. Go now."

Ah Chuh Kak saluted and walked off to do his master's bidding. Iceclaw was unlike any vermin captain he had ever met. He was smarter and more sly, and Ah Chuh Kak could respect that, but there was also something strange about him, as if there was a barrier between him and other beasts that would never be crossed. He snapped out of his thinking as he neared Grain's tent. " My Lady, Captain Iceclaw has important information he would like you to know." He called into Grain's tent. He waited, stiff and at attention, for a reply.

The Skarzs

Grag looked Yassen up and down. The wildcat seemed sturdy enough to join, and he knew the wildcat was an assassin; useful. He allowed him to join, saying they would leave in a couple hours.

OOC: Sorry about PPing, Corny.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

OOC: It's fine, almost every does unknowningly at one time or other.

BIC: Grain growled.."Bring him here and send him in....And make sure he knows that if I don't like his "Information," he is stripped of his rank." She looked at Grinda. Softer, "Be ready with The Cup. You know what I mean and require." She chuckled, a hideous sound.

Shadefur nightblade

"Yes, my Lady." Ah Chuh Kak replied, and then hurried off to Iceclaw. "Captain, Lady Grain would like to see you now, and if your information does not satisfy her, you will be demoted." "good." replied Iceclaw. He strode up to Grain's tent and entered it. "Lady Grain, I have important information concerning your horde."

Grang Bloodstripe entered the mess hall and beckoned a hare to him, "Get Major Colon and tell him I would like to discuss something with him."

Norham Waterpaw

Willow looked at Falco. "To Salamandastron, the Badger Mountain of old!" A light shone in Willow's eyes as he said this. He never dreamt of leaving the Abbey, but now that he could, and the adventure was unfolding before him, he wanted to go sooner than ever.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

The Shade

Falco raised his eyebrows when he heard the name Salamadastron. Him and Reven had passed by several seasons ago. "It's quite a journey to the fire mountain from here," he said, while looking the two otters up and down. "Mind you, you both look like you can handle yourselves. I bid you fairwell."
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


As Shadow walkes throught the Mossflower Woods he hear's creature's talking. He pulls his Bow out and stretches an arrow. Then he begin's to walk slowly toward the sound he moves among the tree's trying not to be seen. Shadow then gets them in view and he sits low to the ground and say's to himself I wounder if these are friends or foes. Only one way to find out.

The Skarzs

Argunath had followed Shadow's trail for hours, and was getting close. Suddenly he saw a figure of a wolf crouched ahead with a bow. Wondering what was happening, he came forward cautiously; there could be trouble.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Siting as low to the ground he pull's the bow back and was about to shoot. But at the last minute he lay's his bow down and say's what am I ding this isn't me I'm not going to become like my father and kill helpless creature's that has done nothing wrong. But how do I walk up to them and ask for help. hmmmmmmmmm.

Norham Waterpaw

Willow turned to Aggril, with anxiety in his eyes. "Do we leave soon?" He said.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

The Skarzs

Seeing the wolf relax his bow, Argunath let off his guard a little bit and walked slowly up to the wolf, who was seeming to be lost in thought.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Shadow was lost in thought but then he heard Argunath. Shadow then turned around to face Argunath. Shadow looks at him in the eyes and ask please kind mate I have been badly injured and I have been left to die by my father. If you have any kindess in your heart please help me. As soon as he was done speaking Shadow passed out from all the blood that he lost.

The Skarzs

Seeing the wolf pass out, the cougar rushed to his side. He had a bad wound in his side, and would not last must longer. He reached into his pack and took out what healing supplies he had. Bandaging up the wound as best he could, he started a fire. He had to close up the gash, and the only way he could was to burn it. Getting the tip of a small bread knife heated, he removed the bandaging and pressed it lightly. The smell of burning hair and flesh permeated the air; the wound closed, but left a painful blistering. The wolf was lucky he was unconscious. Suddenly, Argunath heard the voices that Shadow had been listening to earlier, and stayed silent. He was sure they knew he was there.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.