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Crews of the Open Breeze Sign-up and OOC

Started by Gonff the Mousethief, July 06, 2016, 02:27:53 AM

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Gonff the Mousethief

Hello there. So, since I have a ton of free time now, I want to make an RP. Now, this concept really isn't nothing that new, but I thought with the creativity of the forum, we can make something out of it.

So, here is the plot. Its a pirate themed RP. There is a treasure hidden out on a remote island somewhere in the sea. To all who here about it, they are told that they are the only ones who know about it. What the treasure is? They don't know. Where it is? They have a guess. Will they do whatever to get it? Of course. They are pirates after all. But what each crew doesn't know, is that many others have been told about this here treasure. Now, they all are off to find it, not knowing what could happen along the way.

So, there is the basic plot. You can have up to two characters, or three but please explain them to me first. You don't have to be apart of my crew. You can make your own ship, be a simple tag along, or just be a stowaway. You are free to do whatever in this RP. You can attack others, stop at islands and towns along the way, be stranded and picked along by another player, what you choose. But in the end, your goal will be to find the treasure. So yeah, lets have some fun, shall we?

Here is the sign up sheet:

Role (Captain, First Mate, tag-along):
Appearance :

Here is my character, Marshall Scottsworth, along with those who have joined

Gonff's Character

Name: Marshall Scottsworth
Race: Fox
Gender: Male
Role (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Captain
Ship: The Blu Tail
Appearance: A tall, slender fox whose fur is a Neptune Blue color. His tail-less self, along with the odd raccoon hat upon his head makes him an odd pirate. Usually, you will find him with his long, thick brown leather coat and blue cape, both slightly gilded and buttoned with the finest gold. The clank in his worn boots along with the racks of keys on his black encrusted belt surely would make anyone of the sorts wonder if this odd fellow was for real. But no doubt, he is. That is obvious by the many scars scattered among his body, with the most notable on his eye. Now, only one rich blue pupil remains as his left one now replaced with a bold black eye-patch. In all, the fox, both with his odd Highland accent and peppy attitude makes him an odd one for captain.
Weapon: Has a double sided axe, with two large sapphires on the top and bottom of it. Also is very keen with a bow, as he owns a beautiful recurve and an always full quiver of arrows.
History: Marshall was born in the Highlands to a fox family. His father was the leader of a colony, but he was outcasted for his color. When he was old enough, he ran away and tried to survive in the harsh North. There he met many odd creatures who taught him many different skills which he still uses to this day. But war came to the North, with his father's colony fighting against a much more powerful force. He journeyed back home, only to be caught in the fight. He tried his best to stay, but with no army, men, or family, he was useless. So the only way away from it all was to go South. He made it to the coast where he found a small town in need of men for a Private trading ship. He joined without any experience in a heart beat. Through the years, he learned and moved up in the ranks until finally manning his own ship, The Highlander. It was a true beauty, made from the finest and sturdiest of lumber. But as he did his new work for a while, he saw that more and more pirates started to appear. This was because of a balance and cheat in the trades. So one day, while delivering kegs of ale to a small seller in Southsward, he saw the corruption first hand. The raccoon who was buying refused to pay and had his crew arrested. Marshall's Highland instincts kicked in, and with the help of his crew, he slew the raccoon, but at the price of his tail. Rage flowed through him as he saw the good dwindling. He felt that same hopelessness as he had when war broke out in the Highlands. Once again, he had to run. So he made a hat out of the raccoon, as a reminder of what started his new savagery. He took back the kegs of ale and changed the name of his ship to The Blu Tail, and started off his career. He knew about the pirate cities located on remote islands, so there he gained a larger crew and learned the way of a pirate. But he still had some good in him. Only once did he actually pirate another ship, and that was a rogue one from a pirate order which was a spy ship all along. But the fox is doing well. His life will never be the same, but from the start it never would be. He still feels the guilt from turning from the good to the bad, as his only instinct is to run. That is all he ever has known, all he was ever taught. Now, he would need to learn the opposite of it to survive.

Eul's Character
Name: Little Seadog
Race: Ferret
Gender: Female
Role: tag-along
Ship: The Blu Tail (if that's ok with you)
Appearance: She is covered in scars and missing an ear and one of her front teeth, her fur and eyes are a dark brown. She wears a red bandana around her forehead and has many golden earings hanging from her ear. She wears a baggy white shirt and her pants are tucked into her worn, black boots. She keeps her rapier in the red sash she wears. Everything she wears is tattered and dirty,
Weapon: her rapier and years of experience.
History: All she knows about herself is that she was taken aboard a vermin ship as an infant by her mother. Her mother died when Seadog was still a baby, and the crew took care of her since then. She was never given a name, and since one of the crew, an otter that was like a father to her, always told her she was growing up into a proper little seadog just like him, she used that name. Her entire life has been spent being at sea or preparing to go back to sea, and when she was old enough, she left her crew and took her own ship. She sailed alone for years, killing, stealing, and following no rules. After a bad storm, she landed and went to work fixing her ship. That's when she heard about the treasure. Wanting to leave right away without waiting for her ship be be repaired, she tagged along with the crew of The Blu Tail.


SaLT's Characters
Name: Alfonso
Race: Blonde Ferret
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Role: First Mate
Ship: Blu Tail
Weapon: An old scimitar and a balanced hatchet.

Appearance: A sly beast by nature Alfonso is strapping, well built, and handsome. His fur is a dirty blonde, and his natural mask is a dark grey, while his eyes are a beautiful, forget-me-not blue that could charm fish out of the ocean. Well experienced with life at sea Alfonso dresses for the part. Clothed in a pair knickers and an old vest, he has very few embellishments beyond a single gold earing. Alfonso carries his weapons thrust into a red sash that he keeps tied around his waist. A matching red bandanna is tied around his ears like a sweatband. Alfonso goes bare pawed as he likes to take the occasional swim.

History: Son of none, and raised on the wharf Alfonso never had it easy. Almost as soon as he could walk Alfonso was thrown into the pirate lifestyle learning to take what he needed, and give nothing back. Fighting for bread crusts and scrapping with those bigger then himself grew Alfonso into a tough independent creature. Very quickly he was hired onto a ship and rose in rank and prestige. His toughness and quick wits aided in his ascension, and thanks to the help of a captured scholar Alfonso managed to teach himself to read and count, though he is no master.
After joining and leaving several different crews under differing captains Alfonso began looking for more rewarding positions. He managed to get himself a First Mate position on the Blu Tail under a skilled captain who commands his respect, but Alfonso isn't one for undying loyalty.

Name: Splint/The Sand Viper
Race: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Role: Crewmember
Ship: The Stallion's Mane

Appearance: Lithe and tall for his species, with sinewy muscles, and dark untrusting eyes Splint or as he is more commonly known, The Sand Viper/Viper is a squirrel in his prime. Splint's fur is golden like the sand, but unlike the rest of his kind he has no tail and trimmed ears. He wears a yellow tunic, tied up with a black leather belt where he carries his hook. He also has black lengths of cloth wrapped around his wrists and ankles to support both from heavy blows. The most noticeable feature however is a large brand burned into his forehead of a crossed dagger blade and fisted paw.

Weapon: A Guard Spear, and a sickle-like hook.

History: Splint never knew his true family, other than his training brothers. As an infant he was inspected and chosen for the pirate fighting ring as a prime candidate to be a gladiator for the pirates' viewing pleasure. His tail was cut, his ears trimmed, along with other necessities to condition him. From that day forward his life was dedicated to die in the ring, as all fighting slaves did. However Splint proved to be an excellent investment, perfectly trained to be loyal to the whip holder, and a dangerous battler in the ring he won his masters numerous victories and his original slave name of Low Worm soon changed to the chanted name of Sand Viper. At seventeen seasons he received the crossed dagger and fist of a seasoned gladiatorial fighter.
As the Viper grew older his current master grew too trusting, no longer using the fabled Sand Viper as a gladiator but as a body guard. On one trip during a costal raid a slave named Sol managed to steal the golden whip that commanded the Viper's loyalty. Using the Viper, Sol managed to finally take out his revenge on the pirates who had enslaved him. However in the slave revolt Sol was mortally wounded, and had the Viper carry him away. In his dying breaths Sol gave the Viper a proper name, and the golden whip essentially giving him his freedom. The newly named Splint however knew little of how to live, and needed a master for all he could do was fight. As fortune would have it he discovered a young mouse Captain close by who was in need of good fighters. After a series of events Splint signed on to the Stallion's Mane and entrusted Duncan Ross with the golden whip, sealing his absolute obedience to the mouse.

Sage's Character
Name: Longclaw
Race: Rat
Gender: Male
Role (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Crew member
Ship: The Blu Tail
Appearance: A moderately sized rat, Longclaw has mottled brown fur.
Weapon: His unusually long claws provide him with an edge in hand-to-hand combat, but he likes to use a cutlass in normal battles. Longclaw prefers quick fights to prolonged ones.
History: Born with an interesting birth defect that turned out to be much more than that, Longclaw started doing mercenary work. Eventually he was snatched up by a traveling horde, which he quickly grew dissatisfied with. After deserting, he joined the Blu Tail crew when he stowed away.

Bat's Characters
Name: Aline the Snake-Slayer
Race: Mongoose
Gender: Female
Role (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Crew member
Ship: Blu Tail
Appearance: Aline is a large mongoose with grey-brown fur and darker stripes over her hindquarters and tail. She is heavily scarred, and has a tattoo of a red line going from her nose to her forehead, with smaller branches going off it. She may not look it, but she does enjoy having the occasional floofy dress. She's usually clothed simply though, in a tunic or a raggedy skirt or something. She's far too poor and busy to have fancy dresses.
Weapon: Her teeth and claws and ferocity. Who needs anything else?
History: Aline was born to a mongoose couple from Southward, and lived a fairly normal childhood. Sure, there was the occasional beating, but what vermin child doesn't have those? She grew up a rebellious child, and the second she deemed she was old enough(about ten in human years), she said sayonara, and left her home behind, traveling north to Mossflower. Along the way, she encountered the horde of Wetch the Destroyer, who was planning to take over this really awesome abbey that couldn't defend itself at all because all the beasts there were so peaceful. She quite liked the idea of having an abbey to live in, and she joined the horde. Her years in the horde were some of the best years of her life. She found some creatures that might be called friends, and one rainy night, the horde was trying to get into the underground tunnels of an adder to stay dry and raid its stash of loot. She, being the only mongoose in the horde and completely confident in her abilities, marched forward and entered the tunnels alone. She found the adder and fought it with her bare paws. She emerged victorious, having been bitten horribly. But, like all mongooses, she is immune to the venom of snakes, and, since the adder did not have the trump card that made it so dangerous to most creatures, it hadn't been able to beat her. This event led to the horde giving her the nickname Snake-Slayer, a title she wore with pride. But, of course, all good times must come to an end. The horde reached Redwall abbey and began their book-long attack against it, before they were defeated by some scrappy young beast wielding the sword of Martin. Of course, Aline didn't know too much about what happened in the abbey. All she knew is that during their final attack on the abbey, when the horde got inside the walls, she was cornered on the ramparts by a vole, and, since she was heavily injured and bleeding, did the first thing that might've been able to save her life, and leapt over the wall and fell to the ground below. She lay there, listening as the day wore on and the sounds of fighting wore down, until they finally stopped. The Redwallers found her that evening, and, demonstrating their famous kind nature, did not actually kill her immediately, surprise surprise. They provided enough care to make sure she didn't die, then turned her back into Mossflower after having her promise to lead a peaceful life and not get involved in any more hordes. She's largely ignored that promise, and instead headed towards the sea and signed onto the Blu Tail, because she doesn't think she'd be able to stand a peaceful, sedentary life. She hopes to do some pirating while she's out on the water too. There's no way the Redwallers will be willing to tell she's not following her promise.

Name: Mechi
Race: Mole
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Role: (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Stowaway
Ship: The Plundered Pirate
Appearance: Mechi is a very small(far more than he should be at his age) mole with thin, patchy dark fur. He's very starved-looking, and wears a kilt that's a little too big around the waist for him now, and a long-sleeved white shirt.
Weapon: Nothing
History: Mechi hails from the Highlands, from a small mole colony, and lived quite happily there. At least until his home was raided by vermin and he was captured for slavery. The highlands is rife with danger, everyone knows that, and it was surprising that it hadn't happened before. Anyway, he was marched all over until his paws were sore and they were in Mossflower. One night, as he was unable to sleep, he was possessed by the realization that dying would be better than living a slave, and he was possessed with the idea that he should just leave. If he died, so be it. And he did, he left. Being chased by several angry vermin and wishing he hadn't left and had just stayed alive back there as a slave. He's been running for a while, and still believes the vermin to be hot on his tail, so when he came to the port, he did the unthinkable to a land-loving mole and boarded the first ship he saw to get away from them. Of course, knowing the sort of characters Grod makes up, it's out of the frying pan and into the fire with him.

Cap'n's Characters

ame: Roc Streambattle
Race: Otter
Gender: Male
Role : Captain of a small ship
Ship: SCH Endeavor (A small Schooner ship)
Appearance :  A tall, well trained Otter, who is both cunning but at the same time a well-trained fighter. He wears a white truffled shirt with a brown leather vest over it. His bottom paws are outfitted with tall black polished boots, and he wears well-worn brown pants. He has a witty sense of humor but when the time is needed he puts on a dangerous glare and becomes a fearsome warrior.
Weapon: On his back, he carries two simple, well polished, leather-hilted Rapiers which he has decent skills at. His primary weapon, however, is his dangerous hand-to-hand combat skills.
History: He grew up on the North Shores to a medium sized Sea Otter Holt. His father was the Skipper of the holt and everyone expected him to grow up and take his dad's place as Skipper. However, he didn't want anything to do with being in charge. When he was old enough, he left his holt on a good note and set off with his best friend Folmar the Squirell, who was a deadeye with a bow, to explore the world. Together, they both found their love of the sea and ever since have been building up there privateering services, which only consist of the two of them and their ship, taking on jobs from Tribes, Holts, Clans and even once from Salamandastron. Currently, they have set off on a journey of their own trying to find a mysterious treasure.

Name: Folmar Deadeye
Race: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Role : First Mate of a small ship
Ship: SCH Endeavor (A small Schooner ship)
Appearance :  He is a medium-sized squirrel with an average tail, He has a slight scar on his chin from a misfire while practicing his archery. He wears a simple white ruffled shirt and baggy brown pants. He is incredibly strong for his size. However, he hardly ever uses strength due to his deadeye bow skills.
Weapon: He has a quiver of arrows over his should, and carries a small light bow on his left. With a small sharp dagger on his right.
History: He born in a village right off the North Shores, When he was young his village was attacked by Vermin, who chased off or killed the inhabitants. The only reason he escaped was due to the fact of his quickness and agility. He wandered around the North Shores for days after the attack. before he finally ran into Roc's Holt. The Otters took him in and raised him as one of their own, however, He never could get used to the otter weapons and still uses his small bow his father taught him with. After him and Roc left the holt they have been offering their Privateering services all throughout the ocean. He can never distinguish whenever it's time to joke or time to be serious. Often making Jokes in the heat of battle, He and Roc make a good team.

Groddil's Characters

Name: Verenya Haresbane
Race: Fox
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Role (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Captain
Ship: The Plundered Pirate
Appearance: Verenya is tall, thin, and her coat is bright orange. She wears a thick, green overcoat encrusted with precious stones and trimmed with silver. Around her waist is a sharkskin belt, with the ears of numerous hares buckled onto it. Several knives, sickles, and other small blades are thrust into her belt.
Weapon: When engaged in close combat, Verenya has a shining, gold-encrusted morning star, along with a small buckler shield. Otherwise, she prefers to engage her foes from afar with her large longbow (once belonging to a Long Patrol Hare) and quiver of arrows flecked with green feathers.
History: Verenya was born in the Highlands, in a neighboring colony to Marshall's. When Marshall's colony was attacked, her colony joined the attackers to destroy their neighbors. Some time later, Verenya took a small band of vermin south, to find plenty. Ignoring Redwall Abbey, the vixen decided that she needed to find a ship and sail across the Western Sea, to find some sort of paradise to rule over. It was at Salamandastron that the fox and her lackeys came across a magnificent, three masted ship, a Barque. The ship had been captured by the Long Patrol when it ran aground, and that night, Verenya's band made their way to the ship and managed to push her out to sea. When a group of scouts came to investigate, the vixen slew them all, mostly from afar, earning her name. See took the weapons of one hare, a longbow and morning star taken from some vermin lord. After numerous seasons raiding the coasts, collecting supplies and crewmembers, the Plundered Pirate finally set out towards the deep ocean. Whilst attempting to cross it, the vixen found a map to treasure amongst the burning remains of an island mouse colony. Now, her sights are fixed on a different prize...

Name: Filthface
Race: Pine Marten
Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult
Role (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Stowaway
Ship: SCH Endeavor (A small Schooner ship)
Appearance: Filthface is short and bulky, but is quicker than he looks. The marten's fur has a very course texture, and is mottled brown and black. A huge splatter of tar has dried solid on his head, due to the vermin dislike of bathing. Hence, the name. He wears a ragged tunic and a frayed rope cord as a belt.
Weapon: Has a rusted dagger, but it isn't a very good weapon.
History: Filthface was born into a vermin horde shortly before they disbanded and went their separate ways. The young one, with no living parents to raise him, ran off into the woods with other vermin babes, where he had been living until a few seasons ago. The marten has little social skills because of this, and stowed away on the SCH Endeavor to try and find food.

Fatch's Characters
Name: Duncan Ross
Race: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: Mature
Role: (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Captain
Ship: The Stallion's Mane
Appearance: A well built mouse, with an air of authority - even among creatures far larger than him. His clothes are faded and ripped in places - results of a constant struggle with the wind and waves. He has auburn fur with a white underbelly. His eyes are grim and unforgiving.
Weapon: A sword latched to his waist.
History: Duncan lost his home, friends and family to corsairs. He stowed away on various ships trying to find a ship of his own to take revenge until he was caught. He spent years as an oarslave aboard various pirate ships - traded from one master to another due to his fierceness. For some strange reason, every ship he was aboard seemed to have ill fortune in store for the masters. Overseers were tossed overboard, captains beaten. The chains couldn't hold Duncan Ross, and in the end he led a mutiny that took an obtuse pirate captain by surprise. The ship was taken, but crippled in the process. The former slaves found themselves shipwrecked just down-shore from the largest port in the south. They journeyed there, built up a fortune from hard work, and managed to build themselves a ship. It features a wooden build with billowing white sails. Many former oar slaves make up the upper ranks of the crew. The Stallion's Mane under Duncan has one mission only - to stop every plot of the corsairs. Duncan captured a pirate ship recently, and was lucky enough to discover a treasure map. His friendly discussion with the enemy captain told him everything he needed to know. He was going to be first to the treasure, he was going to sink the pirates, and he was going to toss every last coin that he didn't give to his crew into the depths of the sea.

Name: Vance Reigh
Race: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Role: (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): First mate
Ship: The Stallion's Mane
Appearance: A brown furred mouse with a white under belly. He is taller than most mice, and always has a faint look of amusement in the right corner of his mouth.
Weapon: A long rapier, always at his side.
History: Vance has been with Duncan for a long time. He alone seems capable of stopping Duncan from being to cruel with the vermin they capture together. He was there when the pirates destroyed Duncan's home, and lost his own family there as well. He was separated from Duncan for a long time, but fate brought him to a pub, where the two were reunited and Vance enlisted on the Stallion's Mane. Vance keeps a cooler head than Duncan, but there is little mercy for thieving pirate scum on his mind. In his reasoning, they are only getting what's coming to them. He prevents torture and murder in cold blood alone. He is quite happy to sink the pirate ships, and equally pleased to maroon the motley crews on desolate beaches.

So yeah, I know this isn't the best idea, but its just for fun. Nothing complex, or heavy, just pirates. Hope you join!

- PoM, the Poet
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


This sounds fun, I'll join!

Name: Little Seadog
Race: Ferret
Gender: Female
Role: tag-along
Ship: The Blu Tail (if that's ok with you)
Appearance: She is covered in scars and missing an ear and one of her front teeth, her fur and eyes are a dark brown. She wears a red bandana around her forehead and has many golden earings hanging from her ear. She wears a baggy white shirt and her pants are tucked into her worn, black boots. She keeps her rapier in the red sash she wears. Everything she wears is tattered and dirty,
Weapon: her rapier and years of experience.
History: All she knows about herself is that she was taken aboard a vermin ship as an infant by her mother. Her mother died when Seadog was still a baby, and the crew took care of her since then. She was never given a name, and since one of the crew, an otter that was like a father to her, always told her she was growing up into a proper little seadog just like him, she used that name. Her entire life has been spent being at sea or preparing to go back to sea, and when she was old enough, she left her crew and took her own ship. She sailed alone for years, killing, stealing, and following no rules. After a bad storm, she landed and went to work fixing her ship. That's when she heard about the treasure. Wanting to leave right away without waiting for her ship be be repaired, she tagged along with the crew of The Blu Tail.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

LT Sandpaw

I'm all for it PoM. ;)

Name: Alfonso
Race: Blonde Ferret
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Role: First Mate
Ship: Blu Tail
Weapon: An old scimitar and a balanced hatchet.

Appearance: A sly beast by nature Alfonso is strapping, well built, and handsome. His fur is a dirty blonde, and his natural mask is a dark grey, while his eyes are a beautiful, forget-me-not blue that could charm fish out of the ocean. Well experienced with life at sea Alfonso dresses for the part. Clothed in a pair knickers and an old vest, he has very few embellishments beyond a single gold earing. Alfonso carries his weapons thrust into a red sash that he keeps tied around his waist. A matching red bandanna is tied around his ears like a sweatband. Alfonso goes bare pawed as he likes to take the occasional swim.

History: Son of none, and raised on the wharf Alfonso never had it easy. Almost as soon as he could walk Alfonso was thrown into the pirate lifestyle learning to take what he needed, and give nothing back. Fighting for bread crusts and scrapping with those bigger then himself grew Alfonso into a tough independent creature. Very quickly he was hired onto a ship and rose in rank and prestige. His toughness and quick wits aided in his ascension, and thanks to the help of a captured scholar Alfonso managed to teach himself to read and count, though he is no master.
After joining and leaving several different crews under differing captains Alfonso began looking for more rewarding positions. He managed to get himself a First Mate position on the Blu Tail under a skilled captain who commands his respect, but Alfonso isn't one for undying loyalty.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Gonff the Mousethief

Both of you are accepted! And those are mighty fine characters! Also, I guess we can start when there are maybe five or six people and at lease one other ship.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

LT Sandpaw

Me and Eul have very similar characters. :P

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Gonff the Mousethief

Yeah, I noticed that and saw it quite odd, especially down to the same color of the scabbard. You can change it if you want, but there could be some cool connection there.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


"Marrrshallll, Alfonso's copying me again!" "Marrrshaaaaal, make Alfonso stop repeating everything I saaaaay!" "Maaarrrrrshaaaallll, make Alfonso walk the plank, he keeps taking my food!"

Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Name: Longclaw
Race: Rat
Gender: Male
Role (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Crew member
Ship: The Blu Tail
Appearance: A moderately sized rat, Longclaw has mottled brown fur.
Weapon: His unusually long claws provide him with an edge in hand-to-hand combat, but he likes to use a cutlass in normal battles. Longclaw prefers quick fights to prolonged ones.
History: Born with an interesting birth defect that turned out to be much more than that, Longclaw started doing mercenary work. Eventually he was snatched up by a traveling horde, which he quickly grew dissatisfied with. After deserting, he joined the Blu Tail crew when he stowed away.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Gonff the Mousethief

Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on July 06, 2016, 08:23:47 PM
"Marrrshallll, Alfonso's copying me again!" "Marrrshaaaaal, make Alfonso stop repeating everything I saaaaay!" "Maaarrrrrshaaaallll, make Alfonso walk the plank, he keeps taking my food!"

Watch that literally be the whole RP  ;D

And Sage, your character is accepted!
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Aimless Gallivanter

I think I'd like to join? I just need to come up with a character and scrounge up some confidence to actually join ha ha ^^;
im gay!!!!!!

Gonff the Mousethief

We'd love to have you Galli! And no worries, this is a light RP with little plot, so there is no heavy story to follow. More a free flowing RP. I'm sure you will have a blast  ;).
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Why did her history grow so long? I like it though. She'll be fun to play.

I might also make another ship+crew if some folks would be willing to make characters on it.

Name: Aline the Snake-Slayer
Race: Mongoose
Gender: Female
Role (Captain, First Mate, tag-along): Crew member
Ship: Blu Tail
Appearance: Aline is a large mongoose with grey-brown fur and darker stripes over her hindquarters and tail. She is heavily scarred, and has a tattoo of a red line going from her nose to her forehead, with smaller branches going off it. She may not look it, but she does enjoy having the occasional floofy dress. She's usually clothed simply though, in a tunic or a raggedy skirt or something. She's far too poor and busy to have fancy dresses.
Weapon: Her teeth and claws and ferocity. Who needs anything else?
History: Aline was born to a mongoose couple from Southward, and lived a fairly normal childhood. Sure, there was the occasional beating, but what vermin child doesn't have those? She grew up a rebellious child, and the second she deemed she was old enough(about ten in human years), she said sayonara, and left her home behind, traveling north to Mossflower. Along the way, she encountered the horde of Wetch the Destroyer, who was planning to take over this really awesome abbey that couldn't defend itself at all because all the beasts there were so peaceful. She quite liked the idea of having an abbey to live in, and she joined the horde. Her years in the horde were some of the best years of her life. She found some creatures that might be called friends, and one rainy night, the horde was trying to get into the underground tunnels of an adder to stay dry and raid its stash of loot. She, being the only mongoose in the horde and completely confident in her abilities, marched forward and entered the tunnels alone. She found the adder and fought it with her bare paws. She emerged victorious, having been bitten horribly. But, like all mongooses, she is immune to the venom of snakes, and, since the adder did not have the trump card that made it so dangerous to most creatures, it hadn't been able to beat her. This event led to the horde giving her the nickname Snake-Slayer, a title she wore with pride. But, of course, all good times must come to an end. The horde reached Redwall abbey and began their book-long attack against it, before they were defeated by some scrappy young beast wielding the sword of Martin. Of course, Aline didn't know too much about what happened in the abbey. All she knew is that during their final attack on the abbey, when the horde got inside the walls, she was cornered on the ramparts by a vole, and, since she was heavily injured and bleeding, did the first thing that might've been able to save her life, and leapt over the wall and fell to the ground below. She lay there, listening as the day wore on and the sounds of fighting wore down, until they finally stopped. The Redwallers found her that evening, and, demonstrating their famous kind nature, did not actually kill her immediately, surprise surprise. They provided enough care to make sure she didn't die, then turned her back into Mossflower after having her promise to lead a peaceful life and not get involved in any more hordes. She's largely ignored that promise, and instead headed towards the sea and signed onto the Blu Tail, because she doesn't think she'd be able to stand a peaceful, sedentary life. She hopes to do some pirating while she's out on the water too. There's no way the Redwallers will be willing to tell she's not following her promise.

Aimless Gallivanter

im gay!!!!!!

Gonff the Mousethief

You are accepted BatLord! And yeah, I could make a quick small character for another ship if needed. Oh, and that History was very good. Much more Redwall like than mine  ;D
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Aimless Gallivanter

Name: Coop
Race: Stoat
Gender: Male
Role: Pirate
Ship: The Blu Tail
Appearance : A bit bigger and stronger than your average stoat, he's got a constant glare on his face. A bit intimating. He loses as many fights as he wins, with many scars to show for them. He wears no shirt or shoes, just pants, a belt, and a loose fitting vest.
Weapon: Likes to use his bare fists, but if that's not practical then a war-hammer will serve to bludgeon his enemy just fine.
History: As a youngbeast, he was left on his own for being a runt, and he had to learn to fight well to survive. He grew strong, aggressive, and bigger as he got older. As soon as he could, he signed on for piracy, fitting in well with the savage crews, getting into more than enough fights. At some point, his ship suffered a serious storm, and the survivors disbanded. He hid his past of piracy, and, being a very experienced sailor, managed to land a place on a private trading ship, The Highlander. His anger issues and proneness to fights nearly got him kicked out of the crew on several occasions. The incident with a certain raccoon, in which he very nearly lost his life, left him without a ship once again, but instead of disbanding with the remainder of the crew, he followed Marshall to yet another piracy gig. This served him just fine, and he owed the captain his life. He is fiercely loyal to the blue fox, and believes the captain is well worth that respect. Coop is angry and of average intelligence. Watch what you say around him, he might make a go at you. He's committed and reliable, but irritable and hot-tempered.
im gay!!!!!!