This Chapter Has Ended

Started by Matthias720, October 12, 2018, 06:03:54 PM

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It is with a heavy heart, I must announce my resignation as administrator of the Redwall Abbey Community Forum. After agonizing over the decision, I have come to the conclusion that my time has come and I must step down.

I wish to thank you all for putting up with me these past 7 years. This community has meant the world to me and has been a source of pride and joy since the day I was promoted. I am proud of who we are and what we stand for, and it is my hope that in the years to come many more people will find this special place and decide to call it home.

Back in June 2011, on an evening mere months after Brian's passing, I checked his website, and to my delight, I found a forum had been implemented, along with the general site redesign. I joined the next day. During the week that followed, I eagerly waited for each new post on the one board we had. To my pleasant surprise, within less than two weeks of the forum going live, I had been appointed as a global moderator.  From there, Taggerung_of_Redwall and The Lady Shael joined me, and we set to work building the foundation of what you see before you. The forum rules, general layout and names for boards, and a system of interaction were all designed and created based on our previous forum experiences and the needs of the community. Many hours and days were spent tweaking things that didn't work and adding things we hoped would. The forum grew steadily, eventually becoming what you see before you now.

Over time, more staff were added. Boards created to reflect necessary additions to our layout. And although things look different to how they were back then, the same foundation, the same...spark, still exists. I love this forum. It was not just my own blood, sweat, and tears that made this place, but the collective effort of everyone who has ever visited. That accomplishment is worthy of all the respect and praise I can give. So even though I feel possessive of the forum, it could only exist because of all of you.

Looking towards the days to come, I cannot say for certain what will happen, but it is my hope that the Redwall Forum continues on for years and years. So in light of my departure, I am promoting Captain Tammo to the role of administrator. I believe his vision can be a guiding force towards a bright future. Please give him the same respect that you gave to me.

As for myself, I am not leaving completely. I'll still pop in regularly, even if I don't post. But my current circumstances do not allow me to be as active as I have been in years past, so I must remain content with the time and access I currently have. If any of you need anything of me, please PM me anytime. I will no longer be staff, but I will gladly offer what I can for either questions or conersation, as my schedule allows.

In conclusion, as my time has come to close, I must express my profound gratitude for everything this forum has done for me and done for others. I know I have made friendships here that will last me for years to come. Thank you for the opportunities you have all allowed me to have, and I wish you all the best moving forward. And for the last time, I offer you all a heartfelt cry of REDWAAAAALLLLL!!!!

(Former) Redwall Abbey Community Forum Administrator

The time has come to take my leave
Though it's unpleasant to depart
My mind holds memories that weave
Strong emotions held in my heart

Each person here forged their own link
Experiences together bound
Still as I stand here on the brink
Regret is all that can be found

Yet here I am with thoughts wondered
About what might have come to pass
Of actions I might have blundered
Or of success performed with class

But if I give into my woes
And surrender for any length
Then I give power to my foes
Handing away all of my strength

And so I must remain content
Questions unanswered unaffirmed
Given with my dear friends' assent
I leave my tenure well confirmed

So I mark this time is ending
To everyone I bid farewell
Into the world I go wending
To Joseph's final ringing knell

Fingers grasping with future held
Memories precious one and all
The final time through gates unfelled
A hearty cry rings out REDWALL!

Captain Tammo

I'll take this as an opportunity to hop in while taking as little from the moment as possible. Matto, it's sincerely been a pleasure working alongside and being mentored by you and the team! People don't see all the work going on behind the scenes to keep things running, and it's an exciting job to have grown into. I think of it like watching the complexions in a robust clock tick from the inside instead of from a view of the face. Your work has left its mark on the forum and you're leaving with a strong reputation. Well done! Now it's my turn to pick up where you left off and get back to work. If you need me, I'll be in the abbey workshop with the rest of the staff, tinkering together some new projects ;) Anyone is welcome to stop by via PM and say hello and see what's coming up. Looking forward to working with you guys!
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


Thank you again Matti for all you've done for the past seven years.  I've enjoyed all seven years serving on staff with you!  Best of luck in whatever the future may bring you. :)
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra