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Redwall Isn't Safe Anymore! (Is Redwall as Safe as they Say it is? Part Two)

Started by Ashleg, February 18, 2016, 09:53:08 PM

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LT Sandpaw

The mad-eyed bird snatched spears from the paws of Vigil soldiers, landing amongst them only just avoiding the bolts that streaked past. Knowing the danger of such weapons Grah focused her battle rage on getting close the crossbow beasts. Tearing through a squirrel's face and goring a hedgehog in the stomach, Grah fought her way to where Benyo and Shadowmay stood. Her oily, blood soaked feathers offered her little protection from the blades that swung out of every direction and already she had sustained several wounds.

"Craaaaaaah die earthcrawlers!" She screamed in fury, sweeping her wings around to knock both the fox and shrew off their footpaws.


Picking himself up, aided by Petu, Bracklew made a point of not looking at Rapshade. The young squirrel didn't pity the ferret's plight, but he knew Rapshade's tricks well and he was confident the ferret intended on taking advantage of Grant's honorable spirit.
"We ought to get Rayne, somewhere..." The sounds of ebbing fighting could be heard outside, either the vermin or the woodlanders were winning. "We ought to ask the remaining vermin fighters to surrender." Bracklew suggested nodding towards the felled Alfhild. "Their leader is slain, they should give in."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"Do you want to go deliver that message, Bracklew?" the Abbot inquired.
"The sooner this is over, the better. They have lost."

Duncan lifted Rapshade to his paws.
"Fang and Petu can help with Rayne while I take care of this vermin."


Benyo dropped to the snow and bolted back up.
He'd avoided Grah's attacks so far, but how long could he hold up?
Narrowing his eyes, he nimbly raced her, sword poised.


Shadomay was pushed backwards by Grah's wings. She fell back towards the ground, rolling over her shoulder to a crouch, and fired another arrow. The soldiers who had not been killed by the crow ran towards the bird, weapons raised.

LT Sandpaw

The arrow was too close to miss. The full force of the shaft tore through Grah's raised wing, continuing on along the remainder of its short journey. The great bird immediately reeled back, squawking in pain. Holding the damaged wing close to her body Grah once again launched herself into battle, large droplets sprinkled in every which direction as she stabbed out at anybeast that came too close.

Even landlocked, the crow proved to be more than a match for the Vigil creatures, slaying them one by one. Ragged but alive she once again attacked Shadowmay her massive talons slashing horizontally to try and knock the bow away.


"Are you sure?" Bracklew asked, leaving Rayne's side to collect his sword taking the time to wipe it clean on his tunic. Though rust could not damage the wondrous blade it didn't bode well for a fighter to leave his sword stained. The task took longer then Bracklew expected and left his already ruined clothing smeared in gore. Hopefully he'd be able to change out of the soiled winter tunic later.
"I'm hurt and I can barely think straight right now Father Abbot..." It was best to be honest, no one-pawed, weary eyed, juvenile squirrel would convince many vermin to surrender. "Somebeast else would be better suited to it, Aver or Duncan, or Gruddil or, someone..."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"I'm the most fit one in here, so I should watch Rappy. Hmm..." Duncan thought deeply, at last coming up with an idea. "Mayhaps all we need is to roll Alfhild's head out where they can see it. Nobeast can deny what they see for themselves."

"Good idea," said Grant, but he didn't know if any of them would be willing to touch that. He shuddered inside, muttering to himself, "Winter of the White Sky, more like the winter where everybeast dies..."


Shadomay threw the bow forwards into Grah's talons, and stabbed at the crow with a dagger. Other soldiers either nursed wounds or lashed at the bird, going on adrenaline alone.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Try fire ;)

Snatching back her talon to avoid the dagger, Grah leapt after the bow crushing the irritating weapon underclaw. Hissing like a serpent the great bird reengaged in battle, stabbing towards the vixen with her beak.


Disgusted by the prospect, but knowing it very well could be a good idea Bracklew knelt by the severed head, scrunching his nose up in repulsion.
"Uugh, I don't want to carry it, make Rapshade carry it, he was acting chief right? Once the vermin see him surrendering and their commander dead they'll give in."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"I don' wanna hold it!" Rapshade yelped. "They ne'er respected me anyway. Come on!"

Duncan twisted the ferret's arm.
"Silence in the ranks, there, Quickblade. We want submission from you. Otherwise, there's always Gruddil. He could teach ya. Your choice, what'll it be?"

Blinking rapidly, Rapshade bent to pick up the head. He stifled a moan of disgust and bit on his tongue.

Duncan nodded approvingly.
"See? It's better already. Bracklew, I'll take him. You can keep doing this."
He walked the limping ferret out the door.

When they were gone, Fang cast a glance at Petu and the Abbot.
"Thanks fer sayin' somethin'."


Shadomay screamed as the crow's beak dug into arm. As she tried to push the crow back, the beak continued to peck roughly. Other soldiers tried to help the vixen, but many were struck down, dead or otherwise.


At the bottom of a nearby stairwell, a pile of corpses shifted slightly. The body of a rat flopped to the ground as a small, bloodied hamster crawled out. Trapped in amongst the fighting, Gukom had been ignored by most of the living. The dead; however, did not care where they landed, and the hamster had eventually become pinned underneath the corpse pile. Now; however, the sight of Grah ravaging Shadomay made the vixen gulp. He looked around for some kind of weapon. Anything. The hamster's paw reached shakily for the nearest object. A lit torch, slotted into a wall bracket. The hamster snatched the flaming stick and ran towards Grah, swinging the torch towards the huge crow.

LT Sandpaw

Raising her feathered head to deliver the finishing blow, Grah stalled, a single black eye swiveling towards the golden glow her peripheral vision had caught. The crow didn't have many fears, but all birds had a healthy caution of the flames and Grah was no exception.

Hopping away from Gukom the bird retreated, unable to fly away from the hamster's makeshift weapon due to her wounded wing. Grah screeched and hissed clacking her beak and slashing with her talons, going so far as to suck her feathers in to avoid being touched at all costs.
"Caaaah, Krah kill! Krah kill it! Back craaaah!"


"Hmmph, he doesn't deserve it, ferret almost killed poor Rayne." Petu groused, patting Fang on the shoulder before going off to help Rayne. Bracklew had gone with Duncan to escort Rapshade and his bloody cargo, leaving the rabbit to care for the wounded mouse healer. "I'll take her up to your room Abbot Grant, I guess the infirmary wont be usable until all the prisoners are dealt with. Give me a paw carrying her Fang, after today, her skills will be invaluable."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"'M not too strong," Fang muttered, though he tried awkwardly to prop the mouse up by her paws.
"But at least she's alive, right? Y'lead th' way, Petu."

Grant watched them go and then turned and stalked off. He was sure not to touch Alfhild's headless body...he had to have that removed at once.
"Drubble?" the Abbot called, padding through the halls. Where was that mole?


Ignoring his stinging wounds, Rapshade practically ran ahead of Duncan and Bracklew so that he got to the door first. "Aerrgh, think I'm gonna be sick," the ferret whined, stumbling out into the snow.
He could feel his aunt's blood soaking into his paws...and it was leaving a trail, too, no doubt he'd be the one to clean that up.

"Stop complaining!" Duncan growled. "You're the one who chose to do her in like that."
Pointing a gray paw at the small group still engaged in the fight, the hare glanced at Bracklew.
"Y'think we should have him wait 'till that big crow's gone, or intervene now? She looks powerful."

Rapshade sniffed. "She was one of t' leaders, so she's powerful. Er, Sir."

LT Sandpaw

"Do you think she'd surrender?" Bracklew asked, his paw clutching at the hilt of his sword. From what he knew of the bird the situation wasn't good. She could be slain like any other beast, but at what cost?
"There's still some other vermin fighting to the bitter end over there, we could confront them while the Vigil finish off the crow."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"No..." Rapshade murmured, though quietly because he couldn't quite tell if the question was directed at him or at Duncan.
There was a snort from beside him. His escort thought that Bracklew's idea was clever.
"Seems simple enough, Brack." said Duncan as he pushed the ferret captive over there.

Upon release, Rapshade swayed on his paws, barely able to focus on the head and the confused-looking vermin who had now just noticed the three.
"A'fild's dead," he announced, slurred. He suddenly released his grip on it and it fell in front of his footpaws.

Duncan elbowed Bracklew. "What in the bloomin'...look at him tip. Something's not right."

The vermin soldiers had stopped fighting and were watching in fear, awe--or for some, interest.
A few broke and ran, but one of the more daring raised a claw in question.

"Who killed 'er?"

Rapshade didn't answer. He fainted clean away, fell flat on his nose.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: I was waiting for Groddil to post, but it seems he might unable to at the moment. We might have to wait for his return before continuing.


"Erm, I think he's out cold." Bracklew nudged Rapshade's still form with his footpaw, a worried grimace on his face. That threw a acorn in their plans. The young squirrel could guess what had floored the ferret pirate, the blood loss from his wounds could kill him without immediate care, care that wasn't available at the moment, nor did Bracklew suspect many would be willing to give such treatment. Bracklew considered allowing Rapshade to bleed out, letting him to die naturally. How many beasts and friends had Rapshade killed? No one would object to the ferret dying in such a manner, not even the hot tempered Gruddil or the peace minded Grant. Not even Petu or Fang could object because Rapshade would simply perish from his already sustained injuries...

Sighing Bracklew knelt down, removing his scarf and stopping up the ferret's wound. "This is for my paw and my life, my debt is repaid." He whispered to the unconscious Rapshade. This done, Bracklew stood, laying his paw on Martin's sword. "I slew Alfhild, with this blade." He cast a glance towards Gruddil and Duncan, hoping they'd go along with his ploy. "And I'll do the same to each vermin that continues fighting, throw down your weapons and you'll be spared. There's nothing for you to gain anymore, this battle is over!"
Weeks of pretending to be stronger than he was finally came back to assist Bracklew. He was quite efficient now at sounding more confident then he felt, and he did so now, staring the vermin in the eye, demanding they surrender, and wishing he could be anywhere else but here.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Gukom backed away slightly from the bird, holding the torch in front of him. Shadomay groaned, clutching her foreleg and struggling to her feet. Behind Grah, Charm's group of soldiers burst through the Abbey door. With the enemy inside dealt with, the otter glanced across the lawns at the stragglers of both armies that still fought on wearily. Charm spotted Gukom and Shadomay confronting Grah and pointed.
"Looks like if we kill the bird, that'll be the last of 'em."
She readied her javelin.
The soldiers nodded.
"Let's get 'er."
Weapons raised, the survivors charged Grah.