Sign-Ups for the Third Official Redwall Abbey RP Tournament

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 10, 2013, 01:21:31 AM

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This board will not be unlocked. Please read what follows so you will be ready to apply.


Short list of info:
Sign-ups open Feb. 11th and close Feb. 22nd
You will be assigned your character by: Feb. 25th
Tournament begins: March 1st

Welcome to the 3rd Official Redwall Abbey Role Playing Tournament!
Crossed Swords

It has been two seasons (years) since the departure of Luke the Warrior. Luke's son Martin has traveled far from the coast lands. The inhabitants of the caves have been on their own, without a warrior for far too many seasons. Through this time, more beasts immigrated to the cave dwellings. Not just mice but also hedgehogs, moles, and squirrels. It was decided that a new set of warriors to protect the cave dwellings should be formed. These were beasts strong of spirit and full of courage. They were called:

The Swords of Freedom

The sea holds no limits for the types of beasts that choose to sail her. This is why various pirate and slaver ships cut the icy waters of the northlands. One day a pirate vessel, home to a blood thirsty crew and the most vile of captains, made its way towards the cave dwellings of Luke. After slaying a crew of northland otters in a horrible battle, the pirate Captain Visefang the Red is out for blood. Slaying the otter crew lost Visefang half his beasts, more than enough to incur the need for revenge upon good beasts. The ship now rests, not two leagues from the cave dwelling shore. Should they get to the cave dwellings, they would plunder, kill, and steal slaves in rapid succession. This vessel is known as:

The Blood Spine

Who will you side with? For which group of beasts would you role play? The protectors of the cave dwellings, or the crew of the pirate Visefang the Red?

Original idea for this tournament comes from the first role play contest winner: DanielofRedwall!

Yes I do know there have been two rp tournaments both called the "first". My original idea was to have story type competitions known as contests and fighting type competitions called tournaments. I changed my mind, they are all tournaments now :D


To reserve your spot in the tournament PM Brookskimmer with your top three choices. Do not make a character sheet yet. You will be given a role based on your requests on Feb 25th at the latest. At that point you will be asked to make a character sheet.

This tournament will combine story role playing with duel role playing. Please be ready for both to take place in this tournament!

Rules and prizes for the tournament will be posted before the tournament begins. Tentative start date is March 1st.


Below you will see which characters are available to choose for the upcoming tournament.  Please PM your top three choices to BrookSkimmer on or after Feb 11th.

You may not enter a character you already role play on this site into the tournament.

Swords of Freedom

Female Mouse 1
Female Mouse 2
Male Mouse 1
Male Mouse 2
Female Hedgehog
Male Hedgehog
Male Mole
Female Squirrel 1
Female Squirrel 2
Male Squirrel

Blood Spine Crew

Male Monitor Lizard
Male Stoat
Female Stoat
Male Weasel 1
Male Weasel 2
Female Rat
Male Rat
Female Ferret
Male Fox
Female Fox




The following positions are the only ones left to choose from for new entrants:

Female Mouse
Male Hedgehog
Female Stoat
Female Rat
Male Rat



Here is where we are at as far as turned in applications:

Swords of Freedom

Female Mouse 1 *received*
Female Mouse 2 OPEN
Male Mouse 1 *received*
Male Mouse 2 *received*
Female Hedgehog *received*
Male Hedgehog * received*
Male Mole *received*
Female Squirrel 1 *received*
Female Squirrel 2 *received*
Female Squirrel 3 *received*

Blood Spine Crew

Male Monitor Lizard *received*
Female Stoat 1*received*
Female Stoat 2 *received*
Male Weasel 1 *received*
Male Weasel 2 *received*
Female Rat OPEN
Male Rat  *pending*
Female Ferret *received*
Male Fox *received*
Female Fox *received*
Visefang the Red *received*

Also, info update. There was a mistake in the assigning of characters and thus we have three female squirrels and two female stoats. I don't think it should be a problem.  :)
