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Empire Rising - OOC and signup thread STILL OPEN PLEASE REPLY FOR DETAILS

Started by Hickory, June 13, 2016, 02:16:31 AM

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It's okay. Even if you do get to be the Jedi of the group you'll get your lightsaber later. For now, just choose a different weapon and rank.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Urrrh, okay...
What are the ranks again? >.<


Well, your character's basically a fighter/infiltrator type. Make him a soldier.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Then he's a soldier with a blaster.
Although I can really only imagine him using something swordlike, but oh well.


There is a sword option. Soldiers don't always use blasters.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.



Okee. Make any edits to your post first...
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.



The reason I didn't give him a Shord before was because you said it was for brawny beasts and I imagined him quite small...oh well.


Well, that was a general guideline.

Anyway, it's all fixed.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Fatch of Southsward

I've edited in my sheets. Anything I should be worried about?
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


All good, but I'll have to edit the bad Guy's profile so he commands the Inquisitor's ship. He'll still get it though. ;)
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Sandpaw's Cast

Name: Lieutenant Lacy Keen
Gender: Female
Species: Rat
Age: 20
Appearance: Lacy is short, and rather slim with dark black fur and yellow eyes. Her large ears keep up a constant movement, and she has an eager look to her, as if she is excited to be doing anything.

Clothing: Lacy wears the standard issue, officers, service uniform for a large mouse, as rats' aren't usually officers, or even soldiers in the Republic army for that matter. However it fits well enough and has a silver cord along the left shoulder that marks her as an administrative officer, and pilot wings above her right pocket. Strapped on her right leg is a pistol holster which looks very new, and well-polished. Every part of the uniform looks well cared for, if a bit small, and Lacy wears it with pride.

Weapon: Low power, blaster pistol.
Other equipment: None

Personality: Lacy is an energetic, smart, logistical thinking individual. She is highly motivated and optimistic, and while she is still a new pilot, and officer fresh out of the academy and flight school she is already showing her capability. Lacy made it very clear she wasn't going to listen to the doubters, and try's her best to fit in with the larger woodlander crowd. She can be a bit overbearing, and somewhat of a know it all at times, which doesn't help her social issues. Should she start messing up in a high risk situation she can get flustered, and sometimes even panic.

History: Lacy grew up with her older brother in a poor neighborhood, the two young rats, from an early age started showing promise. Lacy in particular was seen as far smarter, and more capable then most woodlanders her age. Then, when she was only six her brother and father disappeared, never to be seen again. Her father had been working with an engineering company building ships, and while he didn't make much he had done well to support his little family. Hurt by her husband's disappearance Lacy's mother fell ill and died soon after, leaving the lonely, seven season old ratling on her own. However even in foster care Lacy seemed determined to make the best of things, and help other creatures like herself. At seventeen, with an impressive track record from school and a Youth Military program Lacy entered the Naval Space Academy and graduated with honors at the top of her class two seasons later. She was one of the first rats to do so since the academy allowed vermin species to enter. After a season of pilot's school she graduated that and moved on to take an Administrative position in the hopes of making the world a better place.

Position: Administrative Assistant/Pilot
Other: N/A

Name: Captain Jade Keen
Gender: Male
Species: Rat
Age: 24

Appearance: Tall, well built, he could be considered handsome for a rat, Jade has an imperious look about him. He radiates confidence in his step, and carries the calm, unamused face of a lawyer. His muzzle is long and pointy, his fur a dirty blonde, and his eyes a cold yellow.

Clothing: Jade wears a tight fitting black uniform with very little detail on it. His only decoration is a small silver insignia on his shoulder that marks him as a captain. Tall black boots and a black cap are his only other clothing. However around his waist is a double hip blaster holster, and shord sheath which are attached to a utility belt.

Weapon: Twin high powered blaster pistols, and a shord.

Other equipment: A pair of paw cuffs, some bacta, a small personal energy shield, long rage binoculars with thermal, and a communication device pinned to his left shoulder.

Personality: Brooding, and purposely mysterious Jade keeps himself distant from the other military officers and even the other SP agents. His work seems to be everything to him, and he focusses single mindedly on it. One does not want to disobey or fail Jade as he is the lead interrogator, and one of the High Inquisitors most fear agents. His loyalty to the High Inquisitor and her command staff seems unquestionable, and his devotion, unmatched.

History: Classified: File D-2371
Position: Secret Police Agent

Other: Jade reports directly to the High Inquisitor and her command staff. As one of the head SP agents he commands the small, but highly skilled teams of Agents whose purpose is to root out, and destroy traitors, and on occasion protect vital assets.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Both accepted.

One more hero player and we're good to go.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.



I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.