Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Groddil on November 16, 2015, 02:15:24 AM

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Title: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 16, 2015, 02:15:24 AM


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fanfiction and is not canon. Characters and settings that appear in this story and have appeared or been mentioned in actual Redwall books may be represented in a different way than Brian Jacques intended. THIS IS NOT CANON!!!

NOTE: Sorry about the bad map quality, a better one should be coming some time soon courtesy of Sagetip, the Hare.


It had been a brutal winter, but the snow, thankfully, was starting to melt. Gingivere laid back in an armchair near the fire. He was glad he could relax with his family. The last few seasons had not been kind to him, but at least Mossflower was at peace. His friends, Martin and the others, had built a great Abbey called Redwall, a place where anybeast could go to live in peace. Gingivere wished he could count himself among them, but his presence could cause a stir. Besides, he was content. He still got visitors. The wildcat stared into the flames as Lady Sandingomm brought their young ones into the farmhouse. She took them into the kitchen where a plate of vittles sat on the table and returned to Gingivere.
"I saw Ferdy and Coggs coming up the path. We might need to get some more food."
Gingivere forgot his weary paws and sprang from his seat.
"Ferdy and Coggs? I haven't seen them in three seasons! They must have been busy."
He took a lantern from the wall and stepped from the farmhouse to the path. Waving his paw, he hailed his two friends.
"Ferdy! Coggs! Where have you been?"
The two fully grown hedgehogs clad in thick coats staggered through the remains of the snow. Coggs handed a bulging haversack to his friend.
"We've been busy, Gingivere. We were snowed in all winter, and the harvests were plentiful. We brought you these."
The action warmed Gingivere's heart. Kindness like this was unheard of back in the days before Redwall.
"Thank you Coggs. Come in, come in. Verdauga! Silvia! Come out of the kitchen and greet our friends!"
The two young wildcats shuffled in.
"Evenin' sirs. Welcome t'our home."
Gingivere rustled his children's fur.
"We got a long night ahead of us, young ones. How about a story?"
Verdauga and Silvia jumped with joy.
"Yay! Come on Daddy, tell us, tell us!"
Gingivere turned to his hedgehog friends.
"What about you? Want to stay and listen?"
Ferdy slumped into one of the armchairs.
"Don't see why not. What's it about?"
Gingivere retrieved a dusty manuscript from a shelf.
"My grandfather, the tyrant King Mortspear of the Northern Mountains, and how a united group of woodlanders, much like the ones that ended my sister's reign of terror, brought about his defeat."
Title: Re: Deathspear
Post by: Groddil on November 16, 2015, 09:12:50 AM



Chapter 1
In the far north, high in the mountains of Eagle Point, was a fortress, vast and imposing. This fortress was the domain of the Mountain Tyrant: Mortspear, Wildcat King of the North. Here the going was tough, and most sensible creatures would long have packed their pitiful belongings and left, if not for the tyrant's iron paw. His vermin army ensured that peaceful creatures would never rest long, forced to farm the greener pastures in the Valley of Thistles to feed his horde. The horde was loyal to the last, partly out of respect, partly out of fear...Everything within 10 days hard marching belonged to only one: Mortspear!


The King of the North grew increasingly restless. As his army's size increased, so too did their hunger. The larders were full, but how long would that last? Even though the army grew, the slaves were dying off. A combination of hunger, thirst, and overwork was driving the woodlanders to death. Half, HALF of the communities woodlander population had died the last winter. He needed more. His kingdom would not die. Shifting in his throne, Mortspear motioned to the ferret standing vigilant at his side.
"You! Fetch Captain Nole, and make it snappy or I'll send you to Eagle's Peak."
The ferret, terrified, abandoned his spear and scrambled towards the door. He did not look when he turned the corner and ran straight into another, younger, wildcat. The wildcat bared his teeth and slew the ferret where he stood. Even Mortspear was shocked at the ferocity of his son, Ungatt Trunn. He yawned and looked at the other guard, a stoat. Mortspear raised an eyebrow, and the stoat rushed off to complete the slain ferret's duties. Looking before he turned the corner, the stoat marched down the corridor to Captain Nole's quarters. Gulping, he knocked twice, and a tall weasel opened the door and grabbed him by the throat. Captain Nole gave no quarter and asked for none, she was ruthlessly efficient, but had a soft side when the job was done right.
"What is it, stoat? Weren't you told not to disturb me."
Gasping for air, the hapless stoat gagged and pointed towards the throne room. Nole released him, grabbed her sword and cloak, and dashed to Mortspear's throne. She bowed low before the Mountain King.
"You sent for me, mighty one?"
Mortspear twirled a claw aimlessly, ignoring her. He dismissed the stoat with a flick of his paw and turned to his eldest son.
"Ungatt, I want twelve-score of your finest troops outfitted and ready to march at the main gates. Return to me when they are ready."
The younger wildcat nodded and shuffled out to the courtyard. When Mortspear was satisfied, he fixed Nole with a steely gaze.
"Captain Nole, my chief commander. You have never failed me before..."
The weasel gulped and flattened herself further into the cold ground.
"Yes mighty one. I live only to serve, my king."
Mortspear snarled.
"Speak only when I tell you to, weasel, or I will have you thrown down the mountain. I will give the orders around here. My son, Ungatt Trunn, is off to the Southlands to capture some new slaves. He is strong, but headstrong. I want you to bring me the Captain who you trust the most; He or she will accompany my son to the warm southlands. I would send you, but you are needed here for other business. Begone!"
The weasel captain backed out of the room, still facing Mortspear in a low bow.
"I live to serve you, mighty one. Your will will be carried out at once!"
Title: Re: Deathspear
Post by: Groddil on November 16, 2015, 09:16:56 PM
Chapter 2
Down in the valley, the town's residents toiled endlessly. Everybeast had something to do, or face no food and water. Two moles were forced to dig trenches for seeds to planted in. One of them shook a digging claw at the other.
"Hurr, oi saw the mounting king come down here two noights ago. Ee weren't very 'appy with his vermints. Ee said ee'd send 'em up to Eagle's poik if'n they dinna make oi get a move on. He looked oi roight in the eye, and oi was a tremblin' with fear, oi was."
His companion stared at him.
"Really, Durgle? If'n that akshly 'appenned, then moi name aren't Toolum!"
A blow from a spear but silenced Durgle and Toolum.
"Take 'em away! They know's not to speak when at work, distracts others."
The rat bashed his spear on his shield and called to the other woodlanders.
"These two are goin' t'the cells! This is why you always obey the Mountain King's laws, no matter what you think of 'em! GIT BACK T'WORK!"
The rat pulled the moles into a small cart used to carry vegetables and hauled them off to Mortspear's Castle.


In the dark of the cells, Captain Nole met with her most trusted associate, a pine marten assigned as Head Jailor. He had once been a captain, but had retired to a job he felt more comfortable with. This was because, despite how good he had been at the job, he was a coward. They called the Marten Ironclaw, for he had once chopped of his own paw and replaced it with one sculpted from iron. Nole knocked quietly on the old spruce door that led to the cells. Screams echoed from within as Ironclaw came swiftly from behind to rest silently at her side. Nole jumped.
"Where have you been? I haven't seen you leave the Cells in many a season."
Ironclaw toyed with the metal claw as he spoke.
"Why does it matter? Who sent you?"
Nole gulped. He already knew, he had to.
"K-King Mortspear sent me to find whomever I trusted the most, to bring to him. They would go to the Southlands to find slaves with Ungatt Trunn."
Ironclaw glared at her.
"Go down there, the place of badgers and pirates, with his majesty's eldest son, no less? You are very lucky I'm indebted to you, or I'd kill you right now for even suggesting it."
Nole took a step back.
"So you'll do it?"
Ironclaw nodded. He swirled his cloak around him and followed Nole out of the damp cells.
Title: Re: Deathspear
Post by: Groddil on November 16, 2015, 10:31:56 PM
Chapter 3
The rat, who would have been called Darkpaw by his friends (if he had any), had successfully dragged the cart holding the two moles up the mountain. He tied the cart to a post and prodded the captives with his spear. Durgle stirred and squinted at the Darkpaw.
"Hurr hurr, look Toolum, ee vermint be's troiyin t'slay oi. Oi 'opes oi gets lots o' vittles at Dark Forest."
Toolum hopped from the cart.
"Now look 'ere, sirs, we'm ain't done nothin' wrong, so us'n's be leavin' now. Boi boi!"
Toolum shook a digging claw at Darkpaw as he and Durgle walked down the hill.
Darkpaw was fuming. These creatures would know pain for their disrespect. He smashed Durgle over the head with his spear butt, and ran after Toolum. Darkpaw panted heavily and bent over double. He lifted the spear and threw it at Toolum. The mole whizzed around and caught the spear mid-flight, then lobbed it back at the rat. Darkpaw yelped, and ducked the spear. When he looked back up, Toolum was gone. The rat looked down the path and up at the fortress. The only mole within view was the limp form of Durgle. Darkpaw scratched his head and plodded back to the fortress, dragging Durgle behind him.


In truth, the crafty Toolum had escaped with a bit of quick thinking. He had glanced over the steep cliff at the side of the path and noticed a ledge not far down. When the rat was distracted, Toolum had leaped from the cliff and landed safely on the ledge. Toolum chuckled to himself.
"Hurr hurr, no way off'n this outcroppin!' Gudd thing oi has diggin' claws, burr aye."
The mole shifted himself on the ledge and sat facing the cliff face. He wedged his claws into the cliff face and dislodged a large boulder. He gripped the huge rock, hauled it out, and gave it a mighty shove into the Valley below. The result was a rather comfortable cave. Toolum crawled in and continued the hollowing.
Title: Re: Deathspear
Post by: Skyblade on November 17, 2015, 03:27:30 AM
Oh, goodness! I want to read. Just give me some time for when my head is not foggy and fuzzy and I'll get a reply for you! ;)
Title: Re: Deathspear
Post by: Groddil on November 17, 2015, 03:32:35 AM
No worries, Skyblade. I'm warning you now, this thing goes on forever. Here's some more for you to read!


Chapter 4
Ironclaw threw himself at the Mountain King's footpaws. Behind him, Nole entered the throne room and dropped to one knee.
"Mighty one, this is the creature I trust the most."
Mortspear recognized the face of his former right-hand. He was off the throne in a flash, his claws digging into the marten's shoulder. The wildcat looked at the Iron paw, and removed it from the marten's wrist. Toying with the paw, he threw it high. The lump of metal hit the ground with a thud. Mortspear inspected it.
"Well, well. If it isn't Ironclaw, my last Commander. I remember you. You quit, said it was all too much, so you got a nice comfy job in the cells. Speaking of which, your last paw was weak, covered in scratches and dents. This one is shiny and untouched. I've no doubt you stole the metal from me, probably from one of the cell bars, but let's not dwell on the negative. Captain Nole tells me that you are the one she most trusts. Would she be correct?"
Ironclaw fumed. Why did that weasel have to choose him? If he ever got back from the Southlands, he swore an oath to slay her. Maybe he could frame her for something, then the stupid cat would leave her right in his paws. The marten spoke, trying desperately to control his anger.
"Y-yes milord. She saved m'life one day, so I've done everything she asked."
Mortspear nodded.
"Good. Here is what you must do. Look out that window there."
Ironclaw raised his head and looked with astonishment. Out in the courtyard facing the gate was twelve-score of the finest fighting beasts, Ungatt Trunn's elite Blue Battalion. Everybeast standing to attention was bathed in blue thanks to powder put in their fur when they were promoted to the Blue Battalion. At the front stood the young wildcat Ungatt Trunn, clad in chainmail with a long purple cloak draped over his shoulders. Trunn retrieved a long trident and a spiked helmet from a nearby weapon rack and addressed his troops.
"We march southwards, in search of slaves for his Mightiness King Mortspear, Lord of the Mountains. You will keep up with the marching pace or die. You are the Mighty One's finest soldiers, hearken to that, and let's get ourselves some slaves!"
A rough cheer echoed through the ranks.
Mortspear placed a heavy paw on Ironclaw's head and squeezed. He turned the marten around so that there eyes were almost touching.
"You will go with them and make sure my son does nothing foolish. If he does, give him this message so he listens to you."
Mortspear slipped a browning scroll to Ironclaw. The scroll was wrapped in a simple white ribbon, and fastened with a seal emblazoned with the likeness of a wildcat.
"Go now, Ironclaw. You had better get to the Blue Battalion before they start marching, wouldn't want to be slain for falling behind, would you?"
The wildcat gave the pine marten a hefty kick that sent him hurriedly from the Throne Room. He fixed his gaze on Captain Nole, the weasel still kneeling on one knee.
"One your feet, Captain. Meet me in the war room, we have plans to discuss!"
Title: Re: Deathspear
Post by: Groddil on November 17, 2015, 04:44:02 AM
Chapter 5
Outside the castle, the ground shook with the force of Ungatt Trunn's Blue Battalion on the move. In the wake of the vermin, the ground shook again, but much less. The second shaking occurred when a snout and a pair of digging claws broke the surface of the path. Toolum had surfaced! The mole felt the small army leaving through his claws, and followed them, quietly as possible. When he thought he had been seen, he would tunnel below and surface some distance away. In truth, the Blue Battalion was too busy worrying about what would happen if they fell behind to keep a look out. This would prove to be their undoing...


High above the castle at Eagle's Peak, where the mountain met the sky, a huge nest had been built from twigs and leaves. This nest belonged to Alpina, and was where her chick Argulor had hatched. The young eagle had an insatiable hunger, so Alpina was constantly on the hunt for food. She found that the easiest way to feed Argulor was to attack the Nix Praesidium, Mortspear's castle. Three times a day, Mortspear found his soldiers disappearing, while that damned bird flew away contently. Sure, it thinned out the numbers a bit, and food lasted longer, but that bird had to go. As long as it kept killing his soldiers, the townsfolk continued to joke and cajole, kept whispering behind closed doors. If the army's numbers dropped too much, how could they defend the fortress? Mortspear relayed this to Nole and several of his other Captains who didn't already have their paws full. As he spoke, he armed himself.
"...So that's why you're here. You are the best captains I can spare, which is why you're coming with me up to Eagle's Peak to kill that wretched bird. Nole, Verdauga! I want your forces rallied now. I want archers, slingers, beasts armed with spears. If it can hit something out of the sky, I want them armed with it. Make them wear full armor, including helmets and shields. Give them heavy packs filled with rocks. If they're heavy enough, that eagle won't be able to lift them, so we shouldn't lose as many troops. Away with you!"
The two other captains in the meeting struck up conversation as they left the war room. The rat Shorttail whispered to his companion, a ferret named Bloodlips.
"Best captains 'ee can spare. Y'know what that means, doncha."
Bloodlips nodded sagely.
"Aye, matey. T'means we's the best fighters 'ee can afford to let die. Well we won't give 'im the pleasure, we's gonna live, and we's gonna bring down that birdy."
Title: Re: Deathspear
Post by: Groddil on November 17, 2015, 07:08:35 AM
Chapter 6
It was some time later when Durgle awoke. The mole had bad eyesight, but he could sense that he was underground. It was dark, and when Durgle pulled himself off the ground and took a step forward, he ran straight into cold metal bars. Squinting closer, he deduced that he was in a prison cell. The mole glanced hazily around, and made out more sets of bars in the darkness. He had to be in a jail. He rubbed the back of his head where Darkpaw had hit him with the butt of his spear.
"Burr, oi'm in a jail an' moi noggin' hurts gurtly. Wunnerful."
Durgle tapped a footpaw to the ground. It was made of bricks, but had been done shoddily, rushed. His face lit up. He could get out of here easily.
"Well stan' on moi tunnel. Oi'll be out of here afore sundown! All oi 'as t'do is pull up these rocks an' tunnel out through 'ee dirt."


It was well after noon when Ungatt Trunn called a halt. The young wildcat cast off his armor and called Ironpaw to him.
"So you're the one my father sent to spy on me...I knew it."
He grabbed the marten by the throat and turned to the Blue Battalion.
"You can rest here. Water from the stream, food from your packs. We march in an hour, so don't let me catch you napping!"
That business concluded, he tightened his hold on Ironpaw.
"The only question is...why?" he released the marten, "TELL ME!"
Ironpaw massaged his throat.
"Th-the M-M-Mighty One thinks that y-you are...*gulp* headstrong, sir."
Ungatt snarled at swatted Ironpaw with his sharp claws, clipping a few whiskers but being just far back to not do any real damage. The young wildcat kicked and screeched until Ironpaw turned on his heels and fled.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 17, 2015, 11:18:15 AM
Chapter 7
Mortspear stared at the assembled force. Five-score of soldiers outfitted in the heaviest armor carrying bows and slings. Mortspear pawed a javelin and addressed the troops.
"Listen to me, all of you. No longer do we live in fear. No longer are we mocked by our slaves! No longer does that damned eagle prey on and kill us. We are going to send that thing to Hellgates!"
Cheers rose from the army.
"Fast march, to Eagle's Peak!"
Another cheer shook the mountains as the army marched double-time up the mountain.


Ignoring Trunn's orders, the Blue Battalion snoozed quietly in the afternoon sun, unaware of the hundreds of pairs of eyes watching them intently. Gillaina, Squirrel Queen of the Northern Pine Forests, nodded silently to her followers. To those who got to know her, who broke through her tough exterior, Gillaina was merciful and listened to what you had to say...unless you were a vermin. She had lost a mate to Mortspear's troops, and her heart burned with insatiable vengeance. Readying bows they set fire to their tar-dipped arrows, and fired. Pandemonium ensued. Vermin ran around like owls that had lost their heads, while flames licked at the trees. Gillaina dropped from her perch and whirled a loaded sling like a club, dealing hefty blows to the Blue-furred soldiers. Her bushy tail went limp and she ducked. Slingstones whizzed into Ungatt Trunn's canp from unseen assailants as Gillaina scaled the tree. She hung from a branch next to one of her younger archers.
"Junter, report, now!"
The rough male squirrel notched an arrow to his bowstring.
"Twelve-score blue-furred vermin, led by a Wildcat. We've got 'em burned in and surrounded. From what I can see we've already slain two-score and a half. We'll have those vermin scum buried before this day is over!"
Ungatt Trunn tried desperately to organize his rabble, but chaos reigned supreme. Bounding over to Ironclaw, he gripped the marten in a death grip.
"Ironclaw! Get a score of troops with pikes and organize a charge."
He turned to the rabble and stopped them in their tracks with a deafening screech.
"STOP! GET YOURSELVES ORGANIZED, OR I SWEAR, I WILL KILL YOU ALL MYSELF! I want archers, two ranks in the front. First rank, shoot, drop, reload. Second rank, shoot, drop, reload. Every other beast get pikes and spears and get yourselves in charge formation. Nobeast ambushes the Blue Battalion!"
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 17, 2015, 10:43:09 PM
Chapter 8
Toolum had been tailing the Blue Battalion for a considerable length of time, struggling to keep up with their quick pace. When he turned the corner of the path, he found them locked in a battle with an unknown foe. Toolum knew if he stood around he would be slain, so he ran as fast as his legs could carry him back to the Valley of Thistles. He had to make contact with the others, without being seen by any vermin. The mole hid behind a large stone and started to dig. His forepaws tore chunks from the Earth which his footpaws kicked out of the tunnel. Thankfully, the stone hid both tunnel and Earth, or he would have been discovered quicker than a badger among mice. Eventually, the mole's digging claws felt no vibrations from above ground, and he poked his head out. Scrambling out of the tunnel, he disguised it with a nearby cart of vegetables and pretended to harvest until he was next to a hedgehog.
"Hurr, oi ain't sen you in a whoile, zurr Spinetingle."
Spinetingle's spikes stood on end.
"I thought you and Durgle had been captured by that rat. What happened, and where is he?"
"Durgle been taken to Nix Praysdum, him's been killed or imprisoned for sure, burr aye!"
The hedgehog shook his head.
"If he's still alive, we should go rescue him. Surely you've got a plan."
Toolum winked at Spinetingle.
"See that cart over thurr, oi hid me tunnel under it. We can escape through me tunnel an' go up 'ee cliff face t'the castle."
The hedgehog's face lit up.
"That means if we get out, I'm free." he looked around at the other slaves, "We'll have to come back here, Toolum. Free the others after we rescue Durgle."
Toolum nodded.
"Oi swear it on me tunnel, we'll come back an' rescue all these slavebeasts!"
With no more words to be said, the two worked their way over to Toolum's tunnel. While Spinetingle crawled through, Toolum sealed it behind him. When the two escapees were out of sight, Toolum beckoned Spinetingle to follow him.
"Burr, come on zurr, 'ee next tunnel be's this way!"


Ungatt Trunn's vengeance was absolute. For every hordebeast slain, the wildcat's troops took down six squirrels. His cunning plan had involved directing the fire from the squirrels' own arrows into the trees. When they were forced to the ground, the charge decimated them. The survivors, which numbered five, including Queen Gillain and Junter, were the first to be chained into the slave line. Ungatt faced the new slaves with a whip.
"Hearken to me, squirrels. You are now slaves of King Mortspear, Wildcat King of the North. You disobey, you get starved and whipped. You don't hold your own, you get starved and whipped. You don't keep up, you die. We are on our way to boats bound southward. There is a likely chance you won't survive the voyage. If you do, you will row the ship with the other oarslaves. If you don't, your body gets fed to the fishes. Understand?"
The wildcat cracked the whip over the squirrel's heads. Gillaina snarled.
"We will never bow down to you, cat."
Trunn dealt her a heavy blow with his paw.
"You do exactly what I say, bushtail. Mark my words, you will be BROKEN afore your journey's done."
The wildcat turned to his Blue Battalion.
"Quick march on the double, I want us at the port before dawn tomorrow. If the slaves don't keep up, slay them. Let their companions drag their bodies as extra weight."
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 18, 2015, 03:45:07 AM
Chapter 9
The mountain of Eagle's Point was the tallest in the Northern Range, and where Mortspear and his armies had settled. They didn't bother to find out how the mountain got its name, and so every day they lost a soldier. Mortspear had put up with it for this long, but when Alpina had started to take slaves, a valuable commodity in short suppy, he couldn't turn a blind eye anymore. As his army carved a path through the snow, scaling the treacherous path to Eagle's Peak, the wildcat king saw Alpina take off for her daily hunt, and threw a javelin. The eagle was too far out of reach, but the javelin succeeded in what Mortspear had intended to do. Alert her to their location. Alpina glanced lazily at the missile that turned and fell well before it hit her. The foolish earthcrawlers could not harm her, but they did look tasty! She let loose an ear-piercing screech and plummeted towards the soldiers. Well aware of their lord's plan, the soldiers had already raised shields, and the eagle crashed into these with a soft thud, bounced off, and took to the air again. Mortspear snarled at how easily the prey had escaped.
"Captain Nole, take three of the best archers with you and get up to the nest. That'll lure 'er down."
The weasel gulped. This was a suicide mission and the king knew it. Nole tried to appear cold and confident, but her voice still faltered.
"R-right away, M-M-Mighty One."
Nole gestured to a group of rats that included Darkpaw and Shorttail to follow her, and set about the difficult climb up the last stretch of mountain.


Toolum and Spinetingle stared in awe at the imposing bulk of Nix Praesidium, towering over all as a symbol to slavery and hatred. Spinetingle felt a shiver go down his spikes.
"Are you sure 'bout this, Toolum? Do we really have t'go in there?"
Toolum shook a digging claw at the hedgehog.
"Course we do, zurr. Oi 'as t'rescue moi gurt friend. If'n you wants to stay behoind you can, but stan' on moi tunnel, oi'm going to save Durgle!"
Spinetingle shook the mole's paw.
"Then I guess I'm with ye. Rather be in there with you than out 'ere on me own."
Toolum crawled through his tunnel into the cave on the ledge.
"Then what are we waitin' for? Oi'll dig, you throw the soil off'n this ledge, zurr!"
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Captain Tammo on November 18, 2015, 06:05:46 AM
Wow, rapid-fire with the chapter releases! Can't wait to start reading this one, Groddil! I'll go back and edit this comment when I've caught up. For now, I'm still finishing up my midterms at college, so give me just a couple days ;)

EDIT: This is cool! The origins of Trunn and Verdauga is never really touched on in the canon books and I like seeing how others imagine things may have gone. I also like how you've split things up with the relatively short chapters (I like being able to knock out a chapter or two on my phone walking from one place to another :) )

Looking forward to reading the rest of this story in the coming weeks!
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 18, 2015, 11:17:07 AM
Chapter 10
Ungatt Trunn's Blue Battalion stopped marching at the Port of Saltstone. The town was a curious affair, carved from stone on the shores of the sea. Ships came and went, from the smallest merchant trader to the largest corsair slave ship. Among the largest was Mortspear's private Three-Masted Barque, the Snow Demon. The wildcat marched his troops aboard and beckoned the ship's captain, a sinewy fox, clad in earrings, tattoos, and jewelry (a real corsair to the last), named Januul. The fox adjusted the cutlass on his belt and marched over to Trunn.
"Yew Ungatt Trunn, son of King Mortspear and commander of the Blue Battalion?"
Ungatt nodded and motioned to his blue-died soldiers.
"You see any other group of blue vermin led by a wildcat around here? I want us already put out to sea by dawn tomorrow, so get your crew ready, with three score oarslaves. Chain these squirrels with them, put them on the bottom deck with little food and don't spare the whip."
Januul saluted smartly with his cutlass and sauntered back onshore. The fox kicked a group of drunken rats lounging by the gangplank and marched into one of the stone buildings.


Durgle had encountered a problem. Getting the loose bricks out of the cell floor was easy...Digging through the ground was not. Mortspear was not foolish, he knew there would always be brave beasts that tried to escape his prison, so he built his Nix Praesidium on a huge deposit of granite and solid rock. The mole had removed and replaced every single brick in his cell, including the walls and roof, but every way was just more damned rock. He threw a piece of mortar at the solid rock wall, where it promptly shattered. Durgle grunted with frustration.
"Hurr, how do oi get out of 'ere. 'Tis impen'trable. If only oi could get through these bars, oi'd be out of 'ere quicker 'n a hare eats vittles, burr aye!"
Durgle sat down in disgust, but a faint sound reached his ears.
"Stop complainin', mole. Yer disruptin' me escape attempt!"
The mole stood up and rattled the bars.
"'Ow? 'Ow are yew gonna 'scape?"
The voice yelled back, slightly louder this time.
"I've pried some of the bricks from the back o' my cell an' found dirt. 'Tis too hard to dig out, twould take a season. But now that I knows you're in 'ere, mole, I can git out easily. There's a missin' bar in me cell, y'see. Dunno where it is, an' I don't care. I'm not eatin' all me rations, once I gets thin enough, I can squeeze out, find the key, and git yew outta yer cell. Yew can dig us outta 'ere. Sit tight, mole, I 'as a feelin' this Winter's gonna be a hard one."
A tear fell from Durgle's eye.
"'Scape? Thankee, zurr. Thankee so much!"


Captain Nole's team dragged themselves up the last mound of loose shale and mantled the side of the nest. Nole kicked at the young eagle, Argulor, and notched arrow to bowstring. She signaled to the rats to do the same as a bolt from the blue stuck the nest. Shorttail's scream was cut short as Alpina tore his head from his body. Nole loosed the arrow, which thudded into Alpina's wing. The eagle gave a screech and fell to Earth. The hunter had become the hunted. Alpina could do nothing but hop away from the vermin. Nole motioned to Darkpaw and his rats, who twirled loaded slings. Heavy stones knocked the eagle flat, and Mortspear was to her in an instant. He raised his huge javelin and thrust it deep into Alpina's flesh. The eagle gave one last screech of rage and went limp. Mortspear bared his teeth and screamed at the heavens.


Januul kept his word. By sundown the fox's crew had trimmed the sails and threescore oarslaves plus the five squirrels pulled strongly at the oars while they still had strength, pushing the Barque into the surf, where the wind caught the sails and the bird with twenty wings disappeared forever from the city of Saltstone. Aboard, Ungatt Trunn had taken up residence in his father's former stateroom. The ship had not sailed in so long that cobwebs had formed in the corners of the room, built carefully by several spiders. The wildcat watched with fascination as flies buzzed around the room, coming to rest in the sticky prisons, where they were devoured. Ungatt smiled. Cunning, just like him. He could grow to like spiders. So mysterious and deadly. The wildcat relayed this information to Januul, who brought food to the cabin. The fox was rather disturbed by Ungatt Trunn's particular interest in the way the spiders trapped the flies to eat later, alive. Hurriedly, Januul placed the plate of victuals before the wildcat and rushed from the stateroom, bumping into a ferret. Januul gave a harsh whisper to the ferret, who nodded contently. The wildcat wasn't normal, they would have to watch him.


That marks the end of Book 1, A Tyrant's Reign. I'll start posting Book 2 soon.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on November 18, 2015, 02:17:17 PM
I liked it, but there should be more character development. Right now the characters seem  a bitstale and forgettable. (No offense)
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 18, 2015, 09:36:04 PM
Thanks for letting me know, Ashenwyte. I've gone back and changed it a bit.



South to Mossflower


Chapter 11

The Winter had been brutal, but Spring had come at last. Spinetingle sat atop a rock and watched the sun rise, as the snow layer gradually began to melt. The other slaves at Nix Praesidium knew about the plight of the hedgehog and the mole, so they left food at the entrance to the hole. Spinetingle munched on a scone as he ducked his head into Toolum's tunnel. The mole had dug tirelessly all winter trying to break into the fortress, to no avail. Everywhere he dug was just rock, rock, rock. He had tunneled left and right, up and down, and still there was no way into Mortspear's castle except through the front gate. The filthy mole dusted himself off and leaned against a wall in exhaustion. Spinetingle stepped over him and offered a flagon of water. Toolum accepted it gratefully and spoke between sips.
"Burr, oi 'aven't found a single way in from down 'ere. Oi been a'diggin' all through the Winner, an' there still ain't any dirt!"
Spinetingle helped the mole up.
"If we can't get in from down here after a whole season, we may as well find another plan."
The mole shook his head.
"But what do we do, zurr? Ain't nobeasts up 'ere that can 'elp us. They's all slaves!"
Spinetingle winked.
"Who says we have to find 'em up 'ere. Dincha hear? Ungatt Trunn took 'is vermin to go capture slaves from the South. If we follows the way 'ee went, we can go recruit some 'elp!"
Toolum was still doubtful.
"Hurr hurr, Trunn's got a whole season o' marching ahead of us. All 'ee beasts down there'll be slaves by the time we gets there!"
The hedgehog threw his arms wide.
"Then we rescue the slaves!"


Ungatt Trunn sat on a coil of rope below decks. He gave a menacing grin at the oarslaves.
"Pull harder, slaves. We're short of vittles on this ship, if'n you can't pull, you know where you'll end up."
An old squirrel, one of the survivors of Gillaina's band, spat on the wildcat's footpaw.
"Maybe if you didn't take all the vittles for yerself, there would still be enough for us and the crew!"
Trunn dealt the old squirrel a hefty blow with his claws. The squirrel grunted and kept rowing, trying to ignore the burning pain seeping through his back. The wildcat grabbed the squirrel's head and twisted it to face him.
A resounding crack echoed through the deck as the squirrel's eyes rolled back into his head. The old one went limp and Ungatt Trunn stepped back from the body. He snarled at the crew.
"Well, well. Look what happens when you don't listen to me. Row harder, you'll have to now that that one's gone."
Gillaina bared her teeth and fiddled with her chains. She couldn't free herself, but she COULD free someone else. She pushed her oar forwards and hooked it around the end of Junter's oar. He threw her weight onto her oar, and the end of Junter's snapped off under the force. The squirrel queen reached forwards and tapped him. Junter smiled and wrenched the remains of the oar into the ship. Wielding it like a club, the young squirrel rushed at Ungatt Trunn. The wildcat sidestepped and tripped the squirrel. The wildcat snatched the rope coil and threw the end around Junter. Raising the rope to the squirrel's throat, Ungatt proceeded to throttle him. When the squirrel collapsed, the wildcat called to Januul, who had come running at the sounds of battle, brandishing his cutlass.
"Januul! Take this thing to the deck and tie it to the heaviest thing you can find, then I want the slaves lined up on the deck. NOW!"
Januul scurried off.
"Yes Mighty One, it willl be done at once Mighty One. You, ferret. Grab that squirrel and bring him up to the deck. Ironpaw, unchain the slaves and march them to the deck."
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 19, 2015, 03:10:29 AM
Chapter 12
Deep within Mossflower Woods, near an old, crumbling castle, was a small church. The church too was old and breaking down, but it was habitated. A fading sign read "S AINT NINIANS." The church was home to a tribe of mice, led by a warrior named Martin. Martin had led his tribe for many seasons, but now age was starting to slow him down. Martin had a young son, and to this son he passed on his sword and went wandering. After plodding through the woods all day, the mouse took refuge for the night in the boughs of a oak tree. Sleep soon claimed Martin, and he started to dream.


In his dream, Martin ran through snow, running from a voice, from screams and yells. Tripping on a tree root, he landed in snow. The mouse hauled himself up, and found himself at the feet of a wildcat. It grabbed him by the throat and snarled in his face.

          "Trust the mousey and the mole,
            Put your trust not in the vole,
            Don't follow the spikes that point the way,
            Or I will kill you on that day.

            I am Mortspear, King of Snow,
            From my mountain I will throw,
            You until you hit the ground,
            Then your screams would be the most wonderful sound!


Ungatt Trunn stood tall at the stern of the ship, Januul and Ironpaw stood behind him, restraining Junter. The young squirrel was a miserable affair, he found it difficult to breathe, his face had been bloodied and smashed from the wildcat's vengeance, his wrist was cut from where he was chained to the oar, and he had a sack filled with slingstones tied to his footpaw. Trunn screamed at the downtroden slaves.
"THIS is what happens when you disobey. THIS is what happens when you disagree. THIS is what happens when you attack your lords and rulers. This squirrel...your name. WHAT IS YOUR NAME, SQUIRREL!"
Junter grinned bravely as the wildcat's claws dug into him.
"My name doesn't matter. All that matters is that if you kill me, you will never get away with your crimes."
Trunn grabbed the squirrel's head and smashed it into the mizzenmast.
"This insolent little beast has been charged with assault, treason, attempted murder, and rude behaviour. As the firstborn son of King Mortspear and Captain-in-Chief of his armies, I sentence him to death!"
The wildcat nodded to Januul and Ironpaw, who grabbed the struggling squirrel and stood him on the edge of the ship. Ungatt Trunn walked smartly over and kicked Junter square in the ribs. The squirrel swayed on the edge of the ship, until Trunn kicked the sack of slingstones over. The weight dragged Junter off the ship and into the ocean, where he sank like a stone. The young squirrel writhed desperately as he was dragged into the depths of the sea. The wildcat gave a satisfied smirk and pointed at the slaves.
"Januul, Ironpaw. Chain the slaves back up. I want us to make landfall in the South before the sun sets two days from now. If we don't more slaves will meet the squirrel's fate!"
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 19, 2015, 06:25:49 AM
Chapter 13
Toolum and Spinetingle, ladden with vittle-stuffed packs, ambled slowly down the mountain. From their ledge, they could see all the way to the coast, to the Port of Saltstone, where the path found its end. The two creatures deduced that the only way they could possibly catch up was by boat. Had they known that Ungatt Trunn's ship had been delayed by stormy seas, they probably would have walked. As it was, the hedgehog and the mole toddled off along the path to the port.


Martin couldn't breathe. He woke startled from his dream and pawed his throat. A rope had been fixed around his neck and was being pulled from behind him. The mouse was forced up against the tree trunk as he groped for his dagger. He found the handle and sliced the rope. Martin dropped the dagger and spluttered. A rock hit his branch, causing the mouse to fall. He picked up the dagger and moaned.
"I'm getting too old for this!"
In a flash, the warrior mouse jumped round the tree and threw the dagger at one of the dark forms. He heard a squeal and rushed forward. The creature was some sort of rat, but it was different to any rat he'd seen before. It was covered in strange paint, and clutched a spear. Martin wrenched the spear from the dead rat's paws and threw it at another. More screams echoed through the trees, followed by the crashing noises of branches snapping, closer and closer to where they were. Martin retrieved the dagger and took a spear from another slain rat. He stood there menacingly, trying to fix his eyes on the rats, when he saw something out of the corner of his eye and everything went black.


Mortspear had been in a rare jolly mood when Alpina was slain. He declared the whole season the Winter of Long Feasts, and personally rose a cup to Captain Nole and the rat Darkpaw. Darkpaw relished in his new-found fame, but Nole was wary. Things like this just made it harder on you when you made mistakes, not counting how much the regular cannon fodder hated it when Officers got all the credit. As such, Nole kept in the background, always letting the ever annoying and loatheable Darkpaw give the speeches or get the toasts. The lucky little wretch even took Shorttail's position as Captain. Nole wouldn't have cared, had Shorttail not have been her second-in-command. Nole let herself have a chuckle despite her anger. The grunts wouldn't take orders from him, so the only good reason to have him along was to let him take the fall if something went wrong. She secretly hoped it did.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on November 19, 2015, 10:39:07 PM
Chapter 14
Martin groggily forced his eyes open. He stood upwards and hit his head on a piece of wood. The mouse rubbed his head and took in his surroundings. He had been imprisoned in a sturdy wooden cage, hanging high in the trees. The mouse shook the edges of the cage, but the prison wouldn't budge.
"Hello? Anyone? Who are you, rats? What do you want with me?"
The biggest rat, obviously the leader, shoved a tattooed paw into the cage, holding a bag of food.
"We Painted Ones. You captive. You eat."
Martin shook his head.
"No thanks, rat. I'm not hungry."
The Painted One lashed out with the sack, catching Martin a heavy blow across the back of his head. The rat thrust the food bag into Martin's arm.
"We Painted Ones. You captive. You eat. You eat or you die. Painted Ones have spoken. EAT!"


Spinetingle peered over the edge of a boulder at the Port of Saltstone. His eyes trained the docks looking for a suitable ship. The hedgehog finally settled his gaze on a small sloop, its single mast rigged with two sails. This was a ship built solely for speed, able to be piloted by a skeleton crew. Perfect. Spinetingle beckoned Toolum and spoke quietly, for fear of being overheard.
"See that ship there, the one with one mast 'n' two sails. There's no vermin around, run fer it!"
The two escapees dashed through the deserted town faster than an thirsty otter, quickly reaching the dock and boarding the sloop. Spinetingle tossed a dagger to Toolum as he set about unfurling the sails.
"Cut the anchor rope, we don't need it, then untie us from the dock."
The mole went about his task quickly, arriving back before Spinetingle had blinked. The hedgehog quickly took the rudder as Toolum gave the dock a quick push. The small ship, which bore its title proudly painted on the hull: "Hurricane," took off into the wind, in rapid pursuit of Ungatt Trunn and the Snow Demon.


With Winter over, Durgle sat anxiously awaiting his new ally's arrival. Surely after eating just enough to stay alive all winter, they should be able to squeeze through by now. Durgle called out, careful to make sure no vermin guards were about.
"Yew ready yet, zurr. Oi's gettin' boreded in 'ere!"
A muffled groan and a strained squeal echoed through the cell block. The creature scurried up to Durgle's cell. It was a mouse.
"Yep, we're ready. Name's Mel, what's yours?"
Durgle was astonished.
"Hurr, hurr. Yew's a mousemaid. Oi's suprised yew couldn't get through in the first place, burr aye. Name's Durgle."
Mel shook his paw through the bars.
"Okay Durgle, let me find a way to get you out of here!"
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 24, 2015, 06:07:24 AM
In celebration of the forum getting restored, here's a nice huge chapter as a Christmas present.


Chapter 15
Mel snuck quiet as a shadow through the deserted halls of the prison deep beneath Nix Praesidium, Mortspear's Fortress. Looking through the keyhole of the door to the main keep, she saw a sturdily-built ferret, spear in paw, guarding the jail in the absence of Ironpaw. The mousemaid pondered for a moment, then kicked the door open and grabbed the ferret from behind, snapping his neck. She dragged the body into the prison and snatched the keys. Mel gave a chuckle. If these were Mortspear's professional soldiers, they'd be out in no time! Thinking only of freedom, she laughed merrily and jogged back to Durgle's cell. The mousemaid jingled the keys proudly.
"Told you I'd get you outta here, Durgle. 'Ang on a sec, I'll get this lock off.
Mel turned the key and led the mole to her cell. She locked the door behind her to keep the vermin out and bent the keys until they snapped beyond repair.
"Do what you do best, mole. No doubt they'll stumble across the dead guard sooner or later."
Durgle scraped a claw on the hard earth.
"Burr, if ye had 'ee leys. woi dinna ye jus' let usn's outta 'ee front way an' save all this cloak an' dagger toipe stuff? Not that oi don't loike tunnelin', but it just seems easier, so it does."
Mel threw up her paws in mock despair.
"Cause they'd see us, pudenhead. Do you want to escape or not."
Durgle shook his head in confusion and started to dig.


Martin dipped his paw into the sack and withdrew a piece of rotten fruit. He cast it away in disgust, unwillingly catching the leader of the Painted Ones a smarting blow to the head. The tattoed rat screeched and leapt at the cage. He pulled Martin out and lashed at him with a small axe. The warrior jarred his head and gripped the axe handle. When he could no longer prevent the blade from descending, he rolled out of the way and kicked it from the Painted One's paw. As he caught the axe, the other rats noticed what was occuring, and jumped upon him, screeching and scratching.  Martin tried desperately to knock them away, but to no avail. More just kept coming. As the warrior began to accept his fate and tire, a piercing cry reached his ears.
The rat that was attempting to gouge out his eyes gurgled and went limp, an arrow protruding from his neck. In a flash, a small army of shrews were among the Painted Ones, rapiers thrusting and arrows flying. The one leading the group broke off and helped Martin up. He handed a rapier to the mouse and nodded at the retreating rats.
"Feel like some revenge, mouse? I am Log-a-log, leader of the Guosim. We made a point to never to let them keep their prisoners."
Martin thanked the shrew and joined the ranks of advancing shrews. He saw the leader of the rats and tossed the rapier. The Painted One dropped his weapon and spat blood. Martin took the advantage and rushed him, finishing off the dying vermin. With their leader dead, the remaining Painted Ones screamed and fled into their forest. The shrews gave a hearty cheer, and Log-a-log approached Martin.
"You are a true warrior. I wonder how they managed to capture you in the first place!"
Martin smiled and sheathed his blade.
"Thank you Log-a-log, and the same to you. Were it not for you and your Guosim, I would be dead today. I owe you my life. My name is Martin, some call me "The Elder Warrior."Anything you need, ask it."
Log-a-log slapped his friend on the back.
"I only wish for you to join the Guosim at our camp on the Western Shores, past the outskirts of Mossflower Wood. Would you do this for me, warrior?"
Martin clasped the offered paw.
"Of course. It has been too long since I enjoyed the company of true friends, forged in the fire of battle!"


The mouse and the mole pulled themselves from the tunnel. Mel dusted herself off and looked around for vermin pursuit. There was none.
"Come on, friend. I know a place we can take refuge."
Durgle dutifully followed his fellow escapist down the hill.


Mel stopped at the edge of the trail, pointing over the hill. She placed a paw on Durgle's shoulder.
"Listen to me, over yonder is a pine grove. The Squirrelqueen is not very hospitable. Now, you may have helped save me, but that doesn't mean she'll be quick to trust you. Follow me, and please, for your sake, let me do the talkin'."
She scaled the hill and her jaw dropped. The pine grove was gone, burnt to the ground. Only a handful of new saplings marked the site of the squirrels' former home. Mel gave a strangled sob and ran towards the ashes. When she tripped over the skeleton of a rat, the mousemaid screamed and crawled hurriedly away. Durgle's heavy paw camped over her mouth.
"Hurr, missie. We'm dunno what be around. Be quoiet pleez."
Mel nodded and took Durgle's paw. The mole hauled her upright, and together the two investigated the burnt-out grove, at the ready with stolen swords. Mel prodded another skeleton with her foot. It was a squirrel. The mousemaid could take it no longer; she threw down the sword and fell to her knees.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 25, 2015, 03:39:20 AM
Chapter 16
Despite Toolum becoming seasick, Spinetingle had taken well to seafaring, and the Hurricane covered the distance that had taken the Snow Demon over a full season in just a week. They had braved pirates, storms, and the risk of hitting reefs. Eventually, the two creatures sighted land. Spinetingle peered through a telescope at the tall trees and soft green grass. He gave a sigh of relief, they had reached Mossflower. His relief turned to caution when he spied a flash of red amongst the green. He raised a claw to his mouth and slipped over the gunwhale. Toolum maneuvered the ship into a shrouded cove and took up a rusty mace. The mole dropped the anchor and, shivering slightly, leapt into the shallows. He waded nervously through the shallows. He clambered out, felt firm ground beneath his paws, and kissed the earth. He staggered to his feet, empowered by his senses returning. He listened intently at the sound of yelling nearby. He brandished the mace and charged through the trees. Spinetingle stood, surrounded by shrews, with the cutlass at pointed at Martin.
"Stay back, you villains! I'm warning you, one more step and I'll have to defe-Toolim! Gimme a hand here!"
Toolum threw the mace at the shrews, causing them to scatter.
"Hurr hurr hurr, you varments 'ave some nerve attackin' a beast loike that, yes zurr you do!"
Log-a-log sheathed his rapier.
"Stand down, Guosim. Let's see what they 'ave to say for themselves, sneakin' around 'ere!"
"Sorry, zurr. We thought you was slavers from 'ee north, bandits an' woildcats come down 'ere to enslave everybeast an' take 'em up north to 'ee oice an' snow."
Toolum continued to explain as Martin and the Guosim listened intently. When the tale was over, Log-a-log turned to his band.
"Friends, this is urgent news. By the sounds of it, these northern raiders are even worse than the Painted Ones, come down to capture us in large numbers rather than just capturin' all who wander near. I propose we abandon our current campaign at least 'til this new threat is over, an' take news of invasion to Lord Stonepaw of Salamandastron."
Much murmuring broke out at the mention of the legendary mountain, and fights broke out amongst the rabble. Log-a-log shouted above the din.
"QUIET! Lord Stonepaw an' 'is hares 'ave 'elped us afore, If Toolum's right, the slavers 'ave a whole season head start on 'em, so for all we know, they're already here. No arguments, we march now!"
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 28, 2015, 12:49:18 PM
Chapter 17
Log-a-log and Martin set a quick, hard pace, and their army reached Salamandastron before the sun set. It was a magnificent sight, standing tall on the southern shores, dominating the land for as far as the eye could see. An audible gasp rose from Martin and the sailors from the north. Log-a-log chuckled.
"She's a beauty ain't she? Been the home of badgers since the dawn o' time. Hang on a sec, watch this."
The shrew cupped his paws to his mouth.
"Steady in the ranks, Log-a-thing! We heard you, wot wot."
Log-a-log yelled back at the mysterious voice.
"Colonel Chello, you long-eared scoff machine, how are ya?"
"Just Bally brilliant, wot? Are you gonna stand out there shoutin' all night, or should I send Lieutenant Dosha down ya greet ya?"
"That'd be brilliant, mate! Tell Stonepaw to meet us on the way!"
A short time later, the great gates clicked open as a tall hare, Lieutenant Dosha, welcomed the army in. There beside him was a huge badger, grey with age.
"Log-a-log, my friend, welcome back to the mountain of the fire lizard! I know you are not here to parley, but first let us take dinner."
As they walked, Log-a-log introduced Martin, Toolum, and Spinetingle. The badger lord nodded at the story of the former slaves.
"We should have acted, by your description they are already here."
He threw out a paw and smashed a nearby pot, fire in his eyes.
"How did they slip under our noses?" Stonepaw took a deep breath and calmed himself, "We shall speak on the morrow, take supper, Chello with show you to some quarters for the night. On the morrow, friends."
The badger lord withdrew to his chambers.


Mel sat with Durgle at the former pine grove. Her sadness had given way to hatred and revenge. As she saw the slaves in the far off field toiling endlessly, she turned to her companion.
"Hey Durgle, I been thinkin,' an' we need an army. D'you reckon you could tunnel over to that field an' slip some slaves away?"
Durgle did not reply, he started digging immediately.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 29, 2015, 02:39:44 AM
Chapter 18
The sun rose over the western shores. Toolum rose from his bed and shuffled from the room. He met Martin in the hall an tugged his snout respectivly.
"Gudd mornin' to 'ee zurr. Oi thinks we'z gonna ave to leave this yurr mounting soon an' foind Ungatt Trunn!"
Martin nodded.
"I spoke to Colonel Chello. He says that Lord Stonepaw is sending the Colonel and his battalion to help us. He wishes he could leave himself, but there may be other vermin showing up in his absence."
The two entered the eating hall and were greeted by Lord Stonepaw.
"Good morning, my friends. No doubt Colonel Chello has told you that he is accompanying you when you leave. Take breakfast, my hares will fill packs for you and your army. Also, Spinetingle and Log-a-log have come up with a plan to defeat this wildcat menace."
Log-a-log stood up.
"Thank you, lord Stonepaw. Spinetingle has informed me that he and Toolum have a ship, a sloop, small but fast. We have decided that we are to use the speed to our advantage. We will track down the enemy's vessel, strap rough metal to the prow, and we shall bring the ship up to maximum speed and ram them! The prow should plough a hole right through their ship and sink 'er. Victory!"
The shrews gave a raucous cheer.


Durgle leapt from the tunnel, closely followed by a small group of woodland slaves.
"Hurr, missie. This is all oi could free without raising suspicious, burr aye!"
Mel grinned at the mole, he was just as dedicated as she was.
"You have done well, Durgle. Listen up, we have freed you from Mortspear. You have a choice, and it is not mine to make. Some of you have families that were not captured, you may return to them...or you may stay with us and fight. Who will stay?"
Every paw raised in the air.
"Good, good. I am Mel, I will handle the day to day operations, Durgle will lead all moles to rescue others and get weapons and armor. We will take over Nix Praesidium on day, and everybeast in the north will be free again!


Verdauga and Nole had marched their troops off from the mountain. Now they crossed the plains to the east. Darkpaw strode out front with the two, still relishing in his newfound power. Nole cursed the little wretch, hoping that they ran into trouble on the way.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 29, 2015, 10:53:27 AM
Thanks, Tammo. I'm away for two weeks at the start if the new year, so I'm going to try and finish it before January 3nd, so I can enter it in the RAFF. This chapter is short to make up for the one after it.


Chapter 19
With Colonel Chello, Lieutenant Dosha, and a small platoon of twoscore hares in tow, the Guosim army returned to Toolum and Spinetingle's ship. Log-a-log clambered aboard the Hurricane. He patted the gunwhale fondly as his shrews began strapping rough metal, long spikes, and even swords to the heavy prow.
"She's a fine one, matey. Shame we 'ave to wreck 'er. In fact, some o' me shrew scouts just got back 'ere. I left 'em behind to keep an eye on the Painted Ones while we were gone, and on their way back, they saw this huge ship, three masted, a barque. They sae the name, "Snow Demon," an' there were vermin everywhere. I think that's yet ship."
Toolum and Spinetingle nodded, it made sense. Martin drew his shrew rapier and slashed the anchor rope. The Gousim leapt aboard and the sloop took off, though slower than usual. Spinetingle inquired about this to Log-a-log.
"Are you sure the ship'll be fast enough to break a hole in their hull?"
The shrew leader grinned.
"My shrews are warriors, they'll jump off an' engage the enemy when we get in range. Then you'll get the boost of speed you need!"
Chrllo waggled an ear.
"Absolutely top-hole, chaps. Give 'em blood an' vinegar and all that jazz. Now, no sense dyin' on an empty stomach, wot wot?"
The army laughed the trip away as the Hurricane crested the wavetops on her final voyage.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 29, 2015, 12:30:08 PM
Chapter 20
Ungatt Trunn fell from his perch in the rigging. The good ship Hurricane was bearing down on the Snow Demon at near full sail. The wildcat prince cackled, the crew of this tiny boat must have gone mad, they could never possibly hope to do anything to him. Trunn would handle this himself. He took his trident from the Crow's Nest and readied it. Sucking in a breath, the wildcat sighted the Hurricane, only a three ship-lengths away, its bows packed with bristling shrews and perilous hares. Trunn took a breath and threw the trident at the largest of the shrews.


Toolum heard the ear-splitting scream. Startled, he jumped and sobbed at the sight of Log-a-log twitching in the bow. The shrews were disheartened at the loss of the leader, milling about crying. One of them threw his rapier into the sea and spat after it.
"Thanks a lot, mousey. Now you gone and got Log-a-log killed."
Martin's hackles rose.
"This wasn't my fault, shrew. I was a friend to your leader as well, he joined us to fight slavery and oppresion. Do not blame me, blame that thing!"
The warrior mouse pointed to the Snow Demon;s rigging, at Ungatt Trunn sitting there looking smug. The shrews screeched and leapt the gunwhales into the shallows, closely followed by the hares of Stonepaw's Stalwarts.
"Eulaliaaaaaa! Blood 'n' vinegar, chaps! Chaaaaaarge!"
They rushed the vermin snoozing in the sun, several slain before they even knew the ship was there. The rest stirred and took to the army with bloodlust in their eyes. While the Guosim battled fiercly with the Blue Battalion, Lieutenant Dosha and some hares took te time to free the slaves who, led by Queen Gillaina and her two squirrels, joined the attack upon their former captors.


Without the extra weight, the Hurricane took off. Toolum lashed the tiller in position and assisted Spinetingle in unfurling further sails. The Hurricane accepted the speed of her namesake, barreling straight towards the Snow Demon. Martin inspected the modified prow, stuck fast with spikes, spears, and all manner of sharp objects. He grinned and threw himself astern. There was a deafening crack and a groan as the sloop's prow shattered, burying deep into the port side hull of the Snow Demon. Martin whooped as the great Barque splintered, but cursed when the impact reverberated throughout the Hurricane, which, quivering, turned hard and beached itself. It continued to quiver and crack, until the whole ship split apart with a might crack, the stern sliding back into the sea and sinking like a stone, with not even the masts still visible. Martin and his companions jumped ashore, inspecting the carnage. The army and the freed slaves had had their way with Ungatt Trunn's Blue Battalion, turning the sand and sea red with the bloody carcasses of the fallen vermin. As the Guosim sat about licking their wounds and introductions were made between Gillaina and the sailors from the north, Martin clambered up the Snow Demon's anchor rope. He was surprised to find the ship deserted. Still alert, he descended the stairs to below decks, where the Hurricane's prow still held fast, blocking the hole that would sink the ship. Bracing his back, Martin pushed against the prow. When he had made a sizeable gap, he called to his friends. Every woodlander on the seashore boarded the ship, pushing the hole beneath the waterline. Water rushed in, pushing the prow straight through the hull and out the other side. Martin took his leave of below deck and stepped into the sunlight as the deck began to flood with water. Amongst the victory, nobody spotted a sodden wildcat, flanked by a pine marten and a fox, emerge from his stateroom with fire in his eyes. Trunn and his associates vaulted the side before the alarm could be raised and made for the bow of the North Wind. The wildcat turned over his shoulder just in time to see the finest ship of his father's fleet fall below the waves. The deck was gone, the stateroom's corner just visible, and the masts still rigged with sails soaring high like a monument to his failures. Trunn growled, time for a change. Together with Januul and Ironclaw, he pushed a flat section of the bow into the sea and the three hauled themselves, dripping, onto it just as they were spotted. The three creatures made a narrow escape, sitting in silence as the current hauled them away from the shore. They were buried in their own feelings: Trunn plotted, Januul wept inside at the lost of the Barque, and Ironclaw burned with hatred of Trunn and Captain Nole. The marten decided Ungatt had done enough; he unfurled the special scroll he had kept hold of and read aloud.
"In the name of Mortspear, wildcat king of the North, you are to hearken to the reader of this scroll. His mightiness has decided that you are committing treason, and you are to return to the Nix Praesidium at once. Failure to comply will result in your hunting down and summary destruction, agreeing to these demands will earn you your freed-"
Ungatt Trunn snarled and slew Ironclaw, finally silencing him. The wildcat threw him overboard and turned to Januul.
He grabbed the fox, snapped his neck, and shoved him off the raft. Alone, Ungatt Trunn drifted away from Mossflower.


The woodlanders mourned their losses at the beach. The guosim openly wept for Log-a-log, Colonel Chello and his hares gave burials for their fallen comrades, while Martin trotted off down the beach. He was stopped in his tracks by a gruff voice.
"Belaaay! What seek you amongst my dunes?"
"I am Martin the Elder Warrior, son of Marilyn the warriormaid. Who are you?"
A large sea otter emerged from the sand dunes.
"I am Rolam Waverider, and these are my dunes. What do you seek?"
Martin sheathed his sword.
"I seek a wise beast who can repair sunken ships."
Rolam grinned and shook the mouse's paw.
"Yer lookin' at him, mate. Point the way."


"Steady now, steady mates. Pull on those ropes!"
With the help of Rolam Waverider and his holt, the Snow Demon had been patched up and refloated across the space of a week, the exception skill of the otters and shrews had combined to make her seaworthy again, pumping out water and pulling the ship from the depths. The crew held the ropes tight while Toolum turned on the pump one final time. Everybeast cheered, Rolam gave Martin a pat on the back, they had done it.


The refloating came with celebration. The crew of hares, otters, squirrels, and other woodlanders parlayed aboard the Barque, renamed Ice Queen by Spinetingle, while two logboats stole away into the night. Martin waved the shrews off; they had done their part, and the new Chieftin didn't want to risk his tribe again after the tragic death of their last leader. Returning to the Ice Queen, Martin was met by Toolum.
"Hurr, oi athinks oi'll prefer this big ship to 'ee toiny boater, not as seasick, burr aye."
Martin shook the mole's digging claw.
"That you will, friend. Now we can save your friend and topple the tyrant, this Mortspear."
A tear fell from Toolu,'s eye as he embraced his new freind warmly.
"Thankee, zurr. You'm a guddbeast! I can't wait to see me ol' molefriend Durgle again."
The mole took back to the celebration while Martin readied the ship to set sail.


With that massive chapter, Book 2 is finished. Stay tuned for the finale.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 30, 2015, 11:39:04 AM



Chapter 21

Mel sighed with satisfaction. Their work had come to an end. Before them stood threescore liberated slaves from Mortspear's kingdom, armed with th finest weaons and clad in armour taken from the Wildcat's troops. The wildcat head emblem had been scraped off the the tunics redyed with the likeness of a squirrel in a pine tree; Mel's own tribute to Queen Gillaina's fallen community. The ex-slaves were roarig for vengeance, and Durgle, armed with a stout club, shouted over the masses and mumbles of taking back the mountains.
"Hearken to oi gudd friends. Today us'n's throw 'ee cruel woildcat from 'is bloddied throne and reclaims our loifstoile. Whom be with oi?"
A rauscous cheer shook the remnants of the Pine Grove as Durlge hurled his club towards the Mountains of the North.
"Hurrhurrhurr, that be what oi thought you'm gunna say. March thataway!"
The band of recruits raised their weapons and charged down the path.


It was a time of peace, something which Mortspear hated. It got so boring when it was peaceful, never anything to do. To top it all off, his slaves were disappearing evert day. As such, the King of the North called Captain Nole to him. The weasel bowed before her king and his son Verdauga, who was also present. Mortspear addresed her menacingly.
"Captain, welcome. Why have you done nothing about my slave situation? Just because Ungatt Trunn is bring me more of them, does not mean you can let my existing servants waltz out the front gates, so work the remainder twice as hard for half ration. And while we're on the topic, where is my son? It was several seasons ago, he should not have been gone this long, or your "trusted associate" would have enacted the Right of Return to prevent his treasonous behavior. I need more slaves, weasel...where are they?!"
Nole gulped.
"They could have collapsed and been forgotten about, oh Might One. Sickness and hunger, perhaps."
Mortspear scoffed.
"If they aren't back before Ungatt Trunn brings more, Nole your head will be on a silver plate. Begone! Verdauga, go with her!"
The two creatures bowed and fled the tyrant's throne room.


Verdauga met with Nole in the mess hall late after the troops were asleep.
" are the famous Captain Nole, my father's best commander. I hope you are as good as they say."
Nole set down a beaker of wine and smiled at the wildcat, at least he wasn't as cruel as his father.
"You can count on me, Verdayga. What's the mission?"
Verdauga unrolled a map of the Northern Mountains, stretching far as the sea on the east and west coasts.
"Ungatt Trunn heads Southh, so our job is to go further north, to find more slaves, and to recapture the ones who escaped somehow. We march on the morrow, so get two full battalions ready."
Noe bowed slightly, turning to her deputy, Darkpaw.
"Rat! Get the troops ready, we're goin' hunting!"
As Nole retired to her chambers, Darkpaw rubbed his paws gleefully, twirled his Captain's cloak, and marched off to the barracks. Ah, command. So wonderful getting to do the pushing every once in a while!
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 30, 2015, 12:00:25 PM
Chapter 22
"Land ho!"
Rolam lifted his head to Spinetingle in the crow's nest.
"Where away?"
"North-North East, oh captain Rolam! Twelve ship lengths away, we're closing the distance fast!"
Rolam was amongst the futtock shrouds before the hedgehog could blink. The otter peered at the dark mass, which sprayed with trees of white and blue.
"That ain't land, matey. It's a pod o' whales, big uns too! Creatures outta legend, those are."
Spinetingle shivered.
"You mean they're alive, Cap'n?"
The otter dropped to the deck.
"Aye, biggest animals I've ever seen. Mainly gentle giants, thankfully."
The hedgehog shivered again.
"Don't like 'em. Make me nervous."
Rolam patted Spinetingle affectionately.
"Don' worry 'bout it, buddy. We'll be fine."
But all was not fine. The massive beasts were too playful, leaping clear over the ship. One whale dived under the Ice Queen and rose, raising the entire, quivering, Barque clear out of the water and back in with a mighty splash. The beasts also made Martin nervous.
"Rolam, friend, is there any way to get them away from us?"
The burly otter grunted.
"No, matey. We can't touch 'em, they'll destroy us. But if they attack us for whatever reason, we'll 'ave to jump overboard and hope for the best!"
Martin anxiously pawed a cutlass.
"How would that end?"
Rolam grinned.
"In disaster."


One whale, a huge bull, had tired of play. He was sick of being followed, and turned his massive head towards the Ice Queen. The bull flipped his powerful tail and propelled himself straight at the ship. Rolam panicked.
"Pile on every bit of sail and try to evade him! If he goes right go left! If he charges us, get to the other end of the ship!"
Crewbeasts scurried around, pulling madly at oars and leaning the ship heavily to port. Gillaina and her band of freed slaves unfurled all sails, giving the ship a boost of much-needed speed. Still, the bull was not to be dodged or outrun. He ramed his colossal forehead into the midships. Thankfully, he had dived at the last second; a full on collision would have send everybeast aboard to the Dark Forest in an instant. Even so, huge damage was caused. The Ice Queen took on water. Toolum was terrified; the mole shivered in the stern cabin. Spinetingle grabbed his friend and dashed to the deck, running into Martin. The warrior mouse was also afraid, he begged Rolam for help.
"Please, Rolam. We have to save the ship!"
"This ship is unsaveable! We're done for, shipmate!"
Colonel Chello heaved a broken jib spar over the side.
"I say, make rafts, wot wot. No sense in dying here today, eh?"
Martin nodded, turning his attention to splintered planks from the impact. The crewbeasts joined in, throwing whatever they could find overboard. Martin jumped, followed shortly by Rolam's holt and the Stalwarts. Other crewbeasts also jumped; some to safety, and some only to land in the gaping maw of the angry whale, who rammed the ship again. Gillaina screamed and thumped her head into the deck. Just before she fell unconscious, the squirrelqueen saw her two remaining squirrels. One was lost instantly, crushed between ship and whale, and the other jumped only to fall into the gaping maw of the huge bull. Gillaina sobbed and blacked out. Spinetingle shook her, but to no avail. He was about to jump, when a faint whisper reached his ear.
"Zurr Spoinetingle, lend a paw pleeze."
It was Toolym, smashed into the deck, trapped beneath the fallen foremast. Spinetingle desperately looked around, but the only ones left were Gillaina and the rest of the dead. The sea slopping around his footpaws, he pressed up against the foremast and pushed, but to no avail. The sea was still rising, up to his waist as the ship's bow and stern rose from the water, the midships already lost. As the bow began to sink, Spinetinge clutched the mole's digging claw. Toolum weakly let go.
"Leave oi, zurr. Get away from oi, afore you'm sucked down with oi. Hurrhurrhurr, oi'm terribly afraid, burr aye."
Spinetingle nodded tearfully and dived off the bow just before the ocean gurgled and the prow was dragged down. The hedgehog surfaced some distance away, next to a piece of debris. Grabbing hold, he watched the last moments of their ship. The bow was gone. As the waves licked about the mizzenmast, the stern disappeared, and the Ice Queen was nevr seen again by living souls.


A short distance away, the large whale was content, the little beasts could not bother him, and his large enemy had been vanquished to the depths. The great creature submerged, leaving  the shipwrecked to their situation.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on December 31, 2015, 10:52:32 PM
Chapter 23
The unconscious remnants of the Ice Queen's crew had separated overnight, drifting away from each other without even knowing. When Spinetingle shivered himself awake, he was initially shocked at the shortage of companions, but gave a sigh of relief when he noticed Rolam clinging to his piece of debris nearby. The hedgehog gave a strangled sob and swam over to where the weary otter sulked.
"Rolam! Thank my spines I found you! I don't want to be lost at sea alone."
"Yer right, Spinetingle. Maybe if'n we holds out a little longer we'll reach land. That'd be a sight fer sore eyes, even for a waterdog like me!"


Colonel Chello, having unknowingly caught an ocean current the previous night, washed up on the beach. He spat salt water and dragged himself from the sea. Already passed out on the sand was a small amount of his hares. The Colonel felt his eyes droop, and knowing they were safe, slipped back into sleep.


Nole roused herself and buckled on her Captain's tunic. Red, like blood. She grinned, there would be  blood in the coming days, especially when they found slaves! The tall weasel noticed Darkpaw standing to attention hear her door. The poor fool could try to impress her all he liked, she still just considered him a waste of her time, ready to be discared as soon as possible.
"Captain Nole, the troops are lined up ready to march. Verdauga is already there."
Nole scowled, now this rat was making her look late for her own assignment. He was not going to be returning to the fortress. She pushed past him and descended to the courtyard. The weasel retrieved a spear and raised it. The army raised their weapons back in salute and followed her from the Nix Praesidium and down the path.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on January 01, 2016, 11:11:29 AM
Chapter 24
Chello was awake again, this time lying on a bed of leaves dug into the sand. He was surrounded by the hares, also lying dejectedly upon makeshift bedding. He picked out one certain hare standing about moping and beckoned him.
"Lieutenant? Where are we?"
Lieutenant Dosha twirled a piece of driftwood aimlessly.
"Does it matter, Colonel? Lost a score an' a half last night, never made it to the beach. Somewhere north, water's freezin' cold, but who really cares? We're shipwrecked somewhere, no doubt countless leagues from Salamandastron, an' we're all gonna die here!"
The colonel threw the driftwood at his Lieutenant.
"Pish tush, old chap! We're findin' a way back 'ome if it's the last thing we does, wot wot. But first up, we gotta find those other surviviors. Dosha, you can take the party headin' north, don't trust you goin' south, in case ye try to desert! I'll lead another group south, an' the rest can stay here!"


Martin gasped. He was floating aimlessly amongst white-capped waves, without anything to cling to. The warrior mouse gave a long sigh, getting water down his gullet.
"I REALLY am getting too old for this! Uck, Salty!"
Martin gathered what strength he had and swam. After many strokes, the mouse reached the easterly current and was swept shoreward.


Rolam shook Spinetingle to keep the hedgehog from passing out.
"Listen mate, you gotta stay awake or you'll fall off an' drown. I'm gonna go see if there's anything around underwater that suggests where we're headin'. Shipwrecks, currents, that sort of thing."
The otter took a breath and disappeared from view. A tear fell from Spinetingle's eye and mixed with the sea. Why did all his friends leave him?


Durgle and his army of freed slaves had rested overnight, and now they were to regain their charge right up to the very gates of Nix Praesidium, when Mel spied Verdauga and Nole's forces descending the path. Mel and Durgle signaled their forces to take cover. There was no way they could take on an army that large, of proper well-trained soldiers. The only way would be to lay an ambush.

Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on January 14, 2016, 10:53:20 AM
Chapter 25
Dosha halted. A figure had washed up on the shore. Taking two hares with him, the Lieutenant prodded the prone mouse. Martin coughed and spluttered.
"Where am I? I was just swimming..."
Dosha signalled to the two hares, who helped the mouse up. Martin leaned heavily on their shoulders as they continued to march north.


Rolam Waverider surfaced offshore. He had done it, dry land! But what of Spinetingle? The sea otter waded and swam around the patch of ocean, but there was neither hide nor hair of the hedgehog. Rolam noticed a battalion of hares marching south, and used his rudderlike tail to propel himself to the beach. He crawled from the cold water and grabbed Colonel Chello's footpaw.
"Spinetingle. Couldn't find...Spinetingle."
Chellocpatted the otter's head.
"There there, mate. Lie still, we'll find him."


But Spinetingle was not to be found, for he had been swept away from Rolam, landing even further north than Dosha and Martin. In fact, the hedgehog washed up right in the middle of the Port of Saltstone. Two vermin, a ferret and a stoat, kicked and prodded Spinetibgle with spears.
"Ey, Bloodboots, look what we got 'ere!"
The ferret looked at Spinetingle strangely.
"Err...'ow much d'yer wanna bet 'ee's from Ungatt Trunn's ship? One o' the oarslaves that 'scaped?"
The stoat kicked Bloodboots harshely.
"Who cares? 'is Mightiness loves slaves, we'll be made officers fer this, matey!"
Bloodboots skipped with joy before brining his spear shaft down upon Spinetingle's head.


Captain Nole marched at Verdauga's side. The weasel motioned to Darkpaw, who was scouting slightly ahead of the main party. Nole gave him the job just in case they ran into danger, not because he had any skill whatsoever. She gave him a shove.
"Do your job properly, rat. Can't you tell we're being watched?"
Verdauga had noticed too. There was no sound whatsoever, not even the birds were singing. He took charge of the situation.
"Nole, split the force into four. You skirt around behind the trees, Darkpaw can charge their front, and I will lead half the pincer."
The wildcat beckoned a stoat to him.
"You there, Fangtearer, you will lead the other half of the pincer, stay here 'til Nole and Darkpaw charge."
Fangtearer saluted and bid his command stop.


Durgle gasped, he heard every word. The mole called Mel to his side, and the two held a whispered conference. Durgle brandished his weapon, signalling to his army to do the same. This would really test their strength.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on January 15, 2016, 10:40:08 AM
Chapter 26
Aside from some otters from Rolam's holt, Chello and Dosha found no more survivors. Their groups rejoined and marched even further north. Chello called a halt when the scouts sighted tall masts poking above a large town carved from rock. Dosha was able to speak at length with some slaves while the vermin guards could not see. He returned to the army.
"This is Mortspear's kingdom, alright. Port o' Saltstone, this place is called. If'n we follow the path to the nor'east, we'll reach Nix Praesidium, Castle of the Wildcats. But first, the slaves told me a hedgehog washed up earlier t'day. They locked him in the brig o' that big ship there. I'll bet anythin' that that's our Spinetingle!"
Chello, Martin, and Rolam held a quick conference. Martin drew his rapier.
"Then we rescue him!"


Durgle readied his hammer. The first group of vermin charged through the undergrowth. Durgle swung the massive weapon, cracking Darkpaw's skull and slaying him instantly. The mole's army continued to force the charge back, but as soon as victory was within their grasp, Captain Nole and her forces hit them hard from behind. Mel met the backwards charge, blades ringing. She locked swords with Nole, pushing and shoving, trying to gain an upper hand. The result was a bloody stalemate; the army of freed slaves giving as good as they got. Until the pincer hit. Verdauga and Fangtearer rushed into the fray, surrounding Durgle and Mel. The slave army was being attacked from all sides, their numbers dropping drastically, but still they fought on. Durgle took an arrow in his shoulder, Mel's cheek was slashed open to the bone. The slaves were dropping like flies due to Verdauga's superior planning. Durgle hammered his way through the vermin to Mel's side.
"Hurrhurrhurr, we aren't gunna last much longer, Mel. Us'n's runnin' outta time, burr aye!"
Mel kicked out at Nole, pushing the weasel back. She stood back to back with Durgle in a spinning whirlwind of death.
"Well, we'll just have to take some with us, Durgle. FREEEEEEEDOOOMMMM!"
The mousemaid went down with a spear in her gut. Durgle fought on alone, surrounded by piled-up corpses of the vermin army. He saw Verdauga standing on the outskirts, mopping up the last resistance. The mole's eyes flamed as he rushed the wildcat. He swung the hammer wildly, slaying Fangtearer and knocking Nole to the ground. He leapt at Verdauga, weapon raised high above his head. Durgle brought the hammer down fiercely, but Verdauga nimbly sidestepped and headbutted Durgle in the gut. The wildcat's fierce claws raked at Durgle, tearing his skin. Verdauga dropped the partly disemboweled mole and retrieved his spear from Mel. The slave army was gone, but Verdauga's soldiers had suffered heavy losses. He hauled Captain Nole upright and steadied her.
"Ungatt Trunn had the right idea. I would bet an arrow to an acorn he deserted, cut and ran. We're doing the same. Any objections?"
Nole shook her head, she knew better than to argue with wildcats. The weasel gathered her command ready to march.
"Where to, my lord?"
Verdauga pondered the question.
"As much as I would dislike running into Ungatt Trunn, there is nothing north of here, so south it is."
Nole nodded and raised her sword.
"Armies of the Northern Mountains! Verdauga Greeneyes has spoken! Mortspear is old and weak, Verdauga is young and strong! We are leaving the old one to his mountain and marching south to the green fields of plenty! We follow the Lord of the Thousand Eyes to the end of the earth, for he is the one who gives us our strength!"
The vermin cheers shook the wooded glade. The ranks filed out and, ignoring the path, marched due south. Verdauga smiled with satisfaction.
"Good speech, Captain. You will be richly rewarded when the time comes..."
With that, Verdauga and Nole followed their army southsward, never to be seen again by those in the north.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on January 16, 2016, 11:28:02 AM
Chapter 27
Spinetingle moaned with pain. He tried to rise, but he found himself chained to the wall. Bloodboots the ferret tickled him with a dagger point.
"Wakey wakey, hedgepig! We know your secret, you're one o' those escaped slaves. We're gonna take yer t'the King, an' he's gonna hurt ya til' ya tell us where ya friends are!"
The ferret grew bored of torturing Spinetingle and left, the dagger abandoned on the floor. Spinetingle stretched out a footpaw, and grabbed the dagger. He flipped it into the air and caught it in one paw. The hedgehog pushed the blade into one of the locks of his chains, which snapped open with a sharp CLANK! He opened the rest of the shackles. Free at last! Dagger ready, the hedgehog crept from the cell. A rat dozed in the morning sun, unaware of Spinetingle creeping up behind him. The hedgehog slammed the hilt of the dagger into the rat's skull several times, before dragging him back into the cell. Spinetingle readied the dagger once more and stole away.


Martin was surprised at how deserted the town was. He expected it to be a hustling, bustling port, but all the slaves and guards were busy at Nix Praesidium, and the only real residents of Saltstone were there to supervise the unloading of ships. With no ships to be seen that day, most vermin spent the day in their homes or drinking away at the tavern. The mouse warrior crept behind a large rocky outcropping towards the building the slaves had told Dosha was the jail. He was skirting around when he ran into a figure. Martin drew the rapier and poised to strike when the hedgehog grabbed his paw.
"Whoa, Martin, don't kill me. It's me, Spinetingle."
Martin sheathed the blade.
"Sorry, Spinetingle. I wasn't expecting you to be free. How did you escape?"
"Some stupid ferret left a dagger at my feet. Pretty self-explanatory."
Their conversation was cut short by a holler from the jail.
"Er, er...The prisoner's gone...He must 'ave escaped...THE PRISONER'S ESCAPED!"
The port became much more lively now, vermin pouring from the tavern. Martin grabbed Spinetingle and ran. The running vermin were met with resistance by Rolam's Holt and Stonepaw's Stalwarts.
"Eulaliaaaaaaa! Waaaaaveriiiiideeeeerrrrr!"
The hares counter-charged, weapons flashing. The sloppy, unorganized vermin fell swiftly to the blades of Chello and Rolam's fine fighting forces. The remainder scattered in disarray, but not before a weasel grabbed Bloodboots.
"Ferret! Run to Nix Praesidium! Tell King Mortspear that we're under attack!"
Bloodboots nodded dumbly as a spear slew the weasel. The ferret squealed and ran for the path.


Mel sat upright with a jagged scream. She looked around, nothing to be seen but corpses. No wildcats or anybeast still alive for that matter. She stared dumbly at the spear lodged in her side. Foolishly, the mousemaid gripped and yanked it. She stumbled with pain and fell, blood re-emerging from the gaping wound. She crawled towards a still mole.
"Durgle? Durgle? DURGLE!"
The mousemaid turned the mole over. Dead as a doornail, his entrails showing in places. Mel retched and crawled backwards away from the wretched sight. She fell into a vole, who stirred. He had sustained no injuries, in truth he was a coward, who had played dead to avoid Dark Forest's gates. The vole was called Rumil, and he swatted at Mel.
"Go 'way. I'm dead, you don't 'ave to kill me again."
Mel stared dumbly at the vole, before kicking him in a rage.
She continued to beat upon Rumil, tears of rage in her eyes. The vole squealed and rolled away. He sprang upright, pushed the mousemaid back into the dust, and ran onto the path. Mel sobbed, she didn't want to die alone, a complete failure.


Somewhere in the cliffs east of Saltstone, hidden from the path, Rolam Waverider handed Spinetingle fresh water and some fruit. As the hedgehog ate, he filled the sea otter in on the area.
"Mff, snort. Foller the track nor'easterly. Gromp, charmph. When it forks, take the northern one up the mountain. Sniffle, slurp. Takes yer straight t'the main gate o' Nix Praesidium. Munch, crunch."
"Come on, holt; ready yourselves for battle, we're leavin'! Time to go knock on Mortspear's gate, and the Dark Forest's ones if we fail. Chello, are your hares ready?"
Chello gave a thumbs up and motioned the Stalwarts into three ranks. Moments later, when Spinetingle finished his meal and everybeast was lined up, Dosha gave the order to march.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on January 16, 2016, 11:52:14 AM
Chapter 28
Bloodboots the ferret had been running all out, and now needed a break. He staggered, leaning heavily against a tree, when he saw a creature. The ferret drew his dagger, squinting at the creature. It was a trembling vole, grovelling at his feet. Bloodboots poked it with the dagger.
"Er, er...who are you?"
"M-m-my name is Rumil, sir. Please don't hurt me, I'm not a member of the freed slave army, they stole me away, I didn't want to leave, I..."
Bloodboots kicked Rumil roughly.
"Er, quiet. The woodlanders are followin' me, an' I need to get t'the castle!"
Rulin grinned. Maybe this would be an opportunity to get into Mortspear's good books!
"Tell you what, sir. You keep runnin' and fetch his Mightiness. Tell 'im Rumil sent yer, and that Rumil is distractin' the woodlanders so that 'is Mightiness can catch 'em offguard. Okay?"
"Er, er...fine. Just make sure it's a good distraction!"
The ferret sped off up the mountain path. Rumil gleefully smiled and whispered under his breath.
"Don't worry, sir. It'll be one good distraction..."


The better part of a day later, Chello called a holt to the marching. Gillaina and the other two squirrels, the advance scouts, returned to the main party supporting a vole between them. He collapsed roughly at Chello and Martin's footpaws.
"Please help us, good sirs. Me and the other freed slaves were attacked! In that woodland over there! They're all dead, and I don't know what to do! The crows have started to look at the bodies, but they're my friends! Please help me!"
Martin patted Rumil softly.
"There, there. We'll help bury your mates."
Chello and Rolam issued orders to their respective troops, who ducked through the trees into the wood where Durgle and Mel had made their last stand. Martin turned over all the freed slaves in turn. Dead, dead, really dead, dea-alive!
"Rolam, this one's alive."
Mel groaned and grimaced in pain. Rolam knelt beside her, covering the wound with his tunic.
"Be still, marm. You've lost a lot of blood."
Mel shook her head.
"Don't worry about me, just teach Mortspear a lesson."
The mousemaid winced.
"Gillaina...Gillaina is that you?"
The squirrelqueen was at the side of the dying mousemaid immediately.
"Mel...Oh, Mel...Why?"
The mousemaid gripped Gillaina's paw.
"I couldn't stand by and watch everybeast be enslaved. What would you think of me then?"
Gillaina blinked back tears.
"At least you would be alive!"
Mel's grip faltered.
"One...last...thing. Don't trust...Rumil."
The squirrelqueen shook her head.
"Who is Rumil? I don't understand."
But the mousemaid was gone. Gillaina laid her to rest, along with Durgle and the rest of the freed slaves. He stood alongside Rulim, who had still not revealed his name.
"We can't let your friends sacrifice be in vain, friend. We're marchin' on Nix Praesidium right now."
Rumil put up a good face for sake of appearances, but kicked himself inside. This didn't take as long as he thought it would. Still, someone could have an accident and fall off the mountain.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Skyblade on January 16, 2016, 04:07:13 PM
Hi, Groddil! (Cool name btw) I finally finished reading Book 1 and plan to get to the rest later. Good work. The chapters seem a bit short, and could be more detailed, but that could just be your style. I also still see more room for character development.

Nice story, anyway :)
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on January 20, 2016, 05:11:36 AM
Thanks, Skyblade.


Chapter 29
Bloodboots burst into Mortspear's throne room. The wildcat snarled.
"Who do you think you are, ferret? SPEAK UP!"
Bloodboots clumsily saluted.
"Er...Bloodboots, yer Mightyness!"
Mortspear leaned forwards angrily.
"And why did you run into my throne room?"
The ferret scratched his head.
"Er...Oh, Rumil send me."
The wildcat was fed up. He got up and grabbed Bloodboots.
The ferret shrieked.
"Saltstone's bein' attacked, sir!"
Mortspear threw the ferret aside and stormed out to the courtyard.
"Nole! Verdauga! Ungatt!"
The wildcat king groaned in anger.
"Why did I send all my trusted lieutenants out at the same time? You there, rat. Over here!"
The rat in question scurried over and kissed his lord's footpaws.
"Oh Mightiness, you called of me?"
The wildcat grimaced and kicked the rat.
"Go tell the soldiers. We are marching for Saltstone immediately. Every single soldier, from keep or town, get them all together NOW!!!"
The rat saluted and dashed to the barracks. Mortspear shrugged on a suit of chainmail and donned a helmet. He gripped a javelin tightly and awaited the soldiers.


Rumil had retrieved a dagger from one of the corpses. If he could strike at the proper time, Mortspear would treat him like royalty. The vole hung around the back of the army, which had just started to ascend the mountain. Spinetingle slowed down to match the vole's pace. The hedgehog twirled an axe.
"Best if ye keep outta the battle, mate. You won't get very far without a weapon."
Rumil nodded.
"Don't worry, sir. You won't see me." He dropped his voice to a low whisper "Until it's too late."


Bloodboots rubbed his head and sat up. He looked out the window at the soldiers assembling. The ferret grabbed his dagger and dashed down the stairs.


Martin, Chello, Gillaina, and Rolam led the marching column, which ground to a halt at the front gates of Nix Praesidium. Dosha stepped forwards.
"Mortspear, Tyrant of the North. I am Liuetenant Dosha of the Stonepaw's Stalwarts. Together with us are the Holt of Rolam Waverider and Martin the Elder Warrior, defender of Mossflower. We are here on behalf of one of your former slaves and Gillaina, squirrelqueen and rightful ruler of these lands."
Spinetingle stepped forwards.
"Throw down your weapons, cat. Your reign of terror has come to an end!"
Mortspear's head poked over the balcony.
"Hah! Listen to yourselves! A bunch of do-gooders from the South and one lowly hedgehog slave, here to make me surrender? Why not come in and take your freedom by force."
The gates were flung open and the screaming horde rushed out.
Martin and the rest of the front runners braced for the impact. Then came the clashing of steel as the two armies collided. Mortspear threw his javelin into the teeming ranks, taking Rolam through the chest. The sea otter grunted and lashed out at the charging rats, taking as many as possible with him. Martin watched the sea otter go.
The warrior mouse cut through the vermin to Rolam's side, but the otter had already gone to Dark Forest, surrounded by the dead of Mortspear's army. Martin sighted Mortspear retrieving another javelin from a weapon rack within the fortress. The mouse warrior cleaved the blade, forging a path through the vermin. His eyes were aflame, with only one purpose. Spinetingle saw Martin heading for Mortspear. He could never take on the wildcat alone. Swinging his axe, the hedgehog followed his friend.


Bloodboots was fenced in. Liuetenant Dosha had cornered him against the wall. The hare raised his spear, ready to run the ferret through, when his throat exploded with pain. The liuetenant touched his throat, then stared dumbly at his bloodied paw. His eyes rolled back as he fell. Rumil stood over the slain hare, dagger in paw. Bloodboots grinned stupidly at the vole.
"Thanks, matey. Wait, I knows you! It's Rumil!"
Colonel Chello heard the voices. He looked over his shoulder and stood Rumil, the very vole they had helped, standing over Dosha conversing with a ferret. The hare gripped his sword in rage. He raised it above his head and threw. His aim was true. Bloodboots stared in horror at Rumil, the sword protruding from the back of his head. With one final movement, the vole stabbed at Bloodboots, cursing the ferret for getting him caught.


There was a lull in the fighting outside the gate. Mortspear was nowhere to be seen, fleeing into Nix Praesidium pursued by Martin and Spinetingle. The vermin horde, disarrayed with nobody to command them, retreated to within the walls. Chello sat outside, cradling Dosha in his arms.
"You were right, Liuetenant, it wasn't our fight. We never should have come to this snowy wasteland."
With tears in his eyes, the Colonel hauled himself upright.
The colonel leapt into the fray.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on January 20, 2016, 12:33:53 PM
Chapter 30
An old squirrel blinked. There was movement in the room. He sat still, careful not to disturb his chains. He squinted through the darkness, listening for the soft snores of the weasel guard. The snores were interupted.
"Grmff! Nrphh!"
The weasel thrashed about, then went still. Gillaina tossed aside a thin piece of rope and took a keychain from the dead weasel. She unlocked the chains of the old squirrel. With her so close, he recognized the face.
"Gillaina the squirrelqueen? No, you were captured by Ungatt Trunn. I'm dreaming."
"You are not dreaming, old one. Ungatt Trunn is currently floating on a piece of driftwood in the middle of the southern oceans. I am free, and so are you. We are taking the fortress!"
The old squirrel shook with joy.
"Wake up! Gillaina is here, we are free!"
The old squirrel roused the slaves, and Gillaina freed them. She now had another small army at her back, fourscore freed slaves. She flung open a closet and handed out weaponry.


Martin stepped around a corner, sword raised. He looked around at Mortspear's throne room. He had sworn the wildcat went this way. Martin turned his head and a face filled his vision. He raised the sword, when the face grabbed his paws.
"Whoa, mate. 'Tis me, Spinetingle."
Martin felt the red mist dissipate.
"Why are you here, Spinetingle?"
The hedgehog brandished his axe.
"'Tis my fight, Martin."
"He killed Rolam! It's as much my fight as yours."
"And what of Holt Waverider? Do they not deserve the retribution? Ye hardly knew 'im! Ferget it, let's just kill this spawn of darkness. He went thataway!"
The hedgehog pointed a claw at a door behind the throne, slightly ajar. The mouse warrior raised his blade and charged. He was halfway through the door when Mortspear swung the javelin. It snapped roughly over Martin's head. The mouse warrior was dazed. He heard voices.
     "Trust the mousey and the mole,
          Put your trust not in the vole,
          Don't follow the spikes that point the way,

Martin rolled to the side as Mortspear stabbed at him with half the javelin. The wildcat threw aside the broken weapon and leaped at Martin with his lethal claws and teeth. The tyrant was momentarily distracted by a hedgehog that threw an axe at him. Mortspear caught it! He swung the axe in a broad sweep. Martin, who had stood up and grabbed his sword, jumped back. Spinetingle was not so lucky. The hedgehog staggered, pulling the axe from Mortspear's paw and using his last momentum to thrust the axe blade forwards. Mortspear took a deep slice across his waist, but kept fighting. He stepped over Spinetingle and, with the axe in paw, locked blades with Martin.


Outside the gate, a thin mouse, one of the slaves that had been freed, was poking through a pile of bodies. He pressed his paw to the throat of a large sea otter with a spear sticking out of his side. The mouse found a pulse. He waved to Colonel Chello.
"Look! He's alive!"
Chello raced over, together with a small group of otters. They carefully removed the spear and bound the wound with dockleaves. Chello then revived Rolam with a damp rag. The sea otter winced in pain.
"Be still, Rolam. You're alive, just don't move."
The otter ignored Chello, pulling himself up.
"I'm not going to sit here while my comrades die. Let me at 'em."
Chello shrugged.
"It's your life, but we can't fix you up if you take another hit."
Rolam snatched his spear from Chello.
"Holt Waverideeeeeerrrr!'
Another war cry joined them.
"Gillainaaaaaa! Freeeeeedom!"
Gillaina rushed from the fortress at the head of the freed slaves. With their new reinforcements, the army overpowered the vermin horde.


Martin's strength was faltering. No matter how hard he fought, Mortspear's superior strength and cunning always won the bout. Martin was pressed against the walltop, the victim of several nasty cuts. Were it not have been for Spinetingle weakening the wildcat, the warrior mouse would have been dead before the fight had even begun. Martin now saw that he would not be able to defeat Mortspear in single combat, he needed an edge. The warrior mouse swung low with his blade, buying some time while Mortspear stumbled. He looked over the battlements at the battle raging.
"Rolam! You're alive!"
The sea otter glanced upwards. Martin chose to forgoe further conversation as Mortspear jumped at him. Martin parried the blow, but could not get a chance to hit back. With steel in his eyes, Rolam hefted his spear.
"What goes around comes around, mate."
The otter threw the spear which found its mark easily, burrowing deep into Mortspear's flesh. The wildcat screamed in pain and tossed aside the axe. Ignoring Martin's stinging blows, the tyrant of the north grabbed his enemy in a death grip and jumped from the walltops.


     "You paid no heed to the mousey and the mole,
     You foolishly put your trust in the vole..."

     "No, not this again!"
     "You followed the spikes that pointed the way..."
     "Now I will kill you on this day!"

Martin gasped in pain. His whole body felt on fire, like every single bone had been broken. The warrior mouse groggily opened his eyes. He was lying on a ledge, jutting out awkwardly from the cliff face. There was a small cave hollowed onto the ledge, but Martin saw only two things. Mortspear, lying like him on the other side of the ledge, and the sword lying just out of reach. Martin tried to ignore the excruciating pain as he stretched out his paw. Martin felt a claw lightly bump the blade, and stretched further. Mortspear rose. The wildcat was made of stronger stuff than the mouse, and even with his wounds, he was not as close to death as Martin. Mortspear crawled towards Martin, staggering several times, but making it. Martin was just about to grab his blade when the wildcat stompted on his paw. Martin let out an agonized scream as Mortspear picked up the sword. He rose it, ready to slay the mouse, when a deafening screech filled the air, and a bolt from the blue struck the mountain king. Argulor, now fully grown, snatched the wildcat in his talons, seeking revenge for his mother. The eagle took off into the sky, with the wildcat in his claws. Mortspear slashed at Argulor with the sword, but to no avail. The eagle's powerful talons ripped the wildcat in two, dropping him far, far below into the valley of thistles. The gruesome sight was the last straw for the tyrant's army. They threw down their weapons in surrender. The freed slaves cheered, a smile appearing on even Gillaina's face. The squirrelqueen shed a tear of joy; after so many long seasons of oppression, the north was finally free. Chello and the long patrol quickly gathered the fallen weapons while Rolam's Holt tied up the sorry vermin. Amidst the joy, Rolam's heart sank. Where was Martin? The sea otter rushed to the side of the cliff, and there on the ledge below was Martin. The sea otter climbed swiftly down the cliffside to be at his friend's side. Martin weakly forced his eyes open.
"Rolam...did we do it? Did"
Rolam nodded.
"We won, matey. Mortspear is no more. The mountains are free."
One last smile crossed the warrior's face.
So died Martin the Elder Warrior, Saviour of the North and Ancestor of the Hero of Mossflower.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on January 21, 2016, 06:22:06 AM
Gingivere snapped the book shut.
"That's how it ended. Gillaina reclaimed her throne as rightful queen of the Northern Mountains, and ruled for many seasons. Chello returned to Salamandastron a hero, but he never got over what happened to Liuetenant Dosha. The Colonel was appalled by how they had trusted Rumil, a vole, and he betrayed them. Chello left Salamandastron to wander, and he was never seen again, although there were stories of vermin camps being ransacked in the middle of the night by a lone hare. Rolam scoured the mountains for Martin's blade, and he eventually returned to Mossflower to return it to the warrior's family."
Ferdy rose from his seat.
"Does Martin know? Our Martin, I mean."
Gingivere shook his head.
"He should know his own history, shouldn't he. Here, take the book."
Ferdy accepted the large tome.
"Come on, Coggs. Back to the Abbey to see Martin, I suppose."
The other hedgehog shook Gingivere's paw.
"Thanks, uncle. See you soon."
The two hedgehogs departed. Gingivere watched them go, and soon felt a tug on his paw.
"Papa, can you tell us another one?"
Gingivere chuckled.
"No little one, it's time for bed."
The small wildcat sulked.
"But I want to hear another one!"
Gingivere hoisted the young one onto the armchair.
"Well, all right. But just a short one..."

Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: The Skarzs on May 01, 2017, 04:33:44 AM
Hey, @Groddil.
Well, I decided to take a look at this. Congratulations on sticking through to the end! I'm not finished reading it yet, about halfway through the first page, but I'll keep going.

I do like that you attempted to give an origin to the wildcat brothers. However, it has, so far, always seemed very compressed and unbalanced, especially with how "close" things are with how quickly they happen right after one another in the story. Just something for future reference if you decide to start writing again. That, and the characters are hard to get a read on. . . not a great deal of development in the characters. One last thing that I noticed, which is something a LOT of new writers struggle with is the show versus tell method of writing. It was a very common thing for you to tell us what was going on rather than show us through the expansion of character action and thoughts.
Hope I didn't cut through your skin there, man.
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: Groddil on May 01, 2017, 09:34:03 PM
Stop reading! It's terrible! Don't do this to yourself!
Title: Re: Deathspear: A Tale of Before Redwall
Post by: The Skarzs on May 01, 2017, 10:40:48 PM