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Started by Ashleg, November 22, 2017, 06:49:03 AM

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The Skarzs

  Vincor looked at Sniklaw with merciless eyes, but pulled out the dagger. He watched as the rat clutched his paw, still holding the dripping blade. He hauled Sniklaw upright, and held the dagger under his chin.
  "Never doubt him again. Now go, and reflect on your mistakes."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Sniklaw ran, sobbing, from the scene. His tears betrayed him, but as soon as he was out of sight, he turned around and stared in the direction he had come from with blazing, furious eyes.

I'll make you pay, Vincor. I'll show you that nobeast can cripple my paw and get away with it!

With that, he slunk inside, and shut the door behind him, such agony searing through his arm that he could not withstand it.

They'll all pay.

The rat slunk into the darkness, and started up the steps.


Meadow sat on her bed reading the most recent book she had found in the library. After at least an hour of reading, she had only gotten through one short chapter. Her mind kept on wandering to the conversation with the Abbot. "Why me?" she continuously asked herself.


Soon, a knock sounded from Meadow's door, and a gruff voice; "'Ellur?"


"Coming." Meadow asked while walking to the door. She opened it to see Sinkclaw standing in front of her. "Uh, hi." she said confused, "What do you need?"


"'Ello, young'in." Holding his bleeding paw behind his back and out of sight, Sniklaw grinned feebly.
"Vincor found out 'bout yer promotion," he announced, "An 'e got real mad. Says 'e's gonna kill you, Vincor does..." gritting his teeth for a moment, the rat flicked his gaze around, then lowered his voice to a secretive whisper.
"Says 'e's gonna kill th' Abbot, too."


Meadow stood there for a moment taking in what she had just heard. Someone was thinking about killing her, but she had no clue what to do about it. There was no way she would be able to defend herself from Vincor if he did attack her. And the Abbot? What of him? Should she warn him? She didn't know Sniklaw very well, but he probably had a better idea of how to handle this kind of situation than she did.

"Well thank you for telling me, Sniklaw." she said, "I'll make sure to keep a watch out. Do you have any advice on what I should do about this? I must confess I really don't know what to do about it."


"I would tell th' Abbot lickity split if'n I was you," the vermin whispered. "An' I'd do it meself, 'cept 'is Mightiness won't listen to me! 'Tis all I knows, gotta run an' do me duties."
With an exaggerated glance behind him, the rat ducked out of the room.
"Like taking candy from a baby," he snickered.


Flopping down on her bed Meadow exclaimed, "Oh why is this happening to me?" So much had happened today and she wasn't quite sure how to handle it all. Sure she felt some pride being chosen by the Abbot, but she didn't want to be his apprentice with this kind of trouble. Vincor had already scared her enough, but now she was absolutely terrified of him. Yes, she would go to the Abbot. She would go to the Abbot and ask that he choose someone else as his apprentice. She got up and hurried out the door towards the Abbot's room.