Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Steelinghades on November 13, 2020, 08:05:36 PM

Title: Redwall: Peperit Reipublicae
Post by: Steelinghades on November 13, 2020, 08:05:36 PM
Redwall: Peperit Reipublicae.
Low Fantasy AU.

"Listen closely Martin, I'm going to only say this once. Settle down now. This is Important. There are tales and stories passed down through our Tribe and have been passed down for many, many years; as far as we can remember. Of beings of Strange and magical power. Who contained their magic In Talismans and after they disappeared, these talismans remained.

It is said, once many millennia ago, one such talisman fell into the paws of a Badger and this badger would then go on to use Its power to raise a mountain on the shores of the western sea and then he buried this talisman somewhere in the mountain, many say beneath It. So long as he remained in the mountain he had immense magic power, so the legends say, the mountain, after his death become known by his name, Salamandastron. And because that Talisman remained in the mountain and because It was first bonded to a Badger, every badger that came after would be able to tap into some of the Talismans power, even without wearing It. Over the millennia, It is said the badgers who would rule the mountain would slowly lose their knowledge of how to properly wield the Talisman's power, until only the barest of magical abilities were available to them.

Throughout History, these Talismans would be found and used, sometimes many would be found at a time and dozens of woodlanders and Vermin would gain the abillity to wield magic. I tell you this because In my youth I found one such Talisman, It appeared as a amulet shaped like the sun, both chain and amulet were solid gold and It was suspiciously light for golden jewelry. But the power It had, It frightened me, I tell you now, because before I leave, I'm giving It to you. Truthfully my son, Its power frightens me, but should you use It, I can only hope you maintain your mind against the terrible knowledge contained within." --Luke the Warrior, -16 years after Tsarmina's Fall.

Arc I: A New Ascent
Chapter One: Epicinium

0 Years after Tsarmina's Fall,

The night after Tsarmina's death and the banishment of the remainders of the Thousand Eyes army, Abbess Germaine called together the other Woodlanders that lead the rebellion against Kotir.

In the wane light of a trio of dying candles, they sat around a circular table, cracked and chipped from use over many generations.

Abbess Germaine sat across from Bella of Brockhall, to her right was Gonff and to his right was Columbine, to her left was Dinny, and his left was the Skipper of Otters—rarely known by his name of Warthorn—Lady Amber leaned against the wall behind Warthorn. Timballisto was still seated by Martin's bedside and hadn't responded to Germaine's request to meet and Log-a-Log Big Club was too rejoicing with his newly returned Tribe.

They were all assembled in a small woodlander's hut, the original Inhabitants long dead, killed by Tsarmina's lot.
"As no one else seems to be starting," Abbess Germaine said, "I shall start. No doubt you are all wondering why we're here," Seeing Gonff start to perk up, she added. "Exception being you Gonff." After he settled back down, she continued. "It was brought to my attention that Tsarmina's body was unusual after her death. The squirrels that told me, said she bore burns along the cut all across her body and that Martin's sword was startlingly hot, hot enough It burned the paw of the otter who tried to pick It up. Does Anybeast have an Explanation?"

There was dead silence around the table, each beast absorbed in their thoughts. How could a sword cause burns to appear? Especially when It wasn't aflame at the time, nor could It have been, for Martin had had no access to anything necessary to turn his sword Into a wick, Oil or flammable cloth, nothing.

These were the thoughts of the beasts assembled, but of course there was an answer and Gonff suddenly thought of the beginning of an explanation.

"The amulet!" The self-titled Prince of Mouse Thieves said suddenly.

"What amulet?" Skipper Warthorn demanded.

"When we went to check on Martin, while the others were looking over Tsarmina's corpse, I was checking on Martin and I happened to notice that a amulet, the likes of which I had never seen before was around his neck, It were a golden sun upon a golden chain, were It around any other beast's neck I would have, of course, swiped It, but It t'were around me matey Martin's neck, so I merely tucked It under his clothes so no, less scrupulous, beasts were to spy It."

Dinny, speaking perhaps the thought occurring to all of them at that moment, with but two exceptions, said. "But Gonff, what does a Amulet have to do with Martin's sword being all aflame?"

"I don't have a clue," Gonff admitted, "But It could be a lead to how?"

"He is right," Bella said suddenly. "It is a clue to how Tsarmina was burned, It is more then a mere clue, It tells us exactly how Martin managed to achieve such an occurrence of fate. Martin has a Talisman."

"Talisman?" Columbine asked quietly. "Aren't those supposed to be magical artifacts of some long dead race?"

"Yes to the magical, no to the second part." Bella said. "We don't know what happened to the ones who created the Talismans, other then they disappeared before the mountain of Salamandastron was raised. My father told me all I know of Talismans, for there is still one within Salamandastron. When a beasts picks up a Talisman—whose appearance can actually be anything from a ring to a weapon or even clothing—a beast has an inherent understanding of the basics of magic, though they do admittedly need practice to properly use the talisman and can do magic."

"What kind of magic?" Dinny asked.

"All sorts, from manipulating elements to controlling darkness or illusions, the only limit is the wielder's imagination and the inherent energy gathered within the talisman, which can run dry after using It a lot, but will also regrow after some amount of time."

Lady Amber scowled, "You can't be serious, I remember the stories my grandmother used to tell me about them and now you're telling me that they're all real?"

"No, I wouldn't say that all the stories are real, since many of them aren't." Bella said, "They don't give endless power, They don't make all your wishes come true, or any such nonsense like that. They have rules and limits to what they do, though I haven't a clue what they are, but It is certainly magical what they do."

"Why aren't there more?" Dinny said.

"Many of the active ones were lost and no beast has found another cache of them yet." Was Bella's simple answer.
"If a beast did find a cache of them, "Columbine asked, slightly frightened. "Couldn't they become scarily powerful If they took all of them for themselves?"

"No, because no beast could take them all. Talismans don't tend to agree with each other, very rarely will one find a pair—or more—of Talismans that are capable of working together, generally they react quite explosively If one wielder tries to use them."

Abbess Germaine, having observed their interactions thus far, finally spoke up what was on her mind. "You know quite a lot of this for not having one of your own, Bella."

"The Badger Lords of Salamandastron may not be able to fully tap into the Talisman of the Salamandastron, but we remember how they are wielded and the old stories about them." Shrugging Bella added, "Admittedly these are all old stories and they may not be the most technically accurate. I suspect Martin would know more from a first paw basis. Though that does bring up the question of where Martin got It from? Did he always have It? Did he loot It from Kotir? Did my father find It and give It to him? All valid questions."

Gonff shook his head, "I don't think Boar gave It to him and I don't believe he'd had a opportunity to loot anything from Kotir. He must have had It since coming here from the North, he must have kept It under his clothes for me to never see It."

Germaine, with the wisdom and inherent calm of her advanced years, merely sighed and said. "I admit, I wish to know more about Martin's Talisman, but until he wakes we will have to limit ourselves to polite pondering." This she said with a steely gaze directed at Gonff, "Now, I am almost certain we have more important things to worry about. How many of ours have died?"

Lady Amber, who had been checking on the wounded, said. "Another half dozen succumbed to their wounds, all together we've lost roughly forty beasts to Death's cold embrace."

Bella hummed pleased, "Considering how we only numbered four hundred to their thousand, those are good numbers."
Columbine nearly shot to her paws, glaring at the badger. "So many beasts died freeing us all of Tsarmina's tyranny and you imply their deaths are good."

"Sit, Columbine." Skipper Warthorn ground out. "We were heavily outnumbered and they had the advantage in weapons and armour, our victory is truly blessed by Dark Forest for us to only suffer such small casualties."

"It is cruel to say so, Columbine dear," Abbess Germaine murmured softly, "But Skipper and Bella are quite right."
Straightening, cursing silently her old bones as they creaked, Germaine said. "But before we go over any funeral preparations, we must speak on a vital manner. Bedding. Where are all our beasts going to rest? Brockhall isn't big enough and though I have plans for what I want to create in this area, Martin has mentioned he has other ideas and for both our plans to come fully to fruition, we require a temporary house solution."

"When did you and Martin discuss what will happen after Tsarmina was defeated?" Gonff asked, leaning back in his simple pine chair and twirling one of his whiskers with his right paw.

"Shortly before the battle itself began." Germaine said, "Now, we could fell a number of trees to help create temporary dwellings out of wood and cloth, simple lean-twos; but that is more questionable, the weather could turn at any time and I'd prefer our beasts be under better cover then that."

"What, like actual wood cabins?" Bella questioned, "That'll take a lot of time and pawpower to get It done, perhaps a year for all four hundred to be housed and If you and Martin have plans for the area, perhaps It would be best to wait until they've been completed."

Skipper nodded, "For us to weigh in on that, we'd need to know what you two are planning."

There was silence for a pawful of moments as Germaine considered Skipper's words, before finally she began to speak, in a small voice. "I wish to see Loamhedge rebuilt here, greater then It was before, It would be a place of peace where beasts of good heart can live together and protected by walls, It would have great defense against any would be Vermin plunderers." She grew even more quiet as she added. "Martin had a different idea, He pointed out that an Abbey wouldn't be able to contain large numbers of beasts should they come seeking sanctuary, nor are they capable of feeding large numbers of beasts."

"So what," Gonff said. "He wants to build a bunch of walled farms?"

"No," she said. "A city."

A silence deeper then any before erupted around the table as each beast stared at the former Abbess of Loamhedge. Gazing at each other, wordlessly communicating, Gonff finally spoke what they were all thinking.
"A city generally has more inhabitants then four hundred and I've never heard of a City in our region of the world, not In Mossflower, Not the Northlands and not in Southsward."

Bella added, "And often cities have their own military force to defend them and wage war if the tales I've heard from the south and east are true."

"Indeed they often do," Germaine said. "But Martin has a point, a city would allow a large amount of good beasts to live in peace, protected by walls and guarded y volunteers, with farmers tilling the fields outside and crafts being created by beasts inside. Martin spun a beautiful tapestry of hope and future before he entered the battle, made me believe It is possible for us to build our own safe haven. And, I can still rebuild my Abbey, just within the Martin's City walls."

While the others were starting to come around, Bella still wore a frown, doubting.

"My father," Bella mused. "Always told me Cities invited war on a scale beyond any we've seen so far."

"The lack of a city certainly didn't stop Verdauga or Tsarmina, at least this way, Mossflower will have some manner of defense against any future tyrants."

Dinny spoke up. "I trust Martin, he led Gonff and I well, I trust him to lead us now with his new idea."

"Trust Martin," Bella said, "I suppose. He helped with Tsarmina and he's a stand up mouse, I suppose that's all we can do, Is to trust him."


"They're not going to give up so easily." Martin said, though instinctively he knew It wasn't his voice, It was deeper, stronger then he remembered. But the comforting weight of his Talisman around his neck was the same.

Around him, shadowy figures is golden maille armour stood watching a group of foxes introducing themselves to the other beasts gathered below. Mice, Otters, Ferrets, all sorts were gathered in the room. There were ten beasts of each species, and ten shadowy figures in armour across from them, each figure bore what was clearly a Talisman. Some were amulets, others rings, a few were weapons, one was a cape and so on.

To his right, a particular shadowy figure holding a staff shaped like a trio of intertwining serpents spoke in a clear feminine and musical voice. "I have no doubt about that and when they do, We shall show them, once again, why we rule. They're not the first to rebel and I guarantee they shan't be the last. You shouldn't be so glum, you're a hero now. Three separate species' tribes conquered, their lands and people brought into the fold, There's been talk lately, the common folk are your biggest supporters you know."

"I am aware," Martin felt himself muse,"Well, It's time to begin."

Martin suddenly felt as though his insides were being ripped out as his surroundings blurred and suddenly he was within a war camp.

To his right stood a fox holding aloft a golden icon of an eagle, a cross board was below this eagle, engraved with words Martin didn't understand.

A armoured Otter approached and announced, "The Barbarian King approaches alone, Great General."

Martin felt himself nod, "Allow him, perhaps he has something interesting to say."

He did not need to wait long, before the Barbarian King, the last organized opposition to their expansion in this area, appeared. He was fearsome in appearance, armoured in maille and helm and carry a long, great blade at his side. The Barbarian King was truly a wildcat of immense might and this was shown easily as he strode through Martin's camp toward him.

Stopping before Martin, the wildcat growled. "Hail, Great General, I bear tidings that perhaps may be of interest to you."

"Speak then," Martin replied evenly, one hand resting easily upon his sword. "And speak clear, I don't wish to waste my time with gossip or rumor."

"Then you shall be pleased to know I bear to tidings of gossip or rumor, all I come bearing I observed personally." The wildcat smiled and It grew cruel, "One of your compatriots are going to betray you, they wish to crown themselves an absolute tyrant over the Folk's lands."

Martin's eyes blazed with arcane energy, "Their name." He growled, his voice snapping out with power that caused the air around him to grow hazy.

"You know her name."

And Martin's stomach was once again ripped apart as his surroundings blurred until he stood in a large chamber, with dozens of shadowy figures surrounding one other shadowy figure, who lay upon the ground bloody and dying.

In his heart of Hearts, he knew nothing would be the same again.

And Martin woke up.


As the shadows of night gathered and darkened the lands and In the privacy of his own tent, the young ferret Swartt Sixclaw allowed himself to relax. His armour he removed with the ease of long practice, his sword remained at his side while he sat down on a nearby stool and observed his most recent trinket that had come into his possession.
It was a ring, plain brass, with strange writing across its entirety, both on the inside and the outside.

He wore It on his sixth claw, strangely It seemed to change size to properly fit. If that hadn't shown Swartt he had something special, what else he'd learned of It would have, for with just a tiny bit of concentration, he could do something truly wondrous.

It started with a small ripple through the air, causing It to go hazy, which was then followed by a small flickering flame of deep violet appearing in the palm of left paw. Soon, he knew, he would leave Bowfleg's Horde and start his own, maybe he'd even come back one day. Once he'd discovered the secrets of his ring and gathered an appropriately sized horde. He couldn't help but grin cruelly, showing off his bloody painted teeth, and he wondered how well Bowfleg would burn.

And In the privacy of his own tent, Swartt began to quietly laugh.

AN: As It may have become apparent above, I don't do accents for moles and hares, I'm simply not good at Writing them. If anyone wants to, you can private message me with the sentences of mole and hare speech translations of characters in the story and I'll add them in; and I can add a character into the story that you request.
Title: Re: Redwall: Peperit Reipublicae
Post by: shisteer of nothing much on December 10, 2020, 07:33:08 PM
Ooooooh, this is fascinating. I don't quite understand the bits with Martin, but eh. Will there be more?
Title: Re: Redwall: Peperit Reipublicae
Post by: Steelinghades on December 30, 2020, 09:09:13 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 10, 2020, 07:33:08 PM
Ooooooh, this is fascinating. I don't quite understand the bits with Martin, but eh. Will there be more?

Absolutely, I just haven't had a chance to sit down properly and write lately.