
Moderator activity in progress. Please, be patient. ~ Sincerely, The Staff

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Major Staff Changes

Started by Dannflower Reguba, December 18, 2021, 08:04:31 PM

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Dannflower Reguba

       Hello everyone! In leu of recent departures from our team, the survivors remaining staff have decided, reached out, and confirmed several new assistants for the future. Please welcome @Russa Nodrey as the new Local Op for Cavern Hole, @shisteer of nothing much as Local Op of the Front Lawns, and @Kade Rivok as Local Op of the Cellars!

       As for @Verdauga, he will, unfortunately, no longer be able to help us as an Operator. That having been said, feel free to congratulate him for becoming a Global Mod! Long overdue as it is... He has long shown levity and tact in his work, and is most welcome to spread his reign-, I mean influence throughout the Forum.

       @Jukka the Sling has also been removed from Modship at this time, as she has unfortunately been gone for... a very long time. We all hope she's doing well, and wish for her success and joy in life even if we no longer get to share in it.

Take care, and merry Christmas everyone!
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This