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The Quest for Romance: Land

Started by Rainshadow, October 27, 2012, 05:27:05 AM

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  Tempest was sitting in her room, nearly asleep as she relaxed in her chair.  It was mid-afternoon at Redwall Abbey, and it couldn't have been a better day.  It was nice and warm, and the Redwallers wandered around peacefully, enjoying the beauty of the day.
  Tempest decided to go outside.  She wandered up to the battlements, looking out into the woods.  She saw a rather grey-ish white otter staring at her in the distance.  "Hello!"  She waved to the otter.

  Avalanche was walking up to Redwall, hoping he would make it in time for supper.  He stepped out of the forest and looked up at something moving in the battlements.  He saw the most beautiful sea otter standing up there.  He froze.
  "Hello!"  The otter was waving at him!
  Avalanche slowly recovered from his shock and waved at her.  "H-hello!  May I come in?"
  The ottermaid disappeared beneath the walls, only to reappear in the doorway.  She held the door open for Avalanche as he walked in.  He smiled at her, and she smiled slightly.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

Featherwood was fishing on the side of the river Moss, taking in the worm sun that was poring in on him threw the tree tops.
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Terra was enjoying the day too. Decding to take a walk in the afternoon sun she smiled. Everything was peaceful as usual. The Dibbuns were frolicking in the pond laughing, Elders relaxing in the shade, and other Redwallers talking and genrally having a good time. The Abbey's goings were very predictable. It was a good thing for beasts who needed routine in their life but Terra was one for more adventure.
Her walk was taking her to the battlements as she looked over the battlements to the outside world. She sometimes longed to be out there; seeing new beasts, exploring new places, finding unknown valleys and streams. Sighing she looked back out at the Abbey. Peace and safety were in abundance, and order reigned.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Leatho Shellhound

After pulling in his 4th fish he started back to his little den near the river, as he was walking across the path he stopped. Which he normaly didn't do even though he has walked across it many a time because their was more fish up stream. He stood there for some time thinking to him-self what was down that road of dust, he had his lunch and water why not take a picnic down there. So Featherwood went down the path, it was very peaceful the only sound was a bird singing in a tree.
     As the sun was high in the sky he saw a tower than a wall.
"So this is whats down the path." he said.
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  Avalanche looked at the otter who had let him in.  Her dark grey fur was beautiful, and she had sparkling blue eyes.  Avalanche guessed that she didn't even try to make herself beautiful, she already was.
  "Uh, hi," he said.  "Thanks for lettin' me in.  Th'name's Avalanche."  He smiled a little.
  The pretty female smiled at him as well.  "Hello, I'm Tempest.  Welcome to Redwall, Avalanche."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Rikkendo strode out from the abbey's great hall. He had been spending his morning gazing at the tapestry of Martin. It always made him feel good to look at what he hoped he would be like some day. Martin was so strong and courageous. The young mouse patted the long knife at his side. If need arose perhaps someday the abbot would ask him to wield the sword of martin.

The mouse strode out onto the lawn and glanced around. Perhaps he could find Tia. He had always enjoyed the mousemaid's company. Maybe they could go pick some fruit in the orchard.

Acorn was sitting in a tree above Featherwood. She dropped down closer and smiled.

"Lo there! Nice day for a picnic lunch eh?"

Gingivere Greeneyes

(OOC: @Brookskimmer, do you mind if I make it out as if Milo and Acorn have already met?)

BIC: A red furred shape raced across the abbey-battlements, bounding from parapet to parapet. The squirrel thought to himself, 'I'm sure to win the walltop race this year. That friar's trifle is as good as mine!', he jumped up to where Terra was standing.
"Good afternoon Terra! Lovely day isn't it?" He took a candied chestnut from his pocket and chewed, he offered one to Terra, "Want one?"
Sela: The leaf is Redwall, Chickemhound is the boot.
Chickenhound: I don't wanna be the boot!
Sela: Shut up your the boot. You, Cluny are the rock, and I'm the sports car.
Cluny: I wanna be the sports car!
Sela: No. I'm always the sports car. D:<


"Sure!" said Terra energetically. Milor had always been a good friend of hers and she took the nut happily.
"It is a lovely day isn't it?" she looked in to the Abbey grounds, "I see you're trying hard for that race aren't you?"
Fun. is a fantastic band.


  Avalanche looked around, seeing many creatures going about, enjoying their day.  He had been to Redwall once before, and that time he had been naught but a young Dibbun.  Now, being a full grown sea otter, it felt much different being here.
  He turned back to Tempest.  "It's a beautiful day, ain't it, Ma'am?"
  Tempest nodded.  "Yes, it sure is.  Would ye like somethin' to eat?"
  Avalanche's eyes widened.  "Would I?"
  Tempest took this as a yes.  Without saying a word, she led the way to the kitchens.  Avalanche followed her.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: BrookSkimmer on October 27, 2012, 07:56:15 PM
Acorn was sitting in a tree above Featherwood. She dropped down closer and smiled.

"Lo there! Nice day for a picnic lunch eh?"

"Yes very nice, do you live in that big place?" said Featherwood, pointing to Redwall abbey.
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Elay tore across the ground, feet whacking the earth, always with the same intervals between the thumps, like clockwork. Elay was a learned rabbit, but that made her all the more cautious. She traveled all over, this time it was out to the sea. Her right paw suddenly shot down a hidden hole in the ground, sending her head over heels, "Embleer hraka!" She cursed. Elay spoke the language of those of the far northern rabbits, for every northern species had a language, but she could barely manage the universal language of the creatures from the south as well. Well, at least the sea wasn't far, she picked herself up and started towards the tree line.

As she burst from the trees, she stopped dead, "O, voith los!"(Oh, most water!) The sea stretched in front of her as far as she could see. The sea always took your breath away, no matter how many times you saw it. She had seen it once before, when she was little more than a dibbun.

Tiria Wildlough

Tia and Leisa were walking on the walltops. Tia looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. 'It's's a nice day, isn't it? I feel like lying down on the grass and going to sleep.'
Leisa giggled. 'Somebeast might tread on you. Anyway, why would you want to sleep on a day like this? It's too beautiful to laze around.'
Tia shrugged. 'I'm going to do it anyway.' She bounced down the stairs, taking them two at a time, and landed on the lawn in an undignified heap.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


OOC: @Wonwill: Do you think you could move posts about Elay to the sea thread starting with your next post? I'm going to have Raven ask Birata to send out a small party to gather some slaves. This would be a good way for Elay to end up aboard the Lashkeel. What do you think?


Yes very nice, do you live in that big place?

Acorn shook her head lightly.

"No, but I like to visit there. Would you like to visit too? Or do you live there?"

After speaking she bounded up further into the tree, keeping an ear open for Featherwood's response. When she was high enough she could see over the battlements. Suddenly her heart jumped. It was Milo! Truth be told she visited Redwall for all the kind beasts and food, but mostly for Milo. He was a good squirrel and she very much enjoyed his company. She watched him leaping about the parapets and smiled. Then she called out.

"Lo Milo! Lovely weather for leaping battlements eh?"

She called down to Featherwood.

"So, would you like to pay Redwall a visit?"

Rikkendo was startled as two creatures came tumbling out of the stairwell and onto the lawn. It was Leisa and Tia! How fortunate, just who he was looking for.

"Are you two alright?" He asked and then chuckled. "That's some fancy tumbling skills you have there."

Leatho Shellhound

"Yes, I would like to," said Featherwood walking to the north wall gate.
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Terra looked back out over the battlements. She saw an otter and daw soomething boudning through the trees. Calling out in a friendly voice she yelled,"Hello down there! WOuld you like me to open the gate for you?"
Fun. is a fantastic band.