Redwall Abbey

Forum News, Feedback, and Information => Announcements => Topic started by: James Gryphon on April 01, 2017, 07:15:35 AM

Title: Change of Policy
Post by: James Gryphon on April 01, 2017, 07:15:35 AM
There's been a lot going on recently. I hope to get announcements in later to talk about some new awards and some of the changes that we've had going on in terms of themes and mods, but I thought it'd be appropriate to announce one of the biggest changes we're making now.

After much deliberation, the Staff have realized that the path to our forum's future lies in you, our members. Your thoughts and feelings are important, and we want your input in our decisions. So, we are announcing a new board that will help you to do this, the Forum Council.

The rules and details of that board will be spelled out in a topic pinned in that same board. Suffice to say that this will have a dramatic impact on the forum starting today. You will be able to discuss and vote on the forum's future.

Thanks for being a part of the Loamhedge community.
Title: Re: Change of Policy
Post by: James Gryphon on April 02, 2017, 05:23:16 AM
Perhaps it was predictable, but it's the end of another April Fool's Day and I think we had a pretty decent time with our foray into democracy. ;) We were inspired to do a Guosim theme, and I think it turned out decently well.

Rather than delete the board, we are creating a new read-only forum archive at the bottom of the page, which is where topics relating to special events will be held in the future. Hopefully with time this can be expanded into a full forum history section so that people can keep better track of everything that's gone on in our forum's past.

Thanks for participating this year and being a part of our community!