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Dueling Roulette Round 3 (Brookskimmer vs. Leatho Shellhound)

Started by BrookSkimmer, January 21, 2014, 06:22:53 PM

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Welcome to Round 3! Here are your character assignments:

Leatho Shellhound: Brookskimmer's character Cirofleeta

Brookskimmer: Leatho Shellhound's character Hillack

Please read the description info for your assigned character. Feel free to make an OOC thread to discuss this duel.


A large circle of squirrels had formed on the ground under a heavy covering of trees. It was time for the annual clash of clans! The Jawtooth clan yammered and clicked their teeth together as their best hunter Hillack stepped into the ring.

The flying squirrel was not young anymore but he was still as vicious as in his younger days. The squirrel clacked his teeth together in challenge and drew his long dagger. This fight would prove which clan would have right to the best grove of trees this year!

Leatho Shellhound

Cirofleeta was pushed from behind into the ring by her fellow clan members. She was young and rather nervous in fighting the great Hillack of the Jawtooth clan. Many squirrels were all around her, even hanging down from the trees above.

You must not show fear, or else you will be afraid, were the words her father had given her before the fight. Cirofleeta gripped her Javelin well, but made sure to let her arm and paw be relaxed and ready for movement.

"Ready to eat acorn larvae during the winter?" She taunted as she begain to circle him.

OOC: Sorry for the late post.
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Hillack clacked his teeth in response to the jibe.

"Aye, nevah turned down good larvae. Didn't know you'd be fightin' me and then feedin' me too!" He narrowed his eyes at her as she began to circle. His tail bushed out behind him as he tensed for an attack.

All around squirrel cheered, growled, and generally caused a ruckus. It was good to be at the meeting of the clans again. He couldn't wait to get at the feast they would have later. But for now, he must fight.

An interesting choice on his opponent this year. She was young and from the looks of her, slightly nervous as well. A few good pokes with the tips of his covered dagger and she would be willing to concede defeat. Oh well, might as well have a little fun...


He chattered out a Jawtooth war cry and lunged forward, aiming at her middle.

Leatho Shellhound

The female squirrel didn't like how her opponent was keeping his cool. Although his answering words didn't bother her either, or so she thought.

She thoughts were rudely awakened to reality as he had cried out and she saw his Dagger coming speedily toward her stomach.  Cirofleeta tried to side step but her foot paw landed on an acorn and she tripped. he legs slid under his dagger. She knew that immediate action was necessary.

Cirofleeta thwacked out at is footpaws with her javelin while still lying on the wet grass.
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Her movements were hard to follow, added to by the fact that she had stumbled upon an acorn before she had a chance to respond to the attack. Hillack had to side step as quickly as he could to avoid receiving a painful thwack to his footpaws.

"Whoa there! Almost got me young un'!" He clacked his teeth and stood a little way away. "Come on then, up on your footpaws." He have her a chance to stand up. There was no need to attack a creature when they were down. This was a friendly duel after all. He did have a clan to represent though, so it wouldn't do to lose.

The squirrel came at Cirofleeta once she had been given enough time to stand if she wished. He lunged in with his javelin again, seeking to knock her off her footpaws.


Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: BrookSkimmer on February 15, 2014, 09:45:18 PMThis was a friendly duel after all.
Thanks for the freindly reminder, I'm afraid I'm not used to sparring-ish duels.

BIC: She got up rather slowly, her eyes watching him intently and her mind working speedily. Try not to look a fool, she told her self.

And there it was, another strike, but this time she hoped to retaliate in a more controlled manner. She swayed to the side and back. And at once, as she got clear of her enemies weapon, jumped forth to deliver her own counter strike.

OOC: does Hillack have a javelin?
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OOC: Probs meant to write dagger...


Now this was more like it. The squirrel maid retaliated with a counter blow to his strike. He tried to keep his paw out of the way since his dagger was a much smaller weapon than hr javelin. He flicked his tail and clacked his teeth as the mass of squirrel around them began cheering and chattering.

"We'll see who gets the tree grove this year little missy." He winked out of good nature and then let his expression fall back into one of determined concentration.

He moved in a circle to the right of Cirofleeta, making sure to keep out of range as best he could to any strike she might be planning. The wax covering the edge of his dagger ground against the javelin when they had contacted and he could see just a bit of steel coming through. He put his weapon in paw to smooth the wax back down and then jump forward, aiming a blow to her shoulder with the dagger.


Leatho Shellhound

Cirofleeta met his dagger with a vertical side swing with her sword which she drew out with her left paw.

"Ideed." she answered cooly, gaining the rhythm of things. Seeing a chance  Cirofleeta quikely put her javelin in a throwing position over her right shoulder. She threw her javelin at him with it's sharp point faceing away from him.

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