Per HIAG's suggestion we are now starting a food fight.
*Hurls an apple pie at HIAG.*
*Duckz ze Apple Pie und launchez a Potatoe at Delthion, az vell az ze next member bezidez 'im tae pozt*
*Ducks the potato and slaps HiAG with a fish*
/me eats the potato, and incinerates Amber with a spicy meatball.
*Comes back to life and incases Del in jello*
/me bounces about in my gelatinous shell, and crushes Amber beneath the jello.
*Eats Mashed Potato*
/me mashes Ashleg into a potato.
*potatoes Delthion into Ashleg*
*throws apple at ash*
*Dyez Ash viz food-colourin'*
*steals fish from Amber and throws it at Delthion*
*Forces HIAG to eat uncooked spaghetti* >:D
*Knocks out Ashleg with a giant turkey*
*Gets up, wrestles the turkey, and wins*
*Plays jumprope with Delena's spine*
*Pours burning hot gravy on Ash's head*
/me throws a ham at Russa.
*Gets hit in the face with the ham* Ouch! *Throws a sweet potato at Del*
*Dumps mashed sweet potatoes on Russa.*
*Slams a burning hot pumpkin pie in Skarzs's face*
*stomps in with the Long Patrol, each holding a months worth of rations*
/me eats all of their ration before they can do anything about it. ;D
You're making this not fun, Del.
*Throws a raw potato at Del.* No hard feelings.
Ha. The potato was hard.
I want to do finger guns and say "eyy" but if I did I would have to cut off my own hands and choke on them as they are shoved down my throat.
*Does finger guns*
/me cuts off Ash's own hands, and chokes him on them as I shove them down his throat.
On a second note. *Flings twelve pies at Skarzs.*
*All twelve pies hit me in the face.*
*Wipes face off.*
*Mushes the pie fillings into Del's fur.*
/me eats fur. Then throws more pies at Skarzs.
This seems to be a tasty strategy! ;D
Quote from: Ashleg on November 21, 2017, 01:15:40 PM
*Forces HIAG to eat uncooked spaghetti* >:D
*Daeznae need tae be forced becauze 'e vid eat avready*
*'urlz French Fliez at Ash* (Aye Ah zpelled zat zat vay purpozefully)
*The French Flies talk with cigarettes sticking out of their mouths.*
"You zilly createares und yor dizgusteeng food fights!*
Quote from: Delthion on November 29, 2017, 03:38:57 AM
/me cuts off Ash's own hands, and chokes him on them as I shove them down his throat.
On a second note. *Flings twelve pies at Skarzs.*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 12, 2019, 08:13:44 PM
OK! *Launches pie into the food fight topic.*
*A pie comes flying in and lands on Kade's head.* What the- how did that happen?
Transfer that skill to football and you'll be rich.
*Launches watermelon at Kade*
*Karate chops the watermelon in half, takes the seeds out, and begins chucking them at anybeast nearby.*
*steals the watermelon and eats it* Yum.
*Throws ketchup at everyone*
*Shoots ketchup out of the air with watermelon seeds.*
*uses a spoon to catapult kinas at everyone except Booklover*
*Isn't aware of what a kina is and is therefore unaffected.*
*Makes grapefruit grenades.*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 13, 2019, 03:04:52 AM
*uses a spoon to catapult kinas at everyone*
Even me? Given we're allies (at least on the RA version).
*Lobs a grapefruit at Booklover.*
These ARE the RA forums!
Ummm... no, this is the Redwall forum. Slightly different to Ranger's Apprentice.
Redwall Abbey forums
Rangers Apprentice forums
Granted, they aren't the same "RA" forums, but they are both "RA" forums.
But nobody uses RA to refer to Redwall, they just say Redwall. RA is often used to refer to Ranger's Apprentice, because Ranger's Apprentice takes a little bit of time to type.
*was too busy arguing to dodge the grapefruit so gets splatted but it wasn't actually a grenade so does no serious damage*
*throws a pomelo at Verdauga*
Quote from: Booklover on November 13, 2019, 04:13:13 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 13, 2019, 03:04:52 AM
*uses a spoon to catapult kinas at everyone except Booklover*
Even me? Given we're allies (at least on the RA version).
We're allies here too.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 13, 2019, 02:32:58 PM
*Isn't aware of what a kina is and is therefore unaffected.*
It's a kind of shellfish with spikes on the outside. *throws another kina at Kade, quickly followed by some muscles* (and no, I don't mean mussels)
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 13, 2019, 09:25:00 PM
It's a kind of shellfish with spikes on the outside. *throws another kina at Kade, quickly followed by some muscles* (and no, I don't mean mussels)
Dang, Teer, I didn't know you were so ripped! (Barely dodges the flying cloyster's spikes and fires watermelon seeds at Teer)
*Flings cucumbers everywhere.*
*dodges cucumber and watches as Kade gets hit by muscles* That's made a bit of a mess on your shirt. Here, have some paper towels. *passes Kade paper towels and continues throwing food at everyone else, except Booklover*
*Slingshots pecans at Shisteer.*That could actually hurt.....
*Tosses a watermelon at Shisteer*
Quote from: Verdauga on November 13, 2019, 09:37:49 PM
*Slingshots pecans at Shisteer.*That could actually hurt.....
*Tosses a watermelon at Shisteer*
Yeah, flying watermelons definitely wouldn't hurt ;D
*Continues shooting watermelon seeds at Teer since she seems to be unaware, while also kicking some of the cucumbers on the floor back at Verdauga.*
*eats watermelon* Mmm! That tastes good. *splats pavalova, with cream and fruit, onto Verdauga's forehead* I sincerely hope you know what pavalova is. *considers throwing pavalova at Kade too* Meh, throwing pavalova is a waste. *eats pavalova and squirts Tuimato sauce at Kade instead*
*gives a pavlova to Teer, steals Kade's watermelons (again) and eats them*
No watermelons here, my friend, only watermelon seeds! *Peppers Booklover with watermelon seeds.*
You had one watermelon, so you'd have run out of seeds now, and would therefore need another one. *blocks the watermelon seeds that should be nonexistent with an umbrella*
*Crashes into topic and begins throwing heavy-duty marshmallows at everyone* ATTTACK!!!
Quote from: Booklover on November 14, 2019, 06:08:39 PM
*gives a pavlova to Teer, steals Kade's watermelons (again) and eats them*
Thanks. *eats pavalova* Yum, yum! Did you make it?
*uses empty plate to block marshmallows* What's the difference between heavy duty marshmallows and normal ones?
*Cornnobbles (is that how you spell it, Teer?) everyone in topic* Ha! Take that, you freshwater pirates!
*dodges nobbles of corn* The word you are trying to spell only has one n. *builds huge gingerbread house with nice, big windows, then defenestrates Ebantu*
*Get's cornobbled* Somethings fishy around here.... *makes sushi, then launches said sushi at Ebantu and through Teer's windows*
*builds smoothie slide through window, complete with smoothie, and shoves Kade down it*
Wooo! Thanks Teer! *Has fun*
*Eats smoothie* Hi, Kade!
*Builds a barrier with a table* I have an idea... How 'bout we have teams sorted by color? *Throws pie*
Why? *rubs very cold ice cream onto Sebbie's head* An every-beast-for-itself melee is much more fun. *eats all the chocolate buttons off Teer's house and cornobbles her*
AHHH!! My poor hair! *Dries head with a towel as I throw bird seeds at Ebantu* (And yes, bird seed is a food...) :P
*is covered in birdseed*
*Puts a cherry on top* ;D *Starts eating all of the food just lying around*
We've been stepping all in the Seb... you sure that's a good idea?
*eats cherry and puts sorbet and sherbet in Seb's fur*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 26, 2019, 02:00:32 AM
We've been stepping all in the Seb... you sure that's a good idea?
*Is too busy eating to hear...*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 26, 2019, 02:01:47 AM
*eats cherry and puts sorbet and sherbet in Seb's fur*
*Eats cherry and sherbet* *Pats belly* Mmm, thanks!
Where did you get that cherry from? I ate the one you put on my head.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 26, 2019, 01:49:19 AM
*eats all the chocolate buttons off Teer's house and cornobbles her*
Sacrilege! *begins flinging lumps of crunchy peanut butter at Ebantu*
*catches all lumps of peanut butter in mouth and throws a new packet of chocolate buttons at Teer* Mmmffwuf ahhumpawhiff!
Humph! *replaces chocolate buttons and finishes with some to spare, so begins decorating Ebantu with them*
*Eats all the chocolate buttons on self and covers Teer with pasta sauce and rainbow sprinkles*
*eats pasta sauce and ignores sprinkles, then drenches Ebantu in pumpkin soup and scoops blobs of honey roasted hazelnuts onto her head*
Honey roasted hazelnuts?! You spoil me. *eats all hazelnuts and licks pumpkin soup off fur* That's a serious waste of pumpkin soup. It even has chickpeas in it!
It isn't a waste because you just ate it. ;D *dumps banana cake on Eb's head*
Thanks for not dumping a carrot cake on my head. *eats banana cake and puts a dollop of yogurt on everyone's heads*
*Dumps carrot cake on Eb's head.*
*eats carrot cake that was previously dumped on Ebantu's head* Yum, hair flavoured. *sticks fresh baby carrots in Ebantu's ears*
*Cackles as I fly in on a jet and dump a load of mustard on everyone*
FOOD FIGHT!? Right, this is my area of expertise. *Hurls a pie at Teer*
Pfft, I was hurling pies when you were toddling around as a baby! *Thumps chest proudly. Makes impressive grunting sounds*
Well, I was hurling pies WHEN I was toddling around as a baby! *Hurls ten pies at Sebias in quick succession*
*Is pummeled by pies* Hey! *Licks pies off of fur* To th' death, mateys! *Grabs a pot of soup and flings it at Jarky*
*Eats soup* *Dumps a cauldronfull of wasabi on Sebbie's head*
*throws eight kumara at Jarky* Take that! *begins shooting Sebias with a longbow made of licorice*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 02, 2019, 10:27:53 AM
*eats carrot cake that was previously dumped on Ebantu's head* Yum, hair flavoured. *sticks fresh baby carrots in Ebantu's ears*
I am NOT amused! *shoots Teer with a recurve bow made of wood*
What, did you want the carrot cake? I thought you didn't like it. *shoots Ebantu with asparagus arrows*
Not that, you put carrots in my ears! And it hurt! *shoots Teer with wooden arrows*
Wooden arrows with rubber tips, you mean? *pulls carrots out of Ebantu's ears and replaces them with banana*
*removes bananas and squashes them onto Teer's nose* No, wooden arrows with fire-hardened wooden tips. Leave my ears alone, for goodness sake!
Put a banana in your ear! Put a ripe banana right into your favourite ear. It's true, so true, that when you do, all your fears will disappear. It's banana cheer so put a ripe banana in your ear! *puts a ripe banana in Ebantu's ear*
*removes banana and snarls warningly* Stop it, or else!
Fine. *throws tomatoes at Ebantu*
Thank you. *throws them back, along with pieces of salt*
*eats tomatoes and salt* Yum, yum. *hurls oatmeal at Ebantu*
*makes porridge and hurls it at everyone*
*eats porridge* Delicious! *grabs dates and pelts everybeast with them*
I find it very interesting that people from New Zealand use some English words and some American English words. It just shows how American English is based on the English of the first settlers there, as is Australian and New Zealand English, and that until now they rarely mixed and therefore over time changed and became different dialects. *throws book of word origins to the side*
*throws pie at everyone* I did not make a pie, but I can throw them!
*Catches pie and eats it* I don't care who made it, it's good. I'm guessing Master Chubb or Jenny though.
Nope, it was Horace. *Throws salt at everybeast.*
*Gets some salt in my mouth* Yuck! *Spits it back out at Kade* *Shivers from the aftermath of the taste* *Picks up a spoon and chases Kade with it*
Horace? No, it was Jenny. Horace... let's just say... is not a great cook.
Quote from: Booklover on December 04, 2019, 08:23:56 PM
Horace? No, it was Jenny. Horace... let's just say... is not a great cook.
Although Will isn't too bad.
But he isn't as good as Jenny.
Or as good as Master Chubb.
Quote from: Booklover on December 04, 2019, 08:23:56 PM
Horace? No, it was Jenny. Horace... let's just say... is not a great cook.
Yup, that's the point.
That is a direct contradiction to Sebias saying the pie was good.
Maybe it was a Dibbler pie?
Or he just has bad taste. ;D
Quote from: Booklover on December 04, 2019, 05:28:01 PM
I find it very interesting that people from New Zealand use some English words and some American English words. It just shows how American English is based on the English of the first settlers there, as is Australian and New Zealand English, and that until now they rarely mixed and therefore over time changed and became different dialects. *throws book of word origins to the side*
I am mildly offended by this but I can't be bothered climbing up on Teer's tramp right now.
Quote from: Booklover on December 04, 2019, 05:28:01 PM
I find it very interesting that people from New Zealand use some English words and some American English words. It just shows how American English is based on the English of the first settlers there, as is Australian and New Zealand English, and that until now they rarely mixed and therefore over time changed and became different dialects. *throws book of word origins to the side*
And... what has this got to do with anything? (by the way, the first settlers in New Zealand weren't English at all. They were from Hawaiki)
*catapults spoonfuls of cold fruit crumble at everybeast*
*catches crumble in bowl and promptly eats it* De-licious! *throws bilberries at everyone*
^^ I meant the first English (or English speaking) settlers in New Zealand.
And perhaps it isn't relevant, but it is interesting. Or should I say imteresting, which gets me on another point but as you don't seem to appreciate my ramblings, I won't continue (with that one, anyway).
SALT AND VINEGAR!!! *throws chips at Booklover and Seb and Teer and Ebantu*
*Has to chase after chips to eat them, since none were thrown at him.*
How cruel, Lass! Leaving poor Kade out like that! *throws chips at Kade*
*Some gets in his eyes and they become red and watery as he tries to catch the chips in his mouth.* It burns! But it tastes so good!
Oh...Sorry *throws a bag of chips to Kade.* Do you want to be allies? *sprays fanta at every one else*
Quote from: lass of something much on December 06, 2019, 06:19:01 AM
oh...sorry *throse a bag of chips to kade*do you want to be allis? *sprais fanta at every one els*
Lass, I think I need to explain to you the rules in The Cellars. For now, I'll just content myself with saying that it's everybeast for itself in this food fight. *flicks spoonfuls of almond butter at Lass*
Speak for yourself!
*Dives in front of Lass dramatically, taking the scoops of almond butter to the chest. Lands heavily and gasps out.* Tell my... tell my momma... I was brave.... *Passes out.*
Quote from: lass of something much on December 06, 2019, 04:32:27 AM
SALT AND VINEGAR!!!*throse chips at booklover and seb and teer and ebantu*
Sour cream and onion! *throws crisps to Teer, then throws crisps at everybody else*
Sour cream and chives. Seriously. Much. Better. *throws sour cream and chives crisps at everyone, including Kade*
*throws sheep guts at every one except Kade*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 06, 2019, 02:58:49 PM
Speak for yourself!
*Dives in front of Lass dramatically, taking the scoops of almond butter to the chest. Lands heavily and gasps out.* Tell my... tell my momma... I was brave.... *Passes out.*
Otters are so cute!.....And I don't know who your mother is...soo... sorry
Quote from: Booklover on December 06, 2019, 05:18:38 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 06, 2019, 04:32:27 AM
SALT AND VINEGAR!!! *throws chips at Booklover and Seb and Teer and Ebantu*
Sour cream and onion! *throws crisps to Teer, then throws crisps at everybody else*
Bookie, I said that because this is the redwall forum, and blood and vineger is a warcry and SALT AND VINEGAR is pun on the warcry you see
*sprays fanta at every one except Kade*
*blocks fanta with Kade's body* Yuk. I can't stand soft drinks. *throws Kade at Lass*
aaaaahh *falls to the ground "dead"*
Whoops. *lays Kade beside Lass and bows head in a prayer for the dead*
(BTW this is my ghost from now on)
Be my guest. (sorry not sorry, Kade)
*throws cake to Ebby*
If you want to change a ship's material, you'll need to ask either Sebias or Keva. *fires watermelon seeds at everybeast*
What? Aaah okay *bashis Teer with a dead fish*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 08:33:57 PM
Or he just has bad taste. ;D
*Gathp* I have a very good taste, thank you very much! (Note, this doesn't that
I taste good) ;D
*Throws blueberries at everyone*
*catches the blueberries and eats them* Thanks!
*throws cheese at everyone*
what on earth?
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 07, 2019, 06:25:53 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 08:33:57 PM
Or he just has bad taste. ;D
*Gathp* I have a very good taste, thank you very much! (Note, this doesn't mene that I taste good) ;D
*Throws blueberries at everyone*
Don't waste blueberries!!!!
Quote from: lass of something much on December 07, 2019, 03:35:38 AM
(BTW this is my goste) if you don't want to marry kade then can I . otters are soo cute!!!
Well, well. What have we here? *Pulls out pen and scribbles something down on my notepad for a later date* ;D
*Catches cheese* Tch tch! Don't waste cheese either! :P
it was is blue (BTW I am no longer a ghost >:D) now where was I...oh right *continues sprayng fanta at everyone*
Stop. Spraying. Gross. Sugary. Stuff. At. Us.
Please continue. It's delightful.
*glares daggers at Russa* Fine. Spray the mad school teacher with gross sugary stuff by all means, BUT LEAVE ME OUT OF IT!!!
How dare you call Miss Russa mad! She is a wonderful teacher! *grabs Ebantu's head and dunks it in bucket of fanta*
*hangs head in shame* Yes Ebby, sorry Ebby, probably will do it again Ebby.
*continues spraying fanta at everyone except ebby*
*pulls a dripping wildcat out of fanta bucket* Whoops, I think I got a bit carried away there, Eb. Oh well, you'll be alright. Here's a hose. *passes Ebby hose so she can wash disgusting sugary stuff from her fur* Can you please stop spraying me with fanta, Lass? My views on the stuff are much the same as Ebantu's.
ooh man! this is a food fight not a pitty party!!! but okay *grins*
*continues spraing fanta at everyone except ebby and Teer AGAIN*
*Summons umbrella of doom*
Oh no, not the umbrella of doom.....
Quote from: lass of something much on December 08, 2019, 08:33:03 AM
ooh man! this is a food fight not a pitty party!!! but okay *grins*
*continues spraing fanta at everyone except ebby and Teer AGAIN*
As you said, it's a FOOD fight. Fanta is a drink. *uses umbrella (not the umbrella of doom) to block the Fanta*
booklover please stop yousing umbrellas in food fights!!!!!
Quote from: Booklover on December 08, 2019, 05:32:30 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 08, 2019, 08:33:03 AM
ooh man! this is a food fight not a pitty party!!! but okay *grins*
*continues spraing fanta at everyone except ebby and Teer AGAIN*
As you said, it's a FOOD fight. Fanta is a drink. *uses umbrella (not the umbrella of doom) to block the Fanta*
fine.*splats cheesecake at everyone*
Ok. *uses umbrella to fly far away, then throws away the umbrella* I won't use the umbrella any more.
*splats more cheesecake at everyone*
*washes dried fanta out of fur, glaring at Teer* Blugh. Disgusting. *sprays hose at Teer*
Oooh, dat goog! *turns pressure of hose up and washes fanta from scales* Thanks, Eb. I'm all clean now. *turns hose off and throws fresh salmon at Booklover*
You're welcome. *jumps in between Teer and Booklover and eats the salmon*
*throse cheese at every one*
Thanks, Ebby. *dodges the cheese*
*Eats cheese.*
@Kade Rivok with a fish*
*cornobbles and defenestrates Lass*
hi Eb *throse beans at
@Ebantu the Kararehe *
Stop it. *pours melted ice cream mixed with brussel sprouts over lass*
No. that is an asolt on the taste buds *throse more beans at
@Ebantu the Kararehe *
Stop doing the mentioning thing!!!!
ooooooooh so thats wat your geting so mad about. *wacks ebby with a small fish*
*Throws gingerbread houses at Lass and Eb.*
*Decides to run with this.*
Quote from: Kade Rivok link=topic=10409.msg704288#msg704288 u date=1576074234
*Throws gingerbread houses at Lass and Eb.*
Wow, that
floored me. I'm getting
walled in with your attacks, but I have
room for more.
What? You opened the
door on this, Kade, even though it might at-tic you off.
No, I won't stop making puns, 'cause I'm in it for the long
hall. But I should probably stop typing right now, or I'll get
carpet tunnel syndrome. Well, anyway- Good on you Kade. You laid the
foundations for a good fight.
You have a problem -_-
You Siriusly have a problem. What is Ron with you?
I just wand you to know I can't make HP puns. My mind is sealed like Gringott's but I can bank on you making good puns.
Can't you two go make a pun thread and keep all your puns there? *Throws gingerbread mansions at Booklover and Verdauga.*
*dodges the mansion, then watches in horror as it smashed on the floor* Noooo!
Hmm, perhaps we should not pun-ish Kade any longer.
I agree. I've found another place to house them.
Perhaps I shouldn't mansion this, but it wasn't a house I threw.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 11, 2019, 05:51:29 PM
Perhaps I shouldn't mansion this, but it wasn't a house I threw.
*Points 'Murican finger-guns at Kade.*
I feel dirty.
You and your filthy humor.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 11, 2019, 02:23:54 PM
*Throws gingerbread houses at Lass and Eb.*
that is a waste of a gingerbread houses!!!
*throse fish at kade*
*is ever so slightly amused by all the puns*
*hides in gingerbread houses* your duckling is sleeping on my lap and is trying to put his head under his wing, but his head is to big and is wing to small!
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 11, 2019, 11:43:24 PM
*is ever so slightly amused by all the puns*
Thanks. I hoped we
cooked up some good ones. I think we really
roasted Kade with them. I don't think he can handle the heat.
I'll be back when a new batch has been cooked up.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
CAN. YOU. PLEASE. STOP!!! *smashes giant pavalova on Verdauga's head*
nope. *throse humbugs at Teer*
*Eats a part of the pavlova.*
What? You think it's a piece of cake coming up with these? Well chew on this: it takes me a while to cook these up and find a place where they fit in.
*whines and holds pillow over head, diving out of topic*
*follows Eb*
*throse fish at thire reatreting backs*
*throws a pavlova at Lass's face*
No matter what you guys use, that always takes the cake.
Seriously, Verdauga. There is now a topic for puns. *points to said topic, tapping foot*
*is about to throe more cake at Ebby but eats it insted*yum yum*throes cheese at no-one in particular*
*blocks cheese and throws rotten tomatoes at Lass*
*Jumps and eats the cheese out of the air, almost biting Eb's paw (hand?) in the process.*
*scratches Kade's face in revenge for him nearly biting off paw*
*pokes Eb with a carrot* got ya!
*dramatically pretends to die*
SALT AND VINGER!! *dramatically thrusts carrot*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 18, 2019, 09:42:30 PM
*scratches Kade's face in revenge for him nearly biting off paw*
*Dodges and munches on cheese.*
*is haveing an epic corrt fight*
*is still pretending to be dead*
victorry! *throes maple syrup at kade*
*Crashes into topic, posing heroically* I say! Who's throwing around all of the scoff, mates? *Catapults a huge wedding cake (From Kade and Ebby's wedding, of course) onto everyone* To th' pain!!! *Jumps for cover behind a massive mushroom*
*eats cake* ;D
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 25, 2019, 04:17:20 AM
*Crashes into topic, posing heroically* I say! Who's throwing around all of the scoff, mates? *Catapults a huge wedding cake (From Kade and Ebby's wedding, of course) onto everyone* To th' pain!!! *Jumps for cover behind a massive mushroom*
As you wish.
I've read the book. *feels superior even though it was an abridged version*
Quote from: lass of something much on December 25, 2019, 03:47:03 AM
victorry! *throes maple syrup at kade*
*Tries to catch in mouth, but just ends up getting covered in syrup.* Well, now I'm all sticky. Makes me feel like a... candied apple, or something. Weird.
You should have dodged. In that vein, the challange was that if Skarzs made you a profile pic, you had to use it for at least a week.
*is about to throe a pie, but eats it insted, throeing an emty plate at verdie*
Quote from: Booklover on December 25, 2019, 07:56:30 AM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 25, 2019, 04:17:20 AM
*Crashes into topic, posing heroically* I say! Who's throwing around all of the scoff, mates? *Catapults a huge wedding cake (From Kade and Ebby's wedding, of course) onto everyone* To th' pain!!! *Jumps for cover behind a massive mushroom*
As you wish.
*Dumps a large bowl of mustard on topic*
*Squirts ketchup on the bottom of his own feet and begins skating around.*
that looks fun, buuut I know if I try I'll fail badly so...
*flicks mashed potato at every one who enters this thread*
*Gets some mashed potato in his eye and skates into a wall.* ...ow....
Lass! That wasn't very nice.
oh well....*flicks peas at every one and every thing*
*Peas bounce off the Otterbadger's unconscious form.*
*grins, then throws a bolw of beans
@Ebantu the Kararehe *
WOW 201 Guests, 6 Users
*Is apparently still unconscious.*
after three months!?
after two months.
*Throws a 1 year old buritto
@Booklover *
*blocks with a baguette*
*holds baguette like a sword, ready to use it*
*throws lemon grass at Verdie*
*Gets hit smack in the face.*
(Does this actually taste like lemon?)
(not really, it smells good though, and it looks a bit like mint)
Try it and the answer is yours.
*arbitrarily decides it tastes like lemon and eats some.*
*Launches tomatoes at Scott.*
*Self-revives and pulls out the fish soup cannon from his battle with Nerek.* Have at thee! *Sprays Booklover.*
*spoons mashed potato at Scott*
*Dodges tomatoes and grabs a soda can and shakes it*
Oh no! *flings a pie at Ebby*
*Gets nailed by mashed potatoes*
*Looks at Lass, appalled.* You put nails in the mashed potatoes??
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 01, 2020, 09:43:02 PM
*Looks at Lass, appalled.* You put nails in the mashed potatoes??
Ewwwww! that's gross!!! why would I do that?!? NO YOU ARE SICK MINDED!!!!!
But, but... *Accidentally turns the spraying fish soup cannon towards Lass.*
*Chucks the soda can at Lass*
I'VE LOST TEEEEEER!!!!! *gets smashed in the face*
You're confined to the house, right? Shouldn't be that difficult.
*Stops launching food.*
Wait. Why are you confined to the house?
COVID-19 Is my best guess.
Oh. Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
*Flings a ladleful of apple sauce at Scott.*
*Hits Scott in the tail*
*Throws cave potato at Verdauga*
"Eat this"
Quote from: Booklover on April 01, 2020, 09:56:32 PM
You're confined to the house, right? Shouldn't be that difficult.
yeah, we still go out though, I found her now, were good. *is hit with a soda can* Ouch, please don't throw hard stuff...
*Eyes widen as the rock gets closer.*
NO SCOTT WAI--*Is knocked to the ground, out cold; once again in the face.*
see this is why you don't throw hard stuff! *sends Verdie to the hospital*
"Oops did I kill him?"
I...I hope not...or Teer really will kill you... *sprays Scott with wip-cream*
*Grabs Verdauga.* HEIMLICH MANEUVER, ACTIVATE! *Heimlich maneuver activates.*
Ahhhhh.. yumm.
(Teer have mercy it was an act of self defense.)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 02, 2020, 12:59:37 AM
*Grabs Verdauga.* HEIMLICH MANEUVER, ACTIVATE! *Heimlich maneuver activates.*
Kade, that's going to kill him, he just got hit in the head with a rock.
/hard rock
Quote from: lass of something much on April 02, 2020, 01:11:09 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 02, 2020, 12:59:37 AM
*Grabs Verdauga.* HEIMLICH MANEUVER, ACTIVATE! *Heimlich maneuver activates.*
Kade, that's going to kill him, he just got hit in the head with a rock.
No! Heimlich maneuver saves lives! I'm a HERO! *Heimlich maneuver continues.*
Straight into Area 51
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 02, 2020, 01:14:27 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on April 02, 2020, 01:11:09 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 02, 2020, 12:59:37 AM
*Grabs Verdauga.* HEIMLICH MANEUVER, ACTIVATE! *Heimlich maneuver activates.*
Kade, that's going to kill him, he just got hit in the head with a rock.
No! Heimlich maneuver saves lives! I'm a HERO! *Heimlich maneuver continues.*
on beasts who are choking, yes, on beasts who just got hit with a large rock/cave potato, no.
It's worked before, it'll work now! *Heimliching continues.*
*throws zoop at Kade*
*Due to ignorance, is unaffected by the thing.*
*Is convulsing due to the Heimlich maneuvre, but is otherwise limp.*
*throws soup at
@Kade Rivok*
*Tries to eat the soup out of the air, but is only about 7% successful. The rest land on Verdauga and himself.*
*sprays Bookie with cream*
What type of cream? There are multiple.
*Is lying limp.*
Quote from: Booklover on April 02, 2020, 05:09:27 PM
What type of cream? There are multiple.
cream, ya know, from cows?
*Throws a cream pie at Lass*
What? Is it whipped cream, clotted cream, double cream, single cream, or another type of cream?
Hair cream.
*gets hit* I'MA GET YOU NOW!!! :laugh: *spins around and sends a spoonful of mushed potato in Scott's direction*
*Mash potato goes up his noes*
"Eat this"
*grabs two champagne bottles and shakes them*
Kade..... get... back...
*Turns to dust.*
*Paws go through where Verdauga used to be.* Wha- what happened?!
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 02, 2020, 05:30:30 PM
*Mash potato goes up his noes*
"Eat this"
*grabs two champagne bottles and shakes them*
Ew! *takes cover*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 02, 2020, 05:24:30 PM
Hair cream.
Then it isn't permitted ammunition in a food fight.
don't be silly Bookie, this is the Cellars! ::)
Quote from: Booklover on April 02, 2020, 05:42:11 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 02, 2020, 05:24:30 PM
Hair cream.
Then it isn't permitted ammunition in a food fight.
Sure it is! It's one of my favorite spreads to put on toast!
*trys not to vomit*
*chucks some hair cream at Kade*
*Happily eats it out of the air. Accidentally gets some in his head fur and suddenly looks fabulous.
*Dust bursts into flames.*
ACK! *Dunks arms into a conveniently placed bowl of fruit punch.*
Yeah, uh... anyone got a phoenix down for him?
*is very sad*
*Reappears in topic.*
Wow. That was.... interesting....
YOU'RE ALIVE!!!! *sprays Verdie with fanta*
Pineapple Fanta? (I swear my fingers were trying to type 'Flanagan' there. Or maybe flan. Pineapple flan).
XD no
*Sprays champagne all over the room.*
Ewww!!! *shoots Scott with fanta*
"Not the Fanta"
*Throws Scott Chips™© at Lass*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 02, 2020, 07:55:39 PM
*Sprays champagne all over the room.*
Can't do that, I'm afraid. Most of us are underage.
*dodges* always the fanta!!!
*Throws pudding at Lass*
*Walks to the other side of the topic like:*
Hehehehe *Aims a cupcake at Verdauga and throws.*
*Sparks fly out as the cupcake hits me.*
It was one of those special birthday cupcakes.
*The sparks congregate to form the words "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!".*
Sorry it's a bit late. *Tee hee*
*wacks Kade with a smoked fish*
*is ded*
"Looks like we are having Kade for lunch. Hmm should we smoke him, fry him, turn him into ground beef, make him a steak.. Bone broth soup? ehh jerky, maybe a meat pie.
*A life sized Otterbadger plushie appears and falls on the limp form of the Otterbadger.*
I think ill turn him into Mexican food.
*The form of the Otterbadger is obscured by the plushie and is no longer visible. The plushie seems to begin... growing in strength. A feeling of power begins to emanate from it.
*Is unaware of this.*
"Hmm I will need the grinder so I can make tacos."
*Looks for grinder.*
*When Scott looks away, the life-sized Otterbadger plushie vanishes and Kade is nowhere to be seen.*
-_- Ah, he'll be fine.
oh goodness...
"Ahh I know I will turn him into Kade Crisps™© and I will sell them for 10$
*Revitalizes Kade using his profile.*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 02, 2020, 10:46:55 PM
"Ahh I know I will turn him into Kade Crisps™© and I will sell them for 10$
*looks shocked* um, please don't do that.
Quote from: Verdauga on April 02, 2020, 10:48:58 PM
*Revitalizes Kade using his profile.*
*Pops back into existence.*
DANG! It got me....
*Pulls out deep fryer*
"Would Kade taste good medium well?"
Does Scott wish to go into the deep fryer?
*Throws a whole bunch of noodles at Lass*
uhh Kade I am much bigger than you.
Sadly, you aren't. I'm an Otterbadger, and had a huge growth spurt right before you joined. I'm getting close to Teer's size nowadays, but I tend to keep it magically limited to make life a bit easier.
I am as big as a full grown otterbadger
You keep telling yourself that, bud. ^-^
It's the honest truth.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 03, 2020, 01:31:55 AM
Sadly, you aren't. I'm an Otterbadger, and had a huge growth spurt right before you joined. I'm getting close to Teer's size nowadays, but I tend to keep it magically limited to make life a bit easier. no... *covers Kade and Scott in rice*
*Muffled yell*
"It's true my previous statment is true."
*purse curry over the rice*
"Not the cur----
*covers Bookie in cheese*
Yes cover her not me.
I just did ;D *throws chips at
@Ebantu the Kararehe *
British chips?
She means crisps. *doesn't eat the crisps because they are salt and vinegar flavoured*
You don't like salt and vinegar?
HAH HA! *sprays Ebby with fanta*
*dies slowly*
Oof thread with the highest forum member deaths.
Indeed. *dies slightly more quickly*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 03, 2020, 08:00:47 AM
Oof thread with the highest forum member deaths.
no, that would be the kill the member above you thread...
(Goodnight everybeast! Sleep well.)
Bye Ebby! *throws a pie at Ebby*
*Slowly suffocates in the rice*
Man, I covered you in rice, not buried!!!
*Rice covers all entry of air into his body*
Quote from: lass of something much on April 03, 2020, 06:59:36 AM
*covers Bookie in cheese*
I am not toast, a jacket potato, bolognese, or anything else some people put cheese on. As you didn't specify what kind of cheese, I'm going to assume it's solid cheese, and not any kind of soft cheese. *walks forward and most of the cheese falls off* *throws the cheese I can catch at Lass*
*stumbles back, making the rice run off Scott, allowing him to breathe*
*Revitalizes Eb using her profile.*
(Ebby's fine, there was no need to do that...)
*is revitalised and hurriedly tries to leave this topic*
*wacks Kade with a carrot *
@Kade Rivok, you have been whacked.
*pokes Ebby* you know it! ;D
*Flicks pecans at Lass.*
*assumes that Seb wants a pie thrown at him, so throws a pie at him*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on April 05, 2020, 04:33:04 PM
HAH! I'm the one who has splated on the floor... :laugh:
*covers Corn in nutmeg*
AHHHHHH *is devoured*
Should I step in.
Goodness gracious, I expected her to let go. *Throws a crab at Booklover.*
How 'bout you, uh, let her out.
Yeah, uh, Teer has a much easier time of this than I do. Hold on a sec... *Gives himself the heimlich maneuver. Lass reappears.* Ok there.
Not like that's anything to retch over.
first; HAH!!!! GOOD ONE!!!!!!!
also I've just been vomited up...that's gross...
Like I said, I don't have it as easy as Teer. Sorry....
*goes away to have a shower*
Probably a good idea.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 06, 2020, 10:17:14 PM
Goodness gracious, I expected her to let go. *Throws a crab at Booklover.*
*comes back*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 06, 2020, 10:17:14 PM
Goodness gracious, I expected her to let go. *Throws a crab at Booklover.*
Meanie. *didn't dodge in time so got hit*
If only Gonff was here to dance with the crab. *picks crab up (sorry, crab), and throws it at Kade*
*The crab disappears down the Otterbadger gullet.* Crab is pretty good, I must say. *Chucks a taco at Lass.*
Tacos are AMAZING. Here, have some more! *Chucks lotsa tacos at Lass.*
*ewwwwwwwww *
Taco cat!
why? what is the point?
oh...*throws some cheese at Bookie*
What type of cheese? *the cheese bounces off*
*throws some Pringles at Lass*
*it snaps* I don't really know..
You know what has always bothered me? The word palindrome is not a palindrome.
The (made-up) word palinilap is. As is emordrome. And palindromemordnilap.
All words are made up, BL ^-^
True. But once a word has been in common usage for a few decades, or longer (or shorter, now we're more globalised and so new words spread quicker), people generally accept its existence and no longer consider it 'made-up'.
(see also: Frindle, Andrew Clements)
*returns from looking up 'frindle' (in google, not a dictionary), and nods knowingly*
*dumps a bucket of fish on Kade, throws a meme at Bookie and sends some mashed potato threw the air at Wylder*
Oo, which meme?
*looks at meme* Hmm, not bad. *throws a meme at Lass*
*is hit by meme* Ahhh!!!! it burns!!!
Does it?
(can I just say that it was the only half-decent Frozen meme I could find)
Quote from: Booklover on April 11, 2020, 12:26:24 PM
Does it? yes, very much so.. Spoiler
(can I just say that it was the only half-decent Frozen meme I could find)
It burns!!!!!!!
Quote from: lass of something much on April 11, 2020, 05:08:33 AM
*dumps a bucket of fish on Kade, throws a meme at Bookie and sends some mashed potato threw the air at Wylder*
*Is flopping around with the fish.*
dead fish, goodness!
*Is flopping around like a dead fish.*
*Smacks Lass with a dead fish.*
That is gross.
*Punts a cow tounge at Verdauga*
*Gets hit in the face.*
Well, I know when I've been licked.
*Hides in the marshmallows but the marshmallow pile he is covered in slowly gets smaller and his belly slowly hets bigger.*
*coughs* ew, I hate dead fish...*throws mashed potato at Verdie*
*Blocks most of it with a pot lid.*
*The rest hits my arm.*
Oh yeah? Take this! *Tosses a dollop of sour cream at Lass.
Huh, not bad. . .
*throw sun at Verdie*
*Teleports that back in it's rightful place as quick as possible.*
Aw man! that was so hard to get down!!!!
I was star-struck for a moment there.
Ach, get Otter here, ya Looney!
How dare you usehalf of my species name in vain!
With ease.
*throws some ice cream at Kade*
*jumps out of the way*
I'm trying to work out where everyone is in relation to each other.
Verdie is next to me, Kade was at my footpaws, Teer is gone.
Quote from: Booklover on April 14, 2020, 08:42:04 AM
*throws some ice cream at Kade*
YESH *Vigorously mauls the flying ice cream.*
*throws Seb into the fizz drink*
What a waste of fizz drink. Now he's entitled to it all.
*Yeets bread at Flib*
HEY ONE-EYE! I LOCATED THE LAMB SAUCE! *Bends lambsauce at One-eye*
*catches the bread in my mouth* Thanks! I haven't had breakfast yet. *tosses Lass some spaghetti and meatballs*
*Is now stuck in a spaghetti pile...*
*gets an enchanted fork and twirls spaghetti round it*
*Bops BL on the head.* No.
*Bops KR on the head* Yes.
*Picks up Flib.* Careful ye chook, or else I'll mistake you for food!
*Eats Kade before he eats me ^-^*
Highly impossible. *Tosses Flib out of the thread.*
(You ate the trees...)
I am also large, muscular, and oh so fluffy Otterbadger. The only thing that's been capable of eating me so far has been a certain Taniwha, and my hugeness has only become huger since the last time that happened :giggle:
Sounds like you need to catch up on history :giggle:
Now, now, Kaddie-Waddie. Don't make me shapeshift you into a ikkle floofball again ;)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 27, 2021, 09:32:45 PM
*Bops BL on the head.* No.
So, you don't want me ever using an enchanted fork for any purpose and any time I used one in the past shouldn't count?
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on January 28, 2021, 01:03:09 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 28, 2021, 12:26:54 AM
Highly impossible. ::)
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Quote from: lass of something much on January 28, 2021, 08:41:25 AM
Now, now, Kaddie-Waddie. Don't make me shapeshift you into a ikkle floofball again ;)
Don't want everybeast exploding from kawaii overload, now do we? :giggle:
Lucky for me, I happen to have four kawaii little sisters, so I am immune to kawaii overload. ^-^
You only say that because you've never experienced... LE FLOOF
(Actually, I have.)
Nuh uh.
Eh, I'd imagine Flib knows more about what she's experienced than you do :laugh:
*Flings sour cream everywhere.*
But I AM le floof, and I'm quite sure she hasn't! *Tosses Warheads sour candy at Verdauga.*
*Eats them and returns fire with hotroot soup.*
*Takes a mighty breath and attempts to blow the hotroot soup back at Verdauga.*
*Fails and takes it to the face.* MY EYEEEEEEEEEEES
Oooof. O_O
*Uses a cool rag to clean it off Kade's face*
* Happens to be strolling by * :laugh:
* Takes a pecan pie to the face * ???
* Halts * ::)
* Internally vowes revenge * >:D
* 'Accidentally' trips * ;D
* Causes the largest bowl of spaghetti ever to dump upside down over entire food fight, trapping everyone * :giggle:
* Feels I have adequately fulfilled my vow * ^-^
* Strolls confidently away toward the orchard to enjoy some pecan pie * :laugh:
*Swims through sea of spaghetti, blowing out tpyos in teh fase o teh oposition*
Quote from: Verdauga on January 28, 2021, 04:23:37 PM
*Eats them and returns fire with hotroot soup.*
*Contentedly eats the soup, unaware that she's buried in the middle of the spaghetti mess*
*Catapults a giant meatball at Flib*
Oi! *throws soup at YOUR FACE*
YOUR FACE is a poor, abused chappie. D: *Offers condolences to YOUR FACE*
(What's condolences?)
YOUR FACE is a turtle!
(Food, my friend. Food.)
Ooooooooh! *Excitement*
*headdesk* Dang! I completely forgot you like turtles!
YOUR FACE is a piece of pot pie!
How rude.
*YOUR FACE is offended*
*YOUR FACE goes back into his shell*
*Runs by*
*Picks up YOUR FACE*
*Runs away with YOUR FACE, to help him escape this rudeness*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on January 28, 2021, 06:59:57 PM
*headdesk* Dang! I completely forgot you like turtles!
YOUR FACE is a piece of pot pie!
He is a turtle. His profile pic was, back in the day.
I know, and that's why I hit my head on the desk, because I forgot so it was like a compliment.
Quote from: Ally046 on January 28, 2021, 07:41:09 PM
*Runs by*
*Picks up YOUR FACE*
*Runs away with YOUR FACE, to help him escape this rudeness*
*Waves to YOUR FACE* Farewell.
Ah.................................................................*Sad Lassie sounds*
*squirts ketchup in random directions*
* Finishes eating pecan pie *
* Finds a spot to watch the food fight while hidden *
Quote from: lass of something much on January 29, 2021, 06:05:36 AM
Ah.................................................................*Sad Lassie sounds*
*Hugz* Imma shove my foot up his mouth for you!
Maybe don't do that.. We could pelt him with these gummy feet, though!
Why not?
*tosses a baked potato at Ally*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on January 31, 2021, 11:11:06 AM
Why not?
*Giggles evily*
Let's find out >:D
*Pelts Kade with gummy feet*
*Deftly catches baked potato*
*Hurls potato at Scott*
*Potato hits Scott hard in the face*
*Potato gushes into Scott's nostrils*
That, is called powerplay
Quote from: Ally046 on February 01, 2021, 01:53:15 AM
*Deftly catches baked potato*
*Hurls potato at Scott*
*Potato hits Scott hard in the face*
*Potato gushes into Scott's nostrils*
*jugglesthrows and drops some potatoes*
*Throws cheese at Kade*
*Sharpens a few can canes*
*gets a few apples (because all my potatoes smashed on the floor)*
*tosses some ripe pawpaws at Booklover*
(Btw is your gif from The Two Towers?)
(Perhaps. ;D)
(You forgot to react to the pawpaws. ;D)
(I don't know what they are.)
(Look it up. They're a kind of fruit. I've only had them once.)
*Opens 3,600 cans of pie filling*
*Pours filling into giant container*
*Tastes the wonderful mix* ^-^ :D :laugh: ;D
*Adds six buckets of salt* >:D
*Mixes with giant spoon...*
*Attaches container to a large food gun labeled: "AutoEnemyPelter 3000.2"*
*Turns dial to highest speed*
*Turns on automatic capabilities*
*gun pelts everycreature in sight with the disgusting, thick, sticky, chunky mixture.*
(Except me of course ;D)
(You know, salt actually is part of most cake and pie recipes)
*tries the mixture* Did you think up this recipe yourself?
*Tries some too* :o :-X
*Starts Retching*
*Throws up*
:-| :( :-| >:(
O.O *feels terrible*
O.O 0.0 o.o
Quote from: Scott McLamok on February 01, 2021, 09:32:56 AM
*Sharpens a few candy canes*
Scott....No killing...This is a food fight...
*Pours molten chocolate on everybeast.*
*Magics all the food from the fight into another huge container*
*Mixes in ten buckets of pepper* >:D
*Blends it into mush*
*Hooks it up to the "AutoEnemyPelter 3000.2"*
"Revenge..." >:D
"My worst mix yet" >:D
'Ere ve gae again... Ach...
(HiAG imitation)
Quote from: Ally046 on February 02, 2021, 03:19:43 PM
*Magics all the food from the fight into another huge container*
*Mixes in ten buckets of pepper* >:D
*Blends it into mush*
*Hooks it up to the "AutoEnemyPelter 3000.2"*
"Revenge..." >:D
"My worst mix yet" >:D
*Turns on the "no u" setting.*
;D :giggle:
Good on ya.
Quote from: Ally046 on February 02, 2021, 03:19:43 PM
*Magics all the food from the fight into another huge container*
*Mixes in ten buckets of pepper* >:D
*Blends it into mush*
*Hooks it up to the "AutoEnemyPelter 3000.2"*
"Revenge..." >:D
"My worst mix yet" >:D
*Poofs it all onto Ally's head* >:D
"I'll get you for that!" ;D
*Magics the mixture over everyone's heads*
*Drops it*
Was it hot?
(Just disgusting.)
Mmm. Tastes like chicken.
"It's the blended-up food from the fight!" :P
"With buckets of salt and pepper!!!" :-X
There's enough other food to balance it out
Quote from: Ally046 on February 03, 2021, 04:06:01 PM
"I'll get you for that!" ;D
*Magics the mixture over everyone's heads*
*Drops it*
You know who that reminds me of?
The Masika-versus-Scottie-McScottface thread. Only with food. ;D :giggle:
See here, you-
*is suddenly covered in the salt and pepper dough*
*Throws a pie at Emu*
*shoots pretzel arrows tipped with ghost pepper cheese at everyone from a jolly rancher bow strung with licorice*
*Falls with an arrow through the eye, but as she falls, mash potato from her spoon was flung across the room. Heading straight for Rooky*
(So you're Harold Godwinson, then?)
*Chucks scoops of ice cream at random people*
*Does the Okie Pokey amidst all the chaos.*
*Launchez 'otroot pepper puddin' bombz at Booklover*
*A piece of hotroot pepper pudding bomb flies into my mouth*
"AHHHHGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Hot! hot! hot!"
*Opens mouth wide*
*Faces the sky*
*Snaps fingers*
*An ocean of strawberry cordial splashes down soaking everything and everyone...*
*Dances in the raining strawberry cordial*
*Covers the floor in delicious but quick drying gingerbread house construction frosting*
*Jumps into a pile*
*SInks slowly in, leaving an Ally shaped recess*
*Makes a frosting angel*
*Ally manages to get up, but now looks like the michelin man and is a little stiff*
*Quick-dries into a statue*
*starts slowly chiselling the Ally frosting statue*
*Ally now has OP frosting armour*
'Mfft mine muff mwerr?"
"Oh, sorry 'bout that." *Very carefully chisels frosting around head into a removable war helmet* "Is that better?"
"Can I have a mirror?"
"So I can see my beautifully crafted armor?"
*With leftover sugar from frosting, quickly constructs sugar glass mirror*
*Releases a shiver of gummy sharks to patrol the strawberry cordial*
"Are we on the same team?"
Eizer vay... *Airbendz a peach pie each at zem*
"I suppose so" ^-^
(little does he know, I am the first and possibly last jello bender)
*deflects pie with weird chunky apple jello*
*Is a fire-bender*
*prepares to pop some giant popcorn kernels*
"Take cover!"
*Is a bloodbender with an airbender father*
*Floatz up intae ze air*
Where exactly is this food fight taking place? Is it outside, in cavern hole, in the great hall, or somewhere else?
"Ye. I'm pretty sure we're on the front lawns."
*Is too busy answering Rillbrook to take my own advice...*
*Supersonic giant popped corn starts zinging away*
*One hits Hiag on the chest, and carries him away into the distance*
"Okay good I wouldn't want to do this inside."
*Builds a ballista from the food lying everywhere on the lawn*
*Loads with an almost popped giant popcorn kernel, aims, and fires at Kade*
Hmmm? What is i- *Takes a popcorn kernel to the eye.* Lkasdflkasldkfmoiwjeoijsdadf!
*popcorn chooses the moment of contact to pop*
*Points to board* It's taking place either in the great hall or the cellars where the food would be kept.
*Flings a cookie cut into the shape of a ninja star at Ally.*
(I'm fairly certain people have acted as if they're outside, previously. Do you mean The Cellars (as in the magic space limited only by our imaginations) or the cellars (a room where food is kept)? I always assumed it was the former.)
*climbs up high and chucks tacos from the sky*
Quote from: Ally046 on April 16, 2021, 03:22:29 AM
*Supersonic giant popped corn starts zinging away*
*One hits Hiag on the chest, and carries him away into the distance*
*Flipz aboot in ze air und air blaztz ze popcorn off ava from 'im, zen fliez back und airbendz a fruit cake at Ally*
*Gets hit in the face with a fruit cake*
*Loads a giant bolt of years old sourdough into ballista and fires at Verdauga"'
*fire-bends the sourdough bolt to help it gain speed*
*thick, hard, burnt, years-old sourdough, hits Russa between the shoulder-blades*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on April 16, 2021, 07:36:27 PM
*popcorn chooses the moment of contact to pop*
It's cause it made contact with something hot
Quote from: Booklover on April 16, 2021, 09:44:56 PM
(I'm fairly certain people have acted as if they're outside, previously. Do you mean The Cellars (as in the magic space limited only by our imaginations) or the cellars (a room where food is kept)? I always assumed it was the former.)
*climbs up high and chucks tacos from the sky*
(Is that a reference to the song "It's raining tacos"?)
*tosses a cookie like a frisbee to Flib as a prize for getting it right*
*intercepts cookie frisbee with a squirrel-like leap and devours it faster than a fresh fish on friday*
*Grabs a bottle of root-beer but not for the drink*
*Attempts to throw potato at Rill, but can't see due to having a pringel arrow in her eyeball*
*The potato hits me in the face* *I scream and faint again*
*Makes mashed potatoes*
*Runs around with a spoon, mushing spoonfuls of potato onto people's noses*
*Takes a sip of root beer then attempts to smack Ally with the bottle*
*Bends the potato at Scott and Ally*
*Gets smacked in the back of the neck*
*Attempts to see who she hit*
*Can't see*
*Can't see either because his vision is blurry*
(Wait, why?)
(A bajillion mph potato)
*Forms mashed potatoes into little spheres*
*Fire-bends them till they are rock hard crispy*
*Puts them into a food gun*
*Spreads heavy fire toward Lass and Scott*
That's mean spirited... You're not meant to try to kill us...
Did I?
It's just a food gun...
*Airbendz ze potatoez back at Ally*
Quote from: Ally046 on April 19, 2021, 04:18:01 PM
Did I?
it's just a food gun...
You said rock hard.. stoning to death was a thing, ya know...
Quote from: lass of something much on April 19, 2021, 05:02:00 PM
Quote from: Ally046 on April 19, 2021, 04:18:01 PM
Did I?
it's just a food gun...
You said rock hard.. stoning to death was a thing, ya know...
Ummmm, okay...
*Edits post*
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on April 19, 2021, 05:00:22 PM
*Airbendz ze potatoez back at Ally*
..Straight into my mouth.
*Eats the potato crispies*
"Needs some salt"
*Thumbs up*
*squirts maple syrup in random directions*
Anybeast here a sweet-tooth?
*Tastes the maple syrup to see :P Decides he's not a sweet tooth and decides to squirt iced coffee instead*
*Offers Ally some coffee while she's waiting for a response*
^-^ :laugh: :D
"Vielen Dank, mein freund"
*puts honey in the coffee while Ally isn't looking*
*knew full well what Bookie was doing, but let her anyway.*
Aww, that's sweet of you Er...
Quote from: lass of something much on April 19, 2021, 03:41:21 PM
That's mean spirited... You're not meant to try to kill us...
I mean, you and Scott
did try to kill Masika...
OOC: (I did try coffee and honey and it's not bad)
Back in character:
*Drinks Ally's honey coffee and gives her a fresh cup*
*adds salt and pepper to the rest of the coffee*
*places the coffee strategically next to doughnuts and coffee creamer*
^-^ Danke Schoen...
Uberhaupt kein problem ;D
Not really?
Are you? If you are, *throws cake at Ally*
Quote from: Bookie*throws cake at Ally*
"Your effort is small..."
*Heats fudge with fire-bending*
*Sprays Hot fudge/Caramel mixture on everybeast*
*Sets up a clay-pigeon-thrower with giant oreo frisbees*
*Peanut butter cups and Cookie dough balls fall from seemingly nowhere
and everywhere*
*Throws Whipped cream bombs*
*Poofs tub-fulls of Sprinkles over everybeast*
*is amazed by the vast quantities of sugar and attempts to eat a whipped cream bomb whole before it explodes (merely out of curiosity as to what will happen)*
*Protectz 'imzelf viz zeveral blaztz o' air, und a zloice o' 'ole-vheat bread*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on April 20, 2021, 05:57:35 PM*...Attempts to eat a whipped cream bomb whole before it explodes...*
*Rill burps up some whipped cream*
*Rill feels an uncomfortable and painful lump in his stomach*
*Ally teleports the used bomb casing out*
That was disappointing. I thought I'd explode
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on April 19, 2021, 10:52:21 PM
Aww, that's sweet of you Er... Quote from: lass of something much on April 19, 2021, 03:41:21 PM
That's mean spirited... You're not meant to try to kill us...
I mean, you and Scott did try to kill Masika...
She started it, plus, it wasn't a food fight
::) Don't be pouty Lass...
But that's what I'm best at :I
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on April 19, 2021, 10:52:21 PM
Aww, that's sweet of you Er... Quote from: lass of something much on April 19, 2021, 03:41:21 PM
That's mean spirited... You're not meant to try to kill us...
I mean, you and Scott did try to kill Masika...
*Sits up and starts shaking a bottle of champagne and a glass bottle filled with hot caramel* If you want to die I'm down
*Puts a paw on Scott's shoulder. *
Pleeeeaase don't kill my forum sister..
You don't want to make me sad, do you? :(
Please don't kill me forum sister :'(
Thaaak yooou! *Gives a charming smile, before hurling a cream pie at the aforementioned forum sister*
*Rolls a massive wedge of cheese down the nearest set of stairs towards Mclass*
You're starting to sound like Sika, calling me mclass and all-Ahhh!
*Crushed Lassie sounds*
*Cheese continues rolling toward scott with lass embedded in the dense disk of dairy*
*Is now pinned through the skull by the food arrow thing that was embeded in her eye*
*Magics Lass to be healed of the food arrow (and other food related injuries) so she can keep fighting*
*throws the Dish of the Day at everybody*
*Promptly consumes the dish of the day*
Are you sure you want to do that?
*pours a cup of something that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea, but doesn't throw it at anyone as that's probably bad for the environment, and instead pours it into a bowl of petunias*
*Pelts Bookie with peanuts*
Quote from: Bookie...A bowl of petunias...
(OOC: Would have eaten the petunias just because, but since they're part of the nightshade family it's probably not a great idea)
*Flings pancakes at people instead*
*Smacks a partially cooked pancake onto Lass's face.*
*Pancake batter drips down Lass's chin...*
*Thoroughly soaks a pancake in syrup and gives it to Scott ('s face at high speeds)*
Quote from: Ally046 on April 22, 2021, 02:25:46 PM
Quote from: Bookie...A bowl of petunias...
(HHGTTG reference. Pretty sure Hiag made the same one fairly recently.)
Quote from: Ally046 on April 22, 2021, 05:12:58 PM
*Smacks a partially cooked pancake onto Lass's face.*
*Pancake batter drips down Lass's chin...*
*Suddenly twitches with Infant Lizzy/lass*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on April 22, 2021, 05:28:27 PM
*Thoroughly soaks a pancake in syrup and gives it to Scott ('s face at high speeds)*
*Flops on the ground dramatically*
Quote from: lass of something much on April 23, 2021, 09:21:59 PM
Quote from: Ally046 on April 22, 2021, 05:12:58 PM
*Smacks a partially cooked pancake onto Lass's face.*
*Pancake batter drips down Lass's chin...*
*Suddenly twitches with Infant Lizzy/lass*
*Does a kip-up and glares at Ally*
You're gonna wish you didn't do that.
*Grabs a coke and rips open a mentos packed using his teeth*
/me falls on her face
*Flicks the top of the coke off, fills it up with mentos, and closes the lid.*
*Scott throws the bottle at Ally then rushes over to Lizzy*
/me is now drowning in an apple tart
*Picks Lizzy up by her clothes*
/me caughs out fud
*Wipes Lizzy's mouth*
I found da ta't!
The what?
F'oot ta't!
Oh, tart?
*Catches coke/mentos bomb*
*Bomb explodes, pushing foam at high-speeds, up my nose*
Oh, okay! *Hugs Lizzy* I haven't seen you for awhile! I missed you!
I was in da big, big twee land!
(A forest )
*Helps Ally up and dries her off with a couple pieces of bread*
*Fills four water-guns up with lemonade...*
*Gives two to Rill*
*Sprays lemonade at every-beast in sight*
*Pops open the cap of one of the guns, and drinks some lemonade*
*Dumps the rest of the opened squirt gun lemonade all over Verdauga and shoots Scott in the back with the other*
*Has now been 'naded.*
Why? I haven't been here in four pages.
Exactly ;D Now you must retaliate or at least join in the fun
"Hey, Rill!" >:D
"I've got the jelly powder... >:D"
*Starts several big caldrons of water boiling (with Ally's fire bending help) and pours in the jello, then lets it cool*
"Do you need a mold, or can you just bend it into place?"
"Eh, I'll just bend it in place"
*Jello starts slowly moving*
*Watches with interest...*
/me pounces on it and starts eating it
*The Jello turns very stiff and tastless where infant lassie starts eating, and continues growing in size...*
/me has eaten it all
*Sets up a machine that constantly generates jello*
*Bends the Jello inside Lass, making her into the great and terrible Marsh Jello*
*Evil chook laughter*
"We have you now!"
*More evil chook laughter*
*Bends marsh jello lass to do the hokey pokey*
"Having fun Lass?"
/me bursts into tears, soon followed by ear shattering screaming
*Jello become watery and weakens due to lass's tears. Then the screaming vibrates the Jello, ripping it the monster apart. Rill, not intending for anyone to get hurt, runs and catches lass*
*Dropz an apple ztreudel on Rillbrook, zen 'ovlz*
*Rillbrook is sorry that infant lass didn't enjoy doing the hokey poky, and to make up for it, gives little lass her favorite kind of cookie*
*Gives Lass a strawberry rhubarb pie* :-\
/me whimpered and sniffed a bit, but the screaming ended fairly quickly
*Makes more jello and forms an even bigger Marsh Jello, which attacks everyone except lass and Ally*
*More evil chook laughter*
*Attempts to cheer Infant Lizzy up with some peppermint tea...*
*A giant plate o' zpaghetti appearz und beginz zingin'*
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on May 04, 2021, 05:22:32 PM
*A giant plate o' zpaghetti appearz und beginz zingin'*
*The Jello monster swallows the spaghetti whole, but the spaghetti continues singing*
"Well, at least I think that will keep people from trying to eat him"
"The Marshjello, not the spaghet"
*Jelloman digests spaghetti (which obviously stops singing at this point) and is infused with its flavor (and singing talent)*
Quote from: lass of something much on May 02, 2021, 02:39:28 PM
/me bursts into tears, soon followed by ear shattering screaming
You son of a-
Quote from: Scott McLamok on May 10, 2021, 06:03:16 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 02, 2021, 02:39:28 PM
/me bursts into tears, soon followed by ear shattering screaming
You son of a-
/me looks at her father figure, wide eyed
(-Ice giant )
(-Really nice father?)
*Throws a cooled apple pie at Scott*
*Throws an Hot apple pie at Scott*
*Gives a dozen frosted cupcakes to Ally*
*Dodges both Ally and Rill's attacks*
'ight! I'm mad!
*Covers Lizzy's eyes with a cloth*
Don't look.
*Dips his gloves in melted candy*
These count right?
:-\ *Is unsure what is about to occur...*
*Is unsure how to procede* "Rill?"
*Is ready for whatever Scott wants to try*
*Slips Rill a yellow small yellow tube*
Toxic Waste!(
*The candy hardens around Scott's knuckles*
/me struggles against the cloth, rolls to get rid of it, and falls in a large pie, thus sending splatters of pie at nearby beasts
*Catches Lizzy before that happens*
/me sniffed the air a few times, then swung onto Scott's candy covered knuckles
*Prepares a small canon with unknown ammo...*
*Readies the toxic waste*
*Propels toxic waste at the enemies mouths*
/me licks Scott's knuckles and giggles
*Sighs and pats Lizzy's head*
S'ott... Why nums on paws?
So he can eat on the go without having to stop and dig around for them and everything. It's easier this way.
Quote from: Lizzy
S'ott... Why nums on paws?
*A toxic waste gets in Lizzy's mouth when she talks*
Quote from: lass of something much on May 12, 2021, 04:25:53 AM
S'ott... Why nums on paws?
Because I'm about to beat the chocolate out of a two certain people
Not you. You're fine
I will not stand here and watch you kill my friends!
I never said I'd kill them
@Ally046, see what you've got yourself into.
Yes, repent sinner
*bends chocolate icing at Ally*
*Ruffles Lizzy's hair (head fur?)*
Don't get into trouble. I have business to attend to
Goodbye, Liz.
*Fire bends the now burnt chocolate icing back at Flib*
Eats everything both sides throw at each other ;D
👏🏼 *Cheers Rill on...* ;D
*Takes a bow as a carrot flies overhead*
*Leaps into the air and bites down on the carrot mid-flight.*
*Uses Fire bending to make a fire*
*Cooks carrots in a pot over the fire* (Until soft)
*Uses the mushy carrots as ammo for a food gun...*
*roasts marshmallows over the fire*
*Roasts chestnuts on the fire.*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on May 12, 2021, 07:34:15 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 12, 2021, 04:25:53 AM
S'ott... Why nums on paws?
Because I'm about to beat the chocolate out of a two certain people
Peoples has c'oc'ic in 'em? Does Lizzy have c'oc'ic inside too?
Quote from: Scott McLamok on May 12, 2021, 07:42:05 PM
*Ruffles Lizzy's hair (head fur?)*
Don't get into trouble. I have business to attend to
(I mix of both, really, Ottersquirrels don't shed, so their fur is pretty much hair.. In conclusion: either works)
I is not into t'ubble! I is on yer paw!
I don't wanna cut you open just to see chocolate Lizzy.
*boops Lizzy on the nose then swings her into his backpack leaving her head sticking out*
Imma find de c'oc'ic! /me tumbles about in the bag trying to cut her tail open to find the chocolate
Quote from: Booklover on May 12, 2021, 08:54:44 PM
*roasts marshmallows over the fire*
Quote from: Verdauga on May 12, 2021, 09:12:43 PM
*Roasts chestnuts on the fire.*
*Douses the fire*
*Shoots Bookie and Verd with the food gun*
Quote from: lass of something much on May 13, 2021, 12:14:10 PM
Imma find de c'oc'ic! /me tumbles about in the bag trying to cut her tail open to find the chocolate
Now we have self-harming ottersquiddels.
*Gets hit by the food gun.* Whaaaa?
(I have been one for quiiite a while)
(Is Scott wearing the backpack?)
(Why do you wanna know?)
(Why do you care why I want to know?)
(She doesn't want to be saved, that's why.)
(It's all part of McLass. ;) Don't worry, they always come out alive in the end.)
I just...Spoiler
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 13, 2021, 03:14:46 PM
(She doesn't want to be saved, that's why.)
(What do you mean 'saved'?? Scott effectively adopted Lizzy, she's not being kidnapped or anything)
(So you are on Scott's back...)
(No, I'm bigger than him)
(Infant Lizzy is not me. We are separate beings, though she is a Lassie)
(So why would you think I'm on Scott's back? o.0)
(Ally, just answer the question for goodness sake.)
I... don't even know how to respond...
*Smashes his fist into Rill's face*
Owie.... Why owie otta?
*Shoots a blue ToxicWaste at Lizzy's mouth*
(Ally, Scott wears a helmet)
Fair point
*Edits post*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on May 18, 2021, 03:03:19 AM
*Smashes his fist into Rill's face*
That's not how you knock the chocolate out of someone...
Quote from: Ally...:-|...
Fair point
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 18, 2021, 12:56:38 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on May 18, 2021, 03:03:19 AM
*Smashes his fist into Rill's face*
That's not how you knock the chocolate out of someone...
How get c'ocic?.. I ouched tail ut no c'ocic in it :(
You get it by beating someone up. Ask
@Scott McLamok.
("Flib! Don't create a monster!")
/me launches at Ally, turnip in paw, and starts beating her on the head with it
*Uncertain Ally noises*
*Spooked Ally noises*
*Terrified Ally noises*
Nononono, that's not how it works. Scott can show you how.
*Whimpering Ally noises...*
*The Ally lettuce wilts a little*
Oh no!
Kade does this
Heimlich's Ally
*Pained Ally noises...*
O.o sorry...
Quote from: Ally046 on May 18, 2021, 02:28:02 PM
("Flib! Don't create a monster!")
(What do you mean?)
Quote from: FlibYou get it by beating someone up. Ask Scott.
Quote from: Ally("Flib! Don't create a monster!")
Quote from: lass/me launches at Ally, turnip in paw, and starts beating her on the head with it
(Infant Lass/lizzy is not a monster.)
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 18, 2021, 03:20:02 PM
Nononono, that's not how it works. Scott can show you how.
....Oh. /me stops beating Ally with the turnip
*More whimpering Ally noises*
*Runs and hides*
Why sad?
You were doing it the wrong way, and it hurt her.
I don't want Scott to teach you using me...
Listen; we're here to attack each other with edibles, not study the blade ;)
*Flings donut at Lass.*
Who said anything about studying the blade?
*Leaps out from behind the tree*
*Catches the doughnut in my mouth*
He did. *throws spaghetti at the next person to post*
*Receives a face-full of spaghet*
*Magics a waterfall of gummy-worms above Flib...*
*Gummies continue to fall on Flib...*
*the ducks eat the gummies*
*The gummies
continue to fall...*
I mean, I guess it's my thing...
Put it in your siggie so nobody can steal it.
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 19, 2021, 01:01:26 PM
You were doing it the wrong way, and it hurt her.
I is sowwy Ally!! I nono meanded to ouch ye... I dust t'y to find de c'ocic...
Quote from: lass of something much on May 19, 2021, 08:40:44 PM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 19, 2021, 01:01:26 PM
You were doing it the wrong way, and it hurt her.
I is sowwy Ally!! I nono meanded to ouch ye... I dust t'y to find de c'ocic...
I'm confused...what happened to Lizzie
Scott mentioned something about "beating the chocolate outta some people" (meaning you and Rill), and she took it literally, being a Dibbun, and is trying to find the chocolate.
Lizzy, take my word for it: You don't want to end up killing your friends for something that doesn't exist.
Wha?... I no kill em! On'y beatin' 'em!
And that could eventually kill them.
IK... I mean its not Lizzy saying that...its Lass...
It's Lizzy.
Then why doesent it have the Lizzy font...
(The font is only for actions, and even then I don't always use that code. You've gotta tell from speech patterns and such.)
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 19, 2021, 10:17:11 PM
Scott mentioned something about "beating the chocolate outta some people" (meaning you and Rill), and she took it literally, being a Dibbun, and is trying to find the chocolate.
Lizzy, take my word for it: You don't want to end up killing your friends for something that doesn't exist.
Quote from: Ally046 on May 19, 2021, 08:46:44 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 19, 2021, 08:40:44 PM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 19, 2021, 01:01:26 PM
You were doing it the wrong way, and it hurt her.
I is sowwy Ally!! I nono meanded to ouch ye... I dust t'y to find de c'ocic...
I'm confused...what happened to Lizzie
She tripped over an apple. D,:
D :
But while we mourn her loss...
COME AND CHECK OUT MY FANCY SHIP!:D *A beautiful pear ship can be spotted on the horizon*
It's Beautiful... O :
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 31, 2021, 06:04:28 PM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 19, 2021, 10:17:11 PM
Scott mentioned something about "beating the chocolate outta some people" (meaning you and Rill), and she took it literally, being a Dibbun, and is trying to find the chocolate.
Lizzy, take my word for it: You don't want to end up killing your friends for something that doesn't exist.
*is screeched at*
*angry Flib noises*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 31, 2021, 06:04:28 PM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 19, 2021, 10:17:11 PM
Scott mentioned something about "beating the chocolate outta some people" (meaning you and Rill), and she took it literally, being a Dibbun, and is trying to find the chocolate.
Lizzy, take my word for it: You don't want to end up killing your friends for something that doesn't exist.
Quote from: Ally046 on May 19, 2021, 08:46:44 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 19, 2021, 08:40:44 PM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 19, 2021, 01:01:26 PM
You were doing it the wrong way, and it hurt her.
I is sowwy Ally!! I nono meanded to ouch ye... I dust t'y to find de c'ocic...
I'm confused...what happened to Lizzie
She tripped over an apple. D,:
Big fat meanie liar! /me kicks Seb where is hurts
Doesent kicking someone anywhere hurt?
Yes, but... nevermind.
*eats some apples then throes a pair of pairs at Seb*
Yeah, but four of WHAT?
A pair of a pair of pears.
...Can I blame totally not nonexistent autocorrect? Temporary brain malfunction?
*throws a pair of pears at Seb*
Quote from: Ally046 on June 01, 2021, 04:23:12 AM
Doesent kicking someone anywhere hurt?
(Some places more so than others, like the chest, nose, not-so-child-friendly-word, toe..The list goes on, all varying on different factors )
Ginger brute attacks Flib.
pays 2 mana, sacrifices ginger brute, gains 3 life.
He not on.
He on soon. (Unless Keva steals the computer from him.)
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on June 02, 2021, 11:43:54 PM
He on soon. (Unless Keva steals the computer from him.)
We don't share one anymore. xD
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on June 02, 2021, 11:37:06 PM
*bends pears at @Sebias of Redwall*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 02, 2021, 02:39:26 PM
Quote from: Ally046 on June 01, 2021, 04:23:12 AM
Doesent kicking someone anywhere hurt?
(Some places more so than others, like the chest, nose, not-so-child-friendly-word, toe..The list goes on, all varying on different factors )
*Pokes Lass in le eye*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on June 04, 2021, 09:45:34 PM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on June 02, 2021, 11:43:54 PM
He on soon. (Unless Keva steals the computer from him.)
We don't share one anymore. xD
How am I supposed to know? Am I your computer?
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on June 04, 2021, 09:45:34 PM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on June 02, 2021, 11:43:54 PM
He on soon. (Unless Keva steals the computer from him.)
We don't share one anymore. xD
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on June 02, 2021, 11:37:06 PM
*bends pears at @Sebias of Redwall*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 02, 2021, 02:39:26 PM
Quote from: Ally046 on June 01, 2021, 04:23:12 AM
Doesent kicking someone anywhere hurt?
(Some places more so than others, like the chest, nose, not-so-child-friendly-word, toe..The list goes on, all varying on different factors )
*Pokes Lass in le eye*
Or that. As you can see, I can't!
But seriously, help! I can't live like this..
*Heals Lass and hits her with a baked alaska.*
Oh wow.....That is....Really, really mean....Well okay then.
*Hits Flib with a dead fish*
*takes the fish and buries it*
I hope you didn't murder that fish.
Quote from: lass of something much on June 07, 2021, 04:10:21 PM
Oh wow.....That is....Really, really mean....Well okay then.
*Hits Flib with a dead fish*
*Ze Carrotinator appearz, und proceedz tae attack viz orange lazerz*
What a waste of lasers.
Quote from: Booklover on June 07, 2021, 07:10:03 PM
*takes the fish and buries it*
I hope you didn't murder that fish.
No, it was part of the feast
*Shoots a loaf of home-cooked bread into Flib's mouth...*
*Ze Carrotinator dizappearz fer avhoile; afore leavin' 'e zayz:*
Ah am The Carrotinator, and Ah'll be bach.
Quote from: Ally046 on June 09, 2021, 07:08:38 PM
*Shoots a loaf of home-cooked bread into Flib's mouth...*
*le chokes*
*Whacks Flib on the back with a fish to help her get the bread out*
*angry fish noises*
*Fish was dead first*
*finally can breathe again* Ally, how dare you, how DARE you shove my mouth full of bread like that! It's idiotic, it's obnoxious, and it is not funny!!!
*Arrives behind Flib.* Heimlich?
Thank you for not Heimliching me.
*throws po-tay-toes at Bookie*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on June 09, 2021, 10:51:45 PM
*finally can breathe again* Ally, how dare you, how DARE you shove my mouth full of bread like that! It's idiotic, it's obnoxious, and it is not funny!!!
*Whimpers, and hides in a corner*
Flib, it's a good fight, not a tea party ::)
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on June 10, 2021, 05:37:05 PM
Yes, comrade! *Grabs a couple of the round and hard bubble gum*
*Uses hidden position to snipe everybeast with bread...*
🥖 🍞 🥯 🥐 🥨 🍩 🍪 🍰 🥞 🧇 🥖 🍞 🥯 🥐 🥨 🍩 🍪 🍰 🥞 🧇
*Hides behind a potted plant* The bread mustn't find me.
*Watches Russa bemusedly.* Sooooooo, er, what'cha d- *Gets slapped in the face by a baguette.*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 11, 2021, 05:15:31 AM
Flib, it's a good fight, not a tea party ::)
I was terrified, as you would have been if it had happened to you. Only you'd yell for Scott to save you from choking to death.
*Snipes Flib in the head with a piece of cake*
*Drops spaghetti nuke*
D: Mom's spaghetti!
"Kill the spaghetti!" >:D
Kill the spare.
*invents a machine that makes food (including meatballs) fall from the sky*
Nooooooo, Cedric!
*Sets fire to the machine...*
... :-\
*Throws a grenade at it for good measure*
*Replaces the grenade with an exploding pomegranate.*
*Eyebrow raise*
*Throws Ally at Verd*
*Power slaps Verd in the face*
Spaghetts ally
Quote from: Ally046 on June 17, 2021, 08:21:38 AM
*Power slaps Verd in the face*
Rude! *Eats Ally.* This is a food fight, not an
actual fight ya silly.
But I am a lettuce! I can power slap all I want!
"No mercy!" *Gives Kade diarrhea*
Quote from: WorshipTiria on June 17, 2021, 05:59:23 PM
Spaghetts ally
"Noooooooooo... I
thought we were friends...
*Mysteriously vanishes.*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 17, 2021, 07:39:27 PM
Quote from: Ally046 on June 17, 2021, 08:21:38 AM
*Power slaps Verd in the face*
Rude! *Eats Ally.* This is a food fight, not an actual fight ya silly.
Tell that to WT!
*Is hit full on by a breadroll*
*Marsh Jello le slaps Lass*
*Puts dirt in MJ's face*
*Pulls out a marshmallow gun*
*Squeals and hides behind the tallest person*
*Mysteriously re-appears wielding a PIE LAUNCHER 9001*
I've come to say pie. *Attacks WorT.*
You fool! I have the Franklin Badge!
*Reflects the pie*
*Pours soup in WT's boots*
*steals the marshmallow gun and fires it at One-eye because he's not here to defend himself*
*Catchez zome o' ze marzhmallovz und toaztz zem o'er a fire, und zen eatz zem*
Quote from: lass of something much on September 03, 2021, 02:17:36 AM
*Pours soup in WT's boots*
I already had a puddle slime in there.
*Start's licking a fruit candy cane.*
*murders a fruit pie*
*Creamz Flib viz a banana und turkey cream pie*
^An insult to turkeys and banana pies everywhere.
Ah dizagree.
It is an honor to anything to come into contact with you my lady. ^-^
Lies and deceit. ^-^
Never. ^-^
More lies and deceit.
*Carries a bucket of katsup and trips, spilling it all over
@lass of something much*
...Rill?! Dude welcome back! *Splats Rill in on the back in a friendly manner with a salad *
*pours a cauldronful of s o u p over Lass's head, in a friendly manner*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on September 24, 2021, 12:06:40 AM
More lies and deceit.
One may be deceit. Two may be conspiracy. Three is the number I trust.
Or perhaps you might say three is the magic number (but seven is the most powerfully magical number).
*Marshjello emerges from the shadows and slaps
@Kade Rivok in a friendly manner.*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on September 24, 2021, 07:32:16 PM
*pours a cauldronful of s o u p over Lass's head, in a friendly manner*
*Dies in a friendly manner*
*Attackz Ally viz ze Ztay Puft Marzhmallov Man*
Quote from: Ally046 on September 24, 2021, 11:42:11 PM
*Marshjello emerges from the shadows and slaps @Kade Rivok in a friendly manner.*
*Thinks Kade looks like a flea or mosquito* :o :-| 8D
*Granny Lassie appears to make more fight pies*
#wholesome #grandmagoals
*Ze Ztay Puft Marzhmallov Man explodez, zplatterin' everybeazt viz marzhmallov*
Quote from: lass of something much on September 25, 2021, 01:11:41 AM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on September 24, 2021, 07:32:16 PM
*pours a cauldronful of s o u p over Lass's head, in a friendly manner*
*Dies in a friendly manner*
Ok, that just about takes the cake. :giggle:
*Granny Lass hobbles into the room, puts about ten pies on the table, and hobbles back into the kitchen*
Granny Lass? That sounds...Terrifiying
*Granny Lass peeps out of the kitchen, a wicked grin on her old face*
>:D >:D >:D
*Cackling from the kichen*
*Joins in*
*Granny Lass throws a potato grenade *
*Kade genes kick in* NOM *eats the 'nade*
*Granny Lass hobbles away*
Ok, bai
*dies of laughter... or maybe it was just because Granny Lass's pies all squashed me to death*
You were on the table?
*Lobz a zquizhy apple at ze next pozter*
*is totally not the next poster* ;D
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 27, 2021, 02:15:31 AM
Granny Lass? That sounds...Terrifiying
Imagine all of us still using the forum when we're elderly.
Quote from: lass of something much on September 24, 2021, 07:30:11 PM
...Rill?! Dude welcome back! *Splats Rill in on the back in a friendly manner with a salad *
"Thanks Lass! ^-^ I've been out wandering, but I think I'll stay right around the Mossflower area for a while so I can drop by occationally"
*Serves everyone saltine crackers and peanut butter without a drink >:D*
*Avready 'az a bottle o' Irn-Bru, zae 'e'z gaet a drink; Coverz Rillbrook in grape jelly*
Quote from: Booklover on September 27, 2021, 10:31:16 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 27, 2021, 02:15:31 AM
Granny Lass? That sounds...Terrifiying
Imagine all of us still using the forum when we're elderly.
That is a weird thing to think
*Granny Lass comes in with Hiag's head, and throws it into the soup*
*Me 'ead dizappearz from ze zoop viz a 'Pop!' und reappearz back on ze ceilin' vhere it originally vaz*
*But since it's on the ceiling gravity does it work and Hiags head falls back into the pot*
Quote from: lass of something much on September 28, 2021, 12:35:53 AM
*Granny Lass comes in with Hiag's head, and throws it into the soup*
Galaxy soup?! :giggle:
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 27, 2021, 11:38:26 PM
Quote from: Booklover on September 27, 2021, 10:31:16 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 27, 2021, 02:15:31 AM
Granny Lass? That sounds...Terrifiying
Imagine all of us still using the forum when we're elderly.
That is a weird thing to think
I know. That's why I made sure everyone else had to.
I don't think my account will last as long as me
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on September 27, 2021, 10:54:32 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on September 24, 2021, 07:30:11 PM
...Rill?! Dude welcome back! *Splats Rill in on the back in a friendly manner with a salad *
"Thanks Lass! ^-^ I've been out wandering, but I think I'll stay right around the Mossflower area for a while so I can drop by occationally"
*Serves everyone saltine crackers and peanut butter without a drink >:D*
*is weird so does not need a drink*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 28, 2021, 04:49:12 AM
*But since it's on the ceiling gravity does it work and Hiags head falls back into the pot*
*Except Ah'm able tae achieve weightlezznezz, und zae me 'ead ztayz on ze ceilin'*
*Zrovz zeveral carrotz at Scott*
*peppers Lass with salt* ;D
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 28, 2021, 09:26:12 AM
I don't think my account will last as long as me
Ich t'ink miné will, but I won't be active much probs
*peppers Ally, Scott, Kade, and WT with salt*
*Decoratez Kade viz pizza toppingz again loike 'e und Scott did zome toime agae*
That was Seb if I recall correctly but a bit of floof in the mouth never hurt anybody
*Shoots a coconut at close range*
*Catches coconut* Oooooooh, thanks.
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on September 28, 2021, 10:22:39 PM
*peppers Lass with salt* ;D
*Grainy Lass is insalted, but as she turned, she slipped in the salt and broke both her elbows*
Looks like your in need of a doctor.
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 03, 2021, 07:03:08 AM
That was Seb if I recall correctly but a bit of floof in the mouth never hurt anybody
*covers Scott's mouth* Shh, you'll hurt Kade's feelings.
Quote from: lass of something much on October 04, 2021, 01:41:34 PM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on September 28, 2021, 10:22:39 PM
*peppers Lass with salt* ;D
*Grainy Lass is insalted, but as she turned, she slipped in the salt and broke both her elbows*
Moral: Never slip in salt unless you no longer require the use of your elbows.
Steal salt from Kade the river sea instead.
Just realised that last time I called Kade a (word)(word) he became an otterbadger. Now he's a riversea otterbadger, I guess.
Er, uh... hrm.... *Makes like the sea and waves goodbye.*
So, are you leafing? I didn't think there were many of those in the sea.
*Waves back*
...:) :) :)...
*Begins slowly falling over...,*
*throws around some lettuce, becauze leaves and it's meant to be a food fight*
Quote from: Booklover on October 04, 2021, 09:28:06 PM
Just realised that last time I called Kade a (word)(word) he became an otterbadger. Now he's a riversea otterbadger, I guess.
It was a one time deal, methinks. Can't let you have too much power over my existence ^_^
So you don't want to be a riversea otterbadger?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 04, 2021, 09:35:27 PM
Can't let you have too much power over my existence ^_^
Would you prefer to be a riverseabadgerotter? Or a riverotterseabadger? Riverotterbadgersea? Riverbadgerseaotter? Riverbadgerottersea? Seariverotterbadger? Seariverbadgerotter? Seaotterriverbadger? Seaotterbadgerriver? Seabadgerriverotter? Seabadgerotterriver?
(I am too lazy to do the other half, please imagine them.)
I have been, and shall remain, Otterbadger.
Oughtn't I badger you to change that, Kade River? (Sea what I did there?)
*Creamz boz o' zem viz cream cheeze cuztard cake*
Quote from: Ally046 on October 04, 2021, 09:32:40 PM
*Waves back*
...:) :) :)...
*Begins slowly falling over...,*
*Sets Ally upright* Thanks for the coconut! *Leafs*
:) "Ofc" *Falls on my face*
Quote from: Booklover on October 04, 2021, 09:31:31 PM
So, are you leafing? I didn't think there were many of those in the sea.
*is a Flib, not a leaf*
Are you in the sea? O.o
*Throws a lime pie at
*Catches the pie* Not at my brother. Here, throw it at my fatha' *hands the pie back to Ally*
*pinches the key from the pie, and wonders why someone tried encryption with pi*
*juggles drops some kiwis* Fruits. Not the birds or people.
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 06, 2021, 04:38:47 PM
*Catches the pie* Not at my brother. Here, throw it at my fatha' *hands the pie back to Ally*
*Conziderz zrovin' bread puddin', but decoidez tae eat it inztead*
Ah loike bread puddin'.
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 06, 2021, 04:38:47 PM
*Catches the pie* Not at my brother. Here, throw it at my fatha' *hands the pie back to Ally*
I'll tan your backside, young'un.
Quote from: Ally046 on October 06, 2021, 11:15:36 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 06, 2021, 04:38:47 PM
*Catches the pie* Not at my brother. Here, throw it at my fatha' *hands the pie back to Ally*
Yours too.
Quote from: Booklover on October 06, 2021, 06:01:19 PM
*juggles drops some kiwis* Fruits. Not the birds or people.
I can juggle irl, only with two balls though.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 07, 2021, 02:40:29 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 06, 2021, 04:38:47 PM
*Catches the pie* Not at my brother. Here, throw it at my fatha' *hands the pie back to Ally*
I'll tan your backside, young'un.
Quote from: Ally046 on October 06, 2021, 11:15:36 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 06, 2021, 04:38:47 PM
*Catches the pie* Not at my brother. Here, throw it at my fatha' *hands the pie back to Ally*
Yours too.
And I'll tan yours, Kadie Wadie.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 07, 2021, 02:40:29 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 06, 2021, 04:38:47 PM
*Catches the pie* Not at my brother. Here, throw it at my fatha' *hands the pie back to Ally*
I'll tan your backside, young'un.
O.O Aaaaaaaahhhh!
'Kadie Wadie'? Ah zink ve 'ave a nev nickname fer Kade, everybeazt...
It's fairly old, actually.
*Zrovz a ztravberry cuztard pie at 'Kadie Wadie'*
*Hides behind HiAG*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 08, 2021, 10:48:44 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 07, 2021, 02:40:29 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 06, 2021, 04:38:47 PM
*Catches the pie* Not at my brother. Here, throw it at my fatha' *hands the pie back to Ally*
I'll tan your backside, young'un.
O.O Aaaaaaaahhhh!
I'll save you, Cousin Scott.
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on October 08, 2021, 11:00:56 PM
'Kadie Wadie'? Ah zink ve 'ave a nev nickname fer Kade, everybeazt...
Actually Yue came up with it a few years ago...
For rhymes with Kade you have: aid, bade, blade, delayed, decayed, decade, fade, grade, glade, jade (according to autocorrupt, anyway), laid, lemonade, maid, made, paid, played, raid, (not said), shade, slayed, trade, wade, and more I can't think of right now.
For Kadie: lady, shady but that's about it for actual words. Kadie Wadie works fine.
Kade the jade lemonade. Trader/invader/evader Kader? Shady Kadie. Kade with a blade or spade (but really an enchanted fork). Kade the afraid. Kade the mermaid. Kade, but this time with an upgrade. Dismayed Kade. Renegade Kade. Kade's escapade. Kool-aid Kade. Outplayed Kade.
Kade the afraid? ???
Also "autocorrupt" ;D
Kade the unafraid, if you prefer.
Sadly I can't take the credit for that. I used to say autoincorrect, but autocorrupt is better.
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on October 09, 2021, 03:06:30 PM
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on October 08, 2021, 11:00:56 PM
'Kadie Wadie'? Ah zink ve 'ave a nev nickname fer Kade, everybeazt...
Actually Yue came up with it a few years ago...
Probably about a year and a half ago, or something close to that. Surprisingly enough, Oct 9th made it only two years that I've been on the forum. I feel like it's been much longer though :laugh:
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on October 08, 2021, 11:07:07 PM
*Zrovz a ztravberry cuztard pie at 'Kadie Wadie'*
*Eats it out of the air.* Much thanks, friend!
*Tvaz zecretly filled viz 'otroot pepperz*
*steals Kade's enchanted fork and goes off to hunt tigers with it*
I feel the weath of my fatha...
Oh dear, you better run and hide then. He might decide to punish you when he finds his fork is missing.
*Grovels at his fathas feet* it wasn't me I swear. Not this time. I know I said that the previous dozen times but this time you gotta believe me!
*is busy hunting Kade, on the mistaken assumption that such a powerful creature must be a tiger*
*Babbles further about how he didn't do it*
*sneaks up behind Kade and stabs him in the back with his enchanted fork*
He's busy dealing with some class-A treachery. I'm sure he'll be along in a minute. ^-^
Oh, ok!
*Tosses Scott at Flib.* Bad chooks, the both of you.
*Attempts to push Kade into the pile of peeps, but falls into sudden dark ness* "Halp!"
*Feels Ally vanish into his fluff.* And here we go again :giggle:
*Muffled* "Oh! Hey Teer! So this's where you've been..."
Eh? I- is
@Teer in there?
How long has she been in there?
Since sometime in September I would guess...
Ok, well... get comfortable, I guess :laugh: *Prepares his PUMPKINATOR 9000.2 for battle.*
*Gets up* A little weaker throw than your last one father, getting old?
Quote from: Ally046 on October 16, 2021, 05:31:06 AM
*Muffled* "Oh! Hey Teer! So this's where you've been..."
Shhh, this book is interesting. *shines torch at Ally* What are you doing here, and why is there cheese in your eyebrows?
Took me a hot sec to remember that your 'torches' don't have fire...
*Does 'Shhh'*
Heh. Fair enough. Want some noodles?
Ofc! ^-^ .... ... Thnkz.
So cozy. *Sprays everybeast not contained in his fur with high powered jets of pumpkin juice.*
*Putz ze zpirit o' ze Ztay-Puft Marzhmallov Man intae a zpoon, und createz a zhield Over Zoul zat blockz ze juice* Ye'll 'ave tae try better zan zat! *Lobz zree giga-cabbagez at Kade*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 16, 2021, 05:21:24 AM
*Tosses Scott at Flib.* Bad chooks, the both of you.
Ouch! Get off me, bro! *tries to shove Scott off me so I don't suffocate and die*
Ok, ok. I'm not THAT fat
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 16, 2021, 05:50:08 PM
So cozy. *Sprays everybeast not contained in his fur with high powered jets of pumpkin juice.*
*is not sprayed because the fur has consumed me far too many times*
*It has?*
What mean ye?
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 16, 2021, 08:38:32 PM
Ok, ok. I'm not THAT fat
I'm not THAT strong, either.
Quote from: Booklover on October 16, 2021, 09:05:10 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 16, 2021, 05:50:08 PM
So cozy. *Sprays everybeast not contained in his fur with high powered jets of pumpkin juice.*
*is not sprayed because the fur has consumed me far too many times*
I thought for a minute you were the one reading the book inside Kade's floof.
*Vonderz vhere ze zree giga-cabbagez vent*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 18, 2021, 06:04:12 AM
*It has?*
Why are you acting so surprised?
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on October 18, 2021, 04:57:18 PM
*Vonderz vhere ze zree giga-cabbagez vent*
In Among Us. That's where they vent.
You... Don't? I guess you aren't an elephant.
*Shoves a pie in BL's face.*
*Takes the pie tin*
Don't get pie in my fur please. ^-^
:-|... :(
*Drops the tin outside instead of bringing it in*
*smears pie in Kade's floof*
Oi! Since when did you break off all your alliances?!
*Eats Flib.* Bad chook.
Bad Kade.
*Drops a pumpkin on Head's head.*
*angry noises because I can't throw things at Kade because I'm inside him*
*Teleports Flib out.*
*Pinches the bridge of my nose.* Kaaaade. We talked about this.
Did we? I don't recall.
Quote from: Verdauga on October 19, 2021, 04:47:48 PM
*Teleports Flib out.*
*Pinches the bridge of my nose.* Kaaaade. We talked about this.
I misread that as punches.
Kaaaaade, the Verdibird is angry at you for eating meeeee.
Wouldn't be the first time. Or hundredth, for that matter. ^-^
it's the forty-seventh, to be precise.
Quote from: Verdauga on October 20, 2021, 09:13:22 PM
it's the forty-seventh, to be precise.
Forty-second, you mean. The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything is 'How many Flibs must an otterbadger eat?'.
Quote from: Booklover on October 20, 2021, 09:42:32 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on October 20, 2021, 09:13:22 PM
it's the forty-seventh, to be precise.
Forty-second, you mean. The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything is 'How many Flibs must an otterbadger eat?'.
All of them except for me. So I can have REVENGE!!! *charges Kade*
How much?
No, I'm stabbing you with an electric plug.
As far as 42 goes, I'm on the 42nd page of this topic.
Imteresting. That means I can make Hitchhiker's references, right?
*throws a Pan-Galactic-Gargle-Blaster at Verd*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on October 20, 2021, 10:53:35 PM
No, I'm stabbing you with an electric plug.
I wouldn't advise proceeding with that plan, just an FYI. ^-^
*continues regardless* It doesn't matter, none of my plans work properly.
*Prepares a Slappy for someone*
*pls no*
*Slappys Someone*
*Could cut the suspense with a knife, but decides to not.*
*imitates Ally and slaps Kade*
*Evicts Flib and Ally from the topic and launches a spoonful of chocolate pudding at Kade's face.*
Food only! No other fighting types.
*Sneaks back in maliciously, with Flib in tow*
Quote from: Verdauga on October 24, 2021, 12:45:03 AM
*Evicts Flib and Ally from the topic and launches a spoonful of chocolate pudding at Kade's face.*
Food only! No other fighting types.
YESH *Opens mouth wide to catch the chocolate pudding.*
*Scoops the choco-pudding right out of the air with a spoon before it can reach Kade*
*Is still waiting, maw agape.*
*Climbs in* :-|
*Tries to figure out what is in his mouth.* Thith dothnt thasthe lithke pthuddthing.
"Figured I'd just get it over with." :-|
*Shrugs and swallows Ally.* Dunno what that was, but it tasted pretty good.
Quote from: Verdauga on October 24, 2021, 12:45:03 AM
*Evicts Flib and Ally from the topic and launches a spoonful of chocolate pudding at Kade's face.*
Food only! No other fighting types.
Quote from: Ally046 on October 24, 2021, 07:45:20 PM
*Sneaks back in maliciously, with Flib in tow*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 25, 2021, 08:32:35 AM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on October 23, 2021, 03:17:26 PM
*imitates Ally and slaps Kade*
Ikr I'm so evil. ;D
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 26, 2021, 03:03:59 PM
*Tries to figure out what is in his mouth.* Thith dothnt thasthe lithke pthuddthing.
Why should it?
Quote from: Ally046 on October 26, 2021, 03:08:06 PM
"Figured I'd just get it over with." :-|
A brave sacrifice, meleth nin!
Oh, the bards will sing songs of your valiant deeds...
Who sacrificed what for what now? *Throws bread at Flib.*
Fflewddur Fflam sacrificed his harpstrings in order to praise Ally's good deeds, presumably. *Dodges bread, using Kade and Scott's dodge roll* ^-^
I don't roll when I dodge ^-^ *Bread boomerangs back at Flib from behind.* And which good deeds of Ally's? I feel that I missed something.
You were so busy throwing bread at me, and ranting on about how you never roll when you dodge (when you have, multiple times, in old threads that I read when I'm bored), that you probably missed all of the imteresting parts. As I did.
*Bread bounces off the back of Flib's head.* Imteresting parts of what?
Ally's brave and noble sacrifice, of course.
*Gasps* Sacrifice? What happened? *Readies the PUMPKINATOR 9001*
She let you eat her so you wouldn't eat the pudding. Wasn't that noble of her?
Is that what happened? I thought it didn't taste like pudding....
But... why? *Blasts
@Scott with the
Indeed it was. And don't abuse your poor child, he had no part in it.
I doubt he'll ever understand Flib. *Shakes head disappointedly*
WHOA, where'd you come from? You clearly aren't dead or in my belly, though, soooooo....
How'd you know?!
Well, I'm hungry, so you aren't in my belly. And you're talking, so you aren't dead. Sooooo.... *Throws noodles at Ally.*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 28, 2021, 03:35:50 PM
Is that what happened? I thought it didn't taste like pudding....
But... why? *Blasts @Scott with the PUMPKINATOR 9001*
*Pumpkin goes up his noes* Gekh...Gakh...*Chokes*
@Kade Rivok ! Quick! Heimlich!
*Appears behind Scott.* HEIMLICH MANEUVER ACTIVATE *Heimlich maneuver activates.*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 29, 2021, 12:02:10 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 28, 2021, 03:35:50 PM
Is that what happened? I thought it didn't taste like pudding....
But... why? *Blasts @Scott with the PUMPKINATOR 9001*
*Pumpkin goes up his noes* Gekh...Gakh...*Chokes*
I told you not to abuse him, Kade. :giggle:
Change is a part of life. We must learn to accept it. ^-^
B- bu- but I don't wanna.
You must. ^-^
*Jumps down a conveniently placed bottomless pit.*
Wow, that was a big change.
*A conveniently placed 10:1 scale quarter feels offended at Russa's comment.*
I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't talking about you. *Pat, pats the quarter*
*Leaps out from behind the 10:1-scale quarter and tosses double chocolate chip cookies at Russa.* Hahah! You've been bamboozled!
Whaaat?! Not again! *Bats the cookies away with a tennis racket*
Put away yon sports equipment and fight like it's a food fight! *Throws syrup covered pancakes at Russa's feet to trip her.*
Heh. I forgot this was a good fight and was slightly confused by the cookie attack.
*Skillfully avoids the pancakes and throws a stale poptart at Kade's knee*
The food fighting does seem to have an inordinate amount of lulls :giggle:
*Takes a glancing blow from the stale poptart, but perseveres. Makes a lasso out of 10,527 spaghetti noodles and tosses it at Russa.*
*Redirects lasso at Ally.*
*Spaghet kills Ally*
*It doesn't, it merely ties her up.*
*Has a thing aboot spaghet* *Spaghet always kills Ally*
::) *Spaghet magically changes to licorice mid-flight.*
Quote from: Ally046 on November 01, 2021, 03:17:04 PM
*Has a thing aboot spaghet* *Spaghet always kills Ally*
*kills le spaghet*
*Turn's Flib in into Linguine*
*Turns WT into cheese gibanica*
*Bakes Kade like the fluffy baked potato he is.* ^-^
*Is a cheese muffin*
Quote from: Ally046 on December 13, 2021, 04:13:56 PM
*Bakes Kade like the fluffy baked potato he is.* ^-^
I'm not quite sure how to take that. Is... that a compliment?
:) :) :)
I'll take that as a no, then. >_>
How is it supposed to be taken then?!
*Pouts, and throws a pie at Kade's face*
I'm a fluffy baked potato, which may or may not be a compliment, so I don't have a face. Nyeh.
You have a face! >:(
Why so indignant?
Why so difficult?!
You're gonna say that to me? :giggle:
Yes, I am.
Your face is difficult. *Throws himself at Ally.*
*Braces with a toffee model of Jeff pointing toward Kade.*
*Is still a fluffy baked potato, and so can't really do much damage.*
*Kade is spiked on Toffee-Jeff*
*Is now a spiked fluffy baked potato.*
*Splats Kade and Ally with lemon meringue pies.*
Y'all reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyy don't know how to food fight, huh?
*Hey, I threw myself at Ally, and I'm a fluffy baked potato currently, so did exactly what I was supposed to do.*
*Has a very deep thought*
Nah, it'd take to much effort and time to explain.
I appreciate your consideration.
*Ladels soup with mischievous intent.*
Warning, 3rd degree burns imminent.
Quote from: Ally046 on December 15, 2021, 07:38:06 PM
*Has a very deep thought*
Nah, it'd take to much effort and time to explain.
Why don't you tell me anyways? You can trust me, I'm a fluffy baked potato. ^-^
At least sum up.
Or, if you're Deep Thought, tell us the Answer.
I don't believe that she intends to.
The answer is 2000.
How so? *Is still an impaled fluffy baked potato.*
*Carefully removes Toffee-Jeff from Kade, and stitches Kade up with sloppy-joe meat strings*
Ow. Probably.
The sloppy joe source looks...interesting.
As do I, I assume. Being a sapient fluffy baked potato and all.
*Puts Kade on a tray*
*Is starting to become worried.*
*Place the tray on the counter maliciously*
*Picks up the tray and walks toward the oven VERY slowly* >:D
Oi, I'm already baked and fluffy and perfect!
*Opens the oven* >:D
*Slides the tray in*
*Shuts the door*
Did the horse tell you to?
*Becomes extra baked, I suppose.*
Fortunately, the oven was unplugged.
*Ladles soup at Ally.
*The oven wasn't unplugged* (It was turned off)
S- so what happens now?
*Pulls out a chip bomb*
Pours a bowl of soup on WorshipTiria's head.*
*Takes cover in the oven.*
*Shrapnel chips shoot out of the bag*
*Releases Carrots* ;) >:D
*Turns back into an Otterbadger out of excitement.* Carrots! Come heeeeeeeere!
Wouldn't you say everyone is in for a good licking?! :giggle:
Oh yeah, that's for sure. :giggle:
uh oh.
Are you asking if there's a puppy in this food fight?! If you are, are they opposition, or ammunition?!
*Grabs Carrots and runs away, leaving a trail of slippery soup.*
protecc puppi
What puppy? 🤨
This one.
It looks like he can protect himself.
That's a lot of yikes that doesn't belong in a FOOD FIGHT. Get that boom stick outa here!
Ally mentioned the puppi.
*summons salami gun*
Quote from: WorshipTiria on December 23, 2021, 04:56:18 PM
This one.
Is he one of the guests you hired to aim 478 rifles at my head? :giggle:
... I didn't hire them.
They were under your command, though.
*Has escaped with Carrots.*
You can keep them. They'll help you see in the dark and all that.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 04, 2022, 02:37:02 PM
*Has escaped with Carrots.*
You get back here! *Chases kade*
I'd help you if I wasn't busy hiding from WT's salami gun.
*Gone where? Gone to the land of NYEH, perhaps?*
Nope, gone with the wind.
K. *Follows the wind*
*Pours lukewarm oatmeal on kade*
*Eats the oatmeal as it's poured.* This place is bad for my diet.
*Is still in possession of Carrots, it would seem, and dashes away once more, leaving behind banana peels to slow down pursuers.*
*Whistles for Nutmeg*
*Is too far away for Carrots to hear.*
*Is too far away to hear the miscreants complaints.*
Quote from: Ally046 on May 05, 2022, 06:47:55 PM*Whistles for Nutmeg*
*Prepares bacon armour for nutmeg*
:giggle: I cooked it, so it's pretty much invincible
*Accidentally circles back towards the group from the other side.* Sounds tasty.
*Shrugs, then modifies it to fit kade*
Here, you take it
*Coverz ze inzoide und ootzoide o' ze bacon in jelly afore it getz tae Kade*
*whistles for Carrots*
*Ze carrotz vhiztle back*
I taught her a new trick.
Oi! Don't be teachin Carrots anything!
(What is this Carrots? Is it an actual carrot, or a pet, or both?)
Heh, whelp...
It's probably a dog?
*Readies a potato cannon and an appetite*
*pulls out a remote and pushes a button*
*spoopy black shapes float up from the ground*
*Zplatz ze zhapez viz rhubarb piez und zen hovlz*
*the pie disintegrates as it touches the shapes, the tins fly through the shadows*
*Loads the floofy baked potato kade into the potato cannon*
*Is ready to light the baking powder in the cannon*
*Aims the cannon at verd...*
*Lights the powder and launches Kade at Verd*
Quote from: Ally046 on May 06, 2022, 10:09:06 PM*the pies disintegrates as it they touches the shapes, the tins fly through the shadows*
Tiz ztill fun, zough! *Zplatz ze zhapez viz more piez, ziz toime cranberry; Hovlz again*
*Gives each of the nine black shapes a black cloak, a sword of smoked extra sharp cheddar, a ring and crown of aluminum foil (from bars of the darkest chocolate), and a horse of animated black licorice*
Can Ah 'ave zome cheeze, pleaze?
*Gives Haig cheese sword number 10. It appears to be made of pepper jack*
Major! Zankee! *Eatz it und zen hovlz appreciatively*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on May 07, 2022, 11:59:35 PM*Gives each of the nine black shapes a black cloak, a sword of smoked extra sharp cheddar, a ring and crown of aluminum foil (from bars of the darkest chocolate), and a horse of animated black licorice*
HELP!!!! Help help help! It's the nine Cheesewraiths! *panics and runs around in circles*
Sounds positively... delicious
You can't eat Cheesewraiths. They will stab you with a Meatball knife, and you'll turn into one of their servants.
Those all sound like things I can eat.
*throws the One Ring into the fiery furnaces of the microwave*
*Turns the microwave on and throws it at
@Verdauga when it starts to explode*
*The microwave was already on. And it can't explode if it only has a Spaghetti-O inside of it, can it?*
Onion Ring
The Onion Rings are what the Cheesewraiths have, silly chook.
Oneion ring to rule them all.
One-one? You mean One-Eye? I haven't seen him in ages. What's he up to now?
Ach, may'apz zey gaet 'im. *Lobz a blue potato filled viz zpinach und lined viz mould at Kade*
*Blocks said potato with a giant Matzah cracker*
*Commands the cheese wraiths to build a prison of pure salt blocks and lock kade inside*
Quote from: WorshipTiria on May 11, 2022, 02:16:49 AM*Blocks said potato with a giant Matzah cracker*
*Ze potato zoomz off und zen comez back fer anozer run at Kade*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on May 11, 2022, 06:43:05 PM*Commands the cheese wraiths to build a prison of pure salt blocks and lock kade inside*
*Coverz zaid prizon in jelly, az a furzer method o' keepin' 'im locked up*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on May 11, 2022, 06:43:05 PM*Commands the cheese wraiths to build a prison of pure salt blocks and lock kade inside*
*They disobey*
Quote from: Ally046 on May 11, 2022, 08:45:48 PM*They disobey*
*is disappointed*
*hands a deactivated mentos and soda grenade to Ally*
*Adds chili powder and activates the grenade, throwing it at Verd*
*Coverz Verdauga in jelly taae*
Poor helpless Verd. 🥲
*Addz peanut butter*
*Places some chilis on Verd like horns*
*Addz raizinz*
*Sets up a yogurt pellet gun*
*Readies the yogurt ammo*
*aims the gun
@Flib Bigboat *
@Verdauga viz a baguette covered in lemon puddin'*
*A baked potato ztartz zingin' fer nay apparent reazon*
Zankee Baked Potato!
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on May 11, 2022, 06:43:05 PM*Commands the cheese wraiths to build a prison of pure salt blocks and lock kade inside*
Oh no
Quote from: Ally046 on May 11, 2022, 08:45:48 PMQuote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on May 11, 2022, 06:43:05 PM*Commands the cheese wraiths to build a prison of pure salt blocks and lock kade inside*
*They disobey*
Oh thank goodness
*The cheese wraiths surround Kade*
Can Ah eat zem?
Pleeeeeeeeeeeaze? Zey're cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!
They are impossible to eat, it's not about permission.
They're cheese wraiths they will instantly consume you if you touch them.
Am I still surrounded?
*The wraiths close in on kade*
Unfortunately, I have no cheese for you folks.
Quote from: Ally046 on May 18, 2022, 04:26:37 AMThey're cheese wraiths they will instantly consume you if you touch them.
Dae zey 'ave any extra cheeeeeeeeeeeeeze zat Ah
could eat, zen?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 18, 2022, 03:45:28 PMUnfortunately, I have no cheese for you folks.
They want to consume
you, Kade.
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on May 18, 2022, 05:18:16 PMQuote from: Ally046 on May 18, 2022, 04:26:37 AMThey're cheese wraiths they will instantly consume you if you touch them.
Dae zey 'ave any extra cheeeeeeeeeeeeeze zat Ah could eat, zen?
Sadly, no.
Quote from: Ally046 on May 18, 2022, 08:02:00 PMQuote from: Kade Rivok on May 18, 2022, 03:45:28 PMUnfortunately, I have no cheese for you folks.
They want to consume you, Kade.
Where does the cheese come into play?
Quote from: Ally046 on May 18, 2022, 09:48:25 PM(
Is it just me, or does looking at gifs make people feel like they're caught in a time loop?
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Ye juzt zaid zat.
Hear say, I say.
Ah zay, ye zay, ve av zay fer 'erezy!
Yer face
*Zplatz Lass viz a peanut butter und jelly zandvich, zen hovlz*
My lunch!
Ach, zorry. *Zrovz A chocolate chip cookie shuriken at
@Kade Rivok *
*throws Verd*
*Creamz ze Verdinator viz a zhepherd'z pie*
*Grabs a spatula and cleans off my face.*
This is actually pretty tasty. Thanks HIAG!
*Launches an egg at random.*
*Random, Arthur Dent und Trillian'z daughter, daeznae appreciate ziz*
*Daeznae zrov any haggis, becauze haggis iz major und muzt be rezpected und appreciated und nae zrovn*
Quote from: Verdauga on May 29, 2022, 02:35:38 AMmY DESSERT!
Your dessert deserted you in a desert? You seem a little stressed.
Quote from: Booklover on June 01, 2022, 11:57:33 AMQuote from: Verdauga on May 29, 2022, 02:35:38 AMmY DESSERT!
Your dessert deserted you in a desert? You seem a little stressed.
Vot a dizzertation, Ach...
*Falls asleep*
Ziz topic appearz tae 'ave been ztuck tae ze top o' ze cellarz.
*Lobz a drippy blackberry pie at ze zleepin' Kade*
*casually starts turning candy into knives*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on June 16, 2022, 11:33:32 AM*casually starts turning candy into knives*
*turns the knives into food.*
....thats a actually really smart...
Throws bacon at Scott
*Addz eggz*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 17, 2022, 01:17:49 PMThrows bacon at Scott
*d o d g e*
*throws green eggs and ham instead*
*falls into topic*
Oh, look... Lunch
*begins gathering all the scattered food into a potato sack*
Are you a new alternate being of wothshire or something?
I'm pretty sure I'm still the same...
I think...
*picks up a banana split pudding pie and chucks it at the nearest person*
Quote from: Captain Wortshire on June 17, 2022, 10:33:25 PM*falls into topic*
Oh, look... Lunch
*begins gathering all the scattered food into a potato sack*
*Vone o' zoze foodz bein' ze baked potato, vho ztartz zingin' ceazelezzly*
*eats the baked potato*
Eh... Needs more salt...
'ov could ye eat ze baked potato?! *Ze baked potato continuez zingin' inzoide Wortshire*
*slurps some grape juice*
On second thoughts... I probably shouldn't have eaten that...
But if I could survive eating a parasitic alien worm, this shouldn't be too bad...
Quote from: Captain Wortshire on June 18, 2022, 12:02:53 AMNooo...
I'm pretty sure I'm still the same...
I think...
*picks up a banana split pudding pie and chucks it at the nearest person*
It's always hard to tell, what with you getting trapped in tarot cards and all
*left leg falls off*
....Oof.. What happened there?
*reattaches leg*
Had to replace it with a...
I'm not sure exactly, but there was a leg lying around...
*uses attachment spray on area*
....Dude.. I could take of all you limbs with this mashed potato
Not if I eat it first...
*flicks pashed potato at Wortshire using a spoon*
*jumps and eats it*
*Bludgeonz Wortshire viz an overly-cooked piece o' pork*
*head rolls off*
Okay... Where's my Attachment Spray© ?
*body lumbers over to head*
*uses spaghett and meatball as a mace and chain*
*peaks out of Kade's fluff* Oh dear, things are getting serious. *throws a bliss ball at Ally and retreats back into the fluff*
(I think I was in Kade's fluff, anyway. Can't imagine where else I'd be)
(Also, why is this thread pinned? It doesn't need pinning!)
*lobs a juicy at Teer's nose*
*sprays neck with Attachment Spray ©*
*pulls out a contraption that is a fusion between marshmallow launcher and flamethrower*
Prepare to feel the hot sticky goodness vengeance from the Steaming Marshmallow Overt Rail Enforcer (or S.M.O.R.E)
*rapid fires toasty S'Mores*
*ducks behind a table, then peaks out, only to be smored in the face* AAAHHHH it buuurrns!
*looks at the S.M.O.R.E, cranks down the heat from 11 to 5, and continues firing not as toasty S'Mores*
*yeetsa few sausages in damper at Wortshire from behind the table*
*pulls out a pomegranate and pulls out the pin *
*chucks the pomegranate*
*Knockz it back at 'im viz a large carrot*
*jumps onto and covers the pomegranate with a large dinner plate*
*takes the plate and throws it like a frisbee*
*A random Golden Retriever runz pazt und grabz ze plate, und zen bringz it back fer Wortshire tae zrov again*
*shrugs and tosses it again*
*Ze Golden Retriever runz after it und grabz ze plate, und zen bringz it back fer Wortshire tae zrov again*
*calls to the Goldie* "C'mere Charlie!"
*sets up a banana peel hammock between two cherry trees*
*throws eggs at Kade while he's sleeping*
*Eggs bounce safely off le floof*
*The other one smashes on the Kade face*
Ugh. Power play, much.
Oh yeah, you're one to talk! *Yeets an egg at Kass too*
Quote from: Ally046 on June 23, 2022, 03:54:10 AM*calls to the Goldie* "C'mere Charlie!"
*Ze Golden Retriever runz o'er tae Ally, along viz 99 ozer different Dogz, und zey av knock 'er doon und lick 'er tae deaz*
*dies in peace*
*Donates the body to science*
*Teleports the dogs to a dog park and revitalizes Allly.*
*Dies of depression*
*Hugs Ally in his sleep*
*Peltz Kade in ze noze viz a very zquizhy tomato, zen hovlz*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 27, 2022, 10:25:17 PM*Hugs Ally in his sleep*
*rejects the hug in her death*
*Doesn't care, still does it anyway*
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on June 27, 2022, 10:47:35 PM*Peltz Kade in ze noze viz a very zquizhy tomato, zen hovlz*
*Catches it in his mouth in his sleep*
*Ze Carrot Patrol, vho vere 'oidin' in ze very zquizhy tomato, jump oot inzoide Kade'z ztomach und begin peltin' 'im from ze inzoide viz very mini very zquizhy tomatoez*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 23, 2022, 03:43:54 PM*The other one smashes on the Kade face*
Ugh. Power play, much.
Oh yeah, you're one to talk! *Yeets an egg at Kass too*
*throws sticky baklava at Kass*
*Peltz everybeazt viz Jelly Babiez*
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on June 28, 2022, 09:24:17 PM*Ze Carrot Patrol, vho vere 'oidin' in ze very zquizhy tomato, jump oot inzoide Kade'z ztomach und begin peltin' 'im from ze inzoide viz very mini very zquizhy tomatoez*
*Snuffles contentedly in his sleep.*
*Ze very mini very zquizhy tomatoez give Kade very zeriouz indigeztion*
*Punt's a burnt cookie at HiAG's face*
*Throws shrimp boomerangs at WT*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on August 22, 2022, 12:34:11 AM*Throws shrimp boomerangs at WT*
*Blocks them with a pizza sheild*
*Boomerangs fly back and Rill catches them, then throws the shrimp past WT*
*Shrimp boomerangs change course miraculously (like a batterang or lightsaber in lego games) and attempt to hit Kade*
*Is asleep and unable to dodge. The shrimp boomerangs disappear into Kade's ridiculously floofy floof.*
However, they were ghost pepper shrimp, and start to light Kade's floof.
(ghost pepper shrimp? Those sound very good)
*Picks up Kade and gives him a quick dunk in the Abby pond to extinguish the flames. The spicy shrimp swim off to bother the graylings*
*Fur was already fireproof, but whatevs :giggle:*
(You assume I didn't just want an excuse to submerge you ;) )
Quote from: WorshipTiria on August 21, 2022, 03:44:39 PM*Punt's a burnt cookie at HiAG's face*
*Blockz viz an equally burnt baguette, und knockz it tovardz Kade, zen hovlz*
*tosses a bowl o' hot purrige at HIAG's face*
*Prepares lots of Jello*
*prepares a colossal amount of jello*
*Jello-bends the jello into a hipporse with a saddle and hops on, offering Ally a hand up*
Quote from: Dotti Dillworthy on August 28, 2022, 06:07:06 PM*tosses a bowl o' hot purrige at HIAG's face*
*Dodgez, und lobz a plate o' plentiful pazta at Dotti*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on July 21, 2022, 05:56:04 PMQuote from: lass of something much on June 23, 2022, 03:43:54 PM*The other one smashes on the Kade face*
Ugh. Power play, much.
Oh yeah, you're one to talk! *Yeets an egg at Kass too*
*throws sticky baklava at Kass*
*Kass is a ghost, and the food just sort of... goes through him*
Yer a ghost, wizard.
Yer a varmint, hero.
*squirts a red icing into Kade's face*
Ach, is this blood? Am I bleeding? *Runs away screaming*
*Catchez ze runava Kade, und tiez 'im up viz zpaghetti noodlez*
*Screaming intensifies.*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on August 29, 2022, 12:25:48 AM*Jello-bends the jello into a hipporse with a saddle and hops on, offering Ally a hand up*
(Why does Rill keep offering hands to Ally? It's a bit weird and, at this point, things are getting out of hand)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on August 30, 2022, 04:15:26 PM*Screaming intensifies.*
*Ztuffz a piece o' ravioli in Kade'z mouth tae ztop ze zcreamin'*
*sloshes buckets of olive oil an' tomato sauce at Kade's pasta-wrapped form*
Quote from: Ally046 on August 30, 2022, 04:18:03 PM*Accepts*
^_^ Nice to have you aboard
*Guides the Jello hipporse over to the tied up Kade, and the hipporce gives him a big wet Jello lick*
(Like a cowlick, but much stickier :giggle:)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on August 30, 2022, 04:21:53 PM(Why does Rill keep offering hands to Ally? It's a bit weird and, at this point, things are getting out of hand)
(Because he's being gallant and chivalric and all that stuff.)
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on September 01, 2022, 05:58:24 PMQuote from: Kade Rivok on August 30, 2022, 04:21:53 PM(Why does Rill keep offering hands to Ally? It's a bit weird and, at this point, things are getting out of hand)
(Because he's being gallant and chivalric and all that stuff.)
Hands of my mans *Narrows eyes at Flib*
Eh what?
*Further narrows eyes*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on September 01, 2022, 05:58:24 PMQuote from: Kade Rivok on August 30, 2022, 04:21:53 PM(Why does Rill keep offering hands to Ally? It's a bit weird and, at this point, things are getting out of hand)
(Because he's being gallant and chivalric and all that stuff.)
(Chivalry isn't dead yet Kade!)
*Throws an extra
extra thin crust pizza at Haig*
Quote from: Dotti Dillworthy on August 30, 2022, 06:09:40 PM*sloshes buckets of olive oil an' tomato sauce at Kade's pasta-wrapped form*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on September 01, 2022, 09:57:35 PM*Throws an extra extra thin crust pizza at Haig*
*Deflectz it viz a battle-axe made o' macaroni noodlez und cake oicin', und zen peltz Rill viz z'morez*
Quote from: Ally046 on September 01, 2022, 05:59:49 PMSpoiler
Hands of my mans *Narrows eyes at Flib*
*likes how "my mans" sounds* ^-^
*Deflects each of the smores with his rock candy saber*
*Releazez 10,000,000,000 jelly beanz intae ze topic, zen hovlz*
I was covering my own head :giggle:
Ach, zen ye need tae be more zpecific.
*Covers everyone's heads*
With your wings? :giggle:
Quote from: Ally046 on September 06, 2022, 05:15:12 AMSpoiler
With your wings? :giggle:
Indeed :D
*Throws a raw russet potato at Kade*
Specific, I like it.
*dumps a bowl of spaghetti on Rills head* ^-^
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on September 06, 2022, 06:38:13 PMQuote from: Ally046 on September 06, 2022, 05:15:12 AMSpoiler
With your wings? :giggle:
Indeed :D
*Throws a raw russet potato at Kade*
*Chops it up and flash fries it before it's able to touch the ground.* Yummy
You're just jelly. *Throws jelly at Ally*
Jelly's close enough
*Jelly-bends the jelly into a tiger, which promptly eats Kade*
I don't think jelly is an element >_>
And fire is?
An element of chaos, at least ;)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on September 06, 2022, 10:11:03 PMAn element of chaos, at least ;)
Aye, indeed. Juzt azk ze Ticktockman. (,_Harlequin!%22_Said_the_Ticktockman)
*secretly places some banana peelings on the floor*
*slips and begins falling*
*Catches Ally before she hits the floor, but slips on another banana peel and lands in a comical heap*
How shall we revenge?! >:D
What do you think about using that watermelon seed turret I mounted on the west wall?
*Pours a tub full of molasses on the pair.*
*gags* :-\
*uses fire to melt the molasses off of me and Rill*
"Quick, go now!"
*Zrovz ze bananaz zat ze banana peelz came from at everybeazt*
*A slightly singed Rill sprints for the West wall, but stops halfway when he realizes Ally isn't following*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on August 30, 2022, 03:01:49 PMAch, is this blood? Am I bleeding? *Runs away screaming*
Yer a bleeding Otterbadger, Kade.
Ach, language, Flib...
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on September 07, 2022, 04:29:47 PM*A slightly singed Rill sprints for the West wall, but stops halfway when he realizes Ally isn't following*
"Go!" *places a barrier around the enemy*
*Counterz viz enchanted reflective-gelatine zat reverzez ze barrier back tae around Ally*
Quote from: Ally046 on September 11, 2022, 05:39:22 PM"Go!" *places a barrier around the enemy*
*Doesn't want to leave her behind, but goes quickly so he cover for Ally*
*Hops in the turret and hops he has enough ammo to cover for her*
*Is trapped under my own reversed barrier that is slowly shrinking* :o
Quote from: Ally046 on September 12, 2022, 05:28:00 PM*Is trapped under my own reversed barrier that is slowly shrinking* :o
*Sees she's trapped and leaps off the wall, quickly gliding over and rolling to a stop in the dust*
*Tries to enter the barrier so he can pull her out*
*creates a smaller second barrier around myself and tries to push the other outward*
*Coverz ze barrier-ed Ally in chocolate dezzert puddin'*
*the pudding pours around and down of the sides of the barrier
*Eyes go pink, then red as a form of bloodwrath overtakes him as he tries to break in*
Those pfps are reaally messin' me up.
*Loads shotgun shells with bubblegum*
This counts?
*Fires mountain dew rockets at Scott*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 13, 2022, 09:57:01 AMThose pfps are reaally messin' me up.
*Loads shotgun shells with bubblegum*
This counts?
Oh hi Scott whatcha been up to?
I have a tendency to cause pfp confusion lol.
Is bubblegum food?
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on September 13, 2022, 05:49:22 AM*Eyes go pink, then red as a form of bloodwrath overtakes him as he tries to break in*
*Continues pushing with the inner barrier*
*In his berserk rage, he grabs a tree and rips it out of the ground, then uses it as a club to try and break the barrier*
*'andz Rill a a magic-carrot zat can bazh trough barrierz, zen zhoverz Kade viz more jelly beanz*
*Eats the magic carrot in his rage, and is infused with the carrot's powers*
*Cools his anger and starts thinking again*
*He touches the barrier to see what happens...*
Quote from: Ally046 on September 13, 2022, 02:45:59 PMQuote from: Scott McLamok on September 13, 2022, 09:57:01 AMThose pfps are reaally messin' me up.
*Loads shotgun shells with bubblegum*
This counts?
Oh hi Scott whatcha been up to?
I have a tendency to cause pfp confusion lol.
Yo! Nothin' too interesting lately (skool)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on September 13, 2022, 02:37:32 PM*Fires mountain dew rockets at Scott*
I'll take that as a yes...*gets tonked by bottle*
*drizzles maple syrup over ripred.*
*Addz bacon bitz*
Quote from: Rillbrook the Wanderer on September 14, 2022, 04:49:25 AM*Eats the magic carrot in his rage, and is infused with the carrot's powers*
*Cools his anger and starts thinking again*
*He touches the barrier to see what happens...*
*the barrier is pushed slightly inward at Rills touch*
*Pushes his paw through the barrier, then the rest of himself until he's inside the barrier with Ally*
*Wraps his wings around her so the barrier doesn't crush her*
*hugs Rill and cries a tear of relief*
*the barriers slowly dissolve as I relax into Rill*
*Hugs Ally back, supporting her, then wipes the tear away from her eye*
"It's okay... I'm here now..."
*curls up in a ball* 😔
*Sits up*
You guys are reminding me of what me and Lass used to do. We had a lot more death though. Oh, and explosions. (and extreme cringe and drama but that makes it so you're not really doing what we were doing except for the fact that it's constant back and forth posts but eh.)
Quote from: Ally046 on September 16, 2022, 06:26:31 AM*curls up in a ball* 😔
*Sits on the ground by her side, letting Ally put her head on his shoulder as he keeps his arm around her, blocking flying food with his wings*
*Ze food objectz tae ziz*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 16, 2022, 02:15:50 PM*Sits up*
You guys are reminding me of what me and Lass used to do. We had a lot more death though. Oh, and explosions. (and extreme cringe and drama but that makes it so you're not really doing what we were doing except for the fact that it's constant back and forth posts but eh.)
You're saying that there
isn't at least a little bit of cringe going on right now?
*Peltz Scott viz jelly beanz, zen hovlz*
Ow, ow, ow. *glares at HiAG and howls back*
*Continuez und hovlz louder*
*Pelts HIAG with Scott and coughs.*
*Peltz Kade back viz Scott, und hovlz again*
Releases a cloud of cinnamon to act as a smokescreen.
*coughs, sputters, and chokes*
Did I just kill her?
If zae... *Revivez 'er viz porridge* If nae... *Zrovz porridge 'at 'er*
*Slows his heart rate and holds his breath like he would underwater*
*Looks for Ally, his eyes burning. Finds her and picks her up, bringing her out of the noxious aerosolized cinnamon*
*coughs again and starts breathing again painfully* "water?"
*Runs to the kitchen and back, bringing an unbroken flask of water*
"Here, take this"
(OOC: I must refrain from jokes. HeHe.)
*Accepts, and starts taking sips*
*Beanz WorshipTiria viz a doughnut*
Quote from: Ally046 on September 23, 2022, 05:16:22 PM(OOC: I must refrain from jokes. HeHe.)
*Accepts, and starts taking sips*
(OOC: what's wrong with making jokes?)
*Throws a pretzel completely coated in nacho cheese at HiAG*
*Duckz, und zen creamz Rill viz a cheezecake*
*Wipes cheesecake from his eyes and licks his whiskers*
*Picks up HiAG and sets him in a cold extra deep dish pizza that's up to his neck*
*'appily enjoyz a refrezhin' zvim in zaid pizza*
Zankee koindly!!!
*pours hotroot powder into said pizza*
"That should warm the pizza up" :D
*Pours chocolate shell ice cream topping all over Kade*
"Indeed!" :laugh:
*adds a cherry on top*
*Adds sprinkles for effect*
Quote from: Ally046 on September 24, 2022, 11:07:46 PM*pours hotroot powder into said pizza*
Ach, vay tae turn a noice refrezhin' pizza intae a bloomin' 'ot zpring! *Peltz Rill viz clovez o' garlic, und zen zvatz ze oice creamed-Kade viz a leek*
I was gonna make a joke, but maybe not. *Ice cream rolls at Rill*
*blocks Rill with a shield*
"Thanks matey!" ^-^
*Throws a balloon filled with vegetable oil at Kade*
*Gets upset because of all the food that's getting trampled and then viciously attacks nearest food fighter with a damson pudding in one paw and a hot scone in the other*
*Putz a tomato (vhich iz a fruit) in a fruit zalad, und zen 'urlz ze entire zin' at Wopscutt*
*stands munching an apple pie and quietly observes the chaos*
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on October 21, 2022, 05:00:17 PM*Putz a tomato (vhich iz a fruit) in a fruit zalad, und zen 'urlz ze entire zin' at Wopscutt*
*eats the salad and then hurls a hot mushroom paste at headinanothergalaxy while crying Eulalia!*
*Eatz ze pazty, und zen dropz a zponge cake in ze zhape o' a large zafe on Wopscutt*
*eats way out of the large sponge cake and then licking lips thanks headinanothergalaxy for the cake before attacking with a celery stick sword the salad bowl as a helmet and a a carrot as a secondary weapon*
*Zendz a puddin' Dragon after Wopscutt zat breathez oice cream*
*slays the dragon with carrot knife and fills salad bowl which had been a helmet with some of the pudding*
*Peltz Wopscutt viz Gummy Bearz und Jelly Babiez*
*Creeps around behind Bear with a big bowl of steaming tomato soup and prepares to dump the whole thing of his head*
*Expertly tozzez a grilled-cheeze zandvich intae ze zoop*
*Dodges the gummy bears and jelly babies by ducking under a table and then leaps out and fishes the sandwich out of the soup and gobbles it down before Ally dumps the soup on Bear's head*
*confusedly makes fish sandwiches*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on October 27, 2022, 05:24:03 PM*confusedly makes fish sandwiches*
Zoundz Fizhy... *Bopz Kade viz a lemon pazty und zen zrovz a banana puddin' pie at 'im fer dezzert*
*squirts whipped cream at Kade*
*Addz a cherry*
Iz it juzt me, or daez ziz keep 'appenin'?
First time I've seen it.
*Dumps warm soup on
@Bear *
*Coverz Kade viz liquid caramel, vhich zen zolidifiez, trappin' 'im in it*
*eats the fish sandwiches*
*casually sucks on a candy cane, widdling it down slowly to a fine point.
*Tosses WorT at Flib*
Before you say anything, yer all food to me, so it's fair game.
i didnot know food could fights every never
ever met a cannibal?
Ya have now. ^-^
I've met the descendant of one.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 19, 2022, 06:53:25 PM*Tosses WorT at Flib*
Before you say anything, yer all food to me, so it's fair game.
Oh no you DIDN'T.
*munches on a bagel in the background*
Why am I always the ammunition in these scenarios?
Because Kade can't tell ammunition from food from people (or otters).
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 18, 2023, 05:53:53 PMMmmm, bagels are good.
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on January 12, 2023, 01:47:08 PMOh no you DIDN'T.
Oh yes I DID.
*Vallopz Kade viz a Fizh und zen peltz 'im viz chipz*
*Uses Flib as a shield and tosses a ketchup bomb at HIAG.*
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on January 30, 2023, 01:59:36 AMBecause Kade can't tell ammunition from food from people (or otters).
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 18, 2023, 05:53:53 PMMmmm, bagels are good.
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on January 12, 2023, 01:47:08 PMOh no you DIDN'T.
Oh yes I DID.
*'auldz up a tomato, vhich vardz off ze ketchup bomb due tae zem bein' related, und it inztead zplatterz ontae
@The Skarzs inztead*
*Hovlz, und zen zrovz a blueberry pie at Flib*
Eww I hate blueberry pie! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
*steals HiAG's howl and throws salad at Kade*
Anything but salad! :o
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on February 02, 2023, 04:39:24 PMEww I hate blueberry pie! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
*steals HiAG's howl and throws salad at Kade*
*Ztealz it back*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 02, 2023, 05:18:38 PMAnything but salad! :o
Und a
green zalad tae boot!
No, no, this salad ain't a green salad.
It's a Flib salad.
Does that mean it contains Flib?
No, it means it's highly dangerous.
And sassy.
Sounds like it contains Flib.
Good point.
Az oppozed tae a naughty point zat 'az tae gae zit in ze corner fer foive minutez...
Oh my....
*Peltz Kade viz ravioli*
*Raviolis HIAG with pelts.*
*slaps Kade*
How wude.
*Punches Kade*
*Coverz Kade in tomato zauce*
*Dunks HIAG in a vat of banana pudding.*
Quote from: Ally046 on February 08, 2023, 06:04:55 PM*Punches Kade*
*Pourz a large cauldron o' green beanz ontae Kade*
*flings mashed po-tay-toes about*
*Makes a stew out of po-tay-toes and shoves Flib in it, then tosses the entire thing at HIAG.*
*Blockz viz a plentiful plate o' po-tah-toez und zen chuckz zem at Kade*
*catapults mashed potato at Hiag and Kade*
*Uses HIAG as a HIAG-man shield to block the attack, then tosses a boiled po-tay-toe grenade at Lass*
*Getz Kade back by creamin' 'im viz an oice cream cupcake viz zprinklez*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 08, 2023, 10:43:03 PM*Makes a stew out of po-tay-toes and shoves Flib in it, then tosses the entire thing at HIAG.*
*is still trying to figure out what happened to me*
You got shoved into a po-tay-toe stew and tossed at HIAG, of course.
I know, but I lost track of what happened after that. Am I dead yet, or what?
No? Nothing happened to you after that. I mean, I can just go ahead and eat you and get that out of the way, if you'd like.
*Zhovez Kade intae a large pan o' creamed zpinach afore 'e can eat anybeazt again*
My, my, such violence.
*Drags Flib in with me*
*is boiling, both figuratively (with rage and anger because I hate spinach), and literally (because it's so hot)*
Don't you want to be all strong and muscly? Better eat your spinach then!
I don't think that's how it works.
That's definitely how it works. Haven't you ever watched (or heard of) Popeye?
Yeah, that.
*Peltz Kade viz peaz und coffee beanz, zen hovlz*
Just wanted to pop in (for the first time in forever) and throw this one pie before ducking out again! ;D
Hope you all are doing well!
Major tae zee ye again, Captain Tammo! Vait, zat'z nae ye Ah'm zeein', tiz- *Getz 'it viz ze pie* Ach...
*takes the opportunity to swing a churro at HiaG*
*Knockz it back viz a very large leek*
*takes a moment to recuperate from the unexpected retaliation, then swings a second time*
*Deflectz it again viz ze leek*
*uses his momentum from the previous swing to divert his churro at you again*
*Dodgez barely und zvingz 'iz leek doon tovardz WorshipTiria*
* parries the blow before thrusting the churro at HiaG*
*Jumpz intae ze air tae evade und zen zvingz around viz ze leek*
*Throws a nacho cheese grenade into the mix.*
Zat'z nae real cheeze!!!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 17, 2023, 03:05:40 PM*Throws a nacho cheese grenade into the mix.*
I thought this was a food fight, not a plastic fight.
*Dunkz Kade intae a barrel o' REAL cheeze- mozzarella cheeze, tae be exact.
*flings horseradish all over Kade and WT*
*throws a bucket of tomatoes onto flib*
*Peltz Flib viz raizinz*
Hey hey hey! Horseradish is the best sauce. Come on!
@Kade Rivok viz raizinz taae fer nae bein' active*
*throws cake & ice cream at everyone*
*Zrovz cherriez tae gae viz ze oice cream*
*squirts whipped cream to go with the cherries and ice cream* Now someone grab the chocolate sauce!
*Addz cuztard und zen chocolate zauce*
*Puts on gas mask*
*pulls out mustard seed*
Now who's ready for some war crimes?
*Getz ready tae teleport bread*
We should be fine so long as nobody teleports bread.
Ah actually 'ave teleported bread. Ah 'ave done nayzin' but teleport bread fer zree dayz na'.
Dear god.
*halfheartedly throws a chicken sandwich at HIAG*
*Zadly vatchez az ze Chicken zandvich gaez a zhort diztance und flopz ontae ze floor* Ye need tae put 200% effort intae everyzin'! Loike ziz! *Creamz Ripred viz a cuztard pie*
*wipes cream from her face*
*flings a chicken pot pie and hits HIAG in the face*
zat'z better!
@Kade Rivok viz a zhepherd'z pie in ze 'ope zat 'e vill actually pozt*
*yeets a strawberry ice cream sundae at Kade*
*brings out a banana split gun* I have officially won at this point.
Never. *Pullz oot a giant leek und ztandz ready*
*sniffs and loads hot sauce into her gun*
*A meatloaf ambuzhez Ripred und jumpz on 'er*
*...Zadly 'ovever, bein' a meatloaf, it only managed tae flop a fev inchez und never really made it off ze ground*
*bites the meatloaf*
*Ze meatloaf zcreamz*
*screams in reply*
*Ze meatloaf explodez*
*Glares around the thread*
Who did that? Who hurt this poor innocent meatloaf?
Ye did.
I don't like watching my food fight.
*Eats everyone and goes to sleep*
*Zingz obnoxiouzly and loudly inzoide Kade'z ztomach tae irritate 'im*
Do I count as everyone, since I wasn't active in the thread at the time?
If so, *hurls fried onion at Hiag in an effort to stop his singing*
If not: *hurls fried onion at Kade's belly in an effort to stop Hiag's singing*
@Kade Rivok 'z belly, und zen zrovz an apple pie at
@Luftwaffles along viz zome muzhy tomatoez*
Peace at last. *wanders by and accidentally intercepts the apple pie* How dare you?! *eats and throws a paper straw at Hiag in return*
Oy, tiz food ve're zrovin', nae ztravz! *Peltz Shisteer viz Fizh und chipz*
The paper straw was soggy. A plastic straw would be entirely off limits, but that straw was as much the drink I wanted to drink as it was straw.
*Ze Fizh flopz back und forth zoughtfully on Shisteer'z 'ead, eatin' ze chipz*
Not cooked enough. I WANT A REFUND.
*Flingz a frezhly fried Fizh at Shisteer*
That's better. *uses a handy turnip pastie to deflect the fish, and draws long carrot*
*Dravz a leek*
*begins to duel*
*Brandishes an entire cauldron of hotroot soup* Come at me if ye dare
*Vhackz Skarzs viz ze leek*
*Consumes half the soup and pours the rest upon Hiag's head (in another galaxy)*
*pokes Skarzs with carrot while he's distracted*
Quote from: The Skarzs on December 17, 2024, 07:41:36 PM*Consumes half the soup and pours the rest upon Hiag's head (in another galaxy)*
*Retaliatez by zprayin' Skarzs viz Ztravberry Fizz from a zpray bottle*
You cad! Now I'm sticky!
Heheheh. *covers Skarzs in sprinkles and watches as they stick*
*Peltz peaz ontae Skarzs az vell*
*pokes Hiag with carrot*
*Pokez Teer viz ze leek*
MURDER! *falls over and triggers a catapult lined up to fling a vegetable pastie onto Hiag's head*
*Knockz ze vegetable pazty ava viz ze leek und zaid pazty zplatz roight ontae Skarzs' 'ead inztead*
*flings a flan west*
Why am I collateral damage here?! *Begins throwing baked potatoes in various directions*
*deflects the baked potatoes with large carrot slice shield* I think it's because- *fails to block one baked potato and gets hit in the face*
*Knockz zeveral potatoez ava viz ze leek but getz 'it by a fev und favz doon*
*drops a bag of cornstarch over Skarzs' head*
*Peltz Skarzs viz muzhy tomatoez*
*Rolls the mess they have created into a ball of yuck and sends it hurtling toward them like a disgusting boulder*
*Avoidz und peltz Skarzs viz popcorn*
Y'know, cornstarch and tomatoes could make a decent meal. Probably need some salt, though. *dodges ball and sprinkles some salt on as it flies by*
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on December 23, 2024, 06:08:40 PM*Avoidz und peltz Skarzs viz popcorn*
*The popcorn get stuck in my teeth and I fly into a justifiable and inconsolable rage*
Y'know, that's fair. *hands Skarzs a toothpick*
*Spears the selections on a nearby chartuchery board with said toothpicks*
That is not how you spell that.
*Tosses the sharshootery board at Teer because nyeeehhhh*
(Chocolate?) *Peltz everybeazt viz zmav chocolate candiez*
*eats the small chocolate candies and also the charcuterie board* Delicious.
*throws Christmas mints at everybeast* MERRY CHRISTMAS!
*Eatz ze Chriztmaz mintz zat come 'iz vay, und zen bopz Skarzs on ze 'ead viz a candy cane*
*tosses a pavlova at Hiag*
*Coverz Teer in cuztard*
*shakes like a dog and sends custard flying over everybeast*
*Deflectz it viz a large pizza, zen zrovz dozenz o' pepperoni at everybeazt loike zhurikenz*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 25, 2024, 10:34:11 PM*eats the small chocolate candies and also the charcuterie board* Delicious.
*throws Christmas mints at everybeast* MERRY CHRISTMAS!
. . . You ate the charcuterie BOARD?! O_O
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on December 26, 2024, 03:36:15 AM*Eatz ze Chriztmaz mintz zat come 'iz vay, und zen bopz Skarzs on ze 'ead viz a candy cane*
*Sucks on giant candy can until it is sharpened into a lethal point, and uses a gingerbread steed to joust at
Yes. Oak has quite a nice flavour.
Ze Deaz-Defyin' Beaverz, o' courze... Ach...
Oh no
Nooooo! Not again! I thought we finished them off the first time! Hide the toasters!
*Prepares another pot of hotroot soup to drown the DDBs in spicy submersion.*
*readies the crouton cannons*
*Reztockz ze zrovin' piez zupply*
*begins to play dramatic music using a few pots and some spaghetti*
*Ze zpaghetti objectz tae ziz*
The spaghetti will do what it's told when we're at war
Mm, that. This is far too dire a situation to be worried about one's dignity.
*Ze zpaghetti grumblez but compliez*
That's the spirit, laddie buck!
Good on ya. You'll go places yet!
*Ze zpaghetti daez a zalute*
Now, attack!
*An army of miniature toy Dalmatians forms ranks and prepares to match the Zpaghetti's charge with pike (toothpicks) and musket.*
Where did they come from?!
Do not question the might of the Dalmatian Lord!
Vot aboot ze
Melon Laird...?
(Dinnae 'ave tae vatch pazt 2:04, ze Melon Laird zcene endz zere.)
*Gasps in shocked horror* *The Dalmatians tremble but hold their positions staunchly.*