Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => OOC Roleplay Discussions => Roleplaying => Completed OOC's => Topic started by: Jack the Quick on July 17, 2019, 05:13:23 PM

Title: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 17, 2019, 05:13:23 PM
Okay, so this is an RP I just thought up about . The idea is, five woodlanders get together and become a patrol. They go into Mossflower and patrol, usually only two or three at once. The idea is, two of us will be on patrol and we spot a large band of vermin, They return to Redwall and get the others. After that, we will decide together. One character each!

Character Template

Other (optional):

My character

Name: Kodar
Gender: Male
Age: 23 seasons
Species: Mouse
Weapon: Black iron longsword engraved with an K on the pommel stone, the pommel stone is black marble with white veins, same as the stones at the end of the crossguard and a black wire wrapped hilt. A black shield with a dark red carved with an K with dark red trim. The sword is named Domitor.
Appearance: Black fur with dark reddish fur around all of his paws, he usually wears dark clothing with his black iron breastplate.
Personality: He is easy-go lucky usually unless worried then he turns very serious.
History: He came from the harsh Northlands to Redwall, where they almost turned him away for his urging for them to join the Northlands war effort. He later left his recruitment plan and came to be a Redwaller. He declined their offer of making him the abbey warrior and instead founded the Mossflower Patrol.
Other (optional): He is the Captain of the Patrol.

Kolman's character

Name: Kaden
Age: 21
Species: Squirrel
Weapon: long sword and bow
Appearance: plain featured
Personality: fun loving but serious
History: grew up hearing about the Long Patrol and wanted to join until he found out it was for hares only

Dann's character

Name: Qross Shallois

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Species: Otter

Weapon: The standard otter sling and a simple, steel knife serve as viable options, but she much prefers her halberd (Known as the High Tide) and wooden targe. The halberd is a holt heirloom, the blade is tempered silver with an ashen, etched broken wave sigil on either side, held with a haft of cedar long hardened by amber, accompanied by a sling (the equivalent of a sheath for a weapon this size) made from the same eel's skin as her belt. The targe is rounded, and made from cherry wood with a singed black emblem on the front, a wave split down the middle by a shortsword crowned by watercress.

Appearance: Lithe, sleek, smooth, even when out of the water. Her body and fur do not follow the typical, rough mold for otter physiology, being more flexible and toned than strictly powerful. Said fur is dark chocolate brown, with wheat/tan underbelly all crowned by her pearlescent, light green eyes. She wears the tunic of her holt, being taupe in color on the front/back, with one wavy, pine green streak on the sides stretching up and enveloping the sleeves. This tunic is held at the waist by a traditional, eel-skin belt made from one she wrestled herself, a practice of her tribe's warriors. When ready to fight, she also wears a black leather cuirass, only going halfway down the back, and with thinner abdomen coverage on the front. Along with with a similar, thin, leather forearm wrap (both arms) with amber coated oak bark serving as a guard for the outside of the forearm and hand (right arm only). Formal attire consists of a tunic bearing the same design, but with royal blue as the primary color, accentuated by taupe streak and sleeves, all accompanied by a taupe neckerchief bearing a white-threaded watercress emblem.

Personality: Amiable, prone to smiling and giggling, but is not the sort to laugh uproariously. She loves seeing beasts enjoying themselves and working in tandem, in peace. This peace is her goal, one to which violence is seen as an unfortunate, and preferably avoided answer. That having been said, when the time comes, she will strike with the same passion, not being of the sort to be blinded by the simple ideal she longs for, despite the grief that ending lives so keenly brings.

History: Qross comes from a healthy holt up the river moss from the ford, having been born to a respected, elder family within. As such she had a reputation to hold, and it was not long before her potential as a Shark Tooth (the standing militant force) was realized. Being of slightly smaller stature than was normal, especially within Teeth, she found herself being trained in many of the intelligence and diplomacy based tasks; However, she also realized a greater proficiency with javelins as a stave instead of a throwing weapon, resulting in her inclusion in the rather small contingent of pole-arm weapons specialists. Her role shifted yet again, as her usefulness was found to be uncannily diverse. With the summation of her family name, combat prowess, followed principles, and general competency, she was chosen to wield the holt's representative weapon. In more recent years, her kin have gotten friendly with the Redwallers, so much so that they've established trade for goods, and are not shy to coordinate events or celebrations together if such is appropriate. Thus meaning that Miss Shallois often finds herself around the Abbey.

Other (optional): All armor and weapon choices are made with the specific intention of providing options without compromising the otter's advantage near water. The eel she wrestled in reference to tradition was an accident that occurred a handful of seasons before was customary, further proving her mettle to her fellow otters.

Selmont's Character

Name: Brandon of Brockhall.
Gender: Male
Age: However many seasons corresponds to mid 30's
Weapon: Fine steel sword. Unadorned. To most beasts it would be a claymore, but in the hands of a badger it is proportionally the size of a traditional medieval arming sword, with a very similar design
Appearance: Standard badger, towers over lesser beasts and all that sort of thing. Perhaps a bit big boned (in the implicative sense) after years of sedentary behaviour. Wears tunics with a leather belt most of the time, but has a set of chain armour with a helmet and shield for special occasions. Shield bears a dark tree on a green background.
Personality: Strong, silent type. Likes to meditate before acting, but can be impulsive when stirred into a rage
History: Current ruler of Brockhall, so has a vested intrest in the safety of Mossflower only wants to tend to his garden and ensure there is enough flour for tonight's pie.
Extra: I envision Brockhall in its state before all the snakes and such got their... Hands? On it.

One-Eye's Character

name: One-Eye.
Species: Male wildcat.
Clothing: red cloak, black armor, black spiked shoulder pads, kilt, a bandolier of daggers, and poison tail barb.
Build: Tall, thin and wiry, with tawny fur.
Weapon(s): long black and red scimitar, short hatchet, five daggers on a bandolier, and poison tail barb.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Tungro on July 17, 2019, 05:27:20 PM
So kind of like a long patrol except for woodlanders in Mossflower? (if so, I just thought up some cool things to include in it)
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 18, 2019, 12:31:15 AM
Yes, but smaller. And I'd love some other thoughts, my vision for this was an RP that everyone participating in would contribute to the idea. By the way, Tungro, are you in?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 18, 2019, 02:04:18 AM
*raises hand*

I want to join!!
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 18, 2019, 03:18:48 PM
Great! I love seeing people joining my stuff!
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 18, 2019, 03:39:41 PM
I would love to role play most of the time I am a GM so I don't get to actually be a player and would love to play let me know if you need any help or anything
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 18, 2019, 03:42:14 PM
My goal for this roleplay is for it to be designed and shaped by all of the players collectively.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 18, 2019, 03:48:59 PM
quick question since I have never done a Role play on a forum before how will skill checks be handled?

like using a sling shot scurrying  up a tree and other activities that might include danger?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 18, 2019, 03:52:10 PM
Er, I've never done a role play in person...
I don't really know how to answer that so why don't you check out the new RPers board or the FAQ, maybe even some other roleplays.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 18, 2019, 03:57:54 PM
have you checked out the new RPers post? because it leaves everything up to the GM. so.....

hmmm I'll look into it when I have time.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on July 18, 2019, 10:11:34 PM
       Welcome to the forum Kolman! I'm Dannflorreguba, but most people around here just call me Dann (I highly encourage the two "n's" so as to differentiate between myself and the other Dan moderator). I'm a long-time roleplayer on this forum, and also the moderator for these boards. I should open with the fact that I have very little tabletop experience; However, I do know what you're talking about, and to answer your question concisely: we don't. Forum Roleplay (or at least as it's been here) is more focused on the story being told than on balanced combat. The vast majority of such decisions are left to the players themselves, but the GM can always cut some shenanigans short if they deem that the situation calls for hard interference. Thankfully, we don't generally have too large of an issue with that around here, as most players pick up on how to write their characters with limitations that are at least reasonable. For a bit more clarification on how things have traditionally been handled, we have the FAQ

And the baseline rules:

GM's have all the right to add or change rules as they see fit for their respective RP, but these are the general basics. From the experience I DO have with tabletop, I must admit that this style may not fit you very well depending on how "meta" you're accustomed to being. The RPG guys I do know were very encounter oriented, and didn't really "Roleplay" per se, which is almost the opposite of what we have here. I sincerely hope you find this RP experience enjoyable, as I love to see new players joining a hobby I've been passionate about for... near a decade now. If you have any other questions, I'd be more than delighted to answer them via PM. Best wishes, and have fun!
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 19, 2019, 12:43:05 AM
Thanks, Dann! I sent him a PM to try and explain that, but you did a much better job. I believe Kolman will find that useful as well
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 19, 2019, 01:35:41 PM
My character
Name: Kaden
Age: 21
Species: Squirrel
Weapon: long sword and bow
Appearance: plain featured
Personality: fun loving but serious
History: grew up hearing about the Long Patrol and wanted to join until he found out it was for hares only
Other (optional):
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 19, 2019, 11:24:23 PM
It's all good but could you add a little more detail on the appearance?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 21, 2019, 11:49:19 PM
that's the point he is un-remarkable when you look at him. He just kind of blends in with the crowd, at most he is a squirrel with a slightly longer than normal nose and is taller than others but other than that he is perfectly average to look at. the idea is he doesn't look like hero material but he actually is.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on July 22, 2019, 06:59:16 AM
       I guess I'll jump in, I'll have to finish later though, only got 10 minutes.

Name: Qross Shallois

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Species: Otter

Weapon: The standard otter sling and a simple, steel knife serve as viable options, but she much prefers her halberd (Known as the High Tide) and wooden targe. The halberd is a holt heirloom, the blade is tempered silver with an ashen, etched broken wave sigil on either side, held with a haft of cedar long hardened by amber, accompanied by a sling (the equivalent of a sheath for a weapon this size) made from the same eel's skin as her belt. The targe is rounded, and made from cherry wood with a singed black emblem on the front, a wave split down the middle by a shortsword crowned by watercress.

Appearance: Lithe, sleek, smooth, even when out of the water. Her body and fur do not follow the typical, rough mold for otter physiology, being more flexible and toned than strictly powerful. Said fur is dark chocolate brown, with wheat/tan underbelly all crowned by her pearlescent, light green eyes. She wears the tunic of her holt, being taupe in color on the front/back, with one wavy, pine green streak on the sides stretching up and enveloping the sleeves. This tunic is held at the waist by a traditional, eel-skin belt made from one she wrestled herself, a practice of her tribe's warriors. When ready to fight, she also wears a black leather cuirass, only going halfway down the back, and with thinner abdomen coverage on the front. Along with a similar, thin, leather forearm wrap (both arms) with amber coated oak bark serving as a guard for the outside of the forearm and hand (right arm only). Formal attire consists of a tunic bearing the same design, but with royal blue as the primary color, accentuated by taupe streak and sleeves, all accompanied by a taupe neckerchief bearing a white-threaded watercress emblem.

Personality: Amiable, prone to smiling and giggling, but is not the sort to laugh uproariously. She loves seeing beasts enjoying themselves and working in tandem, in peace. This peace is her goal, one to which violence is seen as an unfortunate, and preferably avoided answer. That having been said, when the time comes, she will strike with the same passion, not being of the sort to be blinded by the simple ideal she longs for, despite the grief that ending lives so keenly brings.

History: Qross comes from a healthy holt up the river moss from the ford, having been born to a respected, elder family within. As such she had a reputation to hold, and it was not long before her potential as a Shark Tooth (the standing militant force) was realized. Being of slightly smaller stature than was normal, especially within Teeth, she found herself being trained in many of the intelligence and diplomacy based tasks; However, she also realized a greater proficiency with javelins as a stave instead of a throwing weapon, resulting in her inclusion in the rather small contingent of pole-arm weapons specialists. Her role shifted yet again, as her usefulness was found to be uncannily diverse. With the summation of her family name, combat prowess, followed principles, and general competency, she was chosen to wield the holt's representative weapon. In more recent years, her kin have gotten friendly with the Redwallers, so much so that they've established trade for goods, and are not shy to coordinate events or celebrations together if such is appropriate. Thus meaning that Miss Shallois often finds herself around the Abbey.

Other (optional): All armor and weapon choices are made with the specific intention of providing options without compromising the otter's advantage near water. The eel she wrestled in reference to tradition was an accident that occurred a handful of seasons before was customary, further proving her mettle to her fellow otters.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 22, 2019, 08:09:48 PM
Quote from: Kolman on July 21, 2019, 11:49:19 PM
that's the point he is un-remarkable when you look at him. He just kind of blends in with the crowd, at most he is a squirrel with a slightly longer than normal nose and is taller than others but other than that he is perfectly average to look at. the idea is he doesn't look like hero material but he actually is.
I get that part, but I meant what they often wear, stuff like that. But that makes sense, what he would wear would probably reflect that in whatever situation he would be in. Now that that's settled, accepted!
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 23, 2019, 11:30:49 PM
@Tungro, are you in or not?
If he is, then one spot left!
By the way, I added my character.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: One-Eye the wildcat on July 24, 2019, 02:42:47 AM
Is there any room for me?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 24, 2019, 01:35:26 PM
Yep! Definitely!
I will ask again, @Tungro, are you playing?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Tungro on July 24, 2019, 03:55:52 PM
I'll have to sit this one out
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 24, 2019, 04:35:58 PM
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on July 25, 2019, 05:39:39 AM
       Might I inquire of those gathered to indulge us as to anybeasts thoughts on the currently barren plot at hand? What is everyone's hope for the RP? How do you want to build your characters? What plights do we want to see befall the Redwall folk this time around?

EDIT: I also happen to have completed the application @Jack the Quick
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 25, 2019, 12:40:20 PM
I suggest that the patrol at first encounter seeming disconnected vermin parties that later prove to be the vanguard of a conquering horde led by wild cat trying to reclaim Mortspear's empire
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 25, 2019, 03:21:13 PM
Accepted, Dann! Wow, you sure did a lot more than the rest of us. Kolman, sounds good! Dann, the idea is that my character decided that we did not have enough defense at Redwall, so he founded the Mossflower patrol. By the way, @Kolman @danflorreguba @One-Eye the wildcat I decided that one of you should be the Abbey Warrior. I also named my character's sword Domitor
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 25, 2019, 06:22:58 PM
Kaden is a bit young to be the warrior of Redwall
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 25, 2019, 10:24:35 PM
Yes. I don't think Dann's wpuld work either. Maybe when @One-Eye the wildcat makes his or the last person joins.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on July 25, 2019, 10:32:27 PM
       You're right about Qross, she's already essentially her holt's equivalent of a champion, and serves them before Redwall or even the rest of Mossflower. Also, if you spend as much time here as I have, you'll gain plenty of your own detail. ;)
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 25, 2019, 10:38:39 PM
Maybe Redwall doesn't a Warrior in this time period maybe someone gets selected near the end of the game?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 26, 2019, 02:08:43 PM
That's a good point, espiecially since my character was just offered the position. They wouldn't have made another offer so soon. Dann, I hope so :)
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: One-Eye the wildcat on July 26, 2019, 10:38:54 PM
Here's my character.
name: One-Eye.
Species: Male wildcat.
Clothing: red cloak, black armor, black spiked shoulder pads, kilt, a bandolier of daggers, and poison tail barb.
Build: Tall, thin and wiry, with tawny fur.
Weapon(s): long black and red scimitar, short hatchet, five daggers on a bandolier, and poison tail barb.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 28, 2019, 03:09:59 AM
so,..... the Bad guy Riiiiiiiiight.......
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Selmont Sharpig on July 29, 2019, 04:21:46 AM
Is it too late to join this?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 29, 2019, 02:53:57 PM
No, @Selmont Sharpig! You are welcome to join!
@One-Eye the wildcat, if you wish to use this character be aware that I will have to assume that you intend to be the villain. If that is the case, that is fine, but I'm not sure if good vermin really fit into what we're doing here.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Selmont Sharpig on July 29, 2019, 04:56:06 PM
Name: Brandon of Brockhall.
Gender: Male
Age: However many seasons corresponds to mid 30's
Weapon: Fine steel sword. Unadorned. To most beasts it would be a claymore, but in the hands of a badger it is proportionally the size of a traditional medieval arming sword, with a very similar design
Appearance: Standard badger, towers over lesser beasts and all that sort of thing. Perhaps a bit big boned (in the implicative sense) after years of sedentary behaviour. Wears tunics with a leather belt most of the time, but has a set of chain armour with a helmet and shield for special occasions. Shield bears a dark tree on a green background.
Personality: Strong, silent type. Likes to meditate before acting, but can be impulsive when stirred into a rage
History: Current ruler of Brockhall, so has a vested intrest in the safety of Mossflower only wants to tend to his garden and ensure there is enough flour for tonight's pie.
Extra: I envision Brockhall in its state before all the snakes and such got their... Hands? On it.

EDIT: Forgot age and gender
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 30, 2019, 12:55:22 AM
Accepted! I think we'll need a few more ideas, but we should be able to start soon.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Selmont Sharpig on July 30, 2019, 02:47:03 AM
I like the idea of smaller detachments being the scouts for a larger force that will inevitably get its sights on Redwall.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on July 30, 2019, 01:27:30 PM
ooh and One eye can eventually work his way up the ranks to take over the larger force!
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on July 30, 2019, 02:37:08 PM
That sounds good, because it will give One-eye the chance to create his own storyline.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: One-Eye the wildcat on August 01, 2019, 03:32:10 AM
I'm thinking maybe One-Eye (not me) would be the villan, but in the end, do the right thing and die from (insert cause of death here)
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on August 01, 2019, 02:29:24 PM
That sounds good to me. The rest of you?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on August 03, 2019, 05:49:44 PM
I am Game
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Selmont Sharpig on August 03, 2019, 07:35:16 PM
I like it. Are you waiting for one more character to round out the cast?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on August 04, 2019, 04:07:05 PM
Nope. We're good! Uh, one problem. I'm leaving tomorrow and will be gone for the next two weeks, so I won't be able to post until then. If you guys start getting impatient, you can start the thread. Sorry about this, I didn't know we were going to leave until the other day.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on August 18, 2019, 04:20:03 AM
@Jack the Quick are you back yet bud?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on August 20, 2019, 11:54:47 PM
I'm back! Sorry for the wait, but now I'm back and we can get started soon.
@Kolman @One-Eye the wildcat @Selmont Sharpig @danflorreguba
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Kolman on August 21, 2019, 02:34:38 AM
ok but do to my current situation I won't be able to respond as often it will probably be a couple of days before I can respond
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: One-Eye the wildcat on August 21, 2019, 03:40:19 AM
Welcome back, Jack!
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on August 21, 2019, 05:34:54 PM
Great! I'll post the thread soon, we just have to go over what's going to happen.
Me, Kolman, Dann and Selmont are on a daily patrol when we spot a small force of vermin.
One-eye is part of the larger vermin horde, not the leader yet.
Is One-eye part of the first scout group?
One-eye rises in the ranks.
Sound good?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on August 21, 2019, 07:04:44 PM
       I was curious if you wanted to start from the formation of the patrol instead of jumping straight into the shenanigans.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on August 21, 2019, 10:30:42 PM
That's a good idea. It does make a certain sense. The only problem might be that it would take One-eye longer to get involved, unless he made some posts while we formed the patrol. Any disagreements? If not, I think we'll start... Tomorrow, I think.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: One-Eye the wildcat on August 21, 2019, 10:44:47 PM
OneEye is part of the original scout group. His group gets killed,and he loses an eye and is left for dead. He later makes a comeback, working his way up the ranks and killing the leader, mking himself the warlord. He then atacks redwall with his new army.

Sound good? change anything you like, to make it fit into the story.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on August 21, 2019, 10:46:04 PM
It seems good, but you might want to modify it if we end up starting with the formation of the Patrol. It's your call.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: One-Eye the wildcat on August 21, 2019, 10:48:24 PM
Form the atrol first, then introduce OneEye.
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on August 21, 2019, 10:50:17 PM
So once the Patrol is formed, you'll make your first post then we go on our first mission and you get wounded?
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: One-Eye the wildcat on August 22, 2019, 12:38:19 AM
Title: Re: Mossflower Patrol RP OOC/ Signup
Post by: Jack the Quick on August 22, 2019, 01:42:39 AM
Got it. Everyone ready to start?