Gather 'round, people! The wedding is about to begin! The master shipper
@Delthion should be here soon, and once he arrives, these two forum members (namely,
@Verdauga and
@shisteer of nothing much) will be eternally bound by the sacred bonds of marriage! Now, let's see... as unofficial head planner of this great occasion, I'll put out a list of things we still need. Ahem, here it goes:
Cake (Every wedding has got to have one
for food fights and such)
A Best Man. (We'll let Verdie choose)
Main-of-Honor (After a long debate, it was decided that Teer will be allowed to pick her own Maid-of-Honor) ;D
Ring-Bearer (Presumably Skarzs)
And last but not least: hecticness; (#everyone)
Let the Wedding begin!
YESS! Finally! Hey, Teer, what color would u like the bridesmaids gown and wedding theme to be? :D
I'm just here for the open bar...
*Sets up two huge boomboxes and starts playing Dragonshore* What music do you both want? Can I be the DJ? *Does puppy eyes*
Of course! One-Eye owns the bar topic in the Cellars so he is most qualified! What kind of drinks does the lovely couple like?
Hey One-Eye! Mind if I have a can of (root)beer as I set up everything?
Oooh yes! With ice please!
Hmm... The bride and groom haven't arrived yet. Someone should fetch 'em. ;D
*gets root beer* drinks on me.
*Opens rootbeer* Huzzah! *Goes back to the serious business of wedding planning...*
I dare you to say he name of this topic out loud wihout laughing.
It's harder thn you think!
Did it! :D
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on November 22, 2019, 01:42:26 AM
I dare you to say he name of this topic out loud wihout laughing.
It's harder thn you think!
(Well, it's not like these kind of wedding are supposed to be serious or anything. :P)
*Is waiting for the bride and groom*
So, Skarzs... Did you bring the rings? ;D
*stomps into topic, snarling* I have decided on a role for Sebias: Wedding cake. Whoever wants to eat him, be my guest. If you want him mashed, I can stomp on him for you first.
Heh... heheheh... this oughta be good.
*turns to Kade and roars* NOT GOOD! DO NOT LAUGH UNLESS IT IS FUNNY!
I think the imminent destruction of this topic by you is kinda funny!
Sebias as a wedding cake? Hmmm... where have I seen that before...
Still, I'll bite.
Ring-Bearer? I hope Skarz is a Hobbit, otherwise he might be consumed by the ring before we even start. I'd be careful, if I were you.
Quote from: The Grey Coincidence on November 22, 2019, 02:20:21 PM
Sebias as a wedding cake? Hmmm... where have I seen that before...
Still, I'll bite.
Somehow I feel that Sebias wont appreciate that ;D
Where's the groom?
I'm not eating Seb; otters taste weird. (No offense intended to Seb or any other otter.)
Well, Teer certainly wants this wedding called off, and she thinks that, er, eating Sebias is the only way to do that.
As for Verdauga, I think he's trying to stay as far away as possible. Smart.
Um...Teer, u still haven't answered the question of what color u want the wedding theme to be *stands holding wedding planner booklet, ready with pen*
Yikes! *Climbs a tall ladder* I'd don't wanna be a cake! Someone else volunteer for that! ;D
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 22, 2019, 07:15:31 PM
Where's the groom?
I'm not eating Seb; otters taste weird. (No offense intended to Seb or any other otter.)
None taken. Yes, an interesting question.
@Verdauga! Come here and show your face! *Taps footpaw* You can't be late for your own wedding after all. :P
*Climbs an even taller ladder and sprays whipped cream on Sebias' head*
*Opens mouth so that the whipped cream falls into my mouth instead*
You know what? I think I want Verdie to get married. So yeah Seb... you're not the wedding cake.
Well, this is all going to go to hell in a hand-basket if we actually go through with this...
I'm all for it.
Quote from: The Grey Coincidence on November 22, 2019, 08:28:14 PM
You know what? I think I want Verdie to get married. So yeah Seb... you're not the wedding cake.
Er...thanks? :P
So... What kind of dancing do the lovely couple want? Square dancing, or maybe a swing dance?
It seems to me that the groom has yet to actually arrive.
Teer! You should have a ceilidh! Please?!
I think the groom is avoiding this topic.
Yar, I concur. (For the second sentence, I mean. Can't say one way or the other for the first one :P)
You mean you've never been to a ceilidh? Your education is sadly lacking. ('ceilidh' is pronounced 'kay-lee', by the way)
Is it a Kiwi thing?
I'm assuming as much :laugh:
*rolls eyes and mutters at the missing cultural education of some people*
Ceilidhs are from SHETLAND!!! Seriously. The only traditional dances here are Maori, and Maori words are spelt in a readable way. Also, a ceilidh isn't just ONE dance. It's a dance party that can last for days and days. Now do you see why we should have one? They're great! And you have a feast every now and again to stop people getting bored of dancing. It's a beautiful thing to have at a wedding.
Teer, what do you think of Dashing White Sergeant, Gay Gordons, and Strip the Willow for the first three dances?
I think the bride is avoiding this topic as well. I assumed you would know more about ceilidhs than any one else here, Booklover, seeing as you're from Great Britain.
And another thing: what time is it in England? I think it's about 8:30 pm ish, right?
No. 7:36 pm.
*sighs* Fine, I will cooperate, for a while, at least.
Colours: Pale orange. (Kind of pinky-orange. Just think the colour of the sunset)
Dancing+music: Ceilidh and opera, when we stop for a food break. (Ebby is in charge of the music. Yes, Dashing White Sergeant, Gay Gordons and Strip the Willow are good for the first dances)
Cake: (since I've been out-voted on my first choice) Carrot cake with cream cheese icing and walnuts.
Flowers: Anything that smells good and goes well with the aforementioned colours.
Other stuff: No chairs allowed. People can sit on beanbags or cushions if they don't want to dance. There will also be a pillow fight after the feast.
Edit: Ebby and Booklover can be the bridesmaids. Keva can be the maiden of dishonour. (and yes, I did just make that title up)
Kade can be the patron sponsor. (and no, I didn't just make that title up)
Hey, if the dancing goes on long enough, you might tire everyone out to the point of exhaustion. That's when you can make your escape! Don't tell them I told you that though.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 23, 2019, 11:36:47 PM
Hey, if the dancing goes on long enough, you might tire everyone out to the point of exhaustion. That's when you can make your escape! Don't tell them I told you that though.
*rolls eyes* That's why the food is there; so they can have a break every now and then. Besides, why would I want to escape?
That's actually my plan. Don't tell anyone.
Um...because you don't want to marry Verdauga? Hey, where is Verdauga anyway?
Who knows? Wildcats are called wild for a reason.
It really does seem like the groom isn't going to be making an appearance though. Do we need to find a stand in?
Ah, looks like I spoke too soon :laugh:
Quote from: Verdauga on November 24, 2019, 03:28:20 PM
*Grabs Verdauga by the collar* Hold on there, sonny! :P
(Verdauga has left the chat.)
(Verdauga has left the topic.)
(Verdauga has left the board.)
(Verdauga has left the building.)
One (1) new message from: Verdauga
Preview: See ya!
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 23, 2019, 11:34:45 PM
Edit: Ebby and Booklover can be the bridesmaids. Keva can be the maiden of dishonour. (and yes, I did just make that title up)
Kade can be the patron sponsor. (and no, I didn't just make that title up)
Thank you. Is the patron sponsor thing a reference from somewhere?
Yes. Ranger's Apprentice.
Come on, Verdauga. I know Teer is annoying, *grins wickedly at Teer* but she's not that bad. Besides, you're going to miss the ceilidh!
Just checking. Anyway, do you have around 300 guests? Or is that too much?
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 24, 2019, 08:21:12 PM
Yes. Ranger's Apprentice.
Come on, Verdauga. I know Teer is annoying, *grins wickedly at Teer* but she's not that bad. Besides, you're going to miss the ceilidh!
*shakes head* Your health is going to be in grave danger next time we see each other, Eb.
Booklover, I think there will just be as many guests as happen to turn up.
Ooo, I'm patron sponsor? What does that entail?
Read Ranger's Apprentice.
I actually just started, but it takes awhile when you are busy with work. So...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 24, 2019, 08:49:43 PM
Ooo, I'm patron sponsor? What does that entail?
I will probably need to go soon, so I don't have time to look it up.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 24, 2019, 08:52:37 PM
I actually just started, but it takes awhile when you are busy with work. So...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 24, 2019, 08:49:43 PM
Ooo, I'm patron sponsor? What does that entail?
It's a sort of glorified Master of Ceremonies for the whole thing.
"A Patron Sponsor's duties are relatively clear cut. As Patron Sponsor, you are charged with adding a sense of royal cachet to proceedings. Your second duty is to provide an extremely expensive present to the bride and groom." (adapted slightly from Erak's Ransom to apply to second person)
Since we're not actually going to have a wedding and are just planning it for the fun, you can probably be excused from the second duty.
Mmm, mmm, in that case, I shall do my utmost to see to it that there is enough grandeur to befit such an occasion!
Okay, just bear in mind, the wedding won't actually happen so try to keep the exciting bits before the ceremony.
Te-er! That's so boring. It can't be a wedding without the ceremony.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 24, 2019, 08:38:21 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 24, 2019, 08:21:12 PM
Yes. Ranger's Apprentice.
Come on, Verdauga. I know Teer is annoying, *grins wickedly at Teer* but she's not that bad. Besides, you're going to miss the ceilidh!
*shakes head* Your health is going to be in grave danger next time we see each other, Eb.
I know. But I'll live. (probably)
Boring or not, the ceremony is the part that actually causes one to be married, therefore, it won't be happening. We will have the ceilidh and wedding feast beforehand.
Oh, by the way, we'll need a Bores' table. (Lady Georgina of Sandalhurst can be the first person on it)
You are a very rude person. We need to somehow lure Verdauga back so we can have the ceilidh. Also (mea culpa), ceilidhs are Scottish, not Shetlandish.
At least I'm inviting her! She is very boring indeed and, as far as I know, she hasn't been going on about how I'll be an old maid forever so there really isn't a reason to invite her.
I know. I was just seeing how long it would take for you to figure it out. As for luring Verdauga back, let's just start without him. There isn't going to be a proper wedding anyway so we don't really need a groom.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 24, 2019, 08:38:21 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 24, 2019, 08:21:12 PM
Yes. Ranger's Apprentice.
Come on, Verdauga. I know Teer is annoying, *grins wickedly at Teer* but she's not that bad. Besides, you're going to miss the ceilidh!
*shakes head* Your health is going to be in grave danger next time we see each other, Eb.
:o :o :o
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 25, 2019, 04:53:35 AM
Boring or not, the ceremony is the part that actually causes one to be married, therefore, it won't be happening. We will have the ceilidh and wedding feast beforehand.
Oh, by the way, we'll need a Bores' table. (Lady Georgina of Sandalhurst can be the first person on it)
Hmm...who else should we put on there...
Yes, I'm well aware that I'm setting myself up for this :P
What's a Bores' table?
You don't know? It's where you put all the annoying people so they can annoy each other instead of annoying you. However, if you invite Skandians (which you should, becaus uninvited Skandians are worse), don't put them there. If they get annoyed...
Why hello, everyone!
Hi. Welcome back to the Crazy Club.
I think I've now passed crazy.
Well, the Crazy Club has always been a misnomer.
I suppose...
Anyhow, what's happening in this topic?
Verdauga and Shisteer are getting married.
Oh, right. But I meant more specifically.
We are making RA references.
Okay, I've decided on another guest for the Bores' table: Sebias. He's not boring, so much, but he's definitely annoying so we better put him there.
Don't take it personally, Seb. It's my duty to hate your guts because you were the one who made this topic.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 26, 2019, 01:24:34 AM
Okay, I've decided on another guest for the Bores' table: Sebias. He's not boring, so much, but he's definitely annoying so we better put him there. Spoiler
Don't take it personally, Seb. It's my duty to hate your guts because you were the one who made this topic.
*Pats Teer on the head* Yes, I know. It's just like my duty to see you both married, and that you live happily ever after with the man of your dreams (Aka, Verdie. XD) And to make sure that, uh, *Gulp* I don't get strangled doing so.
*Skips over to the 'Bores Table'* 'Sup, people? *Cracks out a can of rootbeer* PARTY TIME!
Hmm...I just had a thought... If the wedding party is before the wedding, does that mean the lovely couple do their dance before as well?
I don't hate you, Sebias, but I'll pretend I do for Teer's sake.
Ah... I see. Well, *Shrugs* What are friends for, if not to share mutual enemies? ;)
*Carts in a large tray with a huge white cake on the top* Steeeeady... Steady....
CAKE! *leaps and lands in the middle of the cake, completely disappearing*
Hey! *Pulls Ebantu out* Tch tch, that's for the feast! *When no one is looking, I take a bite of out the cake* Mmm.... *Decides not to wait and jumps in as well*
Hmmm? HMMMMM? I smell something, and it isn't the cake. ;D
*jumps back in and squashes Seb* Hey! I was eating that!
Am I late? Are they already married?!
No, and it's likely that Teer will end up murdering Verdauga before that actually happens.
That's a shame. And after I chose the cake, too.
A work of art
Wow, that is a seriously amazing carrot cake with cream cheese icing, Miss Russa. Good thing it won't go to waste because we're having the feast before the ceremony. Thanks!
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 26, 2019, 01:37:53 AM
I don't hate you, Sebias, but I'll pretend I do for Teer's sake.
*smiles* Okay, you do get chocolate on Thursday after all.
*claps hands together* I'm the matron of dishoner! ....What exactly do I do exactly? :D Oh look! It appears the band has shown up! What song shall we have them play?
O come all ye drumrolls
Loud and annoying,
O come ye, O come ye to fortissimo;
Come and play loudly, split all the eardrums;
O come let us play loudly, (Repeat x 3)
Dru-um, drumrolls.
Noise of noise, drum of drum,
Lo! he abhors not the decibels;
Very loud, pounded not tapped,
O come let us play loudly, (Repeat x 3)
Dru-um drumrolls.
See the musicians,
Summoned to the earplugs,
Leaving their instruments, draw nigh with earache;
We too will thither go and find some earplugs:
O come let us play loudly, (Repeat x 3)
Dru-um drumrolls.
Lo! Star-led tune parts,
Those who play forte,
offer him drumsticks, music and drums;
we to the drummer
bring our burst eardrums:
O come let us play loudly, (Repeat x 3)
Dru-um drumrolls.
Sing, out-of-tune choir,
sing even louder!
Sing, all ye bored congregation,
'Glory to drums
in the lowest hell!'
O come let us play loudly, (Repeat x 3)
Dru-um drumrolls.
Yea, drums, we burn thee,
destroyed for our salvation;
Violins, to thee be glory given!
Bang of the drummer
now in flesh disappearing.
O come let us piano, (Repeat x 3)
All violins.
No, definitely not that. Play Scottish music; it's time to dance!
What dance does one do to Scottish music?
@Shisteer, are you
SERIOUSLY going to make this a thing?
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 25, 2019, 04:53:35 AM
Boring or not, the ceremony is the part that actually causes one to be married, therefore, it won't be happening. We will have the ceilidh and wedding feast beforehand.
She's doing everything up 'till the actual ceremony, at which point you should probably start running.
I'm not even sure why I continue to post on this.
Don't worry, we know why.
Nah; I know why, but it won't be the reason you claim.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 26, 2019, 09:57:21 PM
What dance does one do to Scottish music?
Tell me ma when I go home
The boys won't leave the girls alone
They pull my hair, they stole my comb
But that's all right till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city
She is a-courting one two three
Pray, would you tell me who is she
Albert Mooney says he loves her
All the boys are fighting for her
Knock at the door and they ring that bell
Oh my true love, are you well
Out she comes as white as snow
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
Old Jenny Murray says she will die
If she doesn't get the fella with the roving eye
Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high
And the snow come a-tumbling from the sky
She's as nice as apple pie
And she'll get her own lad by and by
When she gets a lad of her own
She won't tell her ma till she comes home
Let them all come as they will
For it's Albert Mooney she loves still
Ah spring on
Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high
And the snow come a-tumbling from the sky
She's as nice as apple pie
And she'll get her own lad by and by
When she gets a lad of her own
She won't tell her ma till she comes home
Let them all come as they will
For it's Albert Mooney she loves still
[Chorus: x3]
Would you tell me, would you tell me
Quote from: Verdauga on November 26, 2019, 10:38:24 PM
Nah; I know why, but it won't be the reason you claim.
Care to enlighten us?
*Starts clapping to the beat of the music*
*Starts Irish step-dancing*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on November 27, 2019, 12:27:34 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 26, 2019, 09:57:21 PM
What dance does one do to Scottish music?
Tell me ma when I go home
The boys won't leave the girls alone
They pull my hair, they stole my comb
But that's all right till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city
She is a-courting one two three
Pray, would you tell me who is she
Albert Mooney says he loves her
All the boys are fighting for her
Knock at the door and they ring that bell
Oh my true love, are you well
Out she comes as white as snow
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
Old Jenny Murray says she will die
If she doesn't get the fella with the roving eye
Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high
And the snow come a-tumbling from the sky
She's as nice as apple pie
And she'll get her own lad by and by
When she gets a lad of her own
She won't tell her ma till she comes home
Let them all come as they will
For it's Albert Mooney she loves still
Ah spring on
Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high
And the snow come a-tumbling from the sky
She's as nice as apple pie
And she'll get her own lad by and by
When she gets a lad of her own
She won't tell her ma till she comes home
Let them all come as they will
For it's Albert Mooney she loves still
[Chorus: x3]
Would you tell me, would you tell me
You know, I actually know that one, and for very odd reasons. Back in the early aughts, there was a stupid show called The Brak Show, and on one of their specials they had a group do that song ;D I never really thought I'd hear it again in a place like this
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on November 27, 2019, 02:19:21 AM
*Starts Irish step-dancing*
Bad Sebias! No Irish. Try the Highland Fling.
*Has No Idea What In The Cellars Is Going On.*
You're wedding, of course.
*Would like to point out the typographical errors in the above statement*
*Instead points out that the wedding is going on in name only.*
How many times must we do this? I know what I said. You have no escape. You can't get away from the wedding. You ARE wedding.
I think you underestimate both me and my murderous mania.
Yes, just as weddings tend to be.
Okay. I'm leaving.
So long and thanks for all the fish, I'm sure you'll return soon. If you don't I'll just do this:
Has Verdauga pick his best man?
I don't believe so, and I don't believe he ever will either
Quote from: Russa Nodrey on November 26, 2019, 04:29:37 AM
That's a shame. And after I chose the cake, too.
A work of art
Oh wow! That IS a work of art! Nice,
@Russa Nodrey!
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 27, 2019, 09:42:24 AM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on November 27, 2019, 02:19:21 AM
*Starts Irish step-dancing*
Bad Sebias! No Irish. Try the Highland Fling.
*Continues Irish step-dancing* You can do the Highland Fling if you want though. (Is it a dance where you fling a bunch of Highlanders around? That would be hilarious to watch. ;D)
Highlanders? Plural?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 27, 2019, 06:39:20 PM
Highlanders? Plural?
If there was only one, then that means that when he dies that there will be none, though....
But one may be deceit. Two may be conspiracy. Three is the number I trust.
Isn't seven the most powerfully magical number?
But then there's the number you shouldn't say or the Discworld will be destroyed to make way for a new hyperspace bypass (joking. No HHGG. It just might get destroyed). I'll give you a clue... seven plus one.
Did you bring your towel?
Indeed. Complete with vitamins and of course it is extra strong.
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
Partly it has great practical value.
You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta
you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors;
Anyways, back on topic, *Slaps self* any more recommendations for music?
I love that one.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 27, 2019, 07:27:19 PM
*Starts playing it* Whoever recommends the song has to dance to it, so.... Kade?
Ummm... are you sure you're playing it?
Funny, I don't hear anything ;D ;D ;D
Nor do I. That's why I asked.
That's cuz you're both in the wrong state, sillies. ;D
Well, there's always the fact that there wouldn't be much noise except the opening and closing of the piano lid. That might be why.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on November 27, 2019, 06:33:39 PM
Quote from: Russa Nodrey on November 26, 2019, 04:29:37 AM
That's a shame. And after I chose the cake, too.
A work of art
Oh wow! That IS a work of art! Nice, @Russa Nodrey!
Thanks! ;D
I did not actually make that case you thought so.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on November 27, 2019, 07:21:51 PM
Anyways, back on topic, *Slaps self* any more recommendations for music?
Your judgement is coming, slow one.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on November 28, 2019, 01:42:06 AM
That's cuz you're both in the wrong state, sillies. ;D
Well, you're in the wrong country, soooo....
Also, amazing cake! Sorry Seb and I ruined it by jumping in it and eating it.
For goodness sake, Ebony! You're getting cream cheese icing all over the dance floor. Do you know how hazardous that stuff is to dance on? (also, I thought you didn't like carrot cake)
Wait, that was carrot cake? *runs outside and vomits up all the cake* Blugh. Gross. Does anyone have any ginger beer or lemon lime and bitters?
I think your action was far grosser than the cake :laugh:
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 30, 2019, 01:24:47 AM
Wait, that was carrot cake? *runs outside and vomits up all the cake* Blugh. Gross. Does anyone have any ginger beer or lemon lime and bitters?
*gives Ebantu Arridi coffee with honey* Not what you asked for, but I'm sure you like it.
Wow, thanks. *drinks coffee* Yum! And Kade, I said gross because vomiting up carrot cake leaves a horrible taste in one's mouth.
Hah, I can only imagine
Really? Are you telling us that you've never vomited from eating cake?
I... can't say that I have, fortunately :laugh:
Wow. You live a sheltered life. I pity you. *pats Kade on the head*
*Squints eyes happily, enjoying head pat despite Ebantu's obvious sarcasm.*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on November 30, 2019, 01:24:47 AM
Wait, that was carrot cake? *runs outside and vomits up all the cake* Blugh. Gross. Does anyone have any ginger beer or lemon lime and bitters?
*rolls eyes* You're absolutely, celery bonking, mad. (mad as a hatter, in fact) *passes Ebantu a glass of homemade lemon, lime and bitters*
On a completely random note (still Scottish though), where did the term 'mad as a hatter' come from?
Absolutely no clue. Maybe there was a mad hat maker in Scotland?
Back in the day, hatters actually did tend to go mad. The chemicals used to cure the felt that hats were made from contained mercury nitrate, and prolonged exposure to their vapors would give them mercury poisoning.
Wow, did you already know that or did you look it up on the internet just now?
The world may never know
Huh, interesting. Apparently, prolonged deprivation of carrot cake has the same effect.
Is that what happened to Ebantu?
Yes. (a combination of that and too much exposure to me)
Mmm, I can see that happening.
Yeah, it's not really very hard to have too much exposure where I'm concerned.
Does that count online exposure?
Yes, so run for your life! (I am offended, by the way. *climbs onto the trampoline in Teer's room to be offended. Five seconds later:* I can't be bothered being offended any more. It's so boring. *climbs down again*)
It is. I'm just offended that Shisteer has a trampoline in her room and didn't tell me.
I know right? What with you being her husband and all, it kind of seems like an important piece of information!
Quote from: Verdauga on December 02, 2019, 01:35:43 AM
It is. I'm just offended that Shisteer has a trampoline in her room and didn't tell me.
I did mention it in the interesting facts about you thread but nobody took any notice so I didn't bother saying anything about it anywhere else.
Ah. To be fair, I don't really search the topics.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 02, 2019, 10:02:26 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 02, 2019, 01:35:43 AM
It is. I'm just offended that Shisteer has a trampoline in her room and didn't tell me.
I did mention it in the interesting facts about you thread but nobody took any notice so I didn't bother saying anything about it anywhere else.
Honestly, somebody needs to rename it 'Imteresting facts that nobody notices'.
Like the fact that this wedding has ground to a halt :laugh:
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 02, 2019, 04:06:24 PM
Like the fact that this wedding has ground to a halt :laugh:
Yeah, some Skandians interrupted Halt's wedding.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 02, 2019, 04:06:24 PM
Like the fact that this wedding has ground to a halt :laugh:
WHAT?! *Comes flying back into topic* Who says that it's ground to a halt?! We'll have to fix that, won't we? >:D ;)
*Yeets Sebias back out of the topic.*
Hey! *Sneaks back into topic (Well... crashes in, but that's the same thing, right?)*
The show must go on! *Start wedding march song on organ and watches Teer walking down the aisle in her beautiful wedding dress*
Pfffft, I'm reporting you to the mods for GM'ing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
*Pretends to ignore Kade's comment* Ahem, Kade, would you like to escort the bride up the aisle?
*Army of penguins stand, wearing tuxedos, either side of the aisle*
Better watch out though, Verdauga invited a lot of seals and sea-lions...
*Penguins turn and demolish seals and sea lions*
*runs away* Nooo!
*Pulls out Thomasbane*
See this line?
*Cuts line in the floor.*
Step over this line, and you're really not going to like what happens next.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 03, 2019, 06:30:24 AM
*Pretends to ignore Kade's comment* Ahem, Kade, would you like to escort the bride up the aisle?
*Sighs* Well, as the Patron Sponsor, I suppose I
must. *Grabs Teer as she tries to run and throws her over his shoulder. Knocks
Thomasbane into the Nth dimension using GM powers and drags Verdauga down the aisle by his collar. Delivers them both to the front of the altar and, using his enchanted fork, places a box barrier around them so that they can't escape. Pure white doves fly above as a pipe organ begins playing. The ceremony is starting!*
Ah, *Wipes tears from eyes* The little guys r growing up! *Blows nose*
*Slashes through the box barrier with Thomasbane and leaves.*
Sorry, but...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 03, 2019, 02:50:22 PM
Knocks Thomasbane into the Nth dimension using GM powers and drags Verdauga down the aisle by his collar.
Thomasbane can't come to the phone right now, could you leave a message?
*Kade watches on as Verdauga tries to escape, but sadly t'is a fruitless endeaver.* Might as well resign yourself buddy.
My tail can break mountains apart; it can break through a box cage. *uses tail to break through box cage and runs away* No wedding!
*is rolling around on the floor, laughing helplessly*
*keeps running*
*stops rolling on the floor and runs after Teer, dragging her back into the topic*
Noooo!!!!! *breaks free of Ebantu's grip and starts running again*
*repeats previous action*
*also repeats previous action, along with cry of anguish*
*jumps on Teer's back and clings to her* Stop! Stop! I haven't given you your wedding present yet!
*Picks up Teer with Ebantu on her back and delivers her to the alter* Ebantu, you might not want to stay up there. And Teer, before you say anything, as Patron Sponser I've gained unimaginable powers. I'm sorry. but running won't work. You're welcome to try any other ideas you have though.
*pouts* Seriously, Kade? I was having fun there.
By all means, you're completely free to stay there! Just don't get upset if you end up getting married off as well.
Noooo!!!!! *flies away*
Um...what? *realises what Kade said and flees topic*
*lands safely in fortress* None can get my now.
*Shakes his head as Teer hallucinates vividly at the alter. The poor girl had lost her mind.*
*Swings Thomasbane at Kade. The poor guy is about to lose his head.*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 12:54:17 AM
Sorry, but...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 03, 2019, 02:50:22 PM
Knocks Thomasbane into the Nth dimension using GM powers and drags Verdauga down the aisle by his collar.
Thomasbane can't come to the phone right now, could you leave a message?
You ARE aware it's MY knife.... right? It's wherever I want it to be, whenever, I. Want. It. To. Be.
*Thomsabane connects with Kade's neck*
*Force pushes Verdauga with the Force* Sheev then sends a powerful shockwave of Force lightning into Verdauga's bod.
Ha! You may now call me Sheev Palpatine.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 03:57:23 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 12:54:17 AM
Sorry, but...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 03, 2019, 02:50:22 PM
Knocks Thomasbane into the Nth dimension using GM powers and drags Verdauga down the aisle by his collar.
Thomasbane can't come to the phone right now, could you leave a message?
*Sheev ignites his crimson blade, and sprints toward Verdauga sending out a terrifying vocal sound*
Hey now, at least wait until after the wedding to off him. Ok, so who's going to do the duty of marrying them?
Hush. *The Sith Lord sends a subtle shock of Force lightning into Kade as a warning* Don't come between Sidious and his prey. *The Force user moves his blade toward Verdauga's tum*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 04:01:36 PM
*Force pushes Verdauga with the Force* Sheev then sends a powerful shockwave of Force lightning into Verdauga's bod.
Okay. The force blast You get. But I have immunity to electricity. We covered this.
*Magically holds Sheev and yeets him out of the topic.*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 03, 2019, 02:50:22 PM
Knocks Thomasbane into the Nth dimension using GM powers and drags Verdauga down the aisle by his collar.
Yeah, umm...I said no. So......No. My knife, my power, my rules.
You can't yeet A Sith out of any topic. *Shadders glass sculpture which was planned to be used for the wedding, sends the shards towards Verdauga.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 02, 2019, 04:06:24 PM
Like the fact that this wedding has ground to a halt :laugh:
What do you mean, it's ground to a halt? Look at all the posts since then! Probably more than on the lock this topic before New Year's Day topic.
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 04:14:36 PM
You can't"yeet A Sith out of any topic. *Shadders glass sculpture which was planned to be used for the wedding, sends the shards towards Verdauga.
Really? We're having a force v. magic battle? You sure you want to go down that road bud?
*Turns the glass shards into dust, reforms them into eight glazen projectiles, and hurls them at Sheev.*
Quote from: Verdauga on December 04, 2019, 04:11:08 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 03, 2019, 02:50:22 PM
Knocks Thomasbane into the Nth dimension using GM powers and drags Verdauga down the aisle by his collar.
Yeah, umm...I said no. So......No. My knife, my power, my rules.
See, normally I'd agree with you, but this thread is different. Here, you and Teer basically have no power as far as the wedding occurring is concerned ;D Sorry
The wedding won't occur by circumstance.
*Gestures to ruins around myself.*
Who'd want to get married in this dump?!? No, I was referring to having my cleaver. And, to a slightly lesser urgency, totally outclassing Sheev.
*Sheev crunches Verdauga's body cast, and pulls a large portion of the chapel ceiling down, letting the debris crush Verdauga*
"Magic is only an illusion." ~ Mace Windu
*Holds the ceiling up until turning it into dust, and then creates a sandstorm centered around myself.*
And The Force is only a limited type of Magic!
May the Force be ever in your favour.
Quote from: Booklover on December 04, 2019, 05:52:59 PM
May the Force be ever in your favour.
Thank you. To you as well.
The Force resides in all living creatures. That being said, only some are able to use it. *Sheev sends the dust cluster abroad the room, And collapses Verdauga, leaving him frozen by the Force Prostrate on the Ground. Sheev Lets go of his hold and sends branches of Force lightning at his opponent.
You're welcome and thank you. To misquotes! *clinks glasses with Zaphod and Ford because the mice didn't actually propose a toast*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 05:58:45 PM
The Force resides in all living creatures. That being said, only some are able to use it. *Sheev sends the dust cluster abroad the room, And collapses Verdauga, leaving him frozen by the Force Prostrate on the Ground. Sheev Lets go of his hold and sends branches of Force lightning at his opponent.
What about the electric immunity did you not understand?
*Summons magical bullets.*
Oh, and those mice might want to leave, before things get ugly.
Did you forget I can move any kind of object? *Crunches the petty pieces of led and drops them on the ground*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 06:02:55 PM
Did you forget I can move any kind of object? *Crunches the petty pieces of led and drops them on the ground*
Led? where were they led?
They weren't lead either. they're
magic.*Summons magical bullets behind Sheev and yanks them towards myself.*
You're dealing with
magic. You are kinda out of your league.
*Sheev does the same as before* They are still objects.
Perhaps, but they are now impaled in your back.
Yes they are. *pain* *Sheev rips the forks from the tables into pieces, and pierces Verdauga's back with them. Shards of dencity are now embedded in you.
*Teleports the shards out of my back, and uses a healing spell.*
Believe it or not, this fight is not pointless.
*Summons fireballs inches away from Sheev.*
*Crushes the safety sprinklers from the ceiling. Fire is drowned and destroyed*
*Summons a pastor* *Ties Verdauga and Teer to the altar* QUICKLY!!!
*Freezes Verdauga with the Force as well* Hurry it up!
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 06:20:05 PM
*Crushes the safety sprinklers from the ceiling. Fire is drowned and destroyed*
*Facepalms* It's
magic fire. It will burn in
SPACE if I want it to.
*Magically swaps places with Seb, breaking Sheev's control and changing my position.*
*Detonates the fireballs around Sheev.*
*Is immune to magic* >:D
*The pastor suddenly leaves for whatever reason* Hey! Come back! I guess I could do the ceremony since I'm Master Shipper... *Opens book* Now, how do we start... *Starts rambling*
*Sheev grabs a large thick piece of debris before the fire detonates, blocking most of the blast*
*Whispers in Sebias' ear* Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the Holy Matrimony of Shisteer and Verdauga
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 06:31:10 PM
*Sheev grabs a large thick piece of debris before the fire detonates, blocking most of the blast*
But if they were around you, you only blocked most of the blast on one side. Of a circle.
*Flips to a certain page* Ah, here we are. Right in front of my nose the whole time. Right next to the part where it says, "How to mentally boil someone's senses".
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 06:31:47 PM
*Whispers in Sebias' ear* Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the Holy Matrimony of Shisteer and Verdauga
Oh... Yes. Ahem, *Flips a few more pages* That sounds better. Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the Holy Matrimony of Shisteer and Verdauga...
*Is hurt* *Sheev chokes Verdauga and slams him into a wall*
* Puts Verdauga in a straight jacket that kinda looks like a Tux and plants him in front of the alter, then begins cheering.* Woo, preach it Seb!
*Sheev continues to Force choke Verdauga*
*Uses a healing spell and teleports out of the straight-jacket.*
Hehe! I haven't even started multicasting.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 06:35:48 PM
* Puts Verdauga in a straight jacket that kinda looks like a Tux and plants him in front of the alter, then begins cheering.* Woo, preach it Seb!
*Starts preaching it*
Quote from: Verdauga on December 04, 2019, 06:37:54 PM
*Uses a healing spell and teleports out of the straight-jacket.*
Hehe! I haven't even started multicasting.
*Pulls a BL* I stole your magic, no teleporting ;D
*Sheev slams Verdauga face down on the floor, and continues to choke him. All with the use of the Force*
*Glances back at Seb and Kade whilst sending Sheev through the floor.*
*Summons Mjornir* Would the bride and groom step forward?
*Continues crushing Verdauga*
*Taps footpaw*
*Dismisses Mjolnir, breaks Sheev's force choke, and sends him through the ceiling, at the same time.*
See? That was a multicast.
Seb, we need
@shisteer of nothing much. *Takes Verdauga with me*
And that was the point of my valiant holdout. She is long gone.
Should I cast a magic-free Zone?
*Twists Verdauga's bones in odd ways*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 06:43:34 PM
Seb, we need @shisteer of nothing much. *Takes Verdauga with me*
Ah, correct. Somebody should trick her into coming in here... ;D Ebony?
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 06:45:21 PM
*Twists Verdauga's bones in odd ways*
Well that hurt.
Do you
want me to liberate your head from the rest of your body?
*freezes Verdauga with the Force and closes his hands tight, as well as his eyes*
Not going to work.
*Places Mjornir on Verdauga* Ah ha! Now you can't move!
*Binds Verdauga with metals*
*Watches Verdauga as he struggles to lift hammer* *Laughs*
(*Sighs.* Looks like there's no other option.)
*Breaks free from Sheev's grip, and teleports him to my grasp, where he is now choking.*
Why'd you have to be this way bud?
*Flings Seb out of the topic for good measure and initiates the maelstrom.*
*Ignites blade into Verdauga's gut*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 06:52:17 PM
*Ignites blade into Verdauga's gut*
*Teleports said blade right behind Sheev's head.*
*Sheev ducks and punches Verdauga*
*Slices downward with the ignited blade, stops Sheev's punch with magic, and cuts off his hand with his own lightsaber.*
You aren't going to win this. Give up and I'll heal you and leave you alone.
*Grabs lightsaber and cuts Verdauga's hand off as well*
Is that a no?
*Heals hand.*
You do understand that I'm offering you the deal of your lifetime, right?
*Heals as well* Sucker punches Verdauga.
*Uses bladeline to cut the Lightsaber (and crystal) to pieces.*
You can't just cut a crystal. *Sheev pulls his lightsaber back together and binds it with the Force*
Seb, we can't finish this wedding until we have Teer.
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 07:03:37 PM
You can't just cut a crystal. *Sheev pulls his lightsaber back together and binds it with the Force*
......You don't understand magic, do you...?
*Flings--and holds-- Sheev in the maelstrom.*
*Subdues Verdauga's magic and Ignites lightsaber. You must not understand the Force.
To understand the force is to recognize limits.
*Teleports Sheev miles away.*
*Leaves topic.*
Hush. *Brakes Verdauga's bones, Chains him to a poll, and subdues any spell he may have up his sleeve*
Quote from: Verdauga on December 04, 2019, 06:50:56 PM
*Flings Seb out of the topic for good measure*
*Comes flying back in, summoning a storm of lightning*
We just need to hold him until Shisteer arrives, and you pronounce them.
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 07:09:53 PM
Hush. *Brakes Verdauga's bones, Chains him to a poll, and subdues any spell he may have up his sleeve*
*Uses a mindwave to say*
So you've stopped my skeleton, forced me to participate in a questionnaire, and
tried to stop my magic.
*Has for the most part left the topic.*
*Binds Verdauga to the floor using my powers*
Okay then.
*Maybe we don't need Shisteer here for the wedding to commence*
*Has finished leaving the topic, leaving this little note behind.*
Do it Seb. Pronounce them.
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 07:13:53 PM
*Maybe we don't need Shisteer here for the wedding to commence*
If worse comes to worse, I guess not.
Quote from: Verdauga on December 04, 2019, 07:14:22 PM
*Has finished leaving the topic, leaving this little note behind.*
*Picks up little note* *Grabs Verdauga by the collar*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 07:15:00 PM
Do it Seb. Pronounce them.
*Taps chin* I dunno...
Drops a makeshift cage on Verdauga. Once again subdues his "Magic".
Quote from: Verdauga on December 04, 2019, 07:14:22 PM
*Has finished leaving the topic, leaving this little note behind.*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 04, 2019, 07:15:30 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 04, 2019, 07:14:22 PM
*Has finished leaving the topic, leaving this little note behind.*
*Picks up little note* *Grabs Verdauga by the collar*
Hey Seb, I'm pretty sure that note says "I do." OK! Now we just need to get that from Teer and then you can pronounce them!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 07:51:14 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 04, 2019, 07:14:22 PM
*Has finished leaving the topic, leaving this little note behind.*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 04, 2019, 07:15:30 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 04, 2019, 07:14:22 PM
*Has finished leaving the topic, leaving this little note behind.*
*Picks up little note* *Grabs Verdauga by the collar*
Hey Seb, I'm pretty sure that note says "I do." OK! Now we just need to get that from Teer and then you can pronounce them!
Well I guess we have in writing then! Very astute of you, Kade. ;D Go fetch her, please.
Will do. It'll take a few hours at least for her to come out of the hallucinatory shock she's in.
*Nods* Till then, what should we do with Verdie? *Gestures to the Verdauga who is in Sheev's cage*
Eh, might as well keep him around for the post-ceremony celebration.
True. Speaking of which, *Pops lid off of a drink* Anyone thirsty?
*Sends another mindwave:*
"To clarify for you guys: the note was me telling you I left the topic."
But after you said "I do", correct?
The note clearly says "I do," after all.
*Nods to Kade* Exactly. *Sips drink* Anyone bring vittles?
You mean besides the cake you and Ebantu wrecked?
*brings out a platter of blue cookies* Anyone want cookies?
Wouldn't mind if I do, actually. Thanks! *Eats cookie*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 04, 2019, 08:19:27 PM
You mean besides the cake you and Ebantu wrecked?
Yes, besides that. :laugh:
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 04, 2019, 06:46:19 PM
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 04, 2019, 06:43:34 PM
Seb, we need @shisteer of nothing much. *Takes Verdauga with me*
Ah, correct. Somebody should trick her into coming in here... ;D Ebony?
Don't look at me. She's a taniwha, for crying out loud!
Edit: And everybody stop being mean to Verdauga. (this doesn't mean anything other than wildcats should stand up for each other)
*breaks free of bindings and flies away, roaring in rage* I will not marry that swine! (no offense, Verdauga. Drastic situations call for drastic insults)
*Lassos one of Teer's feet and drags her back down.* Now, now, my dear. I know you're unhappy, but Verdauga is a... *looks at Verdauga* ...well, he probably isn't crazy at least, at that's more than most people here can say. Plus, he's already stated that he's willing to marry you, so that's a plus! I mean honestly, is there even anyone else here you'd rather marry? I'm thinking not.
Plenty of people, actually. Besides, you say he isn't mad but he is on this forum. If that's not enough, he's also in the cellars. *gives another furious roar and flies away again, quickly disappearing from sight*
*Waves his enchanted fork around as Teer flies away. She suddenly teleports back to the alter.* Well now, it would have made life so much easier if you'd mentioned something like that to Keva and Sebias prior to this; that way they could have shipped you with an appropriate partner! Nevertheless, you can marry one of those lucky folk another time. For now, don't you want to just get this over with?
*burns enchanted fork with magical fire (yes, I do have magic) and flies away again, protected by a magical force field*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 05, 2019, 04:18:55 AM
*breaks free of bindings and flies away, roaring in rage* I will not marry that swine! (no offense, Verdauga. Drastic situations call for drastic insults)
*Sheev Force holds Teer and drops her into Verdauga's cage. Do it now, seb.
*Teleports Shisteer out of the topic.*
*From outside the topic.*
*Sends Force lightning into Verdauga before he has the chance to escape with his betrothed*
(I understand your immunity to Force lighting. But you must understand, my lighting invaded your bloodstream from the previous wounds I had given you. So it may not have hurt you, but it has rendered you unable to move)
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 05, 2019, 06:04:04 AM
*burns enchanted fork with magical fire (yes, I do have magic) and flies away again, protected by a magical force field*
And there we have it Seb, mission accomplished! ;D I think you can safely pronounce them, now that Teer has clearly given her consent.
*Also, the enchanted fork is seemingly unaffected. Apparently the Taniwha's magic level wasn't quite high enough to damage the odd utensil.*
*Continues to pulse my lightning into Verdauga* Do it, Sebias.
*Teleports into the topic, rubbing my eyes.*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on December 05, 2019, 03:59:08 PM
*Sends Force lightning into Verdauga before he has the chance to escape with his betrothed*
(I understand your immunity to Force lighting. But you must understand, my lighting invaded your bloodstream from the previous wounds I had given you. So it may not have hurt you, but it has rendered you unable to move)
Mechanical. Magical.
Doesn't matter.
It won't work.
And since I can gather enough electrons and ions to produce a
Of amperage.
Want to.
Fight me.
With electricity.
*Teleports out of the topic.*
Yeah, but what if, like, he uses a LOT of lightning?
*Whispers to Sebias* You still haven't married them yet!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 05, 2019, 04:06:41 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 05, 2019, 06:04:04 AM
*burns enchanted fork with magical fire (yes, I do have magic) and flies away again, protected by a magical force field*
And there we have it Seb, mission accomplished! ;D I think you can safely pronounce them, now that Teer has clearly given her consent.
*Also, the enchanted fork is seemingly unaffected. Apparently the Taniwha's magic level wasn't quite high enough to damage the odd utensil.*
Word twisting swine. There's only one thing left to do. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this but I suppose it must. Sorry, Verdauga, you were a good debating partner, even if you did userp the teacher. *insta-kills Verdauga*
*gose back in time and saves verdauga*do not kill him for no reason teer it's not his fault!
*Grabs some popcorn.* Ooo, what a twist! Now this is getting good.
Quote from: lass of something much on December 06, 2019, 05:56:12 AM
*gose back in time and saves verdauga*do not kill him for no reason teer it's not his fault!
Unfortunately for you, my power is too great for a tiny creature such as yourself and you die in the attempt. *kills Verdauga again*
NO! *goes back in time and saves Lass, although makes no extra effort for Verdauga*
*Binds Shisteer with the stale, and dense cake* Get this over with, Seb.
@Sebias of Redwall , I mean, I went through the trouble of trick- I mean,
convincing them to give their consent. Now you just have to deliver the final blow!
Verdauga is still dead, though.
We now pronounce you husband and wife. The end. Yay, they're married! Let's eat cake!
EDIT: Wait, where are they?
You may ki- ok, well, you don't have to do that part, but you're married now! Woo!
You have to pronounce them while they are still conscious. *Gives Verdauga some warm milk* There you go. Now you may wed them, Kade.
Eew, warm milk.
Quote from: Russa Nodrey on December 06, 2019, 06:23:36 PM
Eew, warm milk.
Blue warm milk.
*Kade dropkicks Sebias out of the way and stands before the two lovebirds. Verdauge has been revived and put in a straight jacket that is made up to look kind of like a tux, and Teer is, well, being Teer as she's bound in place by magic. A calm breeze blows through the destroyed building, carrying sakura petals through the air.*
Now then, my friends. Teer, Verdauga, I now pronounce you husband and wife!
*Fanfare begins, announcing the arrival of a new couple into the world. Cheers arise from the onlookers. Kade imagines that Verdauga and Teer smile at him, then at each other (Note: This does not actually occur)*
Blue coke is better.
Oh, man. I'm so happy for those two!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 06, 2019, 06:34:46 PM
*Kade dropkicks Sebias out of the way and stands before the two lovebirds. Verdauge has been revived and put in a straight jacket that is made up to look kind of like a tux, and Teer is, well, being Teer as she's bound in place by magic. A calm breeze blows through the destroyed building, carrying sakura petals through the air.*
Now then, my friends. Teer, Verdauga, I now pronounce you husband and wife!
*Fanfare begins, announcing the arrival of a new couple into the world. Cheers arise from the onlookers. Kade imagines that Verdauga and Teer smile at him, then at each other (Note: This does not actually occur)*
*Cries happy tears*
*Throws Verdauga the keys for his minivan*
*wipes swet* Thanks Booklover! *brings Verdauga back to life AGAIN*
*is happy that we can all go back to normal life without Sheev and Verdauga killing each other* How romantic. Let's eat!
*eats every thing* >:D
*groans and breaks out of magic whatever-it-was-that-was-holding-me* I am annoyed. Oh well, now we need to have the wedding feast, dancing and Kade needs to give us an expensive wedding present. *sits down at table and sniffs flowers, then chucks them at Ebantu* Can you please hold these for me, Eb?
*deliberately fails to catch flowers* No.
*sighs and picks flowers up* I'll hold onto them myself then.
*nods* Good. They are your flowers, after all. I don't want them, thanks.
Okay then. You need to respond to our responses on the OOC RP thread thingamijig.
*Sheev consumes some cake* I'm happy for you Teer.
FOOD FIGHT!!!! (and drink fight) *throes a cake at
@Verdauga *
No food fights except in the food fight topic. *initiates pillow fight by whacking lass over the head with a pillow *
*grabs pillow and throws it
@Sebias of Redwall*
*whacks the back of Sheev's head with a pillow, causing his face to land in his food* That's for being unnecessarily mean to Verdauga earlier. (wildcats can get revenge for each other as well)
*whacks Lass on the bottom with pillow, then quickly changes direction and wallops Ebantu in the stomach*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 09, 2019, 05:14:29 AM
No food fights except in the food fight topic. *initiates pillow fight by whacking lass over the head with a pillow *
okay then, PILLOW FIGHT!!!! *wacks
@Tungro and
@Kade Rivok and
@Ebantu the Kararehe with a pillow*
*throes a pillow at
@shisteer of nothing much*
Game on! *catches pillow and throws it back at Lass*
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *wacks teer with her own pillow*
*is in her room, making no noise, and pretending she doesn't exist* I don't think you get that reference, which if you ask me, is a crime.
*Doesn't have a pillow, and so gets beaten unconscious.*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 06, 2019, 06:34:46 PM
*Kade dropkicks Sebias out of the way and stands before the two lovebirds. Verdauge has been revived and put in a straight jacket that is made up to look kind of like a tux, and Teer is, well, being Teer as she's bound in place by magic. A calm breeze blows through the destroyed building, carrying sakura petals through the air.*
Now then, my friends. Teer, Verdauga, I now pronounce you husband and wife!
*Fanfare begins, announcing the arrival of a new couple into the world. Cheers arise from the onlookers. Kade imagines that Verdauga and Teer smile at him, then at each other (Note: This does not actually occur)*
*Raises eyebrow* Oh? *Taps chin for a few seconds...flips through the Master's Shipper's Rulebook to Weddings* Hmm... I guess this could work. :P
Congratulations, happy couple!!!!
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 09, 2019, 06:24:10 AM
*grabs pillow and throws it @Sebias of Redwall*
*Starts tickling Teer with a feather from said pillow*
Quote from: lass of something much on December 09, 2019, 07:41:56 AM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 09, 2019, 05:14:29 AM
No food fights except in the food fight topic. *initiates pillow fight by whacking lass over the head with a pillow *
okay then, PILLOW FIGHT!!!! *wacks @Tungro and @Kade Rivok and @Ebantu the Kararehe with a pillow*
*throes a pillow at @shisteer of nothing much*
Why hit me? I have never even been here before!
These new members have no decorum on attacking people!
You forgot to invite Tungro? It's not even like we've got 300 people and you need to reduce the numbers!
I have a filling Tungro didn't want to come.
Is there any red-velvet cake here?
There's lemon drizzle cake. Or was that another topic?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 09, 2019, 02:21:42 PM
*Doesn't have a pillow, and so gets beaten unconscious.*
there are is alot of pillows, in the corner over there
@Kade Rivok and
@Ebantu the Kararehe with a pillow*
Quote from: Verdauga on December 09, 2019, 05:55:59 PM
I have a filling Tungro didn't want to come.
Is there any red-velvet cake here?
yes, but I ate it all. I made some browny thoe
Quote from: Booklover on December 09, 2019, 05:56:36 PM
There's lemon drizzle cake. Or was that another topic?
That's another topic.
*goes into Bookover's room and hands her a pillow before whacking her with another pillow* Come on. Defend yourself!
*whacks Ebby*
*whacks lass and shuts Booklover's door, locking lass out*
*Teleports the three of them back to the topic.*
If I can't leave, there's No WAY you are.
I didn't leave the topic, I went to find Booklover. *whacks Verdauga over the head with a cushion*
*throes a pillow at
@Verdauga *
*Remains unconscious.*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 09, 2019, 09:22:44 PM
Quote from: Booklover on December 09, 2019, 05:56:36 PM
There's lemon drizzle cake. Or was that another topic?
That's another topic.
*goes into Bookover's room and hands her a pillow before whacking her with another pillow* Come on. Defend yourself!
How did you get into my room? *whacks Ebantu repeatedly then runs away*
You want my cleaver?
My brother is called Thomas.
Well, then.... things are shaping up to be very interesting.
Oh, and I figured out who Emma was in Grey's post.
Quote from: Verdauga on December 10, 2019, 05:17:27 PM
You want my cleaver?
No this is a pillow fight. *throes more pillows at
*Pulls out a feather duster* CHAAAAAARGE!!!! *Hurls self at Lass*
Hey, can you guys hold off mentioning me? I've got six mentions from here already. Jeez!
no. *throes another pillow at
@Verdauga side steping sebs feather duster*
Stop it, Lass, or I'll tell Teer not to give you any chocolate for a whole week.
stop wot?
Stop mentioning Verdauga because it annoys him! :P
*has an epic feather duster fight with seb*
Ok, well, now that the wedding is over, I guess I'm obligated to give Teer and Verdauga a gift, since I'm the Patron Sponsor. What do you two want? I will give it if it's within the power of me or my enchanted fork.
*Sneaks up behind kade and pokes him with a feather duster*victory is MINE!
I can't believe it.
I found the perfect response to this entire topic.
Hidden on the forums this whole time.
*raises eyebrow quizzicly*
Give them a cabin in the trees!
*throes more pillows at Ebby*
*buries lass in pillows and buries the pillows in ducks(sorry, Booklover. I'll restrain them.)*
stop it you'r skwing SAM!
How 'bout we.....not?
sam is Ebbys duckling
Quote from: Verdauga on December 11, 2019, 11:12:52 PM
I can't believe it.
I found the perfect response to this entire topic.
Hidden on the forums this whole time.
Treasure Planet!
*bersts out of the pillows*what is the meaning of this! *is still haveing an epic feather duster fight with seb*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 11, 2019, 02:50:43 PM
Ok, well, now that the wedding is over, I guess I'm obligated to give Teer and Verdauga a gift, since I'm the Patron Sponsor. What do you two want? I will give it if it's within the power of me or my enchanted fork.
Hmmm... How about a story? (by you) It must be at least two thousand words long and needs to involve a shopping trolley.
Shopping trolley, as in a shopping cart or basket?
yes, that is what said *throse a pillow at kade*
Ooooo, someones on really early
It's 4 or 5 in the morning over there, isn't it?
4:37 umm yes, I have a mest up sleep sgeill, what are you going to do abaut it?
Nothing really, I just found it a bit curious ;D *Whacks Lass with a pillow.*
ohh oki-doi *bashis kade with a pillow*
*Continues Lass and mine's epic duel* To the pain!
To the pain! *Wacks Sebias with a pillow*
I'm guessing you guys have watched The Princess Bride? My favourite character is the Dread Pirate Roberts, because all his scenes are so funny.
*Has not watched the aforementioned movie.*
Quote from: Verdauga on December 13, 2019, 01:57:46 AM
*Has not watched the aforementioned movie.*
*Spits out whatever drink he had been drinking.* I'm sorry, but WHAT?! Go watch that movie right now! Right now! Don't ask, just do it!
yes, do it now! *
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 12, 2019, 10:14:03 PM
*Continues Lass and mine's epic duel* To the pain!
why do have to be the bad guy! *ducks under seb wacking the back of his head*
I'd sooner destroy a stainglasswindow then a master as yourself, but as I cannot have you
folowing me etherwacking me ether *nocks seb out cold*(sorry)
Quote from: Verdauga on December 13, 2019, 01:57:46 AM
*Has not watched the aforementioned movie.*
*rests face in paws* Now can you see why I didn't want to marry him?
Eh, most of these marriages end in immediate breakups I think, so you probably won't have to put up with it too long.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 13, 2019, 09:24:57 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 13, 2019, 01:57:46 AM
*Has not watched the aforementioned movie.*
*rests face in paws* Now can you see why I didn't want to marry him?
I'm sorry, have you seen Chicken Run?
Those two movies are not even ALMOST comparable.
No, but it's a great random reference.
I haven't watched The Princess Bride but I've read it.
Well I've seen the movie, but not read the book, so I can't really compare them
Quote from: Booklover on December 13, 2019, 05:08:08 PM
I haven't watched The Princess Bride but I've read it.
I approve. I really want to read the book but our library doesn't have it.
Quote from: Verdauga on December 13, 2019, 03:41:32 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 13, 2019, 09:24:57 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 13, 2019, 01:57:46 AM
*Has not watched the aforementioned movie.*
*rests face in paws* Now can you see why I didn't want to marry him?
I'm sorry, have you seen Chicken Run?
Yes, I've seen it. It's not that great.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 13, 2019, 01:27:21 AM
I'm guessing you guys have watched The Princess Bride? My favourite character is the Dread Pirate Roberts, because all his scenes are so funny.
Yeah, he's pretty cool. I probably couldn't pick a favorite though. :P
Quote from: lass of something much on December 13, 2019, 08:39:14 AM
yes, do it now! *Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on December 12, 2019, 10:14:03 PM
*Continues Lass and mine's epic duel* To the pain!
why do have to be the bad guy! *ducks under seb wacking the back of his head*
I'd sooner destroy a stainglasswindow then a master as yourself, but as I cannot have you folowing me ether
wacking me ether *nocks seb out cold*(sorry)
*Is knocked out cold*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 13, 2019, 09:24:57 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 13, 2019, 01:57:46 AM
*Has not watched the aforementioned movie.*
*rests face in paws* Now can you see why I didn't want to marry him?
Gotta point there... ;D
Too late now, I guess. As I said to Ebby, husbands can be trained.
Not that she listened ;D (And not that I need to be trained, methinks)
You need instruction in the art of tree climbing.
I have watched most of Chicken Run. It is kind of funny.
Mmm, different kind of "trained" from what Teer means, methinks, but point taken.
Yes. *points to tree* Go.
Uh... that's kind of a big tree. Can't I start at level one and work my way up to that?
Fine. *points to an eight metre tall magnolia tree* Go and climb.
Uh... hmmm... *Kade walks over to the tree cautiously, inspecting it from all angles as if it's going to attack him.*
*watches kade trying to climb*
*Chops tree down.*
Why don't you guys climb trees in your own topic.
*wacks verd with a pilow*bad verdy no cuting down trees!
*Latches onto pillow with knife.*
Teeeeeeer!!! your husband is cuting down your trees!!!
Teer's MARRIED???
yes, to you
Quote from: Verdauga on December 14, 2019, 12:59:51 AM
Teer's MARRIED???
Unfortunately, yes.
Now, *spanks Verdauga soundly and sends him to bed without any supper* Bad Verdauga. No chopping down trees. *chops tree back up and smiles at Kade* Sorry about that. You can carry on now.
*wacks Verdauga with a pillow* >:D
Quote from: lass of something much on December 14, 2019, 01:28:36 AM
yes, to you
The marriage is null and void for the following reasons:
1. Neither Teer nor I wanted it.
2.I said so.
3.Neither of us gave our consent.
4.I was killed twice.
5.Sebias is not ordained.
6.I said so.
So, uh....
*Chops down tree.*
But if we used that ruling, then almost every forum marriage would be void.
Quote from: Verdauga on December 14, 2019, 08:42:12 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 14, 2019, 01:28:36 AM
yes, to you
The marriage is null and void for the following reasons:
1. Neither Teer nor I wanted it.
2.I said so.
3.Neither of us gave our consent.
4.I was killed twice.
5.Sebias is not ordained.
6.I said so.
So, uh....
*Chops down tree.*
yes you wher killed twice, and who saved you both times?... Me . and I can and will kill you again, ifin you don't behave your self!
Quote from: Booklover on December 14, 2019, 08:47:26 PM
But if we used that ruling, then almost every forum marriage would be void.
...I have a feeling very few members would have a problem with that.
and I beleve you'r rong on that.
*is rocking back and forth, staring fixedly at the chopped down tree and making keening noises*
*chops tree back up* all better!
*turns very slowly to face Verdauga* Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-row! *leaps at the evil tree-cutter-downerer*
well...he's died
Quote from: Verdauga on December 14, 2019, 08:42:12 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 14, 2019, 01:28:36 AM
yes, to you
The marriage is null and void for the following reasons:
1. Neither Teer nor I wanted it.
2.I said so.
3.Neither of us gave our consent.
4.I was killed twice.
5.Sebias is not ordained.
6.I said so.
So, uh....
*Chops down tree.*
Nah, I was there, you definitely got married. It was real dramatic.
*passes Lass*
hha, how deir you disobay gandalf the grey!
Very easily. I'll probably die for it, but...meh.
*wacks Ebby with a pillow*
*ducks, causing the pillow to hit Teer*
*wacks ebby with a pillow again*
Quote from: Verdauga on December 14, 2019, 08:42:12 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 14, 2019, 01:28:36 AM
yes, to you
The marriage is null and void for the following reasons:
1. Neither Teer nor I wanted it.
2.I said so.
3.Neither of us gave our consent.
4.I was killed twice.
5.Sebias is not ordained.
6.I said so.
So, uh....
*Chops down tree.*
1.Doesn't make a difference. There are countless marriages that neither party wants, and they still go ahead.
2.Doesn't make a difference. The shippers could argue that we are married because they said so.
3.Both of us said I do, which means we did, in fact, give our consent.
4.You were also revived twice.
5.Sebias is the supreme judge. I think that counts as ordination.
6.Who cares what you think? (rhetorical question. Don't bother answering)
I didn't want to marry you but now that I have, I will not deny it.
So, uh...
*spanks Verdauga again and sends him to bed, still without supper, as punishment for chopping the tree down*
I would say you're welcome but you aren't.
*plants five trees*
*plants six trees*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 16, 2019, 07:43:00 AM
I would say you're welcome but you aren't.
I would say you're dead but you aren't....yet >:D
*plants two more trees*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 16, 2019, 03:17:33 AM
*spanks Verdauga again and sends him to bed, still without supper, as punishment for chopping the tree down*
I would pay to have a video of that so I could play it anytime I needed a good laugh.
*looks at for a bit then, wacks him with a pilow*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 16, 2019, 04:34:00 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 16, 2019, 03:17:33 AM
*spanks Verdauga again and sends him to bed, still without supper, as punishment for chopping the tree down*
I would pay to have a video of that so I could play it anytime I needed a good laugh.
Use your imagination. It's way better.
Hard to do when all I really know about you is that you're supposedly short, and Verdauga is supposedly Verdauga.
S U P P O S E D L Y Verdauga?!?!?!?
Oh, wait; you mean the character.
I do?
*wacks verdauga with a pilow* :P
*whacks Kade with a pillow so that he falls forward and squashes Verdauga*
what made you so upset?
He killed the tree!
okay, fell free to wack him then.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 17, 2019, 07:38:13 PM
*whacks Kade with a pillow so that he falls forward and squashes Verdauga*
Quote from: lass of something much on December 17, 2019, 07:42:07 PM
what made you so upset?
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 17, 2019, 07:46:28 PM
He killed the tree!
Ok, but why involve me? Now I'm an accomplice in a murder. I didn't want to be an accomplice in a murder!
he is not dead your not that fat
That fat, she says -_-
well I don't know how fat you are!, I was saying that no otter is fat enough to kill him.
Ah, haven't traversed the "YOUR FACE" thread far back enough, eh? Probably for the best ;D
I have a pic posted there.
I see?
When you said...
Quote from: lass of something much on December 17, 2019, 08:07:15 PM
he is not dead your not that fat
I thought you were saying that based off of the picture of myself I have posted on the "YOUR FACE" thread.
oh no I was jocking ;D
Hai, Je comprends mi amigo
Hi, I'm including amigo? makes no sens!
Can't blame ya, I smashed together three different languages after all ;D
Hai,(Japanese, unless it isn't) Je comprends(French) mi amigo (Spanish)
Lass, you need to say 'Mea culpa'.
Teer, it's your wedding. Come and tell Lass to say 'mea culpa'.
Non mea cupla; tua culpa.
*Also gasps* How could she say such a thing.
Vocal cords, man. Vocal cords.
Nah man, vocal chords, like what a choir sings.
Either way, I said it. And it was the truth!
Really? Well, I guess there's a first time for everything.
It's not the first time it's been your fault. I often blame you. ;D
I know.
*Snaps picture of Verdie, and Teer* That will be 100$ please ;D
Sorry, we don't pay paparazzis. *shoves said paparazzi out the door*
*Whispers to Teer.* That was the wedding photographer. We paid a lot of money to get her to take pictures.
Oh, whoops. *looks out window at the departing back of furious photographer* I don't think she wants to come back.
I could bring her back with a little bit of pie. (if you want?)
Nah. I don't like photos and she was going to charge a fortune for them. Let her go.
*Starts smelling Lass's pie from outside*
*Closes the windows.*
GEEZ!! The airflow isn't that bad in here, is it?
*Opens the windows.* Happy?
No, but thank you anyway.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 22, 2019, 08:57:07 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 22, 2019, 08:58:36 PM
GEEZ!! The airflow isn't that bad in here, is it?
*Opens the windows.* Happy?
I think we're in a destroyed building with plenty of airflow though. The window let's in slightly more air, I guess ;D
*eats pie* there, now you don't need to suffocate.
I'm gonna call attention to the fact that I only have one syllable of the entire 'ship name.
True. But wildcats are generally much smaller than taniwha.
ya think!?
Ko nga pepeke he iti ake ana te waewae o te taniwha ;)
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 25, 2019, 02:06:21 AM
True. But wildcats are generally much smaller than taniwha.
Doesn't matter. Two names mashed into one. I deserve more compensation for this torture.
Quote from: lass of something much on December 25, 2019, 10:27:03 AM
ya think!?
Ko nga pepeke he iti ake ana te waewae o te taniwha ;)
Can I be bothered to use the inaccurate thing known as Google Translate?
Quote from: Verdauga on December 25, 2019, 02:22:25 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 25, 2019, 02:06:21 AM
True. But wildcats are generally much smaller than taniwha.
Doesn't matter. Two names mashed into one. I deserve more compensation for this torture.
Hey, being married to me isn't
that bad!
First, we aren't married.
Second, no it wouldn't be; the torture is being married off against my will and their apparent delight from my misfortune.
First, you're totally married. I was there.
Second, the fact that you see it as "misfortune" is terrible. Apologize to Teer!
What if I said NO?
well you said that you do >:D
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 25, 2019, 08:10:30 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on December 25, 2019, 02:22:25 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on December 25, 2019, 02:06:21 AM
True. But wildcats are generally much smaller than taniwha.
Doesn't matter. Two names mashed into one. I deserve more compensation for this torture.
Hey, being married to me isn't that bad!
Yes it is. it most definitely is.
Quote from: Verdauga on December 25, 2019, 08:55:12 PM
First, we aren't married.
Second, no it wouldn't be; the torture is being married off against my will and their apparent delight from my misfortune.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on December 16, 2019, 03:17:33 AM
1.Doesn't make a difference. There are countless marriages that neither party wants, and they still go ahead.
2.Doesn't make a difference. The shippers could argue that we are married because they said so.
3.Both of us said I do, which means we did, in fact, give our consent.
4.You were also revived twice.
5.Sebias is the supreme judge. I think that counts as ordination.
6.Who cares what you think? (rhetorical question. Don't bother answering)
I didn't want to marry you but now that I have, I will not deny it.
So, uh...
*spanks Verdauga again and sends him to bed, still without supper, as punishment for chopping the tree down*
As for the delighting of your misfortune, nobody cares what you think, remember? ;D
*laughs* Of course, you will never know for certain whether I laughed because of that post, or the book I am reading or something else.
you lauphed because............I need dis
Is it safe for otters to eat ice cream sandwiches?
probibly, but who's going to say no to that face! ^-^
*Snatches ice cream sandwiches from Lass.*
It won't look good if an in-law dies at my wedding. >_<
No. You guys were so happy to set this up, but I get to control these things.
*Tries to pull hand out of Lass' mouth.*
Can you let go? I need the hand.
Do you want me to summon Thomasbane in your throat, Lass?
not realy.*spits verdies hand out, badly bitin*
Quote from: lass of something much on December 27, 2019, 07:51:01 PM
that sounds like something one of the "of something much" bloodline would say ;D
Quote from: lass of something much on December 27, 2019, 07:51:01 PM
If you're a shapeshifter, and you eat meat, any type of meat, would that make you a cannibal?
*Eats a piece of the wedding cake.*
Mmmff. Mmmmf. Mmmhhmmmff!
This isn't that bad!
*Takes a bite* Hmm this might taste better with some ice cream! *Breaks out the mint chocolate chip ice cream*
YES, mint chocolate chip is the best.
*opens the moose tracks ice cream and puts a scoop on my cake.*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 27, 2019, 08:22:34 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 27, 2019, 07:51:01 PM
Now that sounds like something one of the "of something much" bloodline would say ;D
This is going on the funny posts topic... :laugh:
Quote from: Kade Rivok on December 31, 2019, 02:09:32 PM
YES, mint chocolate chip is the best.
It's the worst (out of flavours that people actually eat, burnt crocs will almost certainly taste worst). Find me a flavour that's worse. Go on.
Oy. Put this on the various food threads.
Actually, double chocolate gelato is the best.
Quote from: Verdauga on December 31, 2019, 10:35:18 PM
Oy. Put this on the various food threads. Only there can you argue of the miniscule virtues of flavors other than moose tracks or Swiss chocolate ice creams.
I would like to correct a statement I made earlier. Inviting Skandians to weddings saves lives.
I could see that.
For reference, see Erak's Ransom and The Lost Stories. Well... except the first time they weren't invited if I remember correctly. Haven't read any RA since last year (I'm on here so haven't continued Lost Stories).
How many of the John Flanagan books have you read, BL?
13. I finished The Lost Stories this morning (really early in the morning). I've reread them a lot, though. And I have five more that I have yet to read, and I may get more soon.
Ah. Cool. So you haven't read the Brotherband books yet?
First and sixth, although I have 2-5.
I have read all of the RA and BB books. Not boasting, just stating a fact. ;)
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 09, 2020, 06:47:53 AM
I have read all of the RA and BB books. Not boasting, just stating a fact. ;)
I'm getting there, getting there. Halfway through The Invaders.
*Does not want to point out the Oliphaunt in the room.
*does not want to point out the person with a banana-duck for their profile pic*
So what?
I dunno. Want some cake?
:D Yes please! *is suddenly suspicious* Wait, what kind of cake?
*Looks at the topic title.*
Yes, but is it a chocolate cake or a walnut cake or a carrot cake or a red velvet cake or a vanilla sponge cake or what?
Wedding cake.
*decides not to continue this conversation because people don't understand the mysteries of cake*
It's the only kind of cake I will allow.
*Eats a slice of the red velvet cake.*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 09, 2020, 08:51:36 PM
*decides not to continue this conversation because people don't understand the mysteries of cake*
You are the one that doesn't understand!
Nobody understands me!!!!
*Shakes head and blinks.*
Ehem....did I......Did I go......emo, just then?
And at your own wedding, no less. *Shakes his head.*
Um, I think weddings are supposed to be emotional.
Yep, tears of joy are common at weddings! *Hands Ebby a handkerchief*
Tears of pain as well in some cases.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 12, 2020, 12:16:55 AM
Um, I think weddings are supposed to be emotional.
Yeah, but "emo" is wannabe-edgelord, angsty-teenager kind of emotional.
In other words, not me.
*Eats some more cake.*
Quote from: Booklover on December 27, 2019, 08:25:05 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 27, 2019, 07:51:01 PM
If you're a shapeshifter, and you eat meat, any type of meat, would that make you a cannibal?
yup, well sort of.........I don't know
Cannibal confirmed.
Everyone run.
These two are already married.
Yeah, it's currently the wedding celebration. These things can go on for ages, you know.
Quote from: lass of something much on January 12, 2020, 10:36:23 PM
Quote from: Booklover on December 27, 2019, 08:25:05 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 27, 2019, 07:51:01 PM
If you're a shapeshifter, and you eat meat, any type of meat, would that make you a cannibal?
yup, well sort of.........I don't know
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 13, 2020, 05:03:55 PM
Cannibal confirmed.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 14, 2020, 12:37:35 AM
Everyone run.
She's not the only one, you know.
Forever, thanks to the time zones.
Teer, darling, this relationship will never work. We are too far apart; what if absence does not make the heart grow fonder?
Y'know, that, and neither of us wanted this to begin with.
do you realy want to get shiped again?!
Quote from: Verdauga on January 14, 2020, 01:04:37 AM
Forever, thanks to the time zones.
Teer, darling, this relationship will never work. We are too far apart; what if absence does not make the heart grow fonder?
Y'know, that, and neither of us wanted this to begin with.
Verdauga, darling, this relationship has got to work or we'll never get a moment's peace from those scoundrels they call shippers. I think, in this case, anyway, absence will make the heart grow fonder than if we weren't on opposite sides of the world. (sorry, joking)
I know neither of us wanted it but what's done is done. No turning back.
*sighs happily and whispers to no one in particular* 'Darling'...isn't that sweet?
*gives Ebby a hard look* Indeed.
*is runing*
Cool, what do the runes say?
Ebby said to "run!"
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 14, 2020, 01:34:31 AM
Verdauga, darling, this relationship has got to work or we'll never get a moment's peace from those scoundrels they call shippers. I think, in this case, anyway, absence will make the heart grow fonder than if we weren't on opposite sides of the world. (sorry, joking)
I know neither of us wanted it but what's done is done. No turning back.
Very well, my love; I shall continue to bear the pain of not seeing your face. For you.
(And the humor.)
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 14, 2020, 01:43:45 AM
*sighs happily and whispers to no one in particular* 'Darling'...isn't that sweet?
*Glances around nervously.* Uh... do I need to start calling you that then?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 14, 2020, 03:55:43 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 14, 2020, 01:43:45 AM
*sighs happily and whispers to no one in particular* 'Darling'...isn't that sweet?
*Glances around nervously.* Uh... do I need to start calling you that then?
if you want to be killed, do so
Quote from: Verdauga on January 14, 2020, 02:36:22 PM
Very well, my love; I shall continue to bear the pain of not seeing your face. For you.
(And the humor.)
if you new what Teer looked like, you would not say that >:(
If you realized what you set yourself up for.......
yes, but I don't know how els to say it...
Quote from: lass of something much on January 14, 2020, 10:20:37 PM
yes, but I don't know how els to say it...
I would say you better hope Teer won't see that... but she will.
oh? and why mite that be, pray tell?
Quote from: lass of something much on January 14, 2020, 08:02:24 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 14, 2020, 02:36:22 PM
Very well, my love; I shall continue to bear the pain of not seeing your face. For you.
(And the humor.)
if you new what Teer looked like, you would not say that >:(
Because she views the thread, and I've quoted it.
why would she be mad at ME!
You're basically calling Teer ugly.
Quite blatantly too ;D
I had such a great response, but I'm too nice to post it.
Not too nice to forget about it though.
Ah... *Sips out of cup and sighs* Nothing like catching up on a Wedding Topic. Always puts a grin on my handsomely chiseled face.
Quote from: Verdauga on January 15, 2020, 12:42:10 AM
I had such a great response, but I'm too nice to post it.
Not too nice to forget about it though.
*Inserts Loki image* TELL ME!!!
Oh well.
Well, well, well, what have we here? Three holes in the ground. (my autocorrect wants me to correct 'colour')
That joke fell flat. Just like the piano that fell down those holes. Get it?
No. Oh.
Believe it or not, she's actually writing in the same color. That red you see is just a pigment of your imagination.
It's 000000 and FF0000 (well, depends on the shade of red, I suppose. The first two digits have to be higher than the other two pairs).
*Ignores everyone and stares off into space.*
Announcement: I'm sorry to say that Lass will not be coming back to this forum. If you see her, it is either a figment of your imagination or she is a ghost. If said ghost tries to tell you otherwise, don't listen. It's all lies. *looks very sorrowful*
Quote from: Verdauga on January 15, 2020, 12:42:10 AM
I had such a great response, but I'm too nice to post it.
Not too nice to forget about it though.
Verdauga, darling, will you please tell me? I promise not to kill you for it.
Very well dear.
QuoteQuote from: lass of something much on January 14, 2020, 08:02:24 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 14, 2020, 02:36:22 PM
Very well, my love; I shall continue to bear the pain of not seeing your face. For you.
(And the humor.)
if you new what Teer looked like, you would not say that >:(
Why's that? She can't look any worse than you.
Oh that's a good one! ;D
Ach, a ghost!
I will hornt you! >:D
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 14, 2020, 03:55:43 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 14, 2020, 01:43:45 AM
*sighs happily and whispers to no one in particular* 'Darling'...isn't that sweet?
*Glances around nervously.* Uh... do I need to start calling you that then?
Is this that thing where a girl will say one thing, but mean the exact opposite?
No, you will be killed if you do.
I'm confused.
So, that's bad then?
I'll tell it to ya straight, kid: don't call Eb 'darling'.
It's not worth it, Kade. You're too young to die.
Awww, it's sweet of you to say that... darling
*closes eyes tightly, waiting for the sweet embrace of death to overtake him.*
Have you paid for the swan boat and everything yet? (if not, I could postpone your death)
Swanboat, yes. The entertainment for the afterparty, no. Also, since the venue hasn't actually been chosen yet, that also needs to be paid for.
Okay. *returns arrow to quiver*
Thank you for being so understanding.
One, it's page 42.
Two, for a Ranger, returning the arrow to the quiver wouldn't be a problem.
Three, I did not make a pie.
*is realy eating some of jers leftover pie :D*
Quote from: Booklover on January 18, 2020, 11:21:30 AM
One, it's page 42.
Two, for a Ranger, returning the arrow to the quiver wouldn't be a problem.
Three, I did not make a pie.
It wasn't a problem for me either.
*wants more pie*
*sips tea and eats a muffin* Isn't this wedding fun! I'm so looking forward to the rest of my life.
Awww, dear heart, that's because you haven't met me in person. :)
*is sacred for my sisters wellbeing. (because I know that she's not)*
*isn't scared for my sister's wellbeing, Verdauga has a knife so he can protect her*
Nice dodge.
Who, me?
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 21, 2020, 02:44:22 AM
*isn't scared for my sister's wellbeing, Verdauga has a knife so he can inpaill her*
thats my "point"
I have more points than you.
and you have a bow and a bow!
See my comment about types of bows.
*Peers into the topic, writes on notepad, and leaves.*
I scrutinised it on a previous page.
Quote from: Verdauga on January 21, 2020, 04:43:18 PM
*Peers into the topic, writes on notepad, and leaves.*
What are you writing, dear?
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 22, 2020, 07:55:42 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 21, 2020, 04:43:18 PM
*Peers into the topic, writes on notepad, and leaves.*
What are you writing, dear?
Sorry darling, it's for a case, so I can't say.
Yeah, even thought they won't admit it, I'm definitely correct.
Quote from: Verdauga on January 22, 2020, 12:36:30 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 22, 2020, 07:55:42 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 21, 2020, 04:43:18 PM
*Peers into the topic, writes on notepad, and leaves.*
What are you writing, dear?
Sorry darling, it's for a case, so I can't say.
see I toled you so!
You certainly are not wrong.
Hopefully soon the truth will be revealed.
Quote from: Verdauga on January 22, 2020, 12:36:30 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 22, 2020, 07:55:42 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 21, 2020, 04:43:18 PM
*Peers into the topic, writes on notepad, and leaves.*
What are you writing, dear?
Sorry darling, it's for a case, so I can't say.
Oh, that's a
Quote from: Verdauga on January 22, 2020, 12:36:30 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 22, 2020, 07:55:42 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 21, 2020, 04:43:18 PM
*Peers into the topic, writes on notepad, and leaves.*
What are you writing, dear?
Sorry darling, it's for a case, so I can't say.
Oh, that's alright, dear. Good luck! If you need any help, just let me know.
they'v gone mad as a bunch of grapes!
Mad as a bunch of grapes? I've never heard that one before.
Hush now fruit duck, the child is speaking.
And you were looking for any excuse to toss that in there.
Well, you were. Not my fault you stopped :laugh:
true, true. :laugh:
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 23, 2020, 02:53:47 PM
Hush now fruit duck, the child is speaking.
*burns Kade to a crisp* N
*preamptso p
*eats teer*
*watches as tiny lump of something slobbers on corner of toenail* Lass, I don't think that's very good for you.
*has shapeshifted into a troyie* Ha!*looks down at mostly eaten Teer, stops eating*eww, you taste like rat poo!
Unlikely ;D
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 24, 2020, 09:25:30 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 23, 2020, 02:53:47 PM
Hush now fruit duck, the child is speaking.
*burns Kade to a crisp* N*preamptso pdodginguandnburnsshim!again*
Mmm, this warmth feels nice.
Lass, why is your status set to killing my darling?
because she is a traytor!
Well, then, you reason with her, not kill her. Besides, she is your sister; doesn't that inhibit you in the slightest?
Those that side with the mods must be brought to justice.
Quote from: Verdauga on January 24, 2020, 07:44:04 PM
Besides, she is your sister; doesn't that inhibit you in the slightest?
the facte that she once was my sister?, why would that stop me?
Wow. No love lost apparently.
she will be mist :(
A little gory, but okay.
*grins evily*
Quote from: Verdauga on January 24, 2020, 09:06:05 PM
A little gory, but okay.
I told you to stop making me laugh when I'm at work, dangit
well when you'r at work, you should be working, not going on the forum...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 23, 2020, 02:29:32 PM
Woke up with a headache, so nah -_-
And Lass, most of the time that I'm posting, I'm at work. I've got a desk job so I do this in between other things.
That also means I'm only able to put so much thought into what I post, so sometimes my posting gets weird ;D
ooo, I can make that face tooooo!!-_-
This witch hunt over Teer is quite something.
Quote from: lass of something much on January 24, 2020, 09:08:34 PM
*grins evily*
But this is okay? I'm confused.
I'm just surprised you came this deeply into the miasma of the Cellars.
But no, I don't think it is.
Quote from: Verdauga on January 24, 2020, 10:10:07 PM
I'm just surprised you came this deeply into the miasma of the Cellars.
I agree, it can't be healthy for you.
Well SOMEONE'S gotta come fish you guys out every once in awhile ::) Besides, the Staf Custard ® keeps us cheery
Is... is this site actually just a deep RP of We Happy Few?
No one tell him.
not telling
Because there's nothing to tell.
Teer, would you like some chocolate? Nobody tell her...
she's gone...I miss her so much :'(.
Quote from: lass of something much on January 24, 2020, 11:21:59 AM
*has shapeshifted into a troyie* Ha!*looks down at mostly eaten Teer, stops eating*eww, you taste like rat poo! do you know what rat poo taste like? O_O
don't you remember?, we were in the atic and I ate a pece of rat poo to gross you out :laugh:
Oh yeah. I think my brain tried to remove that memory.
Mind y'all, this is the individual telling you that the mods are the problem :o
Huh? ???
Verdauga, dear, I hope you don't mind. Everything's matrimonial property now that we're married so I gave your allegiance to the mods, as well as mine. I was sure you'd be perfectly happy with the arrangement.
Quote from: lass of something much on January 24, 2020, 11:21:59 AM
*has shapeshifted into a troyie* Ha!*looks down at mostly eaten Teer, stops eating*eww, you taste like rat poo!
*lifts eyebrow with a small amount of confusion as slightly bigger blob of something tries to chew on pinky claw* Lass, I've been wandering around barefoot for as long as I've been alive. Of course I don't taste like roses! Please stop. You'll make yourself sick. If you really want to gnaw on me, try doing so on my back or something. It's probably cleaner there.
silly chook, I just put anuff venom in you to kill every liveing thing in new zealand >:D
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on January 27, 2020, 06:15:27 AM
Oh yeah. I think my brain tried to remove that memory.
And you keep saying boys are the gross ones?
the look on her face! and Eb is not easey to shock (thanks to all her brothers)
'Tis true.
and you yelled down to Teer that "Teer your sister is mad!"
'Tis true.
Incorrect, madam. Gross people are gross. Gender does not necessarily play a role.
You obviously haven't met my brothers.
Quite so, quite so :laugh:
How is meeting a handful of individuals the indicative point at which one decides whether or not one can pin a label on a gender? As someone who's done custodial work, I can confirm that such allegations are hogwash (who drops their sweatshirt in the toilet?).
I'm torn between agreeing you ('cause you're right) and shooting you down ('cause you're a double mod)
I mean, a double positive is still a positive. ;D
Where are the bride and groom now?
I'm so overjoyed that these two beauties are wedded. *Bursts out crying. (From true happiness)*
You got issues dude.
Aren't I myself?
thats ^^^ not sheev! you'r an in poster!
What is this, Luigi's Mansion?
It's either Ant'ony Galletto's or Sheev's.
I still need some help over in Sheev's mansion, by the way.
nobody knows!
Quote from: Verdauga on January 28, 2020, 07:40:18 PM
It's either Ant'ony Galletto's or Sheev's.
I still need some help over in Sheev's mansion, by the way.
You know what you did. You don't
deserve help.
*feels greatly honoured that a mod showed up to wedding* Verdauga darling, isn't this wonderful! *goes to help Verdauga*
she's gone to the goets...
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 28, 2020, 08:28:26 PM
*feels greatly honoured that a mod showed up to wedding* Verdauga darling, isn't this wonderful! *goes to help Verdauga*
It is wonderful, dear, though we might need to discuss the matrimonial property.
you guys are so weard
You'll understand when you're older. ^-^
Quote from: Verdauga on January 28, 2020, 09:59:28 PM
You'll understand when you're older. ^-^
I don't think age has anything to do with it ;D
At least, not in the way that you mean.
Quote from: Verdauga on January 28, 2020, 09:59:28 PM
You'll understand when you're older. ^-^
Ie hav spalling licke a fyve yaer olld, butt spalling cann bey deceveing
Quote from: Verdauga on January 28, 2020, 09:42:04 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 28, 2020, 08:28:26 PM
*feels greatly honoured that a mod showed up to wedding* Verdauga darling, isn't this wonderful! *goes to help Verdauga*
It is wonderful, dear, though we might need to discuss the matrimonial property.
What do we need to discuss about the matrimonial property, honeybunny?
Honeybuns are delicious. They also contain enough calories to fuel your body for a month.
What about honeymoles ('unnymolers)?
Quote from: lass of something much on January 28, 2020, 10:10:28 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 28, 2020, 09:59:28 PM
You'll understand when you're older. ^-^
I have spelling like a five year old, but spelling can be deceiving
Please fix your spelling and grammar, it is appalling.
She was also accentuating poor spelling for that reply.
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on January 30, 2020, 10:17:35 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on January 28, 2020, 10:10:28 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 28, 2020, 09:59:28 PM
You'll understand when you're older. ^-^
I have spelling like a five year old, but spelling can be deceiving
Please fix your spelling and grammar, it is appalling.
That's quite mean. I've noticed you've made many spelling errors.
na, its not like I can't help it...
Nobody is perfect and we can all understand each other (most of the time) so it's not really a huge problem. I appreciate being corrected in spelling and grammar (and other things) because it helps me learn. If nobody points out my mistakes, I might not even know they're wrong.
Quote from: lass of something much on January 28, 2020, 10:10:28 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on January 28, 2020, 09:59:28 PM
You'll understand when you're older. ^-^
Ie hav spalling licke a fyve yaer olld, butt spalling cann bey deceveing
that^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ was a joke...
What a beautiful wedding.
Yes indeed. The groom was a true Love Duck.
Har har.
Yar yar.
*Snaps a picture*
That poor picture! You... you monster.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 05, 2020, 06:31:38 PM
That poor picture! You... you monster.
I know. The poor picture. It has so many ugly people in it. ;D *Realizes that
I'm in the pic* Wait a minute...
No no, you're just looking at a selfie you took. I'm talking about the one Keva just murdered.
*Shakes head and looks at the snapped pic* No... You're in here too. I mean, don't you wonder why the lens cracked?
Sorry 'bout that, I do have a powerful presence after all, though that may just be my enchanted fork. *Whips out enchanted fork. Clouds begin to converge overhead.*
*Summons thunder from said clouds* Nah, boy. The only feller with true power is me. *Flexes muscles and strokes my full, thick beard*
Note: this is Seb after about two months of no shaving.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on February 05, 2020, 06:56:22 PM
*Summons thunder from said clouds* Nah, boy. The only feller with true power is me. *Flexes muscles and strokes my full, thick beard*
whats with all this
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 05, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Note: this is Seb after about two months of no shaving.
Arg! It won't open! I want to see!
Haha, you don't want to :laugh:
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on February 06, 2020, 06:10:24 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 05, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Note: this is Seb after about two months of no shaving.
Arg! It won't open! I want to see!
Does this one work?
that's not what you posted-_-
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 06, 2020, 02:56:20 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on February 06, 2020, 06:10:24 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 05, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Note: this is Seb after about two months of no shaving.
Arg! It won't open! I want to see!
Does this one work?
It was time for One-Eye to leave. He had seen everything.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 06, 2020, 04:04:10 PM
I already let her see it.....
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 06, 2020, 02:56:20 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on February 06, 2020, 06:10:24 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 05, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Note: this is Seb after about two months of no shaving.
Arg! It won't open! I want to see!
Does this one work?
Yes, and I am deeply disturbed by it. -_-
It's kinda cute...
Strange child.
*Doesn't grin.*
*gazes seriously at Kade* Don't smile. You mustn't, I repeat, MUSTN'T smile. No, don't even think about it. Don't smile.
You can smile if you want.
*Smiles lovingly.*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on February 13, 2020, 06:11:08 AM
*gazes seriously at Kade* Don't smile. You mustn't, I repeat, MUSTN'T smile. No, don't even think about it. Don't smile.
*Approaches Eb, grim faced and determined.*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on February 13, 2020, 06:11:08 AM
*gazes seriously at Kade* Don't smile. You mustn't, I repeat, MUSTN'T smile. No, don't even think about it. Don't smile.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 13, 2020, 03:32:00 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on February 13, 2020, 06:11:08 AM
*gazes seriously at Kade* Don't smile. You mustn't, I repeat, MUSTN'T smile. No, don't even think about it. Don't smile.
*Approaches Eb, grim faced and determined.*
Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...*backs away*
I'm sorry, but I have to agree. *Slowly pulls out his enchanted fork.*
Help! I'm sorry Kade! Please don't turn me into something unnatural!
*Continues approaching.* Oh? So what should I turn you into, then?
A ferret maybe.
Mmmm, too simple.
A purple dancing ferret.
*yelps and tries to continue backward but is trapped by a large tree*
*grabs Ebby and flys away*
(hey, I'm curious to see what he's going to do, put me back)
Quote from: lass of something much on February 14, 2020, 08:07:54 PM
*grabs Ebby and flys away*
*To take a note from Sheev's playbook, Eb remains where she is.*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on February 14, 2020, 08:08:41 PM
(hey, I'm curious to see what he's going to do, put me back)
(Well, if you insiiiiiist *grins*)
*Approaches Eb, enchanted fork pointing menacingly towards the fearful creature. As he draws upon her, a cloud of smoke appears from the fork, covering the scene. As it clears away, Eb finds Kade kneeling before her, a huge bouquet of fresh flowers held outstretched in his arms.* For you my dear, on this Valentine's Day. (It's Valentine's over here, FYI ;D)
O_O Um...thanks?
You're welcome ;D
*Scampers off after handing over the bouquet.*
*is still stunned*
....Huh. Kade's not that bad of a guy.
A little too unpredictable with that fork though.
*is suddenly happy* Hah, yes. I was quite scared for a moment there.
Hahahahaha :laugh: *falls of seet, geting a weird look from my Dad*
I'd imagine there'd be several weird looks fro your dad if he saw all the chaos here.
:laugh: he just looked at me, then left the room... :P
I don't know why, but I found that really funny.
*shrugs* maybe it is ;)
Mmm...*thoughtfully smells flowers*
What? ^-^ What's so funny?
:-\ I just grined...
Grinning usually signifies amusement.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on February 17, 2020, 12:12:57 AM
Grinning usually signifies amusement.
you know I grin all the time...And there are diferent tipes of grin too...
I guess one could grin with malice...
*grins evily*
*hugs Ebby* better? *grins*
glad I could help! ^-^
*grins secretly*
This is going nowhere. Aren't we supposed to be partying or something?
Kade Rivok
04:08:09 PM
Unknown Action
I haven't posted in here for pages. This'll have to do.
Quote from: lass of something much on February 19, 2020, 04:12:38 PM
Kade Rivok
04:08:09 PM
Unknown Action
Otterbadgers have power unknowable! (excluding themselves)
my paw just went num...
Quote from: lass of something much on February 20, 2020, 01:59:13 AM
my paw just went num...
That's because of MY POWER! Which is UNKNOWABLE!
(except by me)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 20, 2020, 02:18:19 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on February 20, 2020, 01:59:13 AM
my paw just went num...
That's because of MY POWER! Which is UNKNOWABLE!(except by me)
Presumably, unknowable even to you, because tiny font is unnoticeable.
Says the person who noticed it -_-
Only after I quoted your post.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 20, 2020, 02:18:19 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on February 20, 2020, 01:59:13 AM
my paw just went num...
That's because of MY POWER! Which is UNKNOWABLE!(except by me)
well, make it stop then, I need my paw!
Sorry, no take-backs.
I CAN'T DRAW LIKE THIS!!!! (my paw is still num, and I don't know how to fix it!)
At least you can draw at all.
I'm sure you can draw.
I can draw, but that doesn't mean I can draw well.
That was the implication, yes. That Lass can draw well.
I bet you can draw better than me.
If we're starting a "worst 'artist' on the forums" game, you've already lost. ;)
(Man, that sounded like trash talk. I'm horrible at it, okay?)
Let's see if I can recreate the sheep I drew.
| |
| S H E E P |
See? That is the extent of my artistic ability.
Ha! I didn't expect text art.
No. I just recreated it as text art. The original was literally the word 'SHEEP' in an untidy box.
Quote from: Verdauga on February 21, 2020, 04:03:38 PM
At least you can draw at all.
I could'nt. (I can now because my paw is nolonger num :P)
EDIT: also nice "drawing" Bookie...;D
Why is this still going.
*loudly proclaims my love and infatuation for Verdauga*
*throws up*
For what?
Oh. Meanie.
I made it better though, because I'm such a nice person.
Good for you. *is still feeling slightly ill*
Come now, you aren't used to it yet?
I thought I was, but apparently not.
*drinks peppermint tea* Feel free to post in 'Hbbiton Party Thing'.
Quote from: lass of something much on February 22, 2020, 12:29:31 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on February 21, 2020, 04:03:38 PM
At least you can draw at all.
I could'nt. (I can now because my paw is nolonger num :P)
EDIT: also nice "drawing" Bookie...;D
Thank you. You're very kind.
*Proclaims my undying love for Teer, in response*
*trys not to puke again*
What? My love for my only darling makes you queasy?
Hmph. If only my beloved were on.
*runs around looking for Teer*
Sorry Verdauga. Your best beloved is stripping beds right now. I should be helping her but I felt I should inform you of her whereabouts.
Ah. Thank you, I suppose.
*Smiles lovingly at Teer.*
*wishis I had not got Teer on*
Thank you for getting her on :D
*beams lovingly at Verdauga*
Hello darling. :)
Hey, honey. What have you been up to?
and then he gose! :laugh:
He'll come back.
Mmm, I still find this amusing ^-^
Don't get any ideas, Kade Rivok.
Quote from: lass of something much on February 23, 2020, 04:35:50 AM
and then he goes! :laugh:
Sadly, the wifi is not at the mercy of my wills and whims.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on February 23, 2020, 02:46:48 AM
Hey, honey. What have you been up to?
Keeping the house running in tip-top shape, dearest. Speaking of, I have a project to attend to currently. I bid thee all adieu.
Au revoir!
What's wrong?
All I see is a square. Are you square, Keva?
No, she isn't.
She's a triangle.
Well I just don't know why you would call someone that.
Well I don't know why you would call someone a square.
I didn't say she was a square, I
asked if she was square.
By the by, this is why I asked in the first place...
I am a weird irregular 3D shape.
Good for you.
You don't seem sincere.
Probably because I'm not.
Neutral, actually.
That's m'boy.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 24, 2020, 08:22:22 PM
All I see is a square. Are you square, Keva?
Lol :D I used an emoji from my phone and I guess it showed up as a box
I could see it, it was a shruging emoji.
So could I. But can you see this?
A shrugging emoji, huh? Imteresting.
*Intelligence check fails*
It did :laugh:
Hehe. I wasn't sure which way to spell it.
...Which is it, Bookie?
Quote from: lass of something much on February 26, 2020, 12:49:35 AM
I could see it, it was a shruging emoji.
I could see it as well. That's why I was confused by Kade's post about a square.
Depending upon the emoticon libraries of your computer and how advanced your browser is, you may or may not see it. I can see it on my phone, but not on my laptop.
Heh, weird...
No u
📖 < Can you see this?
That equation doesn't make much sense.
Surprise surprise, it's a book.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 28, 2020, 05:15:17 PM
That equation doesn't make much sense.
bko^2ace^2hinos^2tuy Does that make sense?
Quote from: Booklover on February 28, 2020, 04:52:29 PM
📖 < Can you see this?
yes, it's a open book, with a blue cover...or is it green...
Blue. As I said earlier, I can see it on my phone.
Is that the book the wedding vows r in, or did Verdie and Teer write their own? ;D
I don't know if they did write their own, but they certainly should.
True love needs no vows.
Quote from: Verdauga on March 02, 2020, 02:27:25 PM
True love needs no vows.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Quote from: Booklover on March 03, 2020, 07:59:33 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on March 02, 2020, 02:27:25 PM
True love needs no vows.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Thinketh no evil. Yes, I'm going to differ with you here, because there is a difference.
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophesy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have the faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
If I give all I have to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Quote from: Booklover on March 03, 2020, 07:59:33 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on March 02, 2020, 02:27:25 PM
True love needs no vows.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
But where there are prophesies, they will cease. Where there are tongues, they will be stilled, where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part but when perfection comes the imperfect disappears.
When I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child and I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.
Now we see but a poor reflection, as in a mirror. Then we shall see face to face. Now we know in part, then we shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: Faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13
why Bookie!?
*Raises eyebrow.*
What ails you?
Teer will be saying that for weeks!
Not weeks. I've discovered I'm a bit rusty so I'll have to refresh my memory a bit but it won't take weeks, by any means.
'A Thousand Words' by Erin Starnes is one of my favourite songs. Those verses reminded me of it.
Eb, go on the Hectaville music festival topic.
Kade's song.
Eb likes it too.
^-^ That makes me happy.
Your song makes me happy. I just listened to it about seven times from start to finish.
Me too. It's currently playing at the moment.
I think it will remain my favourite song until Kade posts another song, in which case my favourite may or may not change.
Please! make it stop! it was the first ten times, but now...just make it stop!
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on March 04, 2020, 01:25:24 AM
Your song makes me happy. I just listened to it about seven times from start to finish.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 04, 2020, 07:25:11 AM
I think it will remain my favourite song until Kade posts another song, in which case my favourite may or may not change.
:laugh: Ya'll are crazy
I was still the first to download it.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 04, 2020, 02:14:54 PM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on March 04, 2020, 01:25:24 AM
Your song makes me happy. I just listened to it about seven times from start to finish.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 04, 2020, 07:25:11 AM
I think it will remain my favourite song until Kade posts another song, in which case my favourite may or may not change.
:laugh: Ya'll are crazy
The question is, who's the craziest person on this forum?
One-eye, verdie, you, Kade, Teer, Skarz, me, Sheev, and many more.
I like how me and Eb's wedding topic has more pages than this one :laugh:
You guys are still hemming and hawing about the ceremony. :D
we need the swan boats!
That would be fun
Quote from: Verdauga on March 09, 2020, 06:28:38 PM
You guys are still hemming and hawing about the ceremony. :D
You two were as well, you basically had to be tricked into completing the ceremony :laugh:
Well, OUR plan worked.
I haven't been fooled.
nor I. (just jokes, I have been many times)
Quote from: Verdauga on March 04, 2020, 02:16:04 PM
I was still the first to download it.
When did you do this? (because I have as well :laugh:)
you are not the first though...
I downloaded it the day he uploaded it.
Teer plays it all the time XD
It's an interesting birthday song.
I originally wrote it as a birthday song for a friend of mine.
*advertently searches for duck boats.*
To burn them, I hope. Or destroy them in some other way, if burning doesn't work.
*brings duck boats into topic* These things are great! (and fireproof too)
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 11, 2020, 09:27:56 AM
*brings duck boats into topic* These things are great! (and fireproof too)
*smashes them to pieces*
I bet ya that they're also Bookloverproof.
Are they Herondale proof?
yeep, and gun proof.
But are they Otterbadgerproof? *Jumps onto one of them excitedly.*
::) daah!
They're anymethodofbeingdestroyed proof. *brings a large lake into topic to float boats on*
we already have one.
I don't remember us having one. Anyways, now we need a large castle or cathedral on or near the lake!
*Said from inside of one of the duck boats.* bad, that was on Ebby's wedding
Honestly, I thought this was Eb's wedding too :laugh:
Did we have a lake over there? I don't recall.
yup, in the first three pages...(lake Taupo page one)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 11, 2020, 11:01:11 PM
I don't remember us having one. Anyways, now we need a large castle or cathedral on or near the lake!
*Said from inside of one of the duck boats.*
If you say so. *begins building a castle*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 12, 2020, 09:19:10 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 11, 2020, 11:01:11 PM
I don't remember us having one. Anyways, now we need a large castle or cathedral on or near the lake!
*Said from inside of one of the duck boats.*
If you say so. *begins building a castle*
Could we, like, relocate that? That wasn't meant for Eb's wedding topic :laugh:
*arrives to the wedding in a puff, all red in the face*
@Verdauga and
@shisteer of nothing much congratulations!!!
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 11, 2020, 09:40:20 PM
They're anymethodofbeingdestroyed proof. *brings a large lake into topic to float boats on*
Hmmm, imteresting. Could be a good way to survive the apocalypse. So, if they can't be destroyed... *repaints all the duck boats so they are no longer ducks*
Quote from: Kolman on March 12, 2020, 04:48:47 PM
*arrives to the wedding in a puff, all red in the face*
@Verdauga and @shisteer of nothing much congratulations!!!
And he's gone again.
he was on for quite a bit...
I've been spending more time off myself, though.
Last Active: Today at 05:04:29 PM
It's 5:30pm for me currently.
It says on his profile 'oldest of four'. Where are the others?
Two are unregistered, if that's what you're asking.
It is. Get them on now, so they can be guests at your wedding (we should maybe get back on topic)!
I've tried.
Try harder.
Don't you have siblings to get on this forum yourself?
Only one's read Redwall, and he's currently at university so it would be difficult to persuade him. I'm trying to persuade some of my friends as well.
Oi! Bookie's friends! read the Redwall books!
That'll get 'em.
oh, also, join the forum.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 12, 2020, 07:44:21 PM
That'll get 'em.
You should try to persuade you friends to join, Kade. (or maybe your boss or something?)
Quote from: Kolman on March 12, 2020, 04:48:47 PM
*arrives to the wedding in a puff, all red in the face*
@Verdauga and @shisteer of nothing much congratulations!!!
Thank you so much, Kolman. I look forward to getting to know you as my brother.
your brother?
In law
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 13, 2020, 02:17:45 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 12, 2020, 07:44:21 PM
That'll get 'em.
You should try to persuade you friends to join, Kade. (or maybe your boss or something?)
Awww, that's so sweet that you assume that I have friends!
Don't ask, Lass. You'll make him sad. *comforts Kade (from a distance)*
*Is comforted (from a distance)*
You do have friends! There's us, and you must have others!
Quote from: Booklover on March 14, 2020, 04:03:22 PM
You do have friends! There's us, and you must might but probably don't have others!
1. At least some of the Zenkora team.
2. At least some of your coworkers.
3. At least most of your church.
4. Us.
Co-workers, I'm friendly with, but no actual friends.
Church, much the same, though some there are closer to being friends, but not fully there.
Zenkora, I consider one to be a friend, but he's in California and is quite busy, so we don't get to talk all that much.
Ya'll, ya'll are already on here. Context for the original post was inviting friends to join the forum :laugh:
Fur enough.
I'm quite furry, yes. ^-^
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 03:51:40 PM
Co-workers, I'm friendly with, but no actual friends.
Church, much the same, though some there are closer to being friends, but not fully there.
Zenkora, I consider one to be a friend, but he's in California and is quite busy, so we don't get to talk all that much.
Ya'll, ya'll are already on here. Context for the original post was inviting friends to join the forum :laugh:
Then make friends! What's that Redwall quote, 'friend is a word we use for someone true?' (Redwall or Mattimeo, maybe?)
Not something I do easily, unfortunately. IRL I'm quite shy and anti-social towards people I'm not already friends with.
I have a feeling most of us are.
I am not. At all.
You seemed that way. ^-^
Yeah, I could kinda tell :laugh:
But we love her. ^-^
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 09:22:35 PM
Not something I do easily, unfortunately. IRL I'm quite shy and anti-social towards people I'm not already friends with.
Wow, I never would have guessed...
Quote from: Verdauga on March 16, 2020, 10:43:25 PM
I have a feeling most of us are.
I am not, I'm very awkward at first, and then to make up for the fact that I'm awkward, I make bad jokes...
Quote from: lass of something much on March 17, 2020, 08:58:45 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 09:22:35 PM
Not something I do easily, unfortunately. IRL I'm quite shy and anti-social towards people I'm not already friends with.
Wow, I never would have guessed...
Yeah, on my profile on the forum, I literally say that online I try to mask the fact that I'm actually quite boring. Good to hear that I do a well enough job :laugh:
Yeah, I'm really shy with people I don't know.
I think I've remembered the short poem:
"Friend is a word,
A small sound we make,
For one who is true,
One who will do,
Great deeds for friendship's sake."
Cool! Do you remember which of the books it's from?
The Bellmaker, apparently.
Friend is a very small word, A little sound we make, For one who is true, one who will do, Great deeds for friendship's sake.
Actual spoiler for the book now.
I think it was when somebeast died.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 17, 2020, 02:29:47 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on March 17, 2020, 08:58:45 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 09:22:35 PM
Not something I do easily, unfortunately. IRL I'm quite shy and anti-social towards people I'm not already friends with.
Wow, I never would have guessed...
Yeah, on my profile on the forum, I literally say that online I try to mask the fact that I'm actually quite boring. Good to hear that I do a well enough job :laugh:
Heh, I don't really look at peoples profiles...
You're a small kido.
That's what it says on your profile.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 17, 2020, 02:29:47 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on March 17, 2020, 08:58:45 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 09:22:35 PM
Not something I do easily, unfortunately. IRL I'm quite shy and anti-social towards people I'm not already friends with.
Wow, I never would have guessed...
Yeah, on my profile on the forum, I literally say that online I try to mask the fact that I'm actually quite boring. Good to hear that I do a well enough job :laugh:
I would like to meet you so I can say you're wrong.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on March 19, 2020, 01:21:21 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 17, 2020, 02:29:47 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on March 17, 2020, 08:58:45 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 09:22:35 PM
Not something I do easily, unfortunately. IRL I'm quite shy and anti-social towards people I'm not already friends with.
Wow, I never would have guessed...
Yeah, on my profile on the forum, I literally say that online I try to mask the fact that I'm actually quite boring. Good to hear that I do a well enough job :laugh:
I would like to meet you so I can say you're wrong.
Aw! Ebbys can be sweet!
^-^ Sometimes.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 17, 2020, 02:29:47 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on March 17, 2020, 08:58:45 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 09:22:35 PM
Not something I do easily, unfortunately. IRL I'm quite shy and anti-social towards people I'm not already friends with.
Wow, I never would have guessed...
Yeah, on my profile on the forum, I literally say that online I try to mask the fact that I'm actually quite boring. Good to hear that I do a well enough job :laugh:
You're not boring, Kade.
YOU SING OPERA, FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! Being shy and anti-social does NOT mean you're boring, it just means your standard is too high to associate with the average, imagination-fried social butterfly, which is why you get on so well with us. (Because we don't hold imagination-fried social butterflies in very high esteem either)
I'll take your word for it.
Speaking of singing, where did you post the song Teer keeps talking about?
Which song? Any songs I've posted are over at the music festival.
Ah, okay. Thanks.
obsest teenagers!
Hah. Thy time cometh.
Noooo! I don't have time for this!
You will find the time.
what are we talking about again? ;D ;D ;D ;D
The best times to make fruit salad, I believe.
As I was saying, once you taste fruit salad, you will find the time to make it again.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 19, 2020, 02:51:07 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 17, 2020, 02:29:47 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on March 17, 2020, 08:58:45 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 09:22:35 PM
Not something I do easily, unfortunately. IRL I'm quite shy and anti-social towards people I'm not already friends with.
Wow, I never would have guessed...
Yeah, on my profile on the forum, I literally say that online I try to mask the fact that I'm actually quite boring. Good to hear that I do a well enough job :laugh:
You're not boring, Kade. YOU SING OPERA, FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! Being shy and anti-social does NOT mean you're boring, it just means your standard is too high to associate with the average, imagination-fried social butterfly, which is why you get on so well with us. (Because we don't hold imagination-fried social butterflies in very high esteem either)
Well said, Teer!
Quote from: lass of something much on March 19, 2020, 04:34:31 AM
obsest teenagers!
I've been an obsessed teenager for one year and two and a half months, give or take. The question is, what am/was I obsessed with?
Teer and Ebby are always lisening to one or another of Kades songs...always
Untrue. I am currently listening to my mum talking about HSNZ.
thus the [ i ] [ / i ] Ebby. ;)
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on March 20, 2020, 12:05:31 AM
Untrue. I am currently listening to my mum talking about HSNZ.
What's that?
Home Schooling New Zealand.
Cheese! *Grabs crackers and pickles* Yum!
*makes food*
Cheese! *takes a photo*
what? why? of what?
The cheese.
You know when you take a photo, and everyone has to say 'cheese'? So I took a photo.
You didn't get me in the shot, right?
No! I would never play with guns, or let someone shoot me!
Quote from: lass of something much on March 19, 2020, 04:34:31 AM
obsessed teenagers!
Maybe so but, seriously, Kade's singing is amazing. You can hardly blame me.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 24, 2020, 01:32:10 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on March 19, 2020, 04:34:31 AM
obsessed teenagers!
Maybe so but, seriously, Kade's singing is amazing. You can hardly blame me.
I don't blame you at all. That would be hypocritical.
^-^ x2
Is that a problem?
for me, yes. ;D
*Ponders whether I should give an example of my singing....*
Please do.
eh, if you want to, and if not, then we won't to..
I might when I have something better than a headphones microphone to speak into and have someplace to put it, but right now I want your hearing to stay intact.
fair enough..
I look forward to it.
aye, and I like wise..
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 24, 2020, 10:37:14 PM
I look forward to it.
Until you hear it. :laugh: *Begins the search for upload sites.*
Na, Teer will love it if it's a good song ;)
I will love it anyway. Knowing that somebeast is happy enough to sing is enough to make me happy.
what about the "One-eye type" of song?
Hey, be nice.
I'm not a huge fan of music that uses high amounts of profanity and has really dark subject matter, but, if it was Verdauga singing it, I'd suffer through it. (Though I may not enjoy it very much)
Aww! you're so cute together!
Just like you and Scott.
Darling, I must revise your statement here
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 25, 2020, 05:45:38 AM
I'm not a huge fan of music that uses high amounts of profanity and has really dark subject matter, but, if it was Verdauga singing it, I'd know he doesn't like listening to that kind of music, let alone sing it, not even give place to posting such on these forums.
I really had to darling.
So, basically, if it was Verdauga singing it, we'd know the world has gone mad (madder than it already is).
The question is, how mad would the world have to be for that to happen?
Up for debate, really.
Quote from: Booklover on March 25, 2020, 12:28:36 PM
Just like you and Scott.
you knew this was comeing to you when ya said that... Spoiler
*vomits on Booklover*
Quote from: Verdauga on March 25, 2020, 01:14:27 PM
Darling, I must revise your statement hereQuote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 25, 2020, 05:45:38 AM
I'm not a huge fan of music that uses high amounts of profanity and has really dark subject matter, but, if it was Verdauga singing it, I'd know he doesn't like listening to that kind of music, let alone sing it, not even give place to posting such on these forums.
I really had to darling.
I thought that might be the case, but I didn't want to be presumptuous.
*grins at the now
well and truely vomited on
Quote from: lass of something much on March 26, 2020, 08:44:14 AM
Quote from: Booklover on March 25, 2020, 12:28:36 PM
Just like you and Scott.
you knew this was comeing to you when ya said that... Spoiler
*vomits on Booklover*
*has an umbrella up just in case* You'll pay for the umbrella.
Apparently she does.
my vomiting power is stronger then one-eye's strongest gun!
Considering One-eye's strongest gun quite literally hits like a car, you'd have to retch solid, durable matter well over two thousand feet per second (over eight hundred meters per second) to match that initial energy, let alone exceed it.
I mean, I wouldn't put it past her, honestly.
Neither. Lass is vicious.
I still have a plaster on my ankle, by the way, Lass.
Quote from: Verdauga on March 27, 2020, 09:10:01 PM
Considering One-eye's strongest gun quite literally hits like a car, you'd have to retch solid, durable matter well over two thousand feet per second (over eight hundred meters per second) to match that initial energy, let alone exceed it.
it depends on how much I've eaten really...
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on March 27, 2020, 09:34:26 PM
Neither. Lass is vicious.
I still have a plaster on my ankle, by the way, Lass.
I'm sorry, I really hope it doesn't get infected...
I just took the plaster off, and you can't even see the wound any more. It's gone. ^-^
thanks to kawakawa, if not for it, the wound would be baaaad
It was my fault for pretending to try and suffocate you.
Y'all need to chill IRL
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on March 27, 2020, 10:01:30 PM
It was my fault for pretending to try and suffocate you.
I undersand why you tryed though...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 27, 2020, 10:09:02 PM
Y'all need to chill IRL
That's what Teer says sometimes, but then she gives up and joins in.
it's alot of fun, and you'd all be laughing with us if you were there
That, or looking at you guys like you lost your mind.
Or never found it in the first place.
Na, you'd laugh
Quote from: lass of something much on March 27, 2020, 10:14:38 PM
it's alot of fun, and you'd all be laughing with us if you were there
Probably ;D
Right up until somebody loses an eye, of course.
If that happened to me I'd be One-Eye the Wildcat, I guess.
Heh. Then you'd have to move to America and acquire many guns ;D
to far, man, to far.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 27, 2020, 10:36:14 PM
Heh. Then you'd have to move to America and acquire many guns ;D
I have no interest in guns. I don't think I'd make a good One-Eye. :laugh:
You're probably right :laugh:
I like recurve bows, but it's not the same.
It's more similar than it appears.
I mean... sorta?
Although, I'd be more than happy to take the guns if Eb-eye doesn't want them.
Pushing arrows is different to firing bullets.
Not really. Pressure exerted to the base of a projectile pushing it forward to deliver kinetic energy and a metallic (or stone or wooden, but that's beside the point) projectile to a target.
That's true, I guess. But bows are completely manual, where as guns are mechanical.
There was probably a time when guns were also more or less manual.
Really, it could be brought down to the springs on the striker. A single-shot, bolt-action rifle is very manual.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 27, 2020, 11:24:45 PM
There was probably a time when guns were also more or less manual.
I mean, they used to be a lot more basic at least. Like, think old-school cannons.
Okay, this conversation is starting to go over my head. I prefer bows, that's all I wanted to say. ^-^
I think bows are very different from guns, Eb. :laugh:
While the basic idea is the same, the manner and usage are vastly different.
One of my older cousins is borrowing my bow because he wants to get good enough to hit a rat, for some reason.
One of my friend's friends can hit a shotgun shell at forty yards with a handgun.
Quote from: Verdauga on March 27, 2020, 11:28:28 PM
Really, it could be brought down to the springs on the striker. A single-shot, bolt-action rifle is very manual.
My point exactly! *totally knows what such a rifle would be like*
You know,
@Dear Heart, I noticed Kade and Ebantu were already on their honeymoon, or something similar. Should we begin ours?
I can't help but wonder if you two just send each other PM's of yourselves cackling over and over regarding the changes you've wrought on this place :laugh:
*Closes PM tab.*
W-what do you mean?
Quote from: Verdauga on March 27, 2020, 11:36:34 PM
You know, @Dear Heart, I noticed Kade and Ebantu were already on their honeymoon, or something similar. Should we begin ours?
Sure. Where are we going to go?
I was originally thinking of sailing the Atlantic in a 1600s galleon, but then I realized, you'd probably want something considerably less taxing.
how about a lifetime trip to mandoss halls? >:D
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 12:04:02 AM
I was originally thinking of sailing the Atlantic in a 1600s galleon, but then I realized, you'd probably want something considerably less taxing.
I bet she'd love that.
*laughs evily*
I just noticed this on the first page.
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on November 22, 2019, 01:42:26 AM
I dare you to say he name of this topic out loud wihout laughing.
It's harder than you think!
My, how times have changed.
And, sorry Lass, but I was thinking something along the lines of
Thank you.
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 12:08:48 AM
I just noticed this on the first page.Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on November 22, 2019, 01:42:26 AM
I dare you to say he name of this topic out loud wihout laughing.
It's harder than you think!
My, how times have changed.
And, sorry Lass, but I was thinking something along the lines of
*Hugs Verdauga and Teer.* Awww, you two are gonna have so much fun! You'll have to send post cards!
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 12:08:48 AM
I just noticed this on the first page.Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on November 22, 2019, 01:42:26 AM
I dare you to say he name of this topic out loud wihout laughing.
It's harder than you think!
My, how times have changed.
And, sorry Lass, but I was thinking something along the lines of
Wow, that looks amazing! Another option is Japan. I've always wanted to go there and it has some very pretty scenery.
Oh! Indeed it does!
Hmm. Anywhere specific in Japan, though?
Wooooow, ok then *Leaves.*
*hugs Kade before he has time to leave* See ya, Bro! I'll certainly send post cards.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 28, 2020, 12:17:37 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 12:08:48 AM
I just noticed this on the first page.Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on November 22, 2019, 01:42:26 AM
I dare you to say he name of this topic out loud wihout laughing.
It's harder than you think!
My, how times have changed.
And, sorry Lass, but I was thinking something along the lines of
Wow, that looks amazing! Another option is Japan. I've always wanted to go there and it has some very pretty scenery.
plus there is Emya
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 28, 2020, 12:23:44 AM
*hugs Kade before he has time to leave* See ya, Bro! I'll certainly send post cards.
^-^ I'll be on the lookout for 'em, sis.
"who" what?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 28, 2020, 06:01:13 AM
"who" what?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 28, 2020, 05:58:26 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 28, 2020, 12:23:44 AM
*hugs Kade before he has time to leave* See ya, Bro! I'll certainly send post cards.
^-^ I'll be on the lookout for 'em, sis.
Quote from: lass of something much on March 28, 2020, 05:59:58 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on March 28, 2020, 06:32:24 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 28, 2020, 06:01:13 AM
"who" what?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 28, 2020, 05:58:26 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 28, 2020, 12:23:44 AM
*hugs Kade before he has time to leave* See ya, Bro! I'll certainly send post cards.
^-^ I'll be on the lookout for 'em, sis.
Ah. . .crud. . .
No swearing, especially not in my wedding topic, thank you very much!
swearing? when did I do such a thing? :-\
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 12:18:44 AM
Oh! Indeed it does!
Hmm. Anywhere specific in Japan, though?
The RA one. I think Teer would love to go there.
*high fives* Yeah!
:laugh: I might be off to sleep soon..
It is quarter to one in the morning for you.
no, it's 9:35. a.m
Quote from: Booklover on March 28, 2020, 11:32:31 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 12:18:44 AM
Oh! Indeed it does!
Hmm. Anywhere specific in Japan, though?
Ran-Koshi. The RA one. I think Teer would love to go there.
Nah, I was thinking somewhere closer to a large water source, and something slightly less fictional.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 28, 2020, 09:02:48 PM
Quote from: Booklover on March 28, 2020, 11:32:31 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 12:18:44 AM
Oh! Indeed it does!
Hmm. Anywhere specific in Japan, though?
Ran-Koshi. The RA one. I think Teer would love to go there.
Nah, I was thinking somewhere closer to a large water source, and something slightly less fictional.
Yes, but if it were real, you'd love to go there.
It's not real.
Japan, you wanted?
This seems fairly Japanese...
Perfect! Let's go.
*Teleports the two of us there.*
Give me a moment to get the luggage, I suppose.
*Teleports the luggage here as well.*
Alright, dearest. *prepares the waka to float down the river in*
*Holds the boat steady for Teer to get in.*
*climbs into waka, giving Verdauga a kiss on the way past* Thank you, darling.
*Steps in after Teer has settled.*
That's alright, I suppose you would say.
*Watches the scenery float by.*
*rests head on Verdauga's shoulder*
*Smiles down at Teer.*
Or, as much as I can*
This is beautiful.
^No, this is barf-inducing.
Hush now
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 10:49:45 PM
*Smiles down at Teer.*
Or, as much as I can*
This is beautiful.
she can go into small mode ya know...
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 10:49:45 PM
*Smiles down at Teer.*
Or, as much as I can*
This is beautiful.
*smiles up at Verdauga, just enjoying being in his presence*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 28, 2020, 10:04:35 PM
It's not real.
Quote from: Booklover on March 28, 2020, 09:59:37 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 28, 2020, 09:02:48 PM
Quote from: Booklover on March 28, 2020, 11:32:31 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on March 28, 2020, 12:18:44 AM
Oh! Indeed it does!
Hmm. Anywhere specific in Japan, though?
Ran-Koshi. The RA one.I think Teer would love to go there.
Nah, I was thinking somewhere closer to a large water source, and something slightly less fictional.
Yes, but if it were real, you'd love to go there.
*Smiles, then subtly tips the boat over* Oops... ::)
*this does not happen because Sebias was not invited to Japan*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on March 29, 2020, 06:32:20 PM
*Smiles, then subtly tips the boat over* Oops... ::)
Seb, that's rude.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on March 29, 2020, 06:32:20 PM
*Smiles, then subtly tips the boat over* Oops... ::)
*An Otterbadger dressed like a ninja appears from a tree and tackles Seb before he can do anything, then disappears in a puff of smoke, taking Seb with him.*
*smiles happily at Verdauga, lost in his handsome features*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 29, 2020, 10:20:22 PM
*this does not happen because Sebias was not invited to Japan*
Why wasn't he? At the very least you could just leave him on the Bores' table, if you dislike him that much that you won't invite him. Also, didn't he create the amazing ship that you seem to love so much?
they're on their honeymoon, Finny...
Quote from: Booklover on March 30, 2020, 01:00:06 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on March 29, 2020, 10:20:22 PM
*this does not happen because Sebias was not invited to Japan*
Why wasn't he? At the very least you could just leave him on the Bores' table, if you dislike him that much that you won't invite him. Also, didn't he create the amazing ship that you seem to love so much?
He was certainly invited to the wedding, but this is the honeymoon. It's a special bonding experience that is generally had in
private. (Which is why we didn't invite any of you either)
*sends a postcard to Kade*
*eats it*
*'it' happens to be a cupcake that arrived in the mail for Lass*
(Teeeeer! I was gona eat Kade's post card! :-|)
Not on Teer's watch you aren't. :laugh:
*Ebby is on watch, eats Kade's post card*
*Lass doesn't eat Kade's postcard because it's already arrived in America and she's in New Zealand and such an action is, therefore, impossible*
*has already eaten it, so it's to late for Teer to say that.*
Such imagination for one so young!
you're on the other side of the world, silly chook!
Other side of the house, actually.
*Mentally returns to the scene.*
*Smiles at Teer, holding back laughter from the previous pages.*
Psst! Verdie! she's sleeping!
(I figured she was but she kept posting when I was offline, so there!)
*Hugs Shisteer tight.*
(How did you get here anyway, Lass?)
I'm not, I am a figment of your brain..
*Is losing myself in Shisteer's eyes.*
...witch are shut because it's night time*
*They seemed very truly open to me......*
*Even when closed, they are beautiful.*
(I're not did you know? O.o )
Quote from: lass of something much on March 31, 2020, 09:55:05 AM
you're on the other side of the world, silly chook!
I'm probably the closest, apart from other people in England, on this forum to being the other side of the world from you.
Quote from: lass of something much on March 31, 2020, 01:33:05 PM
...witch are shut because it's night time*
*An Otterbadger dressed like a ninja with a postcard sticking out of his pocket leaps from a tree, grabs Lass, and both poof away in a cloud of smoke.*
Quote from: Verdauga on March 31, 2020, 01:30:14 PM
*Is losing myself in Shisteer's eyes.*
*is perfectly awake but lost in Verdauga's eyes*
{Well, there will be quite a few moments of silence then. :laugh: Why don't you break the spell? I'm hardly enchanting :D}
*Is oblivious to the world around us.*
*a large trout jumps from the water and lands back with a splash, jolting Teer back to reality* I love you, Verdauga. *hugs Verdauga, looking at the quiet stream and gently waving cherry blossom* I wonder when we'll get to the waterfall.
*Hugs Teer back.*I love you too, Teer. *Flicks some water off self. * I can't imagine we're that far away. Look, the current's already picking up.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 31, 2020, 08:57:37 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on March 31, 2020, 01:33:05 PM
...witch are shut because it's night time*
*An Otterbadger dressed like a ninja with a postcard sticking out of his pocket leaps from a tree, grabs Lass, and both poof away in a cloud of smoke.*
Darn, not again...
Quote from: Verdauga on March 31, 2020, 10:23:10 PM
*Hugs Teer back.*I love you too, Teer. *Flicks some water off self. * I can't imagine we're that far away. Look, the current's already picking up.
*An Otterbadger dressed like a ninja overhears this and jumps quickly and silently through the trees ahead of the boat, fearing the worst.*
Quote from: Verdauga on March 31, 2020, 10:23:10 PM
*Hugs Teer back.*I love you too, Teer. *Flicks some water off self. * I can't imagine we're that far away. Look, the current's already picking up.
It's going to be quite exciting, isn't it? The waka should be able to take any strain. It's quite strong.
*The Otterbadger dressed like a ninja spots the coming waterfall and begins sweating profusely. Pulls out an enchanted fork (which is also dressed like a ninja) and waves it about, casting defensive enchantments and featherfall on the waka.*
*Chuckles.* I just hope it doesn't sink. Swimming is fun, but not quite as peaceful as this boat ride.
*pats side of waka confidently* It's not going to sink. It's basically a hollowed out totara(spelling?) log, so it's incredibly hardy.
{Yeah, "totara" seems right.}
*Smiles at Teer.*
Alright then; Let's go over a waterfall.
*smiles back as the waka gathers speed and then suddenly drops, its momentum taking it far enough away from the waterfall that it doesn't land on the rocks at the bottom but rather lands in a beautiful lake, its banks covered in lush grass with blossoming cherry trees growing at regular intervals. A picnic has been set up on the shore and on the picnic rug is a note addressed to Teer and Verdauga*
what in arda...
(Ssh! You'll ruin the atmosphere)
*Shakes the water off me and smiles at Teer.*
Whew! I wonder if there are more waterfalls along this.
*Glances around and spots the picnic table.* Do you suppose we should make for shore, love?
*pokes tongue out at Teer and Verdie*
(Dearest, it was a picnic blanket, not a picnic table. Blankets are much more romantic, and practical)
*smiles, nodding* That sounds like a good idea. I don't think there'll be anymore waterfalls close by. *takes oars and starts rowing for shore*
*Completely ignores Lass, who is about seventy meters away at least.*
*Sees Teer take the oars and grabs them from her.*
Why don't I take the oars?
*Begins rowing to the shore.*
(Lass is on the other side of the world, which is significantly more than seventy meters)
*chuckles* Alright then, dearest, you can take the oars.
*the waka comes into shallow water*
I'll pull us up to shore. *jumps out into knee-high water and pulls the waka the last few metres onto the gently sloping bank, then offers paw to help Verdauga from the totara log*
Thanks darling! *Takes Shisteer's paw but struggles and faceplants in the shallow water anyway.*
*grins and lifts Verdauga back onto his footpaws* Let's go see what that picnic is all about, shall we?
(You have been taken by the Otterbadgerninja. There is no powerplaying, only truth.)
*Chuckles and wipes the sand off my face.*
Yeah, why don't we do that instead?
*Leads Teer to the picnic blanket.*
*As the pair walk away, the Otterbadgerninja with a post card sticking out of his pocket silently leaps down and inspects the waka for any signs of damage.*
{You're ruining the atmos---wait, this happened on your thread, didn't it?}
Quote from: Verdauga on April 01, 2020, 12:10:53 AM
{You're ruining the atmos---wait, this happenedis happening on your thread, didn'tisn't it?}
(I'm protecting y'all. You don't know I'm here)
{Well, um.... thanks?}
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 31, 2020, 11:59:47 PM
(You have been taken by the Otterbadgerninja. There is no powerplaying, only truth.)
no, I'm still here.
Quote from: Verdauga on April 01, 2020, 12:01:24 AM
*Chuckles and wipes the sand off my face.*
Yeah, why don't we do that instead?
*Leads Teer to the picnic blanket.*
*follows, then stoops and picks up note*
Verdauga and Teer, thank you for coming to Japan for your sweet moon. I hope you enjoy time here. This picnic for you.)
Huh, that's nice. I wonder who left it there for us. Let's sit and start eating; I'm famished.
um...that could kill you...
(Nah, it's fine. I'm pretty sure I know who left it for us and they're perfectly trust-worthy)
Nice to know you have a lot of friends.
*Grabs some fruits, vegetables, and meats out of the basket*
Let's eat!
*grabs some sushi out of the basket* Yum yum! *eats*
*looks at it* yeah..
*The Otterbadgerninja does a little victorious fist pump when he sees them go for the picnic supplies.*
*offers some sushi to Verdauga*
Ooh, I haven't had sushi before.
*Takes a bite.* Interesting.... I like it!
*Hands an American biscuit with honey on it to Shisteer.* It's the only food I'm sure you haven't tried. *Grins.*
*takes American biscuit with a smile and bites into it* Not bad. Maybe... slightly less sugar and a bit of cinnamon, then it'll be properly delicious.
*Makes a mental note.*
Now we're back to the familiars....*Looks into the picnic basket.*
*sniffs experimentally* I think there's apple pie in there.
My, I'm glad I'm wearing cologne.
*Digs around in the fruit basket and pulls the pie out.* There's also some apricot crumble in there.
Yum! *grabs a couple of bowls and spoons from the picnic basket* Shall we?
*Hands Teer the apple pie.* Here's the first piece.
(Weird browser malfunction.)
(what is?)
*cuts a piece of apple pie and hands it to Verdauga* I think there's a small jug of cream in there too, if you want it.
I like it without the cream. Do you want some by any chance? *Grabs the jug out of the basket.*
I may do. I like it with or without cream, depending on the pie. If we don't use the cream for this, it'll be nice with that rice pudding. *cuts a slice of pie for self and takes a small nibble of it* Mmm, yum. I don't think it needs cream.
*Finishes piece of pie.*
What do you say about exploring some more when we finish?
*Sets out the bowl of rice pudding.*
*The Otterbadgerninja is currently salivating underneath his face wrap because of all the food.*
*eats last spoonful of my piece of pie*
Sounds like a good idea. *looks around* This place does look rather amazing.
*starts whipping the cream*
Oh, what are you going to put that on? The apricot crumble?
Wrong thread (and spellings, for that matter).
*smiles at Verdauga, patting his paw* You put it in the rice pudding, sweetie. It makes it super delicious, especially if you add crushed pineapple too. Is there any crushed pineapple in the picnic basket?
*Checks and pulls out a fresh pineapple.*
Heh, I think we're supposed to crush it ourselves. No wait, there's some right here.
Sweet! *has finished whipping the cream* This'll be delicious. *combines cream and rice pudding, gently folding them into each other* Should I crush the pineapple or do you want to do the honours?
Oh, I'll do that, why not?
*Amateurly crushes the pineapple, spraying juices everywhere.*
Good work, darling. *takes crushed pineapple and mixes it in* There we are. *grabs two bowls and scoops a generous helping into each of them, passing one to Verdauga*
Why, thank you! *Digs into the rice pudding.* Mmmmm, this is delicious.
*starts eating the rice pudding elegantly, then gives up the elegance and just enjoys the food*
*Licks the bowl clean.*
Well, that was delicious. I think I like this friend of yours.
*finishes rice pudding*
Yeah, he's a very nice beast. Should we go for a walk?
*Rises and offers hand to Teer.*
*also rises and takes hand, smiling at Verdauga*
*Walks with Teer among the cherry trees, stealing glances at her.*
*The Otterbadgerninja stealthily follows the pair from a distance, quietly hopping among the tree branches.*
Seriously? You're a ninja now?
(Never said it was me, just an Otterbadger dressed up as a ninja. I've since shortened it to Otterbadgerninja, of course.)
But aren't you the only Otterbadger?
(That is neither here nor there.)
Quote from: Verdauga on April 13, 2020, 01:39:01 AM
*Walks with Teer among the cherry trees, stealing glances at her.*
*walks alongside Verdauga, gaze fixed on him* It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
It's amazing. You made a great choice with the location, dear.
*Spies a hedge in the distance and points.*
What do you say to checking that out? There's always something interesting behind walls.
*actually looks at scenery, following Verdauga's pointing paw to the hedge* Sounds good to me.
*Starts walking to the hedge.*
Quote from: Booklover on April 13, 2020, 06:24:12 PM
But aren't you the only Otterbadger?
*shapeshifts* not anymore!
I intended to write a fanfic about shapeshifters in Redwall, but I never got round to it.
Kreg is a shapeshifter, you could...whatever...
I also like to whatever.
Quote from: Booklover on April 14, 2020, 08:48:09 AM
I intended to write a fanfic about shapeshifters in Redwall, but I never got round to it.
You should still do it, Bookie.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on April 15, 2020, 12:46:11 AM
Quote from: Booklover on April 14, 2020, 08:48:09 AM
I intended to write a fanfic about shapeshifters in Redwall, but I never got round to it.
You should still do it, Bookie.
One of your many nicknames for me.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on April 15, 2020, 12:46:11 AM
Quote from: Booklover on April 14, 2020, 08:48:09 AM
I intended to write a fanfic about shapeshifters in Redwall, but I never got round to it.
You should still do it, Bookie.
At some point, I might.
(My sister and I are officially doing push-ups but mum just went off with the phone to talk to my nephew)
(*Really needs to get back to doing pushups.*)
right there with you bud
Quote from: Verdauga on April 15, 2020, 02:05:57 PM
(*Really needs to get back to doing pushups.*)
Except you're still in shape :D
Quote from: Verdauga on April 15, 2020, 02:05:57 PM
(*Really needs to get back to doing pushups.*)
(We could include you in the scheme, maybe. It's always good having more people because then we get longer breaks in between)
(Heh, maybe. ;) )
*Reaches the hedge and notices a break in it.*
(Sounds good)
*follows Verdauga and stands on tippy-claws to see* What is it, dearest?
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 15, 2020, 08:52:00 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on April 15, 2020, 02:05:57 PM
(*Really needs to get back to doing pushups.*)
(We could include you in the scheme, maybe. It's always good having more people because then we get longer breaks in between)
Quote from: Verdauga on April 15, 2020, 08:55:34 PM
(Heh, maybe. ;) )
(Scheme, plan, it's all the same to me)
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 15, 2020, 09:24:02 PM
(Sounds good)
*follows Verdauga and stands on tippy-claws to see* What is it, dearest?
It. . . it looks like a huge green flag. I think there's a gate over to the left.
*Proffers my arm.* Shall we?
Sounds interesting. *places claw lightly on Verdauga's arm and follows him* Might as well.
*Makes way to the gate and finds it locked, with a key in the lock.*
*Grins at Teer and unlocks it, opening the gate to reveal a stone castle, with a green banner suspended over it's opened portcullis.*
Hah, I wonder what the sign says.
*Spies on Verdie and Teer with binoculars*
*eyes widen* That's quite impressive. *returns grin* It's says 'Haere mai, Verdsteer.' Apparently somebeast is welcoming us. Should we charge in recklessly or proceed with caution?
*Breaks into a huge smile.* You don't exactly hide this kind of thing, so we aren't in danger. But sneaking in. . . we may get to surprise our surprisers.
Sounds like a plan. *readies cleaver* Should we go?
*Readies Thomasbane.* Let's begin.
*Stalks up to the castle.
*follows stealthily*
*Makes way to one of the servant entrances and checks inside.*
It's vacant here.
*Holds door open for Teer.*
*enters silently and takes cover behind a particularly large cake*
It does seem rather empty. Where to now?
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 15, 2020, 10:56:10 PM
(Scheme, plan, it's all the same to me)
(No, I know that, I meant what is said scheme?)
Good, Gooood, you're learning.
I missed it, sadly.
(Good. I don't want every beast and his sword knowing my plans)
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 16, 2020, 01:55:12 AM
*enters silently and takes cover behind a particularly large cake*
It does seem rather empty. Where to now?
We'll probably have to get to the ballroom from the back. *Points at a door.*
Do you think that will take us there?
*nods and slips silently through indicated door*
Should do. I'll just check.
*Almost touches the cake but restsrains self.*
*Checks the room once more and follows Teer.*
*does a flip for the pure fun of it and continues silently*
*Smiles amd follows Teer to the door.*
*arrives at the end of hall and opens door a crack, checking to see nobeast is visible in the ballroom*
All clear. Should we go in?
I don't trust this. But let's go in anyway...
*Cautiously enters the ballroom.*
*follows Verdauga*
*Is waking up from a great nap in the ball room*
*sees the two and quietly leaves*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 16, 2020, 07:20:44 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 16, 2020, 06:02:17 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 15, 2020, 10:56:10 PM
(Scheme, plan, it's all the same to me)
(No, I know that, I meant what is said scheme?)
(Edited out)
Quote from: Booklover on April 16, 2020, 10:29:24 AM
I missed it, sadly.
(As did I, and I was the one she was responding to -_-)
Every time I see this topic I'm like: [*Insert megamind image*] "Rise my glorious creation."
(Fair enough.)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 16, 2020, 07:51:48 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 16, 2020, 07:20:44 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 16, 2020, 06:02:17 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 15, 2020, 10:56:10 PM
(Scheme, plan, it's all the same to me)
(No, I know that, I meant what is said scheme?)
(Edited out)
Quote from: Booklover on April 16, 2020, 10:29:24 AM
I missed it, sadly.
(As did I, and I was the one she was responding to -_-)
(I could pm you what it was, if you want)
*sees Kolman in the room and freezes*
Darling, I think we need to stop him reporting back to anybeast else. What do you think?*pounces on Kolman and puts a claw over his mouth to stop him making any noise, then drags him back into the room*
What is going on here?
(Only if you want to ^-^)
(I kind of do. Your reaction may be interesting... and possibly slightly painful, for me)
*is now tied up and squirming in a corner*
*holds claw at Kolman's throat* Listen here, brother: I don't want any funny business. You behave yourself and your life will be spared.
... Not that we plan to kill you anyway, but yeah.
I promise you dear sister that I did not intend to tell anybeast I wanted to give you two some privacy was all.
Hmmm... *removes claw from Kolman's neck* We'll see what Verdauga says. *looks at Verdauga* What say you, dearest?
Let him go. I'll not brook any of my family being hurt.
Plus, he'd have told anybeast else by now.
*When Teer looks away, the Otterbadgerninja drops down beside Kolman from somewhere. He puts a paw on the tied up creature and both disappear in a puff of smoke. A good ways away from the building, the Otterbadgerninja unties Kolman.* You're free now, friend. Best stay out of Teer's sight, though; Taniwhas get randomly territorial when on their honeymoon.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 17, 2020, 07:05:57 AM
(I kind of do. Your reaction may be interesting... and possibly slightly painful, for me)
(Ok, now I
really want to know. Please do PM me :laugh:)
(I want to know as well!)
Quote from: Verdauga on April 17, 2020, 04:31:04 PM
Let him go. I'll not brook any of my family being hurt.
Plus, he'd have told anybeast else by now.
If you say so, darling. I wasn't going to hurt him anyway. He's my brother too, remember. *turns back to where Kolman was tied up just in time to see him and an otterbadgerninja disappear* Yeah, I'm pretty sure he told somebeast. Ah well, 'twas fun while it lasted. Let's explore this place.
*Studies the ballroom before nodding.*
Let's. There's a staricase in the back; do you want to see where it goes?
Sure. Alternatively, we could just spend a few minutes sliding down that banister. It looks perfect for such a purpose.
Ah, ah, ah. First we'd have to climb the stairs. ;)
*Shrugs.* Why not?
Sweet! *races towards stairs and begins climbing*
*Follows at a walk, but breaks into a run as Teer leaves me behind.*
*Falls on the second step.*
*Gets up and races to the top.*
*pants as Verdauga passes me* I'm not used to stairs. *arrives at the top* You got here first so you get to go down first.
Hah, I'm not used to banisters. :laugh:
*Gingerly climbs onto the banister and slides down.*
*jumps onto the banister and slides down on paws, surfer style*
*Stares with mouth open*
*does a flip at the bottom and lands on footpaws* That was fun. We're being watched. Should I catch this beast too?
*Runs out of topic before Teer can catch me*
As she is one of the ones that brought us together, let her have a little leeway, darling.
*Turns to Keva.*
You should leave now, because I can't restrain my bride much longer.
*chuckles and begins racing up stairs again* Sounds good to me, dearest. Let's explore this place.
*Follows Teer up the stairs.*
Good night, you are energized. Come on!
*Races ahead of Teer.*
Hah! I'm energised, you say as you race ahead of me.
*spreads wings and flies up stairs, arriving at the top before Verdauga*
*Frowns jokingly.*
Hey! No fair!
*Breaks into a smile*
So, since you were here first, what's up here?
A long corridor with lots of doors.
What? You didn't have time to explore them all? For shame. *Grins hugely.*
*Pushes open the nearest door into a dark room.*
*lights a lantern and follows* I was waiting for you. It's much more romantic if we explore together.
*Smiles at Teer.* Thank you sweetie.
*The lantern-light reveals several old paintings on the near wall. Footsteps echo on the tile floor.*
I don't know why anybeast would close the curtains on such a beautiful day. *skips over to the curtains and opens them, letting sunlight stream into the room, dancing on the dusty furniture*
*Blinks a few times to get adjusted to the light.*
Phew! Nobody's been in here for a while! We might actually have the place to ourselves!
Yeah. It could certainly do with some airing though. *opens windows* Beautiful view.
*A very surprised looking Otterbadgerninja can be seen outside one of the newly opened windows, but quickly vanishes in a puff of smoke.*
*chuckles, shaking head* Kade.
*Laughs.* He's a class act sometimes!
*Walks out onto the balcony.*
*Is on the balcony* Er... Hi?
*Leans over to Seb and whispers in his ear.*
You should leave before Teer notices you're here. You probably wouldn't survive.
*has already noticed* What're you doing here? *grabs Seb by the scruff and snarls*
Oi! This is my topic. I created it. I'm
letting you both use it. So I believe what you're trying to say is...
You might just leave with your life.
So, you think you have a right to be here, aye? Alright then, we can work with that. Or, more to the point, you can work with that. *chains Seb's paws so he can shuffle walk and hands him a broom* There's a very dusty room in there, so get cleaning.
*Starts cleaning*
*looks rather horrified*
Hey, I didn't say you could make a cake. Get back to work.
*fades into the shadows*
*The Otterbadgerninja stealthily devours the cake while nobeast is looking before vanishing into nothingness.*
{You shall pay for that, mah boy.}
(Teer didn't want the cake, so it was removed ^-^)
{Oh. I was thinking about the cake in the kitchen. You're safe, for now.}
*Laughs while Teer orders Seb around.*
Darling, don't you think it's time to visit the other rooms?
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 23, 2020, 10:19:07 PM
Hey, I didn't say you could make a cake. Get back to work.
Quote from: Verdauga on April 23, 2020, 10:48:27 PM
{Oh. I was thinking about the cake in the kitchen. You're safe, for now.}
*Laughs while Teer orders Seb around.*
Darling, don't you think it's time to visit the other rooms?
Sure, darling. Let's go. *chains Seb to the wall so he doesn't escape*
Pfft. No chains can hold me.
*Ignores Seb and walks down the hall to another door. The room on the other side has a faint glow coming from the heavy curtains. There are a few tables and couches in this room, sitting on a thick carpet. Interestingly, It doesn't seem to be as dusty.*
*smiles, looking around* This looks like it would be a nice place to read.
*Points to a squat bookcase against the near wall, with a torch resting on it.*
Someone else thought so too. I'm going to open these curtains, if you want to check out another room.
Ugh. Fine... *Reads books*
I'd like to check out those books, actually.
*Continues reading*
Sure thing!
*Opens the curtains. The window has a small, stained-glass rose in the center.*
That's a cool window.
{And I didn't even see Seb's post about the Beast reading! Glad you liked it!}
Quote from: Verdauga on April 24, 2020, 12:55:08 AM
Sure thing!
*Opens the curtains. The window has a small, stained-glass rose in the center.*
*Gasps* My plant!
Hah, I don't think it's your plant, Seb. Unless Keva knows how to make stained glass.
*Grabs a dictionary and places it on the bookshelf, skimming through it.*
*Pushes Seb, book and all, out of the room.* Would you like to continue exploring, darling, or read a while?
*Peeks in from behind the door*
*grabs Seb by the paw and poof him out (and myself of course)*
Quote from: Verdauga on April 24, 2020, 01:27:12 AM
*Pushes Seb, book and all, out of the room.* Would you like to continue exploring, darling, or read a while?
*looks up from a copy of The Lord of the Rings* I'm in the middle of a chapter. Would you mind terribly if we stopped here for a bit?
No problem, dear. :)
*Goes back to reading the dictionary.*
(That's what my dad was doing when my mum's brother first met him. He was sitting on the sofa in Granny and Grandfather's house, wearing a sarong and reading the dictionary. :P)
*looks up from book* Eb, I'm reading. Tell me funny stories about Dad later. (Besides, this is my honeymoon and nobeast except Verdauga is supposed to be here)
(Sorry. I'll edit my post so it has brackets around it.)
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 25, 2020, 04:46:03 AM
(Besides, this is my honeymoon and nobeast except Verdauga is supposed to be here)
(And Seb now, apparently :laugh:)
(He's in another room, chained to the wall)
(He's still around though... for now.)
(He'll be dead soon)
(Please don't.)
*The Otterbadgerninja drops from the ceiling in the room where Seb is being held. Quickly undoing the chains holding the poor beast, the Otterbadgerninja grabs Seb and both disappear into a cloud of smoke. They reappear a large distance away from the honeymooners.* Seb, I'd advise you get out of here and don't bother them again. I may not be able to help you next time. *The Otterbadgerninja then silently jumps away, vanishing into the shadows.*
(Kade saves the day again!)
(What did you expect? I'm not normally the hero)
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on April 25, 2020, 05:45:28 AM
(Kade saves the day again!)
(There is no Kade, only the Otterbadgerninja.)
*finishes chapter and reluctantly puts book down* Should we continue exploring, dearest?
*squeaks and poofs away*
*Smiles, knowing Teer would rather read.*
Only if you want. That book is incredibly absorbing, but we have an entire castle to explore.
*puts the book on the shelf* Let's go explore.
(Oo! almost 100 pages!!!!)
(I'm actually surprised there aren't more pages.)
(Tbh, me too :P)
(They are, after all, the best couple on the forum.)
(Along with Legwater, Skarloe, Delkka, and a few others...)
(It's called Skarloe, Lass)
(Thanks, I forgot :))
Quote from: Booklover on April 27, 2020, 10:19:35 AM
(I'm actually surprised there aren't more pages.)
Same. :P
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on April 27, 2020, 02:47:44 AM
*puts the book on the shelf* Let's go explore.
*Steps into the hallway and offers my arm.* Have we ever really considered how huge this place is?
*takes arm* No, I don't think so. Do we need to?
Nah. It just means this will last longer.
*Glances around at the other doors.*
Do you want to go to the next floor? I have a filling most of these rooms are the same.
*Nods* Mm-hmm.
*pushes Sebias into a dark corner* Sure, darling. Let's go to the top level and work our way down.
*Peeks out from dark corner*
*pokes Seb* Gocha! *grins and poofs away*
*Poofs after Lass* *Pokes her* *Cackles* *Poofs back into dark corner*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 09, 2020, 03:46:55 AM
*pushes Sebias into a dark corner* Sure, darling. Let's go to the top level and work our way down.
Cool! I think the staircase is on the other end of the hall.
*On the walk over, the two notice a set of doors beside the spiral staircase.*
*The doors creak ominously*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 14, 2020, 09:49:57 PM
*Poofs after Lass* *Pokes her* *Cackles* *Poofs back into dark corner*
Oi! ;D *poofs over to Seb* Hillo...*bops him on the snout then quickly jumps back* no returns!
Quote from: Verdauga on May 15, 2020, 12:10:43 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 09, 2020, 03:46:55 AM
*pushes Sebias into a dark corner* Sure, darling. Let's go to the top level and work our way down.
Cool! I think the staircase is on the other end of the hall.
*On the walk over, the two notice a set of doors beside the spiral staircase.*
*sniffs air curiously* Something smells delicious. Should we deviate from our planned course and investigate?
Quote from: lass of something much on May 15, 2020, 02:49:48 AM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 14, 2020, 09:49:57 PM
*Poofs after Lass* *Pokes her* *Cackles* *Poofs back into dark corner*
Oi! ;D *poofs over to Seb* Hillo...*bops him on the snout then quickly jumps back* no returns!
*Grumbles* *Poofs after Lass and tickles her*
Gaah-hehe! Ahh!!!
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 15, 2020, 11:51:56 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on May 15, 2020, 12:10:43 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 09, 2020, 03:46:55 AM
*pushes Sebias into a dark corner* Sure, darling. Let's go to the top level and work our way down.
Cool! I think the staircase is on the other end of the hall.
*On the walk over, the two notice a set of doors beside the spiral staircase.*
*sniffs air curiously* Something smells delicious. Should we deviate from our planned course and investigate?
*Comes back to the present and tears eyes off of Teer.* Er, yes! Let's! We haven't had our cake yet, have we?
Quote from: Verdauga on June 02, 2020, 01:49:51 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 15, 2020, 11:51:56 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on May 15, 2020, 12:10:43 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 09, 2020, 03:46:55 AM
*pushes Sebias into a dark corner* Sure, darling. Let's go to the top level and work our way down.
Cool! I think the staircase is on the other end of the hall.
*On the walk over, the two notice a set of doors beside the spiral staircase.*
*sniffs air curiously* Something smells delicious. Should we deviate from our planned course and investigate?
*Comes back to the present and tears eyes off of Teer.* Er, yes! Let's! We haven't had our cake yet, have we?
*smiles and kisses Verdauga on the nose, then leads the way to the double doors* No, I don't think we have had our cake. We can do that later.
*pushes door open* Unless you're hungry now, of course.
*sneaks away while Seb is distracted*
I cannot believe that this topic has only just reached 100 pages.
*shapeshifts into a pen*
Right.Or should that be 'write'?
The latter.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on June 02, 2020, 02:06:55 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on June 02, 2020, 01:49:51 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 15, 2020, 11:51:56 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on May 15, 2020, 12:10:43 AM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 09, 2020, 03:46:55 AM
*pushes Sebias into a dark corner* Sure, darling. Let's go to the top level and work our way down.
Cool! I think the staircase is on the other end of the hall.
*On the walk over, the two notice a set of doors beside the spiral staircase.*
*sniffs air curiously* Something smells delicious. Should we deviate from our planned course and investigate?
*Comes back to the present and tears eyes off of Teer.* Er, yes! Let's! We haven't had our cake yet, have we?
*smiles and kisses Verdauga on the nose, then leads the way to the double doors* No, I don't think we have had our cake. We can do that later.
*pushes door open* Unless you're hungry now, of course.
Well, there's food here, wherever it is. *Kisses Teer on the forehead.* Onward!
*pushes the door open the rest of the wag and enters room* Oooh, fascinating.
Quote from: Booklover on June 02, 2020, 09:00:32 AM
I cannot believe that this topic has only just reached 100 pages.
I know, right?
The wag?
*pen jumps across the table*
{Taking notes?}
{Why, the thread, of course.}
*the pen jumps away*
*A fiddle plays*
*grabs the pen*
*Quickly hides Lass*
(But your name is still Lass, no? Even in pen form? :P)
Edit: Ah... That's what you meant. *Snatches Lass away from Kass and then hides her*
*poofs Lass/pen back and snaps it in half*
*Poofs Kass into the Jar of Unbreakable Containment*
@Verdauga do you know how to fix a pen?
Darn you, Sebias!!!
Mwhahaha! *Taps outside of the jar* Now, I can let you out, but you must promise me some things first.
These place sure has some long and wild weddings... ;D
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 06, 2020, 12:09:51 AM
*Poofs Kass into the Jar of Unbreakable Containment*
@Verdauga do you know how to fix a pen?
Sorry, Teer, but I have to leave now.
*Walks over and revitalizes Lass using my life force, resetting her back to her otter-squirrel state.*
Thank ye, Verdie. Also, congrats on the 1200 posts, old chap.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 06, 2020, 12:12:47 AM
Mwhahaha! *Taps outside of the jar* Now, I can let you out, but you must promise me some things first.
*is bounced about inside the jar* Gaah! Stop that!Quote from: Luftwaffles on July 06, 2020, 12:14:13 AM
This place sure has some long and wild weddings... ;D
fixed Indeed! Must be a American thing... :P}
Quote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 12:18:55 AM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 06, 2020, 12:09:51 AM
*Poofs Kass into the Jar of Unbreakable Containment*
@Verdauga do you know how to fix a pen?
Sorry, Teer, but I have to leave now.
*Walks over and revitalizes Lass using my life force, resetting her back to her otter-squirrel state.*
*Flicks a bit more life force into Lass.* Is it that power binder thing?
What should we do with Kass? It would be cruel to leave her in their forever. I dunno, though...
(Apparently Kass is a guy, by the way)
If we let him out, he'll just kill Lass again, and I'd rather have a friend than some random psycho. Your call though.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 06, 2020, 12:20:34 AM
Thank ye, Verdie. Also, congrats on the 1200 posts, old chap.
Thanks. Congrats on the. . . 1800+ posts.
I'm a male you impudent excuse for an otter!Quote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 12:28:15 AM
*Flicks a bit more life force into Lass.* Is it that power binder thing?
Quote from: lass of something much on July 06, 2020, 12:32:07 AM
I'm a male you impudent excuse for an otter!
*Shakes jar around* That was most unwise.
Quote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 12:31:38 AM
(Apparently Kass is a guy, by the way)
So, is this power binder like a bracelet thing?
(Seb, that gif was great.)
(Why thank you. ^-^)
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 06, 2020, 12:35:47 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on July 06, 2020, 12:32:07 AM
I'm a male you impudent excuse for an otter!
*Shakes jar around* That was most unwise.
*vomits* Unhand me Savage!
Quote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 12:37:54 AM
So, is this power binder like a bracelet thing?
So it would seem at first, but it is so much more...
. . . Then what is it? *Flicks some more life force.*
*gets smashed ageist the side of the jar, and thus knocked out cold*
Welp. Problem solved. How is Lass doing?
Ah, the topic that started a slightly desturbing relationship between a yeller fruit-duck, and an overpowered taniwah.
Verdie...Stop wasting your life force on me...
Quote from: Herman Smith on July 06, 2020, 12:51:12 AM
Ah, the topic that started a slightly desturbing relationship between a yeller fruit-duck, and an overpowered taniwah.
Wise words have rarely been spoken by beasts other than Sebias. However, this makes the list.
Quote from: lass of something much on July 06, 2020, 12:54:07 AM
Verdie...Stop wasting your life force on me...
Answer my question
Quote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 12:48:08 AM
. . . Then what is it? are you wearing it? *Flicks some more life force.*
*Rolls in a trolley*
Quote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 12:59:42 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on July 06, 2020, 12:54:07 AM
Verdie...Stop wasting your life force on me...
Answer my questionQuote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 12:48:08 AM
. . . Then what is it? are you wearing it? *Flicks some more life force.*
{Oh sorry, kinda missed that. :r!}
almostImpossible not to, I'm afraid...
. . .On your arm?
Quote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 01:13:12 AM
. . .On your arm?
No...It's like a virus, it spreads through your blood stream and controls you, stopping you from using basic abilities...It only takes the form of a bracelet...
*Eats egg roll*
Hey, guys, did you p&olpo pok khhshk? Hgag# su@esh uihshhoop?
*Sneezes as I walk by a stove*
EDIT: Methinks only the old members might catch this joke...
Ah! Back when I studied medicine, we had a perfect solution to this!
*Places a leech on the bracelet.*
*bends fire to open the jar then steps out*
Get away from my target.
*hides behind Seb*
*Breaks Kass.*
I'm tired of this.
*Waves egg roll at Kass* Now, now, buddy, you leave her alone!
*burns Seb's eggroll*
*Looks down at torched egg roll*
*Looks up*
Too far, Kass. Too far.
*Swings badger butcher at Kass' neck.*
*drops and rolls, behind Seb. Grabs Lass and poofs back to PM box*
*Poofs Lass back behind
@Scott McLamok*
*Poofs a rock on Kass' head*
{Too late, mate}
{It's never too late! *Follows Kass into the PM box*}
Quote from: Verdauga on July 06, 2020, 12:18:55 AM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 06, 2020, 12:09:51 AM
*Poofs Kass into the Jar of Unbreakable Containment*
@Verdauga do you know how to fix a pen?
Sorry, Teer, but I have to leave now.
*Walks over and revitalizes Lass using my life force, resetting her back to her otter-squirrel state.*
Oh. That's alright, Honeylove. Can I come too?
I mean, I suppose, but it's just outside. ;)
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 06, 2020, 01:55:04 AM
{It's never too late! *Follows Kass into the PM box*}
*Tesso walks in with a slice of cheese...*
Excuse me. This is my honeymoon and you beasts are interrupting.
*more tesso begin walking in*
Please depart. You have the wrong address. *gestures to the door, footpaw tapping*
*tesso group troop over to grassy area, pull out shovels and begin to dig*
*tesso can no longer be seen, and dirt is being tossed out of the hole...*
*flicks claws and tesso are moved outside the premises to another path of grass*
*last tesso crawls out of hole with an old box, before joining his swarm*
Bye bye. *a meteor falls to earth and lands on the box*
*tesso move meteor and retrieve box (mysteriously undamaged) and leave topic*
Fancy. Bye bye.
*a tesso returns to pick up his dropped cheese*
*Blocks the cheese with Thomasbane.*
*watches with a considerable amount of enjoyment*
*tesso pulls out extra cheese, bites it, then leaves*
*Places the cheese on the tessus and pushes it out of the topic.*
There! Are you hungry, dear? It has been quite a while.
I am quite peckish, actually. What would you like to eat?
(Also, Cindy just walked straight into the door)
*tesso returns to retrieve its shovel*
*all of the shovels were destroyed by the meteor*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on August 04, 2020, 11:40:48 PM
I am quite peckish, actually. What would you like to eat?
(Also, Cindy just walked straight into the door)
Well, there's quote a lot of wedding food, apparently: salads, poultry, cake, and the like. Dig in!
(Also, Cindy?)
Sounds delicious. *obligingly digs in*
(One of my sister's dogs)
*Al Azif enters topic*
F̴O̵O̵D̵?̴ ̵I̷ ̷l̸o̶v̶e̶ ̸f̴o̶o̶d̶!̸.̸.̴.̴
̷I̶ ̶j̶u̷s̶t̴ ̶c̷a̶n̸'̵t̴ ̵e̵a̴t̶ ̴i̶t̶.̵.̸.̴
(If you ask, you might get some.)
*sighs* Why do all Wort's robots feel the need to interrupt our honeymoon? It's quite invasive.
I̶ ̷w̴o̵u̸l̵d̷ ̷e̵a̶t̸.̸.̵.̵
̴B̴U̵U̶U̶U̸U̴U̶U̵U̶T̸,̷ ̸y̵e̵a̸h̵.̴.̶.̸
̵S̵o̵,̴ ̷h̴o̴w̴ ̸a̴r̶e̵ ̸y̵o̴u̸ ̷t̴w̵o̴?̶
P̶l̸u̶s̶,̶ ̵t̴h̴e̴ ̷t̵e̴s̷s̴o̴ ̴a̷r̸e̴n̵'̴t̴ ̴r̸o̴b̸o̶t̵s̸.̶
Whatever. They're Wort's and they're interrupting our honeymoon.
W̴e̸l̶l̶,̸ ̶b̶l̷a̴m̸e̸ ̷w̸h̵o̴e̵v̴e̶r̸ ̶f̴i̴r̴s̴t̶ ̵b̶u̷r̵i̵e̷d̵ ̶t̶h̶e̵ ̷b̶o̴x̸ ̴i̴n̶ ̴t̷h̸i̵s̵ ̷a̶r̴e̶a̸.̸
̶T̵h̷e̷ ̴t̵e̶s̷s̸o̸ ̷w̴e̸r̷e̶ ̶j̸u̶s̸t̷ ̷r̷e̴t̵r̸i̶e̷v̷i̴n̷g̵ ̴i̶t̴ ̷f̸o̵r̵ ̴t̴h̷e̴ ̷F̷o̴r̴t̸r̵e̸s̶s̶.̶.̵.̴
Well, who was it?
W̷h̷o̷ ̵w̴a̷s̶ ̶w̴h̴a̸t̷?̷
Who buried the box on my lawn?
W̷h̷a̷t̸ ̴m̷a̶k̸e̶s̵ ̶y̸o̸u̴ ̶t̶h̸i̶n̷k̸ ̸t̴h̴a̷t̷ ̵i̶t̵ ̸w̶a̶s̴ ̴a̸ ̸c̷o̵f̶f̷i̷n̵?̵
That thought never even crossed my mind.
I̶ ̷s̵a̶i̵d̸ ̷t̸o̷o̶ ̷m̴u̶c̷h̶.̶.̶.̶
*Al Azif uses Zero-Point-Energy to take a cake before leaving*
Toe much?
*Pats Teer on the back for no reason*
*Pats Scott on the back for no reason*
*shoves Scott and Russa out, telling them to stop interrupting my honeymoon*
*is a pen*
*Is a person*
Bruh, I had no idea this was a honeymoon.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, honeymoons must be done outdoors.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as long kept tradition, only the couple who just got married are allowed to participate in the honeymoon.
Okay. *Goes to McDonald's for a high quality meal*
*Is just a pen*
(When you said
Quote from: lass of something much on August 05, 2020, 05:33:50 AM
*is a pen*
Man, I felt that)
*Teleports the cake back into the topic, takes a slice, and hands it to Shisteer*
*Sets up some explosives, so when they kiss, it will have dramatic effect*
*tesso walks into topic for no reason*
*Pushes Tesso out of topic for no reason.*
*something crawl into topic...*
*Fluffy boi scare it out of the topic.*
Are... are you referring to me?
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on August 05, 2020, 05:47:36 AM
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as long kept tradition, only the couple who just got married are allowed to participate in the honeymoon.
And any well-meaning Otterbadgerninjas.
My Ralsei profile pic, actually.
And Teer's words weren't open to discussion.
Good thing I was stating a fact. ^-^
Yes. The Shippers write the rules, boi. I say Kade can stay. ;D
That's a great way to see yourself out.
Well, I don't particularly have a need to stay.
(What is that supposed to mean? :giggle:)
(It's kinda like someone going "OOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!" when someone lays a verbal beat down)
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on August 05, 2020, 10:17:59 PM
Yes. The Shippers write the rules, boi. I say Kade can stay. ;D
The Shippers do that for the wedding. The happy couple get to decide what haooe s in the honeymoon.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on August 05, 2020, 10:12:26 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on August 05, 2020, 05:47:36 AM
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as long kept tradition, only the couple who just got married are allowed to participate in the honeymoon.
And any well-meaning Otterbadgerninjas.
Well of course! Naturally.
*tesso likes cheese*
*throws some cheese outside the thread* Go get it!
*eats the cake that Verdauga gave me a while ago*
*Necronomicon flies in with cheese*
D̸̢̹͎̲̠̻̞̉͝í̶̗͉̮̗̟̓͗̄d̸̙͙̘́̊̃̏̈́̕ ̶̢͈͕̠̥̖̝̘̐̌̈́͝y̶̯͖̪͙̘̖͓̗̑̒͊̕ơ̷̰̇͋͋͊ü̶̡̥̤̭͙̟͙͐͑̚ ̸̧̭͉̇̿͗͋̽̋͝͠ͅj̴͇͉̆̍̅̊ȕ̷͈̼̲̰̻̮̪̝ș̵̡̡̢̗̿͗̈́̃̀̃ẗ̸̡͚̔̓̊͝ ̶̧̧̦͕̣̠̯͈͌͆͆̾̔l̴̮͎̼̞͔͌̔̈́̈͋̂͑̽i̴̮͔̇̎̈t̷̰͝t̵͉̟͖̣̻̼̏ë̶̳́ȑ̴͍̺̞͇̦,̵̟̀ ̸̯̉̓͌͐͝ḟ̵̺͈͖̻̀̓̈̄̕̚ḁ̶̡̡̩͈͈͈̏͋̇̅ṱ̴̘̆͒͋́͌̀͠t̵͙͇̺͊ỳ̸̦̦̖̈͒̓͑?̶̲̩͚̬̙̬̤͒͌̎͌
*hands tesso cheese before both leave*
It's called playing fetch. People commonly do it with dogs.
In that case... *Waits for Kade to fetch*
;D :laugh: ;)
A stripedog and a have a point, Seb.
Tesso on the other hand are rats...
People have taught rats to play fetch.
My tesso have much more dignity than that...
*tesso begins picking its ear*
Much more...
*tesso eats earwax*
*shoves Tesso out with a broom*
*The Teer in this topic disappears as I carry Teer in from the other thread.*
There! Finally...
Yes! We escaped successfully. Do you want some cake?
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on August 09, 2020, 12:41:12 AM
Yes! We escaped successfully. Do you want some cake?
*Looks around.*
Now where did I put it....
In the cupboard, silly! *gets the cake out and cuts Verdauga a slice*
Ah! Thanks, I really forgot that.
I'll be back soon, but I got to go for a while. See ya soon!
(You're talking real life, right?) See ya. I gotta go on a motorbike ride. Be back not quite as soon.
you two are so adorable
*The deadpen is amused*
Quote from: Kolman on September 25, 2020, 12:08:36 AM
you two are so adorable
I know.
We're also trying to have a honeymoon, so would you let us be adorable in peace, please?
*Otterbadgerninja provides overwatch from the shadows.*
*Bumps into Kade* Hey.
*There is no Kade in this thread. Sebias evaporates.*
Hmmmm... *Munches on cake.* Yep, still good!
Of course it's still good. Wedding cake improves with age.
*Cuts another slice and passes it to Teer.*
Thanks, honeyfish. *eats*
*Steals a corndog and jumps out the window*
(I get it.)
/me copies Scott, apart from falling out the window because she slipped
*throws Verdauga out of a window (for old times' sake)"
*Throws Bookie out of a window (for no reason whatsoever)*
Quote from: Booklover on November 18, 2020, 07:22:29 AM
*throws Verdauga out of a window (for old times' sake)"
OI! My husband. *eats Booklover*
Oi! Booklover! *Whacks Teer with a flimsy twig*
Quote from: Russa Nodrey on November 18, 2020, 09:07:25 AM
Oi! Booklover! *Whacks Teer with a flimsy twig*
I mean, I appreciate the gesture and all, but aren't there better ways to do it?
What do you mean? I can't think of any better way to whack someone with a flimsy twig.
Do it with a paper fan instead? That might work.
...Do you have a paper fan?
Do you?
No. *Hangs head in shame*
I do. *Whacks Russa with the aforesaid paper fan*
Please be careful with that rope there. You might get hurt.
Actually, that's an idea. Turn the rope into a taniwha-whacker.
*Turns the rope into a taniwha-whacker*
Quote from: Jarky Thistlebrush on November 18, 2020, 09:35:30 AM
I do. *Whacks Russa with the aforesaid paper fan*
...Can I have it to whack Teer with now?
Quote from: Booklover on November 18, 2020, 09:36:19 AM
Please be careful with that rope there. You might get hurt.
Actually, that's an idea. Turn the rope into a taniwha-whacker.
Ah, yeah.
We do have a taniwha-whacker already. The paper fan isn't completely necessary.
Quote from: Booklover on November 18, 2020, 09:36:19 AM
Please be careful with that rope there. You might get hurt.
Actually, that's an idea. Turn the rope into a taniwha-whacker.
(Is ThIs A MoR reference I SEEE???)
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on November 22, 2019, 01:42:26 AM
I dare you to say he name of this topic out loud wihout laughing.
It's harder thn you think!
I can't understand why it's supposed to be funny. Except the root beer thing, maybe. I can easily say it without even smiling, let alone laughing...
Maybe you are guilty of a crime and are trying to cover it up by laughing.
At the time of that post, the ship was a joke.
Still is Quite so, quite so.
Ok. Have you guys finished with the wedding ceremony yet? I have a present for the bride and groom.
Oh, yeah. We're currently on our honeymoon.
The one we went on to be romantic in peace.
/me Is stuck to a rose stem by her habit
(Like this:)
That's a big rose.
Alternatively, it could be a very small Lass.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 19, 2020, 07:32:55 AM
Oh, yeah. We're currently on our honeymoon.
The one we went on to be romantic in peace.
Quote from: Verdauga on November 19, 2020, 01:30:56 PM
That's a big rose.
(It is as Bookie says...I have spoken.)
/me yawns in pure frustration
(Thanks, Lass)
It may be a big rose, Lass may be small and that hotdog may be getting cold, but I'm trying to have a honeymoon and you beasts are interrupting.
*Picks Lass off the rise stem (Maybe with tweezers), picks up Hazel, and sets them outside.*
There. Now go run off and get into trouble. *Locks door behind them.*
Quote from: Booklover on November 18, 2020, 09:47:48 AM
We do have a taniwha-whacker already. The paper fan isn't completely necessary.
You could try a
Gullwhacker *clears throat* I mean a
hard oaken door *clears throat again* I mean you could try a... a... maybe a dandelion leaf?
*is quite pleased that I actually get to enjoy my meal this time. Booklover is digested further*
We may have to talk about eating other members in the future, honeylove.
Quote from: Verdauga on November 19, 2020, 09:50:33 PM
We may have to talk about eating other members in the future, honeylove.
Not too far into the future. Perhaps in the next few minutes?
Quote from: Verdauga on November 19, 2020, 09:50:33 PM
We may have to talk about eating other members in the future, honeylove.
She threw you out the window. She deserved it.
It's not as if I eat other members just for fun, I only do it when they need punishment.
*breaths in sharply between teeth* 'As if', child, 'as if'! It's not as if you eat other members just for fun.
Oh yeah. Sorry. 'Tis fixed.
It's okay. *headpats*
Quote from: Verdauga on November 19, 2020, 08:43:17 PM
*Picks Lass off the rise stem (Maybe with tweezers), picks up Hazel, and sets them outside.*
There. Now go run off and get into trouble. *Locks door behind them.*
/me bows low
T'ankoo, Vergie (For further reference Infant Lass is big enough so you'd have to use both hands when picking her up, but small enough to comfortably sit on a shoulder)
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 19, 2020, 09:43:10 PM
*is quite pleased that I actually get to enjoy my meal this time. Booklover is digested further*
Reading that last part was a surprise 'cause I totally forgot you ate Booklover.
Heh, noice.
Well, you've successfully murdered a forum goer. I hope you're happy.
*Sighs and respawns Booklover outside the topic.*
Don't take the moral high-ground. You're not exactly any better.
I haven't killed folks, probably.
/me trips over her own tail and falls on her face
Yes you have, likely.
Eddyvay, get out so Teer and I can have some peace.
/me is outside
Quote from: Verdauga on November 20, 2020, 02:48:27 PM
Eddyvay, get out so Teer and I can have some peace.
Don't worry, I'm not here.
You say whilst posting. <_<
I'm very skilled.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 19, 2020, 10:54:08 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on November 19, 2020, 09:50:33 PM
We may have to talk about eating other members in the future, honeylove.
She threw you out the window. She deserved it.
It's not as if I eat other members just for fun, I only do it when they need punishment.
And what exactly do I need punishment for?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 20, 2020, 02:41:49 PM
I haven't killed folks, probably.
You've suffocated them in your fluff, and do you really want me to find other evidence of your murderous ways?
Nobody died though. Besides, they chose to suffocate. I had nothing to do with it.
Excuse me? Since when did people volunteer to be suffocated?
*raises paw*
You wot?!
It's just too floofy, I can't resist... :-\
Get out you three.
You complained about everybeast intruding on your honeymoon, Kade.
My honeymoon? Not our honeymoon? I see.
That's what I meant. I was applying it directly to you because Verdauga left us alone before you even asked him.
You're implying that it wasn't our honeymoon, but mine, meaning that you didn't want any part of it. Gotcha.
Please leave.
'Kay, just a sec.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on November 20, 2020, 05:23:43 PM
You're implying that it wasn't our honeymoon, but mine, meaning that you didn't want any part of it. Gotcha.
That is
not what I said.
It is what you implied.
I'll edit my post if that would make you feel better. (Also, while you're here: RATTY DRIFTWOOD.)
Kade, if you aren't here, you can't reply. Since you are replying, you must be here. So go.
(And also, post in TLotL)
(And Ratty Driftwood. Teer and I have a plan but we can only put it into effect when Firestripe comes back from scouting.)
Quote from: Booklover on November 20, 2020, 04:49:15 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 19, 2020, 10:54:08 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on November 19, 2020, 09:50:33 PM
We may have to talk about eating other members in the future, honeylove.
She threw you out the window. She deserved it.
It's not as if I eat other members just for fun, I only do it when they need punishment.
And what exactly do I need punishment for?
Also, who says Booklover died? I hadn't fully digested her yet.
True. That said, there's pretty much only one way that will end.
If I stuck a grenade in there would that finish the job?
S'ott p'ease no go boom-boom...
Quote from: Verdauga on November 21, 2020, 12:53:38 AM
True. That said, there's pretty much only one way that will end.
Eh, not really. There are a number of options. I could just finish digesting her, I could also regurgitate her or cut myself open and let her out.
I suppose I could also teleport her out.
This is a rather macabre subject. *Teleports Bookie away*
Let's change the subject, shall we? Where do you want to go for the rest of our honeymoon, since we can have no peace here?
Let's go to BedsRus and have a pillow fight.
OooOooh! I'll come too! ^-^
No you won't.
I...I won't?
Then...where will I go?
To da food!
To the pain.Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 21, 2020, 12:50:55 AM
Quote from: Booklover on November 20, 2020, 04:49:15 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 19, 2020, 10:54:08 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on November 19, 2020, 09:50:33 PM
We may have to talk about eating other members in the future, honeylove.
She threw you out the window. She deserved it.
It's not as if I eat other members just for fun, I only do it when they need punishment.
And what exactly do I need punishment for?
Also, who says Booklover died? I hadn't fully digested her yet.
For old time's sake! It was more a joke than anything! And it's not like he'd get hurt, unlike when a taniwha eats someone!
*Goes to find the corndoggies*
Quote from: Booklover on November 21, 2020, 11:30:28 AM
To the pain.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 21, 2020, 12:50:55 AM
Quote from: Booklover on November 20, 2020, 04:49:15 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 19, 2020, 10:54:08 PM
Quote from: Verdauga on November 19, 2020, 09:50:33 PM
We may have to talk about eating other members in the future, honeylove.
She threw you out the window. She deserved it.
It's not as if I eat other members just for fun, I only do it when they need punishment.
And what exactly do I need punishment for?
Also, who says Booklover died? I hadn't fully digested her yet.
For old time's sake! It was more a joke than anything! And it's not like he'd get hurt, unlike when a taniwha eats someone!
I thought better of you, Booklover. ( ;))
At least I do not use it every other word, like some people (and that is a perfectly value usage, so don't complain).
*doesn't complain*
How strict is the lockdown where you live? Just curious.
Schools are still open, but pretty much nothing else is. Don't think you can meet up with more than one person outside of your bubble. Non essential shops and businesses are closed.
*Comes back inside and pulls out iphone*
*Sends text to Teer*
( ( hi teer hwz the honeymoon?
( ( u cud call it good
( ( i made a present 4 u & verdie
( ( nice cn i c it?
( ( yes u may here it is
wrapping paper
( (
Cute picture.
But if Teer actually texts that way I'd be very disappointed.
Maybe she does.
*Raises eyebrow.*
ANyway, shouldn't you be getting yourself into trouble? Or did I send Infant Lass out with someone else?
I came in. Lassie is fast asleep.
Quote from: Hazel Lorentz on November 22, 2020, 09:42:30 PM
*Comes back inside and pulls out iphone*
*Sends text to Teer*
( ( hi teer hwz the honeymoon?
( ( u cud call it good
( ( i made a present 4 u & verdie
( ( nice cn i c it?
( ( yes u may here it is
wrapping paper
( (
That is a beautiful picture, but I'm rather insulted by your imitation of me. My spelling and grammar are far better than that.
No one could ever imitate you and do it justice.
(Oo! Oo! I can! "Awwww, thank you, honeyfish." *Gazes into Verdauga's eyes*)
(That picture is great, hazel. Though, you wouldn't be able to see Teer's feetpaws, as Verdie would have to be lifting her up ;D.
Also: Eeeeeeee!!! You used my spoiler idea!)
/me is drawing on everything, including Scott's boot
Quote from: Verdauga on November 22, 2020, 11:57:59 PM
No one could ever imitate you and do it justice.
True, true. You're a darling. Y'know that?
Quote from: Verdauga on November 22, 2020, 11:57:59 PM
No one could ever imitate you and do it justice.
Quote from: lass of something much on November 23, 2020, 12:00:34 AM
(Oo! Oo! I can! "Awwww, thank you, honeyfish." *Gazes into Verdauga's eyes*)
You nailed it, bruh.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 22, 2020, 11:51:58 PM
Quote from: Hazel Lorentz on November 22, 2020, 09:42:30 PM
*Comes back inside and pulls out iphone*
*Sends text to Teer*
( ( hi teer hwz the honeymoon?
( ( u cud call it good
( ( i made a present 4 u & verdie
( ( nice cn i c it?
( ( yes u may here it is
wrapping paper
( (
That is a beautiful picture, but I'm rather insulted by your imitation of me. My spelling and grammar are far better than that.
Mine is too. I just thought it would be quicker that way. Anyway, nearly everyone texts that way.
Quote from: Russa Nodrey on November 23, 2020, 12:55:46 AM
Quote from: Verdauga on November 22, 2020, 11:57:59 PM
No one could ever imitate you and do it justice.
Quote from: lass of something much on November 23, 2020, 12:00:34 AM
(Oo! Oo! I can! "Awwww, thank you, honeyfish" *Gazes into Verdauga's eyes*)
You nailed it, bruh.
Tweaked it slightly, but I otherwise completely agree. ^-^
Quote from: Hazel Lorentz on November 24, 2020, 09:26:02 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 22, 2020, 11:51:58 PM
Quote from: Hazel Lorentz on November 22, 2020, 09:42:30 PM
*Comes back inside and pulls out iphone*
*Sends text to Teer*
( ( hi teer hwz the honeymoon?
( ( u cud call it good
( ( i made a present 4 u & verdie
( ( nice cn i c it?
( ( yes u may here it is
wrapping paper
( (
That is a beautiful picture, but I'm rather insulted by your imitation of me. My spelling and grammar are far better than that.
Mine is too. I just thought it would be quicker that way. Anyway, nearly everyone texts that way.
I don't. Ever.
me neither.
I don't, but I should...
Happy wedding anniversary, Verdauga!!! *kisses Verdauga's nose and gives him a pair of gumboots*
*Slaps Kade into last week and kisses Teer on the nose.*
Happy anniversary, dearest.
*Gives Teer an embellished flask of peppermint tea.*
Ooooh, nice!
*Time has passed*
*Carries Teer into the orchard and sets her down under one of the apple trees.*
*Luckily, none of the apples are ripe.*
*apple falls*
Owie... /me is still stuck
(I of course meant the apple.)
(Ineeds :giggle:)
/me is being stood on
/me squished Lassie sounds
*Eats the orchard.*
No! Gravity!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 04, 2021, 02:38:13 PM
*Eats the orchard.*
(=_= No. Let Teer and I be melodramatic in peace.)
I'm just being true to myself, geez.
(Eat your own wedding thread's orchard, then.)
Yes, Kade. Don't destroy other people's things, unless they hire you to.
Nyeh! *Sticks tongue out impudently.*