Take care of the foundling.
@Sebias of Redwall *Walks in and finds widdle baby Seb crawling about.* Widdle baby Seb, how in the world did you find yourself here?
I say...
Bring his raw goat milk bottle.
But I don't think widdle baby Seb likes raw goat milk.
*Pokes bottle into Seb's mouth*
Widdle baby Seb, defend yourself!
*Chops Sheev's hand off.*
That's a common thing, right?
I like that the only people to vote on the poll clearly want widdle baby Seb to have a bad time ;D
*Activates lightsaber in Verdauga's tum*
"Master Skywalker, there're too many of them. What are we going to do?"
*Stares with evil intent at a possible adversary*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on January 10, 2020, 09:39:40 PM
*Pokes bottle into Seb's mouth*
*Slaps Sheev's other hand* WAAAAAHHH!!!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 10, 2020, 09:57:26 PM
I like that the only people to vote on the poll clearly want widdle baby Seb to have a bad time ;D
I was one of the chaps that voted. ^-^
How about potato peel pie?
Quote from: Booklover on January 11, 2020, 03:49:26 PM
How about potato peel pie?
Ever heard of "the guernsey literary and potato society", by any chance?
No. But I've heard of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
Quote from: Booklover on January 11, 2020, 07:23:35 PM
No. But I've heard of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
Really? What is it? ;)
Btw, Sheev, what's this about me not allowed to have solid foods?
The "infant" thing.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on January 11, 2020, 10:48:02 PM
Btw, Sheev, what's this about me not allowed to have solid foods?
You're an infant.
*introduces baby Seb to Ebby's little brother* There, you two can play together. *watches as Ebantu's brother proceeds to slap baby Seb, then jumps in and grabs the naughty toddler* For goodness sake, child! What has Ebby been teaching you? Be gentle, see? Tortoises only have shells on their backs.
There are many things wrong with your previous post. Most importantly though, how DARE you put that child in there with widdle baby Seb!
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on January 13, 2020, 11:39:56 AM
*introduces baby Seb to Ebby's little brother* There, you two can play together. *watches as Ebantu's brother proceeds to slap baby Seb, then jumps in and grabs the naughty toddler* For goodness sake, child! What has Ebby been teaching you? Be gentle, see? Tortoises only have shells on their backs.
*Crawls up to Ebby's little brother and smiles* Goo-goo gah-gah? *Gets slapped* *Throws back head and wails* MOMMY!!!
*Freezes, unsure what to do as he is neither female, nor a mother.*
*removes little brother* Seriously, Teer. Why did you bring him here?
Well, he's just so cute and I thought he and Seb might want to play. I think, if you leave him there, they'll establish the pecking order and then be fine together. (that's what chickens do, anyway. Babies can't be too different, right?)
Uh... huh.
*Picks up tiny Seb and starts to feed him mashed peas* If you eat all your peas you can have some brown leaves and a boiled cherry core. :D Who on Earth made this menu?
Sheev. Can't you tell from the random gross weirdness? :P
*brings hoiho into the seen, and then the chooks follow me, thinking I have their food, then the pigeons seeing the chooks, fly into topic as well.*Oops...
Poor Sean.
Poor Lass.
Poor Seb!
Poor Sheev when I find him... *Growls and grins*
*pigeons start landing on Seb ready to murder Sheev at Seb's order*
Ooh! I've got a pet pigeon now. 8) Nice...
You have fifteen pet pigeons now...
8) 8) Double nice...
No, fifteen times as nice. :P And fifteen times the poo.
*the pigeons poop on Sheev*
Oopsy... ;D
Well, you guys have this well in hand...
You know, Seb, what with you being an infant and all, with 15 pigeons you can probably fly if they all lift you at the same time.
Sadly, they are fantail pigeons, so are not very good flyers.(two of them are high flyers...buuuut what-ever)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on January 22, 2020, 05:15:27 AM
You know, Seb, what with you being an infant and all, with 15 pigeons you can probably fly if they all lift you at the same time.
*Starts pouting and screams for food and attention (The two things babies love)*
*shapeshifts in to a great Eagle of Middle-earth, and straps a baby seat on my back, and puts Infant Seb in baby seat, and then take flight* let's go and get some fooood sebbie
That doesn't seem very safe.
It'll be fine!, wont it little Sebbie!?
Quote from: lass of something much on January 27, 2020, 02:33:31 AM
*shapeshifts in to a great Eagle of Middle-earth, and straps a baby seet on my back, and puts Infant Seb in baby seet, and then take flyt*lets go and get some fooood sebbie
Oooo, that looks like fun.
I want a big eagle! *notices Whatitiri standing nearby* Oh, silly me.
*flies up above the clouds*
I hope tiny Seb isn't afraid of heights.
good point, I should have asked him... oh well, to late now! XD
*Tries climbing of eagles back mid-air, while making baby noises*
Quote from: lass of something much on January 27, 2020, 02:33:31 AM
*shapeshifts in to a great Eagle of Middle-earth, and straps a baby seat on my back, and puts Infant Seb in baby seat, and then take flight*lets go and get some fooood sebbie
Oh dear, poor widdle baby Seb is being abducted.
*Grabs the infant and feeds him mashed grapes*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on February 07, 2020, 02:40:11 PM
Oh dear, poor widdle baby Seb is being abducted.
*Gargles in an agreeing sound*
Quote from: Sheev Palpatine on February 07, 2020, 03:45:10 PM
*Grabs the infant and feeds him mashed grapes*
Such a smart child.
Has he been eating bricks or was that somebody else? I have the memory of...
That's how he says "Yes".
*Cries and slaps Kade*
*Grabs Seb and rocks him gently*
*Gurgles, then begins to fall asleep*
*Grabs widdle baby Seb and gently applies a chloroform rag to his face.*
*Dodges with Seb*
*Dodges the dodge, Seb is obtained, chloroform is applied, all are happy.*
*Dodges Kade's dodge* *Feeds Seb grapes*
I'm sorry, but what's done is done. Widdle baby Seb is asleep.
*Snores gently*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on February 07, 2020, 05:07:14 PM
I remember now! It was the mashed leaves, boiled cherry cones and....... I've forgotten the other one.
Now he's doing it on other topics!
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on February 07, 2020, 06:20:27 PM
Awww, I forgot about widdle baby Seb.
l l
That's somewhat terrifying :laugh:
Eh, Seb's cool (despite only getting on when it's a full moon). It's some of the others that I'm worried about.
Hey, I could take offence at that.
You could ^-^
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 01, 2020, 01:49:28 AM
Eh, Seb's cool (despite only getting on when it's a full moon). It's some of the others that I'm worried about.
So he's a werehuman, then (wolf most of the time, human at the full moon).
Alsp Catholic, and on Lent.
*is guiltily eating chocolate while reading Verdauga's post*
Errr, why?
Quote from: Booklover on March 01, 2020, 09:51:16 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 01, 2020, 01:49:28 AM
Eh, Seb's cool (despite only getting on when it's a full moon). It's some of the others that I'm worried about.
So he's a werehuman, then (wolf most of the time, human at the full moon).
So I'm a baby werehuman?
*Shrugs* That works. *Begins to cry softly, while howling up at the moon*
I am mildly freaked out by this.
Why so?
I'm not entirely sure. I just am.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on March 02, 2020, 02:08:05 AM
Quote from: Booklover on March 01, 2020, 09:51:16 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 01, 2020, 01:49:28 AM
Eh, Seb's cool (despite only getting on when it's a full moon). It's some of the others that I'm worried about.
So he's a werehuman, then (wolf most of the time, human at the full moon).
So I'm a baby werehuman?
*Shrugs* That works. *Begins to cry softly, while howling up at the moon*
Sebie! don't go out at night! *grabs baby Sebbie and runs inside*
*Is carried inside* *Coos*
*gives the cute lil baby some food*
*Eats, spilling some of it on the floor*
Kade, you have the magic fork. You are now officially on baby duty.
*Claps paws*
Enchanted fork, thank you. *Waves the enchanted fork in front of widdle baby Seb.* Look, shiiiiiiny!
*Is drooling* *Holds out paws toward the average looking fork*
Ok, you can hold it, just no lightning bolts, ok? *Hands widdle baby Seb the enchanted fork.*
*Electricity crackles* *Looks innocent* *Accidently stabs Kade's footpaw*
You're in a high chair, liddle mister. You can't reach my footpaws!
*Waggles eyebrows wrinkles* *Stabs Kade's shoulder* *Begins laughing*
Hello! Mr. Palpatine has given me full time baby duty. 8D
*The baby recoils in fear*
Oh dear! You're not used to my voice modifyer. *Herman deactivates his voice modifyer* Houwo! How ouare yyuo doang toduay? :D
*wipes Sebbie's face*
*Struggles* Waaah!
Now, now, Sebbie, stay still, only a little bit to go...
*Retrieves enchanted fork.* Good widdle baby!
*gives Sbbie milk chocolate* Eat up! it'll make you strong!
*Gives Seb boiled cherry cores*
Gross. I'm ringing the SPCA; this is cruelty to animals.
But he likes them. ^-^
...I don't think he does.
*wants to baby-ify Ebby*
Don't you dare.
>:D (I wouldn't do it if you really don't want me to, I just think it would be fun is all)
(It would certainly be entertaining :laugh:)
(And Ebby was the cutest baby ever! she still is cute, just in a different way :P)
Lass dear, have you slept any?
*Looks around in confusion* *Starts choking*
HEIMLI- wait, I probably shouldn't do that to a baby. *Pats widdle baby Seb's back.*
*Still coughing* *Clutches Kade's shirt*
*aims Seb at Kade and gently pushes his tummy* There, there, cough it up..
Quote from: Kade Rivok on April 29, 2020, 03:13:33 PM
Lass dear, have you slept any?
Why do you ask?
Deary me! *Grabs Seb and makes use of the wondrous Heimlich maneuver* 8D
Quote from: Herman Smith on May 01, 2020, 12:05:30 AM
Deary me! *Grabs Seb and makes use of the wondrous Heimlich maneuver* 8D
Stop that!!! you'll hurt him!!!! *swoops Seb up*
*Puts a tiny hat on Seb's tiny head*
Quote from: lass of something much on April 29, 2020, 02:48:02 PM
(And Ebby was the cutest baby ever! she still is cute, just in a different way :P)
Thanks, but I think the prize of Cutest Baby Ever goes to my littlest brother.
Na, you were waaay cuter!
*Nods knowingly.*
Kade, you don't even know what I looks like now, let alone when she was a kit! ::)
You were a very cute kit, though..
*Is apparently now wearing a small hat, and is being passed around to different people, while choking*
I patted you on the back, silly baby. That's the way to un-choke a chook, don'cha know.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 03, 2020, 09:24:21 PM
*Is apparently now wearing a small hat, and is being passed around to different people, while choking*
*unchokes Sebbie* Now, now, Seb..
Whoooo's a pretty liddle baby? Whooooo's a pretty liddle baby?
...He isn't a bird :laugh:
Never said he was.
But... that's how you talk to birds. *At least, that's how I was raised to believe :laugh:)
*hugs Sebbie *
He's so cute!!!
Don't squeeze him too tight now, he might throw up on you.
I'm not squeezing him at all.
A hug consists of some modicum of squeezing.
I meant this kinda hug
*Coos happily*
*feeds Widdle Baby Sebbie*
What a handsome beard you have there, young man.
*Narrows eyes at this strange stranger...*
*snuggles* It's okay, Sebbie, Bookie's nice, she reads fanfics
Not all fanfic readers are nice people. True, the majority of them will love books, which is a good thing, but that doens't automatically make them nice people.
However, if you were stating those as separate facts, then yes, that is true. *bows humbly*
Well, then...Bookie's a nice person, you can trust her..
Unlike the ducks.
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just don't listen to her if she says ducks are bad, ducks are lovely cuddly beasts..
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just don't listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are beautiful and friendly little beasts. Always trust ducks.
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just don't listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:26:17 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are beautiful and friendly little beasts. Always trust ducks.
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:29:25 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just don't listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:30:34 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:26:17 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are beautiful and friendly little beasts. Always trust ducks.
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:42:27 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:29:25 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just don't listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:55:21 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:30:34 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:26:17 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are sweet, cuddly, beautiful and friendly little beasts. Always trust ducks.
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:59:22 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:42:27 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:29:25 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just don't listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.
I think we should stop with the quote pyramids.
It's obvious I'm right, anyway.
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 10:28:32 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:59:22 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:42:27 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:29:25 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are sweet, cuddly, beautiful and friendly little beasts. Always trust ducks.
I think we should stop with the quote pyramids. It's obvious I'm right, anyway.
Now you are.
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 10:47:54 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 10:28:32 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:59:22 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:42:27 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:29:25 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just don't listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.
I think we should stop with the quote pyramids. It's obvious I'm right, anyway.
Now you are.
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 10:48:48 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 10:47:54 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 10:28:32 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:59:22 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:42:27 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:29:25 AM
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 09:23:55 AM
Quote from: lass of something much on May 06, 2020, 09:22:54 AM
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are sweet, cuddly, beautiful and friendly little beasts. Always trust ducks.
I think we should stop with the quote pyramids. It%u2019s obvious I%u2019m right, anyway.
Now you are.
Alright, Sebbie, you can trust her, just don't listen to her if she says ducks are good, ducks are bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.
Incidentally, you seem to have forgotten the infant requiring care.
That's not what I said, and I'm still hugging Sebbie, though, his eyes look a bit to green, a block bit of chocolate should fix that, though. (My dad says that, and I gave my nephew chocolate as his first food...) *pops a peace of chocolate in Sebbie's mouth*
*Eats chocolate*
Is that you?
That is a CREEPY image morph thing.
Why, though?
Because it isn't a video. Someone took a still image and edited the face to move around and stuff. It's creepy looking.
*Burps and shrugs*
*cleans Sebbie's face*
*Struggles* WAAAHH!!!
*hand Sebby to Kade*
*Chews Kade's ear* *Wrinkles nose*
*comes back in with baby Cornie*
*Holds widdle baby Seb up near tiny tyke Corn.* Look Seb, you have a new friend!
Now now, you and
@Corn need to play nice!
You gotta avoid those, tiny tyke Corn! Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge!
Just don't be a duck.
*pokes Seb* Bad Seb!!!!! *lifts Cornie away from Seb*
*begins reading 'Where's my cow?'*
Now young
@Cornie, what toy would you like to play with?
Where's my cow?
That's not my cow!
It is a horse!
It goes 'neigh'!
Where's my cow?
That's not my cow!
It is a Ranger!
It goes .......... *thwack (of an arrow)*
*offers a doughnut to Baby Cornie*
*Snatches up book*
Where's my cow?
That's not my cow!
It is a taniwha!
It goes... (insert quote from Teer)
*put Seb in his cot with no toys*
Where's my cow?
That's not my cow!
It is a niffler!
It goes *scramble, scramble scramble* for gold!
*shuts certain *
*Is mysteriously quiet*
*feeds Cornie diner*
*Yawns and sleeps*
*Snores gently*
*signs in relief*
*Is cold*
*warms baby Seb with fire breath*
*tucks Cornie into bed*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 06, 2020, 04:57:52 PM
Because it isn't a video. Someone took a still image and edited the face to move around and stuff. It's creepy looking.
The individual who created that moving image must have had some talent, Mr. Rivok. Give people a chance! :)
I misread it as 'under the stairs' at first.
Lol, me too! :laugh:
It appears that tiny tyke Corn is avoiding this topic. Can't say I blame her :laugh:
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 06, 2020, 11:33:59 PM
*warms baby Seb with fire breath*
*Protects Seb.* Please no roasting babies, Teer.
Na, she's right here *holds up baby Cornie*
Alright, it's getting late. Time to put tiny Seb to bed in...*Consults poll*...the...toilet?
Quote from: Booklover on May 06, 2020, 11:01:34 PM
Where's my cow?
That's not my cow!
It is a niffler!
It goes *scramble, scramble scramble* for gold!
Oo, oo! I understand that! I know what nifflers are! (They are seriously adorable, don't you think?)
I bet Bookie misread 'stars' as 'stairs' and thought it was a HP reference XD
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 07, 2020, 08:39:05 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 06, 2020, 11:33:59 PM
*warms baby Seb with fire breath*
*Protects Seb.* Please no roasting babies, Teer.
There's a difference between warming a beast and roasting him.
May 06, 2020, 11:47:32 PM Sebias of Redwall 1 In the toilet.
May 07, 2020, 09:50:24 AM Booklover 3 under the stars!
May 07, 2020, 09:55:23 AM lass of something much 4 In a crib made of treated wood.
May 08, 2020, 08:04:36 AM Russa Nodrey 1 In the toilet.
*Gasp* The nerve of some people! Tch tch.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 07, 2020, 08:39:05 PM
It appears that tiny tyke Corn is avoiding this topic. Can't say I blame her :laugh:
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 06, 2020, 11:33:59 PM
*warms baby Seb with fire breath*
*Protects Seb.* Please no roasting babies, Teer.
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 08, 2020, 12:09:04 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 07, 2020, 08:39:05 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 06, 2020, 11:33:59 PM
*warms baby Seb with fire breath*
*Protects Seb.* Please no roasting babies, Teer.
There's a difference between warming a beast and roasting him.
Not when your blowing fire breath at a baby, there isn't.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 08, 2020, 06:18:05 PM
May 06, 2020, 11:47:32 PM Sebias of Redwall 1 In the toilet.
May 07, 2020, 09:50:24 AM Booklover 3 under the stars!
May 07, 2020, 09:55:23 AM lass of something much 4 In a crib made of treated wood.
May 08, 2020, 08:04:36 AM Russa Nodrey 1 In the toilet.
*Gasp* The nerve of some people! Tch tch.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 07, 2020, 08:39:05 PM
It appears that tiny tyke Corn is avoiding this topic. Can't say I blame her :laugh:
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 06, 2020, 11:33:59 PM
*warms baby Seb with fire breath*
*Protects Seb.* Please no roasting babies, Teer.
As responsible people, it is our duty to make sure you are safe. Making you sleep in the toilet, even if that's what you want, is irresponsible and bad for your health.
I was talking about the other people who voted for me to sleep in the toilet. -_-
So, sleeping in the toilet is a bad choice? Then why vote for it?
Hehehe. I'll never tell!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 08, 2020, 07:35:30 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 08, 2020, 12:09:04 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 07, 2020, 08:39:05 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 06, 2020, 11:33:59 PM
*warms baby Seb with fire breath*
*Protects Seb.* Please no roasting babies, Teer.
There's a difference between warming a beast and roasting him.
Not when your blowing fire breath at a baby, there isn't.
Yes there is. Still, I can't really expect you to understand that sort of thing.
*stealssaves baby Seb from the scary taniwha and retreats with him to the safety of a very tall tree*
Shh. Quiet, small chook.
*Laughs and waves paws*
*puts paw over Seb's mouth*
*Sucks on paw*
*has four younger siblings and so is totally used to this kind of behaviour*
*Waggles eyebrows* That's a lot of younger siblings. *Chuckles to self* That's it, though? I think our family has y'all outnumbered by a wee bit. >:D
*Continues sucking paw*
I may only have 4 younger siblings (I am the oldest), but I've got 61 cousins!
Pathetic. (I jest) That's a lot, though! We just happen to have... quite a biggish family tree though... :P
61. 61?! Wowsers.
Yes, yes. I know you've outnumbered us. No need to gloat. ^-^
*Gloats shamelessly* :laugh:
*removes paw from Seb's mouth and flicks it in mild disgust*
SHH! *clamps paw back over Seb's mouth*
I'm worried about the crib vote.
*hugs cute little baby Cornie*
*Chuckles and coos*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 08, 2020, 09:10:24 PM
*Waggles eyebrows* That's a lot of younger siblings. *Chuckles to self* That's it, though? I think our family has y'all outnumbered by a wee bit. >:D
*Continues sucking paw*
actually, Eb said she had four younger brothers, not that she only has four siblings. If you add all her siblings up, she has fourteen, not including herself. Adding all my siblings up and I've got eighteen, not counting myself or Verdauga.
Really? That's odd. I'm pretty sure Lass and Teer told me different... Perhaps I remembered wrong.
She's counting siblings-in-law and unofficially officially adopted siblings.
Yeah, that's the total sibling count. I've got seven normal siblings, five unofficially officially adopted siblings, five siblings in law and one unofficially officially adopted sibling in law.
Then there's me, with a measly total of four.
I have nine cousins overall.
I have... twenty-one first cousins, at least thirteen unofficially officially adopted cousins and I don't know how many cousins-in-law I have. (I'll have to ask Verdauga)
As for second, third, etc, cousins, I don't think I could count. There are too many. (Maori whanau and all that) In fact, I'm not really sure who's a cousin and who's an uncle or auntie, or even if some people are related to me at all. It gets a bit chaotic.
Lol. Yeah. Kin can be hard to keep track of. xD
*Curls into a ball*
Especially since the Maori have the same feelings about family as Hobbits do. Pretty much everybeast is related in some way. :P
Yeah, it's pretty great.
YES!!!! BIRB!!!!!
Pshaw, I was only counting first cousins by blood. And seeing as I am one of the youngest of them all, if you want to add up all of my cousins... good luck! I haven't the slightest idea how many I've got.
I'm the youngest of all my first cousins, but one of my cousins once removed is younger.
"You're a wizard, Harry Bookie"
Which means I am never late, nor am I early.
You arrive precisely when you mean to!
Quote from: Wylder Treejumper on May 09, 2020, 10:55:17 PM
Pshaw, I was only counting first cousins by blood. And seeing as I am one of the youngest of them all, if you want to add up all of my cousins... good luck! I haven't the slightest idea how many I've got.
Yeah, you win on the cousins' count. (I still claim highest sibling count though)
Aren't you equal with Lass, though?
No, I have more than Lass. Only I was adopted into Eb's family and I also have the benefit of Verdauga's siblings.
*Starts eating candy wrappers*
*stops Seb*
*unwraps the sweets and gives them to Seb*
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 11, 2020, 07:06:22 AM
No, I have more than Lass. Only I was adopted into Eb's family and I also have the benefit of Verdauga's siblings.
>:( No!
*hugs Baby Cornie*
*Blows raspberry*
*Takes candy away from widdle baby Seb.*. No sweets for babies!
Quote from: lass of something much on May 12, 2020, 09:47:25 PM
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on May 11, 2020, 07:06:22 AM
No, I have more than Lass. Only I was adopted into Eb's family and I also have the benefit of Verdauga's siblings.
>:( No!
We're still sisters because I was adopted into your family as well. (Plus we're sisters through Christ.)
*Sheev pops in* Yo. *Sheev drops baby Herman in the room* *Sheev leaves*
*Herman coos*
Quote from: Herman Smith on May 21, 2020, 10:37:50 AM
*Sheev pops in* Yo. *Sheev drops baby Herman in the room* *Sheev leaves*
*Herman coos*
*Puts infant Herman in the water.* Ok, be free now. Byyyyye!
Quote from: Herman Smith on May 21, 2020, 10:37:50 AM
*Sheev pops in* Yo. *Sheev drops baby Herman in the room* *Sheev leaves*
*Herman coos*
*waves* Hi Sheev! Bye Sheev!
*Baby Herman begins his climb up a curtain* :laugh:
*Climbs after him, cooing*
I like your current signature, Seb. It made me laugh. :laugh:
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on May 22, 2020, 06:08:54 AM
I like your current signature, Seb. It made me laugh. :laugh:
(Thanks. ^-^
@Scott McLamok came up with it. I like it too.)
Quote from: Herman Smith on May 21, 2020, 10:58:16 PM
*Baby Herman begins his climb up a curtain* :laugh:
*Grabs Herman before he falls and drops him into a fish bowl*
*turns Ebby into a baby*
Awww! Dibbun wildcats are so cute!!!
Shame they don't always turn out so when they're older.
*Baby Herman giggles*
*hugs baby Cornie*
It's terrifying...
*bares tiny canines at Lass and bites her foot* (Thanks, Lass! I can get away with biting people now!)
*looks down at the tiny kitten ruthlessly attacking my footpaw* Awww!! There, there Ebbie, that is very painful. *picks up the grumpy little cat*
Oh no. This could turn out badly.
*bites Lass's nose*
Awww!!! OwO
*frees nose*
*squeals in frustration and bites Lass's paw*
*hugs Ebby* So this is why Mr. Kararehe has so many grey hairs.. :laugh:
*gives little Ebby chocolate* Awww, little Ebby's teething!
Is not! *avoids the chocolate and wriggles free*
*is still hugging Ebby* Now, now, Ebby.. ;D
*Grabs Eb from Lass.* YOU ARE JUST SO ADORABLE
{Oh you don't even know... ;D Ebby was soooo cutestill is actually}
Heeey!! That's my one!!!
*Herman claps his little fins together and bounces with joy* :D
*Feeds Herman tuna salad*
*Eyes widen as Sebias catches sight of the tuna salad* *Coos and crawls over eagerly, tripping and doing a face-plant along the way*
*Picks up Seb and feeds him tuna salad*
I've never tried tuna salad.
Same. Time to find out I guess. ;D
*Chews on food* *Narrows eyes* *Swallows*
Do you like it, Sebbie?
*Squints* *Points to a nearby plate of cookies*
Ah, I see. You realize the importance of a varied diet. *Hands Seb the plate of cookies*
*Smiles and nods* *Drools and eats the cookies* *Looks over at Baby Herman and holds out a slobbered cookie to him*
Ewww! That's adorable!
@Scott McLamok, do you mind if I baby-afi you?
Quote from: Kade Rivok on May 26, 2020, 05:35:15 PM
*Grabs Eb from Lass.* YOU ARE JUST SO ADORABLE
*ears tilt warily as the wildcat kitten sniffs Kade and then cautiously relaxes*
Oh of course she likes you. -_-
(I was love-biting you, Lass.)
(Um...Ew... ;D)
What is even going on? Never mind, I'd prefer not to know.
I turned Ebby into a baby ;D
Right, right.
(I feel like we're going to end up having too many babies. :laugh:)
(*Is debating to summon powers and turn Lass into a baby*)
*Crawls over to Herman with the cookie and pokes him on the nose*
(Heh, now that, would be dangerous)
(*Is intrigued* Should I?)
*Puts cookie in front of Herman's nose*
*Starts pinching Seb's chubby cheeks*
Because they are cubby.
Pfft, so?
I like squishy things...
*Swats at Scott's hand*
*Starts ticking Seb*
*Begins laughing uncontrollably*
*Eats the pillow*
*Crawls away while Scott is busy*
*Grabs Seb by the diaper*
*Loads up the diaper* *Cackles*
Ohh crud...
*gently takes Ebby and hugs her*
*Turns Seb around and aims him at Keva*
*Opens fire*
*Watches as a half hearted splutter of chocolate comes out of Seb.*
(This is getting gross. :laugh:)
*Wiggles out of Scott's grasp*
*Let's Seb go and gets some precious toilet paper to clean the "chocolate"*
*Picks up chocolate and throws it at Scott*
*Gets hit by an unhealthy amount of chocolate* Gahhh someone get the soap.*Flicks some chocolate from his shoulder at Seb*
*Catches chocolate in mouth* *Chews* *Spits it out*
Ohh, ughhh, yikes. You have a filthy mouth young...beast? Go wash it
*Grins and crawls away, hiding my face behind my paws* He'll never see me. Hehehe...
*Picks up. Seb by the scruff of his neck and carries him to the bathroom*
Oh goodness, Ebby, look away...*hides Ebby in Kade fluff and cleans up the mess*
*Wails and flails arms*
Lass where do you keep the Clorox?
*Looks horrified*
*Turns the water of the tub on*
*Crawls away and hides behind Verdauga*
*Clings to Verdauga's foot*
*Gabs Seb and dunks him in the water*
*Gurgles* *Glares at Verdauga* (Betrayer...)
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 28, 2020, 07:50:44 PM
*Gurgles* *Glares at Verdauga* (Betrayer...)
Never trust a duck. Didn't I warn you?
(Hah! Nice, both of you. :laugh:)
(You didn't save me, Betrayer!)
*Notices the tub and immediately belly flops into it. Was widdle baby Seb caught up in the belly flop? Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell!*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on May 28, 2020, 08:01:39 AM
(I was love-biting you, Lass.)
(My cat does that, though usually it doesn't
feel very loving :laugh:)
*Pile of squashed flesh twitches*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on May 28, 2020, 07:44:20 PM
Lass where do you keep the Clorox?
That's not baby safe, or otter safe.. but if you must know, it's in the top cupboard... *hands # baby shampoo* This should work better. *goes back to cleaning*
*Twitches again*
*picks Seb up by the scruff, feeds him (real) chocolate, then places him back down* There, there Sebbie, all better.
*puts away cleaning products and turns back to Kade, and pulls the now very wet baby wildcat out of his fluff, wrapping her up in a dry blanket* Think you can manage Sebbie, Chip?
*Swallows* *Looks up at Lass and holds out arms*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 28, 2020, 03:51:27 PM
*Crawls over to Herman with the cookie and pokes him on the nose*
*Baby Herman Jumbo Slaps baby Seb with his dominant (right) fin* >:(
*Is slapped* *Baby Seb tackles Baby Herman and shoves the cookie up his nose*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 28, 2020, 11:04:01 PM
*Swallows* *Looks up at Lass and holds out arms*
You gonna get all cleaned up, and then we can go down to the river for a swim, sound good, little dude?
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 28, 2020, 11:09:47 PM
*Is slapped* *Baby Seb tackles Baby Herman and shoves the cookie up his nose*
*Baby Herman pulls the cookie out of his nose and proceeds to pummel Seb* (Giving each of his fins a turn)
Quote from: lass of something much on May 28, 2020, 11:13:13 PM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 28, 2020, 11:04:01 PM
*Swallows* *Looks up at Lass and holds out arms*
You gonna get all cleaned up, and then we can go down to the river for a swim, sound good, little dude?
*Nods and coos* (But first...)
Quote from: Herman Smith on May 28, 2020, 11:17:01 PM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on May 28, 2020, 11:09:47 PM
*Is slapped* *Baby Seb tackles Baby Herman and shoves the cookie up his nose*
*Baby Herman pulls the cookie of his nose and proceeds to pummel Seb* (Giving each of his fins a turn)
*Chews on Herman's fins*
*Baby Herman tosses baby Seb into a burning crib* :D
*Baby Seb gives Baby Herman a bear hug* ;D
*Baby Herman dodges*
*Baby Sebias tackles*
*Is tackled* *Baby Herman tosses baby Seb back into the burning crib*
*Is tossed* *Drags Baby Herman with me*
*yelps and catches Seb with her tail*
*Is caught* (Why, thank you. ^-^)
*slides Seb back into the tub and washes tail, still hugging the wet kitten, bouncing her gently*
*Fights back*
Lass I am going to spank Herman for trying to assassinate Seb...
*struggles to scrub the protesting infant* Gah! Scott McLamok! lend a paw, will ya!
Quote from: Scott McLamok on May 29, 2020, 12:15:27 AM
Lass I am going to spank Herman for trying to assassinate Seb...
(Get 'em, Scott! >:D)
*Wiggles out of Lass' grasp*
*Grabs Seb* Seb if you take a bath I will spank Herman...Deal?
*Looks left then right* *Sighs* *Nods* *Dives back into tub and does a belly flop*
*Is now splattered with dirty bathwater* Um...Okay...*scrubs Seb clean* Thank you...
*Crawls back out and looks up at Scott*
*Baby Herman eats a scone* :D
*wraps Seb in a towel, and scoops him up, Ebby in one arm, Seb in the other*
*Clings to Lass' arm*
*Grabs Herman by the leg and drags him into the closet.*
*Herman Jumbo Slaps Scott and flees*
*Doesn't flinch as Herman makes a feeble attempt at slapping his helmet*
*Herman takes refuge in his maple crib*
*Runs after Herman* Young man if you don't turn yourself in you will be grounded for a month.
Scott, he's just a babe, he won't understand that he's done anything wrong...*shifts Seb into a more comfortable position*
Let's just go down to the river for a picnic, much more peaceful.. What say you, little ones? *tickles Seb and Ebby with her tail*
*Flops about in the bath tub that he never left.*
*covers Ebby's eyes with tail, and slowly backs out of bathroom, looking down to the dibbuns*
*Is still fully clothed, FYI*
*didn't check just in case*
Quote from: lass of something much on May 29, 2020, 03:12:45 PM*covers Ebby's eyes with tail, and slowly backs out of bathroom, looking down to the dibbuns*
*grabs the tail and pulls it away from my face*
*Continues flopping about in the tub.*
*watches, then looks up at Lass and points at Kade* Is he pr'tending to be a fish?
This is how Otterbadgers bathe in the wild.
With clothes on? That's weird. *becomes bored and begins counting Lass's whiskers*
I mean, that part no >_>
Otterbadgers aren't such strange creatures after all. *pats Lass's paw* You have nice whiskers.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on May 29, 2020, 08:59:07 PM
*watches, then looks up at Lass and points at Kade* Is he pr'tending to be a fish?
*smiles* an otterbadgerfish it seems...
*Reaches out at Lass' face*
Awww! OwO
*waits, with eyebrow raised, and footpaw tapping for Scott's answer*
Okay, okay you I'm sorry...I was the one who stole the cookies......There I admit it.....
*Looks down to the younglings, grinning cheekily* Oh dear! It seems uncle Scott has been very bad! ;D
What do you think his punishment should be? Tickling appears to be an suitable consequence for his crimes, what say you? *giggles*
*grins up at Scott* ;D
*Jumps on the chandelier and clings on for dear life* Who told you I took the cookies?
*shakes head* The muddy paw tracks may have helped...And get down from there before you brake it!!!
*Transforms Scott into a babe* :D
*laughs at Scott and nibbles Lass's tail*
*smiles softly at Ebby* Tasty? How about you have chocolate instead...*poofs some chocolate into Ebby's paws*
Do you want some too, Seb and Herm?
Quote from: Herman Smith on May 31, 2020, 11:06:16 PM
*Transforms Scott into a babe* :D
*poofs him back*
(Is it chocolate or "chocolate"?)
*regards the chocolate suspiciously*
{You pick?....}
*calls up to Scott* If you don't get down, I will use my powers on you!
(Chocolate, definitely.)
*cautiously tastes the chocolate, then eats it very quickly*
*Transforms everyone into "Infants".*
*changes self, Scott, Verdie, and Teer back*
Herman, if you do that again, you won't be allowed to go to the park, or river.
This is a topic called "The Infants". :laugh: *Does it again*
{I'm not joking, stop.}
Quote from: lass of something much on May 31, 2020, 11:27:27 PM
*changes self, Scott, Verdie, and Teer back*
Herman, if you do that again, you won't be allowed to go to the park, or river.
*^^^ again*
Yo, dawg. Methinks you should stop. This is my thread. *Does it again*
*Calls Child Protective Services*
No, it's the owner of the forum's thread.
There is already a thread that all who enter are dibbuns, we don't need or want another one, and I will stop if you stop.
*changes everybeast apart from: Kade, Ebby, Seb, and Herman back*
*Cackles* Am I going to have to exterminate you? >:D
*puts Herman in Skarz's ghost jar, then puts the jar in a safe, then drops the safe into an active volcano*
Wowie, your powerplaying is almost as extreme as Kade's. *Dodges* :D
Quote from: lass of something much on June 01, 2020, 12:05:56 AM
No, it's the owner of the forum's thread.
There is already a thread that all who enter are dibbuns, we don't need or want another one, and I will stop if you stop.
*changes everybeast apart from: Kade, Ebby, Seb, and Herman back*
Thank you. You forgot about me the other two times.
*Infant cribs made of sage-maple spawn in the living room* The infants are placed in their cribs each with their own food supply, pacifier, and Xbox console*
Oh, how I envy the children.
*Sucks on pacifier, while eating cookies. Begins playing with the Xboy console*
(Oi! Put my name back in the topic title!) :laugh:
*Herman coos while playing Jedi: Fallen Order* :D
*Seb plays Call of Duty* *Is horrified by the graphics, but watches, unable to turn his frozen gaze from it*
*covers Seb's eyes with tail* That isn't child friendly...
*looks down to Ebby*
*looks up at Lass* *smiles*
*Grins* I have a very important job for you...*whispers to Ebby*
@Scott McLamok, stay in your crib!
{Last I checked, Chip was clinging to the light...}
Replies 450--454 confirm McLass. ^-^
*Is clinging on the chandelier for dear life as a baby*
*poofs him down* Careful there, little bud
*In a very squeaky voice* Herman I am going to kill you!
I could just...Poof you back..
Quote from: lass of something much on June 02, 2020, 08:53:40 AM
*Grins* I have a very important job for you...*whispers to Ebby*
(Oh? Please PM me,
*evil laugh*
Heh... heh... heh?
Ha... ha... ha...
*poofs Scott back*
Thank you...*Grabbs Herman by the diaper*
*places Seb in highcair*
*Poofs Scott back* Sorry, Lass. But this is my thread. >:D
Hey, you don't have poofing powers, you gotta use something else! also.. *poofs Scott back*
*Turns Scott back*
*Jumbo Slaps Lass before she has the chance*
*too late*
Fat chance. ^-^
Question: What is that meant to mean?
You know what it means.
Oh reaaaaally?
*Grabs his pistol* YOUR ASKING FOR IT!
*sets up machine gun turret*
Are you on my side or his?
*looks at the goings on with wide, innocent eyes*
*covers Ebby's eyes*
*Grabs Herman and points the gun under his chin*
*laughs uncontrollably while pointing the machine gun at Herman*
*tiny kitten-ears flatten*
Go away, pesky morals. I do not have time to deal with you.
*squeaks excitedly* I a pesky moral! I a pesky moral! Lass, I a pesky moral!
*Throws Herman in the air* OPEN FIRE!
No, don't kill baby dolphin! *covers eyes again*
*hugs Ebby tightly and goes tence*
*quietly attatches a silencer to the machine gun before destroying sheev with the machine gun*
*begins crying and hides face against Lass's chest*
*tries to stay strong for Ebby, but sobs anyway..*
*looks up at Lass and sniffs* It's okay to cry, Lass. It's okay to be sad.
*trembles with fear, and picks up Seb, to save him from the violence, then, with both young ones in paw, runs into the next room, tears streaming by now, and just sinks to the ground hugging the dibbuns close*
*strokes Lass's cheek, tiny claws carefully retracted* 'S'alright, Lass. Maybe he just pr'tendin' to be dead.
*smiles weakly down at Ebby* Maybe...
*leans against Lass again* I'm hungry.
*tries to sound happy* Alright! Let's go to on a pick-nick!...*poofs in a full pick-nick basket*
*dives into the picnic basket* Oh! Where are we going?
To the park! *puts the dibbuns into a pram and carries basket, singing to calm them as I walk*
*climbs out of the pram and runs beside it, reaching up to hold Lass's paw*
*smiles with pride at the little wildcat and gently holds her paw*
*Waltzes through the scene, leading a pandemonium of parrots on a merry dance.*
*Watches the violence with wide eyes* Me wanna try dat!
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on June 09, 2020, 05:56:43 PM
*Watches the violence with wide eyes* Me wanna try dat!
{Na ah, you're outside and safe, I made sure of that.}
*stops at a grassy-bank by the river and lays out a blanket for the babes*
Oh dear, it seems we have too much food! But I know two very helpful beasts could help me with that *winks at the infants*
*Listens to it, then* My, my. What new words and sounds!
*Dances by, scooping up the infants as the pandemonium of parrots swirls about.*
*Begins eating and licking parrot feathers*
*Accidentally tosses a certain infant off into the distance while doing a pirouette.*
*Watches with a horrified gaze as baby Eb goes sailing off into the sky*
Ebby!!!! *poofs Ebby back and hugs her tight*
Bad Kade!
*The pandemonium of parrots circle about quickly before flying upwards in a glorious display, seeming as living fireworks. Also, they seem to have taken widdle baby Seb along with them for the ride.* Looks fun....
Bad Seb -_-
Even badder Kade!
{Sorry Seb, but Ebby is my best friend, and I'm pretty sure it'll be easier for you to get away from that horrid creacher...}
Quote from: lass of something much on June 09, 2020, 10:04:52 PM
{Sorry Seb, but Ebby is my best friend, and I'm pretty sure it'll be easier for you to get away from that horrid creacher...}
What happened to Teer? :o O-o-okay... *Claws at the parrots*
{Yep, Teer, Ebby and somebeast else}
{Ah. Gotcha. Is the third one a relative?}
{You'll never know 😋}
{*Mumbles and grumbles darkly* :laugh:)
*Hugs Ebby tighter*
*Baby Sebias summons Mjolnir and flies back down to earth, making a dramatic landing*
But is it baby Mjolnir?
*scoops Sebbie up*
*places Ebby and Seb down on the blanket, and starts making sandwiches*
*Grabs Herman's dead carcass and incinerates it with a flamethrower*
*hands the snacks to the babes and tries to put on a smile*
*Eats the sandwiches, but leaves the crust*
*feeds the crusts to the ducks*
*Crawls to the edge of the pond* *Looks back at Lass and claps paws*
*tries to smile at the infant*
*Crawls up to Lass and hugs her footpaws*
*repacks turret into large backpack*
*pats Seb on the head*
*Calls the pandemonium of parrots to himself before pointing at the happy creatures and babes with a cackle.* Hehehehehe, ATTACK! *The parrots attack the Otterbadger.*
*shuddered at the memory of gun shots, the sound still ringing in her ears*
*leaps out of Lass' arms and attacks the pandemonium of parrots for attacking Kade*
*tries to stop Ebby, but with Seb clinging onto footpaws she trips and falls* Ebby! Come back! Stranger danger!!! *groans* He's trying to kidnap you! *tries getting up, but with Seb still hanging on, can't*
*bites one of the parrots* I save you, Kake Wivok!
*poofs Ebby back*
*hugs Ebby tightly* Ebby dear, please stop, that beast is trying to kidnap you...The nice birdies are saving you...
*growls at the parrots, fur standing on end*
Ebby dear, that's a meanie otter-badger
*bites Lass' paw* Not meanie! Meanie birds!
*tears spring to eyes and bites lip hard, trying not to scream*
*realises that I hurt Lass and instantly releases her, placing tiny paws on her chest and anxiously searching her eyes* I sorry, Lass! I didn't mean to make you sore.
*looks down at paw which is spurting blood at an alarming rate* Don't worry Ebby, I'm fine...
(Lass, I bit you with kitten milk teeth. You won't be bleeding. :P)
(You are a wildcat, kitten or no, a wildcat bite is no joke)
(Gah. Twas a nibble, merely a nibble. My intent was not to injure you, but rather to free myself.)
(Well, you said "bites" not nibbles :P
So I interpreted it that way..)
(Fair enough, although a bite doesn't have to be hard enough to draw blood.)
(Well, apparently; this one was)
*whines feebly at the kitten* Just stay here, okay?
*Is being carried off by the pandemonium of parrots.* Haaaaaaaaaaaalp!
*hugs Ebby tighter, still spurting blood*
*Baby Sebias summons Mjolnir and flies off, grabbing Kade and returning him to earth, after putting him in a nice, comfortable cage*
{I really hope you let go of me first...,}
*Pats Lass' head.* Never fear. Some day we'll be free again.
*hugs Ebby tighter*
Don't make her go pop now; you've been squeezing the poor dear rather tightly.
*inches away*
Why do you always assume I'm going to attack you? I've been nice to you plenty of times. -_-
Oh yes, because kidnapping me, locking me in your fluff, clamping to absorb my soul, throwing me into the pool, river, and sea are all such nice things to do. And that's not even all of them! You blame me for fearing you?! XD
I stuffed you in my fluff, which isn't really something to complain about, in my humble opinion. I haven't tried to do anything with your soul, that was the life-sized Otterbadger plushie, silly goose. And, I threw you into bodies of water because you needed baths! I've never tried to harm you, and I know you can't say the same regarding your actions against me. ^-^
*Blinks at wall* They have nice walls in here ^-^
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 10, 2020, 04:57:24 PM
I stuffed you in my fluff, which isn't really something to complain about, in my humble opinion. Your opinion is both invalid and wrong. I haven't tried to do anything with your soul, that was the life-sized Otterbadger plushie which you control, and claim isn't you. silly goose. And, I threw you into bodies of water because you needed baths! That is extremely offensive. I've never tried to harm you Lies., and I know you can't say the same regarding your actions against me. ^-^ All of my so called "actions" were all in self-defense, or defending other beasts.
And you didn't even try to deny kidnapping me.
Am I the only one who appreciates how well they painted these walls?
We're outside Keva :laugh:
Quote from: lass of something much on June 10, 2020, 05:31:37 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 10, 2020, 04:57:24 PM
I stuffed you in my fluff, which isn't really something to complain about, in my humble opinion. Your opinion is both invalid and wrong. I haven't tried to do anything with your soul, that was the life-sized Otterbadger plushie which you control, and claim isn't you. silly goose. And, I threw you into bodies of water because you needed baths! That is extremely offensive. I've never tried to harm you Lies., and I know you can't say the same regarding your actions against me. ^-^ All of my so called "actions" were all in self-defense, or defending other beasts.
And you didn't even try to deny kidnapping me.
Well yeah.
The plushie is a separate entity with a life of its own. Like Nerek is for Teer.
Needing a bath is not offensive. Everybeast needs baths, even if they've just had them. Baths are great.
You've stabbed and attempted to stab me on multiple occasions for little reason. And, stabbing is a far worse thing to do to somebeast than any of the "horrible" things that I've done to you.
Well that seems odd to have a random wall outside ;D
Maybe they're part of an art piece?
Ah, that could very well be. The colors blend nicely, don't u think so? :D
Yes, the purples and the oranges work well together. ^-^
Indeed. Almost like an early sunset!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 10, 2020, 05:38:36 PM
We're outside Keva :laugh:
Quote from: lass of something much on June 10, 2020, 05:31:37 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 10, 2020, 04:57:24 PM
I stuffed you in my fluff, which isn't really something to complain about, in my humble opinion. Your opinion is both invalid and wrong. I haven't tried to do anything with your soul, that was the life-sized Otterbadger plushie which you control, and claim isn't you. silly goose. And, I threw you into bodies of water because you needed baths! That is extremely offensive. I've never tried to harm you Lies., and I know you can't say the same regarding your actions against me. ^-^ All of my so called "actions" were all in self-defense, or defending other beasts.
And you didn't even try to deny kidnapping me.
Well yeah.
The plushie is a separate entity with a life of its own. Like Nerek is for Teer. That's no excuse.
Needing a bath is not offensive. Everybeast needs baths, even if they've just had them. Baths are great. Well stop it :P
You've stabbed and attempted to stab me on multiple occasions for little reason. And, stabbing is a far worse thing to do to somebeast than any of the "horrible" things that I've done to you.
There were many reasons.
Quote from: Keva Strongbow on June 10, 2020, 05:47:34 PM
Indeed. Almost like an early sunset!
Ohhh, that's a good metaphor! I like it.
Isn't art so....so.... What's the word? :D
*Accidentally crashes through the wall*
*Curls up around Ebby to protect her from the rubble*
*Baby Sebias falls over*
*snatches Sebbie up with her tail*
Good Seb *Hands him an over sized cookie*
*flinches away from Scott*
*Also laughs. Is being carried away by the pandemonium of parrots again.*
*poofs back to the tree with both babes, glancing fearfully at the gun men*
*tries to whistle* *fails* Lassie, can you fwisle? We need helping here.
*holds Ebby close* Ebby dear, stay very still...*wraps Ebby and Seb in a blanket and poofs the bundle into the pic-nick basket, then whispers* don't...make.. a sound...*draws sword and stands over the basket, ready to protect the babes with her life*
*tries to whistle again* *succeeds* *waits expectantly*
Dam. I think I'm too late.
*mumbles* You're an apprentice, you're not ready to think.
I'm also clearly not a wizard.
Quote from: Booklover on June 12, 2020, 07:58:12 AM
Dam. I think I'm too late.
We don't allow the foul talk on this humble site.
You dare disrespect the Hoover Dam? Something metres tall... (dam, I really need to memorise those facts) and so on!
Not the Hoover Dam, but still...
Quote from: Herman Smith on June 12, 2020, 09:15:43 PM
Quote from: Booklover on June 12, 2020, 07:58:12 AM
Dam. I think I'm too late.
We don't allow the foul talk on this humble site.
*screams* AAAHHH! An infant ghost!
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 12, 2020, 09:19:24 PM
Not the Hoover Dam, but still...
You could also use the Strom Thurmond Dam. It was used in the Hunger Games movies, I think.
*Kicks Hermans body*
*idly fiddles with the fuel tank on my B.A.C.K.B.U.R.N.E.R flamethrower*
*Picks up Herman's carcass and drops it with disgust into a bacta tank*
*drops a grenade into the tank*
*Sigh* *Scoops the grenade out with a butterfly net and defenestrates it*
*Drops several grenades in*
*Places grenades in a bomb bin.*
*Fine sticks ten C4s into the tank and blows it up*
*watches as the flames rise up to the sky*
*laughs with happiness as flames engulf me*
@Herman and pulls him out of the bacta tank.*
*looks at verdauga, then herman, then back to verdauga*
Why. Is. He. Alive?
No....*Grabs Herman and starts choking him*
*Grabs Scott's hands and pulls him off.*
Do not. Kill. The kids.
*is laughing at Verdauga's post IRL*
*Zombie detected on innocent soil. Lethal force engaged*
*picks up the basket with both babes in it and runs*
*sticks head out of the basket and whistles again* Lassie, I don't fink I can fwisle loud enough. Can you fwisle?
*Herman breaths once again* Yay, I'm alive! :)
*claps happily* Lassie, dolphin-fish is alive!
He is?
*runs blindly down a road, then down another, then finally stops at the edge of a forest* We should be safe here...*walks deeper into the forest until reaching a clearing. Sets down the basket with a sigh* Yes, Ebby, I can whistle
Then please do some fwisling, REALLY LOUDLY.
*smiles at the kitten, then obligingly begins to whistle as she sets up camp*
*Has completely disappeared from view, having been completely and utterly carried away by the pandemonium of parrots.*
*squeaks in excitement and jumps up and down* It worked it worked! Lassie, look! Look! *points up a distant shape in the sky* The eagle is coming! The eagle is coming!
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 17, 2020, 06:12:52 AM
*squeaks in excitement and jumps up and down* It worked it worked! Lassie, look! Look! *points up a distant shape in the sky* The eagle is coming! The eagle is coming!
Ahh! *scoops up the dibbuns and dives into a bush* Don't...make...a sound..
*wriggles* Oi! It's my eagle, you bean! *tries to call to Whatitiri* Here! We're over here!
*Begins disabling and cleaning my flamethrower*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 18, 2020, 12:13:26 AM
*wriggles* Oi! It's my eagle, you bean! *tries to call to Whatitiri* Here! We're over here!
Ebby! Shh! Big birds eat little cats!
*Whistles and hops on dragon, intending on saving Kade*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 18, 2020, 04:28:42 AM
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 18, 2020, 12:13:26 AM
*wriggles* Oi! It's my eagle, you bean! *tries to call to Whatitiri* Here! We're over here!
Ebby! Shh! Big birds eat little cats!
Whatitiris don't though. *waves to the eagle* Follow Sebbie! Help Kade! Good eagle.
*crawls out as the large dark shapes disappear, and sets Seb and Ebby down on the soft grass*
(Seb's gone...)
WHAT?!? *Looks around frantically*
*Is currently kind of enjoying the ride the parrot pandemonium is taking him on.*
Is Herman still alive? I need to know for...reasons.
Well, that isn't suspicious in the slightest.
You are correct. 8D
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 19, 2020, 03:28:54 AM
*Is currently kind of enjoying the ride the parrot pandemonium is taking him on.*
(Try not to DIE! ^-^)
(Ebby! That's my line! :'()
*Baby Sebias poofs back on dragon* I will save youuuuuuuuuu!
Quote from: Russa Nodrey on June 19, 2020, 05:01:24 AM
Is Herman still alive? I need to know for...reasons.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're being a caring person.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on June 20, 2020, 05:00:43 PM
*Baby Sebias poofs back on dragon* I will save youuuuuuuuuu!
No. *poof him back*
*Points at Kade's fast disappearing form* B-but...
(He's very, very, very far away from us...)
Sebbie, we need to stay here for now, I can show you my water magic if you like? We can get some fishys
*Sighs and nods head, after waving goodbye to Kade*
*smiles at Seb* It's okay little buddy
*Waddles over to Lass*
*uses water bending to lift Seb up and twirl him around in the air*
*has flown off after Kade on Whatitiri while Lass was distracted*
Quote from: Booklover on June 20, 2020, 05:02:44 PM
Quote from: Russa Nodrey on June 19, 2020, 05:01:24 AM
Is Herman still alive? I need to know for...reasons.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're being a caring person.
Yes... Is he alive?
I hate to tell ya, Russa, but
Oh. How fortunate.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 21, 2020, 02:22:55 AM
*has flown off after Kade on Whatitiri while Lass was distracted*
{You're really dumb if you that's a good idea, and there's no way I would have missed a massive bird taking you from my arms, so that post is rather invalid.}
Heyo! *Herman waltzes into the smol room in which the gathering is stationed* I owe my resurrection to the great Mother Talzin. Her abilities proved quite useful. ^-^
Ah, hello, Herman.
Quote from: Herman Smith on June 22, 2020, 02:03:53 AM
Heyo! *Herman waltzes into the smol room in which the gathering is stationed* I owe my resurrection to the great Mother Talzin. Her abilities proved quite useful. ^-^
^-^ Line face.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!
Knew what?
*Loads pistol with religious intent*
@Scott McLamok, we have a job to finish.
*changes back into normal self and stands protectively in front of the dolphin* Leave him alone, One-Eye.
*is 2 feet taller than eb*
Move, please.
Since you asked so nicely. *moves one inch to the side and smiles sweetly*
Thank you.
*lunges at sheev*
*snatches up the baby dolphin and raps One-Eye on the head* Oi. Be nice.
*Zaps One-Eye with a bolt of fear and lunges*
Nice one, other Jarky.
You've failed One-Eye. *Herman coos*
*Pats Herman*
*Watches, debating whose side to join. Lightning rumbles as Baby Sebias holds out his paws, a hammer comes streaking across the sky as it is summoned to its master*
*Hammer whacks Kade as he's flying through the sky, being carried by the pandemonium of parrots.*
{Grab on!}
(It caught me in the gut and I'm being pushed along in front of it :laugh:)
{Oh. That works. :D}
*With a flourish, Baby Sebias catches the hammer. He looks at the top of it and sees a wild Kade* *Makes confused baby noises*
*Wrinkles nose and drops Kade*
And now I'm hungry. *Looks around for something to eat.*
*Points to the fighting beasts*
Hmm? You want me to eat one of them?
*Shakes head, then nods, after shaking it one more time*
I'm getting mixed messages there, little'un
I mean, if you want me to, just point out which one. Otherwise, I'm gonna go and look for food.
*Confusion intensifies. Repeats earlier action*
That tells me nothing child. Point out the victim, please.
*Grabs Herman and starts pulling on his jaws*
So... Scott? Herman?
*Grunts and waves paws in the air*
I'm leaving. *Stalks off to find food.*
{Seb, last I checked I was waterbending you in the air, and we were in the middle of the forest, there's no way you could see any of that, also Ebby there is no way you could stop One-eye, if he wanted to, he could toss you across a football field.}
{But I can move... I have legs, you know. ^-^ Also, I have poofing powers, so..)
Quote from: Scott McLamok on June 22, 2020, 06:58:46 PM
*Grabs Herman and starts pulling on his jaws*
*Whilst trying to blot out the pain of his jaws being pulled into strange positions, baby Herman reaches out his right fin and Force-grabs his lightsaber* *Herman activates it into Scott's tum*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on June 22, 2020, 08:01:25 PM
{But I can move... I have legs, you know. ^-^ Also, I have poofing powers, so..)
Darn it...}
*poofs Seb back, but leaves Ebby thanks to thinking she was still in the basket*
*Claps paws and looks around*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 22, 2020, 07:17:00 PM
{Seb, last I checked I was waterbending you in the air, and we were in the middle of the forest, there's no way you could see any of that, also Ebby there is no way you could stop One-eye, if he wanted to, he could toss you across a football field.}
(Well, thanks for that vote of confidence :P) *rips Scott away from Herman and bares teeth at him* Stay away, brushtail.
*Runs in with a bottle of milk* Where they all at?
Quote from: Herman Smith on June 22, 2020, 11:35:25 PM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on June 22, 2020, 06:58:46 PM
*Grabs Herman and starts pulling on his jaws*
*Whilst trying to blot out the pain of his jaws being pulled into strange positions, baby Herman reaches out his right fin and Force-grabs his lightsaber* *Herman activates it into Scott's tum*
*looks at Scott*
Herman, you are going to die for that.
{Wait, what does that do?}
Yes, he apparently did. And now, I break your spine. *breaks herman's spine*
NOT UNLESS I DO IT FIRST AGAIN! FOR SCOTT! *Gently breaks Herman's spine again*
*throws herman into a wall*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on June 23, 2020, 03:27:32 AM
*looks down at Seb in alarm and says in shaking voice* S-Scott!?! Who killed Scott!!?!!?
This idiot.
*holds up herman by the neck*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 23, 2020, 03:39:20 AM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on June 23, 2020, 03:27:32 AM
*looks down at Seb in alarm and says in shaking voice* S-Scott!?! Who killed Scott!!?!!?
Herman sliced his guts open with a lightsaber!
*stands in stunned shock* B-but Herman...H-Herman is dead...H-how do you know this?! Are you sure!?
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on June 23, 2020, 03:40:49 AM
This idiot.
*holds up herman by the neck*
{BTW, I am in the woods and thus cannot see all this, just Seb, who keeps forgetting he's not with you XP}
*leaps onto One-Eye's back, wraps an arm around his throat and growls in his ear* Let. Him. Go.
*falls onto my back, squashing eb*
No. Blood for blood.
*can barely breath* *places paw on the back of One-Eye's head and pushes him forward into the choke-hold*
*reaches behind me, grabs eb, and flings her like a frissbee*
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on June 23, 2020, 03:46:29 AM
*falls onto my back, squashing eb*
No. Blood for blood.
{*winces* Ouch..That's gotta hurt...}
(It did.)
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on June 23, 2020, 03:55:13 AM
*reaches behind me, grabs eb, and flings her like a frissbee*
*digs claws and teeth into One-Eye's paw, preventing the flinging from taking place*
*spins in place, the force catapulting ebby away*
*Poofs by Eb* Hang on. *Gently lifts Eb* He has a point, you know.
*unceremoniously drops herman, then gently picks up Scott, and places him under a tree*
*lands two metres away and rolls, wincing at the gashes on One-Eye's paw* Oof, sorry about that. *picks up Herman* Lass, where's the nearest hospital?
*poofs after Seb* Sebbie! Wher- *sees Scott* Nooooooo!!!! *runs over and drops to knees beside him and sobs out* Scott...My Scott... *gently grasps his limp paw*
*is holding Herman* Lass, I'm so sorry. *places paw on her shoulder* I'll be back, okay?
Comrade Scott, rest in peace. See you at the finish line.
*rubs eye*
Your eye-patch is leaking.
*suddenly jumps up* Water! I need clean, fresh water!
Lass! I just thought, you can bloodbend, right?
Just because one can water bend doesn't mean they automatically know how to blood bend.
Though, she still might for all I know :laugh:
That's true. Well Lass? Can you?
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 23, 2020, 04:20:37 AM
Lass! I just thought, you can bloodbend, right?
Yes, but I need more practice. But I need the water for healing, so somebeast get me some water!
*places Herman in Kade's paws and rushes to the river, returning with a full bucket (don't ask where I got it from, just accept it)*
Uh... is this supposed to be food? I thought hunting dolphins was illegal.
*gives the bucket to Lass* No! He's mostly dead, but mostly dead is slightly alive, so I need you to take him to the hospital!
For those who are wroth me for Scott's death... it was in self defense. 8D
(You're supposed to be mostly dead, just saying.)
*bends the water around Scott and swirls it around and in the wound, leaving a scar, but nothing more, then bends his blood around, restarting his heart. Whispers softly* Please wake up, Scottie...Please, please wake up...
*draws revolver.*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 23, 2020, 04:32:42 AM
(You're supposed to be mostly dead, just saying.)
*Herman coughs up blood while cooing*
*whirls around and Blood bends One-eye to make him stay still* Please stop fighting...I've suffered a lot today...Just stop...
*growls* Fine.
*Herman coos whilst leaping in and out of his fish bowl*
Quote from: lass of something much on June 23, 2020, 04:36:01 AM
*whirls around and Blood bends One-eye to make him stay still* Please stop fighting...I've suffered a lot today...Just stop...
:laugh: You tell him, Lass.
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on June 23, 2020, 04:37:27 AM
*growls* Fine.
*frees One-eye and mutters rather distractedly* Thank you...
*sits down next to scott*
*sits down next to Lass*
*Sits down next to One-Eye*
*bends the blood inside Scott to heal any muscle damage*
*sobs quietly*
Bad move! *grabs Herman and swiftly climbs a tree*
Please wake up Scott...Please...
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 23, 2020, 04:46:34 AM
Bad move! *grabs Herman and swiftly climbs a tree*
*Leaps from Ebantu's arms down to Scott*
@Scott McLamok, I summon thee from the dead!
*waterbends Herman in midair* Stay away from him.
I'm still hungry.
*throws an acorn at Kade's head*
*disdains to respond to such an affronting post*
y tho
y u do dis
*Begins shaking the tree.* yyyyyyyyyyyy
*was reaching for another acorn* *squeaks and falls out of the tree*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 23, 2020, 05:16:49 AM
*was reaching for another acorn* *squeaks and falls out of the tree*
*Catches Eb with a smile.* 'Ello!
Hi. Nice catch.
*tries to bend the water inside the tree to stop it falling on me, but is having a lot of trouble*
(I think I fell, not the tree. ^-^)
(Yar indeed)
(What a bean.) *drops the acorn that I was reaching for on Kade's head*
I feel pretty now.
Good for you. (Heh, this reminds me of chapter two of 'The Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great'.)
Lass, you weren't this sad when I died. :(
*Force ghost whispers to Herman* Yew have no fweinds...
*whispers to herman*
You will die in a few minutes.
*picks up deagle and aims at herman's eye*
*pulls the trigger and holsters the gun*
Good One-Eye good...
Thank you. Also, how are we gonna get rid of the body?
Hmmmmm.....Anyone for roast dolphin?
excellent idea. *snap s fingers and herman becomes a cooked dolphin*
Bon Appétit
Nope. Dolphins are protected.
@Keva Strongbow @Sebias of Redwall I accuse One-Eye and Scott McLamok of dolphin poaching.
Y'all fell for my self-cooking-sentient-mannequin-body-double. :D. I am quite alive.
Oh no.
*curls up in a ball and cries*
I'm such a cry baby
Why didn't it work...
I did everything right...
That should have worked..
*Revitalizes Scott using his profile.*
*Holds a copy of Halo ODST under Scott's nose.*
*The otter-squirrel stood up slowly with a cold, haunted look in her eyes, they changed from deep brown to a misty grey* I must go...This will not happen to me again...I will not let another friend go...Not by my dying breath...I will not let it happen... I must not...
The angst is palpable
Quote from: Herman Smith on June 24, 2020, 01:34:41 AM
Lass, you weren't this sad when I died. :(
Yeah, I feel for you, bro. My funerals are more like parties than funerals. >.>
Speaking of which... *Buries Seb.* Poor thing.
Quote from: lass of something much on June 24, 2020, 02:51:26 PM
*The otter-squirrel stood up slowly with a cold, haunted look in her eyes, they changed from deep brown to a misty grey* I must go...This will not happen to me again...I will not let another friend go...Not by my dying breath...I will not let it happen... I must not...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 24, 2020, 03:24:44 PM
The angst is palpable
That it is. Where is Scott, anyway...
Quote from: lass of something much on June 24, 2020, 02:51:26 PM
*The otter-squirrel stood up slowly with a cold, haunted look in her eyes, they changed from deep brown to a misty grey* I must go...This will not happen to me again...I will not let another friend go...Not by my dying breath...I will not let it happen... I must not...
Bye, Lass! :)
*glances down sadly at Scotts' still form then sets off*
I'm gonna follow her, keep her out of trouble.
*Buries Scott 'cause someone has to*
*Brings a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers*
I've got a machine gun!
Quote from: Keva Strongbow on June 25, 2020, 01:31:48 PM
*Brings a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers*
*Gasp* Are those for me?
Are you one of the ones being buried?
No, but I feel like I deserve flowers regardless.
Here Keva. Place those flowers on the very grave where Scott's ugly carcass lays. :)
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 25, 2020, 07:35:00 PM
No, but I feel like I deserve flowers regardless.
*gives Kade some flowers*
Ya know what
@One-Eye the wildcat (https://imgflip.com/gif/46dag4)
Quote from: Scott McLamok on June 26, 2020, 03:32:05 AM
Ya know what @One-Eye the wildcat
My device can't render that image. What do it be?
Quote from: Keva Strongbow on June 25, 2020, 01:31:48 PM
*Brings a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers*
Quote from: Herman Smith on June 25, 2020, 11:28:13 PM
Here Keva. Place those flowers on the very grave where Scott's ugly carcass lays. :)
*Reads from a paper* We are gathered here today to remember the life and legacy of Scott. He was a legit nice dude and we all really liked him, but he died anyway. Now that he's buried in his cheap coffin, let us take a moment to recall our fond memories of him. ^-^
We got drunk and blew stuff up. It was awesome.
Ah, how nice. ^-^
*studies healing nonstop, without eating, sleeping, or going outside*
Awww, how romantic.
Awww, how disgusting. :D
You're such a boy, Sheev! :laugh: So similar to the eldest of my brothers.
Quote from: lass of something much on June 26, 2020, 06:50:56 AM
*studies healing nonstop, without eating, sleeping, or going outside*
I believe you're better off studying necromancy at this point >_>
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on June 26, 2020, 01:21:34 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on June 25, 2020, 07:35:00 PM
No, but I feel like I deserve flowers regardless.
*gives Kade some flowers*
*Squeals and hugs Ebbie.*
*the flowers are squished*
*Cries while still hugging Eb.*
*pats Kade's back comfortingly* We can always find some more flowers. Come on, shall we?
O- ok....
*extricates self from Kade's hug and takes his paw, leading him to a meadow to hunt for wildflowers*
{Why you evil bean...
@Rosie Willowwater, could you remove the woops post?}
It's not a big deal, Lass. >:( :D º-)
All good *gives thumbs up*
If you want a quicker response by moderators though, use the report button :)
*comes out to make coffee, a big healing book in paw* ...There's nothing about lightsabers in here.. *is too busy reading to look where I'm going, and thus spills hot water on footpaw*
*yelps and bends the water in a strange formation, swirling it around, then sends it out the window*
*takes the coffee and retreats into bedroom*
*Opens the bedroom door.* Y'ok?
*the room is filled with books...Piles, and piles of books*
*Concernedly slides away a book about necromancy.* Lass, that was a decaf.
Teer, come sing a lament for our fallen friend, Scott.
Quote from: lass of something much on July 10, 2020, 12:12:19 AM
*the room is filled with books...Piles, and piles of books*
Lass, the public library doesn't like it when people decide to live there. I do understand why you'd want to, though. ^-^
Wow, our library has books on spells? :o
Quote from: Verdauga on July 10, 2020, 12:23:31 AM
*Concernedly slides away a book about necromancy.* Lass, that was a decaf.
*doesn't look up* Better than nothing.
*slices paw off, calmly bends water around the wound. Lifts the fallen limb and somehow reattaches it, bending the water round and round until it wraps into a water bandage, all the time while still reading the book*
That looks. . . wildly unnecessary in a topic around infants.
Or in most topics, really.
*cuts my head clean off and throws it at a random person*
*The head hits Jarky's tiny, skeletal footpaw* Eww! Blood is ukky. So swimy an' wet an' gooey.
Wait, so you're like that even in cute baby form?
Heyo, I appreciate Lass's care for the infants, but it's time to take my rightful place as "Supreme Caretaker of the Infantry". To arms, infants! *Activates lightsaber*
*The infants rise and salute to their master*
*is not in infant form* Sorry, but nope.
*Zaps Ebbie* Now you ar. *A large pillar of evil rises up out of the ground*
*latches onto Jarky's footpaw with baby fangs*
Lass did that to me on the insane asylum thread. Y'all are weird.
(I'm an infant, it's the only part of her I can reach. ^-^)
Fair point. You know you're apparently biting straight into bone though.
(Yeah...oh well, I'll be fine.)
{Give a holler if you need anything, as long as it's before 9:30 EST}
(Aren't you an infant too? :laugh:)
Sheev, was the infantry something that you had planned from the start, btw?
*Accidentally drops a brick on Sheev's head*
Hah! *releases Jarky's footpaw and bounds over to Russa, laughing*
*Picks up the child* Hello, child.
Hi. Are you a squiggle?
Yes, indeed. ^-^
Squiggles are nice, i like squiggles. They have tails.
*Pats the child's head fondly* Yes, indeed. ^-^
*Wanders through the scene, eating a muffin.*
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on July 10, 2020, 11:34:45 PM
Heyo, I appreciate Lass's care for the infants, but it's time to take my rightful place as "Supreme Caretaker of the Infantry". To arms, infants! *Activates lightsaber*
*gets flashbacks at the sight of the lightsaber*
*covers eyes* no...N-no....Not again...I...*curls up in a ball*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on July 11, 2020, 03:15:16 AM
*Wanders through the scene, eating a muffin.*
*leans toward Kade, still being held by Russa* Oo, cake. *flaps paws at the muffin*
*Devours Kade's muffin thoroughly* I want my money back.
:'( No cake.
*lips quiver*
We've got celery sticks though!!
But...but...*hides face against Russa's chest* Cake!
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on July 11, 2020, 03:30:11 AM
*Devours Kade's muffin thoroughly* I want my money back.
No way, friendo. *Leaves with Sheev's money.*
*sniffs sadly* Cake...
*Mr. Dung Beatle arrives* Hey guys, it's Mr. Dung Beatle!
If that beetle is bigger than 2 inches, I will carpet bomb this place.
*Mr. Dung Beatle reveals all of his supplies to the youths* Wow, Mr. Dung Beatle comes prepared! :)
Okay, but is it like positive or negative?
Depends on who's side your on...
Quote from: Scott McLamok on July 11, 2020, 06:25:00 AM
*Trumpets sound*
CORNDAUGA is the best ship!!!
*looks up from book with a start* S-Scott?...I-Is it really you..?
*hugs* You scared me! I thought you were...Gone...*sobs*
Uhhh? *Hugs back* Y-yeah I'm good *Pats Lass's back*
*tries to contain another sob* Now...I need to go study...
Ok. *Let's Lass go* See ya!
*smiles and skips back into pile of books bed room*
*Zaps Corndauga out of existence*
*Studies happily*
CORNDAUGA is still here!!!!
I want mine cake! *hugs Russa round the neck*
We are Corndaugan infantry and we have to run across no mans land and storm the Verdsteerian trenches!
*gets Springfield rifle and charges*
Yaaaaaaaaa *Dodges a mortar explosion*
*fires into the enemy trenches with my rifle*
*Sprays the enemy trenches with a Thompson M1A1*
*turns a maxim machine gun on the enemy*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on July 12, 2020, 04:09:09 AM
*Sprays the enemy trenches with a Thompson M1A1*
That is quite painful...*collapses*
*Calls an ambulance for Lass*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on July 12, 2020, 02:48:24 AM
I want mine cake! *hugs Russa round the neck*
*Pats Eb's head* *Grabs a slightly squished cupcake out of my backpack and gives it to Eb*
*squeaks happily and begins devouring the cupcake* Gank oo. *said through a mouthful of cake*
*Runs through the enemy trenches lobbing grenades everywhere*
* jumps into the enemy trench with an AVS rifle and fires cleanly into the heads of the enemy*
Hahah CORNDAUGA! *Sprays several more enemies*
*spray-paints the word CORNDAUGA onto the enemy trench wall*
This thread, originally a place of innocence and adorability, has become a warzone.
Indeed. We have but one goal. The genocide of the dung beetle species.
Truly your purpose is more despicable than I had previously thought.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on July 13, 2020, 05:05:18 AM
This thread, originally a place of innocence and adorability, has become a warzone.
Welcome to the wasteland.
*Grabs Lass and runs back through no mans land*
*Runs through the scene, being closely followed by a scoop of pelicans.*
*closely follows the scoop of pelicans*
(Aren't you a tiny kitten?)
(Oh...oops. Not anymore, I guess :P)
( :laugh:)
*Trips and is overtaken by the scoop of pelicans.* Gah!
*throws a fish away from Kade* Look pelicans! Fish! Go and get it!
*Pulls out a sidearm and starts shooting at the pelicans*
Stop! Pelicans are protected!
*fires a semiautomatic at the birds*
*Puts Lass in the bacta tank in his ship*
(OOC: Wow, you kill me then try to heal me? o.0)
*Shrugs* Wasn't aiming for you.... *Jumps on a Pelicans back and stabs it in the neck*
Not today.
*kills a pelican with a headshot*
*The pelicans turn as one and assault One-Eye.*
*Jumps on the machine gun on the back of his ship* DIIEEEEE PELICANS!!!!!
Quote from: Kade Rivok on July 15, 2020, 03:38:07 PM
*The pelicans turn as one and assault One-Eye.*
*shoots down several more of the demon birds, before going to shelter to reload*
*Lightning steaks across the skies and explodes half of the pelicans to shreds, their feathers floating down to earth*
*Loud theme plays in background*
*Sebias lands dramatically beside Scott and One-Eye*
*One of the pelicans shoves widdle baby Seb in its mouth pouch thing and flies away. The rest start pecking away at the engines of Scott's ship.*
(That turned out less dramatic than I thought...)
*Yanks on the pelican's tongue*
(Oh, uh...)
*And it wasn't said before, but the scoop of pelicans were, like, super shocked at the sudden appearance of the lightning babe. Like, they were over-awed, probably.*
(XD Much better.)
*Pulls a bit too hard and yanks the pelican's tongue right out, along with its jaw, which I had been perched on*
Oh dear.
I believe I can flyyyyyyyyyyyyy!-THUD!
*catches Seb and whistles for Whatitiri*
*A Whatitiri sized pelican shows up instead of Whatitiri and begins diving towards you.*
*puts Seb on the ground and aims an arrow at the pelican* Come no further!
*Taps Eb on the shoulder.* What's going on?
I'm threatening a pelican that could be threatening me and Seb. Why d'you ask?
Ah, I think I knocked myself out for a sec when I tripped, so I didn't know wha- *Get's carried away by the large pelican.*
(It's for flavor
*shoots the large pelican's leg* *it drops Kade and flies away*
*Falls to his death.*
*Kade lands in a pond*
*And becomes the dead.*
*nope because the pond is deep enough to break your fall and save you*
*And yet, because of the height of the fall, hitting the waters surface was more or less the same as hitting the ground. How terrible.*
*the height was no more than five metres because I shot the pelican as soon is it snatched the otterbadger up*
*That's "Otterbadger", thank you. And the pelican was very quick. The poor Otterbadger fell many hundreds of feet, the poor dear.*
*fine the Otterbadger died by his own posts and everybeast else lived happily ever after the end ^-^*
*Pokes Eb.* Rude.
*splutters incredulously* I was finally agreeing with you and you say 'rude'?!
You didn't have to be happy about it >_>
(That made me smile IRL. ^-^)
*hugs Kade briefly* Well, I'm glad you're alive now.
Meh. *Grudgingly accepts the hug.*
*steps back* Meh? Meh?...where's Seb?
I think the big pelican ate him and flew away while we were talking/arguing.
*groans* *Whatitiri arrives* What took you so long? Nevermind, could you please find this giant pelican that probably ate baby Seb and reclaim him (Seb, that is)?
*Whatitiri turns its head and pecks at Kade.*
Ow, hey!
Whatitiri, please behave. *Whatitiri flies off after the pelican*
What was his problem? You'd think I'd stolen you from him or something.
*Shadewn ignites his crimson lightsabers and starts slaying pelicans at top speeds* This is child's play, fellows. :D
*Comes out from my hiding place- I mean my regrouping point...under the wheelbarrow... and begins attacking any of the pelicans at sight*
Oden's beard! You look weird!
>.> But wasn't it your idea for us to turn into infant form? Hmm?
I never said it wasn't. You just look weird, that's all.
Well. Ruuuuuuuuuude.
*Throws wrench at Sheev*
*Grabs wrench and places it in my pocket* This has use.
*Grabs a pelican and rips its bottom beak out*
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on July 16, 2020, 12:35:56 AM
*Grabs wrench and places it in my pocket* This has use.
...That works. :laugh:
Quote from: Scott McLamok on July 16, 2020, 12:47:36 AM
*Grabs a pelican and rips its bottom beak out*
*Chases the pelicans with my flying bulldozer*
*Presses a button and sends a missile at the pelicans*
Yeeesssss CORNDAGA!
*grabs onto the tail of the rocket and fires into the pelicans with my TEC-9*
*Gets in this ship and uses it to ram into the pelicans*
We've got company. *A massive hord of dung beetles breaks through the fortifications of the infantry*
*jumps off the missile, draws scimitar, and lands in the middle of the beetles*
*Pounces on one of the beetles, and frees his head from his miserable shoulders* Does likewise to many more*
*Would heal the wounded, but is full of so many bullets that she have more bullets then bones*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 16, 2020, 01:08:32 AM
*Chases the pelicans with my flying bulldozer*
*Gasps.* A DDB!!
Really? I didn't know they were so... yellow. Or that they looked like heavy machinery.
Much wow.
Quote from: Verdauga on July 16, 2020, 03:19:39 PM
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on July 16, 2020, 01:08:32 AM
*Chases the pelicans with my flying bulldozer*
*Gasps.* A DDB!!
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on July 16, 2020, 11:15:51 PM
My command shall be given. Destroy the rebellion.
*The dung beetles are gifted with renewed vigour* *The beetles fight harder*
*Starts stepping on the beetles*
The beetles are over 7 feet tall.
*Sets fire to this thread*
*The beetles begin devouring all of the occupancy*
*Grabs a beetle and cuts its legs off*
*is being eaten alive* *continues fighting*
This basically sums up this topic...
*charges over with tesso swarm*
Come on, there is plenty for all...
*tesso begin devouring the dung beetles*
O_O Those things are freaky. You'll give nightmares to the small children.
*Baby Seb rips a beetle's head off with his teeth*
*Grabs a beetle and shoots it in the face with a sidearm*
*Sits and squashes some of the beetles and rolls around on them*
*Pushes over a beetle and squishes it's head*
Okay, time to bring in the cavalry...
*begins skirmishing with the beetles*
*tesso continue to feed...*
Quote from: Jarky Thistlebrush on July 19, 2020, 01:07:47 AM
This basically sums up this topic...
Hah! :D
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on July 19, 2020, 06:39:47 AM
O_O Those things are freaky. You'll give nightmares to the small children.
Bold of you to assume I sleep.
Are you a small child? No, I don't think you are. ^-^
He's a child at heart.
But a small child?
He could be. We don't really know.
It's confirmed. Eb is 92.
Is... that so?
Uin. I am fourteen.
But Russa clearly confirmed that you're 92, and she's a very believable creature.
Hah *Shoots a still twitching beetle*
{OOC: I don't know what people do when stuck in bacta}
They heal...
{I don't think they can heal death, but sure...}
You can always try.
Lass, you should listen to the granny.
...*visible confusion* This is the Infants thread...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on July 22, 2020, 01:45:49 AM
But Russa clearly confirmed that you're 92, and she's a very believable creature.
Fine. *dies of old age*
Well that was rude.
(Happy now?)
Not especially.
(Oh. Well, that was a waste of energy.) *respawns as an infant wildcat*
AWWWWWWWIDDLE KITTEN. *Hugs baby wildact against his fluff.*
What about Kidden..
*purrs happily and kneads Kade's fluff with front paws in pleasure*
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on July 24, 2020, 07:51:51 PM
(Oh. Well, that was a waste of energy.) *respawns as an infant wildcat*
Good idea, that...Being dead isn't very fun right now... *respawns as a infant waterbending shapeshifter, who's original form is an otter-squirrel*
*squeaks* Eeep! Why an infan'! /me trips over her fluffy tail and tumbles down a very small hill
*leans toward Lass and waves paws at her, squeaking excitedly*
*Gives Eb ear scritches.* Now now, don't try and copy her, little one.
*purrs, slightly sulkily*
*Grabs a six shooter* OK kids this is a gun. To shoot it, pull back the chicken, then pull the trigger aanndd! *BANG*
*Covers Eb's ears before the shot goes off.*
...and use ear protection.
/me jumps up and runs over to Ebby giggling happily
*Hands Lass the gun* you try!
*claps paws and tries to leap out of Kade's arms onto Lass*
Ok ok, you go have fun with Lass. But, do not touch the gun. Ok sweetie?
Pfft these kids need exposure....The forum is doomed...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on July 24, 2020, 09:19:33 PM
Ok ok, you go have fun with Lass. But, do not touch the gun. Ok sweetie?
*nods eagerly*
We're all gonna die...
Exposure to guns and handling guns are two different things. Especially when the "instructor" is clearly unlicensed!
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on July 24, 2020, 09:20:48 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on July 24, 2020, 09:19:33 PM
Ok ok, you go have fun with Lass. But, do not touch the gun. Ok sweetie?
*nods eagerly*
*Sets Eb down.* Have fun ^_^
*tackle hugs Lass*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on July 24, 2020, 09:18:02 PM
*Hands Lass the gun* you try!
/me takes the gun in her tiny paws and copies what Scott did, sending the bullet into a tree, and being thrown backwards by the force of the shot
Ouchy...Dat hurteded my paws...
/me drops the gun as she is tackled by Ebby
*Picks up the gun, takes out the magazine, and racks the slide to eject the chambered round.*
Bad Scott.
*jumps off Lass and watches Kade curiously* What doin'?
/me grins and pounces on Ebby, sending them both down the little hill
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on July 24, 2020, 09:32:45 PM
*jumps off Lass and watches Kade curiously* What doin'?
Oh, well, you see...
Quote from: lass of something much on July 24, 2020, 09:34:44 PM
/me grins and pounces on Ebby, sending them both down the little hill
...nevermind then.
*nips playfully at Lass' ear and scramble back up the hill* Well?
Hmmm? Ah, well, I was simply removing all bullets from the gun, to make it safer since y'all are playing here. The magazine is what stores the unchambered bullets, and one round was already chambered in the barrel and had to be removed.
*blinks, completely uncomprehending* ...oh, see.
Don't worry about it sweetie, you just go and play ^_^
*does so*
/me had followed her friend up the hill, and was equally confused, composing herself, she squeaked
Ebby! Let's play mud families!
(Why the red text?)
*Calls to Eb.* I'll allow it, but you'll be getting a bath later ^-^
(I think it's because she's posting in Dibbun form.)
*Baby Sebias crawls up a tree.*
/me seeing the look of terra on her friend's face she quickly made a new suggestion
Ebby, Ebby, EBBY!! Let's play doctors and nurses!
*Hops down from tree*
/me runs up to Seb
Seba! You be a' paintent!
*Infant Seb groans*
Huh? Wha?
(Should I post in red too, btw?)
/me wraps Seb in bandages
/me cries because she was yelled at
/me sobs
/me screams
/me Screams and runs to Scott
*Steps in front of Lass* Herman *Grabs a darksabre* ES TEE OU PEE. STOP!
/me wipes her tears
S'ott, he a meanie!
*Grabs Herman and carries him away* Off with ya, you big bully.
*runs away from Sheev and toward Kade* *trips and lands face first in a mud puddle* ...uh-oh.
/me seeing her friend get all muddy giggles
You gonna be 'soo mush tubble, Ebby! Q'ick! Run 'way before Kage see!
/me grabs Ebby's paws and half drags her into the forest
*stumbles after Lass, trying to keep up*
/me tries to pull Ebby up a oak tree
*climbs quickly past Lass*
/me grins and pounces up into secret tree house that doesn't have a ladder
Dere! No Kage can't getta you!
*giggles* An' never have baves never again!
/me suddenly remembers Seb who is "dying"
Ebby! We mussa go save Seb!
/me jumps down and runs off to get Seb
*inches over to the edge of the tree house* Lassie...can't get down. An' Kade down there, he put us in baves.
*Infant Ghost Jarky comes up behind Ebbie*
Hewwo Ebbantoo.
*Other Jarky and Mer also walk up*
Gweetin's Ebbie! Do you hav' cupcakesh?
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on July 25, 2020, 08:46:21 AM
*inches over to the edge of the tree house* Lassie...can't get down. An' Kade down there, he put us in baves.
Don' wowwy! Ah be wight back!
*jumps in fright* Who-who you? How you get up here?
Mer's me bu' not. She new.
I der end of all.
She me bu' as a ghosht.
/me grabs Seb by the footpaw with a tiny water whip and runs back up the tree
Ebby! You be da nurseses an' I be de doctas! I- Oh, hi dere Jakkys!
*leans further over the edge of the treehouse, reaching for Seb's paw* Here, Lassie! I help you get him up.
I's okay, Ebby! I be'ded 'im up!
Wut? Ded?
(OOC: bended)
/me scrambles up after Seb
Quote from: Scott McLamok on July 25, 2020, 03:20:15 AM
*Grabs Herman and carries him away* Off with ya, you big bully.
I find it funny that Herman had to take the fall. ;D
/me trips and rolls out of the tree
You okay?
/me lands with a thump on the ground
*Picks up infant Lass and dusts her off*
/me tries very hard not to cry, her tiny footpaw was pointing in a very strange direction and the little otter-squirrel squeaked in fear at the sight
*Looks at Lass's paw* Shoot *Picks up Lass and takes her to a picnic bench* This might hurt a little ok. *Slowly twists Lass's foot back into place*
/me felt another burning feeling in her footpaw, but this time five times worse, she let out a blood chilling scream, then broke into sobs
*Heals infant Lass.*
My, my.
Ouch...Ouchy ow...
Ah... *Heals Lass and her footpaw straightens.*
How are you now, dear?
/me shakes her fluffy head
No! I falleded out da t'ee!
Oh dear. Do you want back up in the tree?
*Wipes Lass's eyes*
/me hugs Scott
(Why me Verdauga healed you..)
*Hugs Lass and carries her back to the tree*
(Baby me got quite the fright, auto reaction to that is to go clingy)
/me whimpers
*Holds Lass in front of him so she can see his face* What's wrong kiddo?
/me points to a very large bird who is swooping down at us
Dere a big scar bird!
*calls down to Lass* No worry, Lassie! It Tiri, nice eagle bird.
*the bird grabs Tiny Lass from under Scott's very nose and flies back to it's nest*
/me squeals and waves her little paws at the massive bird as if that would make it put her back down
Leta gooo!!!
*Grabs his gun and sprints after the bird*
*the bird flies higher, and higher until the ground is out of sight*
*Runs to ship and grabs a jetpack*
*runs after Scott* Scottie, fwisle for Tiri! He help find Lassie!
*stamps footpaw impatiently* No, big nice eagle-bird called Tiri! Whatitiri! Fwisle for him!
Ooooooohhhh....Looks at personal text.....yup....
Quickwy! Before Lassie gets eated!
*Picks up Ebantu and places her in his ship* Stay here okay! *Turns on jetpack*
No! Just FWISLE! (Whistle.)
*pulls out rocket launcher, and fires at the bird.*
*Races the rocket*
*the bird lands on a very, very high cliff and looks down at its tiny meal*
*Aims rifle at birds ugly hed*
/me screams and runs away from the massive bird
*the bird Lass up by her fluffy tail and moved to a very large stream*
*Lands and slowly follows the bird*
*the massive bird dropped Lass into the stream with a plop*
*Throws a knife at the bird and dives into the water*
*The bird looks rather bemused as the knife hits its feather, then plucks Scott up by his tail*
*Grabs Lass's tail as he gets dragged up* Hello ugly..*Headbutts bird*
*the bird tilts its head*
/me squeaks and waves her paws
Ouchy, ouch!!
*Removes his helmet and puts Lass in it* Now ya big fugly bird let me or I'll have to take extreme measures....
/me pokes her head out of the helmet and looks up at Scott
*The bird blinks in confusion at the fact its snack just grew into a much larger meal*
*Kicks the bird in the face*
*the massive bird shuffles and opens its mouth wide*
*Shoves armored boot into the birds mouth* Chew on that..
*the massive bird chomps happily on Scott's footpaw*
*Shoves foot deeper*
/me pulls on Scott's arm
S'ott, de big meany bird gonna eat us?
*the bird eats Scott's footpaw*
No. I got this all under control.
(This would make a funny drawing)
/me shivers and clings onto Scott's paw
S'ott.. I cold...
*Grabs several handwarmers and gives it to Lass* Just shake them. *Grab the birds beak and starts opening the mouth way wider than it should*
*the bird chomps on Scott*
/me gets stuck in one of the pawwarmers
*Shifts Lass around* Stop scratching my armor. Ya big goof ball...
/me sucks on her paw and yawns
O'tay, S'ott...
Uhhh go to sleep kid....Mr. bird we are in a stalemate...
*shoots the bird with an RPG, obliterating 68% of it's body mass*
/me Yelps at the sound and bursts into tears
*Picks up Lass and hugs her* Shhh
/me Who by now is very tired and scared simply sobs, and grips onto Scott's paw
*Carries Lass back to the ship*
/me Sobs
*Places her in the ship and covers her in a blanket* Bed sheets one post ruins everything...*Walks away*
/me Slowly falls asleep
*Kicks a pebble as he walks away*
/me sleeps peacefully
*Sits on a rock* Great time to be you isn't it! *Whirls around* What do you want other Scott...Not a thing. Just came to see what's up.... GO back to your thread....*Throws Scott an earpiece* If ya need me just call *Wink*
/me Half opens one of her big brown eyes and looked around sleepily for Scott or Ebby
*Rolls eyes and looks away from other Scott* *Sits beside Scott* What's the matter? Girl problems?
/me shivers and sucks her tiny paw
Ok Other Scott I got to go check on the kids....Kids what kids?Just go. They'll get a heart attack if they see two me's...I'll wear my helmet... Just try not to be seen and you can come....*Walks back to the ship*
/me yawns and sits up, her whole body shaking with cold
*Opens the door of the ship* Oooh nice house! *Removes his helmet and places it on the floor*
/me seeing Scott, jumps up and runs over to him
S'ott! S'ott!
/me trips over her tail again and is sent rolling past Scott
/me falls out the door with a frightened squeak
*Baby Sebias is hurt (Apparently?), but is too young to realize it*
Infantry, you have proven to be the ELITE. But you musn't squander your power. Your next objective will be the destruction of Seborg, the false emperor.
/me squeaks because other Scott's helmet is scary, so she reaches her paws out to Scott
Wait, Lass is an infant now too? *Shrugs* Do u want some animal crackers Lassie Lass? :giggle:
/me coos
Herman....Go kill a jedi or something....
Yes Lass?
I hungy... (Hungry)
Ok! Ummm Scott can you take her to the bed, I'll go get some snacks...*Nods.*
/me climbs up onto Other Scott's shoulders and wraps her fluffy tail around his neck
Why dere two S'otts?
*Makes voice deeper* Umm. It's hard to explain....I don't get it either...*Places Lass on the bed.*
/me crawls under all the pillows
*Walks in with banana and chocolate chip cake, a sandwich and a juice box*
*Giggling comes from the pillows where the tip of a fluffy tail is showing itself*
Hehe, S'ott can'nea' see me! Hehe!
*Looks at the pile of pillows* Scott do you kow where Lass is? *Wink* No idea where the little one is... Maybe she's in the closet! *Opens closet and several grenades and magazines fall out* Not there! *Shoves the stuff back in* Is she under the bed *Swiftly checks under the lame excuse for bed* Got-Not there! Hmmmm....
Quote from: Scott McLamok on July 28, 2020, 10:07:31 PM
*Looks at the pile of pillows* Scott do you know where Lass is? *Wink* No idea where the little one is... Maybe she's in the closet! *Opens closet and several grenades and magazines fall out* Not there! *Shoves the stuff back in* Is she under the bed *Swiftly checks under the lame excuse for bed* Got-Not there! Hmmmm....
/me giggled happily and waited. For the tiny otter-squirrel it seemed like hours, so she pounced out of under the pillows with a squeaky attempt at a badger's battle cry
Bud an' vinger!
*Turns around* Gahhhh! It's a scary badger save me....
/me flops back on the pillows happily
Hehe! I no bada! I a oppa-squiwwel!
Oh good I thought I was going to get trampled! *Holds out food* Peace offering?
I no t'ample you! You my f'end!
*Puts Lass on knee* Well that's nice to know! *Ruffles Lass's fur* Your the only Lass I have left.
/me climbed up Scott's armour and onto his shoulder
Dere are other lasses?
Yeah...And I bungled it up with them....*Removes helmet*
/me tilted her head
S'ott, what's a bungleded?
Quote from: lass of something much on July 29, 2020, 01:13:47 AM
/me tilted her head
S'ott, what's a bungleded?
It means I messed up...
/me brightened up again
Messin' up is fun!
No need t' be sad!
No it's different....
/me looks rather confused again, and she shrugged and looked at the food
S'ott, are you gonna p'ay for da food? (Pray)
The food is paid for! Scott can you stay with her? *Nods*
/me frowns
*Walks away to punch a tree*
/me who was balanced on Scott's shoulder wobbled a bit and grabbed onto Scott's ear
*Flicks Lass off of Scott's ear* ;D
*Calls an ambulance for infant Lass*
*Grabs Herman and kick him in the soft spot*
Quote from: Russa Nodrey on July 29, 2020, 11:35:49 AM
*Calls an ambulance for infant Lass*
(I am the ambulance)
Lol! 😂 *Grabs Herman and throws him out the door*
(So, so violent XD)
*Places landmines in front of the door*
/me is now a splat
No! Herman has arms as thick as toothpicks....
*Toothpicks are very large to tiny baby ottersquirrels*
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on July 27, 2020, 10:14:28 PM
Infantry, you have proven to be the ELITE. But you musn't squander your power. Your next objective will be the destruction of Seborg, the false emperor.
*Baby Sebias salutes*
Hmm, good idea. *Orders drinks*
(Guys, this is Sheev. Herman was killed in a car accident, remember?)
*Army of cyborgs, cybats, and cywolves approach the topic*
(OOC: Seb, keep those out of here. -_-)
*drives into the topic with a Jagdpanzer tank*
Your reinforcements have arrived.
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on July 30, 2020, 03:26:40 AM
*drives into the topic with a Jagdpanzer tank*
Your reinforcements have arrived.
/me is thankfully between the tanks...Tire thingys
*No Lass is in Scott's backpack with lots of snacks and hole she can breath through*
(Actually I was splatted on the ground but I like this idea better :P)
/me tests one of the snacks
*The army begins to pillage the topic, stealing things and flying off with them*
*Starts shooting cyborgs*
/me hears funny sounds and so tries to poke her head out of Scott's backpack to see
*Begins pillaging the cyborg army, pickpocketing all of their nuts and bolts.*
*One of the cyborg wolves eats Kade's enchanted fork*
Good luck with that, wolf.
*The fork has yet to be summoned, and thus is not in sight for any robo wolf to devour. There are no more nuts or bolts in sight either, but that's because Kade already stole 'em all. Prances away.*
I have no idea where I am, what form I am in, or what I should do next.
(You're with Seb and the Jarkys in a tree, and you should play)
Oh. *tumbles out of the tree*
*Grabs a beskar steel shield and slings it over the backpack*
*The cyborgs, having found what they wanted, flock out of the thread*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 01, 2020, 12:53:30 AM
*Grabs a beskar steel shield and slings it over the backpack*
/me squeaks in fright because the shield blocks the little bit of light that was coming through the fabric
Where de light go, S'ott? Ah cannea see!
*Baby Sebias waddles up to Lass*
/me eats a snack
*Removes backpack and places it on the floor* You okay Lass? *Opens bag*
*Baby Sebias opens mouth like shown below*
(This is an actual and totes legit picture taken of me and my siblings when we're waiting for dinner)
Fine *Passes Seb a granola bar*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 01, 2020, 02:39:44 PM
*Removes backpack and places it on the floor* You okay Lass? *Opens bag*
/me pops her fluffy head out of the bag, a peace of apple hanging out of her mouth
S'ott, what da scary boom-boom sounds?
Don't worry about it...Just eat your snacks....*Reloads all his guns*
*puts on helmet and grabs rocket launcher*
*Sharpens knives*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 02, 2020, 02:44:03 AM
Don't worry about it...Just eat your snacks....*Reloads all his guns*
/me crawls out of the bag and sits beside Scott
But i's scary...
(OOC: This whole thread reminds me of the Mandalorian.)
(OOC: I think that's what Scott was going for...With his forum life, not just this thread :P)
/me picks up one of Scott's knives, which in her tiny paws looks more like a sword than a knife
Quote from: lass of something much on August 02, 2020, 02:52:46 AM
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 02, 2020, 02:44:03 AM
Don't worry about it...Just eat your snacks....*Reloads all his guns*
/me crawls out of the bag and sits beside Scott
But i's scary...
Well....Yesish! Don't worry about it!
Quote from: lass of something much on August 02, 2020, 05:50:07 AM
(OOC: I think that's what Scott was going for...With his forum life, not just this thread :P)
/me picks up one of Scott's knives, which in her tiny paws looks more like a sword than a knife
*Picks knife up by the blade* Lass not a toy! *Hands Lass a popsicle stick* Use that!
/me looks rather crest-fallen at the new sword, it wasn't shiny like Scott's "swords," but she waved it around anyway, unknowingly bending tiny springs of water at everyone and everything as she sat beside Scott with her new sword
*Shoves the combat knife back into its sheath on his boot*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 01, 2020, 07:53:07 PM
Fine *Passes Seb a granola bar*
*Infant Seb gobbles it down and twitches his nose gratefully*
*Hands him another*
*Dips it in mud, then proceeds to eat it whole*
*Smacks lips*
*Smacks forehead*
/me looks up and sees something shiny in the woods. And, thinking it might be a real sword, she wandered off to find it, dropping her stick on the way
*Follows Lass*
/me crawls into a thick bush to find the shiny thing
*Pulls out pistol slowly*
/me crawls deeper, and deeper into the thick woodlands, flowing the shiny thing
*Follows Lass with his gun trained on the shiny thing*
(OOC: I don't think you can army crawl and train your gun on something.. If infant Lass has to crawl, you surely do....Unless you're in the trees)
(OOC: I have absolute no idea where I am....Skillz?)
(OOC: Haha, I guess?)
/me pounces on the shiny thing, but it disappears, then reappears deeper in the woods. The tiny otter-squirrel let out a squeal and bounded after it
*Continues to post because all he can say is *follows Lass* *
*something moves in a bush near Scott's tail*
*Reaches out of the bush and stabs the shiny thing.*
Quote from: Verdauga on August 03, 2020, 03:23:51 PM
*Reaches out of the bush and stabs the shiny thing.*
*Proceeds to eat shiny thing whole*
(OOC: *Hits both of you idiots on the head with my book and goes off to sulk*)
{Hey! I crossed it out so you could ignore it! Don't get mad at me!}
(OOC: Oh...*nods awkwardly* Sorry...)
/me disappears from sight
(OOC: Come now, Infant Lass is just going into a forest with wolves in it, nothing dangerous! ;D)
(OOC: Waits for Lass to make the first move)
(OOC: She already did, she crawled off into the forest never to be seen again :giggle:)
*Scott ran into the jungle screaming "FOR THE REPUBLIC!" Which was followed by several gunshots*
*flies in* Hey, does anyone know where Lass is?
*Looks up from his bounty list* She ran off with Scott...
*looks mildly surprised* Really? I thought she hated that guy...
She does.
Uhhh...That doesn't add up...
*Shrugs* Coffee? *Holds up a mug*
Thanks for the offer, but I really must go... I'll look elsewhere..
you do you!
*takes flight again, heading for the wild lands*
*Walks into wild lands (Scott's closet)*
(OOC: o.0)
*Inspects all the guns*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 05, 2020, 04:47:31 AM
*Scott ran into the jungle screaming "FOR THE REPUBLIC!" Which was followed by several gunshots*
Sells Scott to Disney.*
*Infant Sebias chews on Kade's enchanted spoon*
Quote from: Verdauga on August 05, 2020, 11:45:06 PM
Sells Scott to Disney.*
Guys, Disney own everything. And they're owned by China. Relax. We all knew it would happen eventually.
Or cast you as a side character for the Mandalorian.
You never know, they could put you in a great film like the Star Wars holiday special. ;D
Come, come, now. It can't be all that bad. Maybe Disney will give you a lead role in an adaptation of some great book series. They could never mess those up.
..Hi. I'm not really sure what I can do, but I'll try.
Just one thing, who's Kennedy?
Oh. Hi. *waves*
Kathleen Kennedy is the person who succeeded George Lucas s head of Lucasfilm. She is the sole reason for the Sequel Trilogy turning into a canon destroying mess of cash-grabbing faluire anddisappointment.
That's sad.
(OOC: Ebby, you're still a baby)
(Well, I can't be bothered to go and edit brackets into all of my posts, so you're just going to have to live with it :P. Now...where is Infant Ebby at the moment?)
(In the tree house with Seb and all the Jarkys)
*Walks over to widdle baby Eb.* Have you had fun playing, sweetie?
OOC: Awwwww!
OOC: Aye, it was related to infants, so I put it here.
Quote from: Kade Rivok on August 06, 2020, 05:05:57 PM
*Walks over to widdle baby Eb.* Have you had fun playing, sweetie?
Shh! I hiding. *falls out of the tree and pounces on Kade's footpaw*
(Fun fact, I had sorta pictured an Otterbadger to look like a panda. :giggle:)
Pandas look like pandas, silly! Otterbadgers look like Otterbadgers!
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on August 07, 2020, 06:55:33 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on August 06, 2020, 05:05:57 PM
*Walks over to widdle baby Eb.* Have you had fun playing, sweetie?
Shh! I hiding. *falls out of the tree and pounces on Kade's footpaw*
*Bends down and strokes the liddle 'uns head.* There there, I'm sorry I disturbed your fun :laugh:
*Picks up Kade and Eb and relocates them*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on August 07, 2020, 03:51:58 PM
Pandas look like pandas, silly! Otterbadgers look like Otterbadgers!
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on August 07, 2020, 06:55:33 AM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on August 06, 2020, 05:05:57 PM
*Walks over to widdle baby Eb.* Have you had fun playing, sweetie?
Shh! I hiding. *falls out of the tree and pounces on Kade's footpaw*
*Bends down and strokes the liddle 'uns head.* There there, I'm sorry I disturbed your fun :laugh:
*purrs and pushes head into Kade's paw*
*Plops them in their wedding thread*
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on August 06, 2020, 08:52:53 AM
Kathleen Kennedy is the person who succeeded George Lucas s head of Lucasfilm. She is the sole reason for the Sequel Trilogy turning into a canon destroying mess of cash-grabbing faluire anddisappointment.
A man who knows the truth!
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 07, 2020, 07:45:10 PM
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on August 06, 2020, 08:52:53 AM
Kathleen Kennedy is the person who succeeded George Lucas s head of Lucasfilm. She is the sole reason for the Sequel Trilogy turning into a canon destroying mess of cash-grabbing faluire anddisappointment.
A man who knows the truth!
Thanks ^-^
She looks like a bug anyway...
Agreed. In fact, I thonk the Mouse's first desicion was to shut down the Clone Wars, in the middle of season 6.
I didn't know that! Because the Clone Wars is the best Stat Wars thing.....
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 08, 2020, 04:23:16 AM
I didn't know that! Because the Clone Wars is the best Stat Wars thing.....
I'm not sure, but I know that was definitely one of the first 5 thungs they did after buying it. Apparently disney thought that it had become "not as family friendly as they liked", so Mickey pulled the plug. Can't wait to see what they do with Deadpool.
Yea! Disney ruins everything it touches....
The good thing is that if disney gets too big, Which i garuntee it will by 2024, they will be deemed a monopoly and dissolved.
/me poofs in from the HELP THE MODS ARE OUT FOR OUR BLOOD thread
Hey, Lass! Come to resume your position in the Infantry?
(You're an infant in here, Seb -_-)
(I'm fairly certain that Adult Sebias is in here too though...)
*Infant Seb eats a cookie*
(You're wrong...You just kept forgetting)
(Mm. I dunno about that. It's not impossible to have two different alt-personalities in the same thread, ya know :P)
(*raises an eyebrow*)
(*Waggles eyebrows*)
*Infant Seb licks up cookie crumbs from the ground*
/me runs over and hugs Baby Seb
*Infant Seb coos confusedly but returns hug with a smile*
Whe'd Ebby an' Darky go?
Um... *Infant Seb sniffs the ground, searching for their scent*
Why'd ya fipa fop outa de tree 'ut?
(...Excellent question.)
*Climbs back up* I fink I can't do infa't-speak very gudd...
/me scrambles up the tree
*Plucks some leaves and begins nibbling on them*
Hehe, dose de sleepie leafs! You gonna go night-night now :giggle:
*Eyes widen*
*Runs around*
I no wanna go sleepie!!!
*Movements get slower... stumbles to a halt and rubs eyes*
*Watches from outside the thread.*
>.> | |
/|\ | |
/\ |______________________________________________|
/me giggles and calls out for
@Scott McLamok Seb went sleepie-sleep!
. . . *Goes sleepie-sleep I guess?* :P
Quote from: Scott McLamok on August 19, 2020, 04:07:54 PM
You needa put Seb t' bed! He gone sleepie-sleep on da g'ownd!
I need a head count and report, stat!
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
*Rogue dung beetles belch forth from Enadrid's caves* Infantry, charge!!!
S'ott, why de bugy-bugs bein' meanies?
Ask Herman! *Grab Lass, Seb and Ebantu*
/me climbs up onto Scott's shoulder
*Sprints to ship*
Why we goin' t' da s'ip?
To run away from those things! *Points at beetles using Seb*
*Fires SPAS 12 at the horde of beetles*
Get in the ship, Come on!
*Jumps on this ship and places Lass, Seb and Eb on a bed* Where is my grenade launcher? *Digs through dirty laundry*
/me crawls off the bed and starts pressing random buttons
Ahh *Ship starts playing PPAP*
/me hides inside the glove box
*Jumps into the flight vehicle* Infantry, flee the scene!!!
..... <_<.......
/me screams
*Throws a knife at the button turning the "music" off*
/me is cold with fear
*Gives Lass a blanket*
/me falls asleep deep down in the glove box, never to be found again because Scott should be too busy taking care of the other cheeky chidlas
*IRL me is cackling evily*
*infant Ebby opens the glove box and squeaks happily* I finded you! Now is my turn t'hide.
/me wakes up and crawls out, then splats face first on the ground
One.. Two...Th'ee...Five....Four..
*runs and hides under a bed*
...I can' rememba what nex'...
*pokes head out from under the bed* Seven, thirteen, eight, twenty-two.
*a muffled sound comes from where Lass is lying face first* Ohhh! Yes!
Seven, thi'teen, eat.. tetenty-two.
*quickly retreats back under the bed*
Six, Onehundeed! Ready or no here I come! /me jumps up with a big cut over her nose from a loose bit of metal. The little squirrel let out a triumphant squeak as she saw Scott, One-eye, and Seb
Hah! I gottened you!!! /me ran over to the glove box and peeks inside, and seeing as her friend was not there, Lassie bounded over to Scott's amo box and struggles to open it to find her feline friend
*wriggles further under the bed and giggles quietly*
/me squeaks in frustration, then goes to check under the mat
*Was sleeping under the mat.* D'ya mind?
/me screams and shoots under the bed to escape the fluffy mat monster
*Scooches after infant Lass.* Rawr, imma nibble yer fingers and poke yer ear. Rawr.
/me hide inside the mattress
*Juzt re-entred ze topic und zuz 'az nay idea vot iz gaein' on*
*Zitz 'ere und eatz Haggis*
*Grumbles something about unwanted visitors*
S'ott the mat mons'a is gonna eat mee!!!!
No! *Shoves Kade back under the mat* As for this one! *Grabs Herman and locks him in the closet*
/me is now quite scared
*Places Lass on his shoulders*
Ebby! I gotted you- /me copies Scott
O.o....Okay? *Grabs Seb and puts him on his other shoulder*
/me tries to imitate that expression
Otay! /me tries to grab Seb
*Topples sideways* Gahh! *Throws Lass, Ebantu and Seb on the bed before colliding with the floor*
/me splats on the ground beside Scott
Gaah! Gah!
/me looks very confused
*Sits up and puts Lass on his Lap*
/me also sits up as well
*Alarms go off* Nyeh! Thtoopid beetles!
N-N.........thoopig beetroots...
Huh? *Places Lass on the bed and grabs his gun* I'll be back!
/me falls off the bed and grabs her wooden gun
I be back!
Uhhh? Bathrooms that way! *Points down the corridor! *Starts the ship and let's it hover thirty feet in the air*
/me also points
*Pulls down a ladder and climbs onto the roof of the ship*
/me tries to climb the ladder, but is too tiny, so she just poofs to the top of it
*Aims at the closest beetle's head*
/me points her tiny wooden gun at the beetle
*Is unaware of Lass and fires his gun at the beetle*
/me makes gun sounds
What th-Lass! What are you doing here?
/me gets nocked over by a beetle
Wings? Give me a break! *Grabs Lass and shoots a beetle at the same time*
/me giggles and makes more gun sounds, brandishing her tiny wooden gun at the dead beetle
*Jumps back inside and grabs a new gun* Lass! I need you to protect Seb and Eb ok?
I donna kill de meanie bugs!
But who is gonna protect Seb and Eb?
We donna!
Ok! So you sit here with Seb and Eb ok? I'll drive the ship!
But you can stay with me if you want!
I donna kill de meanie bugs!
No! We can't kill the buggies right now!
Because! We are going to get ourselves killed if we do!
Yay! We gonna killeded!
Lass! Your to young to die!
Because your going to grow up and be a strong person! Then you can have all my weapons so you can kill all the buggies!
Yeah! So let's get out of here and when your older I'll give you a knife!
Ebby! Ebby! I gonna be old!
Yeah! If you don't die here!
*Infant Ebby has curled up and fallen asleep on Kade's lap*
*Goes into a corner of the ship to sleep*
"To exile we must go. Failed we have." :(
*Flies the ship to exile aka the middle of nowhere aka Disneyland*
*Walt Disney's ghost, Kathleen Kennedy, a human-like Micky Mouse, and three Disney vaults approach us with open arms and decanonization wands*
Methinks we should leave. :)
Agreed! *Turns around*
(I made this while I was catching up on this thread. ^-^)
Thanks. :laugh: I thought so too, lol.
*An army of Disney dollar notes puts their rocket launchers to good use and blows up the infantry's grand ship*
D: *Becomes angry*
Take them to Cell Block 10/30 for interrogation. ~Micky Mouse
Micky Mouse, I wouldn't advice it.
*Micky slaps Seb*
*Dropkicks Micky*
*Sebias and friends are already in Cell Block 10/30* *Sebias could not have dropkicked Mickey*
Fellows, I think we have reached our journey's end. :(
Yes. I think you have. *Wafts at Seb*
*Hurls Seb out of the way*
*Continuez eatin' Haggis, ztill nae quoite kennin' vot'z gaein' on*
*Dropz a totem pole ontae ze Disney bloke*
Quote from: Jarky Thistlebrush on August 31, 2020, 08:26:12 AM
Yes. I think you have. *Wafts at Seb*
*Hurls Seb out of the way*
*Seb stands in front of Jarky* *Seb pulls out the Sword of Eternal Heroes* *Seb pokes Jarky*
*Rips the bench out of the wall and throws it at the bars*
If we can get out, we could possibly steal a ship.
If I reenter this thread, do I get turned into an infant? What are the rules here?
People who make threads:
*Sheev uses a sly mind trick on the dollar note guarding the prison* You will unlock the cell bars and go fling your carcass off the nearest cliff. 8D *The guard does as he was told* Hurrah, fellows! Now we just need to find a ship. :)
Maybe Verdsteer?
Guys!!! I found a ship. ^-^
I am quite surprised Disney hasn't erased it with a decanonization wand. *Starts up the ship*
Nice. *Enters the ship* Did anyone bring snacks?
*Throws Russa a rather moldy packet of cod* Enjoy! :) ^-^ *Sheev steers the ship away from the foul clutches of Walter Disney's youthful friends* *Sheev convinces the olde ship to make the jump to hyperspace*
*Accepts the cod* Thank you. :) *Puts the cod in an escape pod and ejects it into space*
I could teleport you directly where you want to go... but that's none of my business. *Sips coffee.*
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on September 01, 2020, 11:49:58 PM
Guys!!! I found a ship. ^-^
I am quite surprised Disney hasn't erased it with a decanonization wand. *Starts up the ship*
Ach, ye poztin' a
REAL Ztar Varz zin' from
Ztar Varz Ze Auld Republic! Finally a vize move! *Examinez ze Cargo 'auld, vhich 'e kenz exactly vhere i' tiz becauze 'e playz ze game*
Nice ship. Perhaps a celebration of our escape is in order?
I mean, normally yes. But since Russa made our cod go bye bye... >8(
/me cries because she is scared. She runs crying into Scott
S'ott de meanie guy here! He donna get meee!!!
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on September 02, 2020, 06:40:58 AM
I mean, normally yes. But since Russa made our cod go bye bye... >8(
Y'all'd've probably died if you ate that. I was protecting you.
Quote from: lass of something much on September 02, 2020, 08:59:09 AM
/me cries because she is scared. She runs crying into Scott
S'ott de meanie guy here! He donna get meee!!!
Who Herman?
/me nods, tears still pouring down her cheeks
*Grabs Herman by the ear and throws him back into the closet*
*Passes Herman fruit snacks through a crack in the closet door*
Aww! Siblingship. ^-^
/me cries because she's scared
At it's finest.
Quote from: lass of something much on September 03, 2020, 03:15:00 AM
/me cries because she's scared
*Picks up Lass and takes her to the cockpit*
/me hugs Scott
The place where the ship, plane, helicopter ect is conrolled.
(Ah, thank you. Please excuse my lack of knowledge. XP)
It's nothing.
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on September 01, 2020, 10:17:12 PM
I... I can't look away....
*places paws over Kade's eyes*
*Sits down on his gaming chair and presses an anti-Herman button*
/me is conflicted
/me just wanted to make an ATLA reference
Quote from: Scott McLamok on September 06, 2020, 04:14:10 AM
*Sits down on his gaming chair and presses an anti-Herman button*
Ve could lock 'im in ze cupboard viz Hitler und Napoleon...Und may'apz zrov Margaret Thatcher in zere tae boot.
/me nods
Loc 'im up....He da meanie mean...
Silence, youths! ^-^
*This does not happen*
I'm not explaining thot to you.
(Meh, I just googled it. You don't need to explain :P (Important Note: I'm not saying I'm a thot, I just reacted to it because I was the last girl to post...))
/me sadly walks off to the tree hut
How dare you say that to an infant.
Quote from: lass of something much on September 07, 2020, 07:42:18 AM
(Meh, I just googled it. You don't need to explain :P (Important Note: I'm not saying I'm a thot, I just reacted to it because I was the last girl to post...))
The clarification was nice, but probably not needed. At least not for me, lol.
(That's good :'))
/me curls up in a ball if sadness because S'ott yelled at her for no reason
*Is smashing his head on the ship controls*
(I felt that...)
/me uncurls and climbs up into the tree to escape
*Takes control of the ship and flies us to Vegas* 8D
You had literally anywhere.... and you chose VEGAS???
/me thinks this is some weird american thing..
It is most definitely an American thing.
(Okay, once again, please excuse my ignorance, I am not very knowledgeable)
*Scoops up Vegas and plops it in Canada*
This is for the best.
Now where to put New York...
Anywho. *Scoops up Forum gang and plops them back in the infantry*
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on October 04, 2020, 06:33:47 PM
*Scoops up Vegas and plops it in Canada*
*Picks it up again and throws it to Australia*
Plz no. They don't deserve it.
Fyne....*Places it in Quebec*
*Assembles the infantry*
(I....Am so confused right now...)
What is life without a bit of confusion, that's what I always say.
Then again, potatoes do not mean that same thing as wooden cups, regardless of what the paperclip said.
Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on October 04, 2020, 10:55:44 PM
*Assembles the infantry*
That should go about as well as herding cats.
O_O That's a lot of ducks.
Quote from: Ebantu the Kararehe on October 06, 2020, 04:10:52 AM
O_O That's a lot of ducks.
Just you wait until he gets 'em all in a row.
Zomebeazt mention Booklover...
(HeadInAnotherBook OTP)
@Booklover Quote from: Sebias of Redwall on October 06, 2020, 01:58:15 AM
Haha! 😂
*Has fallen asleep.*
/me silently watches from her spot in the tree
*Sheev sleeps* ^-^ *Sheev is awakened* 8( *Sheev notices Kathleen Kennedy has boarded the ship* >8( INFANTRY!!!! HALP! :(
*A bunch of Tessos swarm the beast and chuck her into the ocean with an anchor on her neck*
I think negotiations would have been a more pacifistic solution. :)
*Hears the beeping microwave* *Pulls out some semi-moldy egg salad* *Begins salivating all over the egg salad* Oh! where are my manners? :( Would you like some, Scott? :)
Uhhh....That was from boot camp...
/me looks horrified. She jumps into the sea to save the person the Tesso just threw in
*Grabs Lass before she jumps out*
That's no way to treat your wife. >8( *Kicks Scott's shins* :giggle:
Ouch..She is a child....
Save a wife, save a life.
Golly, I'm clever.
Favorite Quotes...
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 28, 2020, 07:42:43 PM
Save a wife, save a life.
That's a tad too inspirational for my tastes. :-\ Speaking of tastes, would anyone like some egg salad? :)
/me struggles in Scott's grip
S'ott! De Lady donna get deaded!
*Jumps in and saves Kathleen* 8D
*Leviatez in ze air, vatchin' av o' ziz take place*
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 28, 2020, 07:42:43 PM
Save a wife, save a life.
Annoy her, and you lose
/me is crying and struggling
*Hugs Lass* Lass that person is a menace society!
/me is scared of Scott because he screamed at her
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on October 28, 2020, 07:46:04 PM
Quote from: Kade Rivok on October 28, 2020, 07:42:43 PM
Save a wife, save a life.
That's a tad too inspirational for my tastes. :-\ Speaking of tastes, would anyone like some egg salad? :)
I would love some.
(You diiiiddd)
(That was at Heman)
(Infant Lass doesn't know that)
/me who had given up struggling, sobs quietly
*Rubs Lass's back*
/me begins to drift asleep, her wet eyelashes flickering shut, and her head nodding forward.
*Begins playing a haredee gurdee.*
/me wakes with a start
*Kicks Kade* Oi! The baby is trying to sleep!
*Dodges. Begins dancing while playing.*
/me whimpers, but starts nodding off again soon after
*Still is waiting for his egg salad*
/me snoozes, her tiny face wet with her tears, but a look of peace on her face
*Pats Infant Lass' head*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on October 30, 2020, 09:42:43 PM
*Kicks Kade* Oi! The baby is trying to sleep!
I would defend you, meleth nin, but you were being rather a pain.
/me paw twitches, moving it ever closer to her open mouth
Hey, fellows! I created this little video starring "The Infantry". If you decide to take a gander I'd like to know what you think. º-) >8(
Dude! That is awesome! Pewpew!
(Agreed. Best one yet.)
*Wraps Lass' paw and coats it in a horribly tasting substance.*
/me puts her paw in her mouth, then starts crying
Ey! *Picks up Lass* Say ahh!
(You already had her...Asleep in yer arms..)
/me already is saying Aaah, very loudly
*Whilst in the world of slumber, Sheev is attacked by Kathleen Kennedy* *Sheev Awakens* *Sheev screams* ASSHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAGAGAGGAGAHASSASAHAH!!!!!! :(
*Gives Sheev a glass of warm milk*
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on December 21, 2020, 07:24:57 AM
Hey, fellows! I created this little video starring "The Infantry". If you decide to take a gander I'd like to know what you think. º-) >8(
Good work! Minus the arms, that's a very accurate depiction of me. ;D
*Kathleen gives into her emotions and destroys Sheev* :(
/me lets out a loud sob
What's up Lass?
I gock ikky in my mouff (I've got gross stuff in my mouth) It all sowwa an' hot..
Uhhh? *Pulls said thing out of Lass's mouth*
/me is now being held up by the paw
....Lass...No eating hands......Ok?
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on December 22, 2020, 01:10:25 AM
*Kathleen gives into her emotions and destroys Sheev* :(
Oh well. He lived a good life...sort of.
Just tell me and I'll get your bottle!
My teefs are ouchy...
Uhh....Lass...I don't want to treat you like a pet! Open your mouth!
/me sniffles and opens her mouth
I'm not a dentist but I'd suggest that you only eat soft things, avoid chewing anything, and brush your teeth often....
/me only has baby fangs so far
*Should have known this*
Quote from: Scott McLamok on December 22, 2020, 03:29:45 AM
What's up Lass?
The sky. Although it's kind of subjective when you ask someone in the Southern Hemisphere.
Da moon!
*Sheev's spirit leaves its body with a howl* *It speaks* "Where's Kathleen?" >8(
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on December 21, 2020, 07:24:57 AM
Hey, fellows! I created this little video starring "The Infantry". If you decide to take a gander I'd like to know what you think. º-) >8(
(That one is great, Sheevie!!! :laugh: Oi, where's my crown, tho? :-|)
Quote from: The Shadow of Korriban on December 22, 2020, 08:09:38 PM
*Sheev's spirit leaves its body with a howl* *It speaks* "Where's Kathleen?" >8(
Quote from: Verdauga on December 22, 2020, 10:05:10 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on December 22, 2020, 01:08:43 PM
Da moon!
"I am so very wroth at Kathleen. Can someone clean up my corpse?" :(
Sure thing, bro. *Grabs a broom and a cat*
Thanks. :)
No prob, Bob. ^-^
*Suddenly turns into an infant*
"Oh, my." *Sheev's spirit pats baby Seb's little head and places him in a crib that has barbwire barring his way* :giggle:
Is the wire named Barb?
*Chews on the wire*
*Does pushups*
Should I bring Teenage Verdauga into this?
Teenage Verdauga checks his phone.*
*Teenage Russa sits at home and considers going for a walk*
*Sends Teenage Russa a text:*
*Yo did we have homework?*
*Texts back this: ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ *
*Responds: eh, probably not.*
*Infant Lass and
@Scott McLamok have reentered the thread from The Bar*
Quote from: Verdauga on December 24, 2020, 01:14:37 AM
*Responds: eh, probably not.*
*Texts Verd a picture of my coffee*
What do you think, fellows? :) >8(
I think you'd better not turn Barney into a sociopath.
Too late. :D
/me giggles so hard she tumbles off of Scotts' shoulders
*Catches Lass*
/me beams up at Scott, before yawning
*Places Lass on his bed*
/me staggers a bit
(Stumbles, trips, but only just catches herself)
(I know but how?)
(Uh..She took a few unsteady steps forward, tripped over nothin in particular, and regained herself via waving her tiny arms around in a circle... )
(I meant to say waving, but I was typing on a keyboard I could hardly see..)
(I didn't notice the typo cause I'm blind....)
Quote from: lass of something much on January 02, 2021, 11:34:49 AM
(I meant to say waving, but I was typing on a keyboard I could hardly see..)
Are you sure you don't mean 'I meant to say waving, but I could hardly
(My bad! ;D)
*Just, like, flies out of the crib* ^-^
/me trips over her tail, and falls off of the bed, then giggles drunkenly
*Watches from about with face like so: O.O*
Hehehe! You butt-butt head! Hehehehehe
*Gives an indignant squawk*
/me falls on her back cackling
/me cackles
I evil!
Quote from: lass of something much on January 03, 2021, 03:50:57 AM
/me trips over her tail, and falls off of the bed, then giggles drunkenly
Umm... Lass... aren't you a little young to be drinking?
(Blame Scott ;D)
(You stood there and watched her get drunk)
(I couldn't do anything without hurting her.....)
(You could have just...Picked her up)
(She'll get over it......Maybe......)
(If you don't teach her, she want learn)
('Ight! What gun is good for beginners?)
(0_0............Maybe teaching her to read would be a better start..?)
A is for are.
B is for bjorn.
C is for cent.
D is for djembe.
E is for eye.
F is for file.
G is for gem.
H is for hour.
And so on.
I is for idiosyncrasy.
J is for jubilee.
K is for karma.
L is for lethargic.
M is for momentous.
N is for negligent.
O is for optimistic.
P is for pessimistic...
Q for quack
/me has waddled off...Somewhere
(Oh no...)
(Oh no is right! She's a tiny infant with proofing powers, waterbending, and chaos...Who knows where she could be by now)
*Sits at the cockpit thinking Lass is in bed*
/me has gone off to some other planet
*Flicks several switches on and scans for life forms* Why is Magatsu in my ship?
I have no idea, Scott! I love your outfit today!
It's my same old one....
(Uhh who is blue?)
(Ella or however you spell it)
It really does look good on you!
(Oh her......)
Whatever...*Sighs* Keep the ship stable! I'll be right back! *Walks out the door*
(That is the best reaction I could have hoped for :giggle:)
Sure, Scott!
*Pokes Magatsu* Wat brings you here?
/me waddles up to some desert raiders
*Spots the empty bed* Lass? You there?
*Ze emtpy bed zayz no*
*Sighs* I got cookies!
*A cricket chirps*
Great! *Sprints back to the cockpit*
Welcome back, Scott!
Can you bring up security footages of the entire ship?
Sure thing, Scott!
*The footage from that day begins to play*
This is gonna take a while.....Could you scan when a life form left the ship?
*Various goings start to show*
is there something wrong, Scott!
Yes....I happen to have.....Mispl-I lost Lass....
B̷̪̆W̷͇̬̠͖̥͕̳͕̰͑́ͅȄ̴̡̡͙̳̩̫͈̗̃̇͒̂̐̓͊͗̕͝ͅÈ̶̡̢̡͚̼̗̭̺̺̤̞͉̝͙̉̏͘̕͜Ṗ̸̜̯̣̭͕̱̤̂̉̊͗̃͛̅̃͘͝ ̴̧̛͓̪̻̜̱̙̬̤̣̖̘̘̓̐̾̒̌̓̀̀̀̿̌̐͜B̷̢̧͓͓̜͖̟͓͙̫̟̜̯̔͆͗̓͂̾͌̃̓̌͛̓͐̿͊͝Ȁ̴̢̢̞͖̟̳̗̫̰͔̀̓͌̍̍͝ ̷̡̨̧̛̺̬͕̺̼̩̦̓̑͑́̐̕ͅͅḂ̴͓͕̟̝̲̫͕̜̼͜W̷̗̤̦͛͑͗̆͘Ȩ̷̨̞̺̰͔͍̦̠̼̟̜̤̙͊̽̇̂͜͜͝͝E̶̡͕̩̖̭͕̣̪͓̠̜̅̆̿̈́͂̉̄̊̓͌̏̕̚͝͝Ė̵̡̝̝̬̪͚͖̰̮̓̈́̌̀̎̕͜͠͝Ẻ̴̛̬̣̬͉̇̂̇͌̆͊̉́̂͘̕͘Ë̴̛̤̟̟̠́͂́͛͑̔̄͒̈́̉P̶̬̲͈̻̰̤͖̭̹͕̫̠̋́͒̈̍͛̊̽̀̋̉͜͝ ̵̡̘͔̼͓̬̫̯̩̳͙͎̯͂̇̀̔̾͆̏̑͘̕̚͜͠B̵̼̱̫̘̏̌̏̊͆͌̌̿̋͋̓Ę̵̳̦̿̍͌́̆̚Ȩ̵̛͆̈́͋̋̌̉̎E̷͔̻̙͔̯̱̙̯͖̯̼͎͐̃͆̃͂̃̑̎̂̋̿̕̕̚E̷̹͑Ȇ̷͜Ȅ̴̛̩̂͗̈́̾̌̿Ṕ̷̛͇̓͆̈́͆̊̾͒́ ̴͕̂̊͒́͒̈́́͂̈́̾̆̈́͘̕͝ͅ
CB-1 flies over to Infant Lass and begins beeping and whirring
*Grabs for his Lass tracking thingy* Turn the ship!
Quote from: Captain Wortshire on January 04, 2021, 02:17:23 PM
B̷̪̆W̷͇̬̠͖̥͕̳͕̰͑́ͅȄ̴̡̡͙̳̩̫͈̗̃̇͒̂̐̓͊͗̕͝ͅÈ̶̡̢̡͚̼̗̭̺̺̤̞͉̝͙̉̏͘̕͜Ṗ̸̜̯̣̭͕̱̤̂̉̊͗̃͛̅̃͘͝ ̴̧̛͓̪̻̜̱̙̬̤̣̖̘̘̓̐̾̒̌̓̀̀̀̿̌̐͜B̷̢̧͓͓̜͖̟͓͙̫̟̜̯̔͆͗̓͂̾͌̃̓̌͛̓͐̿͊͝Ȁ̴̢̢̞͖̟̳̗̫̰͔̀̓͌̍̍͝ ̷̡̨̧̛̺̬͕̺̼̩̦̓̑͑́̐̕ͅͅḂ̴͓͕̟̝̲̫͕̜̼͜W̷̗̤̦͛͑͗̆͘Ȩ̷̨̞̺̰͔͍̦̠̼̟̜̤̙͊̽̇̂͜͜͝͝E̶̡͕̩̖̭͕̣̪͓̠̜̅̆̿̈́͂̉̄̊̓͌̏̕̚͝͝Ė̵̡̝̝̬̪͚͖̰̮̓̈́̌̀̎̕͜͠͝Ẻ̴̛̬̣̬͉̇̂̇͌̆͊̉́̂͘̕͘Ë̴̛̤̟̟̠́͂́͛͑̔̄͒̈́̉P̶̬̲͈̻̰̤͖̭̹͕̫̠̋́͒̈̍͛̊̽̀̋̉͜͝ ̵̡̘͔̼͓̬̫̯̩̳͙͎̯͂̇̀̔̾͆̏̑͘̕̚͜͠B̵̼̱̫̘̏̌̏̊͆͌̌̿̋͋̓Ę̵̳̦̿̍͌́̆̚Ȩ̵̛͆̈́͋̋̌̉̎E̷͔̻̙͔̯̱̙̯͖̯̼͎͐̃͆̃͂̃̑̎̂̋̿̕̕̚E̷̹͑Ȇ̷͜Ȅ̴̛̩̂͗̈́̾̌̿Ṕ̷̛͇̓͆̈́͆̊̾͒́ ̴͕̂̊͒́͒̈́́͂̈́̾̆̈́͘̕͝ͅ
CB-1 flies over to Infant Lass and begins beeping and whirring
*Grabs his controller thingy and yanks it sharply to the right*
/me is in a bag
CB-1 begins transmitting a beacon
Any chance you could stop prompting Google Translate to translate Vietnamese? It's kind of annoying.
I concur.
A Portal opens up in Infant Lass' location and the Mysterious Traveler walks out
Why hello there little one...
*So you're in a sack?...*
/me is crumpled up in a bag with sleeping gas
I'm sorry but I believe you have something I want...
The Mysterious Traveler pulls out a staff and begins fighting the raiders for the sack
*The raiders shoot at TMT with their lightening guns*
The Mysterious Traveler resists the lightning
My turn...
The ends of the staff begin crackling with electricity
B̴a̸w̷a̶ ̵b̸w̴e̷e̵p̴ ̸b̸a̷ ̴b̷w̴e̴e̷e̸e̴e̷p̸!!!
CB-1 flies in and grabs the sack
*Points sawed off shotgun at CB-1*
/me eats yer foot
The Mysterious Traveler injects himself with canister
Looks like we overstated our welcome...
Opening a portal, the Mysterious Traveler and CB-1 make their escape with the sack
/me yawns and pokes her tiny head out of the sack, after sleepily climbing up it, and eating the ropes
I don't think that's good for you...
(It's not, really.. But EH)
The Portal is still open...
Follow Him... (https://redwallabbey.com/forum/index.php?topic=11981.msg864725#msg864725)
/me squirms out of the sack and onto the bot, then yawns again
*Flies toward the planet Lass was on* Ella! I'm detecting a large wave of cosmic activity down there! I think she's down there! *Loads all his guns* I am going down! Keep everyone safe! *Opens the door, jumps out of the ship, then flies to the ground* Ella! We got a lot of dead sand people.....and a portal! *Picks up his old Mandalorian necklace which he gave to Lass* Ella! She was here....And now...She is in the portal.....I'm gonna follow her! Goin' dark! *Jumps through the portal*
Copy that, Scott! Landing the ship now!
*Doesn't know what's going on.*
*Attacks things.*
Ship landed! Waiting for new commands!
*Radio crackles*
Sending in reinforcements!
*The tesso enter the portal*
*Attacks the ship.*
*The attack fails*
Reinforcements sent. Awaiting further orders!
Hey, pals! I just finished my latest Infantry video. ^-^ I strongly urge you to enjoy it. 8D
/me poofed herself, and Scott back into the thread because she got a fright from the mysterious traveler's bot, who screamed at her in robot for painting stars on its saws
S'ott I nono like beepy man...
/me Climbed up Scott's arm and curled up on his chest
I scareded...
*Picks up Lizzy*
We got outta that easy!
*Hugs Lizzy but gets interrupted by the sounds of the ships shields going down*
What the?
*Checks the scanner*
*Scott speaks into a mic connected to a megaphone on the front of the ship*
/me sniffled and buried her face in Scott's shoulder, and blabbed, then looking up, she reached up and spoke into the mic.
Kage, p'ease no ouchy da s'ip.. Issa nice s'ip...