Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Tournaments => Roleplay Event Board => Roleplaying => 5th Tournament Archive => Topic started by: Verdauga on March 24, 2020, 06:52:05 PM

Title: Turn to the East. (Kade Rivok/ Verdauga's Roleplay worldstate.)
Post by: Verdauga on March 24, 2020, 06:52:05 PM
"Time has passed, and peace has reigned in Mossflower, for the most part. The armies of Salamandastron have beaten back vermin armies and encampments with their powerful hand-gonnes, weaponry little armor can match. As a result, brigands no longer attack Redwall or the settlements in the shadow of Salamandastron, but instead turn their attention to smaller settlements. With their hard-won peace, woodlanders have begun exploring Mossflower, delving into the secrets thereof.

Adventurers have begun traveling almost at once to Salamandastron, and leaving with tales of visions and otherworldly experiences. These adventurers have since traveled further, seeking reasons for their experiences. They have turned, this time, to the east.

A few outposts have cropped up, though the only thriving ones are near the old location of Loamhedge, and slightly northward on the banks of the broad stream. Sadly, not all is peaceful. The outpost known as Pellig's Rest has not been heard from in seasons since the old skipper of otters left it. The Pellig's Rest endeavor consisted of the largest expedition of woodlanders, adventurers determined to chart the east of Mossflower country. They, however, were unprepared for the danger ahead.

The outpost at Loamhedge is well traveled, as the defenders have not only successfully defended it from vermin attack, but have also given witness to strange happenings. Swords have caught fire, but the wieldr was not burned; arrows hit targets with the forces of a gale; and perhaps even more strangely, those who have experienced these say they've learned to control it. What would have been dismissed as a ale induced yarn has been confirmed by sober, and indeed skeptical onlookers. Enough have flocked to the outpost that serious consideration to build a fortress has been discussed.

The broad stream has not escaped this wave of daring, with a significantly less popular outpost arising there. Unlike the Loamhedge site, it remains small, but is a favored attraction for otters and the Guosim for its rich fishing. There is always a reward for some daring beast willing to defend it from attack.
Foolish weak woodlanders.They wish to conquer the land of Jo'urze. They have come better equipped than usual, bearing crude spears that spit fire, much like our own. They wish to escape that prison they call the "Rest". They shall rest eternally. Jo'urze's kingdom is larger than their precious Redwall fortress. The most fit are always in Jo'urze's army, with our farms grandly paid. Their crude sticks face down our tüfäk, yet they still remain. They are hardier than even Jo'urze himself believes.

Salamandastron has changed little from it's role as Mossflower's protector. Broicke the Calm has, in true form to his title, suffered through the adventurers scouring his home for it's special properties. The Long Patrol is still a welcome sight to Redwallers, whenever they visit the Abbey. Their expeditions, though not led by Broicke himself, are largely the reason why Mossflower is in this calm. Salamandastron leaves only one bitter taste to adventurers: Broicke will dissuade any who ask from adventuring to the east, and has often refused to aid settlements from repelling attacks.

Allegiance: Established settlements in it's shadow and Redwall.
Leader: Broicke the Calm, a badger that has not been known to exhibit the bloodwrath

Redwall has become a major springboard for any adventurer traveling to the east. Equipped with the impressive hand-gonnes Salamandastron has developed, it is known to quash any vermin attack within hours. With the entry into peace, Abbess Bruyate has more than once allowed adventurers to make their way to the outpost armed with those guns. Redwall is also the safe haven for couriers bearing news of the fates of the outposts, and the largest location to send out parties to aid them. Many an adventurer has met a turbulent decision to adventure, or stay at the Abbey and it's unparalleled fare.

Allegience: Salamandastron and explorative outposts.
Leader: Abbess Bruyate, a shrew that adventured away from the Guosim before settling down in Redwall for many seasons.

Faction:Pellig's Rest
Pellig's Rest is believed by most to be abandoned, but a small, wrathful group of otters, mice, hares, and moles have clung to it in the midst of hellish storms and the attacks they carried. Pellig's Rest is near an underground cave system, which has supplied the Resiliant with fair fishing and unique plants. Though Pellig's Rest could tell similar tales to Loamhedge, Little news has come from Mossflower, and no news has left since Pellig named his successor and passed on. Any adventurer who makes it there, is inducted into the group, The Resiliant. The peace is kept by Lontra Arrowback, an otter elected to the position for his tenacity to remain, even after being shot in the back during a stormtime attack.

Alligience: Pellig's Rest and any incoming adventurers.
Leader: Lontra Arrowback, an otter, the first of the beasts to be afflicted with the bloodwrath, after many seasons there.

Jo'urze's Kingdom
Beyond even the intrusive "woodlanders" eyes lies the fair kingdom of Jo'urze. Recently, our peace has been growing tense, for Jo'urze makes no qualms of executing those he deems slacking, and many have contemplated an overthrow. Fortune has at last struck, for Jo'urze leads the way into battles against the "woodlanders" himself, calling on the storms to disguise our assaults. With his gallant leadership much of the tension is taken out in a well placed shot, and quenched in these invaders' bloods. He has recently roused the people with his speech, affirming that all of this "Mossflowr" is ours for the taking. Even now, we ready our armies for another attack, to rid ourselves of those "Pelligers"

Alligience: Jo'urze's Kingdom.
Leader: Jo'urze the Storm, a beast that constantly wears a cape and helm, disguising himself most often as a fox, though he is little larger than a weasel.