Are you scared of someone making a movie out of Redwall?
I think it would be really cool but I'm scared that they would completely ruin it.
What are you thoughts?
I don't know, if you had a really good director and they made it animated i think it might be good but i think in my opinion that the redwall series shouldn't be made into a movie. i don't really know why i feel this way but it just seems wrong to me.
Redwall doesn't seem like a book that could be a movie to me.
Also, Redwall seems to always, you know....crash. The history of supposed makings and near-makes are staking up still.
It's kinda a toss-up. If you get a good director, there is still a chance it might be done in the wrong medium (animation, CGI, etc...), or they might have the perfect medium but choose lousy actors. It all depends on everything falling in the right place.
Personally, I think it would be cool to see Redwall as a live action/CG hybrid a la Narnia. 8)
I really hope they don't make a Redwall movie
Because people will see it and then they'll read the books and if you tell them you read it before the movie came out theywon't believe you
It happened to me with Harry Potter and Percy Jackson
And another bad thing is that they would probably re-publish the books with a ''Movie'' Cover
I think a Redwall movie would be awesome! @Matthias720: Why don't you want it to be animated? I think that would be the only medium that would work for a Redwall movie; maybe CGI would work, but live-action would just be laughable, to non-readers and fans alike.
Obviously, the one thing that can't happen is a video game.
@Mariel: I'm not against animation, but we already have the TV show. I think another medium might provide a different prospective on Redwall as a series. And when I say live action, I was thinking of live action sets with CG characters, kinda like Reepicheep from the Narnia movies. ;)
@Grenn: I don't know if you realize this, but your constant posting is doing more harm then good to the forum. When you post, you should try to encourage conversation with other people, and not just posting to raise your post count. You might even be intimidating other people with your posting, and they, in turn, may decide to not post. I'm not asking you to stop posting,, but rather scale it back a bit, and to think about what you post before you post it. Thank you for your time and consideration. :)
Quote from: Matthias720 on June 13, 2011, 04:11:49 PM
@Mariel: I'm not against animation, but we already have the TV show. I think another medium might provide a different prospective on Redwall as a series. And when I say live action, I was thinking of live action sets with CG characters, kinda like Reepicheep from the Narnia movies. ;)
Oh yeah, that would be awesome! I thought you were talking about actual people dressed up as animals, like that Redwall musical they made awhile ago.
Quote from: Mariel on June 13, 2011, 04:15:27 PM
Quote from: Matthias720 on June 13, 2011, 04:11:49 PM
@Mariel: I'm not against animation, but we already have the TV show. I think another medium might provide a different prospective on Redwall as a series. And when I say live action, I was thinking of live action sets with CG characters, kinda like Reepicheep from the Narnia movies. ;)
Oh yeah, that would be awesome! I thought you were talking about actual people dressed up as animals, like that Redwall musical they made awhile ago.
No way! Absolutely not! That would look cheesy and contrived. With the recent advances in computer animation, CG would definitely be the way to go. :)
I'm very sorry if anyone feels that way.
I don't post for a higher post count .
I'm just used to forums I'm on tons of others and they have loads more topics .
I may be posting so fast because I want there to be more topics and sections.
I'm truly very sorry
Log a Log Grenn
No problem. I just don't want to see the forum lose out on possibly beneficial content and conversation. ;)
Personally, I would love to see a Redwall movie, even a bad one. Look at Harry Potter, Twilight, Lord of the Rings - they all brought readers in. A movie is just what the fandom needs!
I'd like to see it done in a style similar to the Tale of Despereaux or Kung Fu Panda; that way people would like it for the animation if nothing else.
If Brian was alive, and directed it, it would be marvelous!
I agree Martins#1fan!! I think it would be cool if they did it they way they did "Christmas Carole" With Jim Carrey where they film it live action and then animate it! So that way it would be really life like.
Now if they got someone from his family to help, maybe even write the script it might come out ok.
If they make a movie and keep in all the gory parts (yes we all know there are gory parts) what do you think it would be rated?
I don't think there should be a movie, but I do think they should have more of the T.V series. But of course, only if they had the same directors, animators, and the rest of the lot that they had for the three seasons.
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on June 14, 2011, 01:55:42 AM
I don't think there should be a movie, but I do think they should have more of the T.V series. But of course, only if they had the same directors, animators, and the rest of the lot that they had for the three seasons.
Yes, a continuation of the TV series, please!
...and I love your sig. It made me LOL. XD
Quote from: Spring Breeze on June 13, 2011, 06:30:33 AM
Are you scared of someone making a movie out of Redwall?
I think it would be really cool but I'm scared that they would completely ruin it.
What are you thoughts?
Let peter Jackson do it, he will do great.
The original cartoon was kind of atrocious, animation-wise. I think the books deserve a better trreatment, and with the CGI possible now, it could turn out really good. I never viewed Redwall as a "cartoon"- the animation should be as realistic as possible. If Weta Digital did some of the battle scenes- wow! That would be great...
Quote from: Wot Wot! on June 14, 2011, 03:08:12 PM
The original cartoon was kind of atrocious, animation-wise. I think the books deserve a better trreatment, and with the CGI possible now, it could turn out really good. I never viewed Redwall as a "cartoon"- the animation should be as realistic as possible. If Weta Digital did some of the battle scenes- wow! That would be great...
Indeed, just imagine what the battle for Kotir would look like!
Too bad that they didn't air the cartoon series in the Netherlands. I watched the first season, and I like it:) THe intro theme is just awesome!
If they left all the violence in, it would most likely be rated R. But while I like imagining the gory parts in my head while I read Redwall, I think displaying them would detract from the real message of the series; after all, it is intended for children.
I'm torn about it. While I would love to see the books come to life, I always hate it when books are turned into movies. They always seem to cut things out and add things that weren't already in the book.
Quote from: Firehawke on June 14, 2011, 06:50:37 PM
I'm torn about it. While I would love to see the books come to life, I always hate it when books are turned into movies. They always seem to cut things out and add things that weren't already in the book.
They should rather make it a mini series in stead of just one movie, to make sure the most things from the book are in.
That would be a good idea!
The orginal TV series was pretty fair. Graphics weren't good, but I couldn't care less about those. It's kinda like Minecraft, the graphics aren't high, but that has no effect whatsoever on the thing itself. My opinion, of course.
Quote from: Superdreuzel on June 14, 2011, 01:48:59 PM
Quote from: Spring Breeze on June 13, 2011, 06:30:33 AM
Are you scared of someone making a movie out of Redwall?
I think it would be really cool but I'm scared that they would completely ruin it.
What are you thoughts?
Let peter Jackson do it, he will do great.
Yes!! Out of all the fantasy directors out there I would trust Peter Jackson the most!
I think that if they made a movie don't you think that maybe some people will ridicule it, I really dislike it when people ridicule the Redwall series and I'm afraid that maybe people will try to start to bully redial readers. If anyone else agrees then please respond.
What's redial supposed to be? And what do you mean by ridicule? If people think a movie is bad and thye don't like it, that's their opinion, equal to yours or mine or anyone else's. And if you don't like the series either, same thing applies.
On the exact subject of ridicule though, I'd say ridiculiang most anything is normally a probably bad thing, haven't really thought about it.
I think a movie would at least bring more attention to the Redwall series. Most people have never even heard of the original series until the movie came out: Twilight, Percy Jackson, Avatar: The Last Airbender. There were terrible reviews about all of those movies (and I thought they were terrible movies too), but I saw the movie before reading/watching the original series, and it made me love and appreciate something I never would have picked up if the movie was never produced.
There will ALWAYS be people who hate certain movies, it's impossible to please everyone. I think a Redwall movie can only do good for the series.
I'd like to say I agree here. A movie can only do Redwall good. However, I would like to see said movie done well. For example, Peter Jackson is a yes. M. Night Shyamalan is a big fat no.
Have any of you seen a movie called Legend of the Guardians? It was kind of a low profile movie. I like it okay, good acting, fighting, nice story line. It was based off a book about owls. I don't know how close it is to the book, but it was awesome. Also it was animated. Though it had fighting and a little killing, it was in the children movie section. I think a Redwall movie would be sweet! I know we all like to read, but to some people reading is hard or books are too long. They say "I'll just wait for the movie." And if you notice the tv series has some extra parts too.
I do! I think Martin the warrior, the legend of Luke and Mossflower would all make good movies!
I think they should take a book out of the series and make a movie, instead of starting from scratch.
Martin the warrior
The Legend of Luke
The Rouge Crew
The Taggerung
The Sable Queen
The Outcast of Redwall
And finally Rakkety Tam.
I Believe these would make the best movies.
Just a thought.
My favorite book is The Once and Future King, and Disney already kind of made a movie out of that...except that it was only for the first part..and they got so much wrong that the plot was even more confusing...and it was animated...and it was cheesy...and the Wart's voice was really annoying. I really want them to do the movie over again with live-action and CG animals. I would also like them to make it in the original four part section, with the first part suitable for young children and the other three parts at a PG-13 or R rating. (The idea is that you put the kids to bed after The Sword in the Stone.) I really doubt that anyone would have the patience to watch all of this, let alone film it, except for me. Whatever, I love imagining it in my head.
Quote from: Redwall Musician on June 16, 2011, 03:29:16 PM
Have any of you seen a movie called Legend of the Guardians? It was kind of a low profile movie. I like it okay, good acting, fighting, nice story line. It was based off a book about owls. I don't know how close it is to the book, but it was awesome. Also it was animated. Though it had fighting and a little killing, it was in the children movie section. I think a Redwall movie would be sweet! I know we all like to read, but to some people reading is hard or books are too long. They say "I'll just wait for the movie." And if you notice the tv series has some extra parts too.
I've seen it, not a huge hit but a nice movie!
i think a movie would be awsome! as long as they keep garbage outta it! id by it all fast too lolz
Quote from: Redwall Musician on June 16, 2011, 03:29:16 PM
Have any of you seen a movie called Legend of the Guardians? It was kind of a low profile movie. I like it okay, good acting, fighting, nice story line. It was based off a book about owls. I don't know how close it is to the book, but it was awesome. Also it was animated. Though it had fighting and a little killing, it was in the children movie section. I think a Redwall movie would be sweet! I know we all like to read, but to some people reading is hard or books are too long. They say "I'll just wait for the movie." And if you notice the tv series has some extra parts too.
I've saw the movie. I saw the trailer for it and I thought it looked awesome. I decided to read the first three books of the series (the books the movie is based on) before I watched the movie so I didn't form my opinion on the movie. I ended up reading the first 6 before seeing the movie. When I did see it, I was a little disappointed. It was an epic movie, but it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO different to the books in SOOOOOOOO many ways. *Possible spoiler coming up, please do not read if you have not read up to book 3 in the Guardians of Ga'hoole series and were planning to*. For starters, in the books, Metal Beak was meant to be Kludd, not his own charecter! There are so many other differences, if you want to know them all read the books, they are pretty good.
I think if they did a Redwall series the animation should be similar to the Legend of the Guardians movie.
I'm not exactly scared, it would be sweet if it was made into a good movie, but yeah, just about messing the story up is what makes me kind of not want a movie. (they've done that to sooo many good books sadly!)
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on June 18, 2011, 10:32:32 AM
I think if they did a Redwall series the animation should be similar to the Legend of the Guardians movie.
I agree with this 100%! I really liked that movie. The books are even better, everybody should give them a try sometime!
Have you guys heard about the fanmade movie ( in progress? I guess they're actually planning to pitch it to distributors!, I hadn't heard about that. This would be so amazing...they're just as good as the professionals! I am extremely impressed.
Quote from: Osu on June 19, 2011, 12:39:32 AM
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on June 18, 2011, 10:32:32 AM
I think if they did a Redwall series the animation should be similar to the Legend of the Guardians movie.
I agree with this 100%! I really liked that movie. The books are even better, everybody should give them a try sometime!
Have you guys heard about the fanmade movie ( in progress? I guess they're actually planning to pitch it to distributors!
Ach, I've heard about it. Someone should stop them before it's too late!
That's a very interesting developement, though I doubt its success will ever happen. Like, very doubtful
Have you guys heard about the fanmade movie ( in progress? I guess they're actually planning to pitch it to distributors!
Yeah, I've heard of that, I considered joining but I don't have time, I suck at drawing and I don't have a good quality microphone, so yeah.
I saw the TV show and it was awesome. I think they could definitely make a Redwall movie but it needs to have the same "classical" feeling as the TV show.
That looks cool, but I don't think it will ever make it off the ground. I know they have a lot of concept art and voices, but I don't think the fans are organized enough to put everything together. Still it was fun to click through.
Quote from: Osu on June 19, 2011, 12:39:32 AM
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on June 18, 2011, 10:32:32 AM
I think if they did a Redwall series the animation should be similar to the Legend of the Guardians movie.
I agree with this 100%! I really liked that movie. The books are even better, everybody should give them a try sometime!
Have you guys heard about the fanmade movie ( in progress? I guess they're actually planning to pitch it to distributors!
*screams* they're making another movie?!?!?!
Ahaha, yeah, interesting stuff, right? I've been watching them a while, they look organized enough. They've set a deadline for the pre-production as six years, though.
I think it might actually happen, but it's going to take a good long while.
I love the idea of making a movie out of a redwall book but the reality is cruel. For all we know, the makers of the film might make Mariel and Dandin in love! Rose would live! Veil would live and be friends with his father! I shudder at the thought of such butchering of my favorite books.
Oh, I dunno, you guys, there's a lot that goes into making a movie, especially one adapted from a book. No book-to-movie film is going to follow the original series perfectly.
That said, I think Salamandastron, Outcast of Redwall, and the Rogue Crew would all make excellent movies!
It would be very exciting if the Redwall series were made into full length movies!
I'd say Salamandastron, but then they might (as many others have stated before me) mess it up. It would be disrespectful to Feragho, Klitch, and the other Weasels in the book.
With that said, I have to say that the best movie theatre is your imagination, with the movie you're watching being what you're reading.
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on June 24, 2011, 08:08:44 PM
I'd say Salamandastron, but then they might (as many others have stated before me) mess it up. It would be disrespectful to Feragho, Klitch, and the other Weasels in the book.
With that said, I have to say that the best movie theatre is your imagination, with the movie you're watching being what you're reading.
I like that quote!
I think they should make it as real as possible, maybe like Narnia. 8)
I won't like there to be a Redwall movie, personally. Brian Jacques himself said he didn't like video games and movies because kids should be reading instead. Would not a movie be going against what he wanted?
First of all, some people can't read. I personally know someone who has trouble with reading. Watching the TV series was the only way he could learn about Redwall. I think that everyone should learn about Redwall. For Redwall is work of art.
Quote from: Unknown on June 29, 2011, 06:11:13 PM
I won't like there to be a Redwall movie, personally. Brian Jacques himself said he didn't like video games and movies because kids should be reading instead. Would not a movie be going against what he wanted?
Ah, yes, there is this. I recall reading about how BJ turned down a certain extremely popular movie producer for one of his books because he didn't want a movie made out of it.
He didn't seem to have a problem with a TV series, though.
If they did it would never be the same as the pictures in my head when I read the books. Sometimes I read a book and when it mentions the color of someone's hair or something I realize that I have been imaginationing the person different then it describes he/she. I continue reading and usually I don't change the picture in my head to match the description.
Quote from: Osu on June 29, 2011, 06:39:50 PM
Quote from: Unknown on June 29, 2011, 06:11:13 PM
I won't like there to be a Redwall movie, personally. Brian Jacques himself said he didn't like video games and movies because kids should be reading instead. Would not a movie be going against what he wanted?
Ah, yes, there is this. I recall reading about how BJ turned down a certain extremely popular movie producer for one of his books because he didn't want a movie made out of it.
He didn't seem to have a problem with a TV series, though.
I remember hearing about this too. I'm of the opinion that BJ wasn't against having a movie made of any of his books, but rather of having a franchise mutilate the stories he had carefully crafted.
That does make sense.
Quote from: Matthias720 on June 30, 2011, 02:28:57 AM
I remember hearing about this too. I'm of the opinion that BJ wasn't against having a movie made of any of his books, but rather of having a franchise mutilate the stories he had carefully crafted.
Weeellll when you put it that way, I sure as heck don't blame him. But if that's the case it begs the age old question of Redwall fans around the world: why
hasn't there been a movie yet? This series has been around for almost 30 years.
C'mon, Hollywood, I thought you were better than that.
I think that if they left out the killing part, or at least filmed it from far away, it would be M15+ or something. I would watch a Redwall movie if it was that, just not before bed! ;) I think if they left in the gory parts, they may as well not do anything, because it would be, like, MA15+ or R, or something. After all, it WAS meant for kids.
True. If a movie or another TV series were made, there would have to be a certain amount of censure for the sake of the kiddies. I don't like gory movies, myself, so I wouldn't mind such an edit.
I think a movie would be great! It would probably be a hit, sort of like Spirited Away was :3
I do agree they would need to do something about violence though, seeing as it would be for younger kids.
Legend of the Guardians was pretty violent. The books were violent. It was still rated PG in Australia (not sure about other countries). Surely if Redwall was as violent as LOTG it would still include most of the war scenes and still be rated PG. Although there are some pretty violent parts. Maybe they could just do that thing where they turn the screen black and you only hear the sound at some of those intense parts.
Legend of the Guardians was NOT violent.
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on July 02, 2011, 04:28:06 AM
Legend of the Guardians was pretty violent. The books were violent. It was still rated PG in Australia (not sure about other countries). Surely if Redwall was as violent as LOTG it would still include most of the war scenes and still be rated PG. Although there are some pretty violent parts. Maybe they could just do that thing where they turn the screen black and you only here the sound at some of those intense parts.
I think if you just turned the screen black it would just ruin the point of the battle. I think mr. Jacques does have a point though with the kids reading and playing instead of watching movies and video games. I think he agreed to the TV show because since they're only 30 minute episodes with commercials, kids won't spend a lot of time indoors staring at the TV and they can go out and play or read and do something healthy
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on July 02, 2011, 04:28:06 AM
Legend of the Guardians was pretty violent. The books were violent. It was still rated PG in Australia (not sure about other countries). Surely if Redwall was as violent as LOTG it would still include most of the war scenes and still be rated PG. Although there are some pretty violent parts. Maybe they could just do that thing where they turn the screen black and you only here the sound at some of those intense parts.
The LOTG books were incredibly violent, in my opinion - I was really surprised to find issues like cannibalism addressed as well. I think the movie was more "action packed" than violent, though. And I agree that a similar approach to battle scenes in Redwall would be a great idea - you get all of the action without gratuitous blood flying through the air. I also know what you mean with the "blacked out" bits. :D That might work... personally, I like it when battle scenes or episodes of tragedy are shown with soft instrumental music in the background and little to no dialogue. Brings out the idea behind the whole thing, rather than focusing on the killing...
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on July 02, 2011, 04:28:06 AM
Legend of the Guardians was pretty violent. The books were violent. It was still rated PG in Australia (not sure about other countries). Surely if Redwall was as violent as LOTG it would still include most of the war scenes and still be rated PG. Although there are some pretty violent parts. Maybe they could just do that thing where they turn the screen black and you only here the sound at some of those intense parts.
What's LOTG??? ???
LOTG is Legend of the Guardians.
But the books that the movie is based on is called Guardians of Ga'Hoole.
Quote from: Osu on July 03, 2011, 03:29:03 AM
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on July 02, 2011, 04:28:06 AM
Legend of the Guardians was pretty violent. The books were violent. It was still rated PG in Australia (not sure about other countries). Surely if Redwall was as violent as LOTG it would still include most of the war scenes and still be rated PG. Although there are some pretty violent parts. Maybe they could just do that thing where they turn the screen black and you only here the sound at some of those intense parts.
The LOTG books were incredibly violent, in my opinion - I was really surprised to find issues like cannibalism addressed as well. I think the movie was more "action packed" than violent, though. And I agree that a similar approach to battle scenes in Redwall would be a great idea - you get all of the action without gratuitous blood flying through the air. I also know what you mean with the "blacked out" bits. :D That might work... personally, I like it when battle scenes or episodes of tragedy are shown with soft instrumental music in the background and little to no dialogue. Brings out the idea behind the whole thing, rather than focusing on the killing...
...Just reminded me of that great scene in the Return of the King movie when Pippin is singing to Denethor as Faramir rides out for a failed attempt to regain Osgiliath.
Yeah, I'm a LOTR dork too :D
Is it bad that I was thinking LOTR as I typed LOTG? ;D NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A LORD OF THE RING FAN. XD
Sorry for the confusion, thread, as others have said, Legend of the Guardians, based on the Guardians of Ga'Hoole.
If there is a movie, it better to rated PG-13 because of the battles and blood. I'm saying I want to see guts flying through the air, but I was disappointed with the Legends of the Guardians movie because there wasn't one drop of crimson.
Don't think of me a was blood-thirsty person. But how can a battle be intense if it isn't a little realistic?
Quote from: Unknown on July 04, 2011, 06:13:22 PM
If there is a movie, it better to rated PG-13 because of the battles and blood. I'm saying I want to see guts flying through the air, but I was disappointed with the Legends of the Guardians movie because there wasn't one drop of crimson.
Don't think of me a was blood-thirsty person. But how can a battle be intense if it isn't a little realistic?
agreed. The Legend of the Guardians movie took all the seriousness out of the series. I read the synopsis and I was already unhappy. The changed the plot elements and im guessing the battles to make it E for everyone, but in doing so kinda spoiled the suspense, the danger and the all around serious situation of the Guardians. If they ever make a Redwall movie, it should contain the seriousness of the situations in the books, but not be a bloodbath for the sake of being a bloodbath.
Quote from: Osu on July 03, 2011, 03:29:03 AM
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on July 02, 2011, 04:28:06 AM
Legend of the Guardians was pretty violent. The books were violent. It was still rated PG in Australia (not sure about other countries). Surely if Redwall was as violent as LOTG it would still include most of the war scenes and still be rated PG. Although there are some pretty violent parts. Maybe they could just do that thing where they turn the screen black and you only here the sound at some of those intense parts.
The LOTG books were incredibly violent, in my opinion - I was really surprised to find issues like cannibalism addressed as well. I think the movie was more "action packed" than violent, though. And I agree that a similar approach to battle scenes in Redwall would be a great idea - you get all of the action without gratuitous blood flying through the air. I also know what you mean with the "blacked out" bits. :D That might work... personally, I like it when battle scenes or episodes of tragedy are shown with soft instrumental music in the background and little to no dialogue. Brings out the idea behind the whole thing, rather than focusing on the killing...
The Chronicles of Narnia were also pretty violent and dark, (Battle scenes are in several books and at least one fight scene in books that don't have battle scenes, villains were pretty dark), but in the recent movies, they did a pretty good job of making it not so bloody, but making pretty good battle scenes at the same time. They didn't have bloody battle scenes, but did have charging warriors, people fighting each other and people getting knocked by other fighters and fighters getting shot by arrows.
. . . So then, sabretache, do you prefer blood or not?
Quote from: Unknown on July 05, 2011, 02:01:27 AM
. . . So then, sabretache, do you prefer blood or not?
frankly im not sure about my own preference XD but i do know that in order for the movie to retain the seriousness of the books, there has to be fighting, violent fighting, but not necessarily bloody fighting.
Quote from: sabretache5611 on July 04, 2011, 11:17:39 PM
The Chronicles of Narnia were also pretty violent and dark, (Battle scenes are in several books and at least one fight scene in books that don't have battle scenes, villains were pretty dark), but in the recent movies, they did a pretty good job of making it not so bloody, but making pretty good battle scenes at the same time. They didn't have bloody battle scenes, but did have charging warriors, people fighting each other and people getting knocked by other fighters and fighters getting shot by arrows.
I agree with how the Narnia movies handled the battle scenes - they did very well. I also think the Guardians movie, though certainly toned down, was still acceptable as far as being based on the books goes. It may even stand on its own. I dunno, but I didn't mind getting a sortakinda different story when I got my hands on the books. :)
And Sabertache - I LOVE. YOUR. USERNAME. YES. ;D
Quote from: Osu on July 06, 2011, 02:45:29 AM
Quote from: sabretache5611 on July 04, 2011, 11:17:39 PM
The Chronicles of Narnia were also pretty violent and dark, (Battle scenes are in several books and at least one fight scene in books that don't have battle scenes, villains were pretty dark), but in the recent movies, they did a pretty good job of making it not so bloody, but making pretty good battle scenes at the same time. They didn't have bloody battle scenes, but did have charging warriors, people fighting each other and people getting knocked by other fighters and fighters getting shot by arrows.
I agree with how the Narnia movies handled the battle scenes - they did very well. I also think the Guardians movie, though certainly toned down, was still acceptable as far as being based on the books goes. It may even stand on its own. I dunno, but I didn't mind getting a sortakinda different story when I got my hands on the books. :)
And Sabertache - I LOVE. YOUR. USERNAME. YES. ;D
TY :) Deviating from Redwall, but i thought the point of certain serious things like Soren's parents dying were essential to shaping Soren's character, and forcing him to grow up faster.
back to the redwall movie, would you think the animation style used for guardians movie and certain narnian characters aka reepicheep be appropriate for a Redwall movie? I certainly think a Toy story 3 or a Ratatouille animation style is inappropriate. I don't think i want the movie to be remniscient of old Redwall series, it was too endearing and simply would not show the great battles in reality or carry suspense.
I think if they got Animal Logic (Happy Feet, Legend of the Guardians) to do the animation then that would be epic. Just look at how well they animated LOTG, it was breathtaking. I think CGI animation in the style of LOTG would be the best fit for Redwall. I agree also that they shouldn't do it in a Disney Pixar kind of way with the animation, if they did I just wouldn't be able to take it seriously.
Do you reckon, if they did make a Redwall movie, that they should do it in 3D? And who would you most want to direct it?
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on July 06, 2011, 11:22:16 AM
I think if they got Animal Logic (Happy Feet, Legend of the Guardians) to do the animation then that would be epic. Just look at how well they animated LOTG, it was breathtaking. I think CGI animation in the style of LOTG would be the best fit for Redwall. I agree also that they shouldn't do it in a Disney Pixar kind of way with the animation, if they did I just wouldn't be able to take it seriously.
Do you reckon, if they did make a Redwall movie, that they should do it in 3D? And who would you most want to direct it?
3d...would be interesting.
i don know any directors so dk on the last question
I think they should shoot it live, then animate it.
That would look cool.
Or maybe make it like Narnia, didgitizzzzzzzed! 8)
Quote from: martins#1fan on July 07, 2011, 08:50:03 PM
I think they should shoot it live, then animate it.
That would look cool.
Or maybe make it like Narnia, didgitizzzzzzzed! 8)
sorry i don't get the point of shooting it live...these days they just animate the whole thing and not shoot anything. for the Narnian 3rd movie (Dawn Treader) they actually did an animated version first.
As much as I like the idea of a strong CGI movie (a la Narnia). I think that something a little more animated in feel would be more suited to the original audience. Maybe something like the style in Tangled or any of these new children's movies with CGI animation. Redwall was written as a children's story, and I think that's who BJ would have wanted it targeted to.
I don't think the violence is an issue. You don't need to show blood spray, but actual fighting, injuries, etc Are in my opinion already quite common in children's movies. Something like a decapitation might be a bit much, but if you look at most Redwall books, gruesome deaths are actually not entirely common.
While I love the project out at deviant art ( and have spoken to them and considered getting involved as a web developer), ultimately I think they will find that there is simply too much work and keeping volunteers motivated and working hard over the duration of such a long term project will prove to be too much.
Quote from: Gerbilkit on July 08, 2011, 02:37:02 PM
While I love the project out at deviant art ( and have spoken to them and considered getting involved as a web developer), ultimately I think they will find that there is simply too much work and keeping volunteers motivated and working hard over the duration of such a long term project will prove to be too much.
As much as I want their project to succeed, I have to agree with you. The hard part about succeeding in a long-term volunteer project is keeping everyone motivated. Even if they are motivated, I'm sure not everyone has enough time to stay on schedule. I wish there was some way I could help but I don't really know how (and I don't think I could commit the time).
Quote from: The Lady Shael on July 08, 2011, 03:19:58 PM
Quote from: Gerbilkit on July 08, 2011, 02:37:02 PM
While I love the project out at deviant art ( and have spoken to them and considered getting involved as a web developer), ultimately I think they will find that there is simply too much work and keeping volunteers motivated and working hard over the duration of such a long term project will prove to be too much.
As much as I want their project to succeed, I have to agree with you. The hard part about succeeding in a long-term volunteer project is keeping everyone motivated. Even if they are motivated, I'm sure not everyone has enough time to stay on schedule. I wish there was some way I could help but I don't really know how (and I don't think I could commit the time).
true... it took several years for that finnish or swedish group to make a full length star trek parody movie. yep I don't know if I can devote time either and i don't have anything to offer other than knowledge on Redwall series...
I think it would be okay if they follow the book.
Quote from: Marls on July 08, 2011, 07:17:16 PM
I think it would be okay if they follow the book.
I agree. I think they should do it on the Long Patrol.
I would watch any Redwall movie, but I hope they don't make a "movie" picture book. >:( >:( >:( >:(
That would make me so MAD!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:(
A movie picture book?
It's one of those things where they could either do really good or really bad on the movie
I really hope that if they make a movie they'll make it as epic as the book, and not water down the action for kids like in the TV series.
Quote from: Shellhound on July 18, 2011, 04:19:50 PM
I really hope that if they make a movie they'll make it as epic as the book, and not water down the action for kids like in the TV series.
Yea they did that a lot in the series didn't they.
Quote from: Captain Tammo on July 18, 2011, 05:57:10 PM
Quote from: Shellhound on July 18, 2011, 04:19:50 PM
I really hope that if they make a movie they'll make it as epic as the book, and not water down the action for kids like in the TV series.
Yea they did that a lot in the series didn't they.
Quote from: Captain Tammo on July 18, 2011, 04:55:23 AM
It's one of those things where they could either do really good or really bad on the movie
Forgive me, I'm still lost. :( Is it like those old Golden Books cartoons, where the screen is just panning across a single picture while somebody reads a book?
I agree with the ones who feel that Animal Logic would be the ideal company to design Redwall. Their recent work with LOTG was amazingly realistic for animation. What I think they need to be careful is NOT do what happened to LOTG--one too many changes from the books because the Redwall fans won't put up with that! ;) A ton of blood goes too far, no matter how partial I am to Watership Down as well...that does turn people away, so keep the blood at a minimum, but don't cut back on violence and I'd say they have a happy medium that will please most film goers.
Quote from: Lutra on July 20, 2011, 12:19:52 AM
I agree with the ones who feel that Animal Logic would be the ideal company to design Redwall. Their recent work with LOTG was amazingly realistic for animation. What I think they need to be careful is NOT do what happened to LOTG--one too many changes from the books because the Redwall fans won't put up with that! ;) A ton of blood goes too far, no matter how partial I am to Watership Down as well...that does turn people away, so keep the blood at a minimum, but don't cut back on violence and I'd say they have a happy medium that will please most film goers.
totally agree!
I want Rakkety Tam to be a movie. 8) 8) 8) 8)
IMO the best novel to invite new Redwall fans would be Mossflower, Redwall or Martin the Warrior, I also think these would make the best movies.
I think a Redwall movie would be great if it was done in the spirit of the old TV show.
Quote from: Spring Breeze on June 13, 2011, 10:10:57 PM
I agree Martins#1fan!! I think it would be cool if they did it they way they did "Christmas Carole" With Jim Carrey where they film it live action and then animate it! So that way it would be really life like.
Now if they got someone from his family to help, maybe even write the script it might come out ok.
If they make a movie and keep in all the gory parts (yes we all know there are gory parts) what do you think it would be rated?
That would probably be the best way to go, it would look AWESOME!!
Or they could computer-ize it, like Narnia..... But animating it would look SOOOOOO much better.
Quote from: martins#1fan on July 21, 2011, 02:56:49 PM
Quote from: Spring Breeze on June 13, 2011, 10:10:57 PM
I agree Martins#1fan!! I think it would be cool if they did it they way they did "Christmas Carole" With Jim Carrey where they film it live action and then animate it! So that way it would be really life like.
Now if they got someone from his family to help, maybe even write the script it might come out ok.
If they make a movie and keep in all the gory parts (yes we all know there are gory parts) what do you think it would be rated?
That would probably be the best way to go, it would look AWESOME!!
Or they could computer-ize it, like Narnia..... But animating it would look SOOOOOO much better.
if ur talking about it being animated like the TV series, i'd go no. the tv series was good, but too....endearing...i liked narnia and i think guardians at least looked good, so i'm for full out cgi animation
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on June 24, 2011, 08:08:44 PM
I'd say Salamandastron, but then they might (as many others have stated before me) mess it up. It would be disrespectful to Feragho, Klitch, and the other Weasels in the book.
With that said, I have to say that the best movie theatre is your imagination, with the movie you're watching being what you're reading.
Brilliant. xD
And yes, very nice point.
Quote from: Lutra on July 20, 2011, 12:19:52 AM
I agree with the ones who feel that Animal Logic would be the ideal company to design Redwall. Their recent work with LOTG was amazingly realistic for animation. What I think they need to be careful is NOT do what happened to LOTG--one too many changes from the books because the Redwall fans won't put up with that! ;) A ton of blood goes too far, no matter how partial I am to Watership Down as well...that does turn people away, so keep the blood at a minimum, but don't cut back on violence and I'd say they have a happy medium that will please most film goers.
What is LOTG?
Legend of the Guardians.
I dunno, I suppose I wouldn't mind too many changes such as the kind made in the TV show... as long as the spirit of the books remains the same.
I agree. I like how they made the TV series more "kid friendly" by cutting down on the violence and having little or no blood. I like some violence, but not too much blood and guts. If they were to make a movie, I would want it to be PG at the most.
Although I don't wanna see any more tickling to death. ;D
My policy has changed from "movie adaptations are bad" to "I'm okay with it as long as you don't screw it up". Just about everyone in the world hated the animated film adaptation of "Trumpet of the Swan", and I was especially protective over the book, but bizarrely I loved it. I'm not kidding, I even wrote up a review showing my changing opinion as the movie went on. What made it work for me? That despite the movie changing parts of the timeline, the spirit of the book stayed intact. I've also become quite fond of the "Viva Pinata" cartoon, another thing that people hate.
I would like the idea of a Redwall movie, but at this point I'd want it to be on a book that hasn't been adapted yet. "Redwall" has been done as a graphic novel, a TV show, and a cut-even-further "movie" which I've never seen. I was generally disappointed with how Redwall was handled as a cartoon. It had promise and Cluny and Basil were in fine form, but something about it didn't click. Then came along Season 2 "Mattimeo" to show how a Redwall adaptation should be done, and Season 3 "Martin the Warrior" was also amazing. The TV series may be long, but it's not really something that can be shortened. A BIG part of what kept me glued to the book series were the characters and their relationships, which build over time. "Martin the Warrior" is particularly famous for providing a punch to the gut in its tragic finale, which wouldn't be as good if you didn't care for the characters. Surprisingly, I thought the TV series did a better job at its ending than the book did. Come to think of it, the one thing the show did consistently was pitch-perfect endings to each season. Given how much the show influenced what I imagined the characters to look like (after all, they have my favorite rendition of Martin), I'd want that same company to do an actual movie if the opportunity ever came up. ...provided they tighten things up so we don't have any Pallum cross-eyed animation goofs.
Regarding how violence was handled, it was distracting at times how they shied away from it. You had some moments of blood, but in other moments a character would die just offscreen. At the same time, I wouldn't want a "Watership Down" level of blood and gore. I want something in between the two extremes. There's no denying the books are violent, look at "Rakkety Tam" or "Rogue Crew", so maybe in some cases I'd be okay with upping the violence... but please, not by much. Sadly, I don't think an animated film with that level of violence can air in America anymore unless it's anime, and I fear a CGI Redwall film would be too realistic or goofy-looking for its own good. I don't recall blood being shown in a CGI kid's film. I have no doubt it can be done, but it might be distracting.
If I had my choice of Redwall book to adapt and how to adapt it, it'd be "Taggerung". It's long been my favorite of the series, two lovable lead characters, lots of adventure so there can be shots of pretty scenery, some surprisingly dramatic moments, and it's so long that it'd pretty much have to be a TV series. We may complain of movies being too long, but we don't think about the longer time commitment that TV series provide. We eat those up don't we? And they do seem to go by faster than a solo 3-hour movie does. I'd have it animated in the same style as the three seasons of the cartoon, and not have it shy away from violence. From what I recall, when it does go violent, they're few and far between. And with the characters being as interesting as they are, I'd much rather focus on character development than battles or time at the Abbey.
"The Legend of Luke" would also be a good choice for adaptation as Luke's story is contained in one of three acts, so by page-count number it's likely to be the shortest of any of the stories, being the best bet for staying in the comfortable time constraints of a movie. Which means less stuff cut out to stay at a reasonable timeframe.
I always thought Mossflower would be the best one for a movie
I always thought doing a tv show rendition of most books would be best, as it provides a better flow, and a much longer one.
If we're looking for a Redwall movie, then we need to accept cuts (some drastic) will be made. Which book can you cut large chunks out of and still have a coherent story? Like I said earlier, don't go the LOTG route and try to fit two stories in 90 minutes. One story, but which one can withstand cuts?
The more I think about it, the less and less I like Mossflower. Why? It requires the moviegoer to know a lot about Redwall before you even watch it. You need to know about Salamandastron and badger lords, the backstory of Martin from the northlands, the idea behind the good and evil creatures. I don't think it'll be a coherent story when all is said and done. The one that could suvive a movie-like adaptation is probably what's already been done - Martin the Warrior because you don't need to know anything of Redwall outside of what is presented and therefore you needn't make cuts that leave you wondering "why did they have to go there and who are these guys...?"
My two gold pieces worth. :)
One Guardians of Ga'Hoole book doesn't have enough in it to make a whole movie, that's why they had 3 in one.
Quote from: Lutra on July 28, 2011, 03:45:09 AM
The more I think about it, the less and less I like Mossflower. Why? It requires the moviegoer to know a lot about Redwall before you even watch it. You need to know about Salamandastron and badger lords, the backstory of Martin from the northlands, the idea behind the good and evil creatures. I don't think it'll be a coherent story when all is said and done.
And how would you personally compare that with reading the book, not knowing those things either? I'm asking out of curiousity, to better understand your point in the matter.
And on a different note, the majority of Redwall fans I know read
Mossflower first. The rest mostly read
Redwall first.
While ah, on the other paw, read Redwall zecond tae lazt...
I read Redwall first, Mattimeo second, and Mossflower third.
I was completely random in my order. I started with Mariel of Redwall. Next I read The Long Patrol because I liked the Long Patrol in Mariel. Then I found out that my school library had them and I read at will. As for a movie, I think that they would just cut too many things and probably add, ugg, romance. The director might be scared to have a sad ending and have Rose stay alive or something along those lines.
I liked the TV series of Martin the Warrior better than the book. I don't know why. Well, aside from Skalrag's rather... ah...INTERESTING death. That was a bit over the top...
I liked the book better than the TV series. I thought the TV series rendition of Redwall and Martin the Warrior too childish. I liked the darker Mattimeo rendition though.
If they did a TV series Narnia style with a Redwall book I would love that. The book I would want them to do would be either Mossflower (Most epic storyline EVER) or Pearls of Lutra (To wrap up the Matthias descendants era since they already did Redwall and Mattimeo and for the sea voyage and corsairs).
I would personally love to make a Redwall movie, but I know absolutely nothing about movie making :(
Still, I would love to see one, but they would most likely add romance. :P
Well, even if they do make a movie, reading the books will always smash watching the movie.
To Tagg:
I honestly don't remember the order in which I read Redwall, except Redwall was first. The reason I'm saying Mossflower would probably be less appropriate for a big movie adaptation is because of the way the story is written. Redwall is ideal to start with because Mr. Jacques had written it as such that it can stand on its own without having to the know the who or why of other characters or plot details. They didn't exist. When you get to other Redwall stories, there's more connections the book readers will know about that probably will be cut out of a movie to make it flow.
I feel you can do the Redwall story or even Martin the Warrior. I'm guessing here. I'm going by what I"ve seen the TV series did with the books, and they didn't do a half bad job of adapting the books they did, hence that's why I feel they could be reasonably done in a full length show if someone were to make one. Yeah its probably every fans dream to see a different story adapted because we already have video media adaptations of Martin, Redwall, and Mattimeo, but you have to look at it from the film creators POV. They probably could do a better job marketing the book that started it all rather than a tale of the one that started it all. Consider this as well: you won't find many fans that don't enjoy the first book, but you'll always find the fans that couldn't stand this one or that one for whatever reason. ;)
I never disagreed with any of your points. I was merely asking you to elaborate on what you meant on Mossflower making a terrible movie.
Thing is, when reading it as second, as it was written, it made sense for itself. Obviously you don't know about Martin's past, or certain connections, but you didn't when you read the book, in the fact that Brian made it in. I'm going from the position that this whole thing was the case at the time Mossflower was penned.
Note: I don't practically understand what I just wrote, so, yeah, I doubt it'll make much sense.
On a completely different note, there's always this (the present Redwall film adaption news we as Redwall fans have, the first for this year: A new Redwall movie project in the works? (, thanks to LordTBT.
Me two main problemz with a Redwall movie are tha' they'd probably mezz it up, an' they'd probably market it.
QuoteOn a completely different note, there's always this (the present Redwall film adaption news we as Redwall fans have, the first for this year: A new Redwall movie project in the works?, thanks to LordTBT.
I think this was proven false, as it seems any time this pops up, they can't get the funding to make it work.
QuoteMe two main problemz with a Redwall movie are tha' they'd probably mezz it up, an' they'd probably market it.
Highly depends on who's making the film. Let's examine--Disney would probably mess it up if they ever got ahold of the rights. I don't know if Nelvana has the rights to a film, but they have the previous productions to look back on, so they might not do a half bad job, relatively speaking given its a pretty conservative animation company. Animal Logic could probably make a really good CGI-version if they don't mess up the plot somehow (story wasn't the strong point in Happy Feet or Legend of the Guardians). Dreamworks shouldn't touch it because we don't need a Shrek-ified Redwall. Blue Sky should keep their hands off too. I'd be most worried about one of the edgier studios getting the rights. An independent is less likely to make it fit within a formula their company is known for.
Quote from: Lutra on July 29, 2011, 03:26:53 PM
it seems any time this pops up, they can't get the funding to make it work.
If it gets even that far along in the process, of course.
Yeah. I would NOT watch a Redwall movie done by Dreamworks. They would totally screw it up.
Quote from: Skalrag of Marshank on July 29, 2011, 11:14:40 PM
Yeah. I would NOT watch a Redwall movie done by Dreamworks. They would totally screw it up.
Definitely. And on top of that, they'd ruin it with 5 sequels that are worse than the one before, like with Shrek
Which to some undoubtedly, the idea of raiding the production studios would seem to be the best course of action in such a fix.
Quote from: Taggerung_of_Redwall on July 29, 2011, 11:52:22 PM
Which to some undoubtedly, the idea of raiding the production studios would seem to be the best course of action in such a fix.
Aye, let'z go dae it na! >:D
Stop with the lizardspeak. It's ANNOYING. >:(
Try switching to molespeak, eh?
My ideal for a Redwall movie would be to keep the existing vocals from the audio stories, then make something like an animated illustration -- akin to Mr. Gary Chalk's chapter illustrations, only to cover the entire scene, and merge the two.
This would take many hours of work, and much money, but I think it'd have a great stylistic feel to it... not a chance it would ever pay itself off, though, so it'd have to be a labor of love on the part of the studio, and that's not going to happen.
Ratz. I wanted tae uze a blowtorch fer...zomethin'......
Galaxy, now your speaking a combination of lizardspeak and highlander. It's really diffucult to understand you! Either speak like a highlander, or speak like a lizard. YOU CAN'T DO BOTH!!!
And I think a Redwall movie would be great, as long as they don't cut it down or try to change it. Seeing Asmodeus in realistic animation like LotG would be awesome.
I understand him perfectly myself...
And Asmodeus needs to be portrayed as actually SCARY or at least VICIOUS, unlike the tv series.
Asmodeus gave me nightmares when I was...eight. I see your point. I agree that THAT would be really neat. So long as they don't take the Watership Down approach. That was a really good story, but they went a little overboard with the blood and gore.
@Lutra, what about Village Roadshow? My brother says that they made the LotR trilogy really well and accurate to the book. That is, if they would want to make one...
But I agree with your Dreamworks and Disney view.
Is there anyone making a movie, or is this all hypothetical?
No, it's just hypothetical. although, there is a rumor...
Look at these links:
I personally doubt it's real, I mean, look at the past attempts to bring Redwall in to the movie cinemas..
As far as I know, no, no one is planning on making a Redwall movie.
There's possibly the Miller Brothers planning one. Note the word planning , that's literally it.
Yeah, I'm not up to date on my plans and stuff. I know it exists when it comes out on DVD. ;D
Isn't Village Roadshow just a distributor? (similar to how Amblin is Steven Speilberg's company that mainly distributes his films, but isn't a production company much anymore)
I think so. I wouldn't trust Disney with it, either. They would probably screw it up, too.
Personally, I would LOVE a Redwall movie. But you can bet that they will do 'Redwall' first, or what they might do is take Mossflower or the Legend of Luke, and call it 'Redwall' :P
Quote from: Skalrag of Marshank on July 31, 2011, 12:40:28 AM
I think so. I wouldn't trust Disney with it, either. They would probably screw it up, too.
I agree. Pixar would be fine as long as they use a different animation.
Having Pixar do it would be cool. It would also bring a lot of attention to Redwall as a whole, as well as the forum. ^_^
Yeah. Pixar I would trust to do something like Redwall.
Pixar likes making their own stories. I can't see them adapting a book. You have a better shot with Disney Feature Animation taking the reigns within the Mouse House.
Quote from: Lutra on August 01, 2011, 03:32:25 AM
Pixar likes making their own stories. I can't see them adapting a book. You have a better shot with Disney Feature Animation taking the reigns within the Mouse House.
That's true
Right. It would be cool if Pixar did do Redwall, though.
I don't care who makes it, as long as they don't make it too different. But I am pretty sure that someone will make one. ;D
Quote from: Lutra on August 01, 2011, 03:32:25 AM
Pixar likes making their own stories. I can't see them adapting a book. You have a better shot with Disney Feature Animation taking the reigns within the Mouse House.
But the Mouse would insist on over-merchandising. :P
Who made the Legend of the Guardians movie?
I THINK it was Warner Bros.
It was indeed Warner Bros. :)
Yay! I'm a genius! Just kidding, I Googled it. ;D
LOL so did I. XD
Well, if they didn't change it too much, then I think Warner Bros. would be best for making a Redwall movie. Making a move from the book Mossflower would be best, I think.
Yeah! Mossflower was one of the best books.
Warner Bros made it but Animal Logic did the animation.
Something similar to The Tale of Despereaux wouldn't be bad either, I think. I can't remember if I mentioned that earlier in the topic... but a more "cartoony" 3D type movie might bring in more kids, and then they might read the books, and...! :D
Yeah, that would be really cool.
Hmm. I don't know. There is already three Redwall cartoons, so I thing that realistic animation would be cool if they made a movie from Mossflower. Can you just imageine Boar the Fighter in realistic animation? I would be sooooo overawed.
A Redwall movie sounds exciting, but it would be like The Last Airbender. The movie would be great, for people who don't know Redwall. Big Redwall fans would hate it 'cos they'd get too much wrong.
Unfortunately, you're probably right. :'(
Book fans are often more than not, disappointed with the movie adaptations of their favorite books, no matter what is done with them. Some adaptations are better than others.
The best movie adaptation of a book I ever saw was Lord of the Rings
I am DYING to see Lord of the Rings...I'm not 13 yet, though... :'(
I just watched Legend of the Guardians. That movie was awesome!! If they were to do something like that with Redwall, THAT would be sweet.
How old are you?
Please try not to double post, just edit your original post.
And discussing one's age is completely off topic to this thread, it is about movie adaptions of Redwall, so please stick to that.
I'm 12.
But, on topic, sorry about double-posting, Taggerung, just tryin' to get things goin'. I shoul've just edited my last post. Sorry! So, who here has seen LotG?
I think I said it some pages back, I liked how Animal Logic designed the LOTG universe, but they sloppily adapted it from the books. I think if something similar happened to Redwall from the company we'd be up in arms over the changes.
Whenever a book is adapted to film the original fans cry about it. In the end, seeing a movie - or even just another season of the TV series - would do the series more good than harm, I think.
Of course, it must have a lot of hare parts. Yes. No Redwall movie would be complete without a lot of hares. *nod*
Quote from: Skalrag of Marshank on August 08, 2011, 12:51:23 AM
I'm 12.
But, on topic, sorry about double-posting, Taggerung, just tryin' to get things goin'. I shoul've just edited my last post. Sorry! So, who here has seen LotG?
I've seen it, and it was okay, but it was too off the books storyline for me to fully enjoy it. I agree, though, that a Redwall movie should have the same kind of CGI effects and animation.
In the TV show, they made the animals look like people, but I think they should be more animal-y.
I might be horribly disappointed by a Redwall movie, but I'd still watch it. :D
Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on August 08, 2011, 09:51:45 AM
In the TV show, they made the animals look like people, but I think they should be more animal-y.
I might be horribly disappointed by a Redwall movie, but I'd still watch it. :D
Talking animals are generally shown as anthropomorphic in popular culture, so its audience can identify in an easier fashion towards them.
Quote from: Excuse me sah! on August 08, 2011, 11:56:31 AM
Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on August 08, 2011, 09:51:45 AM
In the TV show, they made the animals look like people, but I think they should be more animal-y.
I might be horribly disappointed by a Redwall movie, but I'd still watch it. :D
Talking animals are generally shown as anthropomorphic in popular culture, so its audience can identify in an easier fashion towards them.
Quite true. If the animals were not anthropomorphic, the audience might not relate as well to the characters.
March of the Penguins is a good example of the contrary though. :)
Quote from: Osu on August 08, 2011, 07:57:51 AM
Whenever a book is adapted to film the original fans cry about it. In the end, seeing a movie - or even just another season of the TV series - would do the series more good than harm, I think.
Of course, it must have a lot of hare parts. Yes. No Redwall movie would be complete without a lot of hares. *nod*
WHAT?!?! I think if they make a movie out of Redwall, it should be from the book Mossflower. And if they do, then you will get to see the hares at Salamandastron with Boar the Fighter. But they had better not put too many in, otherwise it will seem like a circus. We do not need 'more' hares! Besides, if they did make a movie, we wouldn't have any say in it, so it doesn't really matter.
Yeah. I think Diary of a Wimpy Kid and How to Train your Dragon are both better than the books, personally. ;)
How to train your dragon was based on a book?! Man, have I missed something!
Yeah, I didn't know that either
Quote from: Skalrag of Marshank on August 06, 2011, 06:04:29 PM
I am DYING to see Lord of the Rings...I'm not 13 yet, though... :'(
I watched them when I was ten!
A Redwall movie would be rated PG so we'd all be able to watch it.
Quote from: Skalrag of Marshank on August 09, 2011, 06:30:23 PM
Yeah. I think Diary of a Wimpy Kid and How to Train your Dragon are both better than the books, personally. ;)
How to Train Your Dragon was a book?! Holy cow, I gotta find this! :o
I was actually well aware of the book before the movie process began, which I guess makes me different than most.
It looks like somebody
is making an official movie or TV show for Mossfower. Check it out (!
And I quote:
Quote...the Redwall Abbey Company is in contractual talks with another interested party and although this deal is not finalised we are close to reaching an agreement.
Woo! It may not be fanmade, but an addition is an addition! :D
Ooh, that sounds interesting! Hope they do make a movie!
That's exciting
Be interesting to see what happens, maybe.
I've informed LordTBT from Redwall wiki. Wonder what he makes of this... I'll keep watching this space...
*crosses fingers*
I am so sad. Because I live in Cambodia, I probably won't be finding a Redwall movie anytime soon. It's soooo disappointing!
But don't lose any sleep over me, I'll cope somehow. ;) :D
Just thought, when LOTG came out I got lots of people in to the Guardians of Ga'Hoole books. I told them the books were way better then the movie, so they started to read it. Now they're constantly asking me if they could borrow my books! If Redwall became a movie, maybe the same thing would happen, and then imagine what would happen!
When I first started, I always wondered why they didn't have a movie.. well.. as I went through the books I began seeing that maybe it was better without. For example, the imagination of the books would be ruined, or atleast of the book they made the movie of. I still think it would be neat to have a movie though.. cause.. for me, it doesn't ruin it I mean.. I can always go back to the book... I finally gave up on pondering it... for I would always come out with even components on each side.. (
Redwall animators on deviantart (
Hmmm... I sent am email to Lord TBT about this topic... I hope the rights are given to a worthy company who won't mess it up!
The rights for a Redwall movie were given to a friend of Bryan Davis's who also became one of Brian Jaques's friends!
Wish they were given to us
That would be a disaster! or do you mean to someone in the U.S.?
Quote from: danflorreguba on April 03, 2012, 11:47:44 PM
That would be a disaster! or do you mean to someone in the U.S.?
If they did, who will get it?
Someone already has it and I know who. :-X
My favorite movie? I don't have one.... but I like animated Disney
DUDES. I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO SEE A REDWALL MOVIE. Don't they have a Redwall show? I love Redwall SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. Hey, if they do have a show have you ever seen it? Can you find it in stores?
Yes, the TV series was aired more than ten years ago. It would be exceedingly difficult to find any of the three seasons in a store nowadays.
I think that the movie would have to be based on Redwall itself. It's the book that started the whole thing. It makes the most sense by itself. And I want to see Cluny on the big screen.
You can look up the episodes on Youtube, and there IS a possibility of a Redwall movie. :-X :-X :-X
A really good studio that also would have been good (I love what PBS has done though) would have been the studio that did the secret of nim and all dogs go to heaven.
Quote from: Redwallfan7 on April 05, 2012, 04:51:00 AM
A really good studio that also would have been good (I love what PBS has done though) would have been the studio that did the secret of nim and all dogs go to heaven.
If I remember, MGM did those two movies. And I know this bc I own both of them and seen many of there other movies like some of the older James Bond, The Pebble and the Penguin and many others.
MGM would be interesting. Lucasarts too, but I think they would be more inclined to change things in a ridiculous manner.
Luke the warrior, I AM your fater!
Nooooooo! ;D
I am going to kill you with my light (weight) Sabre! :D
Punch it!
Not me!
Dude, I watched the show on You tube and was it oh so awesome. Everything is so different than I imagined (i mean the characters).
The Moles was what really confused me. I thought they would be talking in a completly different way!
Quote from: Redwallfan7 on April 05, 2012, 04:51:00 AM
A really good studio that also would have been good (I love what PBS has done though) would have been the studio that did the secret of nim and all dogs go to heaven.
I don't know if Don Bluth is still working...he might be retired for all I know. He was the one who did Secret of NIMH (I think Fox holds the rights to dvd distribution now). He would do Redwall right because he's a big fan of the old style classic Disney animation, back when they were not scared to do some stuff. ;)
I don't know if Don Bluth is still working...he might be retired for all I know. He was the one who did Secret of NIMH (I think Fox holds the rights to dvd distribution now). He would do Redwall right because he's a big fan of the old style classic Disney animation, back when they were not scared to do some stuff. ;)
Yea I have heard of him, I even have some of his movies and also can you imagine Disney making a Redwall movie?
Disney animation has done great with such classics as The Jungle Book or The Lion King, for example, so it would probably do great.
Quote from: Redwallfan7 on April 05, 2012, 10:09:21 PM
Disney animation has done great with such classics as The Jungle Book or The Lion King, for example, so it would probably do great.
I would most likely agree, bc The Lion King is actually one of my favorite movies (and still is now) by Disney. And I could almost imagine an Redwall Movie in one of those styles.
I tried to imagine a Redwall movie by Disney, Wolfstar, and I got an image of the TV show. :P It probably wouldn't be too far.
Quote from: Gerbilkit on July 08, 2011, 02:37:02 PM
While I love the project out at deviant art ( and have spoken to them and considered getting involved as a web developer), ultimately I think they will find that there is simply too much work and keeping volunteers motivated and working hard over the duration of such a long term project will prove to be too much.
There's a project on deviantart to make a redwall movie?
There was, yes, some time ago, but since the rights to the book they wanted were not available, the project was dropped.