Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Tournaments => Roleplay Event Board => Roleplaying => 2nd Tournament Archive => Topic started by: BrookSkimmer on September 25, 2012, 12:07:16 AM

Title: RP Tournament Roster Stats, and Results
Post by: BrookSkimmer on September 25, 2012, 12:07:16 AM
This thread is for the following during the tournament:

Showing the list of participants
Recording outcomes of matches
Recording judges remarks
Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster and Stats
Post by: BrookSkimmer on September 25, 2012, 12:11:38 AM
If you still wish to enter you must PM Brookskimmer by midnight pacific time 9/24.

Please PM BrookSkimmer if there is a problem or update to any of your characters.

Here are the entries into the tournament:

Favorite: Luke the Warrior

Fan: Coal
Species: Hare
Age: Adult
Affiliation (good, evil, neutral): Good
Weapon(s) Limit three: Sling, spear about the size of someone's forearm
Short Description of Character: Black hare with a tint of gingery red, wears a loud red tunic. Coal has low self-esteem, and has been called mad for his love of a good storm. He has no interest in serving in the Long Patrol. He never thinks he'll win, but only knows that he'll try his best.

Favorite: Dannflower Reguba

Fan: Rarou Liefrunner
Species: Squirrel
Age: 25
Affiliation (good, evil, neutral): Good
Weapon(s) Limit three: Twin Short swords and sling
Short Description of Character: Golden furred squirrel that relies mainly on speed, agility, and a lot of grace. Wears a light tunic  to allow for swift movement, but also wears thick gauntlet armor for some powerful arm protection, but lacks any other type of armor.

Favorite: Rakkety Tam McBurl

Fan: Tarwin Rushburrl Shellhound
Species: otter
Age: 20 seasons (5 years)
Affiliation (good, evil, neutral): Good
Weapon(s) Limit three: Corriam's Lance (if you're familiar with High Rhulain), sling
Short Description of Character: Tarwin is a tall young river otter that wears a kilt. He's brave and cheery, but a fierce fighter. Distantly descended from Leatho Shellhound.

Daniel of Redwall
Fan: Ballista the Fierce.
Species: Ferret.
Age: Swartt Sixclaw's age later in the book.
Affiliation (good, evil, neutral): Evil.
Weapon(s) Limit three: A basket-hilted rapier.
Short Description of Character: He is quite tall and lean in appearance, as well as very handsome. He has deep blue eyes (like Ferahgo's) and smooth black cloak which doesn't get in the way of duelling.

Favorite: Lonna Bowstripe

Fan: Shadow Wildfire
 Species:  Wildcat
 Gender:  Female
 Age:  28 seasons
 Appearance:  Black, white flame mark on forehead, dark purple tunic, stormy grey eyes, stub for a tail
 Weapons:  Black bow and quiver, black dagger
 Advantages:  Quick, smart, she's the best with her bow, also great with the dagger
 Disadvantages:  Not so great balance due to a lack of a tail
 Personality:  Quiet, kind, doesn't trust easily

Head In Another Galaxy
Favorite: Mokkan

Fan: Aldar Kreshal
Species: Pine Marten, Male
Age: A few seasons older than middle seasons
Affiliation (good, evil, neutral): Somewhere between evil and neutral, but leaning more towards evil
Weapon(s) Limit three: Two knives and a shortsword
Short Description of Character: deep black eyes,usual pine marten fur a wee bit bigger than your average pine marten, green hooded cloak
(For reference see To Retakean Abbey Thread

Favorite: Folgrim
Fan: Redclaw
Description: russet fur, male, middle aged
Weapon(s): scimitar and dagger

Favorite: Danndil
Species: Squirrel
Color: Brown with a blue tunic
Weapon: Two scimitars strapped to his back
Gender: Male
Description: Agile and Dangerous and a good tree climber
Past: Dandil was born in a middle of a searat attack his town was destroyed and Dandil was left for dead he survived and lives by himself in the woodlands

Favorite: Jukkarus
Species: Squirrel
Age: 25 seasons
Side: Good
Weapons: Blood-Red Sword, Bow and Arrow, red leather jerkin
Description: A jet-black squirrel, with an athletic build and a fine, bushy tail, with, oddly enough, blazing red eyes.

Daniel of Redwall
Favorite: Cluny the Scourge

Tiria Wildlough
Fan: Slassen
Species: Ferret
Gender: Female
Weapon: Throwing daggers and a long knife.
Personality: She's so stubborn she'd cut off her nose to spite her face, though she'd prefer to cut off somebeast else's nose. She can be nice if she's ordered to be nice.
Appearance: Dark sable fur, brown eyes, with a scarred face. She wears a long tunic with slits in the skirt, a wide belt, and a lot of bangles.
Occupation: Pirate

Matthias 720
Fan: Barfell
Species: Mouse
Age: 22
Affiliation: good
Weapon(s): A pair of short swords that can interlock at the hilt forming a twin-bladed sword, and a hook attached to the end of a long and thin, yet surprisingly tough, climbing rope
Short Description of Character: A mercenary by trade, Barfell fights for whomever needs his help the most, regardless of whether or not he gets paid. Needless to say, he rarely gets paid, and when he does, it's usually in the form of food and shelter. His signature weapons, two interlocking swords, were a gift from his blacksmith uncle upon leaving home to travel the world. He's battle-hardened, yet gentle when he needs to be.  He has journeyed all over, from the Northlands to Southsward. His normal outfit consists of a black robe with grayish leather armor underneath.

Fan: Razer
Age:18 seasons
Affiliation (good, evil, neutral): Good
Weapon(s) Limit three:Short sword and bow and arrow
Short Description of Character:Red-brown fur like autumn leaves. She tries to be good and is always striving to prove herself, but she has a short temper.
Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster and Stats
Post by: BrookSkimmer on October 04, 2012, 11:18:43 PM
Results for round 1 are as follows:

You know you want to know... just need a little more time for judging...  ;)

Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster and Stats
Post by: BrookSkimmer on October 05, 2012, 09:49:06 PM
Round 1 Skyblade (Razer) vs. WONWILL (Luke)
BrookSkimmer's Comments
Creativity – First move in the duel was very creative, love the use of the footclaws.  -80
Use of weapons – Good use of holding sword on defensive. Describing where the blows are aimed, good. You were able to switch your weapon of choice part way through. Positioning of sword was good. - 85
Following Rules – You RP this character like a true otter, good. Some movements later in your posts would have been difficult due to inflicted injuries. -95
Other comments: "If I go down, I go down fighting!" This is where the duel became alive to me.
Creativity –  Allowing the character to take lots of hits changed how they can be RPed. I like that you had him snap the arrow instead of yanking it out. Could be written with a little more depth. - 75
Use of weapons – Figure eight movements and stabbing thrusts are solid ways to handle the sword. - 80
Following Rules – It can be difficult to write your character taking hits and keeping them realistic. You tried to keep it realistic, good. You've written this character in the fashion of how Luke should act.  Some of the injuries inflicted would have made some of the moves in your later posts not possible. - 95
Other comments: "Honorable," A very Luke like reaction. Liked it a lot.
Winner: SkyBlade
Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – very descriptive on the battlefield, like how she describes how the otter feels – 98
Use of weapons – lots of sword and body use as weapons – 95
Following Rules – no problems – 100

Creativity – descriptive use of battle, but basic – 93
Use of weapons – lots of good sword use – 95
Following Rules – no problems – 100

Winner – Skyblade – 98

Lily's Comments:
Creativity – 80
Use of Weapons- 80
Following Rules – 90

Creativity – 85
Use of Weapons- 80
Following Rules – 90

Overall Winner: SkyBlade

Round 1 Daniel of Redwall (Cluny) vs. WONWILL (Coal)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Creativity –  Your writing displayed Coal's personality quite well. - 80
Use of weapons- Spear use was well done. Use of sling as a noose while also handling a spear is a little cumbersome. Though Coal didn't use his weapons too much, you wrote him in a very believable way. - 85
Following Rules – No problems here. - 100
Daniel of Redwall
Creativity –  Allowing first blood gave a good view of how you would handle this duel. You did a good job staying in character with Cluny. He really came alive as I read. - 85
Use of weapons- First post created a good feel for how this rat will use his weapons. Also liked that you incorporated use of the body as a weapon (elbow to gut). - 85
Following Rules – In a rat like Cluny I can see continuing to fight like nothing has happened when receiving a crack in the jaw from a stone. – 100
Other comments: Cluny was intelligent, and intimidation had never failed before. Very Cluny, good job!
Winner: Daniel of Redwall

Lutra's Comments:
Daniel of Redwall
Creativity – amusing reference to the missing eye – 95
Use of weapons – mentioned use of the sword, but not much else, surprisingly lacking again – 90
Following Rules – not a problem – 100

Creativity – creative, but basic – 85
Use of weapons – good use of the sling, and spears – 95
Following Rules – only one post has been marked for judging – 75

Winner - Daniel of Redwall – 95

Lily's Comments:
1. 90
2. 80
3. 90
1. 80
2. 80
3. 90
Winner: Daniel

Overall Winner: Daniel of Redwall

Rainshadow (Lonna Bowstripe) vs. Daniel of Redwall (Ballista the Fierce)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Creativity –  Not bad, would have liked a little more description of Lonna. Some of Lonna's words "messing with my mind" don't quite fit the character -80
Use of weapons –  Sneeze firing? Interesting use of bow and arrows. -80
Following Rules –No problems. -100
Other Comments - "Come out and face me if you dare!" Ah the joys of RPing a badger. Good job!
Daniel of Redwall
Creativity – Great description of your character! Really gave a good feel for him. Interesting tactic to hide from your opponent. -85
Use of weapons – Not too much time for swordplay in these posts.  -70
Following Rules – No problems here. -100
Other Comments - "Challenge accepted," whispered a cool, snarling voice from behind. This gave me a good feel for your character right away.
Winner: Rainshadow

Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – much more creative this time around than in her other match; the part about firing the bow and arrow during a sneeze made me laugh – 97
Use of weapons – still can't get over the sneeze and hitting the target – 97
Following Rules – not a problem – 100

Daniel of Redwall
Creativity – only seen creativity and descriptions matched by one other player thus far – 100
Use of weapons – surprisingly lacking – 85
Following Rules – not a problem – 100

Winner – Rainshadow – 98

Lily's Comments:

1. 70
2. 70
3. 90
Daniel of Redwall
1. 90
2. 80
3. 90
Winner: Daniel of Redwall

Overall Winner: Rainshadow

Round 1 Matthias 720 (Barfell) vs. Tiria Wildlough (Slassen)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Matthias 720
Creativity –  Character could use development. -85
Use of Weapons – An interesting choice of weapons. I enjoyed the interlocking swords, hook and rope felt a little cumbersome. Good plan development for weapons use.  -75
Following Rules – There were some Auto-hits. -75
Tiria Wildlough
Creativity – You were able to incorporate two auto-hits in your posts. Got a good sense of a ferret skittering around. -80
Use of Weapons – Good weapon choice for the character. Interesting that you wrote she forgot one of her knives... I liked that you had her knife bend to block a blow.  -80
Following Rules – Overall, not bad. Grabbing up daggers after having them smashed out of paw might not work so well. -90
Winner: Tiria Wildlough
Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – generally easy to read and follow, nice use of descriptions – 95
Use of weapons – always knew what he was doing with the weapons – 95
Following Rules – not an issue – 100

Tiria Wildlough
Creativity – easy to read and follow and descriptive – 97
Use of weapons – always knew what was going on – 95
Following Rules – not an issue – 100

Winner – Tiria Wildlough – 97
Lily's Comments:
1. 90
2. 80
3. 90
1. 80
2. 80
3. 90
Winner: Matthias

Overall Winner: Tiria Wildlough

Round 1 Danflorreguba (Danflower) vs. Gorath (Jukkarus)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Creativity – You handled this squirrel well. He was written how I would see a Reguba fighting. Good use of the sides of the quarry and describing the location.  -90
Use of Weapons – Good description of weapons movement. Moves with the weapons were believable.  -85
Following Rules –  No problems. -100
Creativity – Well written. Good character description. Liked this a lot. -85
Use of Weapons – Good use of writing about the bow. I like that she had to string it first. -90
Following Rules –A wound to the waist would make climbing difficult. Being hit as hard as you wrote she was would have made kneeing someone in the gut not possible. -90
Other Comments - "Blood and Fuuuuuuur!" Sounds like a squirrel! Good job with that.
Winner: Dannflorreguba
Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – really creative with the concern for the opponent-wasn't expecting that at all; nice smooth writing too – 98
Use of Weapons – seems to be a common theme with danflorreguba – what weapon use? – 80
Following Rules – the judged posts follow rules, but I don't like the OOC tone in some other posts – 100

Creativity – creative, but doesn't have the complexity of the opponent – 93
Use of weapons – didn't see much weapon use, cover and hiding mostly – 80
Following Rules – judged posts follow rules, but comments like "I'm a very agile squirrel" is borderline god-modding when doing insane things – 100

Winner – Danflorreguba – 93
Lily's Comments:
1. 90
2. 81
3. 80
1. 90
2. 70
3. 90
Winner: Danflorreguba

Overall Winner: Danflorreguba

Round 1 Danflor (Danndil) vs. Skipper (folgrim)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Creativity- Good character development. - 85
Use of weapons- Good handling of sabers.  -75
Following the rules –Looks ok to me. -100
Creativity- Written in a way that Folgrim would fight. Noting his desire to eat the opponent was an interesting touch. -85
Use of weapons- Good handling of the axe. Use of rudder and throwing rock good. -80
Following the rules – No problems here.  -100
Winner: Skipper
Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – creative, but lacking in substance compared to other persons – 80
Use of weapons – mention of the sabers, but not much else – 75
Following Rules – only saw two posts for judging—checked twice to be sure – 75

Creativity – most creative posts I've read thus far; nice use of blades as mirrors to see where the opponent was – 98
Use of weapons – like the fact he uses the otter's body as a weapon – 95
Following Rules – no problems – 100

Winner – Skipper – 98
Lily's Comments:
1. 70
2. 70
3. 90
1. 75
2. 80
3. 90
Winner: Skipper
Overall Winner: Skipper

HeadInAnotherGalaxy (Mokkan) vs. Rainshadow (Shadow)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Creativity – Good use of a quote from the book. You wrote Mokkan very well, he behaved just how I imagined he would have. Well done! - 90
Use of Weapons – Use of the axed was well written. I'm not sure about the move where the fox throws the blade and then retrieves it and attacks her with it. If the opponent does not move, retrieving the blade could prove difficult. -90
Following the rules – Continuing the attack after the enemy is down... very marlfox, good job. -100
Creativity – Allowing your character to plead for mercy is an interesting tactic. I think this could have been brought all the way to the end with you writing her being slain if you had wished. However, the recovery with the arrowhead was an interesting concept... -85
Use of Weapons – Good use of bow and dagger. -85
Following the rules – no problems -100
Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – liked the poem in the first post, but I don't remember if that was from the books; overall creative and good – 90
Use of weapons – at one point couldn't tell if he was using an axe or dagger—sounded like dagger but wasn't clear – 90
Following Rules – nothing wrong in the judged posts – 100

Creativity – lots of hiding, posts seemed mostly defensive than offensive moves, but all work well together – 90
Use of weapons – didn't see much outside of one arrow fired – 75
Following Rules – the three judged posts follow rules, however I'm disappointed in posts saying "comment removed"—I'm not fond of people covering up their tracks on forums to make it look like nothing's wrong – 100

Winner – HIAG – 93
Lily's Comments:
1. 80
2. 70
3. 80
1. 60
2. 70
3. 80
Winner: HIAG
Overall Winner: HIAG

Round 1 HeadInAnotherGalaxy (Aldar) vs. Warrior of Mossflower (Rakkety Tam)
There are not three posts from either contestant, nor are they marked for judging.  This match has been withdrawn.

Round 1 Danflorreguba (Rarou) vs. Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Creativity – Well written, good timing. -90
Use of Weapons – Not as much use of weaponry. -85
Following Rules- no problem! -100
Creativity – Love this character choice. He acts as a descendant of the Shellhound for sure. I liked that you gave him a fear of going in the sand. Also liked knowing what the character was thinking. -95
Use of Weapons – Lots of fluid attack sequences. They make sense and are believable. -95
Following Rules-  No problem! – 100
Winner: WarriorOM
Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – very creative writing, descriptive, flows nicely – 95
Use of weapons – did not see a lot of weapon use—lots of dodging and weaving - 80
Following Rules – no issues – 100

Warrior of Mossflower
Creativity – creative writing, but I can't help feeling as if I'm reading a disjointed post with all the in-and-out of thoughts - 85
Use of weapons – far better use of weapons than his opponent—at least he makes a point to use them and says how he plans to - 95
Following Rules – no issues – 100

Winner – Warrior of Mossflower – 90
Lily's Comments:
1. 90
2. 80
3. 70
Warrior of Mossflower
1. 90
2. 80
3. 80
Winner: WarriorOM
Overall Winner: WarriorOM
Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster and Stats
Post by: Lutra on October 06, 2012, 12:19:21 AM
Pretty interesting to see we only really disagreed once with each other as to who did the better job in the match.
Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster Stats, and Results
Post by: BrookSkimmer on October 08, 2012, 05:00:49 AM
Daniel of Redwall (Cluny) Receives a "luck of the draw" pass from round 2 and advances to Round 3.

Matthias 720 (Matthias the Warrior) received a "luck of the draw" pass from Round 1 and now enters Round 2.
Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster Stats, and Results
Post by: Lutra on October 10, 2012, 03:21:21 AM
Just to forthwarn, I probably will not get my results in as quickly as last time so there probably will be some delay between Rounds 2 and 3.  My weekend is literally booked solid.
Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster Stats, and Results
Post by: BrookSkimmer on October 24, 2012, 04:48:28 AM
Round 2 Skipper (Folgrim) vs HeadInAnotherGalaxy (Mokkan)
BrookSkimmer's Comments
Creativity – Interesting use of "stuff" found on the ground. Also, you remembered to use the flint and the woodchips in various posts. - 85
Use of weapons – Posts that were judged got a confusing on how axe was being used. -80
Following Rules – No problem - 100
Other comments: How does rocking back and forth help one gain speed? The rage of Folgrim was lacking in this round.

Creativity –  Good use of faking injuries, I haven't seen that much in the tournament. -85
Use of weapons –Could have used more action with the marlfox trade weapon. -85
Following Rules – No problem - 100
Other comments: Work on the flow of your sentences. Some were quite difficult to read. "Fool of an otter." Sounds like "Fool of a Took" from LOTR :D I like it! Good job keeping Mokkan a deceitful marlfox.

Winner: HIAG
Overall Comments: This one was very close. It was quite hard to pick a winner. Posts were lacking in comparison with last round. I went with who I thought stayed in character the best

Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – Interesting start flinging whatever you can find, but what happened to all the creativity from round 1?  The other posts left me wishing for more like last time. – 90
Use of weapons – Good use of the axe, though it genuinely gets confusing trying to keep up what is going on with the weapon all the time. – 93
Following Rules – Not a problem. – 100

Creativity – Creativity is basic on this one as well.  The last one for judging is what saved it honestly, because I didn't see much outside of the few sentences given. – 93
Use of weapons – I didn't see a lot of use of the axe, despite it being a Marlfox weapon.  It was used in other posts, but not the ones that were requested for judging. – 90
Following Rules – Not a problem. – 100

Winner – draw
Honestly I felt both dropped the ball in this match so I cannot declare a winner.   This is not what I expected when I saw round 1 posts from both of these players.  I expected this to be awesome, but I saw a lot of quick back and forth, and a lack of detail.  Like I said in another match, perhaps the wrong posts were chosen for judging because I think other ones would have given better results.

Lily's Comments:
Creativity – 85
Use of Weapons- 75
Following Rules – 90

Creativity – 90
Use of Weapons- 95
Following Rules – 90
Other comments: HiAG's perfectly in-character portrayal of Mokkan secured this one. Very creative.
Winner- HIAG

Overall Winner: HIAG

Round 2 Rainshadow (Lonna Bowstripe) vs. Tiria Wildlough (Slassen)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Creativity – You do a great job of describing your character. Your character's reaction to his bow string being broken is great! Inward roaring, good! -98
Use of Weapons- "Touching the goose feather of the arrow to his cheek" Good job! I love how you described this action. The chair= priceless! -100
Following Rules – no problem - 100
Other comments:  Good job recognizing Lonna's badger heritage in your opening post. He got his rear end stuck under a chair? Hilarious! Using a chair on his rear end as a weapon? Even more hilarious!

Tiria Wildlough
Creativity – Good job showing weakness in your character in your fist post. - 85
Use of Weapons- Good job finding a weakness an exploiting it. The bow string. -90
Following Rules – Good job having your character realize that she is injured. The arrow through her foot. – 100
Overall Comments: This duel was so fun to read! Good job to both of you. I chose Rainshadow for her creativity and descriptive writing. Tiria's character was well written, but mostly responded to Lonna's actions. A great round to both of you!
Winner-  Rainshadow

Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – Basic, but I get the general flow of things.  Getting stuck under and in the chair was amusing. – 93
Use of weapons – Bow and arrow use is good to start with.  Too bad you didn't use the post where you try to hit the ferret with the chair as one to judge.  I'd give you a higher score if you did.  – 93
Following Rules – Never a problem. – 100

Tiria Wildlough
Creativity – Creativity is good; probably one of the times I've seen an injury hamper the ability to fight so much.  Very different for sure. – 95
Use of weapons – This is the weak point – posts that were chosen for judging focus far more on the fact that Slassen is injured than her use with a dagger.  Outside of slashing a bowstring, I didn't see much else. – 90
Following Rules – 100

Winner – Rainshadow – 95

Note to these contestants – take this as constructive criticism, please and nothing more.  I really felt I could score this match better for both of you and give you much higher scores, but you picked the wrong posts for judging.  The most interesting posts or ones that would have scored you points in the weapons category were the ones not chosen.  That's how I see it.

Lily's Comments:
Creativity – 80
Use of Weapons- 80
Following Rules – 85

Creativity – 85
Use of Weapons- 80
Following Rules – 90
Other Comments: While Rainshadow was creative, I found it a bit hard to believe that Lonna would be silly enough to get a chair stuck to his behind.

Winner- Tiria Wildlough

Overall winner: Rainshadow

Round 2 Matthias 720 (Matthias the Warrior) vs. Skyblade (Razer)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Matthias 720
Creativity – Good use of objects in the scene. I liked the use of the bed quilt. You did a good job keeping Matthias at an "untrained" warrior level. -90
Use of Weapons-  "swinging his blade in an arcing figure-eight, hoping to separate his opponent from her sword." I like this. Your finishing post was very well done. I like that Matthias did not aim to kill the otter. Final post was well done. -90
Following Rules –  No problem - 100
Other comments: Your opening post really shows what your character is like. Good job!

Creativity – Like that you kept Razar congenial towards her opponent. Very "otterly" of you. -85
Use of Weapons- Your first post to be judged had an attack that was a little tricky to understand. Loved that you used the quilt as a shield. Not sure about throwing the arrows. -85
Following Rules – No problem – 100
Other Comments: Really liked your first post. Descriptive and interesting.
Overall Comments: A well written round to both of you.
Winner- Matthias

Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – Always got a sense I knew what you would do; descriptive use of tactics (moving swords in figure eights). – 94
Use of weapons – Great use of the sword in the hall, and I like the idea of the quilt. – 95
Following Rules – Never an issue. -100

Creativity – Very very creative posts.  Using the quilt as a shield was an unusual move—not sure how effective that would be in the long run.  – 97
Use of weapons – Great use of a sword as well.  The bow and arrows confused me as I couldn't figure how you managed to hold onto them the entire time, and where did they go once you entered another room? – 95
Following Rules – Never an issue. – 100

Winner – Skyblade – 97

Lily's Comments:
Matthias 720
Creativity – 90
Use of Weapons- 90
Following Rules – 90
Other Comments: Matthias' use of anything that came to hand was what won this one. Very creative.

Creativity – 85
Use of Weapons- 80
Following Rules – 85

Winner- Matthias 720

Overall Winner: Matthias 720

Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Creativity – Very nice first post. I liked how it showed your character planning his moves. Your posts show to character of Danflor quite well. -98
Use of Weapons- Good use of the pommel section of the sword. Your posting of weapons use was very well done. Easy to understand and well thought out. -95
Following Rules – No problem 100

Creativity – You write your otter well. Good description of his thinking. His response to Danflor's words was well written. -95
Use of Weapons- The lance use was written understandably. I wish we could have gone on a few more posts to see what his plan was. -95
Following Rules – No problem 100
Winner- Danflorreguba

Lutra's Comments:
Warrior of Mossflower
Creativity – Creative, but nothing jaw droppingly so.  Interesting thought on the storerooms despite the fact you never get to them. – 90
Use of Weapons – Use of the lance to drive Danflower back is good, but outside of that nothing else is tried.  Not every weapon has to be a physical item in the sense. – 85
Follows Rules – Every rule is followed, though I'd prefer it if "this post is to be judged" was marked as such. – 100

Creativity – You didn't get very far in this duel, but your posts are very creative, just like the last duel.  I always get a sense, I know what you're going to do before you do so. – 95
Use of weapons – Same issue as with WOR - you're stuck in the passageway with nowhere to go and you don't use weapons or much of anything, so the battle never goes anywhere.  As I said earlier, not every weapon has to be a physical item in the sense. - 85
Follows Rules – Not an issue here, never has been. -100
Winner – Dannflorreguba – 94

Lily's Comments:
Creativity – 90
Use of Weapons- 60
Following Rules – 90

Creativity – 90
Use of Weapons- 70
Following Rules – 85
Other Comments: This one was close. What made Dann win in the end was the use of a lance inside. It would be extremely difficult to use a big weapon like that in an enclosed space.
Winner- Dannflorreguba

Overall Winner: Dannflorreguba
Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster Stats, and Results
Post by: BrookSkimmer on November 06, 2012, 12:37:29 AM
Round 3 HeadInAnotherGalaxy (Mokkan) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
BrookSkimmer's Comments
Creativity – I like the idea of chopping the trees to get the squirrel to come down. Not bad posting, though lots of dialogue. More than I think a marlfox would have gone in for. - 80
Use of weapons – Not much description in the play of the axe. I would have liked to have seen some good action with the blade! The only real movement besides the swinging of the axe happened in a post not flagged for judging... -65
Following Rules – Good reaction to the blade coming from the trees at him. -100
Other comments: And he was not going up there after him. Good show of marlfox character. Interesting reference to the books.

Creativity – I like how you played out your character's thinking, though there was A LOT of dialogue... too much for my taste.  -85
Use of weapons – "He thrust forward violently" I like this... even with the SPAG error. Good description of your character using his weapon and calculating his moves. -85
Following Rules – No problem - 100
Other comments: Watch your SPAG, although it is not judged in particular, it does mess with the flow of your posts to have SPAG errors. Good reference to the books.

Winner: Danflorreguba

Overall Comments: This thread looked like you guys were taking things out on each other IC... not necessarily a bad thing... but, well, not really to my taste. It was difficult for me to pick a winner this round. Really it came down to the posting about weapons use for me.

Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – I really do like the way you've gone and worded things, and gave detail as to what you were saying.  Can't help to think this was more a battle of words than weapons skill. - 90
Use of weapons – I think the only time you actually used the axe was a post you didn't select for judging.  Was kind of hoping you'd throw an apple or something. - 75
Following Rules – bickering back and forth when this battle first started didn't need to happen;  based on what I read, there's blame to share, and neither wanted to take the higher road, so you both score the same in this category – 80

Creativity – same as with HIAG, creative use of words to explain your position on fighting, but again more a battle of words and not much else.  Could've been really good if you left the tree. – 92
Use of weapons – Yes, someone threw an apple!!!  Outside of that I don't think any weapon use happened in the posts marked for judging. – 80
Following rules - bickering back and forth when this battle first started didn't need to happen;  based on what I read, there's blame to share, and neither wanted to take the higher road, so you both score the same in this category – 80

Winner – dannflorreguba - 84

Lily's Comments:
Creativity – 86
Use of Weapons- 86
Following Rules – 86

Creativity – 90
Use of Weapons- 83
Following Rules – 90
Other comments: HiAG's idea as Mokkan to chop down all the trees in the orchard was what cinched this one. Nice idea!
Winner- HIAG

Overall Winner: Danflorreguba

Re: Round 3 Matthias 720 (Matthias the Warrior) vs. Daniel of Redwall (Cluny)
BrookSkimmer's Comments:
Matthias 720
Creativity – The bell ringing during the first attack sequence was very nicely done! Really great! -90
Use of Weapons- Matthias handles the sword just how I would imagine. Used the shield, great! This was quite good! - 90
Following Rules – No problems - 100
Other comments:   Watch your SPAG! "Here I am, Cluny the Scourge. Face me in battle! I have come to settle a score with you!" I liked this very much!

Creativity – You played Cluny quite well. I'm just not sure about him going to hide in the trees after the initial attack. - 85
Use of Weapons- I really liked how you used a railing as a weapon. Good use of tail barb. Your attacks modes vary which is good, the last one was a little hard to understand. -85
Following Rules – No problems - 100
Overall Comments: Your first post was very nice. Great description! Some SPAG errors.
Winner-    Matthias 720
Comments: This one was tough. In the end, Matthias' post had a little better flow. This was a great duel! Great job both of you!!

Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – great use of descriptive words to describe what is going on—this is what I truly wanted to see in these role plays when it came to creative descriptions - 100
Use of weapons – struggled to get going, and am mildly disappointed you didn't use any of the fruit in the orchard as a weapon (who wouldn't want to see Cluny hit in the face with a rotting apple?); can't argue with the sword use though - 96
Following Rules – Never a problem – 100

Daniel of Redwall
Creativity – great creative use of words, what I always expected with this role play tournament; - 98
Use of weapons – I like the circling action and seeing Cluny use an iron spike from the church—that's different!  No fruit for weapons though! – 96
Following rules – Never a problem – 100

Winner – Matthias with a 99 (he ran away with this one!)

Lily's Comments:
Matthias 720
Creativity – 88
Use of Weapons- 90
Following Rules – 90

Creativity – 90
Use of Weapons-  90
Following Rules –  86
Other Comments: I couldn't decided a clear winner for this one so it came down to points.

Winner- Matthias 720

Overall winner: Matthias 720

Title: Re: RP Tournament Roster Stats, and Results
Post by: BrookSkimmer on November 21, 2012, 05:59:37 PM
Here is how this round was judged:
Instead of using results for each duel to determine winners, I have totaled up the votes from each judge to determine the winners. So, out of 9 votes possible here is how the results worked out:

Matthias720: 4
Draw: 1

So, our grand champion is: Matthias720
Tie for first runner up goes to: Rainshadow and Danflorreguba

Prize art and prize banners will be out within the next two weeks!

The special bonus round between myself and Matthias720 will take place during next week!

(also, you have probably noticed the Mystery Judge. Lily was not able to judge this round so I asked another person to fill her spot.)

Round 4 Rainshadow (Lonna Bowstripe) vs. Matthias 720 (Matthias the Warrior)
BrookSkimmer's Comments
Creativity – A good mix of moves for your character and good description of what was going on. I liked the pot on the head, though it reminded me of your duel with the chair... Keeping things fresh helps for creativity. -85
Use of weapons – Good description of the stick arrows. Not too much going on besides firing arrows. Liked the sponge part.-80
Following Rules – Not a problem! -100
Other comments: This was a well written round, however, not the best out of the rounds I've seen you write so far.

Creativity –  "As he did, he accidentally tripped on the hem of his habit. He tumbled to the floor, barely missing being impaled by the arrow that had just impacted with a large sack of flour." I like this. Good idea for how he misses being hit.
Use of weapons – The fire poker was a good choice. Very good description of weapon use. I was never confused by Matthias' movements during this duel. I liked that you choose more than one "weapon" and successfully wrote about their use. -90
Following Rules – No problem! -100
Other comments: fearsome strength badger's possessed" good wording on this.

Winner: Matthias 720

Overall Comments:  You both did a good job remembering that this duel took place in the kitchens. Good use of different "weapons" made from kitchen objects. I liked that you both wrote this with surroundings in mind!

Lutra's Comments:
Creativity – now that was creative!  I like how you suggested that the duel should not be done with weapons that can kill. – 95
Use of weapons – Yes!  Kitchen ware weapons!  Still can't figure out how you got the pot stuck on your head. – 97
Following rules – not an issue – 100

Creativity – one of the best I've seen, even with sound effects!  I like the suggestion of "safer weapons" as well. – 100
Use of weapons – never thought an oven paddle could be deadly; too bad you didn't find any food on the table and decided to use it as weapons too.  That would've been perfect in my opinion. – 97
Following rules – not an issue – 100

Winner – Matthias – 99 (definitely hard to pick because you both did really well)

Mystery Judge Comments:
Creativity- Liked how he was sipping the soup at the start, that was amusing, and getting stuck in the pots was brilliant! Good dialogue. 10/10
Use of weapons- I liked the sponge move. Good work with the bow and "arrows", but description was pretty basic (Lonna aimed and fired). 8.5/10
Following rules- No problems. 10/10

Creativity- Loved the trip on the habit, nice homage to the series and made me laugh! Stayed in character well, very good posting, great work! 10/10
Use of weapons- Nice work with improvised weapons. 9/10
Following rules- no problems. 10/10

Winner: Matthias720 by a whisker! This was a really great dual, nice work both of you.

Round 4 Matthias 720 (Matthias the Warrior) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
BrookSkimmer's Comments
Creativity – Good job keeping the kitchens in mind. I would have liked to have read some more about the surrounds though. Good job having Matthias note what Dannflor might be thinking. -80
Use of weapons – The moves were easy to read, yet lacked flare. The one move I really liked was the one attempting to push the opponent back with the flat of the blade. Good job noting the pain your character felt from sword  upon sword impact. -80
Following Rules – 100
Other comments: This round didn't flow for you nearly as well as the one against Lonna.

Creativity – You had good control over your character this round. I liked that you added a sound effect to your post. Not the most creative round I've read but, no bad either. -80
Use of weapons : Your sword moves (first post in particular) make sense and most are intricate. It is difficult to balance intricacy in dueling with being understandable. Good job. --85
Following Rules – -100
Other comments:

Winner: Dannflorreguba

Overall Comments: This was a tough one. Both of you could have added more depth to your posts. It felt very cause/effect oriented so I didn't get too good a feel for your characters. Danflorreguba won by a hair!

Lutra's Comments
Creativity – not bad, but not great because you've shown better in previous rounds; not much goes on honestly – 85
Use of weapons – you have Martin's sword but didn't do much with it this time; also didn't use any kitchen items which I personally wished more had done – 80
Following rules – had to read everything because I didn't know what to judge – 90

Creativity – again, not bad, but previous rounds show you're far more capable of descriptive battles than was shown – 85
Use of weapons – didn't see much weapon use; tried to use the food in the kitchens as a cover, but I don't quite get what you were doing—why not throw the food? – 80
Following rules – had to read everything because I didn't know what to judge – 90

Winner – draw (I know you two are far more capable at this than what you wrote)

Mystery Judges Comments
Creativity- Easy to follow, great creativity, kept in character well, fantastic work. 9.5/10
Use of weapons- Good use of the sword, used it like Matthias would have.9/10
Following rules- No problem. 10/10

Creativity- I liked how you noted that you were both using the same sword, that was quite amusing! Some  good posting, kept in character well. 9/10
Use of weapons- Clever with the fruit, but I fail to see how splitting the fruit would be more distracting. 8.5/10
Following rules- No problems. 10/10
Other comments- Again, watch your SPAG!

Winner: Matthias720.

Round 4 Danflorreguba (Danflower) vs. Rainshadow (Lonna Bowstripe)
BrookSkimmer's Comments
Creativity – Your first post was very nice. Really liked the description of how Dannflor was feeling. Overall, I feel you could have done more but this was good. -85
Use of weapons – Really liked the overhead pan holder part. Good choice! Not as much sword play this round, but not really needed. You did well with what was in the kitchen! -90
Following Rules –100

Creativity – Your first post was really nice. Loved how you wrote about Salamandastron. Overall, not bad -85
Use of weapons – Good job choosing more than just the bow and arrows. -85
Following Rules – 100

Winner: Dannfloreguba

Lutra's Comments
Creativity – not as creative as I've seen you do in the past in this tournament – 85
Use of weapons – not too bad; really wished you had used more items in the kitchen though – 85
Following rules – didn't know what to judge so I read everything – 90

Rainshadow –
Creativity- very rapid movements in the kitchen, I do like that you tried to grab anything within reach – 90
Use of weapons – not bad; liked that you tried to use whatever you could get ahold of, but didn't get much use out of it – 90
Following rules – yes, and at least I had an idea of what to judge; didn't get three posts to judge – 95

Winner – Rainshadow -  92

Mystery Judge's Comments
Creativity- Kept in character well and I understood what your character was doing. 9/10
Use of weapons- Good work using the pans, but I'm not sure about your use of the sword. At the start you mentioned dipping it in the soup, but when you later used it against the ladle you never mentioned that. A shame, I was looking forward to seeing the soup-dipped sword in action. 8/10
Following the rules- Not too much of a problem but I'm not sure about the comment in the brackets of the first post- "(assuming that's where we were placed)"-, it disrupted the flow a bit and could have been placed as an OOC if it was really needed. 9/10
Other comments: Watch your SPAG, there were a few slip-ups!

Creativity- Nice internal dialogue,  nice posting. 9.5/10
Use of weapons- Good use of the bow, the ladle, and the rolling pin. I also liked the yank on the sling. 8.8/10
Following the rules- Not a problem. 10/10

Winner: Rainshadow.