Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Tournaments => Roleplay Event Board => Roleplaying => 2nd Tournament Archive => Topic started by: BrookSkimmer on October 08, 2012, 04:57:42 AM

Title: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: BrookSkimmer on October 08, 2012, 04:57:42 AM
You have one week from today to put up at least three posts for judging.
If you make more than three posts you must signify which posts you want judged.
All posts must be at least three sentences long.

Do not:
auto-hit (posting hits on anyone's character. Post your attacks and the other person will respond with whether the attack connected or not. Receiving a hit does not mean you will loose the match.)
God-mode (make your character so strong that nothing can hurt them)
Mary-sue (make your character perfect in every way)

First come, first served for posting. Your first post may or may not include an opening attack.

Have fun!!!


Brockhall, ancestral home of the Brock family and located in the northeastern part of Mossflower woods. The location for the second round of the tournament. Contestants find themselves stooping down to enter the doorway that leads underground to the relatively small confines of the home. This arena includes various small sitting rooms, a small infirmary, a nursery, a study, a master bedroom, dormitories, a kitchen, a larder, storerooms and a large main hall. All of these locations may be used during the duel. Brockhall has been lit by various small sconces and candles. The conditions are cramped and contestants will need to keep their wits about them.

A small section of one sitting room has been roped off for the judges. Three beasts sit at a small oaken table. From this vantage point most of the areas of combat can be seen.

A voice sounds in the confined space:

"Tarwin vs. Danflower! Begin!"
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on October 08, 2012, 04:39:39 PM
Dannflower had made sure to come early, the quarry he had been to before, so he had already known how to fight his opponent, but Brockhall... No, he'd never visited the legendary abode of the badgers. It seemed like a place that forced you to fene your way along, with no alternative... It was too closely packed for his comfort. The store rooms was his goal, if he could get his rival, and himself into the store room, the their range of motion would skyrocket. The Infirmary was a little more spacious, and had many cots. Dormitories were filled with beds and other furniture to weave around, too much furniture, going backwards would be the death of either squirrel or otter. So it was settled in the squirrels mind, Store rooms! The call went out,....

"Tarwin vs. Danflower! Begin!"

.... And Dannflower Reguba, Champion of Redwall was ready for anything, and that included the burly Sea-otter that he was to face.

OOC: For judging
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: WarriorOfMossflower on October 09, 2012, 08:18:01 PM
Tarwin Rushburrl Shellhound was also unfamiliar with the territory, so he had been roaming for the past few minutes. He, too, had found the store-room to be the most spacious, but he also had different thoughts. Neither of the competitors knew the way in here, the otter assumed, so wouldn't it be quite easy to get lost? Or, if you really had to flee, it would be difficult for your opponent to follow. Keeping these thoughts in mind, Tarwin tightened his grip on Corriam's Lance. Thank the seasons he had had it fixed since his last match! He could tell he was going to need it.

He stepped up to face Dannflower Reguba.
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on October 11, 2012, 04:23:30 PM
Dannflower scrutinized his opponent while he himself leaned nonchalantly on his blade, formerly Martins'. "Shall we get started?" The Reguba didn't wait for a response, he lunged forward with the pommel stone forward for an attempt at winding the otter, that would be the best way to start, as the otters' main advantage was his superior strength, their weapons were well matched, and the inclosure offered nothing for which either squirrel or otter could gain the upper-paw... This would be a game of wits.

OOC: For judging
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: BrookSkimmer on October 11, 2012, 05:28:30 PM
Round 2 of the tournament has been extended to Wednesday the 17th of Oct.

Keep posting!  ;D
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: WarriorOfMossflower on October 11, 2012, 11:27:56 PM
Tarwin was grateful that he was a lithe otter. He spun to the side, avoiding the pommelstone. If he fell, the squirrel would easily finish him. He had to stay on his feet. Tarwin managed a smile. "Well, that wasn't much of an introduction, now was it!" He sprang forward with the lance, not intending to connect with the squirrel but drive him back. One way or another, they had to get to the store-rooms, or neither would be able to properly use their weapon. Tarwin drew back the lance quickly after his mock-strike, determined not to let the squirrel get a hold on the lance. He had learned from his previous battle.
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on October 15, 2012, 05:00:23 PM
Dannflower could tell by the indirect affrontation that Tarwins' mind was of his own, and therefore he didn't bother trying to stop the retreat to the one place where they had breathing room. As much for it as he was, he couldn't let the otter know that. He mocked a backwards stagger, and even let the lance prick under his fur, oh it hurt, but the assurance that he didn't want to go to the store rooms might make Tarwin a bit too eager. The squirrel hopped slightly to his left and swung slightly lopsidedly at his opponent coming from his right side.

OOC: For judging
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: WarriorOfMossflower on October 15, 2012, 08:06:01 PM
Tarwin ducked, feeling a rush of air as Martin's Sword whooshed over his head. He bit his lip in pain as the keen blade clipped his ear, but he was grateful that the sword took only his eartip and not his whole head. Tarwin stabbed to the left with the lance, then speedily swung back to the right. He didn't care if the squirrel wanted to or not; they were going to the store-rooms.
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on October 15, 2012, 08:26:58 PM
Dannflor continued the drama, though he unwillingly ended up with a scratch in his left leg, barely missed a thonk on the head. He retreated several steps to give himself some breathing room, and naturaly lure his foe closer to the store room. This time, he re-performed his last attack, skipping to the left quickly and swinging at his rivals' midsection this time, but it wasn't off balance this time.
Title: Re: Round 2 Warrior of Mossflower (Tarwin) vs. Danflorreguba (Danflower)
Post by: WarriorOfMossflower on October 15, 2012, 10:35:31 PM
Tarwin leaped back a pace and sucked in his stomach. Great seasons, that was close! He scowled, realising that the squirrel had forced him back. Apparently, Dannflower had no intentions of getting to the store-rooms...or did he? He seemed to be backing up in that direction. Well, whatever. It doesn't matter either way. Tarwin stabbed again, knowing that if they kept this method up, they could slowly make it to the larger fighting area.
But as they fought, yet another plan began forming in his mind. If his timing was right, and if Dannflower did exactly what he expected...the squirrel would be finished.

(OOC: This post does not have to be judged.)