Redwall Abbey

General Boards => Forum Games => Topic started by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 15, 2012, 04:40:00 AM

Title: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 15, 2012, 04:40:00 AM
Welcome to the holiday special of Overlord's Orders, which will feature elements of the late-year holidays. By some remarkable chance, this might produce some holiday spirit in you. Regardless, it will be starting in about a week. Hopefully this game which has found some favoriteship amongst board members can get some rejuvination. Note that the winner of the latest round of Overlord's Orders, Matthias, will be leading the next round. Winner of this round is non-binding on hosthsip.
So, right to the rules.
The Rules
We will have an overlord (or overlady), who will be all powerful and control the game.
Everyone else will be a servant of theirs to do his or her bidding, which will be a new assignment at the beginning of each round.
The game begins by the Overlord issuing a task, sending out their servants, and then summoning everyone before them and questioning them about whether they got the thing they wanted.
Any given round may have anywhere from a developing storyline and plot to pure and simple tasking. At times, the gamemaster (Overlord) may deviate from the general pattern and do something different at the end than just another task.

Example Round:
Let's say the Overlord might have wanted a jeep to use.
Stage 1: Introduction
The Overlord sends out their servants on a task and they return, and the Overlord will question their servants and ask them why they failed to bring them the thing they wanted (which will invariable happen, no one ever succeeds).
Stage 2: Defenses
Players can then blame their failure on some random thing (like maybe an elephant destroying the jeep) or someone else in the game; anything to shrug themselves off from fault.
Everyone can then blame someone, themselves, or introduce some sort of new feature that happened while acquiring the item (in this case, a jeep). Eventually, the Overlord will process the information and decide who failed, or might just get tired of the arguing and randomly select someone. You must submit a post every round. If not, the chances of survivng to a new stage are minimal.
Stage 3: Punishment
The person chosen to have failed by the Overlord is then thrown out, vaporized, or something creative, by the Overlord's orders. The idea is to not be this person, and to survive as long as possible.

The Overlord will be choosing the best defenses as survivors.

Inter-game rules: The winner of any round is given hostship of the next game. This can tie in with them going from servant to overlord, or it can be original.

General Guidelines:
Free roleplaying, or game spam, is fine. This means having yourself eat a banana, talk about the weather or river dance.

Whenever someone says something, it becomes fact. It is what happened. If someone says an elephant destroyed a jeep, then anyone calling that person a liar is for certain lying; the jeep was destroyed by an elephant. What's up for telling for someone else is, for example, who set the elephant on the jeep.

Godmoding pertaining to persons should be restricted to some extent, just try to keep things with at least a hand in plausibility. Powerplaying is allowed. However, it cannot affect players between tasks. For instance, you cannot have a servants contract a disease and be unable to speak, or even die. You can have them be sick during the task, but you cannot impede them during the Sessions before the Overlord.

Normally, the Gamemaster will have technology restricting servants to a base during the game to prevent physically roleplaying and keep the game focused on its purpose. Overlords can powerplay.
Also, you cannot use an excuse like being brainwashed or cloned during the task. You are you-and you are responsible for what you did wrong. Everyone is a failure in this game.
Remember to keep things civil, stay inside the board rules, keep all hands and legs inside the game until it comes to a complete stop...

If you have not played before, you can read through an older round. You can find them all here:
Game 1, ToR (
Game 2, James Gryphon  (
Game 3, DanielofRedwall (
Game 4, Matthias720 (
Game 5, Redwall Musician (
Game 6, Tiria Wildlough (

Player list: Copy last incarnation and add your name. I will edit this first post as new players sign up, and provide an updated list every time a player is eliminated.
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall
3. Leatho Shellhound
4. Skipper
5. Tam and Martin
6. HeadInAnotherGalaxy
7. Lord Gorath
8. Redwaller

Once the game has started, there can be no new players.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on November 15, 2012, 06:06:25 AM
I'm in!

1. Tiria Wildlough
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on November 15, 2012, 07:46:21 AM
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall

(But you saw that coming.)
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Matthias720 on November 15, 2012, 12:44:30 PM
I'll sit this one out (for obvious reasons, lol).
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on November 15, 2012, 06:33:06 PM
I'll give it a try.

1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall
3. Leatho shellhound
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on November 15, 2012, 06:48:46 PM
I'll try it out as this sems something I might be good at.
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall
3. Leatho shellhound
4. Skipper
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on November 15, 2012, 11:57:45 PM
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall
3. Leatho Shellhound
4. Skipper
5. Tam and Martin
           We'll try it out.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 16, 2012, 02:36:34 AM
Added all of you. Looks like a lot of newcomers this round.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on November 16, 2012, 03:41:28 PM
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall
3. Leatho Shellhound
4. Skipper
5. Tam and Martin
6. HeadInAnotherGalaxy
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 18, 2012, 03:04:57 AM
Going to want a couple more people at least. Will start next week, perhaps Tuesday.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Lord Gorath on November 19, 2012, 10:38:50 PM
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall
3. Leatho Shellhound
4. Skipper
5. Tam and Martin
6. HeadInAnotherGalaxy
7. Lord Gorath
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on November 19, 2012, 11:22:48 PM
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall
3. Leatho Shellhound
4. Skipper
5. Tam and Martin
6. HeadInAnotherGalaxy
7. Lord Gorath
8. Redwaller

I'm in!
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: cregga rose eyes on November 19, 2012, 11:47:58 PM
Quick question, how often are the rounds? I can only get on so often, so it would be helpful to know before I join.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 20, 2012, 12:05:41 AM
A new round begins immediately as the last one ends. A new round will probably be every 3-5 days; if you can log in during that point you'll be good for participating in that round.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 20, 2012, 04:22:00 PM
Round starting in about 5 hours. Everyone: Sign up if you still want to.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on November 20, 2012, 07:41:18 PM
what time does it begin?
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 20, 2012, 07:49:27 PM
Right now.

Player list:
1. Tiria Wildlough
2. DanielofRedwall
3. Leatho Shellhound
4. Skipper
5. Tam and Martin
6. HeadInAnotherGalaxy
7. Lord Gorath
8. Redwaller

ALL SIGN-UPS CLOSED. Expect Matthias' round to begin in January.

Matthias had bought this orb he stood in. He was quite proud of it, and liked it a lot. After teleporting from a distant galaxy in, he knew he'd have to pilot it to ever leave. It was impossible to get out of it through conventional means, only from the internal teleportation installed. Fortunately, he had unlimited food supply from a replicator. In fact, over the two weeks since his arrival, he had been using it. He had mysteriously since arriving acquired a bizarre knack for engineering and construction that he could not explain. He was more talented and efficeint than he could ever remember. As he stood in the control room (which was at the very center of the orb), where he had finished installing gravity panels on the floor, he heard a strange sound behind him. He turned and saw a man heading towards him. He was aging, short, and dressed in black. He had a quirky glint in his eyes and a menacing look on his face. He thought he had seen this man before.
   Matthias's feet become stuck to the floor. The man had already accessed the control panel Matthias had just installed next to his chair and the button controlling the gravity plates was pushed, Without ever speaking, the stranger pushed a few buttons and Matthias disappeared, teleported who knows where. The Overlord held up a small device to his mouth.
   "All here, my green general friend, good beaver- my old control panel designs, the gravity panels I invented. I believe one of you owes me some money. The brain link worked-we placed all my inventive knowledge into Matthias's mind. He can just find another base to settle in as Overlord. And now I am here again, as Overlord. Just a shame he didn't pick a nicer lair. Like one with a limo factory."

Fifteen years later- give or take a few days

In the vast recesses of empty space, the dark orb of the Overlord drifted. It was dark, and since practically no one had ever observed it from the outside, of an unknown size. The single permanent resident was the Overlord, with various servants at any time to fulfill his wishes and desires. These persons had been teleported from far away and had not seen the outside of the orb, and in fact the Overlord had never seen it either, though he alone knew its exact size.
In the center of the dark orb was a dimly-lit room, a perfect square shape with walls covered with various wires, panels, contraptions, controls, molecular stabilized accelerators, levers, cow portraits, switches and all manner of equipment. In the center of the large room was a large chair with leading steps, where sat the Overlord, with a control panel beside him. In front of him stood his present servants, secured in their positions by the heavy gravity employed a few inches from the floor upwards.
His face was emotionless and his frown snarling. "With the recent failure of your last attempt at acquiring my supplies, I have decided a punishment is due. Corporal Squash, you clearly defied my orders and attempted desertion, I have no use for such tragedies." A clank resounded, and an immense force of suction pulled Corporal Squash to the ceiling, and out a small hole that had opened up. A monitor to one side of the room showed a small escape pod moving up a shaft to the top of the sphere, via a camera affixed to the bottom and top of the small cylinder compartment. The feed quit, and the Overlord spoke.
"The cylinder will exit the sphere soon, moving at such speeds. The cameras have stopped working already. Obviously, no one has ever seen this orb from the outside, except the builders who lived millennia ago. Corporal Squash will not be breaking that rule on his craft's exit. Figure that, eh."
The Overlord appeared passive, then turned his attention to his servants.
"As you know, you lot of eight's first mission was an absoltute failure, mostly because of Corporal Squash. You did not acquire a pumpkin like I wanted.  The second mission I sent you on has been a failure too, though not surpirsingly so. Both of these missions failed I can see, but I have not heard a report on the more recent mission. So, please fill me in on the details of your attempt at acquiring my specially ordered turkey and side dishes from the planet Earth, the planet where I hired you all from at that wonderful convention last week. I really wanted that food- that replicator was never installed correctly. I should really have made note to hire that brain-linker worker guy and make him a servant for a month and teach him how to do things right."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on November 21, 2012, 12:20:01 AM
"Well, we came down to Earth like you asked us to. But then the trouble began to happen:

We were going to a butcher store to get the turkey, when suddenly Leatho Shellhound took a stick and broke the windows of the store. So the owner called the police and we were brought to the police station to answer for Leatho shellhound's craziness."

(Am I doing it right?)
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 21, 2012, 12:57:31 AM
OOC: Yup, that's good.

The Overlord focused on Leatho. "Any explanation? And the rest of you, surely you all were doing something while this trouble went on?"
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Lord Gorath on November 21, 2012, 02:18:19 AM
"Well, at the time, me and Leatho Shellhound were looking at a picture of a deadly blue wax shark inside, and Leatho thought it was real, so he went in and broke the windows, (for he had read that fresh air killed them) while me and Redwaller were trying to get him and then the police walked in. I was shot by HeadInAnotherGalaxy with a laser gun and fell unconscious.  When I woke up I was in the police office."

OOC: Is that right?
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on November 21, 2012, 02:45:07 AM
OOC: How many posts are we allowed(I mean do we have to wait for others?)

Tam and Martin was also stealing meat from the shelf when the butcher wasn't looking.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 21, 2012, 02:51:35 AM
OOC: As long as you don't double post, you're fine.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on November 21, 2012, 03:54:59 AM
Mighty Overlord I wasn't trying to steal the turkey I was trying to save it. Headinanothergalaxy was using a laser gun to turn the turkey to dust so I tried to save as many turkeys as I could. The buthcher heard the noise and turned around and looked at me that's when Redwaller made a getaway with a turkey.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on November 21, 2012, 07:34:08 AM
I was about to enter the shop and get the turkey but two big men stopped me and said no otters allowed. Even ask Tiria, she witnessed it, but then the police shot me with a dart gun and i fell unconscious.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on November 21, 2012, 06:15:37 PM
Ah waznae goin' after the turkey, ah waz tryin' tae drive back the theztralz tha' were clozin' in tae eat it. If ah hadnae done tha', they wid 'ave eaten it. Then ah' zuddenly got clobbered over the head by Lord Gorath and ah waz aboot tae get up when the Death Defyin' Beaverz attacked uz, and ah fell unconziouz.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Lord Gorath on November 21, 2012, 06:18:27 PM
I fell on the ground while fighting armed death-defying beavers with a stick when Skipper flopped me into the air and I fell onto HeadInAnotherGalaxy.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 21, 2012, 08:06:18 PM
OOC: Tiria, Leatho and Daniel: Awaiting your responses. I want to try and get everyone a post every round.

"Gah, dreaded death-defying beavers!" exclaimed the Overlord. "I'll have to try and work a deal to avoid further trouble with them. I'll never reach Earth with them weighing down your missions. I'll need a plan, and a very old one at that."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Lord Gorath on November 21, 2012, 08:51:36 PM
 ;D :) ;) 8) ::) :P  8)  ;D
Give them $1,000,000.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on November 21, 2012, 08:52:22 PM
'I was going to get the turkey with Skipper, then the men who said no otters allowed hit me over the head with their dart guns, and knocked me out. I had nothing to do with the other things that were happening because I was unconscious.'
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on November 22, 2012, 12:20:41 AM
I stole the turkey because the Death-Defying Beavers were ruining all the meat. So I was getting away with it when DanielofRedwall tripped me and stamped on the turkey!
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on November 22, 2012, 07:32:16 AM
Lord Gorath that was not me, I saw the police throw an inflatable otter filled with stones at you as I was knocked unconcious.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on November 22, 2012, 09:36:42 AM
Daniel cleared his throat. He had stayed silent for a while, but decided to now speak. "My Lord, I did indeed trip Redwaller and stamped on the turkey dish you had ordered, but within reason. I saw that the beavers had slipped the liquid content of a vial on to the turkey dish. I presume they were hoping to poison you, as I recognized the clear liquid that was running in to the food as beaver poison. This is highly poisonous and can kill you in a mouth-full. Of course, the only way to get rid of such poison is to stamp on the food, as you know, oh great master. So, I did so, for yours and Redwaller's sake, whom I happened to overhear muttering to himself about eating the food himself in stead of you. I knew you wouldn't have eaten the food after I stomped on it, so I would have liked to go back to the butcher and ask him if he could have re-made the dish for you, but unfortunately we were ushered away to the police thanks to the actions of Gorath and Leatho, which were previously mentioned. I would have taken this back to you and paid for it with my own money, but I never got the chance. I apologize." Having spoke his piece, Daniel bowed his head and fell silent.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on November 22, 2012, 10:56:42 PM
"Your Lordship, I didn't have a stick, and since I didn't have a stick I didn't brake the glass. Redwaller broke the glass by falling into it when he was bumped by DanielofRedwall who was jumping on the turkey because of the beaver poison.
Than Tam and Martin took all the turkeys away because HIAG was shooting them. Tam and Martin lost the turkey when he was shot by a dart by the police.
I was about to get a new turkey and other dishes when I triped over skipper and Tiria and fell in a river. I fell down a waterfall and landed in a swimming pool. A human saved me from drowning but took me to a zoo....I was locked up there till I was delivered by your amazing self. So I now stand before you humble, ready to do any service for you when ever you wish, 24/7." 
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 23, 2012, 12:01:07 AM
The Overlord looked out over his servants. His gaze wandered from one to another, obviously signalling any further delay of punishment was at an end. He liked to see victims squirm at their fate, but servants were not victims-they were investments. Having silenced them all just from his gaze, he turned his eyes hastily to his control panel. For a few minutes, the room was completely quiet except for the clicking of buttons and flickering lights. He broke the silence abruptly.
"You all are failures. I am not disappointed, I never expected anything else. But one of you is far to unuseful in missions-and if I can get anything, it is usefulness. Lord Gorath, perhaps you'd like to wipe that green slime off your shoes?"
Puzzled, Lord Gorath looked down to see what the Overlord was talking about. As he did so, a pulse fired from the ceiling. The servant vanished instantly.
"Off with all of you. Sleep, then report back for a new assignment."

The Overlord met his servants in his throne room the next morning. He began outlining his assignment: "I need something, and that is a promise of death-defying beaver non-interference to reach Earth. Afterall, I can hardly count on a single beaver friend of mine to secure all his kind peace towards me over the month. So get a pact. Offer them some very uneatable apples. They'll be defying death to get them from your hands. You'll get teleported from the sphere to a friend of mine's ship, a general at that, who will then warp you to the beaver's newest spaceship, the Qiolaputerugihyertdasdaziminopoloisk. And do not look directly into the general's eye! And since his body is entirely an eye, that should be very difficult. So just don't look around at all aboard his ship. And if you see a green sphere, you've spotted him. This is not good for you, but if your own vision gets over its blurriness and your eyes stop burning after a few hours, then you'll probably still maintain your sight.


A day later, the Overlord looked out over his servants. "Well, the general reported you were smart enough not to ever look at or interact or notice him. He'll be a mystery to you. But explain why you brought back a tourist with you. What is he doing here? I don't want a new servant. I wait to replenish when a whole batch of yourselves has been expelled. After you're finished explaining him, I'll teleport him to some galaxy. In the meantime, would DanielofRedwall please pull him off my newest cow portrait?"

Updated Player List (7):
Tiria Wildlough
Leatho Shellhound
Tam and Martin
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on November 23, 2012, 12:27:27 AM
Well, We were teleported to the spaceship and found ourselves knocked out and sent to a prison cell. When I woke up, The apples had been taken away from us. Then I got up and went to the door, I looked out and leaned on the door. Next thing I knew I found myself on the ground with the door under me.I was about to go look for the apples when HIAG looped a rope around me and tied me to the wall. Then he took an AC device(Appearance Changer) and changed himself into a beaver and went away mixing with other beavers.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 24, 2012, 03:41:19 PM
The Overlord broke in. "And did any of you ever get close to obtaining an audience or a pact? And I'd love to know how good ole Agent Bliny o' Wasp or whoever he is got here? Pick him up while stealing appearance changing devices?"
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on November 25, 2012, 06:08:34 AM
"This guy is HIAG's fault, I'm afraid," said Daniel, shaking his head. "Pretty much he is HIAG's friend from Scotland. HIAG insisted on him tagging along, despite our objections. We tried getting rid of him numerous times, but we never managed to without HIAG finding out.
"Now, about the pact. I did get awfully close. I was just in the middle of making an agreement when Tiria pushed me aside and started speaking in French. I happen to know some French, so I also know that what she was saying was not nice at all. I won't be repeating it. So, we were kicked out, and no pact was made, unfortunately, thanks to Tiria."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on November 25, 2012, 12:03:30 PM
'I was there when it happened but Daniel obviously left out the part where he  threw a couple of runny eggs at the DDB's for ordering him about and blamed it on me, they bound me up tightly and tied me to HIAG's friend. I only managed to break free from the extra tough rope by leaning over a fire which burnt most of the fur on my left side.'
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on November 25, 2012, 08:51:31 PM
i saw it too. And I also saw Skipper picking up a hot bit of wood and throw it at DanielofRedwall. Which was unfortunatly intersepted by a DDB walking in front of it, so thanks to Skipper and DanielofRedwall we found ourselves hanging upside down with DDBs prodding at us with sharp sticks.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on November 25, 2012, 11:47:44 PM
"My Lord, I was holding the eggs on my lap. They were a present from the DDB, you see, to make egg roles with. Suddenly, as Tiria had her... Episode, Skipper went and threw the wood. While it was intersected, the beaver fell back on to me. I was standing up, just about the shake hands (also trying to push aside Tiria and cover her mouth), when this happened. It caused me to fall forward and drop the eggs, which splattered over the DDB and got us tied up. So, I have a reason to blame Skipper. I can only imagine what would have happened if I fell straight forward on top of the beavers."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on November 26, 2012, 07:51:03 PM
I was throwing the wood to Daniel, you see there was a fire near him and it was running low so I threw the wood to him so that he could keep it going, I never realised the wood was hot because I had been sanding next to a drafty spot when I was tied to the DDB and I had been rubbing my hands together after we got free so my hands were pretty warm, plus I had stuck my hands onto a heater and then put gloves on, it was Redwaller who passed me the wood.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on November 27, 2012, 01:42:38 AM
OOC: Awaiting Tira, HIAG, Leatho and T&M inputs. Everyone else is still welcome to post, of course.

The Overlord shook his head. "Egg rolls! Egg rolls! How I have forgotten about them!"
He composed himself after this outburst, and cast a stern gaze over the servants. "Am I to suppose that you have egg rolls still? Nevermind it. I'll get them later-they'll be handy for what is to come. Now, please, you silent servants, share some more details. I still want to know as much as possible about the mission from any of the seven of you, though, to make a fair judgment. I like to be fair, when it doesn't inconvenience me. I might be having one of my mandatory virtue session talks soon which you all will be invited to."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on November 27, 2012, 01:48:24 AM
I passed the wood to Skipper so he would put it on the fire. Not throw it at Daniel!
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on November 27, 2012, 07:12:42 PM
Well how was I supposed to know? You just passed it me and didn't say a word so I threw it to Daniel since he was much nearer.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on November 27, 2012, 11:16:40 PM
I didn't say a word because each time I spoke, A DDB prodded me with a sword.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on November 28, 2012, 04:33:45 AM
'Let me explain. I started saying rude things in French because death-defying beavers highly respect people who can be rude in languages other than their own. I didn't speak English because I might have gotten in trouble. But we didn't end up making a pact because Tam and Martin started distracting the beavers, and they forgot about the pact. Sorry.'
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on November 28, 2012, 10:42:43 PM
Martin: We weren't distracting the beavers - we were trying to communicate with them because Tam had accidentally eaten a pecan, which he was allergic to, and his lips and throat had swollen up. He wasn't making any sense. I was trying to ask the beavers for allergy medicene but they didn't understand. I went into a series of pantomimes, which offended the beavers (who think pantomimes are offensive), and they got angry. It wasn't our fault we didn't strike a pact - we were super close to doing so - that is, until DanielofRedwall purposefully gave Tam something that had pecans in it and he unknowningly ate it. That caused all the trouble and we were unable to make the back. We are very sorry, overlord.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on December 02, 2012, 12:53:37 AM
"Tourism is not sustainable or stable. I cannot get into that business, and as such I will not tolerate such practices. Servant HIAG, you are dismissed." A quick button clicked, and HIAG found himself falling through a suddenly existent hole in the floor, the place he stood being a circular panel of the ground. Clanking sounded below the throne room, and then a loud whistle. The room then shook, and a sound of something like a steam engine sounded. Finally, the Overlord spoke.
"That will be the last HIAG is seen by any of you or me, or he will see of this sphere or us. Quite good, that. Now, get from my sight, I need to contemplate in silence your incompetence and how it hinders me. Lack of a pact! What am I to do?"

When the servants entered he Overlord's throne room for a new mission, they were surprised to find it decorated profusely with Christmas trees, mistletoe, garland and all manner of bright and cheery decorations of the season. At least, they would have been bright, had there been any real light in the great sphere. The Overlord was straight to the point.
"Ignore all the failing equipment, if you will. Also any loud clanks. This sphere is not meant to go anywhere, but stay stationary. Of course it isn't stationary anymore, and thus such chaos. I'll make no secret to you my goal: reaching Earth for the holiday of Christmas. No task related to providing holiday spirit to me this mission, weak and worthless underlings. No, I have more important matters to attend to. You see, Overlord Lear has sent me a top-secret invitation, which I am entitled to once again. Indeed, by such clever and genius work of my extravagant mind! It'll be bright green with red lights on it-a small envelope. I'll teleport you to a mountain range where it was left. Bring me it without peeking into it. That's bad manners." ((OOC: You can't peek into this letter and find out about it))

A very tired group of servants was before the Overlord. All the Christmas decorations were smashed around, obviously a side effect of the sphere's rapid travel across space. Most of the garland was burned and scraps of wrapping paper blew around. The Overlord glanced over them all, then spoke.
"I'm not sure whether to be pleased or upset. No, definitely upset, because there's nothing to be pleased about. My invitation has been incinerated besides the location, which happens to be my home galaxy, very far away. What happened?"

Updated Player List:
Tiria Wildlough
Leatho Shellhound
Tam and Martin

Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on December 02, 2012, 06:16:41 PM
Redwaller detached himself from the group and bowed before the Overlord.
"Ho! Mighty Overlord! We had gone to do your bidding and I had just grabbed the letter when Tiria bumped into me and blew it with a leaf-blower. It sent it up into a tree. And a mighty tall tree at that!"
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on December 03, 2012, 07:16:31 AM
'I was trying to get it to DanielofRedwall, who was at the top of the tall tree, because he said that he knew how to get the letter sent to you straight away. However, when it reached him, he batted it away, and it fell down to Leatho Shellhound. I don't know what Leatho did with it, Overlord.'
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on December 04, 2012, 02:49:53 AM
OOC: Oops sorry I missed a round.

"When I got it the wind blew it out of my hands and went to the north pole were it got lost with all of santa claus' mail."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on December 04, 2012, 06:10:08 AM
OOC: You're not allowed to contradict people. If someone says there was a tree, then there was most definitely a tree.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on December 04, 2012, 01:04:17 PM
Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on December 04, 2012, 06:10:08 AM
OOC: You're not allowed to contradict people. If someone says there was a tree, then there was most definitely a tree.

Ok sorry, I'm new to this....i'll change it.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on December 05, 2012, 06:17:40 PM
Mighty Overlord, we went to the North Pole and jumped inside Santa's mailbox (which is as big as an elephant) and started searching. We finally (after 5 days) got the letter but Skipper came with a vacuum and sucked up the letter then he ran off with it. Martin chased after him but she was hit in the eyes with pepper spray from Tiria Wildlough.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on December 05, 2012, 07:08:36 PM
I ran off with the letter because there was a reindeer chasing me, you see it must have mistaked the letter for some childs christmas list so I had to run or it could have done some serious damge. Once I was safely away I circled round and handed the letter to Tam.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on December 05, 2012, 08:41:45 PM
But once Skipper gave it to me, Tiria came over to me and before I could ge away she pepper sprayed me too.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on December 05, 2012, 10:01:27 PM
I pepper sprayed Tam and Martin because I knew what to do with the letter, and they wouldn't let me have it, but before I could get it, Redwaller grabbed it and threw it down a well.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on December 06, 2012, 12:30:03 AM
I threw it down the well because it was a time bomb disguised as the letter you wanted. The real one was taken away by Leatho Shellhound.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on December 06, 2012, 01:12:36 PM
"Some one shoot me with a sleep dart and when I woke, your letter was in my hand! So I ran over and gave it to Martin (who by now has recovered) so she could take it to you."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on December 06, 2012, 01:33:31 PM
OOC: I honestly thought I'd already posted for this round, apparently not.

BIC: "Your Lordship, I whacked the letter back because it had an incredibly deadly bug on it. I called out for it again, but maybe they didn't hear me. I actually did know how to deliver it directly from a tree. If I whistle at a certain pitch a very reliable friend of mine-my pet owl- would come. The tree was for a confortable landing for him. Ever seen or read Harry Potter sir? We have that kind of thing going on where I can tell him where to send the letter and he'll be there, quick as a flash. No lies have ever escaped this mouth, my Lord."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on December 06, 2012, 06:24:31 PM
OOC: I was like, what?! You whacked it out of Martins hands......from a tree? And than I remembered you hadn't posted yet and were writing back from the beginning. Lol
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on December 07, 2012, 03:24:55 AM
"If woe is going to beset me, it best be explained in a manner that can provide entertainment. Honestly there is little to entertain me aboard this vessel, besides you lot. I should write that down next chance I get-which will be awhile. Meanwhile, five of you can return to your quarters while I prepare a new debriefing for you lot and a new challenge. Quite terrifying prospect looking forward to that, but not to worry, you right there, you won't have to be worrying about that."
As the Overlord pointed at Tam and Martin, the doors burst open and a couple of enormous turkeys marched in, tied the servant up in ropes and were gone from the roof in a matter of four seconds. The servants were soon dismissed.


Sometime later, in an unexpected incident, the servants had arrived in the throne room before the Overlord. They were already inside with the doors shut before they realized that the Overlord was not seated in his chair, but it was in fact a burnt letter on top of a large, old suitcase. Even though no gravity restricting was employed, they all stood stock-still, too scared to overcome their curiosity and investigate the room and letter. The Overlord soon arrived, and from the look on his face as he entered the single doors leading in, he had obviously lost track of time-unheard of for the Overlord. He quickly composed himself, marched through the servants, and took his seat on the throne, removing the suitcase, and putting the letter inside his heavy jacket. From the debris on his clothing, it was certain he had been working on maintainence or repair somewhere in the sphere. Severe turbulence at all hours were commonplace these days.
"More woes in the target of reaching Earth for the holidays, my friends! Christmas will await me there yet still, I hope. And if not, it'll be your fault, and not just because everything is always your fault, but more precisely because it'll be your job to stop threats preventing my arrival.
"I want you all to find Robert Manson ( He's recently destroyed several neighboring galaxies. I want him found and told not to destroy this one, I do of course have business with it on the matter of reaching Earth for Christmas. Find him at his summer abode, I hear the Qaax are giving him everything he wants at this house, including turkeys and side dishes. Once you've found him, give him an apple from the mess hall. Old joke. There's two buttons outside, one blue and one green. Hit the correct one to get to his abode. Choose wisely- always choose blue, my servants! And once you've done that, you'll be at the abode. And be quick about it, I have no time to spare if I want to reach Earth on time."

"So, you found him, did you? More than I expected of you. However, my old home galaxy was destroyed. I'll miss it. But no matter, I'm sure Lear can arrange a better meeting place for the Convention. But you did not give him an apple! You grabbed a pear! Explain!"

Updated Player List:
Tiria Wildlough
Leatho Shellhound
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on December 07, 2012, 05:57:18 AM
'Everything was going to plan, sir. I got an apple and I was about to give it to him when Skipper grabbed it. I think Skipper is responsible for the switch, sir.'
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on December 07, 2012, 07:59:09 AM
That sir is because there was a small deadly bug eating the apple from a small hole in the apple, I grabbed it and smashed it on the floor after I had crushed the apple wih my paws and therefore the bug as I did so.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on December 08, 2012, 10:54:29 PM
The pear was given to Robert Manson by DanielofRedwall, I think he had done this to get rid of Mr. Manson, which was extremily allergic to pears.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on December 14, 2012, 09:50:58 AM
"No, my great Overlord, giving Robert Manson an allergic reaction was not my intention. After Skipper destroyed the apple we had no fruit left to give him. I shrugged and mentioned that I had a pear with me. Leatho said that that'd be a good idea to give him the pear, so I started to offer it. I wasn't aware that he was allergic, and no-one told me he was. Manson wasn't hesitant to take the pear for some reason, though... He didn't eat, though, if I recall correctly."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on December 14, 2012, 02:07:21 PM
"I thought it was an apple, for I am fruit blind my lord."

OOC: like colour blind but with fruit.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on December 16, 2012, 05:44:10 AM
"I once found myself deserted on a sandy island after attempting to discover a new mineral by rafting down a river. I might write down and detail this incident sometime, but for now I will provide only one detail: It was becasue I was given the wrong type of bamboo. This incdient is very similar, and I will have to remove one of you to try and prevent it happening again. For instance, Leatho."
Leatho's head dropped as he said it, and it stayed in that position as a glass cylinder materialized around the servant, and eventually dematerialized without the servant.

It was just before Christmas now, and the decorations were back. The turbulence had ceased in the last couple days. The trees were greener than ever and taller than ever, and presents were under the tree. Even the hallways of the sphere were decorated with candles. The Overlord immediatly began debriefing the second the servants were through the doors, even not invoking gravity restrictions.
"I'm losing time! I have a strict schedule to pilot this thing to Earth, and I'm falling behind. I'll probably not make Christmas as it is, but I still want to replenish fuel. And since this craft runs on money, I have an appropriate task for you. Commit a bank robbery. A simple, common bank robbery, in a simple, modern bank. Nothing fancy, just stereotypical robbery. Same I don't have time travelling technology to give you more of a fun challenge. But then again, you lot couldn't pull off a walk in the park successfully."

"You robbed a bank, did you? Don't tell me that, because you didn't. You robbed a supermarket, a beach resort and an empty hill. I'm not even sure how someone can rob an empty hill, but the intergalactic police reported it anyway. So before I get arrested for your foolishness, who screwed this up so badly?"

Updated Player List:
Tiria Wildlough
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on December 16, 2012, 09:13:31 AM
"Redwaller did," Daniel stated, simply. "We were on our way to the bank, when Redwaller insisted we stopped for ice cream. Of course, we ignored him at first, but he grew more and more restless and more and more insistent that we knew we had to get him the ice cream or the task would never be completed. So, I quickly ran in to a supermarket and grabbed the cheapest ice cream I could just to shut him up. But when I reached the counter Redwaller was starting a robbery there with balaclavas (I knew it was him by the other clothes he was wearing, don't know where the other two were though). I paid with whatever money I could find, told them to keep the change and tried stopping him from robbing the supermarket because we needed to get to the bank. I failed and they got the cash from the stall (including the money I paid).
"So, with the supermarket robbed we set out for the bank again, Redwaller happy enough with the ice cream. On the way to the bank we drove past a beach and Redwaller, in his insistent mood, started to make us have a swim. Don't know why, it wasn't even a very hot day. So, we went and had a 2 minute dip and what do you know! He started to rob the nearby beach resort. Again, I tried to stop him, and again I failed.
"So, we drove off again with more money and Redwaller in a strange mood. We drove past an empty hill, and Redwaller in his robbing mood pulled a gun on me and made me pull over. And he tried to rob the hill. I dragged him back in the car and drove off again.
"We arrived at the bank, but we were too late. Someone had already attempted a robbery and there were police everywhere. Not a chance of robbing that place, no sir! So, as you can see, Redwaller is to blame."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on December 16, 2012, 08:02:03 PM
OOC: Well, I've got a lot to answer for!  :D

BIC: I wanted the ice cream because I knew that I could distract the banker with this so it would make the task easier for us. Then, when we were in the supermarket, I saw lots of money that would have pleased you plus the bank robbery. So I stole the money and we went away. When we came to the beach, I wanted to go for a dip so that we wouldn't be suspicious looking because I had saw even more money in the house next to the beach that would have pleased you even more! The reason for the empty hill is because I had saw someone bury a safe full of gold and precious metals. I forced Daniel to pull over because he wouldn't listen to me when I told him I had seen the person bury it. The reason why the police was at the bank was because of Tiria, who had called the cops.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on December 16, 2012, 08:35:35 PM
OOC: I died, oh well it was a lot of fun. Good luck to all the rest!!! I am voting for........ Tiria
Because she is from the Awesome book High Rhulain.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on December 17, 2012, 03:41:11 AM
'I'm sorry I called the cops, but I was going to send them to another bank so they would be busy when we robbed our bank. The reason they came to our bank instead was because Skipper shouted its name into the phone, and the police had ended the phone call before I could correct him. So, if you want to blame anyone, blame Skipper.'
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on December 17, 2012, 07:31:33 AM
I could hear someone whispering on the other end of the phone, they were asking someone to track the phone so I shouted to distract the police who immediantly forgot what they were on about. But then as we passed a police station Tiria started singing 'O were going to rob a bank' in a loud voice doing total injustice to the clasic song, but the police followed us so we were lucky to escape as we were almost trapped between the two sides of police!
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on December 21, 2012, 12:19:57 PM
OOC: Probably be holding off another elimination until the 25th or so. So plenty of room for more playing if anyone's interested.

'One thing I forgot to question you about," said the Overlord slowly but menacingly. "Why is there beavur fur on your clothes?"
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on December 26, 2012, 02:37:51 AM
"I suppose," began the Overlord, "that whatever intentions any of you ever begin on will inevitably fail in the worst way possibe and likely at the worst time possible. I'm afraid that I cannot dismiss all of you-I still need some servants. And I want the most competent and successful I can get-I'll need it more than ever. And that is not Tiria Wildlough, and so you will not be serving me, or anyone, ever again."
No one knew what happened to the servant-she simply vanished in an instant as Redwaller, Skipper and DanielofRedwall were gazing at her.


Christmas was missed. The sphere's resumed turbulence had resulted in a fire destroying all portraits of cows in the throne room, and the cafeteria was reduced to a single table not incinerated. Lighting failed everyday, but still the Overlord piloted on towards Earth at ever slowing speed over the weeks. He was set on arriving for New Years Eve. His three remaining servants spent most of their time playing cards in the dormitories, fortunately undamaged.
But their existence on the sphere had taken a strange turn. During a fire incident, they had rushed out of the dormitories into the main hall connecting all the various facilities of the sphere. The Overlord was frantically tossing papers into the hall from his throne room, while the servants stood by in fascination. One paper hit the far wall as it was thrown, rolled over to their feet, and fell open. A very clear message was written across the top:
The rest was scribbled away. The fire seemingly abated, the Overlord grabbed up all the jostled papers, for some reason ignoring the servants standing like statues watching him, and walked back into the throne room. It was later that day the servants were called into the throne room to be debriefed on a latest assignment. The Overlord was briefer than ever and quite disgruntled. Not too mention dangerous.
"Anything- I don't care, just pull something off successfully. Actually, a better idea. You are all far too incompetent to think up a plot. Find me a limo. You'll need to grab a miniaturizing ray before you leave, because it'll be too big to fit through the teleporter. Do not grab the enlarging or decimating ray guns. I bought those from the beavers yesterday. Miniature rays- remember that. And you can have a week off on the task. No, not really, I made that up. You can't. You have 12 hours. That's all the time we'll have to meet the deadline for Times Square at 11:30 PM."


"If that elephant on Redwalller's head is a limo, I would not recommend shopping at that store anymore, because I would be terrified at what else they sell. Also, a screwdriver and an elaboate chair are not limos either. Yet you bring me these, and no limo. Anyone, explain. I'm sure I'll be entertained. After that, I'll, well, I haven't entirely decided yet but something, one of you, then go to Times Square. I will make it! After missing holiday and holiday, I will meet a deadline!"
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on December 27, 2012, 01:06:09 AM
I can explain about the elephant thing. We had forgotten what a limo was, and so we went to the nearest store and asked for a limo, but then DanielofRedwall said that the elephant must be a limo. So he took it and glued it to my head.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on December 30, 2012, 07:33:31 PM
"Honestly, so far anyway, you lot have been doing a better job with limos than a certain incident I remember. But I haven't heard any full story-would Skipper and DanielofRedwall like to enlighten me more?"
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on January 05, 2013, 03:44:11 AM
OOC: Whoops, forgot about this! >.< I'll make a reply now.

BIC: Daniel cleared his throat. "Redwaller certainly didn't give the full story. The reason I put an elephant on his head was simple. We went in to a store and asked for a limo. The store clearly said "LIMOS" out the front. Apparently, the store's owner was named Limo. So, we entered, and nothing really looked like a limo. But the store owner locked the door and started throwing stuff at us, making us but them. I caught sight of an actual limo in the store, and shouted "That must be a limo!" and tried to walk towards it. However, the owner threw an elephant at me (don't know how he managed that), and I dropped it. Luckily I managed to shrink it before it broke Redwaller's neck. However, it did land on his head (quite a lot smaller). For some reason it had been glued at the bottom, and it stuck to his head. So, while I did "put it there", it wasn't on purpose. We eventually made our way over to the limo and asked to purchase it. He said it was not for sale, and made us buy what we had. These things we had were a screwdriver and an elaborate chair. By the time we eventually escaped, the actual limo dealer was closed. I'm sorry we failed you, Lord."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Skipper on January 08, 2013, 08:15:35 AM
Everything Daniel said is true master. But As he owner was distracted I took the keys and hopped into the limo I was almost out of the shop when Daniel spilled some sharp pins by the counter witch burst the tires.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on January 08, 2013, 12:49:42 PM
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on January 05, 2013, 03:44:11 AM
OOC: Whoops, forgot about this! >.< I'll make a reply now.

BIC: Daniel cleared his throat. "Redwaller certainly didn't give the full story. The reason I put an elephant on his head was simple. We went in to a store and asked for a limo. The store clearly said "LIMOS" out the front. Apparently, the store's owner was named Limo. So, we entered, and nothing really looked like a limo. But the store owner locked the door and started throwing stuff at us, making us but them. I caught sight of an actual limo in the store, and shouted "That must be a limo!" and tried to walk towards it. However, the owner threw an elephant at me (don't know how he managed that), and I dropped it. Luckily I managed to shrink it before it broke Redwaller's neck. However, it did land on her head (quite a lot smaller). For some reason it had been glued at the bottom, and it stuck to his head. So, while I did "put it there", it wasn't on purpose. We eventually made our way over to the limo and asked to purchase it. He said it was not for sale, and made us buy what we had. These things we had were a screwdriver and an elaborate chair. By the time we eventually escaped, the actual limo dealer was closed. I'm sorry we failed you, Lord."
I'm not a her, I'm a him.  :D
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on January 08, 2013, 01:27:24 PM
OOC: My apologies, just a typo. I'll fix that up once I reply to Skipper's accusation.

BIC: "Yes, I did spill pins on the floor. However, the only reason I did was because Redwaller knocked me over. He seemed pretty excited to see a snowglobe, and pushed me away on his rush to get it. I fell back on to the counter and accidentally knocked the pins over, and the limo drove over them."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on January 08, 2013, 06:05:37 PM
"And now begins the End!" the Overlord shouted. "Redwaller, if you wanted to see a snowglobe, you should have just asked me during the Christmas season-I would have let you leave for a few days. But not now, or rather then, since it's a different time now-or at least it is here. But before any of your puny minds break with trying to understand that, I'll be dismissing, say, Redwaller, from my midst."

A flash of purple went out from the room, followed by the sound of the loudest clank any of them had ever heard, and  distant crashing and explosions. Though he did not show it, the Overlord realized something terrible and unintended had happened, and decided he best proceed quickly. As for the servants, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Redwaller, however, did not hear anything, since he was gone, apparently downwards, given the hole in the floor where he had been standing.

The Overlord did not dismiss the remaining servants, as he normally did after a mission briefing. He went on talking, faster than usual.

"So two of you left. Pardon me if I begin a short monologue- you see, I've been awfully tired of acquiring and utilizing servants and not speaking more than a few words now and again. You both have proved the most capable of all and any eliminations have not been the product of cruelty. No, I needed the most capable, and quickly. You lot served the purpose. I've, hopefully not to the harm of the universe, set some factors in motion so far since my glorious fifteen years since return. Much greater than the task one of you will perform tonight. And you will likely never hear of my triumph, but if you do, brag and brag on of your role in delivering my letter from O. Lear. Tiria Wildlough was a good servant, if not for cop calling and running my attempt at getting a limo for my fancies. Or Leatho Shellhound, the fruit blind servant. You know, Corporal Squash was a smart man. Even if he was punished for failing me, he made a smart move deserting. He might have led you lot into the beaver's command center where I wanted you to go, but I didn't expect him to go so far in hiding his true identity, as a double agent of the beavers. I will benefit very well from what he accomplished against the beavers, accidentally destroying the station while he betrayed me, and will laugh long over his failure to harm me.
"You both missed all of that fun. However, I have no need of two servants who served me on that mission. You would probably have figured that out soon enough. Or then again, knowing my luck with servanty, probably not. Two buttons on this control panel-one blue, one red. See them? Of course not, you cannot approach. But no matter, one of you choose which one you think leads to teleportation to earth, and if you're right, you get it. If you're wrong, you go to the hibernation chamber where you can stay for a few millennia, and the other will get the teleportation to Earth. Not pleasant, waking up and losing all of your life thousands of years in the future. So, what'll it be, servants? First one to respond gets his claim, and the other button to the other."

"Yes, I want to reward one of you for the efforts you've all went through, but have only one contact out in the universe free from my gaze. Note that you'll still be accompanying me to Times Square, where the orb has been piloting to all this time and has just arrived over the South Pole, to get me anything I might request for a few hours more until a new Earth year begins. And they best be busy and not try and help anyone while they're on their planet, since so many there need it. Being busy would be a terrible excuse for doing the right thing. You know, otherwise I'd take out all this batch of servants like the last twenty groups of servants. One servant a little longer. Choose wisely. And feel special-but don't get any ideas of thievery."
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on January 08, 2013, 06:14:35 PM
OOC: My puny mind broke while trying to understand that. O__O

BIC: "I choose the blue button, My Lord," said Daniel.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on January 08, 2013, 07:20:30 PM
"DanielofRedwall, blue is your salvation." The Overlord pushed the blue button, and Daniel vanished instantly. He was gone, to finish his last bit of service to the Overlord before forever exiting it to a new life.

"To earth, he'll be there immediately to await my arrival in a few days. As for you, Skipper, I'll be pushing red."
The button stuck. The Overlord shoved his weight against it repeatedly, to no avail. "No, this isn't right."
The Overlord kicked the control panel and shattered his left boot. "Fine, I'll finish this otherwise. Skipper, you're destined for just leaving thanks to a button's malfunction. Have fun on some random planet I teleport you to. Shame about the red-button fate I designed."

Skipper vanished after the Overlord tapped the blue button on the control panel. Only to reappear and fall on top of the Overlord. The throne's back cracked in half, leaving the two to tumble onto the floor. The floor broke, cracking in half. The left side of the room fell into a vast recess below after the ceiling and both walls cracked in the same area. On the right, the Overlord and Skipper sat and stared out. Vast emptiness made up all of the rest of the sphere, except the small quarters utilized by the servants and the Overlord, and what remained of this room. These were seen as a collection of chambers and walkways suspended in the sphere. A great creaking began, seeming to emanate from the entire sphere.

It was miles to the end of the sphere from their position. "The gravity of this chamber will fail, and the room will plummet below steadily," the Overlord breathed. "We're on Earth now though."

The Overlord pulled himself up and rushed to hit the gravity button for the floor in that chamber. He could survive the gradual fall he saw coming if he was locked in place like his servants always were. He swung his hand at it, and to his delight it worked. Skipper stuck to the floor's surface. The Overlord's mouth dropped as he looked out and down. The gravity was only ever enabled for servants, he now remembered. He made sure to get rid of the features allowing non-servants being affected. The half of the room that still survived fell twenty feet down. The servants' quarters and facilities of the Overlord, a vast network of rooms and corridors all visible, plummeted to their destruction miles below.

"I knew I should have abandoned buttons." The Overlord said. The chamber fell another 10 feet. The Overlord bounced up and returned to hit the floor with a bang, and clung onto Skipper, who was half-standing. He screeched, but the chamber fell a few hundred feet more in a whirlwind, and by then the Overlord had been swept off and left behind the artifical gravity-failing half-room chamber, but somehow mysteriously vanished after flying out. The chamber continued to fall a few score feet over time, and after two hours, it came to rest on the sloping bottom of the globe. Skipper grabbed a rock from their pocket and threw it to disable the control panel that controlled gravity.

Skipper stood at the very bottom of the sphere, it sloping up on all sides. The wreckage of all the chambers was scattered around, smoke and fire distorting vision. Using the same rock, Skipper banged a hole in the bottom of the sphere. He was dumbfounded. The outside of the sphere was paper-thin, and painted bright purple on the outside. He fit himself through the hole, and hung three feet from the ground of a frozen wasteland. They hopped down, and gazed up to see the sphere was completely purple, and luminescent. He shook his head, and began walking off. Skipper was dressed warmly; he'd easily get back to civilization. And the secret of the orb was over, as it fell and crashed into the ice when he reached a safe distance. The single question in his mind was if that crafty Overlord had died and finished with his career yet.

And of course, something was snug in his/her pocket: an invitation from O. Lear, short for Overlord Lear. Regardless of whether the Overlord was still about, he would not have possession of the letter whose convention address he had been intent to hide. It simply wouldn't do to have the whole universe showing up at the convention.


And that concludes a moderately well time-managed round of Overlord's Orders, complete with holiday theme...

Like, or not like? Criticism? Praise? Cookies?

I did a few things different this round than my previous or anyone else's. For one, I had a lot more storyline than any previous, and also decided to make my Overlord recurring, and brought back his personality. Also, I produced no clear winner (alike to the first round). You might consider Daniel the winner, or Skipper, or both, in their own different situations. The third, most noteworthy difference is my basis of elimination. I used more than one, using both the standard perception and decision model a few times, and a three category system a few times, which I will explain and evaluate.

This three category system utilized the following categories of scoring. Each had a possible score of 1 to 5:
1. Creativity
-I looked for clever replies that brought creativity to the game. The more creative, the more points.
2. Understandability
-This does not apply to something like, for example, HiAG's Liatakelander (sp) speech. It is measured in terms of if I could figure out what the player was talking about, and how well they articulated their innocence and another's fault. Taking the time to describe the events goes a long way in allowing me to understand what the player is saying happened in the mission. Sometimes replies were so short they contributed very little to the mission. Grammar was not directly measured, but did tend to correlate with worse scores.
3. Interactions
-Interaction measures how well a player follows up on someone else's weave, defense or accusation. Replies should play along with the story, not be generic isolated replies.

The highest score I gave out was 12, which I did thrice, out of a possible 15.
If future Overlords wish to utilize this system or a derivative, they are welcome. It was not the only one I used. For one elimination, it even came to Daniel's choice of button color. Which, by the way, a hint of sorts was given during the game.

Matthias' will be starting his second round of Overlord's Orders soon enough I imagine. I will be playing that and look forward to it.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on January 08, 2013, 08:35:50 PM
Good job everyone who played!
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Redwaller on January 09, 2013, 01:09:53 AM
Good game!  :)
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Leatho Shellhound on January 09, 2013, 02:38:02 AM
Well done every one.....I am glad I wasn't one of the winners because I didn't deserve it.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: DanielofRedwall on January 09, 2013, 04:47:10 AM
Nicely done round Tagg, cookies for you! Yeah, if I become Overlord again I think I'll adopt a system like yours, maybe with a few changes. Now I'm going to try find this "hint" about the button colour you spoke of... I just picked my favourite colour.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on January 09, 2013, 09:10:58 PM
And good job to Skipper too.I was eaten by Turkeys  :P
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Romsca on January 11, 2013, 07:19:29 PM
When's the next one?
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on January 11, 2013, 09:57:02 PM
Matthias said he will be posting his this weekend.
Title: Re: Overlord's Orders: Holiday Special
Post by: Tam and Martin on January 12, 2013, 01:13:07 AM
Can't wait for it.