Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: SandyB on April 27, 2013, 10:09:28 PM

Title: Legend Of The Red Dawn Preview
Post by: SandyB on April 27, 2013, 10:09:28 PM
What follows is a preview of my next Jima fan-fiction. Legend Of The Red Dawn is the story of the samurai Mouse Kenji and his journey down a path that will create a united Jima.

Kenji stepped out of the back door into the stone garden. The gently falling snow dusting the trees, rocks and rooftops of his guardian's domicile. Owaru Krinz stood in front of his stone garden, the raked sand around the black stones obscured by the settled snow. The only audible sound was the clonking of the pond's water decoration, as a hollowed bamboo stalk filled with pond water and then tip over onto a stone.
   Kenji approached, his footsteps making the crisp winter flakes crunch as he walked. Owaru spoke to Kenji when the mouse joined the hare by his side. "I have always liked winter," the hare said before inhaling deeply. "Seeing your breath dance on the wind, the air seems crisper and although the trees are bare their desolation has beauty in itself."
   "I can sum up winter in one word: Cold!" Kenji smirked. Owaru smiled, "Good to see you still have that sense of humour. A samurai must be able to make others smile as well as fight."
   "Master Krinz, is there more sword training to come? I realised that it's been eleven days since my last lesson," Kenji asked.
   The hare remained silent, still breathing deeply and watching the white swirls as his breathe danced on the cold air. "There is nothing more I can teach you," Owaru declared.
   "Then... I am samurai?"
   "Well that is the question: Are you?"
   Kenji opened his mouth to speak, but paused. He finally replied, "I don't know."
   "Then you are not. Do you know why?"
   "No, Master," Kenji replied.
   "Because you are unsure. Not just on the question of whether or not you're samurai, but on a many deal of things. Tell me Kenji, Why did you want me to teach you the sword?"
   The mouse didn't think on the answer, "To learn how to become strong."
   "No," Oawaru argued. "Everybeast is strong." Kenji was struck into silence.
   "I will tell you why, Kenji," the hare continued. "You wanted to learn the way of the -sword to avenge your father's death. I warn you. Funatzu is now head of the wealthiest clan in Jima. He has many allies and getting close to him will not be easy. But, if one of his advisors would accept you into his ranks, particularly his samurai ranks, you would be the perfect position to strike."
   "No Master," Kenji protested. "I have forgotten revenge. The Ninjinkai are wealthy and powerful. But still, it is only an alliance under the sword. Funatzu must die because he is the only one that stands between Jima and a better future."
Title: Re: Legend Of The Red Dawn Preview
Post by: Shadowed One on April 28, 2013, 12:22:39 AM
I love it! I read "The Outlander" and cannot wait for another Jima story!