Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: W0NWILL on June 24, 2013, 07:15:38 PM

Title: Nordområdene
Post by: W0NWILL on June 24, 2013, 07:15:38 PM
Tailli fell to the deck of the heaving ship with a thump. She cursed as she got back up, only to be thrown down again. The sails waved wildly in the wind and sleet pounded her and the deck. She cursed the decision that had brought her here.

The abbess folded her arms and looked down at the albino squirrelmaid, "You could of prevented that!" She scolded, "You could've stopped the injuries."
Tailli made a show of yawning and leaning against the great hall table, "Not my problem, if the mice were too foolish to escape, they deserved to get hurt."
The abbess was angry, but made an effort to calm herself, "You need to learn to care, love!"
Tailli shrugged, "Sorta hard when I don't." She muttered cheekily.
The abbess breathed hard through her nose and left to the cavern hole. The elders were having a meeting, but Tailli couldn't of cared less about it. She got up and stretched, then went slowly up to her room.
She sat on the bed with her chin in her paws. She hated staying here, but she didn't have a choice. There was little food in Mossflower for her, not since a rat band had taken up residence in her area. She wouldn't live anywhere else, that area had all the basic needs for her, and it would be a pain to build another house.
The abbess walked in, followed by the cook. The cook tossed her a haversack full of food. Tailli looked at it confused. She thought she understood these creature's sentiment and emotions, they didn't seem like the type to kick her out.
"Start packing." The abbess told her.
Tailli wordlessly got up and stuffed her meager belongings in the haversack. She didn't care about leaving, it would probably be better for her.
After Tailli was done, the abbess faced her, "You're going on an adventure." She said, it was like an order, "Our friends the Long Patrol captured a vermin ship they have no use for, told me in a letter, and I asked Melvin to tell them that we could use it. You're going to live at sea with some other beasts, and we'll see if you come to care for them."
Tailli snorted. Fools they were, trying to 'cure' a sociopath. She could live at sea for a while, she might strangle the others to get some quiet, then she'd be all set.

Tailli got on her paws and knees, and crawled towards the cabin. She hadn't found an opportunity to strangle her companions yet. Now she was in frigid waters, in the middle of a storm, with company. She hated company. She had just reached the door of the cabin when she was jolted back several feet. That wasn't the storm. She slid toward the edge as the ship tilted an alarming angle. Her head hit the lip around the ship(what was it called?), and everything went black.
Fellon strolled along the rocky shore in the dark of the early morning, her hood up against the fog. Visibility was next to nothing in the cold mist, and she almost bumped into the wreck. She knew all the wrecks on the beach around her home, this one must be a new one. She chuckled and clambered up on the wreck, surveying what she could see. She desperately hoped this one had gold, they had been able to trade for the dryest firewood with gold. Fellon gasped in surprise as she fell down the hole in the hull. She froze instinctively, she could hear breathing, there was living creatures in here.
Title: Re: Nordområdene
Post by: KitrallStreamrippler on June 29, 2013, 06:13:55 PM
OOC: Yay, it's up! :D

BIC: Nama glared at Tyv. "Quiet," the otter grumbled. "You're makin' too much noise." Tyv stopped playing his flute and scoffed. "Me? Too much noise? Nama, there's nobeast even remotely close. D'you even remember where we are?" With that, he put his wooden flute back to his lips. Nama turned, pulling herself up to her full (and considerable) height and forming a fist. "Don't make me tell ye again. I don't like t'repeat myself." The lemming considered his own height before reluctantly putting away his flute.

The odd pair traveled along in silence for a while before Tyv piped up again. "Why are we out here anyway? Not many ships sail this far North- you know that." Nama kept her good eye ahead as she answered. "There's allus somethin' that washes up after a storm. Ye have t'start lookin' right away or ye'll miss it. Now hush." Tyv rolled his eyes and muttered, "Aye. And we'll miss it anyway in this mist. I can barely see my own paw in front of-" the lemming was silenced abruptly as he smacked into something large and solid. "Ow! What- hey, Nama! I found a ship!" Nama watched Tyv rubbing his stinging snout and nodded. "So ye did. Let's look inside, but be careful- and silent." Nodding, Tyv followed his sister onto the wreck. They had started down the stairs into the hold when Nama held up a paw. "There's somebeast in here. Survivors, maybe," she whispered. "Only one way to find out," Tyv replied, before calling loudly, "Oi! Anybeast alive in here? Ow!" "What did y'do that for, numbskull? If you don't quit makin' noise, I'll hit ye again. Now it's too late- if anybeast is in here, they know we are, too!" Nama whispered furiously.
Title: Re: Nordområdene
Post by: Jetthebinturong on July 04, 2013, 11:10:47 PM
Lumikko crept out of her cave on all fours, eyes fixed on the lemming ahead, he was sleeping on a blanket next to a small fire, his sword lay close to his paw, so long as Lumikko was quick she would be able to kill him before he had a chance to reach it. Lumikko stalked forward, her paws making no sound as they touched the surface of the snow. She was very close now, close enough to see the features of her future meal, he was a relatively young creature with white fur and a grey stripe running down his back, he wore a black belt with a silver buckle, on it some sort of insignia was engraved. Lumikko frowned slightly, this creature was still an adolescent, maybe in his twenties, not yet old enough to have experienced the harshness of this land. Lumikko did not like to kill young creatures, she preferred them to be in their middle seasons, a time when they would have realized why this was happening. She shook her head, it was kill or be killed in this land and she certainly did not want to be killed, she drew her daggers and crept forward, she would make this kill quick.

Jik watched with half closed eyes as the ermine contemplated him. His old mentor Mezel had taught him in many arts that would keep him alive, one of those was how to maintain a semblance of helplessness when facing armed hostiles. He rolled over, bringing him closer to the ermine and his paw closer to his sword. The ermine froze but he continued to fake sleep. After about a minute the ermine came closer, she raised her daggers, preparing to plunge them into his chest and that was when he struck. Quick as a flash, he whipped his sword up, blocking the daggers. The ermine was startled but pressed her attack, she was savage and brutal and her strokes lacked skill, Jik on the other hand had been brought up to wield a blade, he parried one of her thrusts, spinning the dagger out of her hand. She snarled and punched him in the face. He staggered back, lights flashing before his eyes, he blinked twice and saw the ermine leap at him, her dagger pointed down. He dodged to the side and took up a warrior's stance. The ermine landed catlike on the floor, she took up her other dagger and turned to face him, daggers held in a reverse grip. They stared at each other, both wondering who would blink first.
Title: Re: Nordområdene
Post by: W0NWILL on July 06, 2013, 04:47:51 PM
Fellon flinched as the two creatures above her started arguing loudly, "Shuddit!" she hissed and yelped as a huge paw grabbed her from behind.

Forsin growled as he squeezed the otter. He pinned her arms to her sides and gave the nearest creature a kick, a creature who happened to be Thomas Barkshield. He glared in the direction the shout had come from and let out a loud primitive snarl. Anybeast could figure out what that meant.

Tailli awoke when Forsin growled, but lay very still. She didn't like the badger at all. To tell the truth, he scared her. She began moving slowly backward, making sure to not make much noise. She didn't know if the badger suffered from bloodwrath, and didn't want to be the one to find out.
Title: Re: Nordområdene
Post by: KitrallStreamrippler on July 06, 2013, 09:08:39 PM
A yelp echoed up from below, and Nama and Tyv exchanged glances. Then they head a loud snarl, and Tyv shuddered. "What d'you suppose made that?" The stout lemming inquired quietly. Nama nudged him sharply and pointed down, then strung her bow and notched an arrow. Tyv drew his dagger and reluctantly followed Nama down the rest of the stairs. It was dark below, but the pair could make out a massive creature with an otter in its grip. Nama lowered her bow and whispered, "Tyv- put away that knife o' yourn." Then she called, "I'd be much obliged if ye'd put 'er down, badger."
Title: Re: Nordområdene
Post by: KitrallStreamrippler on August 05, 2013, 07:02:31 AM
OOC: Revive (hopefully)! This shouldn't die so soon.
Title: Re: Nordområdene
Post by: Jetthebinturong on August 07, 2013, 02:35:02 PM
(ikr, at least my rp got to 4 pages before it stopped)