Redwall Abbey

General Boards => Forum Games => Topic started by: Faiyloe on August 22, 2013, 09:45:19 PM

Title: The Name Game.
Post by: Faiyloe on August 22, 2013, 09:45:19 PM
To Play you make up a character on the spur of the moment and give a very brief description of him/her except you leave out their name. Then the next person gets to name your character based on its description. They must be made up characters

Use this to describe you character.


Example: (I am using a character from the book for the example but in the actual game only use made up characters)

Person One:

Gender: Male
Spices: Mouse
Age: Young
Appearance: A green jerkin brown fur slightly plump and a broad belt.
Personality: scamp, thief, ducker and weaver of life, rogue, friendly.
Other: good friends with a warrior.

Parson two: Gonff

(There character description.)

Now lets start.

Gender: Female.
Spices: Mouse.
Age: Middle age going on old.
Appearance: brown fur green habit wight habit cord.   
Personality: prudent, neat, fussy.
Other: Infirmary keeper.   

Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: laterose_librarian on August 26, 2013, 08:41:07 AM
Hmmm... naming your character ... Sister Lilac (hopefully that name hasn't been used in any of the Redwall books, I haven't read all of them yet!) *crossing fingers*

Gender: Female
Species: Badger
Age:  Young... (Teen years)
Appearance: scarlet gown with a white apron.
Personality: Kind, friendly
Other: Matronly, nurse, has vast knowledge of herbs and medicines
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Faiyloe on August 26, 2013, 04:54:08 PM
Dove Hemfile

Gender: Female
Spices: Otter
Age: Dibbun 
Appearance: Dibbuns smock. 
Personality: leader, rebel. 
Other: a trouble maker.
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Rainshadow on August 26, 2013, 10:23:17 PM
  I'm just gonna go with a really weird name and say Ronna Baanbreker Jr.  :P

  Gender:  Male
  Species:  Shrew
  Age:  15
  Appearance:  Is rather short, has dark, spiky fur, and has dark brown eyes.  He wears tan trousers held up with a dark brown belt, which has a rapier tucked into it.  Around his forehead is tied a colourful bandanna.
  Personality:  Typical shrew.  He's argumentative, irritating, stubborn, and is generally in a rather bad mood.
  Other:  He's a Guosim shrew.
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Faiyloe on September 04, 2013, 12:50:51 PM

Gender: Female 
Spices: Otter 
Age: 19 
Appearance: Tall, dark brown fur, black eyes, and has a scar across her right eye. She wears a long navy blue tunic and belt. carries a broad sward across her back 
Personality: Warrior, fighter, friendly, kind, a fierce fighter.     
Other: N/A
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: rachel25 on December 26, 2013, 04:20:30 PM

Gender: male
Spices: wildcat
Age: 56
Appearance: old, hunched, grey tatty fur. No teeth, lifeless blue eyes, skinny. 
Personality: mean, grumpy, cruel, hates everyone.
Other: Was a seer, but his visions became clouded.
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Unimaginative on December 26, 2013, 07:03:08 PM
Abraham Orakal

Species: Ferret
Age:  30 seasons.
Appearance: Tall, grey eyed, sinewy, and covered with a coat of chocolate fur.
Personality: Cruel, Cunning, Sly, and Sneaky.
Other: He is allied with a band of good beasts, but is mistrusted by them.
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Redwaller on December 26, 2013, 08:24:07 PM
Stont...  :-X

Gender: Female
Species: Hare
Age: Middle aged
Appearance: Black fur, scars on the ears, wears a purple dress
Personality: Kind, quiet, but fierce in battle
Other: She lives at Salamandastron
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Cornflower MM on December 27, 2013, 08:31:40 PM
Sergeant Willow.

Age: 5-ish (Seasons)
Appearance:Wears Dibbun Habit, is chocolate color.
Personality:Bratty. Need I say more?
Other:Lives at Redwall
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Redwaller on December 27, 2013, 11:17:12 PM

Gender: Male
Species: Badger
Age: Old
Appearance: Normal fur colour, wears a leaf tunic, with a pine branch hat.
Personality: Wild, Shy, Strong, Savage
Other: Lives in the woodlands
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Blazemane on December 28, 2013, 08:48:54 AM
Grimclaw Conifer.

Gender: Female
Species: Shrew
Age: 31 seasons
Appearance: Tan fur, standard GOUSIM bandana (red), armed with rapier.
Personality: Taciturn, direct
Other: Roams along with the rest of the GOUSIM. Prefers land to water.
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on December 30, 2013, 03:36:26 AM
uhhh Gousim

Gender: Female
Spices: Otter
Age:  About 20
Appearance: has a green tunic with a brown belt. Has many scars
Personality: Very peppy wants to seek vengeance on all searats
Other: Has a BOW
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: Rainshadow on December 30, 2013, 06:57:46 PM
  Chonna.  (Pronounced HAW-nuh)

Gender:  Female

Species:  Mouse

Age:  19

Appearance:  She has golden blond, wavy fur, and is slim.  Her height is somewhere around 5'5" or 5'6", but her delicate frame makes her look smaller.  Her eyes are different colours, the left being sea blue and the right a pale blue, with a scar running through the right corner.
  Clothingwise, her outfit changes frequently.  She's most often found wearing her brown sweatshirt and a pair of trousers, but other than that, it varies.  Oh, and she wears her mother's charm bracelet on her left wrist.

Personality:  Shy and quiet when she's around strangers, but opens up to her friends.  She's hesitant to make any, though, because she's been let down so many times it's not even funny.  But, once you get to know her, she loves to tease, is a fan of art and music, and will be a goof to cheer you up.

Other:  She's an orphan, and has been passed from family to family, searching for the right foster parents.
Title: Re: The Name Game.
Post by: SPSF kodachorm otter7486 on December 30, 2013, 09:05:31 PM

speces otter
gender male
like he wears a black tunic survived the summer wars like to wear a white mask at night when he is hunting a target and has a strong build and loves to be with people he loves