From now on I shall be posting in topics in the VERY back of categories, such as spam or general, when I do I shall say a magic phrase, FERRET meeeAAAtTTTTT candyyyyy
Ferret meat candy
Stop reading this! Ferret meat candy!
Generally, reviving old topics without a point isn't a good thing.
Ont worry, I'm not reviving.
I shall claim old topics, when I do, I shall be strong enough to take over new topics, and eventually, the far reaches of this forum!mwahahahahahahha! The only to stop me is locking the old topics I take over.. But you can't do it to the new! My plan is fool proof!
Or another way to stop you is to ignore you as the lunatic you are.
Mortal fool! You shall be the first I corrupt! (I'm just kidding, your not a fool.)
Ya and I'm not mortal either I'm Q.
Quote from: Faiyloe on September 29, 2013, 02:18:36 AM
Ya and I'm not mortal either I'm Q.
Actually, I have thought this over, all things are mortal. Even if they live forever and cannot be killed, there will come a time when their desire to exist falters, and they will die, even if by their own hand.
Well, I like saying cool things, insolent mortal! Mwahahhahahahahahahahaha (kidding, again.)
Then that's not mortal that's suicide...
Quote from: Faiyloe on September 29, 2013, 02:18:36 AM
Ya and I'm not mortal either I'm Q.
youre Q? can i haf Q powers?
What is Q?
Pozzibly quailz...?
A Q is an Omnipotent being from Star Trek. They can pretty much do whatever they want.
Quote from: Faiyloe on September 29, 2013, 11:33:18 PM
A Q is an Omnipotent being from Star Trek. They can pretty much do whatever they want.
Within limits. The Q from Next Gen lost his powers, remember? Because he was a total jerk and abused his powers.
But then he got them back. ;D
Blaggut, please stop posting multiple posts one after the other. You can fit all you need to say in one post.
Did I do that in another topic? Sorry! The only reason I did it here is because i thought no one was gonna post.
Quote from: Blaggut on September 30, 2013, 06:27:04 PM
Did I do that in another topic? Sorry! The only reason I did it here is because i thought no one was gonna post.
Hey, it's fine. Bumps are allowed, but generally only if the topic is on the second page of the board and you have something to add to the conversation. If you post, and then want to edit/add to your post, there's a glorious 'Edit' button to the right of your post.
Ferret meat candy troops are pouring into this thread! The hackers amongst my ranks stop anyone invading my strong hold on this topic, and only out of the goodness of my heart will I allow you to post in my glorious, corrupted bunnies, topic!
I like Ferret meat fire wood ( ;))
Aaaaaaaa!!!! Just because you said that I know order my captains to look for threads you've created, and we will invade them!
Fools! You have let this topic fall, and now I must revive it!!! Insolent mortals!