Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: Norham Waterpaw on January 23, 2014, 01:37:37 AM

Title: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Norham Waterpaw on January 23, 2014, 01:37:37 AM
 Ooc: It has finally started!  ;D

Dusk was just beginning to lay hold on the forests of Southsward. An occasional bird chirp was heard.
Thayr Sat high up in a Yew tree, watching. He tied his bark mask on. He saw his target, a supply wagon pulled by a stoat and a burly looking weasel. It began to pass under his tree. "One, two, three, Hup!" He said, just before jumping down. He slowed his descent with a few branches before landing on the weasel's back.

Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Faiyloe on January 23, 2014, 11:41:20 PM
Nora sat alone in a cell light came in threw a single bard window drew pictures on the stone wall with a piece of charcoal. It was a mural of home. She had been working on all day and now it was almost finished she added a final touche her brother and then stepped back to get a good look at it. 
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Norham Waterpaw on January 23, 2014, 11:52:40 PM
Thayr punched the stoat, knocking him out cold. He gave a shrill whistle, and nets on lines dropped from the trees. He began loading the contents of the cart into the nets. He whistled again, and the nets were dragged upward, into the leafy foliage.
He sat down for while, still on top of the weasel he landed upon. He thought of Nora, and how she died a perfectly wonderful person. A perfectly innocent person. His paws tightened into fists.
He jolted upright, and climbed the nearest tree. He had heard something. Something big.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Faiyloe on January 24, 2014, 12:03:58 AM
Nora sighed. he wasn't coming for her. For all she new Thayr was dead. The vermin had come almost a season ago and she hadn't seen him since. At first she thought he would come for her but now she knew that it was not going to happen. She walked over the her drawing of him and placed her paw over his face smudging it out.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Norham Waterpaw on January 24, 2014, 12:49:15 AM
Ooc: Please use periods please. It makes your posts infinitely easier to read.  :)

Thayr saw what it was. It was a small squad of rats, marching by. They were hauling a battering ram. The rats stopped. All eyes were on the two unconscious vermin, and a looted cart behind them. In in instant, the rats were searching high and low for tracks. Of course, they found none. They picked up the two incapacitated ones and moved precariously onward.

Thayr breathed a sigh of relief. "That was waaay too close." He murmured.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Faiyloe on January 24, 2014, 01:20:01 AM
OOC: Sorry I struggle with that.

BIC: Nora sat down with her back against the wall. Was she ever going to get out of this place.   
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Norham Waterpaw on January 24, 2014, 01:38:25 AM
Ooc: It's fine, we all do.  ;)

Thayr thought it safe to come down. He crawled down the scraggly bark of the oak tree he was so urgently forced up. He took his bearing, and sprinted east. He saw Castle Floret, glowing in the Sunlight. That place was no longer a place pf peace, but was the base of tyranny. It glowed in a different light.
He had to figure how to get in... and soon.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Unimaginative on January 24, 2014, 02:04:10 PM
Aresid Jodisa sat in the base, watching the nearby creatures walk around busily. His sword-staff was leaning against the wall near him, and he was ready to grab it at any moment. The vermin may not know where the base is, but the could find it. He had been bored in the base for the last few days, and way hoping he would be given an assignment soon.
OOC: I'm thinking maybe I should have Sid stab the Peacemakers Brigade in the back at some point, since there's no villains. That alright with you, Norham?
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Faiyloe on January 24, 2014, 10:05:03 PM
After a moment Nora stood up and went over to the door of the cell and standing on tip toe she looked out the small barred window into the hall. At least the cell was somewhat habitable. it had been made by descent creatures nothing like the drippy honorable places found in vermin castles. those where places of nightmare. At least she was lucky in that respect. She liked to look on the bright side of things it helped her cope. She heard foot steps coming down the hall and she tried to see who was coming threw the limited view of the window.

OOC: I was wondering if you could give me some character interaction Norham A) I really have only so much I can do and B) It would help me get an idea of my situation.   
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Shadefur nightblade on January 25, 2014, 12:23:36 AM
Razzar stood in the field outside of the secret base. He drew his sabers, and launched at a group of straw dummies, slashing, chopping, and stabbing at them. He did this regularly, because he didn't want to lose his prowess. he noticed that his blades were not as sharp as usual, and sat down, pulling out a mini-sharpening stone to use on them.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Norham Waterpaw on January 25, 2014, 02:32:49 AM
Ooc: @Han: Fine with me.

Thayr watched the sentries on the walltops move to and fro. He was beginning to notice a pattern, and he began formulating a plan. He had to tell someone. He sprinted back to base, and opened the door. Aresid was leaning against the wall. "Sid!" He called.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Unimaginative on January 25, 2014, 01:16:50 PM
Sid looked up with a start, and saw Thayr entering the base. "What is it?" he asked the squirrel.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Norham Waterpaw on January 25, 2014, 02:47:21 PM
"I have a plan!" He said with excitement. "I'll need you to go with me. Besides, this'll give you something to do." He paused, and looked around. He moved a little closer, and his voice was hushed. "You and I can make it over the walltops if we time ourselves right. When we do, we can sabotage as much as we can!"


Razgail was not happy. He was sent to be a gaurd in the dingy, dark, dank dungeons. He hated his job. He walked past a newly filled cell. "Hey, you in there! What are you drawing on that wall, eh?" He yelled at Nora. "Will I have to come in there and erase it, or can ye' do it yerself?" He said, grinning maliciously.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Faiyloe on January 25, 2014, 03:05:06 PM
"What else am I supposed to do? I have bean kept here alone for almost a season all alone. If you want it gone do it your self," She said   
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Norham Waterpaw on January 25, 2014, 07:26:16 PM
 Razgail was taken aback. He glared at the prisoner, and trudged off.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Faiyloe on January 25, 2014, 09:49:57 PM
Nora sighed and slowly walked backwards and sat down with her back to the wall. She was tiered very tired day after day of doing nothing.   
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Unimaginative on January 30, 2014, 10:30:47 PM
OOC: Sorry for how long it took.

BIC: "D'you?" Asked Arisid excitedly. "Fill me in on the way to the way to the walltop" Gripping his Sword-staff, he quickly walked to the door.
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Norham Waterpaw on January 30, 2014, 10:53:06 PM
Thayr smiled. He liked Sid, and he trusted him. He picked up his shield, and slung his pack over his shoulder. "Wanna sabotage a cart on the way?"
Title: Re: Peacemaker's Brigade
Post by: Unimaginative on February 05, 2014, 02:11:24 PM
 "Aye, that'll work." said Sid, smiling. "Maybe we can bring back some supplies.