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General Boards => Forum Games => Topic started by: Blaggut on January 27, 2014, 08:00:16 AM

Title: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Blaggut on January 27, 2014, 08:00:16 AM
This is an RP about a Sandwhich. Things shal, be revealed soon... How to play: I present something, and, no matter who you are, you react!!!

You are at a deli, and there a three things you can order. A taco, a Sandwhich, and a hotdog. All are kinda sandwiches.


Oh, and it doesn't even have to be an option, you can just walk out of the deli...
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Rainshadow on January 27, 2014, 07:43:25 PM
  So, do we write this as if we were in an RP?  Like, writing in the third person sort of thing?  (Also, do we have to sign up, or can we just pop on whenever?)
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Blaggut on January 28, 2014, 06:28:47 AM
RP style, just pop on whenever. No signup required :D
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Rainshadow on January 29, 2014, 07:24:41 PM

  Rain peered through the glass door of the deli, wondering if it was open.  Yes!  She could see people inside, so obviously it was.  Stepping in, she walked up to the counter, the bell on the door jingling softly as she did so.

  "Hiya," she started casually, giving a smile.  "Could I get a taco?"  Odd, she didn't think they usually served tacos in delis, but who cared?  She was in the mood for a taco.
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Blaggut on January 29, 2014, 08:03:16 PM
Suddenly a cop burst in; "You! Put down the taco! We're from the hotdog faction HQ, and that's contraband!!!"
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Unimaginative on February 03, 2014, 03:10:12 AM
A hole suddenly appears in the roof, and Han, dressed in a full secret agent suit, and on a rope. "Ahem," he shouts through a loud speaker. "I am from the Norwegian departmental categorical division of the Northern European Norwegian departmental taco agents of defending taco rights division. That Taco is not controband anymore."
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Blaggut on February 03, 2014, 05:25:56 AM
I'm GM. You'll just supposed to respond.

A legion of hotdog faction seeds shoot down the rope, leaving Han on the floor! What shall HE order?
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Faiyloe on February 03, 2014, 05:06:34 PM
Faiyloe walked in to the main room she had been in the bathroom, because she had eaten a hot dog and it hadn't agreed with her, and had heard all the noise so she decided to see what was up. As she found out a great big hole in the roof was up. She was still very hungry so she decided to get a Sandwich With lettuce and cucumbers and onions and chicken.
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Blaggut on February 04, 2014, 07:29:06 AM
A member of the last faction burst in, the Sandwhich faction, only to be shot by the hotdog man.
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Faiyloe on February 04, 2014, 07:12:25 PM
I jumped back clutching my sandwich " What did you do that for?!!!"
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on February 05, 2014, 01:07:22 AM
suddenly the ham and cheese sandwich patrol burts in rapid firing with nerf guns
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Faiyloe on February 05, 2014, 02:41:30 AM
OOC: I think Blaggut is the only one who can do that.
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Blaggut on February 05, 2014, 06:49:13 AM
Ooc: Yup.

Bic: Suddenly a voice tells everyone. "You must sacrifice the Sandwhich... And your all ugly..."

Ooc: No offense, just kiddin
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Faiyloe on February 05, 2014, 05:41:52 PM
"No way!" I yell
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: The Shade on February 05, 2014, 06:09:37 PM
Suddenly Shade smashed the door open, pulled out a pistol and started firing at random people.

"Look out, he's got a nose!" he yelled, pointing at a random customer.
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on February 06, 2014, 12:50:08 AM
Quietly in a small cantina off the second moon of Engarda, two humanoids played a calm, quiet game of sabacc. Nobeast moved a muscle. All was calm. All was quiet.

Meanvhile, back at the deli, Hiag quietly sat under a table. He pulled himself up from the floor. "May ah 'ave a grilled cheeze zandvhich, 'old ze cheeze?"
Title: Re: The Sandwhich Chronicles.
Post by: Blaggut on February 06, 2014, 10:18:12 PM
The magic voice said: "Guys, you really gotta sacrifice that Sandwhich, like, now."