Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 23, 2014, 01:22:35 AM

Title: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 23, 2014, 01:22:35 AM
Here is another one of my new fanfics!

Chapter one will be up shortly!

Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 26, 2014, 06:09:22 PM

Far beyond the southern west sea, lay the Nameless Isles. The isles had a very erie feeling about them. Nothing seemed to stir about all seven islands. The water, murky and still. A small rain had begun over head. But in the middle of the isles, on top of Poison Rock, woke Vissanth the Cursed! His red eyes shown like blood in the rain. The Bushmaster stood and yelled,'' I HAVE RETURNED TO SSSSLLAAY!!!''
Vissanth the Cursed had come back to life!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Feles on May 28, 2014, 02:11:01 AM
its good, cant wait for next chapter.

I also think you may be making too many fanfics at once, say you forget one, like Evil for example, just some advice for you. Still, that doesn't handicap your ideas  ;D
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 28, 2014, 05:17:41 AM
Thanks for the feedback!

I am putting one of my shorter fanfics on hold, but i will try to post in all of my fanfics at once! :D
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Captain Tammo on May 28, 2014, 10:32:08 PM
Great intro! I'd love to see where this goes next!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 01, 2014, 04:21:52 AM
Thanks for the feedback! Well, here is chapter 1!!!!

                                                                      CHAPTER 1

Marshall jumped down behind the blueberry bush, hiding from the dibbuns. The little rouges had chased him all the way out here. He told them the first one to take his hat got to wear it for a day. He watched as the little babes wandered around looking for the Blue Fox.
''Hehe, gottem now!''
Phoony the squirrelmaid had sneaked up on him!
''I getz your hat mista Massil!''
Still stricken with fear.
''Well, i guess ya do!''
He took off his treasured raccon hat and placed it on her head.
''Now, go be a good babe and tell ya friends ya found me!'' Marshall said that with a big grin on hid face.
''I will mista Massil!''
''What a good kid.''
He got up and streched. The blue fox was very tired today. He had been up since dawn, waiting for the arrival of his friend, Swiftblade Windpaw, the badger lord of Salamandastron. He told him he would stop by the first week of summer. It was the first week.
He went inside and sneaked into the Abbots room. He hid under the desk. When the Abbot walked in, he sprang.
''Marshall! What are you doing!''
''What are you doing?''
''Get up!''
Marshall got up and looked down at his older brother.
''Just wanted a good laugh.''
''Well calm down! Swiftblade Windpaw the Lord of Salamandastron will be here any minute!''
''He's my bud! its fine Demetrius! Just Do your abbot stuff.''
''Fine, but if he hates my guts, its on you!''
Marshall walked past his brother. Demetrius was a normal fox, not a Blue one like his Brother. He was a nice fox just like Marshall. He was calmer than Marshall. Marshall was more adventurous. Demetrius loved his brother a lot, but he was sometimes quite annoying. He rolled up his habbit sleeves and started writing.
Marshall had gone outside and sat under the pear tree. He saw the dibbuns running around once more. He enjoyed life at the abbey, but he longed for adventure.
Swiftblade had arrived at Redwall Abbey!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Feles on June 01, 2014, 03:58:49 PM
never heard of a fox abbot, I wonder where your going with this
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 01, 2014, 07:00:39 PM
Well, I have a tendency to make foxes good. It will all work out, I promise!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Feles on June 01, 2014, 09:21:34 PM
thinks of another fan fiction you made*
yes you do
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 02, 2014, 04:09:38 AM
Are you sure Tudwell is good ? Anywho I will try to post in the rest if my fanfics tomorrow then do another chapter in this one ;)
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: CaptainRocktree on June 12, 2014, 10:30:50 PM
Hey i really liked this story and your style of writing keep up the good work! ;)
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 19, 2014, 05:13:31 AM
Thankee sur! Here is chapter 2!!!

                                                        CHAPTER 2                            

Marshall ran to open the gate. When he looked up, he saw an amazing site. A huge badger was standing before him. He looked like a leader. His eyes were a deep black like the night sky. You could see the wisdom deep within. His fierce built up body was clad in light but strong chain-mail.  He had great shoulder-pads made up of the purest iron. The thick steel boots we wore left prints were he had stepped. They were as light as his chain. His long blood-red cape flowed smoothly through the light breeze. But across his back was another wonder. In a huge sheath, a great longsword lay. The part that could be seen shone out like the sun. It was truly a wonder of a mighty badger lord. But on his side, was a hare. he was quite a tall hare, about half the size as the badger himself. He was leaning on a long, thick wooden cane made out of the finest oak wood. On his red coat were at least hundreds of medals. They shone almost as great as the sword. But the hare himself was quite peculiar. On his ears white ears, were two brown spots that resembled small buttons. He had many other browns spots all over his quaint body. He looked about the age of 50, but the badger looking no more than 60. The pair looked just what you would expect leaders to look like. Bold, brave, and wise.

A gruff but calm voiced answered, ''Hello Marshall my friend! Long time since I saw ya last!''
''Same t' ya pal! Now who is this lad ya have brought?''
''This my friend, is Tonto Buttonears. The head of the Long Patrol. He's my second in command!''
Tonto stuck out his hand. ''Nice t' me ya sah! Tonto at y' service! Now, wot be your name?''
''Marshall Scottsworth. Nice t' meet ya too General!'' Marshall saluted as he finished.
''Well then, now that you have been introduced, I need to see your brother Marshall. Where is Demetrius?''
''Ugh, ya mean that old featherbag? He is in his room, as usual, writing some old book he been workin' on. Ill' take ya there.''
''Thank you. We might need to hurry up, the little ones have spotted us!''
Marshall turned around and saw a herd of Dibbuns charging the trio. There cries could be heard from afar.
''Mr. Massil! Is dat Sifty!''
''He brut a frunny bunny!''
''Look atz his sword! It bigger than da abbey!''
Marshall turned to look at the pair. ''Dash to the abbey fast! They will tackle you if you don't go now!''
''Oh, we'll make it! Come on Tonto!''
''Yes sah!''
Swiftblade Windpaw darted forward, leaving only a flash for Marshall to see.
''Woah! Now thats a fast badger!''
Marshall darted too, but not as fast. he turned to see the Dibbuns gaining on him. He took one last burst of speed, catching up to Tonto.
''Hurry Tonto! Almost there! The old hare made but on one last burst of speed, and made it to the Abbey doors. But he was soon trampled by Marshall who came crashing in. The fox lay on the ground, out of breath. He looked up and saw Swiftblade closing the door. While looking around, he noticed that he was on top of Tonto! He jumped up and helped the hare up.
''Sorry, didn't mean t' trample ya!''
''Its fine lad, now, lets go find y' Brother wot!''
The trio walked through Great Hall. The walls were a bright, but dim red. The age showed through the ancient bricks of sandstone. It was a fine work of art. As they were walking, a small mouse sped hastily towards Marshall. He looked up into his face. She wore a dark green tunic with a pattern of black zig-zags across the bottom. Her age was about 37. Her fur was a beautiful grey and silver. She looked the part of an Abbey Sister.
''Marshall Scottsworth! Did you lock the Dibbuns outside after running away from them!''
Marshall's blue cheeks got very red.''Swiftblade locked the door. They were going to attack us Minerva!''
''They are Dibbuns Marshall! They cant hurt you! Grow up, be like your brother for once!''
''But its-''
''I dont want to hear it! You will apologize to them, then go work in the kitchens!''
Swiftblade butted it, ''Marm, we need to see the Abbot pronto!''
''You can see him later! Now get your striped face outside!''
Tonto came and stood infront of the small mouse. ''Do you know who are you are bally speaking to? This is Swiftblade Windpaw! The Badger Lord Of The Mountain Fortress of Salamandastron!''
''Oh wah! He needs to apologize Badger or not! Not get your silly ears out my face!''
Tonto was red with anger. ''You Do Not Make Fun Of My Ears Unless you want to loose yours!''
Swiftblade grabbed Tonto and ran with Marshall in the lead. They rank until they reached The Abbot's room. Swiftblade put Tonto down.''What was that for Tonto! I could have taken care of it my self!''
''She was insultin both of us sah, she needs a leasson taugth to her!''
''Will the two of ya calm down! Demetrius is coming to the door!''
The Huge oak door opened.
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: CaptainRocktree on June 21, 2014, 02:59:37 PM
I reallyyyy like Chapter 2 keep up the good work!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 21, 2014, 06:02:21 PM
Thanke you veryyyyyyy much! I will add a little more to it later.
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Captain Tammo on June 21, 2014, 07:11:29 PM
Your writing is getting a lot better as you keep going (and that's not to say that it was bad before)! Nice work! :)
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 28, 2014, 03:31:27 AM
Thank you so much for the support. It means the world to me. :D

Made a small edit to the end of chapter 2 ;)
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on July 26, 2014, 06:04:24 AM
                                                   CHAPTER 3

Demetrius had been reading one of the novels written by Sir MetalTalon. He had fought many battles, and was now retired, and lived far away in a ledgendary Mountain. After reading, he got up and lied on his bed. He though about what he would do when Swiftblade arrived. He was Oh So troubled. He kept tossing and turning. He decided to calm himself down, by sing a 4 verse song his mother used to sing.

Oh, calm, calm as the sea,
Calm, calm as the waves,
Calm calm, like the wind and the breeze,
Calm calm, like you and me.

He loved when his mother sang. It made him happy, and he would forget all of his troubles. She had raised him and Marshall right, unlike others. They had lived far North, and were the outcasts of the area where they lived. Marshall was always picked on because of his fur, so Demetrius had to protect him. But one night, his father had made a bad bet at the tavern, and they lost all of their belongings. His mother was sick at the time, and she later died. It was the hardest thing Demetrius had to face. Their father took them south, to escape the evil foxes. One night, while making camp, they were ambushed by a group of rats. Their father told them to run, and he would face them. While running, he could hear the screams of his father, fighting to the end. He took Marshall and ran faster. But they were caught. One of the rats had gone to get them. He swung his sword at Marshall, but Demetrius jumped in front. The sword chopped of Marshall's tail, and left a huge gash in Demetrius's side. Marshall jumped on the rat, and bit him on the neck until he dropped his sword. He got the sword, and hit his legs. (Now the two were only 7 and 8 at the time) The rat fell, and Marshall stabbed him in the heart. Marshall picked up his badly hurt brother. He carried him to the river, so he could wash the wound. He ripped of part of his battered shirt, then wrapped it around his nub and his scar. While he was wrapping, he heard what sounded like music. He hurried to see what it was. A band of shrews where coming down the river. Marshall yelled for them to stop and help him and his brother. They stopped and bandaged the two of them. Log-A-Log Tripper, took Marshall and Demetrius to Redwall. There they lived, for a long time. Demetrius healed, and was soon a great scholar. When old Abbess Mary passed away, everyone wanted him to be Abbot. He kindly took the position. Things have been the same ever since.
Demetruis heard a knock at his door. He soon get very nervous. He walked slowly towards the door, and could hear what sounded like a hare and badger. He opened the door very slowly. He looked up and saw the great figure of Swiftblade Windpaw.
''Um, well, hello Swiftblade!''
''Hello there Father Aboot!''
Marshall snickered. Demetrius didn't seem like a father to him!
''I see Marshall has welcomed you t- I mean both of you. Who is the hare you have brought along?''
Tonto stepped forward a bit. ''Why I, Father, am Tonto Buttonears, the Head of the Long Patrol of Salamdastron! Second in Command to Lord Swiftblade Windpaw!''
''My my! You have brought one very important hare Lord Swiftblade!''
''Please Father Abbot, call me Swiftblade.''
''Only if you stop calling me by my silly title of 'Father Abbot'. Call me by my real name, Demetrius.''
''If you wish Fath- I mean Demetrius. Now lets sit down and talk shall we?'
''Why yes of course! Please have seat!''
Demetrius offered both of them a fine leather chair. Marshall just plopped himself oh the bed. He liked the bed, it smelled of fresh lavendar.
''Now, what was it that you called me here for again?''
''Oh yes! The Truce of Protection Act that I thought of. It was one of Sir Metaltalon's idea's. I cannot take credit for it. Anywho, its the treaty that i-.''
Marshall was bored already. He sniffed the lavendar once more, then fell into a mere slumber.
     He felt as if he were rocking. He opened his eyes and saw he was on a log boat which was full of merry shrews. They were dancing and celebrating some great achievement. He felt a strong hand grab his. When he looked down, he saw an old, yet youthful shrew with a silver bandana across his forehead. He carried a long curved sword on his belt which was made of shrakskin. He had scars and tattoos across he arms and legs. Marshall recognized the shrew.
''Tripper! Good to see you mate!''
''Same to you friend! Hurry now, or you'll miss the celebration!''
The strong beast pulled the blue-furred fox over to the end of a boat. When he arrived, the shrews were dancing faster and faster, not stopping. They were going so fast, that Marshall could not keep up. The boats rushed forward through the river likes arrows out of a bow. Faster they danced, and faster they went down the stream. But suddenly, the shrews started to disapear. One by one, they were going into thin air. When they were all gone, a rat appeared directly infront of Marshall. He wielded a long, curved sword, covered in blood. He had ear-piercings on both of his grimy ears. He was missing at least six or seven teeth.  He wore rags and a torn of pike-skin belt. What topped him off was his blue scarf. Wait, that was no scarf, that was a tail! A blue tail! Marshall stared up at him as he grew and grew. The log boat was going under where he was standing. A bright fire glowed in the evil rat's eyes. He grabbed the tail off his neck and started to swing it like one would sling a sling.   He spun it faster and faster. A image of something wad appearing in the whirl of blue. A fox began to show. She had long eyes lashes, and had bright pink lips. Her eyes where a dark but bright blue. She looked at Marshall. He stared into it has water began to submerge is feet. The rat was still laughing. Marshall's eyes were locked. The water was filling to boat at a rapid pace. The boat was going under. The blue fox felt himself go into the water. The rat had gone under the water as well. But even as he went into the cold water, he kept starring up. Water was starting to fill his lungs. He started coughing, and gasping for air. He awoke in the bed, coughing a storm. The other three were still there, finishing up their conversation. Marshall looked wide eyed at them.
''Marshall, are you Ok?''
After coughing once more, he turned to answer Swiftblade.''Do I look Ok?''
''Eh, not really. Kinda pale.''
''Then I'm fine. Are you three done talking about some truce thing?''
''Just finishing up brother. Now, could you please go down and fetch us some Afternoon Tea?''
Marshall rolled his eyes. ''I guess.''
He hopped out of bed, then walked slowly to the huge Oak Wood door. He opened it, then was on his way.
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on September 03, 2014, 04:26:33 AM
Finished the chapter! (Whew! Took alot of brain jucie!)
I hope you all enjoy! Now that Google Chrome is back working I can finally post more in my fan fics! Please leave feedback! Anywho, Have a good day (Or Night)!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Tim Churchmouse on September 03, 2014, 10:23:06 AM
Say whuuuuuut? A fox Aboot?
Interesting idea...
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on September 03, 2014, 11:19:19 PM
I wanted Marshall to have some kind of brother connection, plus I didn't have an abbot, so I now gave Demetrius!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on September 08, 2014, 12:56:38 AM
                                                             CHAPTER 4

    Amber Quicktail walked around the Abbey Lawns. The vixen hugged her book as hot tears came pouring from her face. Her cheeks were red with anger. In her head were multiple thoughts going around. Behind her was laughing and mocking. Shella Willow was once again bullying her. Her small gang were calling Amber names such as 'Giant' and 'Silverface'. Their were also ones that yelled at her, 'Old bookface' and 'Dustnose.' But the ones that hurt the worst came from the squirrel Shella. 'A nobody, a homeless freak, vermin.' What had taken place was something quite awful.

    Amber walked out of the abbey with a old, dusty copy of The War of the Mountain: Sir MetalTalon's Story, given to her by Old Yoppy the Recorder. The sun was bright and shining, the cool crisp Autumn air felt good on her silver fur coat. Golden, red, and orange leaves flew by her. Today was going to be a good day, she could feel it. As she was walking towards her favorite apple tree, she froze. Coming her way was Shella Willow and her gang! Amber sighed. The squirrel always bullied her for  Not being a woodlander.' What did that matter? The ABBOT was a fox! Oh well, the best thing she could do was ignore them.Amber payed no attention to the the gang as they approached.
''Watcha readin' vixen!''
''Why should I tell you? All you do to books is trash them!''
The squirrel was not used to her insults.
''Oh, I'm sorry, I didnt know I made them look like you!''
Amber kept looking at her book, not reading, but trying not to lash out at the taunting squirrel.
''I would not mind books taking on my silver complexion. They are of course my friends.''
''Ya, your ONLY friends!''
Her gang laughed at this joke. Shella smirked, oh what a good one!
''At least I have some, not a group of wanna-be's!''
Shella's gang became red in the face. It was, in fact, true.
''Phh, ya right! Listen vixen, Im just glad my parents are here at the Abbey, not rotting in a good-to-nothing tavern!''
Amber's eyes lit up like fire.
Tears we now coming down her face. Her face was getting red and her temper hot.
''Ha, to do what, read all day with your friends?''
That was enough. The tall vixen stood up with her book, and stormed away to the other side of the abbey grounds.
''Ha, serves her right for talking t' me that way!'' commented Shella.

Marshall staggered into the kitchens. Still wondering what just happened, he went to look for some tea. Hmmmm, someone must have taken it all! He scurried around looking for it. As he turned, he saw the ancient abbey recorder, Brother Yoppy, heading outside with a pot. He rushed to catch up with him. While he was running, Phoony and a group of Dibbuns were skipping past. WHAM! The blue fox had tripped over them!
''Mista Masill! You 'right!''
''Oh no! Zurr you hurtz?''
''No, no, I'm just find young'uns. Now, carry on, I have to go get some tea!'
As he got up and dusted off, the squirrelmaid Phoony came up to him.
''Masill, here your hat back! I donz want it no more!''
''Well thankee Phoony! Ill put it back on  now!''
He threw the old raccoon hat up in the air, then caught it with his head.
''Wow Masill! I want to be like you 'tum day!''
Marshall smiled.
'' Well, you better like stayin' young, cause once you older like me, I'ts not as fun! (NOTE: Marshall is only about 23, and Demetrius 24) Hurry on now!''
She nodded, then hurried on to catch up with her peers.
As Marshall adjusted his hat, he looked around in panic. Where was the tea! He ran out onto the abbey grounds, hoping to find the ancient mouse. While he was looking, he saw an upsetting site. Amber Quicktail was bawling under on of the older pear trees.
''Oh, what its this time Amber,'' Marshall muttered to himself. He dashed over to her.
''Hullo Amber! What seems to be the matter?''
Amber looked up, with a tear-stained face. She had always liked Marshall, he was nice, intelligent, and could handle a situation well.
''That Shella, she was making fun of me again.''
Marshall picked two pears from an over hanging branch and sat down next to the vixen.
''What where the insults if I might ask?''
''Well, she started off wanting to see my book, then insulted my face, but I had one good comeback for her!''
Marshall chuckled,''Well, may I hear it?''
''She said I looked like my books, and I said,'I would like my books to take on my silver complexion!'''
Marshall laughed,'' Very good comeback indeed!'' He handed her the other pear that he had picked.
''Then after that she said mean things about me parents. Their rotting in a tavern is what that mean scoundrel said!''
Amber's eyes swolle up with tears again. She started to cry on Marshall's shoulder. ''Its true though! My parents ARE rotting in a useless tavern! I was just the daughter they never need nor wanted!''
She kept crying, but Marshall (being the kinds soul he is) put his hand on her back and patted.
''There there, no need to cry. Why do you say you're 'not needed'?''
''Because! They left me here! Never looking back! They just wanted me gone, not loving me or caring for me!''
''Well, if they didn't care for you, why did they leave you here? They could have left you in the woods, or in a basket flowing down a river! You know that me parents were ambushed and killed. I lost me tail fightin' for my brother. You know I could sit here all day asking 'Why didn't you protect your selves!' or 'Why did you let us run!' No, I sit here thinking 'Thank goodness they TRIED to protect us!' and 'I'm glad they taugth me how to fight!' Now, dont go sulkin' 'round cause that  'Squirrel' keeps tauntin' ya! Stick you nose in the air and be glad you ARE here, not in that Tavern! Your parents knew enough to leave you here, there's something to be proud of!''
Amber sat up. Marshall was actually right!
''Ya know what Marshall, you're right! I don't need to let that Shella get under my skin! Plus, Even if My parents left me, I am still Amber Quicktail, the silver vixen of Redwall Abbey!''
''Thats meh girl!''
Amber jumped up and grabbed his arm. He was hauled up into the air.
''Thank you so much Marshall!'' She gave him a big hug. Confused, the blue fox hugged back. (NOTE: Amber is 22) She released, then grabbed her book and walked off.
''WAIT!'' Marshall cried out. ''Do you want to come help me get some tea from Brother Yoppy?''
The vixen looked back and smiled ''Why not go get some in the cellars? Cellarhog Augustus was brewing some!''
Marshall was mad at himself. The cellars! DUH! ''Coming!''
He hurried after the vixen, who for some reason, he actually liked!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on September 16, 2014, 12:11:21 AM
There it is! Chapter 4! I hope you guys like it! Please leave a comment on it, I would love to hear feed back! Also, I figured this would be about 4 and a half pages in a Redwall book!  :D
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Feles on September 25, 2014, 05:53:46 PM
very good, you can get a romantic subplot in your stories while I fail to do so, just look out for spelling mistakes
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on September 25, 2014, 11:31:29 PM
Never have really been a good speller, but I'll do my best!
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on October 01, 2014, 01:04:04 AM
I'll try to get the next chapter out either today or tomorrow, depending when I finish my book report.
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: CaptainRocktree on October 19, 2014, 06:21:07 PM
Wow! I loved the last 2 chapters! I had to catch up on what I missed but I loved it! Keep up the Great work!  ;)
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: CaptainRocktree on August 03, 2015, 06:13:53 PM
Will there be any new chapter coming up of this story any time soon?
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on August 03, 2015, 07:00:04 PM
Man, I sort of forgot about this.

Yes, I had a  plan for it, but never wrote it. I will eventually update it, but in a few weeks.
Title: Re: The Moss Crew
Post by: CaptainRocktree on August 03, 2015, 09:26:52 PM
Alright, The storyline is very promising! I can't wait to see where you take it!