Redwall Abbey

Brian Jacques' Works (Spoilers) => General Discussion => Topic started by: Deyna the Warrior on July 25, 2014, 11:23:22 PM

Title: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Deyna the Warrior on July 25, 2014, 11:23:22 PM
I read Redwall a while ago, but the other day I was rereading it and something caught my eye. Is it just a coincidence that the ancient mouse Methuselah shares a name with the oldest tree in the world??
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Jetthebinturong on July 25, 2014, 11:29:17 PM
The Methuselah Tree is named after the character from the Bible who was said to be the oldest human living (he was over 900 I believe)

Before you ask, no I'm not a Christian, I just find the Bible an interesting, if slightly confusing read
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on July 26, 2014, 12:01:17 AM
Methuselah is considered the oldest human in recorded history, he was about 969 years old when he died.
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: LordTBT on July 26, 2014, 12:12:25 AM
Quote from: Deyna the Warrior on July 25, 2014, 11:23:22 PM
I read Redwall a while ago, but the other day I was rereading it and something caught my eye. Is it just a coincidence that the ancient mouse Methuselah shares a name with the oldest tree in the world??

The Redwall character was named for the Bible character.

Quote from: Wylder Treejumper on July 26, 2014, 12:01:17 AM
Methuselah is considered the oldest human in recorded history according to the Bible, he was about 969 years old when he died.

Fixed that. ;) You can learn more about Methuselah on the Wikipedia page.
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Dannflower Reguba on July 26, 2014, 12:44:50 AM
Quote from: LordTBT on July 26, 2014, 12:12:25 AM
Quote from: Deyna the Warrior on July 25, 2014, 11:23:22 PM
I read Redwall a while ago, but the other day I was rereading it and something caught my eye. Is it just a coincidence that the ancient mouse Methuselah shares a name with the oldest tree in the world??

The Redwall character was named for the Bible character.

Quote from: Wylder Treejumper on July 26, 2014, 12:01:17 AM
Methuselah is considered the oldest human in recorded history according to the Bible, he was about 969 years old when he died.

Fixed that. ;) You can learn more about Methuselah on the Wikipedia page.

       ?? The Bible is recorded history, what Wylder said is just fine.
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: James Gryphon on July 26, 2014, 01:12:46 AM
Mod:I have a very strong feeling that this topic is headed towards becoming an argument over the veracity of the Bible. However one user may feel about that subject, other users may have different opinions regarding that. This is not the place for discussing those differing beliefs. I was inclined to lock this topic, but have decided to let it stay open for now, provided that people stay focused on discussing Redwall from here on out.
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on July 26, 2014, 01:20:29 AM
The Bible is recorded history, it's just how much of it is accurate that...


Ahem.  Redwall...

Anyways, I've always wondered how old Methuselah was. Does anyone have any ideas? I don't think he was older than Cregga by the end of her life, regardless.
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: The Skarzs on July 26, 2014, 07:10:00 AM
I'm figuring the Redwall equivalent of 95.
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Lutra on July 28, 2014, 01:05:27 PM
Judging how old a mouse will be is complicated.  We consistently debate whether a season means "one year" or literally "one season".  If we look at a season meaning one year, Methuselah is probably aged for a mouse...maybe ten years.  If a season means a season, then maybe forty seasons--certainly longer than any other normal mouse.  95 seasons is bordering on the realm of improbability.  Methuselah was old, but he was no prophet or anything like that in the book. ;)
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: JangoCoolguy on August 05, 2014, 08:52:24 PM
What, you've never heard of the term "around since old Methuselah" before?  :D
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Bionerd314 on August 06, 2014, 11:11:37 PM
has anyone noticed that almost all of the main villains in redwall die not in hand to hand combat but in a totaly unexpected way?
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Deyna the Warrior on August 11, 2014, 03:09:05 AM
Oooh. Thanks guys!  ;D
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Captain Tammo on August 11, 2014, 06:46:17 PM
well Cregga was the only character (aside from Martin and that I can recall) that was alive in 3 books, Methuselah however was only living in one. So did one live longer than the other, or was one simply written about more? Personally with a name as ancient as Methuselah, I'm going to guess that it was him who lived the longest in the books.

As for the connection to the Methuselah tree, I never caught on to that but it's a great thing to note!
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Tam and Martin on August 11, 2014, 10:13:47 PM
Quote from: Bionerd314 on August 06, 2014, 11:11:37 PM
has anyone noticed that almost all of the main villains in redwall die not in hand to hand combat but in a totaly unexpected way?
I have truly noticed that several times. You would expect most to die in hand-to-hand combat. Swords and stuff. But instead they die in ways like: Having a bell fall on them; Having teeth sunk into their brain; pushed off a cliff; Falling in a well etc. I don't exactly mind these things they are just quite unexpected.
Title: Re: Did anyone else notice this?
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on August 27, 2014, 08:36:45 PM
By my calculations, Cregga must be (If a season to a beast is equivalent to one year to us agewise) at least 300 seasons old!