Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on August 20, 2011, 03:43:07 PM

Title: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on August 20, 2011, 03:43:07 PM
A lone mouse looked out of one of the windows in Great Hall. A nice spring rain was falling outside, and in the distance thunder boomed loudly, which was followed by a flash of lightning.

As a crowd of dibbuns came marching into Great Hall, he turned around. "We wants a story!" said a small vole. This was followed by many an "Aye!" from the crowd.

"Certainly." Said the old mouse, and he settled into a chair. The dibbuns all gathered around him and settled down. When they had all quieted down, he started the tale.


It was the last day of the Autumn. A crisp wind gave a grim warning that a harsh winter would soon be upon them. About midday dark, grey clouds appeared, and had hovering in the sky like  dark, fluffy cars in traffic, and had been in the sky since. Everything was all but silent in Mossflower.

Meanwhile, in Redwall Abbey, everyone had something to do. Almost everybody, of course, except the dibbuns, who had been spending the day playing in the orchard; where all the fruits and berries had been harvested of their produce, and in the gardens all of the vegetables had been gathered as well. There were only a few tasks left to complete to prepare for the winter to come.

OOC: Alright then, who's next?
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on August 20, 2011, 03:54:29 PM
Diamond Orchid looked over to the Abbey. It had been a long time since she had seen her old home.
"Oh father! Doesn't it look blooming grand!" said Diamond
Her father, Elmswift laughed, "If you take away the storm clouds, then yes, It look rather nice, wot!"
"Hurry up over there! We are almost to Redwall. You lucky chap will get to taste some blinking good scoff," Diamond said to the other three hares in her patrol, "Not that Pimpom needs any more food," Diamond added under her breath. Pimpom was a very fat hare. He was a very good tracker, and Diamond's father insisted that Pimpom should come.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 20, 2011, 04:09:18 PM
Morena Seio had been travelling all throughout summer and autumn. Now the time of harvest was over, and the huge black wildcat could feel the coming snows. This was going to be a very harsh winter. He tigtened his belt another notch around his thin waist. He had once been healthy and well-fed, but now his tough, sinewy limbs were wasted. There wasn't much honest work for a wildcat, and he absolutely loathed the idea of farming. He was a warrior born, and would not waste his skills tilling soil. Up ahead on the path, he saw the imposing figure of the Abbey of Redwall. He sat down under a tree and watched the gate. Sooner or later, someone would come out. That is when he would make contact with the Abbeydwellers.

Meanwhile, far in the mountains, the great golden eagle, Raio Rei, was soaring high above the wintry peaks. Winter was comng, and he felt the urge to travel south. He flew many miles, and then eventullay sighted Redwall Abbey. Having heard the tales of it from his nest-mother, he wanted to visit. He tucked in his wings and dove downward, then spread them and landed in the center of the Abbey grounds, next to the orchard. "Hello, goodbeasts," he said in a ringing voice, placing a wing over his heart and bowing. "I come in peace and mean you no harm. I merely wished to visit this wondrous place." He looked around at the abbeybeasts.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Trigoma on August 20, 2011, 11:19:42 PM
andronicus was sitting under a tree trying to warm up. a cold breeze hit him and he shiverd visibley. "sigh this is gonna be a long winter..." he started. but then suddenly a giant bird with fierce eyes landed in front of him! "Hello, goodbeasts," he said in a ringing voice, placing a wing over his heart and bowing. "I come in peace and mean you no harm. I merely wished to visit this wondrous place." He looked around at the abbeybeasts. Andronicus look stunned...then fainted
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on August 20, 2011, 11:48:50 PM
The patrol of hares was quickly brought in by the gatekeeper.
Diamond made her way to the main abbey building, her father following behind her.
Pimpom and the other two hares were caught up with other Redwallers, who took the three hares to the kitchens to eat.

OCC: Do we have the same abbess as last time?
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 21, 2011, 01:41:07 AM
OOC: Redwall Musician, were you hitting ENTER at the end of every sentence? The screen is abnormally long and out of preportion. Could you just switch that please? You don't need to start a new line every time you start a new sentence. BIC:

Raio Rei looked at the small form that was lying prone on the grass. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked in bewilderment. "My name is Raio Rei, I am a friend."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on August 21, 2011, 03:16:10 AM
OCC: I didn't do it. If you were to look up, you would see it was HiaG with post a lot of these things: ~~~~~
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on August 21, 2011, 05:25:45 AM
Bluestrype stood on the walltops, staring out into the woodlands. It was already quite cold.
She thought for a minute that she saw something whitish flit away in the trees, but decided that she was just imagining it.
Meanwhile, Tenija Wyteshaft was in hiding, watching the Abbey. The white squirrel could feel a harsh winter coming on, and she wasn't about to let herself get caught out in it.
She had thought of asking the Abbeybeasts for shelter, but Tenija was a loner, and the very thought of eating and sharing living quarters with so many otherbeasts did not appeal to her.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on August 21, 2011, 08:00:41 AM
Skipper Webbtail was indoors, doing his usual chores. As he wandered, he saw his pretty wife Wisteria with their babe, Balga. Webb smiled. Balga had been born not long after the great war, where he had lost one of his dear friends. Trigoma. He still had scars on his body from the war, and a big one across his back where he had been slashed. That one would last forever. "'Ello, darling, not being too much of a trouble is he?" He asked.
Balga poked his tongue out. "I be no twouble, I'm too likkle to be twouble," he said.
Webbtail, holding back laughter, nodded solemnly. "Aye, and when you grow up, you can be as much trouble as you like."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 21, 2011, 06:36:22 PM
Raio Rei poked his golden feathered head into the abbey window and looked at the otters. "I am sorry to disturb you, but everyone seems to have fainted away outside at my appearence. I mean you and the abbeybeasts no harm. I merely wished to ask if I could stay here through the winter."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on August 21, 2011, 06:47:45 PM
OCC: I'm just going to post using Abbess Merriam (From Peace To Protection). If I need to change it, let me know.

BIC: Diamond was embraced in a hug from the old abbess. "Why, Diamond, you look so much older. I hope that you are doing well," she then turned to Elmswift, "And General, glad you and your daughter are going to be staying with us."
Elmswift bowed polity, "I just hope we aren't to much trouble."
"No trouble at all. Diamond, come, you must see Skipper's babe, Balga. He has grown so much since you last saw him."
And the abbess took Diamond by the paw, to take her to see her old friends from Redwall.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Trigoma on August 21, 2011, 06:52:12 PM
andronicus regained his composure. sitting up he figured he only imagined it. seeing he couldnt warm up he headed into the abbey to see if the cooks needed help in the kitchen, and to warm up by a warm oven. as he enterd the abbey he looked one last time outside, and shook his head. did he imagin it or was there a white squirrle just sitting there in a tree. figuring it was rediculouse cause there was no such thing as white squirrles he headed inside.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 21, 2011, 09:31:01 PM
Raio Rei was bewildered. Why were the abbeybeasts refusing to talk to him? It wasn't as if he were out to kill their young. The great golden eagle sat down by the abbey pond to wait until a Redwaller came outside and addressed him with some coherency.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on August 22, 2011, 01:32:07 PM
Bluestrype dashed outside. 'There's a great golden eagle!'
The badger was holding a cob of wood, which she waved threateningly the way she had once wielded her battleaxe, which she had hung up in her room.
She came to a halt in front of Raio. 'Who are you and what do you want wth us?'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 22, 2011, 04:05:57 PM
The eagle shook his head slowly in bewilderment at the badger's behavior. "My name is Raio Rei. I am a monarch of the Northern mountains, and I wish to seek shelter here at the abbey for the winter. Could you please stop threatening me? I mean you no harm." He shuffled back a few paces, keeping eye contact with her.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on August 23, 2011, 09:54:11 AM
Bluestrype laid down the cob of wood. 'Oh, I'm sorry. I did not realize. I'll call Mother Abbess.'
In a minute she was back with Abbess Meriam. The old mouse was slightly taken aback by the huge golden eagle.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on August 23, 2011, 10:04:42 AM
Webbtail lay lazily by the fire, watching his young one, Balga, play with the other dibbuns. Then he noticed Diamond. "Hey, matey, it's been a while! Good to see you again! See that otter babe over there? You might not recognise him, but that's ours! He's grown a lot, hasn't he?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: The Long Patrol on August 23, 2011, 12:24:03 PM
Warclaw was seeking a place to stay for the winter.   He had been looking for a long time, and now he was very frantic.  Grabbing a dagger from his pack, he began slashing tall grass.  He sat down ready to call it a day, when he noticed a faint building in the distance.  "Yes!  Yes!  finally!" he cheered.  
and he took off towards the place
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on August 23, 2011, 02:02:38 PM
Quote from: DanielofRedwall on August 23, 2011, 10:04:42 AM
Webbtail lay lazily by the fire, watching his young one, Balga, play with the other dibbuns. Then he noticed Diamond. "Hey, matey, it's been a while! Good to see you again! See that otter babe over there? You might not recognise him, but that's ours! He's grown a lot, hasn't he?"

"He has grown!" said Diamond as she picked Balga up. She then put him right back down on the floor, "He's also gotten a lot heavier."
Diamond looked as if she had just remembered something. "Father, should we go check on Pimpom and the other hares. They were lead off to the kitchens."
"Yes, I should have remembered," And with that Emlswift went off to the kitchens. Never leave Pimpom in the kitchens too long.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 23, 2011, 02:41:12 PM
Raio Rei hopped from one talon the the next, impatient. He flapped his wings, then decided to fly for a bit. He took off and then circled above the abbey grounds, waiting for the badger to return.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Trigoma on August 23, 2011, 11:07:19 PM
Andro headed to the kitchens but was shocked to see hares all over the place trying to bust a way in. the cooks had set up a barrier and were trying hard to keep the hares from scoffing everthing. andro shrugged and figured he's head over out side again. he went outside and glanced up and saw the huge eagle soaring over head. awstruck he watched it fly, untill it saw him.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on August 23, 2011, 11:13:46 PM
Elmswift barged into the kitchens. "Attention! Hares out of the ktchen, on the double!" And with that, though with some mumbling, the hares left the kitchen.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 23, 2011, 11:54:23 PM
Raio Rei spotted the earthcrawler and plunged downward, landing right before Andro. "Hello. Do you know where Abbess Meriam is?" he asked. "The blue-striped badger promised to go get her, yet neither of them are here yet."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Trigoma on August 24, 2011, 12:14:09 AM
seeing the eagle of no harm he nodded and said "welcome...great freice eagle..." he said hesitantly. then he took the eagle inside to the halls. spotting abbess meriam with the dibbuns he headed over there with the eagle right behind. "hoy mother abbess! i have a featherd friend who would like to speak to you!" then andro stepped back to listen.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on August 24, 2011, 01:15:54 AM
Seanthisk sighed and wiped the perspiration off of his forehead with his cap. "Whew, those hares are somethin' else." he said to a fellow kitchen worker. "Aye." said the other, and they both went back to their duties.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on August 24, 2011, 04:54:04 AM
Captain Carl Galedeep looked dubiously at his reflection in the river water. Carefully he plucked a gray hair out, and gave it a look.

"... new color's ruining my image," He grumbled. Carl heard footsteps running to him.

"Scout reporting in sah!"

"What's with the hare lingo Dagen?"

Dagen smiled and shrugged,

"Jest something I thought i'd try Cap'n."

Carl chuckled at his old friend, "Do your reportin' mate."

"I saw the it in the distance, we should be a half days march from the abbey!"

"Very good matey get everyone up and at 'em. I want to leave in at least an hour!"

Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 24, 2011, 03:17:20 PM
Raio Rei bowed deeply to Abbess Meriam, placing a wing over his heart. "I am deeply honored to meet you, ma'am. I am Raio Rei, the Thunderbolt King of the mountains. I wish to seek shelter here in your wonderful abbey for the winter."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: The Long Patrol on August 24, 2011, 10:23:27 PM
Warclaw had finally reached redwall abbey.  He was completely out of breath, but he still figured he would wait for somebeast to open the gates or see him standing by the wall.

After sitting for a while he started slinging pebbles at the door.  "That'll make 'em open these here gates!" He muttered.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Trigoma on August 24, 2011, 11:09:04 PM
andro had left the eagle to talk to the abbess and headed to the orchard again. it was then tht he heard something banging against the gate. he went over to it and put his ear to it. its sounded like someone was throwing rocks at the gate! "ill give them a peice of my mind..." he though. he then opened the gate just as warclaw slung another stone. "hey you-ugh" andro took a rock to his head (lol) and stumbled down nurseing a bump.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: The Long Patrol on August 25, 2011, 12:15:08 PM
"Sorry!"  Seeing other creatures gathering with worried looks on their faces, he noticed they were looking at his sling. "This?  I come in peace."  After a little more convincing, he finally was allowed in.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on August 25, 2011, 02:07:55 PM
Razzin stumbled upon the path in front of Redwall Abbey. Blinking bleary eyes, she stared up at the immense building, her twin rapiers making a metallic sound as she drew them deftly. Making her way along the side of the path, she stared up at the building, *What a prize! I wonder who lives here?* she thinks. Approaching the double doors of sturdy wood, she examines the structure with her eyes. From top to bottom, it had to be the most exquisite monument she had ever seen!
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on August 25, 2011, 02:28:03 PM
Webbtail ran over to Balga, who had been playing with Raio Rei's wings. "Stop that, Balga! Leave the poor eagle alone!" He then turned to the eagle. "Please, forgive him, he be only a babe. Me name's Webbtail, the skipper of otters. Pleased to meet ye!"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 25, 2011, 02:50:30 PM
Raio Rei held out one talon, gently shaking the otter's paw. "Nay, the babe means no harm, let him be. 'Tis a nice change from golden eagle hatchlings, that is certain. They just eat and attack your talons, nothing more."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on August 25, 2011, 05:40:48 PM
As they marched Captain Carl Galedeep reflected on how he and the crew of Hotroot gotten there.

It had been a long harsh winter out at sea. Frost was everywhere and storms had become a daily occurrence. The large waves of water constantly flooded the deck forcing the crew to attempt to bail the icy water out, while standing in it.

At some point someone had mentioned their favorite dish from Redwall, at which everybeast started talking about it. They had not been to the place in nine seasons. Finally after much talk about the abbey Carl had announced,

"Well why don't we go to Redwall?"

The crew responded with cheers. The voyage to the shore was a long and hard one, but they finally made it. The Captain knew that going by the River Moss like they did last time wasn't likely the best option. So he decided to to make berth at the great mountain Salamandastron. There they met the Badger Lord who simply asked where they were going, gave them supplies, and even offered to take care of the Hotroot.

The Badger Lord had also told them that some of his fighting hares had recently set out to Redwall in case the crew were to run into them. Carl and his crew marched out and made good time, arriving within sight of Redwall over the week.

Carl came out of his memory when he spotted a fox snooping around outside the walls of the abbey. The Captain had met many foxes in his life and out of all of them he had never met one that wasn't a plotting, conniving, and an otherwise evil creature.

"Twin swords eh?" He said as he drew his own twin cuttlasses. "That makes us two on two..."

The Captain of the Hotroot grinned.

Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Trigoma on August 25, 2011, 05:59:24 PM
andro stood up. "nay its only a bump mah freind" he said to the slinger. "what brings you all the way to this here abbey? by the way my name is Andronicus, andro for short."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on August 25, 2011, 11:04:05 PM
Razz inspected the abbey doors, prying and sniffing, she checked every nook and cranny. Finally sheathing her blades, she stepped back, surveying the grandeur of the monument. Hearing a slight scuffle behind her, she twitched her ears, looking in her peripheral vision. As she didn't see anything, she decided to chance looking at what had made the noise. Turning swiftly, she held her swords to the front, and was met by one of the most ferocious otters she had ever seen.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on August 26, 2011, 01:43:16 AM
Carl chuckled at the fox point pointing her blades at him.

"Your fast fox, we might even be to fast fer an old coot like meself. But I got one thing, if i'm not mistaken, ye don't have," He said as the rest of the crew of the Hotroot caught up to him, weapons ready. "Backup."

OOC: Shinella is it okay if The crew of the Hotroot knocks Razz out and takes her inside Redwall?
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on August 26, 2011, 02:07:41 PM
OOC: Surez! I would be fine with that. ;)

Razz snarled under her breath, milling her blades around, she stood her ground, "Kill meh if'n ye'd like, waterdog, but ye won't be alive fer long arter that!"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on August 26, 2011, 03:00:40 PM
Albrijna Shorepaw leapt out, and whacked Razzin over the head with one of her javelins.
She peered at the crumpled fox. 'Hmm, tough liddle beastie, eh?'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on August 26, 2011, 04:47:13 PM
"Aye," Said Carl. He then leaned down and grabbed the fox by the scruff of the neck. "Luckily fer ye fox, I don't kill just te kill. C'mon mateys, let's go inside."

The Crew marched over to the front gate, where they spotted another otter...

Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on August 26, 2011, 10:48:27 PM
 *Knocked out dead cold :) lol*
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: The Long Patrol on August 28, 2011, 06:38:09 PM
"I'm Warclaw, and I need shelter for the winter.  Sorry about the stones, I just wanted attention."and with that he took off, searching for the kitchens
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 30, 2011, 03:29:57 PM
Raio Rei headed into the kitchens, making sure that his wings did not knock anything over. He spotted a gigantic Woodland Summercream Trifle, so he went over to it and wordlessly started devouring it.

Meanwhile, Morena Seio the Hunter had become tired of waiting. Her went up to the gates of the abbey and banged loudly upon it with one paw. His claws and fangs were made from solid steel, having lost his real ones in combat long ago. He waited for the Abbeydwellers inside to respond.

OOC: Yes, I am finally bringing Morena into the main picture. And if anybeast wants to scold Raio for scoffing the gigantic trifle, go ahead. ;)
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on August 30, 2011, 03:43:47 PM
A hare maid walked up to Raio Rei. Instead of scolding him for eating without permission, she herself grabbed a nearby bowl of chestnuts.
"Redwall grub! Absolutely top hole, wot!" she said, "The names Diamond Orchid. Daugter of Elmswift, Long Patrol member, Ex-Redwall Musician, and Official Salamandastron Musician."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 30, 2011, 06:03:44 PM
Raio Rei's beak dropped open. "Sithee, that's a right large amount o' titles, lass! Are ye sure that those chestnuts'll be enough to feed thy gob?" He grabbed a nearby pastie and shoved it at her.

Morena Seio the Great Wildcat continued waiting.

OOC: Could one of you guys acknowledge the fact that Morena banged loudly on the abbey gate? He's waiting to be spoken to.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on August 31, 2011, 01:11:07 AM
OOC: I would but I can't.... fainted y'see ;) lol
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on August 31, 2011, 10:00:09 AM
Webbtail thought he heard a noise coming from the gates. Carefully passing Balga to his wife, he went to investigate.
It was a wildcat. "May I help you?" He asked.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on August 31, 2011, 07:33:45 PM
Morena Seio stared back up at the Redwaller. He was truly an imposing figure, jet black from tip to tail, with orange eyes. "My name is Morena Seio. I come to you in peace from the western regions. I wish to temporarily seek shelter here at this abbey for the winter." He took a small knife out of his belt and tossed it casually over his shoulder, not bothering to look where it landed. Thunk! It thudded hard into the ground. "Though I am a wildcat, I am neutral, and I do not ally myself with the vermin."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 01, 2011, 05:57:14 AM
Bluestrype looked suspiciously round the gate. 'Who is this, Webbtail?'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 01, 2011, 04:45:19 PM
The huge black wildcat sighed, holding his paws up so that the badger could see that he was unarmed. Doesn't change the fact that I have claws tht I can unsheath, he thought, smiling inwardly, but outwardly emotionless.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: The Long Patrol on September 02, 2011, 12:30:57 AM
Flametail was taking a walk when he saw an otter with a dagger in his paw.  Sheathing his sword he quickly took down the creature with high speed. "I come in peace!" "oh.  Well you can't jolly well blame me for being alert." "I suppose I can't."  and with that Flametail followed Warclaw to the kitchens.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 02, 2011, 12:36:42 AM
Carl and the crew of the Hotroot dragged the fox to the gate. Where they spotted a great wildcat.

"Things never change," Muttered Carl. " Nine seasons and the place is still crawling with vermin..."

OOC: I'm back!
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 02, 2011, 12:44:03 AM
Quote from: Nightfire on August 30, 2011, 06:03:44 PM
Raio Rei's beak dropped open. "Sithee, that's a right large amount o' titles, lass! Are ye sure that those chestnuts'll be enough to feed thy gob?" He grabbed a nearby pastie and shoved it at her.

Diamond spoke as she ate the pastie, "I hope to add a few more titles to my name. Maybe 'Best Grub Eater' or 'Wielder of The Spoon and Dirk'. Well, as long as it has something with food, I wouldn't mind."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 02, 2011, 08:34:10 PM
OOC: Yay!! Welcome back mah bonnae friend!

BIC: Razz groaned, she started to raise her hands to rub the sore spot on her head when they were yanked backwards. Razz fell to the ground. Growling curses under her breath, she tried to jump up, but fell flat on her face, realizing that her foot-paws were also tied. She looked up, glaring at an otter that was looking at her from above, grinning foolishly like a duckling that had just learned to swim.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 02, 2011, 11:22:01 PM
Carl grinned at the fox as she stared angrily up at him.

"Now take a look over there vermin, and tell me who yer kitty friend over there is, hmmm?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 03, 2011, 12:41:57 AM
OOC: By 'kitty friend', are you making a reference to Morena? BIC:

Morena Seio bowed slightly to Carl Galedeep and Bluestrype. "I will sleep out on the lawn so I do not scare your Dibbuns, but I am requesting shelter. May I stay in this abbey for the winter?"

OOC: Can someone PLEASE answer Morena's question?!?!
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 03, 2011, 04:21:55 AM
OOC: I would! lol.. cant though

Razz's stare became blank, she looked at the wildcat, her face scrunched up, "Never seen him before... why do you want me here anyway? What right have you to knock me over the head with some boat-walloper and tie me up like this?!" she struggled to stand again.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on September 03, 2011, 05:51:54 AM
Webbtail looked at the wildcat from head to toe. He looked safe enough. "Come in," he replied, "I'll take you to the Abbess."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 04, 2011, 06:09:24 PM
"Thankee," Morena said, bowing deeply. "Wintertide will soon be upon us, and I sense and see that it will be a winter of the like we have never seen before!" He followed Webbtail to the abbey.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 05, 2011, 04:01:16 AM
Tenija Wyteshaft waited until everybeast had gone, then she went up to the big gate, and rapped on it with her bow. Then she waited for somebeast to come out.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 05, 2011, 10:01:37 PM
Carl was getting frustrated, why were all these vermin around Redwall? He growled at the fox.

"What's your game vermin?" The Captain said. "A fox and a cat both in the same place, why shouldn't I expect an entire horde of your kind somewhere around?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 06, 2011, 01:19:06 AM
Razz glared at him nonchalantly, "I'm not just any fox, water-dog, so don't judge! Why don't you start asking reality questions like, am I a real vermin, a true one, who is out for the blood of honest woodlanders."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 06, 2011, 10:34:22 PM
Morena noticed Carl arguing with the fox. "Is there a problem?" he asked, leaning nonchalantly against Redwall's ash tree.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 07, 2011, 04:53:50 AM
Carl ignored the wildcat, and looked up at his old friend, Bluestrype.

"Don't you think it's a little strange that these two show up at nearly the same time!?" The Captain roared. "I say we throw th..."

He got no further in his rant, because he was knocked unconscious. Dagen put down his heavy pack, and picked the unconscious Captain up.

"I Apologize for my Captain's behavior. Too many years fighting vermin does that to a beast..." Dagen said softly. He then dragged Carl Galedeep inside the abbey. The Crew of the Hotroot solemnly following.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 07, 2011, 01:03:15 PM
Raio Rei was still gorging himself in the kitchens.  ;)

Morena Seio walked towards the orchard, noticing a hedgehog working hard to water a row of plants. The cat knelt down next to them. "What seems to be the problem with these vegatable plants?"
The hedgehog grunted. "No matter 'ow much less or more water I gives 'em, they still wither an' die. This be my last row of 'em." Morena carefully inspected the leaves, noticing that they were yellowish and washed-out looking. He inspected the soil, then realized what was wrong. "The soil has no nutrition here where the plants are growing. It was drained by the previous season's crops." The hedgehog looked bemused. "Never did think of that. Harumph, supposed we'll just have to without squash until next year." Morena stood again. "You will not need to go without. I suggest fish." the hedgegog blinked. "Fish?"
He nodded. "I am a descendant of the blood of Gingivere the Wildcat. As you may know from the abbey records, Gingivere owned a farm. I was raised there, and learned much about caring for plants and growing things. Bury fish into the soil, and it will replenish the soil." He walked off towards the main abbey building, leaving behind a very bemused hedgehog.

OOC: I just needed something helpful for Morena to do so that the Redwallers would like him.  ;) :)
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 07, 2011, 09:20:00 PM
Razz grinned, "Gets that from fighting vermin, eh? Maybe that's where I got my temper..." she bit through her bonds quickly and walked towards the Abbey building, quickly sheathing her long rapiers, it was a peaceful place, war did not take place here often.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 09, 2011, 10:12:29 AM
Tenija Wyteshaft was getting impatient. She banged a few more times on the door with her bow, and waited. When it seemed that nobeast was coming out, she threw back her head and yelled, 'AYREYELAAAAA!'
Finally, the gate was opened, and a badger poked her head out. 'What is it?' she asked bad temperedly. 'Another creature come to stay for the winter?'
Tenija smiled winningly. 'How did you guess, marm?'
'It's hard to explain. Come in. By the way, my name is Bluestrype.'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 09, 2011, 06:20:43 PM
OOC:  :D That was hilarious, Tiria!  :D
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 10, 2011, 02:33:25 AM
Razz spun around, her twin swords were suddenly at her side as she zoned in on the newcomer. Seeing a badger perfectly fine with the newcomer, Razz relaxed, putting her swords up, she snooped towards them, then was suddenly at their side, smiling winningly, "Good-day to ye, marms... scairt seen naught o' thes jollae ol' abbey, eh?'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 10, 2011, 12:48:56 PM
OOC: You thought that was funny? Oh well... :D
BIC: Bluestrype turned to look at Razz. 'Razzin, this squirrel is called...oh, wait a minute, friend, I don't think I got your name.'
Tenija smiled loosely. 'I'm Tenija Wyteshaft, marm. I'm supposin' you've never seen a white squirrel afore?'
The badger nodded. 'I don't think so. I have seen black squirrels, but no white ones. It's quite remarkable.'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 10, 2011, 03:51:13 PM
Raio Rei flew out of the abbey, having been chased out from the kitchencs by an angry friar. He spotted the small group by the gate, and he flew over. "Hello, I am Raio. Who is the whitewashed squirrel?"

OOC: Morena Seio is still waiting to see the abbess.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 10, 2011, 08:03:39 PM
Razz nodded, "Nice ta meetcha ah'm sure, lassie. Now.. any jolly vermin been seen round heyar lately?"

(Argh..! Sry guys.. i just can't talk like a vermin today.. =/ meh...)
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 11, 2011, 05:14:35 AM
Tenija looked sideways at Raio. 'Whitewashed squirrel? I don't see no whitewashed squirrel. What do you mean, Raio?'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 11, 2011, 07:17:57 PM
Raio tucked his wings behind his back. "Arr, 'tis just a northern expression for an albino beastie. Meant nothin' by et! Sithee, this weather's goin' to be fair cold this winter! I hope I'll still be able to catch some fish. Mayhaps I'll need help breaking the ice, though..." His savage golden eye narrowed at them. "Say, why is the small fat friarbeast in the kitchens so violent? He chased me jest becoose I fed upon afternoon tea!!!"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 13, 2011, 02:11:48 AM
Razz snickered, "Take a lil' nibble at et, did je now?" she asked mockingly.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 13, 2011, 06:42:36 PM
Dagen walked quietly down the hall to the infirmary. He had visited his cousin, and seen his little son. He also saw to it that the crew was settled in and he now went to check on the Captain.

Dagen opened the door to the infirmary where he saw his Captain sitting up in bed, staring out the window.

"How are ye feelin' Cap'n?" The younger otter asked. Carl didn't answer at first, then frowned and said,

"What have I become Dagen?" The Otter Captain paused and looked at his scarred and worn palms, "Some sort of, war monger?

Carl Galedeep then looked at Dagen with strange eyes, then fell unconscious again. Dagen left the infirmary troubled.

OOC: Will be gone most of the week, sorry.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 13, 2011, 07:21:03 PM
OOC: We'll miss ya! BIC:

Raio Rei flared his impressive golden wings, glaring savagly at Razz. "Kreeehaaarrr!!! If ye wish to keep your tail, then mock me not!" He flashed his hooked beak wickedly.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 14, 2011, 08:39:37 PM
Razz shrugged, tugging her ear in apology, "Sorrae ol' top," she replied in the accented common of the mountain hares.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 14, 2011, 10:21:01 PM
Raio subsided, folding his wings against his sides. "Kreeehah! Just do not do it again! Now, where is the pond? Those strawberry things do not sit well with me, I want grayling!" He hopskipped in to direction of the pond, then sat next to it, staring into the water until he saw a silver flash. SPLASH! His head jerked down, and he came up again with a massive grayling in his beak. He dropped it on the ground, killing the fish with one blow of his talons. "Khree! Mayhaps this will please the fat friarbeast!" He strutted off to the kitchens with his prize, a four foot long grayling.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 15, 2011, 01:33:52 AM
Razz gaped at the huge grayling, then politely excused herself from her company, she trailed the large bird to the Frair's palace.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 15, 2011, 03:24:56 PM
OOC: Who is the Friar?

Raio noticed Razz following him, but ignored the creature. He entered the kitchens and dropped the grayling onto an open table. Friar _____ gaped, then squeaked in ecstasy. "This is incredible! I shall create the greatest masterpeice to ever grace the tables of Redwall since Hugo! And you, my brave eagle, shall have the biggest porion for catching it!" He ordered his kitchen helpers, and together they all began preparing the food. Raio grinned inwardly, for as you know, an eagle is a royal bird, and thus must never smile or show amusement. He stood there watching the grayling being prepared, already longing for it's taste.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 18, 2011, 03:54:12 AM
Diamond roamed the abbey. How lovely it was to be here again. She noticed a hansom squirrel climbing up a leaf-less tree.
"Wot ho up there?" Diamond called.
A smiling squirrel looked down at her, "Is that Diamond?"
"Yes it is."
"Don't you remember me? I'm Friggle," said the squirrel as he jumped to the ground.
A look of surprise spread across Diamond's face, "Friggle? Why you have grown so!"
Friggle blushed slightly, "You look good as well. Hope your footpaw has been feeling well."
Diamond looked down at her footpaw. There was a long ago battle wound which made her limp sightly. "Nothing to complain about," was all Diamond said.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 18, 2011, 04:00:06 AM
Razz licked her lips at the delicious aroma floating on the air from the kitchens, she stood beside the grayling-catcher, watching the Frair with interest, "Knows allaboot et, don't he?" she asked quietly.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 18, 2011, 07:26:26 AM
Tenija Wyteshaft gaped at the monstrous fish that the Friar was preparing with some of his helpers.
He turned on her and scowled. 'Go away! I can't do my work properly with a sunbleached squirrel breathing down my neck!'
She scowled right back at him. 'Sunbleached squirrel indeed.' Then she marched out of the kitchen and walked straight into Raio Rei. 'Whoops! Sorry sir!' She said nervously. Having been brought up in the woodlands, she was not used to being inside a building, and it made her clumsy.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 18, 2011, 06:52:43 PM
Raio clacked his beak. "It be all right, lass. I too, do not enjoy being indoors. Were it nought for the kitchens being here, I never would have ventured within a building at all." He extended one massive wing towards her. "I am Raio Rei, the Thunderbolt King of the Northern Mountains. Who be you?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 19, 2011, 01:42:18 AM
Razz scowled at Raio as his wing nearly knocked her flat, "Aye, why dontcha just hop ootsaid laike ye said ye should!" she snapped, venturing further into the kitchen and muttering under her breath.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 19, 2011, 02:12:59 AM
Raio screeched something less than complimentary at her, bloodlust riding in his eyes. "I should eat ye, foul beast!"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 19, 2011, 07:26:05 AM
Tenija made a sweepy bow and fell over. 'Whoops! My name is Tenija Wyteshaft. I came here to stay for the winter. I take it you are here for the same reason?'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 19, 2011, 07:20:50 PM
Raio looked down at her. "Yes, missie, that I have. That vermin Razz does not belong in the abbey! All of my ancestry is telling me to kill!" The golden eagle beat his wings in frustration. "If that beast taunts me one more time, then I will eat it, and ask for the abbess's pardon later!"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 19, 2011, 08:41:51 PM
Razz cast him a glare of mock severity, "Would ye now? Foul bestie yonself!" and with that, she flew towards the kitchens as fast as her legs could carry her, her swords half-drawn to defend herself if need be.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 19, 2011, 10:05:07 PM
Raio made a mild chirping sound, squinting his golden eyes. "Hah! Cowardly wee beastie! Now, who be you?" He asked, turning to Tenija Wyteshaft. "I have ne'er seen a white squirrel afore!"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on September 20, 2011, 10:14:16 AM
Webbtail wandered over. "What seems to be the matter?" he asked.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 20, 2011, 12:49:59 PM
Tenija smiled apologetically at him. 'Raio Rei wants to eat Razz.'
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 20, 2011, 02:21:22 PM
Razz sheathed her blades, casting Raio a jaundiced glance. Then she mearly swaggered into the kitchens, chunnering.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 20, 2011, 10:21:21 PM
Raio folden his wings behind his back as he addressed the otter. "That vermin is disrespectful and evil. If she comes near me again, then I will eat her and ask for the abbess's pardon later. As long as she stays away, then her life is assured."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 21, 2011, 04:58:56 AM
Elmswift, who was in the kitchens, made a move to get between the two who were fighting. In one swift movement the hare drew his blades. "Not one more word! Vermin are not to be hurt when they are not harming anybeast. Have you no sense of honor?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on September 21, 2011, 10:14:47 AM
Webbtail shook his head. "Mates, I'm with Elmswift. It's just not right!"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 21, 2011, 04:54:05 PM
Raio spread his wings wide in an appeasment. "I have honour. Do not dare ye question that. I apologise if I offended ye abbeydwellers, but it is the way of the golden eagle. I shall try to conform to your ways a little better, but I was trained to fight vermin since I was an eggchick. Do forgive me."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 21, 2011, 05:06:13 PM
Elmswift looked at the eagle. He himself was not from the abbey. It was hard to him understand their peaceful ways, but it must be even harder for Raio to do so. "Alright then. Just control your temper."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 21, 2011, 05:10:20 PM
Raio Rei clacked his wicked-looking curved beak. "I shall try. Is that small friarbeast done making the fish yet?" He poked his head into the kitchens eagerly, his golden eyes fixed on the huge grayling.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 22, 2011, 12:15:53 AM
Razz leaped with fright as she was confronted by a huge golden eye, she rapidly scarfed the scone she had managed to grab behind the frairs back, then backed up, still watching Raio, but her hunger overruling her caution. She grabbed another scone, stuffing it down her face in one bite.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 22, 2011, 01:37:28 AM
Raio inwardly rolled his eyes at the vermin's cowardice, then kept eyeing the grayling. He watched intently as the friar took it out of the oven and began garnishing it with some watershrimp that the otters had caught.

OOC: Sorry, Friar Hugo, but I'm stealing your recipe! :D
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 23, 2011, 04:13:45 AM
Dagen walked in the Redwall garden deep in thought. Then he notice some movement up on the wall. Ah distinct silhouette of an otter with two swords strapped on his back...

"Captain?" Dagen shouted. The Captain started running. "Captain!"

Dagen rushed up the stairs onto the wall and stared chasing Carl.

"Captain stop!"

"Your Captain now Dagen!" The otter Captain roared before he jumped off the wall. Dagen stopped and gaped in shock.

"Captain...." He whispered. He paused for a few moments, the mustered up the courage to walked to the edge and look down.

There was no body.

Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on September 23, 2011, 09:15:51 AM
OOC~ Did Carl just commit suicide?!  :o :(
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 02:33:46 PM
OOC: Nah, he can't have. There was no body, remember? Although I'm curious...why did Carl jump off the wall and promote someone else to Captain??
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 23, 2011, 02:48:52 PM
OOC: Just so I can make this to clear everybody Carl is not dead.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 03:56:33 PM
OOC: Why did he jump over the wall? :)
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 23, 2011, 05:00:29 PM
Deep in Mossflower a dark figure moved quickly through the underbrush.

He knew he had no place in that sanctuary of peace. But that wasn't the only reason he left.

Over the years he had developed an excellent sense of smell. And he could smell them, coming. There was no way he was going to let them threaten the beautiful peace.

Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 06:10:35 PM
Morena was a little wary of the abbeydwellers, because they were acting so awkward around him. He wandered away from the main building and found the pond, where he sat by the water with his footpaws dangling in. His orange eyes narrowed in frustration. Everyone is always judging me, just because I am a wildcat!
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 23, 2011, 10:14:17 PM
Razz grabbed another scone, receiving a sharp tap on her paw from a kitchen helper, who glared at her fiercely. She put on a bright smile, grabbed another scone, and fled the kitchens with the two scones tucked under her jerkin.

(she's like a hare.. never enough food!! :) scarfbag!)
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 11:18:24 PM
OOC: In case you guys haven't noticed, Morena is feeling a little annoyed and left-out.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 23, 2011, 11:18:40 PM
Tibbit came walking up to the abbey pond. He saw the wildcat, but he was not scared. He had seen a badger in bloodwrath. A calm cat was nothing. He sat just a little ways from Morena, as quiet as he could be.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 11:25:00 PM
OOC: Hey! I just noticed that you character's name is spelled the same backwards or forwards!!  :D Is Tibbit a hare? BIC:

Morena glanced at Tibbit out of the corner of one eye, nodding a greeting to the beast. "This abbey is an interesting place," he said, flicking a leaf into the pond with one claw.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 23, 2011, 11:28:37 PM
OCC: Yep he's a hare. I got the name from watching the credits of a TV show. BIC:

"You telling me!" Tibbit said. He felt he could speak now that Morena had, "I'm Tibbit the hare. I'm in the Long Patrol."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 23, 2011, 11:39:00 PM
Razz swaggered around Great Hall, she scarfed the two scones down, then decided to take a peek around the outside of the abbey building.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 11:45:09 PM
OOC: Umm...Shinella? Tibbit is outside next to the abbey pond right now, not in the kitchens.  :D BIC:

Morena hled out one sinewy paw. "I am Morena Seio, Hunter of the Eastern Lands. I am a wanderer, and have only come to the abbey to stay out the winter.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 24, 2011, 02:32:06 PM
"So am I! Well, the jolly old General Elmswift and his pretty little daughter are staying the winter. I just came because I have to follow blooming orders, wot!" Tibbit said.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 24, 2011, 08:25:18 PM
OOC: lolllz!! i know... Razz had come out of the abbey.. I'll modify though... she'll come out again in a sec.. ^.^
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 24, 2011, 08:39:17 PM
Morena chuckled. "Well, that is commendable. Everybeast should learn to follow orders if they have superiors. I have none, because I am a wanderer, but I do obey Lord Stoneoak of Salamandastron. Sometimes."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 24, 2011, 09:18:52 PM
OCC: Tibbit is going to kinda know you, since they both work under Lord Stoneoak (sometimes that is). He's a lives at Salamandastron, donchya know. BIC:

"Oh, I've heard of you before. Won't the chaps in back home be thrilled when I tell them I met Morena! Everyone was jealous that I got picked to go with Elmswift. They said Diamond must've put a good word in for me," Tibbit said. He looked around as if making sure Diamond was not listening, "She would deny that she did though."

"Hello," said another voice. It was Diamond. She and Friggle had been talking. Friggle had to go attend he chores, and Elmswift sent Diamond out to find the lazy Tibbit was. "Who might you be?" she asked Morena.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 25, 2011, 02:33:50 AM
Razz romped from the abbey building, seeing the refreshing pond, she sauntered towards it. The sight of another vermin like herself at first had her fur tingling, but seeing as he was kindly toward the Redhall creatures, she decided to find out about him herself.... Razz plopped down beside the wildcat, "Good'ay ta ye chaps!" she greeted them.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 27, 2011, 01:57:50 AM
Morena glanced at Razz. "Yes, I suppose it is a good day, if you consider dark clouds good." He pointed on long, silvery claw at the horizon. Sure enough, stormclous were brewing. "And my name is Morena Seio. I would be immensely pleased if you adressed me as such, instead of calling me 'chap' as though you were a hare." The cat resumed staring at the water, then abruptly his claws flashed down, snaring a small fish. The cat stood and walked over to the east walltop, where he sat on a battlement and began eating the fish raw.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 27, 2011, 02:30:54 PM
Razz looked quite ataken aback, and when the wildcat left, she murmered to Tibbit, "Pesty chap, ain't 'e?" she grinned and swept her hat off her head, "Razz, at y'service, sah! And, who art thou, if I'm so daring to inquire?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 27, 2011, 03:18:12 PM
"I'm Tibbit, the Long Patrol hare," Tibbit said.
"And General's been looking for you, lazy little blighter," Diamond broke in.
Tibbit turned to Diamond, with a noble look on his face,"Me, lazy? Never young chappess, not ever me. I was simply resting my tired mind and paws."
"Of coarse," Diamond rolled her eyes, "Hello Razz, I Diamond Orchid, Daughter of Elmswift, Long Patrol hare, ex-Redwall musician, and official Salamandaston musician."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 27, 2011, 03:52:56 PM
Dagen sauntered about blindly, not sure what his Captain had done or why he had done it.

Your Captain now Dagen!

He couldn't handle being a Captain, not like Carl was anyway. He fell to his knees by the pond and as it started to rain, he wasn't sure if was rain on his face or tears.

He moved like a shadow through Mossflower woods, not stopping. He could smell them, closer. Ever closer.

He grinned.

Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 27, 2011, 04:15:31 PM
OCC: Okay, is it raining now? Is Dagen by the abbey pond or a different pond?
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 27, 2011, 04:16:16 PM
OOC: The abbey pond
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 27, 2011, 04:21:21 PM
It began to rain. "Come on Tibbit! Inside! I don't want to get wet."
"Alright, come on, let's get inside," Tibbit said.

OCC: Do you want Diamond to bring Dagen inside the abbey?
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 27, 2011, 04:37:02 PM
OOC:Sure he's not very conscious of much right now.

Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 27, 2011, 04:41:14 PM
Morena Seio had climbed the belltower, and was now standing on the windowsill. The cat swung himself out of the sill, and, in a move that would have killed anyone but a wildcat or squirrel, climbed up and stood on the roof of Redwall Abbey, gripping the weathervane with one paw. His orange eyes narrowed as he looked thorugh the rain. The storm would keep the vermin put for now, but once morning came tomorrow, he was sure they'd attack.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 27, 2011, 08:57:13 PM
Diamond, on her way inside saw Dagen. She nodded to Tibbit. The two hares managed to carry the otter into the abbey.
"Dagen?" Diamond asked, "Dagen, are you all right?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 27, 2011, 09:03:06 PM
Morena climbed halfway down the abbey wall and then swung into a dormitory window, nearly colliding with anotherbeast!
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 27, 2011, 11:50:12 PM
"Gone," Muttered Dagen "He's gone"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 28, 2011, 01:32:00 AM
Diamond was confused, "Who's gone?" She looked up to Tibbit for help. Tibbit merely shrugged his shoulders.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on September 28, 2011, 03:04:01 AM
"Why did he jump off?" Dagen whispered. "Why?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on September 28, 2011, 09:48:50 AM
Webb, who saw it all happen, answered for him. "Captain Galedeep, he jumped off the abbey walls. It was quite frightening! Let's get Dagen inside, mates, he needs a bit of warmth, me thinks."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 28, 2011, 02:26:52 PM
"Galedeep? Who's Galedeep?" Tibbit asked Diamond.
She replied, "He's the captain of the otter crew. The otter crew Dagen's in."
"Why did he go and jump over the blooming edge?" Tibbit said. The two hares sat Dagen down on a bench in Great Hall.
"Maybe we should take him up to the infirmary." Diamond said.
"Perhaps, let's get this the chap up to the blinking infirmary," Tibbit said. He was getting rather tired of carrying Dagen around.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 28, 2011, 05:06:38 PM
OOC: By the way, when I wrote that Morena collided with somebeast, then I was wondering if anyone would like to be that beast that he collides with. Ya don't have to be, just wondering.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 29, 2011, 01:00:33 AM
OOC: Sorry! I would make it Razz, but she's off on a jolly rain walk.. xD

BIC: Razz whooped with joy at the sight of rain coming from the sky. Her eyes twinkled as she jumped up, yelling, "Lettit rain! I love der rain!" she danced in a circle and smiled, from inside out, as the scenery around her grew muddy but fresh, all the abbey-dwellers had abandoned the grounds and she was free to roam as she pleased.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 29, 2011, 03:43:51 PM
Morena quickly leapt away from the beast he had collided with, holding his paws ready. "I apologise. I did not watch where I was going."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 29, 2011, 04:15:03 PM
The beast Morena collied with was Elmswift. He had been searching around for Pimpom. He struggled up to his feet, "Don't fret. I've been through worse." The hare looked up to Morena, "I say, your a blooming wildcat. Best not go sneaking around here. The beast here aren't used to ones like you. You could scare them."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on September 29, 2011, 04:40:23 PM
Morena glanced down at his jet black fur. "You have a point. I wasn't sneaking, though, I was on the abbey roof. I came through the window to get out from the elements."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on September 29, 2011, 09:27:30 PM
Razz leaped and twirled, singing a rain song she had learned several seasons before from a vole she had once saved from vermin. She drew her swords, twirling them happily in a dance as she stumbled on through the blinding rain, happy as ever, despite the conditions.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on September 30, 2011, 01:42:32 AM
Curiously, as sudden as the rain had come it just as quickly stopped. All of the dibbuns gave several cheers of joy and ran out to play in the puddles, with several of the others close behind them.

OOC: After more beastz are outzide again the eagle will come, juzt lettin' everybeazt ken.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 30, 2011, 03:07:12 PM
Quote from: Nightfire on September 29, 2011, 04:40:23 PM
Morena glanced down at his jet black fur. "You have a point. I wasn't sneaking, though, I was on the abbey roof. I came through the window to get out from the elements."

"I see. Still, it could give a beast some fright," Elmswift said. He held out a paw to the wildcat, "I'm General Elmswift Orchid."
Tibbit and Diamond had carried Dagen up to the infirmary. They sat him down on the bed. "Dagen, chap!" Tibbit said, "Are you okay?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on October 01, 2011, 02:07:19 AM
Razz looked crestfallen as the rain stopped, but seeing the pond swelling, she raced over and dove in, laughing with delight.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on October 03, 2011, 03:57:05 PM
Morena bowed his head. "It is a pleasure to meet you, General. I am Morena Seio, wanderer from the west."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Redwall Musician on October 04, 2011, 03:03:43 PM
"I see. You haven't happened to see any hares around here. I'm looking for one who goes by the name Pimpom. The big fellow was sent up here because he was eating all the grub in the kitchens," Elmswift asked Morena though he knew Pimpom was most likely hiding in a bed asleep.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on October 04, 2011, 07:18:21 PM
Morena smiled slightly, showing off a set of impressive white fangs. "I saw a harebeast nearby, in one the Dibbuns' dormitories. It may be the one you are searching for."
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on October 05, 2011, 02:35:07 PM
Balga rushed outside, happy to be outdoors after the rain and ready to play with the other dibbuns.


Webbtail sat in the infirmary, inspecting Dagen. Dagen was his cousin, and he hadn't seen him for a while. This was the first time he saw Dagen in a while, but here he was, shocked over a death! He had only met Captain Galedeep a few times, but felt Dagen's loss. Webb got along well with Galedeep. He sighed deeply, and sat back as he watched the others fussing around Dagen.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on October 06, 2011, 02:21:04 AM
Razz dived into the pond, swimming around its storm-stuck surface. She smiled happily, "T'will rain agin.. ah'm sure of et!"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on October 06, 2011, 07:01:38 PM
Raio Rei flew out into the abbey grounds, then swooped down on the pond and snatched a clawful of shrimp. He set about eating it messily.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Shinella on October 09, 2011, 05:35:06 AM
Razz made a face at the bird, calling out, "Ahoy, Featherbag! Mind eating with a bit more grace?"
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Galedeep on October 09, 2011, 06:04:26 AM
Dagen suddenly bolted up in his bed, "CAPTAIN!"

OOC: Sorry I haven't been on in a while, the virus kinda scared me off.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: DanielofRedwall on October 14, 2011, 04:53:03 AM
OOC- Don't worry, mate!

BIC- Webb jumped as Dagen suddenly yelled. He then watched as the nurses started working on him. "Any way I can 'elp, mateys?" he asked.


Meanwhile, deep in Mossflower woods, a vermin horde, fighting the snow and wind, made steady progress. They could see their goal in sight, rising magically above the trees, the very picture of beauty. But Ballista the Fierce didn't care about the beauty of the place. The ferret just wanted to conquer it so he hand his horde could live in complete comfort, even on terrible winters like these. He had heard the stories of those who previously tried to conquer it, but these didn't scare him off. Nothing scared Ballista.
He had grown the horde simply because nobody would dare refuse him. Just one look at the deadly sword he carried and the scars covering his body was enough to scare even the bravest of beasts. He was not one to say no too. Ballista used this to his advantage as he quickly grew the largest and most skilled group of fighters in the land. Peppering them with promises of riches and treasure meant none of them ever left.
Occasionally, some beast dared challenge him. These headstrong vermin wanted his position. Ballista made quick work of them. Nobody could beat Ballista in a sword fight.
A nearby rat pointed in to a tree, and muttered, "master."
Ballista looked up. A large eagle was sitting, staring at them. Eagle meat was good. That eagle was so
large it could feed the entire horde! Snatching a bow and arrow off a nearby weasel, he fired. The arrow
hit the bird just above the wing, but did not kill it. It screeched it pain before taking off, the arrow still
attached. Ballista spat on the floor. Another missed opportunity!

OOC- Just moving this thing on and introducing the vermin leader. The eagle he shot at will be the one who arrives at the Abbey. The arrow wounded it badly and the flight finished him off. He will be half dead by the time it arrives. Someone can make it appear now.
Title: Re: RP: The War of the Ice Paws
Post by: Nightfire on October 20, 2011, 02:15:16 PM
Raio glared disdainfully at Razz, then threw a peice of shrimp. It went splat! on the vermin's nose.

Morena Seio was watching from within the branches of the ash tree, and he chuckled quietly at the scene.