Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Mischevael on November 05, 2014, 11:39:36 AM

Title: ~Fanfic by Mischevael.
Post by: Mischevael on November 05, 2014, 11:39:36 AM
Control Override comes to Redwall

            Preface: Control Override is the connective substance between the world of Gothos and all that the Edith tide may reach. It is the force and permission to enter any realm other than where they exist. It has already joined with countless realms ever seeking new bounds and limits to cross.

          The Edith tide is the bloodflow of Control Override. As seen by those to whom it chooses it appears as stars flowing in a river. The river has the appearance of the colors of bubbles as they float in the light. The Edith tide aids in directing the mice and rabbits of Gothos and keeps them together wherever they may be.

           The Gothosian mice and rabbits are unique in stature. They each possess omnipotent power to dictate and reorder time, space, and physical law. They are a reclusive sort despite their abilities. The are highly educated and instructive in wisdom. They desire to teach their knowledge and wisdom to each other and with those they meet. They greatly enjoy music and more so they love to sing. They use the songs of those gone before and others to inspire those who they wish to associate. Every hundred or so years they have a longing to meet someone new and to associate themselves with other societies. This time they are directed to a realm secluded, one that is primitive in culture a cluster of haphazard groups of different animal sects. As the Edith tide has searched it has found one particular sect, a happy, peaceful gathering. A mixture of mice, hares, badgers, hedgehogs, moles and otters. One Gothosian, a bay colored mouse six feet tall desired to see to what he was drawn.

           Part 1: On the ledge in the front of the Abbey stood the Abbott, an aged mouse that every day before dawn walks the ledge peering into the stars. Sometimes he'll let thoughts wonder about the heavens, could there be others or are they alone. One morning he and a younger mouse were discussing the previous day's activities along the ledge they walked. Stopping in the northwest corner they noticed a strange event. The stars seemed to glide out of their places and reappear as though something moving was distorting their light. In the horizon there for an instant was a twinkling of light just under the distorted sky. Then everything returned as it was.

           Walking along the strange land the bay colored mouse wandered southward. Seeing the landscape in the night he started singing a warning to keep the natural order and not to depart.

"Stray not from the path set.
Or her wrath shall you beget, in defiance of her violation.
Her laws are engraved, in her construction paved.
In her very form, she does warn against strange variation.

Suffer the cause?
Of her violated laws, seek for the solution.
It is a thing simple, find the violated principle.
Lest the course you pursue, shall continue her retribution.

In her efforts to purify;
Her laws you deny, she will rebel with disease and condition.
She must be assisted, but if she be resisted.
Nature's dissenter, shall enter her final rendition."

          With the sweetest accord sang the mouse whose voice carried along the wind in the faint hearing of onlooking mice of Redwall. "What is that, do you hear it Father Abbott?" said the younger mouse. "Yes, I do." he replied. "A wise saying if I ever heard one." "I wonder who it is." inquired the younger. An inquisitive mouse named Simian.

           The sun broke through with a shining ray of gold upon the plains. The inhabitants of Redwall were starting to stir about to prepare for the day. The dibbuns came running out playing with their toys the otters have fashioned from wood. As they gathered from the patches from within the walls there came a sudden feeling they all stopped and peered at the gates as if some strange thing were happening. Then came three loud knocks, peering over the ledge Simian said,"there's no beast there." Then came three more knocks, he leaned over and saw a strange creature.

         The mouse of bay color in black pants and shirt with no seam between the two. A red sash about the waist again no seam. "Who goes there?" came a voice from the top. The stranger didn't respond, he just stared at the structure looking as if pondering its construction. Simian shouted again. This time the stranger looked up straight at him. He said, "a mouse and a pilgrim, wandering about seeking whom he shall find." Puzzled at his response, Simian looked at the Abbott confused. "What do you say, father Abbott?" "Open the gate." the Abbott told the gatekeeper.

           The first to step outside was a young mouse by the name of Malachi. Upon seeing the stranger he froze in astonishment. In the front of his shirt was a golden Celtic knot with letters written under. The one thing most noted of this mouse was his eyes. They were as mirrors, small discs of reflective silver. They all gether ed in front to greet the stranger. "Welcome to Redwall Abbey," said the Abbott. "I am father Abbott, who might you be?" "My name is Mischevael, I come from afar to see if there is any who will be worthy of my company." "Well I hope we will suite your journey's purpose, Mischevael. Please, come in."

          There was a mousemaid of fairly young age, who dreamed of wild adventures somewhere outside the Abbey. She read up many times of the adventures the Redwallers had in the past and was quite taken back in such endeavors. Oftentimes she'd be caught up in her own thoughts of gallivanting in the unknown, even as she performed her daily chores she would get lost in her wild desire. "Mariam!" came a shout of surprise from the badger as she felt the weight of her foot stepping on her toes. "Sorry, Cassidy." "Still daydreamin' I see." "Not really" came the reply. "Then why are you going in Jargo's room with a bundle of sheets, this isn't the closet?" Her task was to remove the dry sheets after washing them and return them to the storage room. "One day you'll find yourself, but for now keep your head." Cassidy said, warmly. "Have you heard we have a visitor?"

           "Come, sit at the table our morning food is being prepared. Why don't you join us for some food?" the Abbott asked the bay mouse. "Thank you, you're too kind." "Good morning all, wot!" came a shout from the yard in the entrance hall. It was Taggin the hare. He came bounding out excited about the day. Leaping onto the table he stopped. Noticing black instead of the usual brown of the habits worn by the others. He said, "and who is this, a mouse in black and..." Stopping to notice his own reflection peering back into his eyes, "My name is Mischevael, and yours is Taggin." "Righto chap, Taggin the leap." "The Leap?" "It's because he can leap high and far, he can clear the width of this table easy," came a soothing voice from beside him. "I'm Mariam."

           A mouse in a sheet coat came out ringing a small bell. "It is time to present our morning food." It was plenty of small cakes and breads, and creamy soups of different sorts all prepared from the middle of the night. They had strawberry cordial from the cellars and everyone ate their fill. Once again Taggin was playing tug o' war with the last of the mash cakes on the other end a mole. "This gurt cake is moin, sur Taggin." "I had an eye on it first, Boigin." Taggin's grip slipped and sent his goblet flying through the air. It was Mischevael who orchestrated the event in order to introduce a lesson.

           Landing straight up in front of his plate he took it and peered into it's empty space. The same feeling fell on the entire camp as before. A silence swept through as Mischevael started to speak.

"Peace, peace.
Shall only increase, the laxity.
And care for ones own, shall be left alone.
To fend against covetous desire, and the fire of selfishness attacks thee.

I wish not for conflict.
But for the dereliction, I say let it arise.
Better to give life for brother, in love and unity for one another.
Than to live a slave, a knave to selfishness where love dies.

Do without expectation.
Or rationalization, but as an undeserving servant.
Have no thought of what is thine, so shall your radiance shine.
Working with others in mind, leaves pride and lust behind and shall curb want.

Yet if you follow that course.
You'll be overthrown with blinding force, as dissatisfaction commences.
Your eye shall despise, till you can no longer be recognized.
And the war you'll fight, Will be right here within your fences.

"So true," the Abbott replied. Shaking his head in disbelief Taggin insisted Boigin take the cake. The days of early autumn pass slowly despite the shortening length. Each day passed relatively the same as the one before, but there was a secret love desired by one. Every two or three days Mischevael would tell of some tale to inspire wisdom in his hearers and sometimes even sang. Simian when listening to his music noted that morning when he heard that one song he and the Abbott heard. One day he approached Mischevael and secretly inquired of that night. "Yes, I was the one who sang that poem." he said. "You have a good memory, reciting it word for word like that." "Yes, I'm up to be the next recorder for the Abbey."

           One night Mariam had a dream that she was whisked away to a far away place. A paradise like place and was shone the magnificence of this strange place. What each season showed from running streams and waterfalls in summer and the hundreds of sorted colors in autumn to the bareness and white with frozen waterfalls in their splendor of towering icicles in winter. Finally, there was a castle in the middle of the sea just off shore. Half submerged it was decorated with pillars and curving bridges capping the tops. In an instant she was shone the inside. There were no glass windows but the sea was kept back. She thrust her hand through and felt the water. She peered through the sun pierced water clear as crystal and seen the most colorful and transparent fish reflecting the sun as if glowing themselves. She turned around and a door opened. She walked through, finding herself in another room with a bed 12 paces long as just as wide. There was what appeared to be silver snowflakes suspended in the room reflecting light from another window. She peered through the window at the moon shining brighter than she'd ever seen. Another door opened and she walked through.

           She found herself on the top of the castle and in peering in the horizon she was whisked away into another land this one different from the last. There were what appeared as fire flowing from cracks in the ground. Veins were glowing in the rocks, all this yet there was no heat to pass over. She turned to see another castle. Inside this one there were still veins glowing in the rock walls, still no heat. A door opened in front of her and she walked through. This place seemed dark. She found herself grasping through the blackness, when and lamp was given her. She did not see anyone who may have given it to her. The fire was too low to give light so she raised the wick. Suddenly there were flickers of sparkles like stars above. And yet also too the Right and left. She walked to her left coming to a ledge. She leaned the lamp over and saw the same twinkling as of night. She walked further and came to a towering cluster of crystals. Reflecting the light as though generating a portion on its own. She was in a giant geode. She walked still further and came to another castle, this one entirely made of crystal. She turned to find another door opening.

          As she walked through, she was greeted by a dark brown mouse about three feet tall. She was so excited from what she had seen she greeted him saying, "what is this place, am I dreaming!?" "From where you were, you are dreaming. But from where you are, this is real." he replied. "My name is Timmy, and you are Mariam of Redwall. Welcome to the many realms of Gothos."

           "Gothos?" she asked. "What is Gothos?" Beckoning her to walk with him he said, "it is a world of many mice and rabbits. Each having their own dimension or world of their own. As you see they own it. A mouse owns the realm of fire without heat. Another, the great geode you just saw." "What about the wonderful paradise I first started and the castle in the sea?" Turning to her he clearly said, "That one is owned by Mischevael." Stunned in awe that he would leave such to come to the Abbey, she couldn't bear it. She broke down in tears. "Why waste your tears on such empty notions? He shall return to his domain, yet hopefully not by his lonesome." She didn't understand what he meant at that time so she decided to shrug it off. "I was instructed to show you our capital city before you leave." He bade her open the door behind her.

         As she opened a flood of white light shafted through the crack. It momentarily blinded her, she stopped to close the door. "Go on, open the door." he calmly urged. "It's too bright, I couldn't see." she retorted. Placing his hand over her eyes he said to her, "now you can bear the brightness." She opened the door again slowly. Again another shaft of light burst upon her, but she was able to stand with her sight fully in tact. She opened the door wide and walked through. She asked, "where am I?" "The city of Blinding Lights." he replied. There was melodious music from vibrating strings filled the air. The scent was of many flowers, but they came first one scent then another. He told her "lift up your hands in front of you." She did and a burst of light like the color streams of rainbows flowed from her palms.

           When she woke she saw what looked like a silver mist dissipate into nothingness. She got up quickly put on her habit and went out. She looked all over the compound to find him, but he was not around. She wondered if that was just one of her dreams brought about by her wishing for great adventures outside the Abbey. She came to father Abbott and inquired where she may find him. He told her he left last night. She broke into tears confirming her wild notions theory. Seeing her cry, he told her, "he told me if I found you crying after seeking him that he will return the same evening, and you will see him again. I know now what he meant, but why are you crying?" She relayed the dream to him adding that she had never been able to remember any dream in such detail. He was taken back with the entire scenario.

           That night she stayed on the wall peering into the night from sunset onward. She paced up and down the ledge peering over into the blackness with much anticipation. Five hours passed and she succumbed to believing he wasn't going to show. Again, she broke down in tears. Her head wilted over the edge as a hand took her shoulder from behind. "Why cry now these three times?" a voice asked. She recounted that only twice she cried in the Abbey yet the third was in the dream. She turned to see him standing behind her. Not knowing how he got there unnoticed, but she let that slip away into the joy welling up in her. She flung her arms around him and kissed him. "I have something to tell you." he told her.

           "I have a gift" waiving his paw back and forth hypnotically as a clear ball formed from nothingness moving from one side over the top to the back of his hand and back over and over. Simultaneously, switching hands as it smoothly rolled from one to the other he said, "It's a crystal, nothing more. But if you move it this way it will grant you your dreams. It is a gift for a bride. One who wishes to leave her world behind and become anonymity to those she left behind. Where the past will show no shadow of her existence and her future without end in that she ever dreamed and more, forever." She understood what he was saying, yet pleaded that her name be not stricken but for one record. "It would not be good that I am stolen from those who bore with me." she said tears rolling down her cheek. "If this were to grant my dreams then by the granting of them this would be done." she finished her plea.

           Marveling at her request and her wisdom he granted her petition. She was married the next day under the bell. Everyone cheered and Cassidy kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear, "it looks like you finally found yourself." Just then a door appeared behind them and opened revealing the new and perfect place any mouse could find himself. Silence fell on the camp when they walked through, the door shutting, closing to separate our Mariam from us, forever.

           All this was told me just before the wedding so I , Simian the Abbey recorder do testify of these things. That they as far fetched as they seem really did occur. No one remembers Mariam, anonymity has befallen them save for me and this parchment. I still wander with the Abbott on the ledge early in the morning, but this time I think of what Mariam may be experiencing as she will new things long after we all have taken our final rest.

************Simian, Abbey recorder.

          Part two: Sordrian, a fox alchemist blessed with a gift to communicate with those who have passed felt a strong dark presence while in his cave. He bowed himself humbly to the unseen force. "I understand," he slyly whispered. "It is time." Under the full moon a fire burned bright upon an altar like structure. The fox stood in the front and with all his enchantments called forth the dark presence. "I am here, your servant awaits the dark force." Suddenly, it looked as if the stars were blanketing out and the moon turning into a deep copper color. Just then the fire grew black and shone with a deathly sinister radiance. Something was starting to flicker amid the blackened hue. The fire died down and the sky returned to its normal picture. Lying on the ashes was what appeared to be a small dark jewel about the size of a shelled almond. He took it up and returned to the cave.

           At the far end of the cave was a table hewn of stone, lit with candles made from bees wax from a hive a couple clicks away. In the center lay a dagger S curved with a black onyx handle, the blade fashioned from the metal of a meteor that fell during another enchantment. He laid the jewel next to the blade and he noticed as the jewel  next the blade started a soft glow. He picked up the dagger and the glow stopped. Passing the blade over it the glow returned brighter. Deciding to touch the jewel a flash of dark light emanated from jewel fixing its beams into Sordrian's eyes. Away in vision he saw his mission to conquer peace, subdue tranquility and oversee domination. He was shown in detail to carry out imminent destruction and conquest if he would but swallow the jewel and wield the power of the Heart of Storms.

           For forty days he remained in his cave receiving detailed instruction, thoughts, voices, images flooded his mind. Able to make sense of every bit of information in the most vivid array. Shown the fall of everything that symbolized compassion. Except for one incongruity. "Yes." A devilish voice muttered from his lips. "The keeper of Redwall. We know you. We sense you. You who guard the path to the most loathsome and detestable. The thing we swear our very being to crush, to make an utter end. You have no power over us, for we are that which fills the space behind the stars. We order the rotation of night. We are that to which you have fallen. We are the end of life, the shadow of the last breath. And all you do is show us a little mouse, who haunts our dreams adorned with red cloth and strange jewels around the neck. You will suffer our works, witnessed by those who will join you in your dark forest. For we are the very gates of hell opened wide to unleash a fury long awaited for. We are not of this world and so shall we take it!"

           He set out on his journey just before dawn. Walking with a wooden staff he came to a clearing upon which a camp was pitched. There were many encamped in tents strewn all over. "Arise! All you who sleep!" came the same devilish voice. Simultaneously, they started coming out. A tall stoat, heavyset carrying a long broad sword came out "who is this?  I give the orders here! Who dares to order my horde?" "Call me Zorkrah, for we are the end. The heart of ordered darkness!" Some of those standing looked puzzled, others started to chuckle at such a thing.  "I am Blaghart, I am the commander of this horde. No one defies my authority." Pointing his sword at Sordrian, possessed by the entities calling themselves Zorkrah he said," have you come to join me?" "I have come to lead you. Lead you on a journey that will take you farther than you have ever dreamed." "Humph. This my horde, you either join under my leadership, or move on. Challenge me and die." Just then Zorkrah pointed his staff squarely at Blaghart speaking to the horde saying, "witness the ruin of those who dare to challenge MY authority!" Just then Blaghart was consumed in dense flames. A deathly scream was soon choked as his lungs inhaled the heat. He was reduced to ashes seconds later. Everyone stood in terrible awe as they listened to Zorkrah's appeal. "All those who follow me will be rewarded in measure beyond their comprehension. All those against me will perish!" A strong sense of fear swept over them and they in one accord bowed their allegiance to Zorkrah.

           Seventy days they tarried in that one spot as Zorkrah was instructing them on how to fashion weapons of war and coats of armor. He aligned them in rows of fifty, telling them to look deeply into his eyes. As in a trance they all acknowledged his reign "Long live Zorkrah, sovereignty of darkness!" They were are all shone war tactics, military strategies and fighting techniques. They were shown how to wield each weapon. All this was done as it was done to Sordrian. At the end of the seventy days they marched toward the sea. In unison, in rows of fifty led by Zorkrah in an order that astounded any who may have noticed. Upon reaching the shore Zorkrah lifted his staff and a great wind rose up from the sea. An hour later ships were seen driven helpless by the powerful gale minutes later they were washed ashore. The same appeal was given to the captains and crews of the beached ships. The same denials and threats were hurled back. Zorkrah turned to his horde, "seize those ships, only kill no one!" In a flash they reacted, grappling hooks were hurled. The captains shouted to defend their ships. "Attack!" yelled one. "Hold them off!" another ordered. But the skilled stoats, and rats quickly grabbing one searat throwing him down off his ship subduing another with lightning force disarming one after another. Until seeing only a few left armed, one by one the crews surrendered. Again, the appeal came. One captain, a rat tall with a wide brimmed hat, sash, and boots approached Zorkrah. A quick slash his sword came down, only to be stopped by a wooden staff. Not even splintering a mite Zorkrah thwarted the searat captain's attack laughing an evil laugh to chill the bones. Another slash! Just then Zorkrah caught the sword with his hand and thrust his S curved dagger into the heart of the searat. Flames were seen from the wound as the dagger slowly slipped back out. The searat fell to an instant death. Again, the same appeal was announced as the same sense of dread swept over the entire lot. A few at a time they soon all bowed low in allegiance to Zorkrah. Seventy days they stayed on the shore receiving the same instructions. Everywhere they were led, took them to places having others that were to join or die.

           A couple hours before dawn, a young mouse stood on the Abbey ledge staring intensely into the night. "What are you looking for, young Malachi?" an older mouse asked. "I know it is there, I seen it in the night dream." "What" he asked again. "A strange thing, there! Do you see it?" In the horizon a section of the stars seemed to flow downward to a center point on the horizon. Just then a twinkling then everything returned as it was. "I wonder how you see these things, little seer" The older said. Malachi was known to have the gift of foresight. One night he had a dream. A horrible sight there were foxes, stoats, rats, weasels, all sorts of foebeasts encamped around the Abbey. As he peered through he saw the denizens of the Abbey replaced by the foebeasts outside. He ran through the gate and saw they were toppled over. Running out he saw piles of bones charred. Piles strewn over the land. He turned to see on top a fox in deep blue with silver stars and a wooden staff pointed at him. "We are coming. You know we are coming. We are the end and perdition is coming with us."  the voice echoing, chilling he shivered awake screaming. He arose with the dream ever before him, he pondered it over and over. Silently he walked the edge of the walls many times over. "Hey, wot! What do you keep doing. Walking up and down like you don't know where you're going?" came a boasting voice of Jallard a hare  of the 4th regiment. Malachi was silent as he looked up. Remembering the voice of the starry fox chilled him again, for at present each of his predictions came to pass.

           As the evening fell, he slipped into the kitchen and gathered many small cakes of bread bundled them into a large sheet and tied it to a long stick he hewn from a tree outside. He took a large jug filled it with leftover cordial. He started off away from the Abbey to clear his thoughts, to ponder the dream and investigate that strange appearance. The Abbot coming down from the ledge spotted Malachi starting to leave with his vittles. "And where are you going, young Malachi?" He just stood, holding his knapsack and jug. "Something is troubling you, little mouse. Please, tell me what it is?" The abbot was astonished at the young seer's tale. "So, now I feel I must go. To make sense of all this and to see what that was in the sky." "Well, may peace and safety follow you whereever you go. But I wish you wouldn't go alone." "I feel I must, father Abbott." "Then go your way, and may you find what you are looking for" he said as he waived him off.

           Eight days have passed since Malachi left and there fell upon the Abbey a cold chill in noonday sun. None could explain it, but everyone went about their business with a looming dread hanging over them. About two clicks away Zorkrah stood peering through the distance, waiting. Behind him was a tall tree, felled and stripped of its limbs and placed on wheels about the same width, spaced at every six feet. Handles were fashioned to grip and guide the battle ram having the end carved to a point. Camouflaged by bushes with sixty rats thirty on either side waiting the command. The gates opened, everyone distracted by the eerie feeling they went out to gather some supplies to prepare a feast. "Now." said Zorkrah. Sixty rats pushing the ram as hard as they could gliding smoothly on the greased wheels. Greased with a slick yet congealing sap. Half a click behind, the rest of his horde of an astounding accumulation of about five thousand came rushing in after the spotter gave the hail. Jallard stopped outside, a sound of thunder came to his keen ears, looking up seeing no clouds he yelled,"Everybeast inside, barricade the gates, now! Come on, get movin', inside now!" Every beast ran in as the gate was beginning to shut. The gatekeeper was barricading the gate, but only a fraction of a second too late.

           The mouse in front of the gates was suddenly hurled into the air as the gates splintered open, the ram was in half way when a furrow of rocks was hurled down only to no avail against the well armored intruders. They stayed their position and fought off the Redwallers defending their Abbey. Neither retreating or advancing, for their task was to keep the way open. Just minutes later Gallard, an otter pointed into the distance, "they're coming!" he shouted. Arrows shafted down at the ram bearers only shimmering from the coats tightly knit around each foebeast. They broadened their stance as the horde met their forerunners. They flooded through with a slaughter as if there was not enough blood in the world to slake their want. Disarming and constraining, killing half mostly the elderly, leaving the young ones to serve them. The Abbey in its glory has fallen that dark day.

           Three days into his journey, Malachi rested up against an oak and removed his knapsack and took a cake and began eating. He took a sip of cordial when he heard a noteworthy recital.

"I am wandering a pilgrim.
Pondering an empty cup filled to the brim.
Filled with hope for a portion to cope.
For a mouse with an open hand.

I ask a portion to receive.
Because without extortion or deceit I believe.
Lest turn my hopes into ropes.
Of sand?"

"Come out, let me see you." A small rustling sound then stepped out a mouse in strange adornments.

           A three foot tall young looking mouse wearing a red robe without seam whose front neck space dipped about six inches revealing black underneath. There was a gold chained necklace hanging below the dip with jeweled amulet pieces at every link. Each link was round with a dark ruby centered having rays of sapphire surrounded by a green jade. With the exception of the link in the middle, it was a gold trimmed upside down seven pointed star filled with amethyst in a circle of deep sapphire. Malachi didn't know whether to awe him or chuckle. "My name is Jonathan," the strange mouse greeted him. "And yours is Malachi." Malachi was taken back, this stranger has to be special like himself. "Here, won't you share my vittles with me, Jonathan? Sit with me. Tell me where do you come from?" He sat with him and spoke as he ate, "I come from another world beyond the heavens. A world beyond normal time and space, a world never twice in the same place." This time he couldn't contain himself, Malachi burst into laughter. "That's funny, really. Where did you get all those jewels?" "My father gave them to me at birth. He tells me they are my birthright." "My father died of a fever a few seasons after I was born. He was away on a journey. When he returned he was too sick to survive. The thing is I foresaw him coming home, I just didn't know how." "You can peer into the future then, Malachi?" Jonathan asked. "I get glimpses of events. Only a few nights ago I had this terrible dream. I..." Jonathan placed his hand on his forehead. "Yes. I see. A terrible prediction indeed." Jonathan stood facing the Abbey. "Unfortunately, it is almost on its way of happening." They started a four day journey back.

           Zorkrah took the sword of Martin Holding it high he said, "you are fallen! Keeper of the Redwall. Champion of peace! Yet still you haunt our dreams, why? What can you do to best us!?" He thrust the sword deep into an oak far from the Abbey. When he returned to the Abbey he rounded up the survivors and said,"you will no longer live your lives as you knew them. You will live only to serve us. We will not tolerate any insubordination, full subservience is required of all of you. There are new rules, and severe are the penalties for their violation."

           On the first night back Jonathan listened as Malachi told all about the Abbey. Everyone there, how they were kind to strangers, their feasts and happy communions. "We'll be happy to have you with us, Jonathan.""Even with all that I can do?" he asked. "What do you mean, all that you can do?" "I'm not an ordinary mouse as you know them to be." "What can you do?" Malachi asked half mockingly. "I can reorder time, bridge space, I ordain physical law." "What is physical law?" Malachi asked unbelieving. "It is that which holds everything into its existence, that which everything consists." "Ha! Now that's a laugh." Jonathan felt a bit ridiculed. He said, "look up." Malachi stared upward as if to humor this confused mouse. Suddenly all the stars started shifting out of their place. One going here the other there. Then they all returned back again. Malachi screamed, he quickly got up backing away slowly, terrified. "Wha-what are you?" "I am known as a keeper, keeper of time, space, and physical law. I am only in training for I am but a youth. Only I am far older than any of you. Please, don't be frightened." "Why'd you come here?" Malachi replied. "I was drawn away, by what or whom I know not. So I came some days ago to find out." Malachi stood, speechless. "Please, I have not come for conflict" Jonathan continued. Malachi slowly stepped forward "Then everything you have said was true?" "Yes, it was."

           As they talked Jonathan desperately wanted to see this Abbey, but for the prediction and confirmed by himself. Near the edge of the wood they saw a glimmer of light from one of the trees. As they drew closer, Malachi ran, he recognized the handle. "That's Martin's sword!" he shouted back. Jonathan approached Malachi trying to free the blade. Jonathan settled him down, grabbed the handle and slid it out with ease. Malachi took the handle and charged toward Redwall. Jonathan suddenly appeared in front of him grasping his shoulders. "Out of my way, Jonathan!" "You don't know what you are getting yourself into." He placed his hand on his forehead as Malachi calmed down. "Then tell me, what am I getting myself into?" he retorted. With tears in his eyes Jonathan placed his hand back on his forehead and images and voices flooded his mind. In panoramic view he saw his prediction come true. "What do we do? All is lost." Malachi sank to the ground, tears streaming down his face.

           "All might not," Jonathan said. "Come, let us see what we may do." As they approached the Abbey there were a great many surrounding the walls listening to one whose voice drave out the chill in the mouse seer and was replaced with a fierce hatred. He stared intensely at the starry fox as Jonathan placing a hand on his shoulder said softly, "calm yourself. This I feel will pass." Jonathan took a few paces further into the sun.

           "This is only the beginning. We shall march and take Salamandastron. We shall take these spoils with us to serve us along the way. Then we shall set up our kingdom here on this land. We shall rule abroad and nothing shall..." Distracted by a flashing reflection he turned. "What is this?" Looking closer seeing the form more clearly of the mouse that Martin plagued his dreams. "Kill him!" pointing to the reflection, his hand having a slight tremble. Was this conqueror afraid of a young mouse? A dream to face him, he could feel it. It only enraged him further. The horde was running to carry out their orders. When suddenly a wall of intricate links surrounded them folded into a sphere and was whisked away. Jonathan lowered his hands. "No! It's not possible! Martin has drawn a keeper to us!" he growled. He lept down ran towards the mouse determined not to be imprisoned again, therefore he must subdue this being to make his kingdom rise. A keeper, if he's here then they must have laid claim to this sector. He knew he must destroy this creature to rightfully take this realm. He pointed his staff at the little nuisance and an intense beam of power darted towards the mouse. Hitting him, Jonathan was thrown back. Collecting himself he braced another onslaught. Firing back the two seemed to be locked in suspended animation. But the fox was sly.

           He seen the mouse seer behind him and directed a small ray. Jonathan perceived the variation, but he could only direct his powers forward at that time lest Zorkrah overpower him. He whisked him away behind Zorkrah at the Abbey wall. Rage once again welled up in Malachi as he ran in a blind fury and corkscrewed Martin's sword in straight to the crystal piercing the very Heart of Storms. The metal the same as the S curved dagger reactivated the jewel only this time the spirit of Martin was with it. Zorkrah screamed, writhing in agony his powers was now working to keep the doors open. Jonathan focused the beam. Something like a dark mist flowed from the wound. Malachi stepped back. It pierced the very beginning. At the altar fire Sordrian standing at the altar, Malachi, and Jonathan heard many voices ring out in defeat "and we were so close!" What sounded like a thick solid metal door slammed shut closing the prison, forever.

           Sordrian didn't know what to make of what he heard as the fire died away and everything went to the way it was before. The fox never attained the dark gift. He never marched to the encampment. He never subdued all those other foebeasts. He never invaded Redwall. The Abbey never fell. Yet only Jonathan and Malachi retained the memory of such events. Malachi wrote down everything that he experienced and became the great mouse storyteller of Redwall. Enlightening all the dibbuns and any who'd care to be entertained. Till one day Jonathan appeared to him in a dream. He woke up, in the darkness he could see a glitter of the jewels about his neck. "Jonathan!" "Peace, Malachi." "What happened?" Malachi asked. "When you drove Martin's sword in Zorkrah, you've undone everything he has done. Returning everything to it's proper time." "Why then do I still have memories of things I haven't done?"

           "This was ordained of my father, Mischevael. As a lesson. But the lesson was for me. He is fate, judgment, justice. Hard are some of his lessons. Even though everything is as it should be, the memory will forever haunt both you and me. For wisdom and warning. To show us our darkside, a side I never knew I had. I was wroth at what was done to the Abbey and when he was saying he was going to march across doing the same everywhere else he goes. I wanted nothing but to kill him. I have never felt that way before." "I felt the same way when I ran up behind him." Malachi said.  "We may never know why, but every once in a while it shows us a new thing to ponder, perhaps even learn, "Jonathan said.

           "How did you know to charge at him? Weren't you afraid, seeing all that he could do?" Jonathan asked. "I was overtaken. Something told me to defend Redwall." "I only ask because someone told me to send you to the Abbey wall." "It must have been Martin!" Malachi exclaimed. "I must go now, Malachi. I have other things I must do. Thank you for being there with me. You showed great kindness and courage. You'll grow to be a fine mouse. Who knows? Maybe you'll see yourself with a mousemaid telling these stories to your young ones." "Oh and Jonathan, tell your father next time go easier with his lessons. They still at times get to me. I'm not sure I'd want to see fate, judgment, justice incarnate." "No. You wouldn't. Peace be to you and the Abbey," and with that he was gone.

          As I was adding the visit from Jonathan to the parchment with the previous story, something in what appeared to be blood was written in a style most intriguing that caused me to jump back were these words:

I am the repetition, of a lonely tune.
I am the moon, in the sky morose.
I am fate and the lonely, I am the melancholy.
I am the course, I am the force that overthrows.
I am without, and within.
The adrenaline, fueled by the ire.
I am the heated moments, I am what it foments.
The toil, I am the oil to the fire.
I am what, it is all becoming.
I am the succumbing, to the temptation.
I am the process, with no egress.
The effects from the cause, the penalty of laws and its violation.
I am that which stimulates.
Then creates, a greater stimulating fashion.
The want for more, the search to where you were before.
The wrath and retaliation, for this generation fueled by passion.
I am the contemplation, of suicide.
I am where wars collide, nations' rise and fall.
I am the conscious conviction, of your addiction.
Better you not meet me, the only way to defeat me is don't play at all.
I am the ultimate price, one may make.
I am the mistake, that can't be undone or denied.
Because they will not sever, I shall lean this way forever.
I am what makes the certifiable, I am the justifiable homicide.

           It was signed Mischevael, the bay mouse. Upon reading this I knew there was no knowing how one can be his son and still retain such a sunny side. It is only natural that one have a dark side. I hope that this story will regale Redwallers for generations to come. With any lessons they can derive from this I hope it will serve them well.

           ************Malachi, Redwall Storyteller.
Title: Re: ~Fanfic by Mischevael.
Post by: Mischevael on November 10, 2014, 07:54:56 AM
~I have created a part two.