Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: Morgazath on March 26, 2015, 01:01:34 PM

Title: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on March 26, 2015, 01:01:34 PM
 In a meadow filled with flowers, a large cottage stood. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon and shedding its light on the world. The rays of light's fingers began to creep through the windows of the cottage, and on a ferret's face. Slaysen Silverhound woke up with a small tired snort.

He sat up on his bed, pushing aside his blankets and looked out the window where the sunlight wouldn't hurt. I really have to move that bed. The ferret thought to himself as he got out of bed and headed toward the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he lit a fire in a fireplace and placed a large pot on a handle over the fire. Putting broth and already cut vegetables into the pot, Slaysen wondered if the smell would wake anybody up. 
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 26, 2015, 01:16:08 PM
Aaron snuffled, his nose picking up the scent off the soup (or stew?). He sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes and stretching. He pawed about, trying to locate his schiavona. A-ha, there it was! He stood up, buckling on the blade. Aaron turned to Slaysen. "Mornin'. Did you sleep well?" As he said this, he was rummaging through his haversack, in search of hearbs to add to the soup. He tossed out some basil, chives, and watercress.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 26, 2015, 02:04:16 PM

The rush of paws and the steady smacking of pawsteps haled to approach of a strong young mouse. He ran on breathing lightly passing though forests and small clearings. His run led him onto a meadow covered in wildflowers and his namesake clovers.

The mouse stopped at a small cottage that stood in the middle of the clearing. He preformed a few stretches to finish his morning routine before picking up the sword and scabbard that leaned on the outside of the cottage. Strapping the weapon to his back he entered seeing two of his traveling companions awake.

"Morn'n." He said shyly to Slaysen and Aaron.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on March 26, 2015, 02:21:19 PM
The blue fox say up on his bed, still very tired. He never had really ever gotten enough sleep. Anywho, he threw on his raccoon hat and staggered into the kitchen.
"Mornin' mates. Get 'nough sleep? I sure didn't."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 26, 2015, 05:04:11 PM
Aaron made a sound that was not unlike a dolphin's chatter. Few beasts knew this was what his laugh sounded like. "Marshall, I doubt many slept well with 'alf the camp snoring like badgers! I have to say, though, I didn't sleep well, and it wasn't because of snores." Turning to face Clover (right?) he addressed the mouse. "By the way, are you up for some sword practice? Last time I did it was with that vermin pack we met awhile back. Well?" Aaron drew his schiavona.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 26, 2015, 06:41:04 PM

OOC: Yes Clover's his name.

IC: The mouse nodded not one to refuse anything, he hated showing off but he supposed it wouldn't hurt to fight the otter.

"Yes sir a duel would be fine sir." Clover said quickly tapping the sword hilt that stuck out over his left shoulder. He figured he could fight well enough to face the much larger animal in friendly combat. Besides he was in sore need of some sword practice.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 26, 2015, 06:48:32 PM
OOC: If you didn't know Aaron's probably just below Clover in ability. And we migt not want to make a duel, just do a few moves then finish up. Just sayin'

BIC: Aaron jerked his head to the outside area, where a clearing, perfect for a duel, was loacted. "That's a good place to do it, mate."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 26, 2015, 07:07:39 PM

OCC: Ya that's fine by me,

Clover followed Aaron out onto the clear space nodding with satisfaction. It was a good place for a quick practice duel. Pulling his sword free from its sheath warmed up by slashing with the blade. It was a well made sword, well balanced yet light, perfect for the mouse.

Adjusting his grip Clover rested the blade on his left shoulder being left pawed. Resting his right paw lightly just below his left in a proper broadsword stance. Putting his left footpaw forward he made himself as small of a target as he could keeping his tail up and out of the way.

"Ready when you are." He said smoothly taking deep breaths he ran though several movements and steps waiting for the otter to get ready.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 26, 2015, 07:42:21 PM
Aaron got into the en guarde position and circled his opponent. The blade point dipped up and down periodically, looking for an opening.

OOC: Just so you know Aaron fights defensively.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on March 26, 2015, 07:44:21 PM
Stashi woke with a quiet gasp, pulling out her daggers and jumping out of the bed. She was breathing heavily and it took her a second to calm down. Slowly, she sheathed her daggers, sitting on the bed and burying her face in her paws. She heard the sounds of a conversation in the other room, and silently slid into the room, hoping she hadn't been noticed.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 26, 2015, 07:55:21 PM
OOC: Stashi's pretty common, innit she? Ah well, so is Asher.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on March 26, 2015, 08:54:54 PM
Marshall watched the small duel. Both looked liked good fighters, and he would like to see who would win.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 26, 2015, 09:02:03 PM

Stepping with the otter Clover circled carefully watching his opponent. The otter was clearly much larger and stronger, his reach would be far superior to Clover's own even with the longer sword.

The mouse slid one paw across the ground making a slight grinding sound hoping to draw his opponents eyes. Then with only fraction of his true speed or strength he struck out with the flat of his sword aiming for the otters legs.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 26, 2015, 09:15:15 PM
Ting!!!! It was Aaron's pheriphiral vision that saved him. With an artful twist he turned ninety degress and turned his schiavona blade vertically, countering the sweep. He hopped back a few paces, watching Cover for his next move.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 26, 2015, 09:32:40 PM

Taking a pace backward Clover noted the speed in which Aaron had responded. His eyes followed the otter as it backed away. Returning the blade to its spot on his shoulder Clover advanced slowly taking his time letting Aaron keep guessing where he would attack next.

Fixing his eyes on the otters right side Clover came in with a feint to the right. Then with carful precision he followed though with a swift slice towards the otters left.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 26, 2015, 09:55:11 PM
It worked. Aaron's blade moved to iintercept the feint, and it was too late to block it. All he could do was leap duck. Aaron held the swor up, and when it hit his own blade he was almost owled over by the force of the strike! The otter sprang up, paws still reverberating with the shock.

OOC: So you can post and then we do a time lapse and then finish up so te fight doesn't take to long.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 26, 2015, 10:24:20 PM

Moving away from the otter quickly to avoid getting hit by Aaron's flailing limbs Clover moved with practiced ease of seasons dedicated to the art of battle. He let himself relax giving Aaron a chance to recover and prepare for the next movement.

When he saw Aaron was ready Clover moved in sword at the ready.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on March 27, 2015, 12:18:07 AM
Skyre awoke slowly, as she preferred. It was a burden to cross the line from the world of sleep/dreaming to reality in an unexpected and jolting manner. Allowing a small smile to (somewhat cryptically) appear on her scarred face, the unusually small badger stretched slowly and got up, her right hand immediately resting on the double-bladed sword she had placed beside her.

Catching something that appealed to her senses of taste and smell, Skyre walked into the kitchen, sweeping her gaze around.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on March 27, 2015, 01:32:52 AM
 Slaysen looked up as Skyre entered the room. "Morning Skyre," He said cheerfully to her. "Soup'll be done soon, and you don't want to miss the practice duel." He looked back at the fight, wondering who would win. They were both very skilled.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on March 27, 2015, 01:52:40 AM
Skyre smiled a bit and nodded at Slaysen. "Good morning, friend. That's very nice to hear." She turned to watch Aaron and Clover, adding, "How have you been?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on March 27, 2015, 03:55:01 AM
Marshall was enjoying  the duel. He really hoped Clover would win, so he didn't want to say it though, for it might encourage  Aaron. While watching, he glanced over and saw Skyre wake up for the morning meal.
"'Mornin Skyre!"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 27, 2015, 01:07:18 PM
Quote from: LT Sandpaw on March 26, 2015, 10:24:20 PM

Moving away from the otter quickly to avoid getting hit by Aaron's flailing limbs Clover moved with practiced ease of seasons dedicated to the art of battle. He let himself relax giving Aaron a chance to recover and prepare for the next movement.

When he saw Aaron was ready Clover moved in sword at the ready.
OOC: I'm going to do a time llapse for this part., so I hope you don't mind the slight PPing. You can end the fight, if you want.

Aaron zigzaged away, countering various thrusts thrown at him. Numerous times they locked their blades and it was a contest to see who could push their opponent's blade down to the ground. Other times theey tested the other's defenses, only using the tips of their weapons.

A few minutes later....

Both beasts were back in their ready positions. Both had not a scratch on them. Aaron choose to take an offensive movement and made lunge at his opponent.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 27, 2015, 01:45:24 PM

OOC: Its fine,

IC: Having been focused on the duel for some time Clover noticed his opponent rarely attacked. he usually waited for the mouse to make the first move using speed and skill to block the attacks. So when Aaron suddenly lunged forward Clover wasn't ready.

The mouse swayed backwards as the blade tip hissed past dangerously close to his nose. Planting a paw firmly in the ground Clover knew it was time to end the duel. He followed the basket hilted sword with his own allowing the blades to slide. Then he tighten his grip twisting the swords in a small circle he jerked his arm to the left hoping to fling the otter's sword from it's paw.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 27, 2015, 01:49:58 PM
The blade did fly from Aaron's paw, but with a deft flick of his plank-like rudder he hit the hilt so the sword bounce up. He cought the hilt in his paw and sheathed the blade, making a short bow to Clover, to end the fight. "Good game, mate. If we weren't practicing, I'd be dead."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 27, 2015, 02:06:03 PM

With a quick warriors salute Clover sheathed his battle blade returning the bow. Impressed by the otter's speed and strength matched with raw skill Clover could only wonder at the outcome of a true duel.

"No sir I am honored to train with one so skilled. Good fight mate." Clover said adopting the otter's mannerisms.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on March 27, 2015, 08:06:47 PM
Stashi smiled, she enjoyed watching duels, they often taught her something new. She sniffed lightly, looking at Slaysen, "The soup smells good, when will it be done?" She asked.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on March 27, 2015, 08:50:34 PM
 Slaysen gave a quiet chuckle. Which for him was the equivalent of a loud laugh. "Pretty good. Thanks Skyre." Then he directed his attention to Stashi. "Oh, in a couple minutes. The carrots need a few minutes to become more soft."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on March 27, 2015, 09:47:19 PM
"Good morning, Marshall," said Skyre complaisantly, dipping her head slightly and giving a small smile. Looking around at the beasts with her one eye, she asked, "How is everybody doing? And be honest, now."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on March 27, 2015, 09:59:42 PM
"Oh ya know, tired out o' me mind, as usual. Did y' get sleep Skyre?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 28, 2015, 12:55:37 PM
Aaron rerturned to where he had slept the night and began packing up his materials. With quick paw movements he rolled up his ground sheet.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on March 28, 2015, 08:35:46 PM
Stashi glanced at Aaron, "Leaving?" She asked, "Are we going now?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on March 29, 2015, 02:39:15 AM
 Slaysen took a wooden spoon an tasted the soup. He smacked his lips appreciatively. "Soup's done," He called to the small group at large. "And when everybody has their bowl, I'll tell you where we can go for our first treasure hunt."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 29, 2015, 05:32:07 PM
Aaron raised an eyebrow. "Treasure? I have to say, more then a little tempting. But if we put a paw or claw on it, raiders are gonna follow us. End of discussion."'
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on March 29, 2015, 08:02:29 PM
"Can you elaborate on this treasure hunt?" asked Skyre, narrowing her eyes and scratching the fur on her head.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on March 30, 2015, 01:21:45 AM
 After filling a wooden bowl with some of the soup, Slaysen walked over to the table. He placed the bowl on the table and pulled out a scroll from his belt. He answered Aaron's question first. "Don't worry about the raiders. I learned about this legend from an old retired friend of mine. He attempted this but failed. He thought it was only fair if I did it with you guys. Us two and you guys are and will know about this legend."

Then he turned his attention to Skyre. "The legend is that an ancient artifact, the Dragon Stone, rests in a mountain in the middle of an ocean." Slaysen unrolled the scroll on the table to reveal a map. "To get to the mountain, we have to travel through the Serpent's Plains, the Frozen Pass, the Fire Forest, and the Eternal Hurricane. So it's gonna be tough, but it will be worth it. Any questions?"

Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on March 30, 2015, 01:58:12 AM
"In a mountain in the middle of an ocean? How are we gonna get to it, by digging?" Stashi asked, staring at the map, "And what's a Dragon Stone?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on March 30, 2015, 01:38:58 PM
Marshall stood, sipping his bowl of soup.
" I'm game for it if y'all are. Been waitin' t' go travel in' ya know?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 30, 2015, 05:24:56 PM

Clover peeked at the map from over Skyre's shoulder shoving the soup into his mouth hungry after his recent exertions. He nodded excitedly swallowing so he could speak.

"Sounds interesting when do we begin?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on March 30, 2015, 06:24:54 PM
 Raising his eyebrow at Stashi's comment, then answered her. "There's a small town with a harbor nearby. We can hire a ship to get to the mountain. And the legend says that the Dragon Stone is a dragon's eye encased in crystal red as blood." 

Then Slaysen turned to Clover. "After we all eat, we can pack up and head for this mountain."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on March 30, 2015, 07:24:43 PM
Skyre paused in the middle of eating. "So you're go through all this danger for a dragon eye encased in crystal? Out of curiosity, what makes this mission important? I would like for there to be a good reason."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 30, 2015, 07:25:59 PM
Aaron had one word: "Adventure!"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on March 30, 2015, 07:30:03 PM
Stashi set aside her empty bowl, "I'm ready. A dragon's eye, huh, I didn't know they actually existed." She commented.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on March 31, 2015, 02:36:48 PM
 "To quote Aaron, yes, adventure. But it's also for glory and fame. And no one else has managed to even get to the mountain. Hence the Dragon Stone is still there. If we can get it we'll go down into history and beasts far and wide will remember us as the great treasure hunters who retrieved the Dragon Stone, when no one has ever gotten close." Slaysen said a little enthusiastically to Skyre. He calmed down some, and replied to Stashi. "Or so the legend says. It could be something else but of the same value."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 31, 2015, 02:47:34 PM

Clover grinned appreciatively studying the map hard. Slaysen was right, it was filled with all kinds of strange and terrifying dangers. After looking at it for a little longer he hurriedly finished his soup. Grabbing a cloak from the rack above the door he donned it and a small satchel.

"I'm ready." He claimed enthusiastically.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on March 31, 2015, 09:47:36 PM
Skyre still looked unconvinced. She finished eating her soup and said, "I don't care much for fame. Adventure, a little. But we have to be careful nonetheless. Is there anything special about the Dragon Stone? Any way in which it could, I don't know, help beasts?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on March 31, 2015, 09:48:21 PM
OOC;@morgazath: Big Brother

BIC; Asher grinned recklessly. "Well, what are we waiting for? Eveybody hurry up and eat their breakfasst, then we can have more fun  then ever before!"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 01, 2015, 11:21:02 PM
 OOC: @Sagetip: Huh?

BIC: Slaysen finished the rest of his soup before he answered Skyre. "Well, my old friend told me that the villagers in the town near the mountain used to live there before being driven out by some strange creatures. So if we can kill the creatures there, the villagers may be able to live there again. Kill two birds with one stone: We get the Dragon Stone, the villagers get their home back."

Slaysen turned towards the bedrooms to pack up his things.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on April 01, 2015, 11:26:20 PM
Marshall went over to his small cot and grabbed his pack, then waited back in the kitchen. He was going to miss this place. It had brought him some very fond memories. His only hope was to for them return here with the treasure and let life return to normal. Yes he wanted to travel, but he liked the serenity and peace of this place more. Oh well, he was going to return here somehow, alive or in a casket.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on April 01, 2015, 11:59:32 PM
Skyre nodded slowly. "Okay, sounds...nice." I hope it'll be alright. I suppose that we're doing some beasts a favor by going for the Dragon Stone. If we get it, we may save the lives of others who would have died trying to retrieve it themselves.

"I suppose I'm in," said Skyre. She got up and walked to her room - not that she had much to pack. She needed to think still.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on April 02, 2015, 12:03:03 AM
Stashi slung the pack across her back, leaning against he door and waiting silently for the others to finish.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 02, 2015, 12:05:48 AM

Clover joined Stashi by the door, the mouse grinned cheerily at her.

"Can't wait to go myself, I can just imagine everything we'll get into. I've always wanted to see the world." He said excitedly. "What about you? Are you excited to go?" He asked Stashi.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on April 02, 2015, 12:21:27 AM
Marshall took one last look at his room before leaving. Oh! He almost forgot his staff! He bent down under his bed and retrieved his well built stick. Great traveling companion! He left, and started back to the kitchen. As he walked, he saw Skyre in her room.
"Ready mate?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on April 02, 2015, 12:38:20 AM
Skyre adjusted her satchel and sword and nodded, smiling slightly. "I'm ready. I hope. I think." With that, she followed Marshall to the others.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on April 02, 2015, 01:16:53 AM
Stashi smiled back at Clover, "I've always wanted to go do something like this, I'm just glad to get out of here, I don't like staying in one place for too long." She said.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on April 02, 2015, 01:21:27 AM
Marshall nodded and went back into the kitchen, awaiting their commands.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 02, 2015, 02:17:44 PM
 Slaysen came from the bedrooms with a small satchel on his back. His longbow slung over his shoulder, and his spear in right hand. "Is everybeast ready? If so, then lets move. Adventure awaits!" With that, he marched towards the door.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 02, 2015, 03:59:34 PM

With a bow and a flourish Clover swept the door open for every best allowing them to walk out. He waited patiently as everyone marched out with their heads help high.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on April 02, 2015, 04:51:50 PM
Marshall took a deep breath and walked out into the world, not knowing what this journey will bring.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on April 03, 2015, 12:49:36 AM
"Where are we going first?" Skyre asked as everybody began their adventure, "Slaysen, can you tell us everything you know about this mission?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on April 03, 2015, 02:20:42 PM
OOC: Man, I've missed a lot in one day.

BIC: Aaron strode out the door ito the sunlight. It was refreshing on his fur, and he was immediately in the traveling mood.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 03, 2015, 03:25:41 PM
 Slaysen frowned and studied the map before answering Skyre. "Well, the pathway to this mountain is a one-way only. Our first step is the Serpent's Plains. A large field with 10 foot high grass and filled with adders. Apparently, there's a hidden cave somewhere in those plains that goes to the Frozen Pass, then we go from there to the Fire Forest.

"My friend told me a bandit clan was forming in the Frozen Pass, but he didn't have to fight them: So we should be on our toes there. And strange creatures live in the Fire Forest, but strangely, they didn't attack him and left the forest unharmed.

"The small harbor survives mostly on fish, and rely heavily on their boats, and jealously guard them. But for a small fee, they'll let you borrow one of their boats. I should warn everybody though, once we get past that hurricane, we're on our own. My friend's journey stopped there. Nearly lost his life, in fact.

"He told me some strange white misty shape smashed into the ship, and he lost consciousness. So yeah, this should be fun." 

Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on April 03, 2015, 05:08:16 PM
Fun? thought Skyre. "I guess it is. But it's even more dangerous. We really need to be careful."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on April 03, 2015, 05:33:03 PM
Aaron glanced at Skyre. "C'mon, it's not like we're helpless. Anything in our way'll be killed or maimed. We're not mother ducks, we're warriors."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on April 03, 2015, 11:29:15 PM
"Sounds dangerous," Stashi commented, then grinned, "And fun." She chuckled.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 05, 2015, 02:32:34 PM
 Looking at the map, Slaysen got the direction of their first obstacle. Being born and raised in a combat based environment, he was looking forward to the upcoming combat. Although his voice, facial expression or body language didn't show it.

"The Serpent's Plains should be in that direction." He said to the group, pointing towards a small dirt path stretching beyond the horizon.   
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on April 05, 2015, 03:37:53 PM
"I know we're capable, but we can't afford to not be cautious," Skyre replied in what she hoped was a mild and reasonable tone. "Okay, let's go...carefully." She gulped and waited for the others to proceed.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on April 05, 2015, 06:20:36 PM
Laughing madly, Stashi took off running in the direction of the path, not waiting for the others to follow.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on April 08, 2015, 01:56:38 PM
OOC: hello?
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on April 08, 2015, 02:05:30 PM
OOC: Sorry.

Aaron dahsed after Stashi, his scabbard bouncing along side him.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 08, 2015, 02:08:52 PM

Not wanting to be left behind Clover joined Aaron and Stashi running slightly behind them.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on April 08, 2015, 02:57:50 PM
OOC Why are we running?
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 08, 2015, 06:01:15 PM
 OOC: @Sagetip: I guess it's because we're so excited about this treasure hunt.

BIC: Slaysen made a slight chuckle at his friends' antics. Not wanting to get left behind, however, he charged after them, calling over his shoulder to the others behind him. "Hurry up if you don't want to get left behind!" 
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on April 08, 2015, 06:42:20 PM
Skyre caught up to her allies, saying, "Please be careful!" After a pause, she added, "But I'm almost certain we all are competent."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Eulaliaaa! on April 08, 2015, 11:02:00 PM
Stashi chuckled, falling behind slightly and breathing heavily, "So glad to be finally doing something, I love this!" She exclaimed.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 11, 2015, 02:26:39 PM
 Slaysen breathed in the fresh air. Oh, this is fantastic! He thought to himself. Although he knew all of them are competent, he decided to put Skyre's nerves to rest. He called out to the group so he could talk to them all. "Hey, guys, get over here! I have something to say."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on April 11, 2015, 07:25:39 PM
Marshall kept most of his thoughts to himself. The adventure seemed fun. When Slaysen called over, Marshallran that way.
"Wot 'tis mate?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 13, 2015, 05:42:33 PM
 Making sure everyone was around, Slaysen tactfully heeded Skyre's warnings about being careful. "Listen, when we get near the Serpent's Plains, I want us to form single file with me in the front while someone watches from behind to make sure nothing comes up from behind. I've had bad experiences with snakes. I don't want to see the same thing happen here. But for now, let's just enjoy this nice day."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on April 14, 2015, 01:16:38 AM
Skyre nodded, getting into place right behind Slaysen. "We'll go slowly, I suppose."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 14, 2015, 09:53:14 PM

Clover drew his sword. Standing at the end of the line he watched everybeasts back his eyes scanning constantly.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 22, 2015, 02:37:58 PM
 After some time of the safety procedure, they were coming up on the Serpent's Plains. Slaysen raised his hand and softly called a halt. He looked at the sun's position, then turned to the group behind him. "Listen up, that's the Serpent's Plains down there. Going in right now isn't exactly a good idea, it will be dark in an hour. So we should camp. Who will take first watch after dinner?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 22, 2015, 03:31:03 PM

Clover raised a paw volunteering. "I'll take the position Slaysen, I can't cook so I'll help out that way."
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Skyblade on April 22, 2015, 06:04:18 PM
"I will take any watch I can," Skyre added, getting ready to rest for the moment.
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Morgazath on April 29, 2015, 04:55:29 PM
 Slaysen started to make a fire under the cooking pot. Without turning, he spoke to Clover. "Clover, after dinner, you can take first watch. Skyre, you can take the second watch. I'll take the third watch. Any other volunteers for the other watches?"
Title: Re: New Treasure Hunter RP
Post by: Hickory on May 14, 2015, 02:02:48 PM
Aaron sighed. "I'll take fourth, unless anyone else wants to."