Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: Kitsune on March 30, 2015, 02:27:09 PM

Title: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on March 30, 2015, 02:27:09 PM
     K'taah speed down the dark street in her sport bike. What a night to be alive! She loved nights like this. It was a nice relief from her life working in a department store as goody-two-shoes "Katrina". Ironically, it was the same store that she had stolen a purse from when she was younger. That was the start to her rowdy life. Rapidly approaching a slow moving car, she swerved and zoomed past it. She realized that it was an officer on patrol when she heard the telltale sirens that soon followed her daredevil pass. She felt a brief moment of panic, then smiled to herself. Let's have some fun. She sped up way past the legal limit, seeing the streetlights fly past in a blur. She suddenly leaned to the right and roared down a narrow alley. She turned left at the end of it, took a right at the next street, and then a quick left. Confident that she had lost the police officer, she slowed down. She laughed. That was the most fun I've had in weeks! She sped up a little. She had her fun, now she had to get back to her apartment before that pesky landlord noticed she was gone for too long.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on March 30, 2015, 02:54:08 PM
Lounging in a back alley, Fardan toyed with his rapier, watching the bike and police car go by in a blur. Only one fox woulld do that. Mentally calculating where K'taah and her un-pursued bike would emerge. He strode sedately to the area, putting the rapier in its sheath and touching the semi-auto under his jacket.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: BlueRose on March 30, 2015, 04:07:28 PM
Veroe smiled magnanimously at the secretary packing up behind the lobby desk as she swept out of the elevator and through the aforementioned lobby. With a nod to the overnight security, she sauntered out the large glass revolving doors of Silva Inc.

With a wave, she summoned her chauffeur who then delivered her to a nearby parking garage from which she reclaimed her personal vehicle to drive herself home. Upon reaching her apartment building, she handed her keys and a tip to a valet before going up to her rooms and beginning a long evening of posdibly nefarious phonecalls. and e-mails.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 30, 2015, 05:21:20 PM

"Black sports motorcycle heading west down third changing to fourth. In pursuit, over." The sound of radio static and the transmission came from Arron's radio briefly before a new call came in. The gray squirrel ignored his radio at the moment much more concerned about what was going on in front of him.

"Sergeant Arron I just got your file from Internal Affairs and you seem to have an awfully high ratio of discharging your weapon. Your antics have gotten more then one creature hurt and you've received three gunshot wounds in your line of service. Not only that but you seem to have a death wish taking on some of the worst street gangs single pawed."
A large badger slammed down a thick gray file filled with everything Arron had ever done in his police career. The squirrel kept his face passive knowing the file didn't contain half of what he really got up to on some of his patrols.

"Chief I apologies for the uh, past events I will do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again." The squirrel said in a mocking manner cringing as the badger stood angrily.

"Sergeant if you weren't one of my best officers on the force I would be forced to dishonorably discharge you." He warned Arron. "As it is I simply have to relocate you for right now."

"Relocate me... sir?"

"That's right your patrols will now take place in the downtown area. You will join Detective Voc's squadrons in that location, you will have all the excitement you need." The badger said coldly knowing Arron was proud of his current position in the city. In truth the badger needed a officer like Arron in the downtown region, the crime rate had gone up considerably. A hot head like Arron would be very useful there.

"You will take a black and white with officer Kat who will be your new partner, she's a rookie and you'll be showing her the ropes. Do you understand sergeant?"

Arron looked skeptical, he was used to running the streets alone. He hadn't had many partners and the one's he got usually asked to be reassigned for a different partner after only a few days with the squirrel.

"Yes sir I understand." Arron said at last.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on March 30, 2015, 05:54:31 PM
Fardan emerged from the back alley and saw K'taah speed by at a considerably less speedy pace. He watched the exhaust plume rise in the air before melting back into the shadows. His fertile mind went to work, figuring out what to do next. Sell his information on law enforcement? Practice his skills? So many choices, so much time. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. A dark night, in a city of many secrets. Fardan grinned.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on March 30, 2015, 11:00:05 PM
     K'taah was getting close to her apartment. She slowed down a lot and turned her lights of so she would not wake anyone up; she had been kicked out of two previous apartment complexes due to her motorcycle's noise. She pulled into the lot in the back of the building and parked her bike in the correct spot. She got her keys out of her pocket, trying not to make too much noise, and walked quickly toward the back door.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on March 30, 2015, 11:08:42 PM
Sneaking steathily among the streets, Fardan arrived at the small shed he called home. The dilapidated outside appearance was not like the inside, however. The interior was lined with heat absorbing material, stopping any thermal scanners from telling if a beast was inside or not. Clicking on a Macbook, Fardan hurriedly typed in "Criminal gangs" in the search bar. Within minutes he had gathered all the information needed to run a mafia in the most quiet and efficient way possible. Farzan uploaded the information into a USB. Then he proceeded to hack into law enforcement databases, figuring out where and when the most nefarious criminals, thugs, hackers, and various outlaws were. He swiftly wrote down the names on a scrap of paper and scanned the list. Quite a few people he knew were on it. He tucked the paper in his pocket and turned back to his screen. At the end of his typing, three contracts are written to hire three companies to make things. Special things.

Fardan was making a criminal empire inside a plywood shed.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 30, 2015, 11:18:20 PM
The low sound of the engine at idle hummed while Arron watched the darkened street, tapping the steering wheel bored. His new partner Kat was a mouse, she was a small yet tough looking creature with real venom in her. He had asked how she managed to get a patrol job as a tiny mouse and she had nearly punched him in the face. All was quiet on the transmissions at the moment so Arron turned to Kat.

"So Kat, your my partner now so I should get to know you a little better. I have to ask the name Kat is a very strange name for a mouse what's that about." He asked smoothly trying to be nice yet still sound superior. The mouse turned and glared at him waiting a moment before answering.

"Its short for Kathrine, Kat is better then Kathrine even if its strange on a mouse, see." She snapped fiercely taking Arron off guard. The squirrel mused for a second before asking another question.

"I see, so why did you join the police force?"

"I had every door shut in my face, everyone told me I was to small to do anything I wanted to do so I proved them wrong now shut up." The prompt rudeness stung Arron. He had been on the force for many seasons and never had he seen a rookie tell a sergeant to shut up.

"What did you say to me?" He asked not sure what protocol was here.

"Shut up."

"I don't think your allowed to say that to me."

"I just did."

Arron decided to drop it, he considered for the first time if he would be the one signing up for a new partner.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on March 30, 2015, 11:47:38 PM
     K'taah reached the back door, tried it, and found that it was locked. Dang it. She remembered the landlord warning her about locking the door when it was late. She smiled slowly. She could always climb up to her balcony, which had a door with a lock the same as her apartment door. She glanced up and spied her balcony, the second floor up. She ran to it and leaped, catching the lower railing, and hoisted herself up. Brushing the dust off, K'taah unlocked her door and strode in, proud of herself. She quietly closed the door behind her.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: BlueRose on March 30, 2015, 11:49:59 PM
After finishing her evening's business, Veroe stretched out on her couch with a glass of grape juice to wait for a particular delivery....

OOC: dun dun duun!
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on March 31, 2015, 01:25:27 PM
Fardan finally completed all his work. Now he needed to put things in motion. Glancing at the list of thugs, he dialed the number for the first name he saw. K'taah's number.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on March 31, 2015, 11:54:55 PM
    K'taah was unbuckling her boots when her phone started to buzz. She took it out of her pocket and glanced at it. Who would call me at such a time? She re-buckled her boots, stood up out of the armchair, jotted the number down on a notepad, hesitated, then tapped "Answer". "Hello? Who is this?" She said, keeping her voice down and trying to sound tired.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 01, 2015, 12:12:52 AM
Fardan, happy to get a response, replied. "I have no idea if you know me or not, but I know you. I've got a list of characters that I need here, and you're on it. I'm recruiting for a... group. I need a few different types of individuals, and you're the best biker in the streets. If you want action, I'm giving you an offer."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 01, 2015, 12:29:42 AM
    K'taah smiled. "Flattery never swayed me, sir." She had to admit that it did however make her more interested in what he was talking about. "What kind of... action... would I expect if I were to accept this offer?" She chose her words carefully in case this was some kind of ruse.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 01, 2015, 12:37:47 AM
"Let's say you'd be ferrying identities around town. At high speeds. And maybe a cop or two behind you.

"Don't get me wrong, I'd fully repay any.. injuries.. in the field. This operation isn't exactly legit. But I've gotta remind you, most of yours aren't either. I've seen the police records. Again, I don't want to make a threat. But I feel this is the job you want, K'taah."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: BlueRose on April 01, 2015, 12:42:34 AM
The buzzer rang and Veroe smiled as she retrieved her package from an awed delivery squirrel. She tipped the squirrel and closed the for in an effective dismissal before dialing a number on her smartphone. "Hello?"* "It's here."

*Voice at the other end of the phone. Something of an npc
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 01, 2015, 03:03:17 AM
    K'taah flinched. How does he know my name and police records? Still, she was interested....  "What do you mean by 'ferrying identities?' Will I have to give rides to random hoodlums that you conjure up?" she asked. "And just to let you know," she dropped the tone of her voice to a dangerous level. "If I feel the least bit threatened, I will go to full measures to make sure that I am not. Now," her voice lightened, "How much compensation would I receive for this said job?"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 01, 2015, 02:45:42 PM
"Let's not get hasty. No, you will not be ferrying random hoodlums I conjure up. As for compensation, I'll go for..."

OOC: I'm using dollars.

BIC: "...about $1,500, a week. And maybe more, depending on the customer you're ferrying."

"I can supply you with anything you need: weapons, another vehicle, technology, money, it's actually pretty easy to get. I'm not going to get you caught. And I don't want to brand you a criminal. I want your help. Call me back, it's your decision."

With that Fardan snapped his cell phone shut and tossed it on the table. He turned back to his computer and assessed the e-mail responses for the three companies. They all wanted his money.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 01, 2015, 03:49:51 PM

Sitting back in the seat and occasionally checking the binoculars along the darkened street Arron was having a quiet night for once. Kat didn't appear to want to talk so he mostly ignored her and listened to the police scanner.

"Armed robbery taking place in metro area 3272 Grizzened street, immediate back up requested over" Arron waited for this one to subside without responding. The Metro area was a half hour drive across the city, by the time he arrived the take down would be over.

"Black SUV driving westbound on 237 going onto the ramp over" 237 was closer but a chase could go anywhere very quickly so he decided to stay out of it. Arron tapped the dash board impatiently waiting for something good to come in.

"Oscar 2-2 check in." Came a quick order over the radio. Arron picked up the mouth piece, he was Oscar 2-2.

"This is Oscar 2-2 checking in, all clear and quiet over." Arron said quickly, he was about to but the mouth piece back when the reply came over.

"Roger, Oscar 2-2 Standby." This was followed by more normal transmissions but Arron was waiting for one in particular. It was not often when a administrative officer told him to standby, This had to be good.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 02, 2015, 03:07:57 AM
    K'taah let the disconnect tone buzz for a few seconds before removing the phone from her ear and tapping "End Call". She put her phone back in her pocket and slowly sat down in her armchair again. $1,500 a week? That was more than three times what she was currently being paid from her boring job at Lauren's Apparel! She chuckled to herself. She would definitely take the job. Her life had been on a downward cycle to Boring Land for a while now, and after tonight, she wanted more of that thrill. She unbuckled her boots, completely this time, and flexed her feet in the uncomfortable freedom. She wore high heels every day, but they still could get uncomfortable after a while. If she wasn't wearing the brightly colored stilettoes that she wore at work, she was wearing her high heeled boots. She placed her boots under the chair and sat in it for a while. She was still too roused by the night's events to go to sleep. A shower might help. She stood up and walked to the bathroom to take a long, steamy shower and went to bed afterwards.

OOC: Let me know when you are ready for it to be morning.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 02, 2015, 03:32:04 PM

They waited patiently in the patrol car for the administrative officer to radio back. After a while they received his message something about being the barrier around an important arrest. Driving to their lockdown point they turned on the lights and waited for the all clear.

It took a few minutes but the call came to break the perimeter they had created. Arron who was slightly annoyed by the mission drove slightly erratically the entire time.

OOC: I'm ready for a slight time swap.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: BlueRose on April 02, 2015, 05:02:21 PM
After finishing her call, Veroe opened. the package to reveal an original, signed copy of Oceans Above, a sci-fi novel by an author her book club was reviewing.

OOC:  Veroe may be a mercenary,  but she's trying very hard to be a sweet aunt type. This isn't the way I planned her. *walks away, mumbling about characters with minds of their own* Oh, and a time change is chill with me.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 02, 2015, 06:47:46 PM
OOC: I'll jump in with the time change.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 02, 2015, 10:28:26 PM
OOC: Okay, it's morning now!

BIC: The alarm buzzed at exactly 7:30 a.m. K'taah groaned and sat up in her bed. Although the late nights were worth it for her, it didn't always feel that way in the morning. She turned of her alarm and walked to the bathroom, wincing as she turned on the lights. Having taken a shower last night, she didn't need to take one now. She washed her face with cold water and ran a comb through her fur/hair*. She grabbed a lime green dress and a pair of matching high heels from the closet and changed into them. Afterwards, she grabbed her nametag from the nightstand, her purse from the counter, and an apple from the fridge. With that, she walked out the door.

    K'taah locked the front door behind her and began to walk toward the elevator. She thought it was silly to use the elevator to go down one floor, but others wearing high heels could not handle steps like she could, and she did not want to stand out. She never thought about why, for others would dismiss it quickly. I guess it's just my nature to be secretive she reflected. She walked across the balcony and smiled at the man working at the front desk. She opened the front doors and started to walk down the sidewalk toward Lauren's Appeal.

*Personally, I imagined her with hair, but I don't know what view (having hair or not) is correct.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 02, 2015, 11:18:20 PM

OOC: I always thought them having hair would look a little funny, everyone to their Own I suppose.

BIC: Arriving at the station early Arron waited impatiently for Kat to arrive so he could hit the streets. While he was waiting one of the officers brought three massive boxes full of donuts. The gray squirrel willed himself not to look at the round pastries wanting to stay lean.

"Sergeant Arron." A voice made him snap around, a strong middle aged weasel stood before him. The weasel didn't wear the same blue uniform as Arron but had a black suit. He had well polished shoes and Arron could see a slight bulge under the weasels jacket betraying the presence of a hidden weapon. It was his superior Detective Voc.

"Yes sir?" Arron asked cautiously. He had a poor record with Voc and they were usually very cordial.

"I have a case for you." Voc said surprising Arron. The weasel was usually very jealous of his cases never letting anybeast near until he had solved it.

"Uh okay, what is it?" Voc wasted no time in answering, instead he passed a file over to Arron. It wasn't very thick and was discouragingly vague.

"Its a hacker case, someone broke into our criminal files and as far as we can tell took or removed nothing, your to find him or her." Voc said suspiciously cheerful. Arron narrowed his eyes angrily.

"This is nearly unsolvable sir and you know it!"

"Exactly I can't have a unsolved case on my record. I trust you will take care of it accordingly, your excused from normal duties until the case is solved or you give up. Now excuse me I have cases to solve." With a slight swagger Voc strode off leaving a furious Arron.

Kat arrived just about then watching Arron interested. "What's that?" The mouse asked for once the glare gone from her face.

"A case, and I'm going to rub it in Voc's face when I solve it. Lets go Kat we have someone to go meet."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 03, 2015, 02:29:04 PM
Fardan slammed down the phone. Stoats! Why were they so arrogant and demanding? He'd have to take a walk and meet him personally. The cat growled in anger; he disliked outside trips. Loading a mag in his semi-auto, he cautiously opened the door to the shed. All clear. Be fore leaving, he erased all the memory on his devices and tucked the USB into his pocket. Checking the worn map he always kept on him, he turned south and headed for an abandoned warehouse.

He forgot to take the list.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 03, 2015, 03:02:47 PM

The black and white pulled to a stop in front of a small house in the middle of a residential area. Arron glanced around, it wasn't the best of neighborhoods he guessed everyone doing something illegal ran when they saw the car.

Stepping out Arron walked around to the other side where Kat was standing having already gotten out.

"Stay on your guard, I hate this place and this place hates me." Arron told her before marching up to the house knocking loudly on the door. After a moment a small hedgehog opened the door and stared up at the two cops his eyes wide. Turning the young hedgehog shouted into the house.

"Daaaaddy its the Popo again." Kat looked at Arron a surprised look on her face when a large fat hedgehog walked to the door.

"I'm following all the regulations, see I'm even wearing this bracelet what do you want now?" When he saw Arron a large grin came across his face. "Arron my old squirrel pal I haven't seen you since you join the academy how have you been."

"Your friends with a felon?" Kat asked.

"One time friends." Arron muttered as the hedgehog ushered them inside.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 03, 2015, 06:24:08 PM
Fardan stole across a alley intersection. His eyes glittered in the dark as he observed Arron's patrol car cruise by. That officer... Fardan would have to keep an eye on him.

The warehouse loomed up. Slipped though a small back door, Fardan heard teh stoat's nervous shuffling. Hee called out in a loud whisper. "I'm here. What now?"

"My money, that's what."

Fardan had nocated the stoat's position. He quietly slipped his semi-automatic out of his jacket and attached a silencer. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he drew a bead on the stoat. "I''ve got a gun on you. Wou've been stretching my nerves, and I'm not letting you get information to the cops. Goodbye."

There was a muffled Blam and Fardan heard the stoat slump to the ground, never to rise again. The job was done. He left the body. It was always fun to leave a present for the morning patrol.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Izeroth on April 03, 2015, 11:38:12 PM
Ragar looked out from a broken window, carefully eyeing Fardan.. The weasel had seen the cat in the area before, and he wasn't about to let him get away with yet another act of injustice.

Seeing Fardan caught off guard, Ragar raised his rifle and took aim. Just a little more to the left, and I'll be able to do him in for good.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 03, 2015, 11:48:36 PM
Some sixth sense told Fardan to exit the warehouse from a different side. The cat drew his rapier, looking about. He ducked out the east door, taking the long route back to his shed.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 05, 2015, 11:02:24 PM

Leading the way into his house the hedgehog introduced himself to Kat.

"I'm Larry, but Arron always called me Lar, because we were best buds." Larry told her shamelessly while Arron pulled faces. Taking them into the kitchen which was a horrible mess Larry produced a carton of milk and three questionable glass cups. Kat and Arron quickly refused any milk while the hedgehog poured himself a glassful.

"So buddy, what you here for, surely they didn't send you to arrest me." Larry said draining his glass.

"Were here for your skills, and that's it, I don't want you calling me for money and I'm not going to any of your wild parties. And don't call me buddy!"

Larry grinned setting down his glass with a slight clink. "My skill, aye I still got those, but It will cost you."

"What's your price?"

"You have to call me Lar again."

"Your not serious."

"I am."


"Do it."

"Aaaaagh, I need your skills Lar." Arron conceded each word dripping with menace.

"Yay, into the nerd shed." Larry cried dashing away leaving a bemused Kat and angry Arron.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Izeroth on April 06, 2015, 01:50:32 AM
 Ragar silently cursed his luck. Fardan had either seen him or felt him; the wildcat would now surely flee. As it was, however, there was a chance Ragar could catch up with him.

Might as well chase after him. Ragar leapt from the window, landing on a pile of discarded trash.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 06, 2015, 06:35:54 PM
At the cheap plywood construction, Fardan closed his laptop and packed it intoa courier bag, which also held several mags, a small whet stone for his rapier, and a food pack. He knew that the area he was stationed in right now was full of retired residents, severla from the police force. He cursed himself. The fool he was! Working in such close proximity to dangerous individuals!
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 06, 2015, 06:57:15 PM

Upon exiting Larry's house and walking into the back yard to a literal shed. Larry twirled a old rusty pad lock gaining them entrance to his world. A large desk with several puffy computer chairs with the occasional spike stuck in them dominated the small room. On the desk was stacks of computers and a row of monitors. Along the walls signed copies of Batbeast comics sat in glass cases. Crammed in one corner was a small foosball table.

Stepping around the piles of empty pizza boxes and sitting in front of one of the screens Larry fired up his computers.

"So what exactly is it you need me too do pal?" The hedgehog asked rubbing his paws together gleefully.

"Are you still the best hacker around Larry?" Arron asked claiming a seat nest to Larry pulling a spike from it first. Kat remained standing looking on with her never ending glare.

"Are you kidding, I could break into Salamandastron's servers if'n I wanted too." Larry boasted. "And unlike other hackers I don't leave traces so I've never been caught."

"Perfect, I need you to hack into Police records, they were unable to find out who broke in and I want you too." Larry needed no second bidding turning he began to work typing furiously on the keyboard.

Kat blanched at Arron. "You can't, that's illegal, and wont they notice like they did with the other hacker.

Arron didn't need to answer Larry responded to Kat his voice showed he was proud of his skill. "Nope, they wont know I'm there, I'm too go for that, whoever broke in before was skilled, but my old mamma used to say no matter how skilled you are there's always someone better." Finishing he leaned back. "Okay I'm in what now?"

"Find him."

"Or her." Kat put in.

"No can do, whoever it was is skilled, they erased almost everything, except what they looked at that is."

"Pull up a list of everything he viewed while on the police records." Arron ordered leaning close to the screen. He had no idea how Larry did it but he was confident in the hedgehog's skills.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 06, 2015, 07:41:09 PM
Fardan had jogged and walked several blocks. He stopped, taking a breather. He suddenly stopped,, holding his breath. The wildcat slowly reached into his right pocket, where the paper list should be stored.

It wasn't there.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 06, 2015, 10:42:16 PM
    Arriving at Lauren's Apparel, K'taah tossed the apple core in a trashcan outside and opened the front door. She saw that a skinny stoat was already there, washing the front windows. K'taah grinned. That was Melissa, one of her good friends.  She also liked to have a thrilling life, but usually the kind of thrill she liked was found at the bottom of several bottles.

"Well, someone's up early," K'tahh said, causing Melissa to glance up and smile.

"Decided not to go to Barry's last night," she said.

"I figured that they could keep a few cold for me tonight. Plus, Friday specials!" she chuckled a bit, then stopped cleaning.

"Truth is, I feel that I've been drinking too much. I'll be cutting back a bit." She looked up at K'taah, who nodded and said

"I understand. If I tore up the streets every night, it would take the fun right out of it for me."

"Yeah, I suppose so," Melissa said, going back to cleaning the window.

    K'taah put her purse behind the counter and put her key in the cash register. People rarely came that early, so she sat down on a stool and decided to check the news on her phone. She always made sure that she didn't make the news, or she would have to cut back on her wild nights. To her surprise, she saw that someone had apparently hacked the police database. Instantly she remembered that whomever had called her knew of her police data. She stood up.

"I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom," she said over her shoulder to Melissa.

    K'taah closed the door and locked it, turned her phone's volume all the way down, and called the number. I still need to get his name, she reminded herself. She wanted to make sure that she was in no danger of getting caught.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 06, 2015, 10:54:44 PM
Fardan paused to take the hone out of the small bag. It was K'taah! He swifty looked around. Satisfied that he had no unwanted listeners, he accepted the call. "Yes?"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 06, 2015, 11:29:25 PM

Larry pulled up the list faster then Arron had expected. The hedgehog had followed the blank space in the memory that led him straight to what the hacker had been looking at. It was a bunch of names, a few of them meant something to Arron but others he had never heard of.

Memorizing the names Arron licked his lips in frustration. There were so many, he could put a connection between them.

"Its a large grouping, whoever are hacker is just looked at their records and left." Larry commented he looked grudgingly at Arron. "My guess is it was just some kid that got a little skilled on the computer."

Kat was forced to agree nothing had been changed or modified and the names had little in common. "I can't see any similarities, except... Look all of them are out of jail on parole or cleared of charges." She pointed out.

Arron nodded. "Okay so these creatures all have record and are free, we might be looking at the creation of a gang or something. A lot of these creatures are notorious criminals." He said with a glimmer of hope. "We'll question them and see if they have anything in common. Kat call in and get me a warrant to question a fox named K'taah, she's first on the list."

Kat nodded and they both left, leaving Larry sitting at his desk. The hedgehog sighed and powered down his computer. He knew the two officers were dealing with a dangerous criminal, and at his guess one that would appreciate being checked up on.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 07, 2015, 01:04:07 AM
    "You!" K'taah whispered harshly.

"I don't even know who you are, but now I'm afraid that you're going to get me turned in because of what you did to the police records. That was you, wasn't it? You have some explaining to do. What were you even trying to do, and how do you plan to get out of this mess now? The police are definitely on your tail, you need to get out of here!"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 07, 2015, 05:57:34 AM
Eillam was peacefully sitting at a table in Starbucks. He didn't work there anymore, but he liked being there. He had his computer open, while he was editing some website. A young female mouse barista walked to him and said "Here you go E." She handed him a drink. Then she sat down at his tiny table. "Man, today has been swamped. I've barely gotten the time to take this break......" He words trailed off in his head, as he was distracted by her immense beauty. The way she tucked her hair behind her ear, the way she smiled and laughed, was so beautiful. Even the way she talked was perfect. Her words resirface in his brain. that's my sink issue I have to deal with later. Anyway, I've probably bored you, and I have to go anyway. See you later?"
Eillam snapped too. "Yeah sure!"
She walked off, behind the counter and embracing the other barista, a male squirrel. Also, some heavy PDA was going down.
"Jerk" he thought to himself as the reason he didn't work there anymore stood holding Veronica in his arms.
He put his headphone back on.
Dispatch, we have high speed pursuit of a Ferrari B12, suspect possible armed robbery. said the police scanner his headphones were plugged into. He grabbed his things, happy he could see a real life police chase. Dashing through the door, he watched as the Ferrari was chased by the police cars.
He loved the excitement. He discussed to hold onto the police scanner he had acquired for future.....endeavors.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 07, 2015, 01:10:20 PM
Fardan quickly activated the police scanner he always had with him. Indeed, he had been discovered. "Alright, let me see... I'm going to assume you won't take money to go to a safe location. You can go ahead and say whatever yu want, whether it involves me or not. It's easy enough to escape most officers... let's just hope you don't land in jail. Or, if you want, I can get a distraction and you can leave. Then again, it's Arron we're, or should I say I'm, dealing with. The choice is yours.

"Oh, and please don't take this as me abandoning you. I did offer to help you."

OOC: Sorry for lack of a better post. Couldn't think of a good way to get K'taah out of the problem.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 07, 2015, 02:55:04 PM

At that moment Kat picked up the radio dialing in and waiting for an opening. At the moment the radio was clogged with the events of a car chase.

"This is Oscar 2-2 reporting in for a warrant to question the fox K'taah, over." She said a moment later permission was given they would have the warrant now all they had to do was pick it up and find K'taah.

They made the drive to the court house where Kat went in and acquired the warrant. They stopped outside her apartment where they found a drunk landlord who told them she worked at a store called Laurens Apparel. They followed this trail to the store.

"Alright follow my lead, lets go." Arron told Kat stepping out of the patrol car. They marched resolutely into the store looking around for their suspect.

OOC: Is K'taah still there or did she leave?
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: BlueRose on April 07, 2015, 06:24:23 PM
Veroe went about her day in a normal manner. It was a very normal day. So normal that normality seemed abnormal.

OK, it wasn't normal. She and her helpers were planning a heist.

OOC: Mwahahaha.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 07, 2015, 10:23:10 PM
OOC: Yes, she was in the  bathroom calling Fardan.

    K'taah growled and hung up. There went the promise of fun. She heard the door to Lauren's Apparel open so she flushed the toilet to make it sound like she had been using the restroom and turned on the faucet. After a few seconds, she turned it off again, paused, then opened the door and walked out.

"Hello and welcome to Lauren's Apparel!" she said with a cheery grin, walking quickly over to the counter.

"How may I help you?" It was odd to see police officers in a clothing store, especially at this hour. They don't know anything, she assured herself, not sure how true that statement was.

OOC: Just a note; most of the world knows her as Katrina. It is only a select few that she tells her real name.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 07, 2015, 10:32:04 PM

OOC: Okay Just assume they have been calling her that then.

BIC: Arron gave a winning smile and rested against the counter to show the entire thing was relaxed. He glanced around the store before shaking his head.

"No there's nothing in here I want I just have a few questions for a fox named Katrina, I'm guessing you know her." He said reading the nametag. "Well we are looking for a hacker, he or she broke into the police records as you might have seen on the news. Well all they did was look at a bunch of files including yours. We have reason to believe that you may be in danger from an old enemy perhaps?"

He watched her face before continuing.

"Anything you could give us would be extremely helpful."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 07, 2015, 10:51:30 PM
    K'taah smiled inside, but on her face was growing concern. Such an easy card to play, she mused.

"Hacker? Who would be interested in me? I've never had any angry breakups, or made anyone upset on any level... old enemy? No, I can't think of anyone.. Sir, am I in danger?" by now, her voice was almost frantic. Melissa had to look away from where she was still cleaning and K'taah knew that she was hiding a laugh. She knew that K'taah wasn't being serious, although it was not evident.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 07, 2015, 11:22:25 PM
Fardan cursed and tossed the phone it his bag. Of course! Naturally, the detective would put Arron on the case, and he knew by experience he should never mess with that particular officer. He'd have to be on the alert for most of his time now.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 07, 2015, 11:31:42 PM
Arron kept his face calm but inside he growled in anger. Useless that's what these annoying creatures were, police were plagued constantly by overreacting fools that couldn't give a proper answer. He turned to leave.

"Your not in danger miss Katrina, just give us a holler if any strange calls come in. Lets go Kat."

The mouse however wasn't fully convinced she leaned forward, her ever present glare even more evident.

"Wipe that silly look off your face fox. Now you listen to me. If I find out you were lying to us, I'll hunt you down and arrest you for obstruction of justice see." She hissed angrily slamming her paw down on the counter hurting it. The mouse kept her face straight not wanting the fox to see she had hurt herself.

With one last glare she turned and marched out muttering insults and dire threats under her breath.

Arron was waiting for her by the car the squirrel's face was impassive but it was evident he was about to scream.

"Look, all these creature from the list, they will most likely act like anything is nothing. Their up to something, I'm going to see if I can get a warrant to tap into her phone. That might help." Arron growled slamming the car door in frustration.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 07, 2015, 11:44:09 PM
Fardan had finished the last call to his associates. They had been warned that they should stay silent if they valued their jail-free lives. The cat hated using dire threats, but at a time like this they were needed.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 13, 2015, 03:53:16 AM
    K'taah had jumped when the mouse slammed her paw on the counter. She was more than happy to see her and the other cop leave shortly afterward. She shook her head, and muttered a choice word about the mouse officer. Melissa laughed.

"You got that right! She had a heck of an attitude!" she said. K'taah just shook her head again.

They're on to me, I know it. I still want to get that job though...  Maybe I can call him back later and see if that spot's still open. She sighed, sat down on the stool again, and took out her phone because there was nothing else to do right then. Just wait.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: BlueRose on April 13, 2015, 03:59:10 AM
After the (very long) initial planning stage, Veroe had nothing more to do with anything her goons did. The money would end up in her private bank account and no one would be the wiser. Veroe Silva kept her paws clean and her image cleaner.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 13, 2015, 04:07:02 AM
Connie strode down the sidewalk in search of an alleyway or hotel--anywhere he could hide until the commotion died down. The ferret had just robbed a jewelry store during the night, and he needed to play it cool if he was to remain unsuspected. Running through the streets in broad daylight was bound to attract attention.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 13, 2015, 05:06:14 AM
As it turns out, Connie's jewelry robbery did attract some attention. From the ever too curious Eillam. The mouse had been at the robbery after he heard it on the police scanner, and thought that videoing it from his phone would make for a super popular  YouTube video. He had recorded the whole thing, and now watched the ferret  as Eillam waited for something to happen.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 13, 2015, 05:21:17 AM
Haha, I don't know why, but he should edit freaky music into the video. XD
And Connie's a ferret, not a weasel. ;)

Connie yawned and sat down on a bench beside the road to get a better view of his options.
There was a Starbucks, a clothing store, and a few other shops across the street. That couldn't exactly help him, so he'd ignore those.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 13, 2015, 05:35:28 AM
OOC: Whoops, sorry about that, :P
Eillam tried to keep following, almost knocking down a outdoor table at the Starbucks because he wasn't paying attention. He tried to play it off like he was tired and sat down, hoping to not be noticed by the ferret.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 13, 2015, 05:41:33 AM
Tis alright.   :)

Something across the street caught Connie's eye--a mouse seemingly having trouble with a table. At least that's what it looked like from afar. The ferret almost burst out in laughter but instead let out a nearly-silent snort. "Pft, look at that clumsy oaf. Doesn't know what he's doing."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 13, 2015, 05:49:59 AM
Eillam, in his haste to get the table under control, had dent realized his bag had fallen open, reveling a police scanner. It was strung accord the ground, with Eillam completely oblivious.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 13, 2015, 06:01:43 AM
Connie squinted and stood up, pricking his ears. What is that, a remote? He thought, narrowing his red eyes.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 13, 2015, 10:38:01 AM
Scylla was in a Starbucks, sitting opposite a mouse who had knocked over a table and had thrown a police scanner on the floor. She received a text message, which read "Arron investigating hacker case. Walked out of Lauren's Apparel five minutes ago." . Scylla sighed and got up, walking over to the alley the ferret was in, and dialing Arron's number.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 13, 2015, 01:12:51 PM
Connie noticed Scylla heading toward him and started walking again.
What was wrong with these people? They were all acting so weird.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 13, 2015, 01:21:22 PM
Scylla walked to the ferret, "Would you come inside the alley, ferret? I have something to talk to you." She whispered to the ferret.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 13, 2015, 01:27:44 PM
Connie squinted. "You look awfully familiar...nevermind that. What is it? Whatever it is, you can say it here."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 13, 2015, 01:34:08 PM
"Inside. Now" Scylla's voice was cold and hard, and argument would be pointless.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 13, 2015, 03:36:17 PM

After receiving the dead end with Kathrine Arron had left Kat at the station to do some of the paperwork. Something he wasn't very skilled with. He had hopped on his motorcycle and drove around with nothing really on his mind.

He was technically off duty but he still wore the uniform. His cell phone rang in his back pocket suddenly. He jumped in surprise, no one ever called his personal phone, he didn't hardly give the number to a anyone.

Pulling the motorbike to the side of the road he flipped it open and read the number. Not recognizing it he answered putting the phone to his ear.

"Hello, who is this?"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 13, 2015, 03:54:49 PM
Slipping into the alley, Scylla replied to Arron. "Hello, Arron. We have met before, many years ago. The case of the abducted politician who was eventually found murdered and half eaten, isn't it?"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 13, 2015, 04:04:25 PM

With a slight huff Arron remembered the gruesome scene along with the criminal that preformed it. The lizard was slippery as an eel, he had nearly caught it long ago but she had escaped.

He answered hoping he could keep her talking. "Oh aye, I certainly remember that, I also remember finding your saliva all over the victim, your good as caught Scylla, I would bring you in myself but I'm busy with something right now." The squirrel barked.

He kept talking while turning on an app Larry had made for him a few seasons ago. It was a phone tracker it would use Scylla's signal and locate the three nearest phone towers then pinpoint her location. He just needed the lizard to talk for a few more seconds.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 13, 2015, 04:10:23 PM
"Ah well, Arron, I wanted to tell you this, the common people have nothing to fear. I only eat corruption. Tell the reporters this. Also, do you want to come to Starbucks for a chat now? I know you're using some device to record my position. No need for that, come to the Starbucks at 50th Martin Avenue, and don't forget to bring Katrina." She said before blowing a kiss to Arron and hanging up. She sent a text message to her associates to gather at the place, and to spring a trap if necessary.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 13, 2015, 05:10:47 PM

The squirrel officer stared down at his phone in confusion, the crazy lizard was exactly where she said she would be. He turned off the phone but then thought better of it and turned it back on. He quickly dialed Kat and told her to meet him at the Starbucks 50th Martin Avenue.

He kicked his motorcycle into gear and drove swiftly down Main switching to first Martin. He wasn't going to call back up, they would just muck things up like they did last time. This lizard needed to be behind bars, and he was the squirrel to do it.

He remembered Scylla's last demand, to bring Katrina, he snorted as he sped along. Like he was going to bring a citizen to something like this.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 13, 2015, 07:24:30 PM
Arron didn;t know it, but Fardan had tapped the phone lines. The wildcat flipped his iTablet shut and stuffed it in his bag. He quickly called all of his hired people and warned them about the presence of the lizard. Last of all he dialed K'taah's number. It wouldn't pick up, so he went to voicemail. "Yeah, hi, K'taah. 'Pologies for any problems the blackfeet caused you. Anyway, there's a dangerous reptile in town, and when it called Arron it mentioned you. Um, so, just a little warning. Thanks for your time."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 13, 2015, 09:26:26 PM
Connie gave a confused snort. He'd heard the whole thing.
"No, no, I'm fine here. You'll tell me here. And what do you mean, 'I only eat corruption'?"
The ferret tilted his head.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 14, 2015, 12:23:39 AM
Scylla turned to Connie, "I only eat corrupt politicians and officials, no one else." She phoned her associates, telling them to come to the Starbucks, fully armed. She then went back to Starbucks and leaned back in a chair.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 14, 2015, 01:59:26 AM
"Eat?" Connie chuckled. "Now, that's a good one, I must say. Eat! What on Earth?" She must be trying to prank me. He kept glancing over at that clumsy mouse whom sparked his interest and finally decided to walk over there and ask what he was doing in the most non-suspicious way possible.
Nobeast even knew of his crime yet, as far as he knew. It wasn't even in the news.
He approached the mouse and chuckled.
"Are you alright?"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 14, 2015, 04:18:29 AM
Eillam was startled by the ferrets approach. Not knowing what to do next, a sudden thrill came over him. This is what he did this for, to get up close and personal with the excitement.
"Yeah, I'm fine. The question is, are you?"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 14, 2015, 04:26:27 AM
"Yes..." Connie raised one eyebrow in confusion. Everybeast he spoke to today was either insane or trying to freak him out. He laughed awkwardly. "Isn't that an odd question to ask. Heh, you must've had too much coffee in there." He gestured to the Starbucks and then looked down and realized that the thing that Elliam dropped was not a remote, but a police object. Stupid, stupid me! He started to sweat. "...Well, I'll be going..."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 14, 2015, 04:32:53 AM
Eillam had just realized his scanner was out in the open. He started to panic. Shoving it in his bag, he darted from his chair and ran inside the building. He went straight to the bathroom and locked the door, clutching his taser. He had never been interesting with danger, and though it gave him a thrill, it also caused fear strong enough to launch him through a Starbucks and into a bathroom,hiding from a nonexistent danger.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 14, 2015, 04:37:01 AM
Connie was startled by the police mouse's sudden freak out and stared after him wide-eyed. The ferret began to sway on his footpaws and feel sick. Trying to calm himself, he sniggered and rolled his bright red eyes. "Pff, what an idiot. That's probably fake."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 14, 2015, 04:53:31 AM
Eillam stayed in the bathroom, trying to figure out what to do next. He came to a decision.
He posted his video.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 14, 2015, 04:57:56 AM
Oh, no! Connie just got busted and he doesn't even know it. :P

Connie leaned on the table to stop himself from fainting. Some sixth sense told him to get out of there.
Running would cause more attention. He couldn't do it. Perhaps the officer didn't even know it was he who did a crime.
Maybe that mouse wasn't even an officer.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 14, 2015, 10:07:14 AM
Scylla remarked to Connie. "You know, that mouse has been recording every step you took from the jewelry store to this Starbucks right?"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 14, 2015, 12:43:26 PM
"Aagh, w-what?" Connie felt his mouth go dry. His voice sounded desperate. "Is that what you were going to tell me? And how did you know?! ...No, forget it, I'm out of here."
The ferret didn't take a second glance at anything, he just bolted down the street like a madman.
He needed to get home, and fast.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 14, 2015, 01:09:07 PM
From a temporary sentry posst atop an abandoned apartment, Fardan observed the whole incident with binoculars. Writing down a quick entry into his log book, he then checked the newly posted Youtube video. He got the first view.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 14, 2015, 01:28:52 PM
Scylla didn't notice Fardan. As she got a large cup of coffee and sipped it, a new plan began formulating in her mind.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 14, 2015, 03:38:41 PM

Kat arrived first, having been closer to the coffee bar she entered looking around nervously. She had an appearance of being tough but she wasn't sure what she was here for. Arron had sounded frantic on the phone so she had come as quick as she could.

Looking around for an empty seat she walked along the back of her neck prickling. She was considered small by most of the creatures In the coffee shop. If it came down to a scuffle her gun only had so much ammo in it.

Walking to the back she spotted a lizard that looked harmless enough. Plus her table was back against the wall and it was the emptiest one there besides a nearby ferret.

"Mind if I sit here?" She asked pulling up a chair not waiting for the lizards consent.


Arron rode furiously down the streets using the small size of the motorcycle to zip in-between traffic. He needed to get there first, or things were going to get very ugly.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 14, 2015, 03:51:33 PM
"Sure, why not? I'm expecting an appointment though" Scylla didn't pay any attention to the policebeast, and kept her eyes  one the road.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 14, 2015, 06:12:43 PM
Fardan was also watching the road.

With thhe binoculars, he had swiftly located the policebeast's motercycle, and he had already seen its route. He couldn't get a good angle on the lizard and mouse, so he briefly tapped into the coffee shop's security cameas to get a better look.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 14, 2015, 09:27:49 PM
Connie couldn't go any faster. His house was not too far away, but he still couldn't believe how long this felt. A YouTube video? Of him? Why hadn't he thought of that? He wondered what else Elliam had up his sleeve.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 15, 2015, 03:13:40 PM

Arron sped around the last turn and went off the busy street and into the Starbucks parking lot. He chose a parking place close to the door. Jumping off his bike he raced inside having already seen Kat's vehicle in the parking lot as well.

He leapt though the door and spotted his quarry sitting with Kat. Hiding his surprise Arron upholstered his pistol and pointed at the lizard yelling as he did.

"Paws in the air where I can see them, Kat move out of the way! Paws in the air make any sudden movements and I'll drop you, Kat call backup." He yelled, a slight smile on his face, the squirrel shook his head as Kat radioed in the capture of Scylla.

"I don't know how you thought this would play out cannibal but your under arrest. Put your paws behind your back."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 15, 2015, 03:41:33 PM
Scylla smiled and pulled out her SMG "Not today, Arron, not today." Saying so she threw a table with one hand at Arron and shot her gun at Kat and Arron.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 15, 2015, 04:18:26 PM

Arron had suspected Scylla wouldn't go down without a fight be he was hardly prepared for a SMG. Throwing himself sideways he slid across the floor kicking tables and chairs down to provide cover.

"Get down! Keep your heads down!" Arron roared popping up he yelled angrily. "Drop the weapon. Now!" He emptied the mag towards the lizard before he dropped down again just in time to see Kat fall.

The mouse hadn't been as quick as Arron and she was hit. With a gurgle she fell backward as the blood spattered across the coffee shop floor. A vole crawled towards her and pressed wad of napkins against the wound whispering in her ear.

"I'm a doctor, just stay with me." He ducked lower as another spray of bullets flew overhead. Arron could be heard screaming into his radio.

"Officer down! Officer down!"
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 15, 2015, 04:22:25 PM
Fardan decided he had observed for long enough. Taking a small, Kevlar shield out of his bag, he lithely climbed down to ground level. He observed Scylla taking out her gun, and readied his shield. he heard the shots and saw Kat topple over, he drew his semi auto and stoop up behind Scylla. "Better not harm that officer, lizard. I suggest you put the gun down."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 15, 2015, 09:20:51 PM
Connie shrieked and leapt out of the way of a car and bolted onto the sidewalk.
Was that a gunshot he heard in the distance?
I would go back and see, but if that cop mouse is still there, I'm doomed...
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Søren on April 15, 2015, 09:44:20 PM
In fact, Eillam was still there, cringing in the bathroom as the gunplay happened. He tried to slip out, taser drawn, and out the back door into an alley. From there, he ran at full speed down the road to his house.
EPIC!! he thought as he ran, not even think about the fact that he had been in the bathroom the whole time.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 15, 2015, 09:55:11 PM
Connie shrugged and started running again.
It would most likely be in the news.
He could wait.
The ferret arrived at his house--or mansion, if you wanted to call it that-- and unlocked the door, quickly slipping inside.
He let out a sigh of relief.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Izeroth on April 15, 2015, 10:04:48 PM
 Ragar had been watching the events from a nearby building, waiting for a chance to get his revenge on Fardan. Putting down his binoculars, he now aimed his rifle at a window.

But what was this? The wildcat was aiming a gun at the lizard, and appeared to actually be helping the officers.

Ragar hated thugs like Fardan, but he hated senseless murderers like Scylla more. Putting down his rifle, he again took up the binoculars.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 15, 2015, 10:28:00 PM

The sound of sirens filled the air as Arron pointed his weapons from the cat too the lizard unsure of which one he should shoot first. He went with Scylla seeing as she had just shot his partner.

Seeing his opportunity Arron rushed forward attempting too wrench the SMG from Scylla's paws while swinging with his pistol attempting to knock the lizard down.


Police cars drove up from everywhere sirens blaring as the officers blocked off the streets. EMS trucks drove up the brave medics rushing towards the Starbucks ready to help anyone that was hurt. Creatures had started to gather the sounds of the guns having died down slightly. Overhead a helicopter whirled while news companies struggled for the best positions among the crowd.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 15, 2015, 10:35:07 PM
Connie sat down and flipped on his TV.
It would probably be on the news by now.
...And right he was! The ferret smirked. "Looks like chaos to me," he mused, leaning forward.
There's the lizard who tried to pull me into the alley!
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 15, 2015, 10:54:05 PM
Fardan disappeared into a back alleyway.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 16, 2015, 12:17:29 AM
Scylla dodged and attempted to kick Arron in the stomach, firing her SMG at his paws. Two black armoured vans arrived and a number of beasts dressed in black came out from them, attacking the policebeasts.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 16, 2015, 12:32:31 AM

A medic reached Kat helping the vole put pressure on the wounds. They both ducked as machine gun fire rang out from both police and criminal. More and more sirens could be heard and screaming creatures fled the scene as more fighting broke out.

Arron blocked the kick dancing away from the SMG rounds thawking into the floor. Pulling his Taser free of its holster he fired two high powered electric springs towards the lizard before bullying forward kicking heavily.


A loud horn sounded as three armored Humvees pulled up. Massive 50 cal. machine guns on the top. They charged straight into the fray the heavy armor piercing rounds flying from the guns. Onboard were the elite National Guard Long Patrol hares from Salamandastron. Summoned to the fight by the police they shot to kill.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 16, 2015, 12:36:14 AM
"Oh, the Long Patrol! Splendid." Connie chuckled, shaking his head. This was getting more interesting by the second, but he was glad he hadn't gone back and involved himself with any of them.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 16, 2015, 12:49:50 AM
Scylla got shot in the leg and snarled at Arron "Well, well, well, time for me to see the Badger Lords." she smirked and ran into an armoured car that had appeared on the scene. "Drive me to Salamandastron." She said and the driver started driving towards Salamandastron.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Kitsune on April 16, 2015, 01:47:08 AM
    Back in Lauren's Apparel, K'taah was bored out of her mind. She glanced at the clock and saw it was time for her fifteen minute break.

"Hey Mel, I'm going to head down to Starbucks. I'm pretty tired from last night."

"Okay! Just be back before fifteen minutes, or I might have to fire you!" Melissa said, jokingly.

    K'taah rolled her eyes and laughed, then walked out the door. Walking down the sidewalk, she heard shouts and sirens in the distance, then was passed by an armored car speeding away from Starbucks' general area, pursued by police and the national guard. Seeing this, she dashed down the nearest alley towards her apartment. She didn't want to miss a minute of the excitement. She hurriedly entered her apartment, almost forgot to close the door, and changed into her biker's clothes. She went out her balcony door and locked it behind her to avoid attention, and carefully jumped down to the pavement. She ran to her motorcycle, hurriedly turned it on and sped down the street towards Starbucks.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 16, 2015, 02:44:13 PM
Fardan notice the smaller amount of activity in the Starbucks. He crept back, staying in the shadows. He had noticed Eillam in the smaller room.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 16, 2015, 09:23:30 PM
At last Connie got bored and turned off the television.
Perhaps he'd go back now and see everything in first person.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 17, 2015, 11:08:03 PM

Arron leaned against the table he hadn't noticed in the fight but he had been hit hard by Scylla's blows. He held an ice pack to the side of his head where he had been kicked watching as the medics loaded Kat aboard a EMS transport.

The hares had all left having chased after the last armored truck. What few criminals that were still alive were being led away in chains or strapped too stretchers.

He watched as workers (Mostly moles) Began to set too work on the sight cleaning while police snapped photo's for evidence. He let out a sigh and leaned back resting against the tire of the truck he was sitting against. He was tired, it was fine by him to let someone else take the reigns from here.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Ashleg on April 19, 2015, 12:31:24 AM
The ferret slunk outside and glanced around. He needed to hear more of the said "videos" the lizard had mentioned, and soon.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 21, 2015, 08:46:46 PM
Killam had been just another impatient cutomer when the confrontation happened. He had oberved the lizard the whole time, liking her attitude. The cell phone was incredibly small in  his hands as he dialed her number. "'Ello? Is this Scylla? Good t'know. Anyway, I'd like to offer my partnership. You and I, well, we're cut from the same cloth.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 24, 2015, 03:23:23 AM
Scylla was halfway to Salamandastron when she got the call. "Killam! Scylla's speaking here. As for our partnership, come to Salamandastron to seal our partnership. See ya there."
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Hickory on April 24, 2015, 01:04:37 PM
Choosing to take a "liberated" Land Rover, Killam turned his iPod music to "Search and Destroy" (Iggy and the Stooges) as he cruised along the highway. Salamandastron was a long drive, and he'd accordingly packed several gas cans.
Title: Re: Downtown
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on August 05, 2015, 04:16:08 AM
OOC: Bump.

Scylla grinned as they drove up to the mountain."How ffffar are we?" said Scylla. The henchbeast gulped nervously as he spoke. "We still have a few hours left, ma'am." "Excellent."