Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Skyblade on March 31, 2015, 12:56:51 AM

Title: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Skyblade on March 31, 2015, 12:56:51 AM
Although I try to be creative, it seems that I lack originality. Here is yet another thread which I copied off of somebody else (Thank you, Sage and Gonff! I really hope you guys don't mind).

Basically, I will be accepting requests for various prompts. I have writing up in my "Skyblade's...stuff" thread in Cavern Hole as well as in my new fan fiction. I may also post an example later. Also, I appreciate any comments you may have. Thank you, everyone :)
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on March 31, 2015, 01:18:55 AM
Glad to see you have one up Madam Blade! Could you do me one of what a bird sees? I am almost done writing mine, and I would like to see how you take it. Thanks!

Farewell and Excel!

- PoM
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Skyblade on March 31, 2015, 01:24:03 AM
Thank you truly for the request, Sir Gonff :) Are there any specifications? Is it just a relaxed and simple recount, or one in which I introduce conflict?
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on March 31, 2015, 01:35:25 AM
Which ever. Its your story.  ;)
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Captain Tammo on March 31, 2015, 04:27:14 AM
Hm... Could you write a fanfiction that doesn't necessarily have a bunch of action in it, but works more like a situational conflict with a big plot twist at the end? One that will make people think "Wow, I thought it was going to go a completely different way but I like this way more!"

Because I like those ::)

No specs, per se, but maybe a setting in Redwall Abbey?
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Skyblade on March 31, 2015, 04:32:55 AM
Hmm...sounds interesting! Thank you! :)

I'm currently working on "Fire Mountain", but I actually do have another idea for a fan fiction. I was thinking that the plot would center on a feast in Redwall. Unfortunately, a lot of drama makes the feast go all wrong and wacky! And I can try a plot twist.

Is that something like what you're saying?
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 11, 2015, 07:51:41 AM
Could you do a one shot of a battle between two Badger lords for Salamandastron, with on side being Long Patrol, Sea otters, and woodlanders and the other side being fanatical vermin and woodlanders.
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Skyblade on April 18, 2015, 05:12:16 PM
As you all can tell, I have been taking a long time writing my requests. I am a perfectionist (or at least I think I am), so I like to take my time. I am pleased to say that I'm finally finished with Gonff's story! I hope you enjoy it. I know I enjoyed writing it :)

Captain Tammo, I'm afraid your fanfic is going to take a while to write. I'm forming ideas and the plot, but I will probably want to finish "Fire Mountain" before I write this one. Hopefully it will be worth the wait.

Ash, of course! Sounds cool :D By the way, the request you wrote for me actually gave me an idea for the following story:

Flying Free (Title shamelessly taken from the song in my signature)

   Wind can be harsh. It can also be scary. But in moderation, in the right amount, it can be utterly refreshing. Skylark knew, for at the moment a breeze was ruffling his feathers as he glided through the air. With both the sun warming his wings and the wind cooling them off, he could encounter hot and cold at the same time. And it felt great.

   Birds chattered around him like a scattered choir, and trees murmured below as if whispering secrets they didn't want others to know. But Skylark himself was silent: only his heart sang with the music.

   The young lark gazed below as he streaked through the atmosphere. Funny, he was technically still a part of this world but at the same time he wasn't. He was in and out at the same time.

   Different view meant different perspective. The trees looked like bushes. The bushes were not visible. A river snaked through the land, a random strip of blue. Skylark knew that up close, the river was probably bubbling and running and coursing with action. But at this distance, it looked eerily calm. The river appeared so flat and glassy – as if it was simply a streak of blue paint left by an unrealistically giant brush. Skylark felt as if he was a giant flying over a shrunken down world. It was a lovely thought for a beast as small as he.

   It was so peaceful. Skylark gained joy and pleasure from these solo flights. Smiling as much as a bird can smile, he swooped closer to land. Gradually, the features of the trees became clearer. They were getting bigger in his vision as well as more detailed. Wow, amazing! He could see the leaves, the branches, the way they all waved as one. Truly trees were living creatures.

   Hey, what's that? Skylark whipped his head as he thought he saw a flash in the undergrowth: a gray streak, perhaps.

   Then came utter shock and pain.
   Skylark tried to scream but felt his yell stop somewhere in the middle of his throat. Something, something sharp had pierced the soft feathers of his right wing. Already stumbling and falling, he reflexively turned his head and saw an unfamiliar object. It seemed like it was just a thin stick that was lodged in his wing, but it was sharp. And it hurt.

   What happened? What's happening? Skylark's panic only multiplied as he lost altitude. His frantic flapping proved futile as he crashed through the branches and leaves he had been admiring just minutes before. Screaming on the outside and inside, he fell onto the ground.

   Pain was the first thing he felt, and it quickly mingled with shock, fear, anguish, and confusion. Skylark didn't know what was going on, but suddenly his situation exacerbated. Out of the bushes appeared a small, mixed pack of vermin.

   The lark's head reeled with questions, but a rough foot slamming onto his beak and chest immediately halted anything he could have said. Either Skylark was small or the beast was large, because that one foot covered almost all of Skylark's entire body. Not that he could escape at this point, anyway.

   "We got ourselves a bird here," said the creature who was holding him down, a ferret, in a voice that emanated amusement.

   Well, duh. Skylark thought, surprising himself by how he could think such a calm thought in the midst of utter fear.

   "Good, now finish 'im off, Chief!" growled another beast. Skylark couldn't see who it was, but he knew it was an enemy and that was all he needed to know. He was surrounded by a bunch of creatures who wanted to kill him.

   Let me go! Stop! Why... Skylark would have said so many things if a beast's toes were not on his beak. But something deep inside told him it wouldn't matter, anyway.

   It probably wouldn't have made a difference.

   "You finish 'im, Darktip," said the ferret who was holding Skylark down, interrupting his grave thoughts. "Yer the one with the bow."

   Suddenly, the weight lifted off Skylark as the ferret raised his foot. Feeling a bud of hope, the bird gasped heavily and cried, "What-"

   Then, he saw the black-furred rat. Without a word, the beast fit arrow to bow and pointed it straight at him. Skylark tried to move, but the point went straight into his chest before an escape became possible.

   Skylark gasped heavily and erratically, his beak wide open. Vaguely and blurrily, he saw the stick jutting out of his chest. He was randomly reminded of a newborn bird chick opening its beak widely and fluttering its feathers in a plea for food. That's what I look like right now.


   "And that's how I ended up here, sir."

   The lark bowed his head to the figure standing before him, afraid to meet those fearless, sparkling eyes. Around the two creatures was no sign of life other than the grass on the ground and the trees that waved in the wind.

   "Don't bow to me, young one," replied the mouse. The beast was clearly a warrior in body, mind, and soul. To the lark's surprise, his companion dropped the sword he was carrying. The weapon fell to the ground and lay as motionless as a dead creature.

   The lark looked up, his eyes already starting to water. He had always wondered if birds could cry. Now it appeared that they could. Or maybe that was possible only in the afterlife.

   "What's wrong?" the mouse asked the most obvious question Skylark had heard in the entirety of his sort life.

   "I..." the bird choked up, swallowed, paused, and continued. "I'm dead. How can you ask me what's wrong, dear sir?"

   "Firstly, there is no need to call me sir," the mouse replied, "My name is Martin. And I am sorry, Skylark. It is the unfortunate truth that some die before they wish. But an end must come to all. It was your time, my young bird. You must accept your own fate and you own destiny, as must everybody else in this world."

   The lark blinked up at him, letting these deep words sink in. "But Martin...they killed me. They killed me. I never even did anything to them. Never even met them. What happened?"

   "Evil happened, young one," Martin responded. Skylark thought he saw an actual fire ignite in the mouse's eyes as he went on, "They will meet their own ends, trust me. Justice will catch up to them, and give them the same amount of mercy they gave you."

   The bird swallowed and used his good wing to wipe the water from his eyes. Although the sharp sticks were gone, he could still feel the pain where he had been shot. The mouse reached out and touched his other wing, then his chest. Both instantly felt the way they had before the terrible ambush that had ended his life.

   Pleasantly surprised, Skylark raised both wings. "You healed me!"

   "Of course," Martin replied with a slight upturn at the ends of his mouth. "Why would I not do a kind thing if I hold the ability to do so?" He turned and motioned all around him. "Here is a place where you can thrive. A forest. Go out and fly. And if you don't want to fly, then soar."

   "I'll do both," Skylark whispered. Failing to hold back more tears, he felt droplets move down his face as he added, "Thank you, Martin." The lark then lifted and studied his wings. Feeling satisfied, he took off into the air. He couldn't be certain, but somehow he felt as if he was flying even faster and stronger than ever before. As he went higher and higher, Martin got smaller and smaller. So did the trees, until they looked like bushes. And the bushes were soon lost in view. There was, to Skylark's delight, a river as well. It looked so calm and glassy, as if it was merely a streak of blue paint on an otherwise green land.

   Martin gazed up from where he still stood on the earth and nodded. "You go on, brave one," he said. Although Skylark was so high up by now, he knew his words would echo in the bird's ears. "There are no vermin to shoot you down in this place. Now you can go back to doing what you loved best. Here, my friend, is a place where you can always be flying free."
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on April 18, 2015, 07:16:10 PM
Sky! That was absolutely marvelous! I was hooked the whole time! The ending really had me. So sad, yet so satisfying. Thank you so much for this great gift! It truly put a smile on my face, and tear in my eye.

- PoM
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Skyblade on April 19, 2015, 02:34:55 AM
Thank you for the always eloquent and touching response, Gonff :)
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Dibbun Against Bedtime on April 22, 2015, 08:22:49 PM
Great, great, great Skeebop! I was hooked same as Gonff. Maybe you could try doing one as a polar bear who finds himself at Redwall Abbey? Maybe named Dabber?
Title: Re: Skyblade's Requests
Post by: Skyblade on August 25, 2015, 04:14:09 AM
I haven't forgotten about this. I got busy and also focused more on my original story. I'm really sorry, though! :(

I'm on a writing ban for a while, so I won't have these soon. Thank you for not complaining, friends!!