Redwall Abbey

Forum News, Feedback, and Information => Announcements => Topic started by: James Gryphon on April 01, 2015, 12:29:32 AM

Title: IMPORTANT: The Winds have Changed
Post by: James Gryphon on April 01, 2015, 12:29:32 AM
The staff have been very concerned for a while now about a problem that we've seen here on the forums. I won't beat around the bush: we're disturbed by the complete lack of interest in discussing most of Mr. Jacques' works.

Yes, we know that the boards discussing his books about mice are still alive and well. That's not the point. The trouble is that most of our audience seems to be unaware of the other books that Mr. Jacques has written. What's worse, though, we've realized that we ourselves are to blame for this.

For the past several years, we have promoted some of Mr. Jacques' works as being greater than the others. His mice books have several large boards dedicated to them, while all of the others have been grouped into a single, small board. That isn't fair, and it does Mr. Jacques' works a great disservice. He's written so much about so many things. We never meant to give undue attention to one part of his works over the others, but it seems that that has happened.
We've had a big discussion about this, and we've decided that there is one way to redress this imbalance.

For the entire next year, the forum will be focused around some of Mr. Jacques' other works, specifically, the Castaways series. The discussion boards will be renamed and reorganized to support this new focus. Expect things to change over the next few days as we set about making this happen.

We're projecting that we'll have all the topics in what are currently General Discussion, Character Discussion, and History, Legends & Myths moved into an appropriate new sub-board covering the mice books by April 31st. This will be a long process, so don't start posting Castaways topics in the main forums until they are empty and we've announced that they are ready for use.

The staff appreciate all of your contributions to the community and the support we know you'll give as we move forward with this plan for the next year.

Thanks for being a part of the Official Castaways Series Forum.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: The Winds have Changed
Post by: Taggerung_of_Redwall on April 02, 2015, 04:29:22 PM
Alright, so as some of you guessed, the complete redefining of the forum into a Castaways forum was an April Fools event. The board will remain predominantly focused on the mice books we all know and love, though, who knows, maybe the Castaways will get more focus after this all the same.
As usual, we'll leave the changes up for a couple days to give more people a chance to see.

Happy April Fools  ;)